
rick_h_snap-l: party00:34
rick_h_what's goldfish tea?00:34
derekv 01:03
rick_h_derekv: you back?01:03
derekvI have no clue, how to use irssi01:03
derekvbut might as well start01:04
derekvdid I quit?01:04
derekvthis doesn't look like my bouncer01:04
rick_h_I just saw you connect 01:03 <    derekv>01:04
derekvhow do I get channel list?01:04
derekvalso i'm in 80x40 or something01:04
rick_h_ /list01:04
rick_h_but I'd hold off on that lol01:04
derekvI didn't mean that I meant users in channel01:05
rick_h_ /names01:05
derekvso I'm not ghosted... i wonder why I quit01:05
rick_h_there are plugins to add a nicklist but I hate them because they break copying/pasting wrapped irc lines01:05
derekvso i'm in fbsd... new installer took me a few tries .. finally had to let it pick my partition layout for me lol, somehow the other way didn't work01:06
rick_h_oh hmm01:07
derekvlooks like they've updated so the default is to use gpt instead of the weird bsd specific stuff i'm used to01:07
rick_h_snap-l: https://github.com/mitechie/Bookie/issues/162#issuecomment-6690121 closer but second bug in there01:30
derekvhow do you switch joined channels?01:39
derekvI can't even find an offline tutorial or cheatsheet01:40
rick_h_or alt-a to cycle through01:40
derekvor not...  probably I need a config01:47
derekvoh esc # works01:47
derekvso my kb isn't configured correctly01:47
rick_h_snap-l: nvm, all fixed yay02:25
rick_h_thanks for the heads up on that snap-l, was actually a few diff layered in there bugs02:26
snap-lrick_h_: Awesome. Glad it's fixed. :)02:35
snap-lrick_h_: Goldfish Tea is a tea place in Royal Oak02:35
snap-lWe should head there some time02:35
snap-lGood stuff02:35
=== AaronThul_ is now known as AaronThul
derekvjust ran > 8.2mi03:05
derekvI had no idea i could do that03:05
* derekv lies on the cool ground03:06
derekv8.2 would be awesome03:20
derekvgot 7ish once but it was real slow towards the end... i had been running 5x a week for a couple years at that point03:21
derekvok I see awesome, awesome2 and awesome-viscious?03:35
derekvanyone here got ipv6 with their isp yet?03:53
derekvwooo nelly, X and firefox05:06
derekvslow video tho05:06
derekvnow with fast video05:58
rick_h_everyone survive leap second?11:27
rick_h_I sufferred the mysql 100% cpu last night myself11:28
rick_h_forgot I had installed it to test bookie against11:28
snap-lI think I'm OK. :)14:01
snap-lI had a spike a little after 2pm14:02
jrwrenwhoa, mysql had the java bug.15:54
jrwrenglad i removed mysql a few days ago :)15:54
jrwrenmy tomcat was pegged, so i killed it.15:54
derekvfor rsync I can choose --atimes or --file-flags but not both... how do I choose?18:49
derekvahh wrong channel18:52
derekvfor irssi can you flip themes without exiting?18:52
derekvtis /set theme ...19:02
derekvif you want a makefile target to run based on the exit condition of some shell command instead of the update time of some files, I think you just put that line first20:12
derekvI'm going to try it20:12
rick_h_you know what...I freaking hate the number 9. It's the worst dippy number ever21:53
rick_h_jrwren: oooh! I think you found it!22:01
derekvwhats a good terminal emulator22:13
rick_h_I'm a fan of urxvt, but I think most people use gnome-terminal22:13
derekvI was using urxvt before...22:13
derekvxterm at the moment22:13
derekvI had a urxvt 'theme' I found, dark green-ish background22:14
derekvlooked great until some app decided red is a good color for text22:14
derekvred on green-ish background made my eyes water22:14
derekvthere should have been some sort of universal color theme interface22:15
rick_h_derekv: http://paste.mitechie.com/show/718/22:15
rick_h_is my setup22:15
derekvthat works from terminal apps up to gui22:16
derekvthe application requests a unique color from the interface, maybe sending some tags like "emphasis" or "warning"22:16
derekvand the interface returns a color22:16
derekvjust a c library or something22:17
derekvI wish I had a time machine22:17
derekvin fact the lazy user could simply set a background and a forground color, and the rest of the colors could be generated with an algorithm and look good 99% of the time22:17
derekvin fact its not too late...22:18
derekvits just that apps will not all support it22:18
derekvbut get it into a handful of important ones22:19
derekvmaybe others will pick it up22:21
derekvthen you configure different backends... eg read from gtk settings, etc22:22
derekvwhats the '[NEW] | 1 |' ?22:23
derekvrick_h_: do you use bash or zsh?22:24
derekvahhhh hahah that changed my fonts everwherer22:26
derekvpretty but too big22:27
derekvyou have that tinsy monitor22:27
rick_h_derekv: zsh22:43
rick_h_derekv: sorry, in/out over dinner so not following22:43
rick_h_yea, I use lxappearance for gtk apps22:44
rick_h_and qtconfig for qt apps22:44
rick_h_7pt font is too big?!22:44
rick_h_I think you don't have that font and it went to some default22:44
rick_h_I don't know anyone that considered a 7pt font big22:45
derekvrick_h_: yea its not 7pt22:48
derekvI just pasted what you linked into my .Xdefaults I haven't looked at it ;P (multitasking)22:49
rick_h_derekv: heh yea. So change consolas to your normal font you use22:49
derekvlooking at gnu make $(call ...)22:49
rick_h_make sure to \ any spaces in the name22:49
derekvoh right consolas22:49
derekvi'll just install that its a nice font22:49
derekvthat and terminus22:49
rick_h_consolas and liberation mono are my favs22:50
rick_h_but sounds like liberation fonts are going toward the unsupported land22:50
derekvwhere do you get consolas? from 'doze?22:50
rick_h_yea, I don't recall. I've got a .fonts I keep in my dotfiles so I grabbed it somewhere at some point22:53
rick_h_grab the Consolas directory22:54
rick_h_you'll have to grab file at a time22:54
greg-gapparently https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inconsolata is inspired by conolas but is under a Free/Open license22:56
derekvI want to take the output of a command, put it in one variable, and the exit status in another23:05
derekvI think23:05
derekvI think23:10
derekvman my shell scripting sucks23:14
derekvall I want to do, is take the exit status, and reverse it23:14
derekvok figured out what I was doing23:17
snap-lI use Gnome Terminal, but that's because I am a sheep.23:32
derekvits heavy23:33
derekvthats the only thing wrong with it23:33
snap-lAS opposed to uxrvt which requires hand-crafted configuurations23:33
snap-lI'll take heavy if it means I never have to edit a config file. ;)23:33
derekvi'd like something inbetween23:34
derekvI'm going to get this working23:38
derekvportable deployment makefile23:38
derekvjust include appropriate overrides eg ubunutu.deploy.mk or bsd.deploy.mk =]23:38
derekvbut, i'm not there yet23:38

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