
lifelesspenguin42: such a tag indicates the bug was reported on natty by apport, IIRC00:25
penguin42lifeless: Ah ok, I've been following bug 774434 for some time and it's still happening on qq00:30
ubot2Launchpad bug 774434 in ubuntu "mouse pointer disappears in ubuntu (11.04 onwards...)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77443400:30
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jetoleDon't know if this is where I should mention it but we seem to have an outage in the repos09:38
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maprerii'd like to join the bugsquad team, but i don't understand if is necessary to present myself in ML or so on. i signed (a long time ago) the CoC, subscribed myself to the ML, read the bug triaging guide, and ask for joinig the the lp team. there are other things to do before start working on bugs?19:33
Elbrusmapreri: you can always work on bugs, you don't need to be a member of any team to do that.20:06
mapreriElbrus, well, and any person can change the status of a bug (to the ones available, sure)?20:07
Elbrusstatus, yes, urgency, no20:08
Elbrusindeed to have more powers, you need membership, but usually you get that easier when you are active20:09
mapreriElbrus, sure, the importance filed is disable for the "normal" users20:09
* Elbrus is not sure if bugsquad team has additional powers20:09
mapreriElbrus, bugcontrol has additional power, isn't it?20:10
* Elbrus is member, but hasn't noticed any difference20:10
Elbrusbugcontrol != bugsquad20:10
mapreriElbrus, yep, i know, i don't understand if you a bucontrol or bugsuad member20:10
* Elbrus is bugsquad member20:11
Elbrusbut does not have much powers ;)20:11
mapreriElbrus, yeah! so the aim of this team is ahve another icon in the personl account page on lp? :D good20:12
* Elbrus is not sure...20:12
ElbrusI think it is mainly a commitment spoken out.20:13
mapreriwell :)20:15
* Elbrus is going to sleep20:17
mapreriElbrus, well, thx for the explanations20:18
mapreriElbrus, and when i want the membership i have to ask for it in the ML?20:18
hggdhmapreri: membership in bug-control? Please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugControl20:45
maprerihggdh, i already read :) thanks for the approving, anyway20:45
hggdhmapreri: my pleasure :-)20:45

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