
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
sunshinehappynanai swearing and trolling in #ubuntu05:28
chuBit surprised bazhang is not around.05:29
LjLdoes anyone else think the floodbots are too aggressive?07:48
ikonianot really, I think they do a pretty solid job07:49
ikoniaenough warnings, mutes, etc07:49
LjLyeah i think so too, but maybe it's just because i made them :P some users like this one might be put off by the early-ish "don't flood" message.07:50
ikoniaI think they are spot on07:50
LjLooooh people are getting on my nerves lately09:48
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu-ops's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots09:48
LjL!factoid here factoid there09:49
ubottuLjL: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:49
LjLjust because a question has some kind of keyword in it, a factoid is thrown09:49
LjLa bot could do that09:49
LjLi've never written one that did (well, not put it in production anyway) because i thought humans could do better than that09:49
chuBut what is the point of the factoids if they're not used!10:07
chu(I do agree though, some people seem to be very trigger happy with the factoids)10:07
Tm_Tit's used as an easy solution when it might not even be a solution10:07
oCeankav: openssh = FTP (but SLIGHTLY different)10:43
LjLyeah, wonderful explanation wasn't it10:44
LjL<kav> i'm utterly clueless about computers but i want to set up a server farm10:46
oCeanyay for ambition10:47
LjL(that was not a real quote, by the way)10:47
LjLmaybe i should have a client that just turned his rants into that tl;dr version, though :P10:48
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from Priyantha)14:14
chuCan we keep him banned? He's been warned, and honestly contributes nothing but dribble.15:03
ikoniaI concur, it's supposed to be a community channel, this sort of thing is just a time wasting exercises.15:04
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from kav)15:05
bazhanghe was at that ranting for quite a while15:07
bazhangie DarkSim15:08
bazhangno actual support sought, just how much he hated Canon printers15:08
jointcan any hot girl in here help me with my compoter?15:14
Tm_Tbeat me to it15:14
ikoniahe's in #ubuntu now15:16
IdleOneyes kav15:17
kavi want to learn service managment15:17
kavcan you help me15:17
IdleOnethis channel is not for support15:17
IdleOneWhy did you join here?15:17
kavO ! sorry , can you tell me .What this channel for ?15:18
kavi'm a newbie15:19
chu"This channel is for operator/abuse questions in the IRC Team domain only"15:19
kavcya ! happy ubuntu15:19
ikonia@mark join #ubuntu getting a stream of abuse in pm from join15:23
ubottuThe operation succeeded.15:23
bazhangjoint1 in #ubuntu now15:24
chuikonia: I think his name was "joint" just to be clear for anyone (unlucky enough) to use the name join15:26
ikoniathat was the same IP as his other account in offtopic15:26
ikoniaso it was him15:26
kavhello !16:58
ikoniahi kav16:58
kavwhat place is this ?16:58
bazhangkav read the topic16:58
kavcan some one guide me16:59
kavO !16:59
kavok ! i have a problem that i want to share with ubuntu16:59
kavcan i gave ?17:00
bazhangkav this is not a support channel17:00
kavam i a operator now17:00
kavor are  you invite me to chat here ?17:01
bazhangkav you were removed from #ubuntu-offtopic17:01
kavhey ! ikonia ...Tell me  , how to make tartufo17:02
kavO ! but why ?17:02
bazhang<kav> i think you are a girl , can you tell me how to make tartufo17:02
kavcan any one answer me .....17:02
bazhangkav you were asked to stop that type of questioning17:02
bazhangkav I just did17:03
kavis that your answer ?17:03
bazhangthis is not the place to get recipes kav17:03
kavweired answer17:03
bazhangkav I suggest you exit the channel17:03
kavbut that was a place to talk offtopics17:03
LjLkav: "offtopic" does not mean, for instance, belittling women17:03
IdleOnekav: you came here earlier and it was explained to you what this channel was for17:03
bazhangkav the offtopic channel still has rules17:04
kavO god !17:04
IdleOneThe "I'm a newbie" excuse is no longer valid.17:04
kavwhat can i say ?     i just ask a her did she know recipe17:05
kavwhats' so wrong about it  ?17:05
kavhey ! LjL ! how are you ?17:05
LjLkav: it was wrong to insist that "she" was a girl; it was wrong to imply that only a girl could tell you how to make tartufo; but more importantly, the whole thing before that, about "nerdy girls" and their "intelligence", was wrong.17:07
kavO ! i told her that i stop that topic17:07
kavask her , and you can even see the arguments17:07
LjLand then you proceeded to ask "you are a girl -> tell me how to make tartufo". that was too much.17:08
LjLplease talk to people without making assumptions about their gender, or what their gender is "good for"17:08
kavO god  ! is that so ...17:08
LjLyou can rejoin #ubuntu-offtopic at this time, but maybe try to observe how others behave a little before intervening yourself.17:08
kavwell, i don't want to go there17:09
kavits not my fault17:09
bazhangkav just exit this channel then17:09
kavyou can even disconnect from ubuntu also17:09
kavbut i'm not going to say  that i have done something wrong17:10
kavevery people have its own traits of talking17:10
kavand i have different one17:10
LjLyes, but sexism is not a trait we tolerate.17:10
kavwhat sexism ?   am not ...ok ! just clear your mind17:11
kavi' m straight forward .... and i'm saying that i'm not sexism... after that if someone says to me that again then i'll not  tolerate that one .17:13
bazhangkav there's nothing more to discuss. the channel has rules. please follow them if you wish to participate17:14
bazhang!guidelines | kav read this17:14
ubottukav read this: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines17:14
bazhang!coc | kav and this too17:14
ubottukav and this too: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere | http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct | Watch http://static.screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/2010/12/22/004-SigningCoC.ogv17:14
kavhey ! there is nothing written what you say to me17:17
kavthey just say about , not to flood , patience , private msg to bot17:17
LjLkav: "Please be considerate of everyone and keep all the Ubuntu IRC channels friendly places for everyone." "Some topics are controversial and often end in fighting. Some examples of touchy subjects are war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, potentially illegal activities and suicide." "Be respectful. The Ubuntu community and its members treat one another with respect. "17:18
bazhangkav then you did not read carefully17:18
kavin  which document it written17:19
LjLthe Guidelines and the CoC17:20
kavin 1st 2 it don't mention17:20
LjLyes it does17:20
kavi have searched following keywords "gender"  "female" "male" "woman " "abuse"17:20
LjLkav: well, i'm sorry your browser is faulty, but i can't help with that. anyway you know now what the deal is17:21
LjLeither rejoin and respect the rules, or if you don't like that, don't rejoin17:22
kavok ! i'll with my rules17:22
kavi'll not going to rejoin thatofftopics17:22
IdleOnegood. have a nice day.17:23
kavi'm here to learn only .17:23
kavafter completing  my knowledge .............. i'll stop using all this ubuntu stuff17:23
LjLgood. if you don't have any more operator-related question, please leave this channel and enjoy your time on IRC.17:24
IdleOnekav: bazhang and LjL both tried to teach you something here today and you refuse to understand it.If you are unable to understand that human decency and respect are fundamental to Ubuntu and the Ubuntu community you might be better of in some other community17:24
kavcan you speak in simple language .17:25
kavi have a problem regarding IRC now17:25
kavlack of communication between operators and users17:26
kavcan you note it down IdleOne17:26
LjLnoted, but i think we have communicated at length by now17:27
kavand one more think operators have given more power than users17:29
kavUbuntu  is for humans (You say that )   , if so then we are same according to your coc17:29
kavthen  i have also given  same power as you have17:30
IdleOneWe are the same but not all equal. Some of us understand the Code of conduct and some of us refuse to accept that it is right.17:30
kavam i right now17:30
bazhangthats interesting kav, but this is not the place to discuss semantics17:30
LjLkav: you are given the possibility of obtaining the same power17:31
ubottuIf you are interested in joining the Ops team, take a look at both http://www.siltala.net/2010/03/24/ops-teams-applications-announcement/ and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcTeam/OperatorRequirements for info on the process and requirements.  You can also learn about what the job entails from people in #ubuntu-irc.17:31
LjLgood luck17:31
kavwe are in abuse question now17:31
kavwait , where are you going17:31
kavi have another problem17:32
bazhangwhich is?17:32
IdleOneThere is no question, that you are abusing this channel and its purpose. Please leave now.17:32
kavevery person on ubuntu should have that power17:32
bazhangthats not going to happen17:32
LjLthat's not going to happen any time soon, so you may as well forget it.17:32
kavbut why ? ubuntu is opensource and for humane17:32
* LjL checks his dictionary... no, "opensource" doesn't mean "everyone has every power", and "for humans" doesn't mean "everyone has every power"17:33
kavso, we need power as you have17:33
knomecan we stop this madness. no means no, and this is just waste of time, for us all17:34
kavwell, i think you need to again read that dictionary17:34
kavwe want freedom17:34
LjLkav: knome is right, you're just wasting our time and yours.17:34
bazhangkav just exit17:34
LjLkav: if you can respect the rules, rejoin #ubuntu-offtopic, otherwise, don't17:34
LjLin either case, please leave this channel17:34
kavif you respect the aim of ubuntu then you have to gave that power to all of us17:35
IdleOnekav: leave now or I will ban you in all ubuntu channels.17:36
IdleOnethis is not a negotiation or a debate.17:36
kavListen ! just banned me then17:36
IdleOneFor the record and log readers. kav has not been banned in all the Ubuntu channels.17:56
=== jussi01 is now known as jussi
ubottuescott called the ops in #ubuntu (Anastasius)20:06
ubottuActionParsnip called the ops in #ubuntu (Anastasius)20:06

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