
=== jono is now known as Guest4065
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L3topI cannot reconsile the ubuntu version of fglrx/fglrx-amdcccle (2:8.960 in the case of precise) with the ATI versioning (eg 12-4). apt-cache show fglrx fglrx-amdcccle  reveals no clues. It is rather important as ATI tends to drop huge chunks of cards. Any clues would be much appreciated.03:58
AmaranthL3top: the AMD versioning you're referring to is for their "catalyst" releases. A part of those releases is a particular version of fglrx which following the versioning style seen in that packet04:02
Amarantherr, package04:02
Amaranthwhich is following*04:02
Amaranthbleh, can't type04:03
L3topNo worries. I understood. Thank you for the reply. I have been looking on the wrong side for a link. Thank you.04:04
chuwindow 2904:15
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vibhavAs per http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=650062 , im-switch is depreciated09:08
ubottuDebian bug 650062 in im-switch "im-switch: Retiring im-switch for post wheezy" [Normal,Fixed]09:08
vibhavSo is it worth merging packgae im-switch from Debian? (https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1019262)09:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1019262 in im-switch (Ubuntu) "Please merge im-switch 1.22 from Debian Unstable" [Wishlist,Incomplete]09:08
cjwatsonMerge everything until such time as it's removd09:12
cjwatsonMerges are not generally so hard that it's worth agonising over09:12
cjwatson(I followed up to the bug saying as much)09:14
infinityvibhav: Also, the word you wanted was "deprecated".09:53
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vibhavinfinity: yeah, thanks10:17
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vibhavCan some archive admin look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1019778 ?13:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1019778 in r-cran-qvalue (Ubuntu) "Obsoleted by r-bioc-qvalue." [Undecided,New]13:36
infinityvibhav: Commented.13:42
infinity(and going to bed)13:42
vibhavinfinity: I was thinking that too13:42
vibhavabout that*13:43
penguin42hallyn: Do you have any tips for rebuilding the qemu git source so it can be used from libvirt?14:08
penguin42ah, got it14:43
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tomreynhi, i've got firefox 13.0.1 here on ubuntu 12.04 x86_64. I've got a mediocre 4 core CPU, and normally firefox causes less than 2% load if 100% is the 4 core combined. Currently, in safe mode (all plugins disabled, only the chrome page which lists pages to restore is loaded), it consumes 25% CPU. thunderbird also consumes way more CPU than it used to, other processes seem unchanged. i recently activated  xorg-edgers ppa (deb http://ppa.launc19:47
tomreynhpad.net/xorg-edgers/ppa/ubuntu precise main) by Sarvatt which also provided me with a linux 3.5.0-2 build. could this be related?19:47
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Chipzztomreyn: stating the obvious, have you tried reverting either (the kernel would be a good idea if you suspect that)20:53
tomreynChipzz: not, yet, couldn't reboot, but yes i plan to.20:54
Chipzzthat being said, this isn't the right place for these kind of questions :)20:54
tomreynokay, it seemed to me like it may be something the packger of said kernel image may want to know.20:55
Chipzzyes, but like you said, you got it from a ppa20:56
Chipzzthis channel is strictly for ubuntu main/restricted as is20:56
ChipzzI'm not sure if that's the best place to ask, but #ubuntu-desktop would probably be a better starting point20:57
Chipzzit also might just be that newer versions of ff are more cpu hungry20:58
Chipzzyou didn't state wether your thunderbird version came from that ppa too20:58
Chipzzanyway, a 25% cpu increase caused by the kernel sounds unlikely21:00
Chipzz(but not impossible)21:01
Chipzzbut I would look at ff first21:01
Chipzz#ubuntu-desktop is for the development of Unity etc, not 100% sure if ff is on-topic there, but you could ask there what would be a good channel21:02
Chipzzkeep in mind that it's weekend though, and a lot of people are AFK21:02
Chipzz06:06 < jamessan> hmm, chromium has been completely hogging my processor since the leap second. as soon as I restart, it immediately  pegs all cores21:04
Chipzz(from #debian-devel)21:04
Chipzzhave you tried restarting ff, and if that didn't help, rebooting your computer21:05
Chipzzand as a last measure adjusting your clock manually?21:05
Chipzzthere has been a leap second this night which might explain the behaviour21:06
tumbleweedsounds exactly like it. my firefox went nuts until I adjusted the clock21:07
tomreynChipzz: i didnt reboot for a few days now, but will do it soon. I'm aware of http://serverfault.com/questions/403732/anyone-else-experiencing-high-rates-of-linux-server-crashes-during-a-leap-second (please point me to better resources if any).21:08
tumbleweedtomreyn: http://blog.mozilla.org/it/2012/06/30/mysql-and-the-leap-second-high-cpu-and-the-fix/21:08
tomreynit's unclear to me what's the scop of this bug (systems/kernels (not) affected)21:08
* Laney wibbles21:12
Laneykirkland: are you aware of / do you care about —21:12
Laneydpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/moreutils_0.47_amd64.deb (--unpack): trying to overwrite '/usr/share/man/man1/errno.1.gz', which is also in package errno 1.3-0ubuntu121:12
* dupondje wants new networkmanager version :)21:14
tomreyntumbleweed, Chipzz: this worked around it nicely for me, so it's indeed the leap second issue: sudo date -u -s "`date -R -u`21:17
tomreynthat's missing a " in the end: sudo date -u -s "`date -R -u`"21:17
dupondjeslangasek: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cryptsetup/+bug/1015753 whats your opinion about the comment? I guess nobody changes the upstart scripts themself? Or?21:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1015753 in cryptsetup (Ubuntu) "Sync cryptsetup 2:1.4.3-2 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New]21:55
infinitytomreyn: That's overly complicating the command.  date -s "$(date)" is more than enough.22:05
tomreyndidnt work for me22:14
tomreynprobably due to none english locale22:14
infinitytomreyn: Or an ambiguous timezone, perhaps.22:15
infinity(There are a few)22:15
tomreynI guess Europe/Berlin is not one22:15
infinityYeah, CEST probably isn't ambigous.22:16
infinityUnless your locale makes it "EST", which very much is.22:17
slangasekdupondje: Clint is right that you need to handle the upgrade of the conffiles properly.  Also, why change the names from what they were in Ubuntu already?22:23
RAOFDaviey: Ah, fglrx supports our new server, but apparently segfaults on x86-64 because madness.23:33
RAOFDaviey: Also, which UDS were you referring to, there? I *was* in the session at UDS:P, and stated very clearly that the we-won't-break-the-binary-drivers goal was Precise-only; as far as I know we're free to break the binary drivers at our leisure (but will try not to, because we're not arseholes).23:35

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