
JonathanDGood morning.09:36
JonathanDhey walt.13:24
JonathanDHow was the hack and quack thing?13:24
waltmanlots of quacking.13:27
waltmanToday's the hacking13:30
waltmanImpressive quantities of red bull were consumed by some of the attendees.13:31
waltmanThere's talk of a field trip to the Victory Brewpub today :)13:35
JonathanDwaltman: are you still there?21:03
JonathanDHow was it?21:04
waltmanStill here. Not getting much hacking down.21:07
waltmanI got stuck on the main project I wanted to work on.21:07
waltmanNow I'm trying to think of something perl-related to work on for the next 2 hours before we head over to Victory.21:08
JonathanDwaltman: did you get a chance to poke them?21:10
JonathanDwe're heading to that mexican place once we finish up here.21:10
waltmanoh, poke!21:11
waltmanHey, how about tomorrow night? We're having our phl.pm meeting here.21:12
JonathanDmmm lobster burrito.21:12
JonathanDwaltman: crissi is going to a movie.21:12
JonathanDYou could pick me up, but... kids.21:12
waltmanthey could play with the office dog.21:12
JonathanDWorks for me :P21:12
JonathanDhow often is .pm there?21:13
waltmantomorrow will be the first and possibly only time.21:13
waltmanWell, we always meet in the city.21:13
JonathanDI assume you were kidding about the kids :)21:13
waltmanThis is kind of a special event.21:13
JonathanDthough they could probably entertain themselves with DS's21:13
waltmanYes, I was kidding.21:13
waltmanThey have an x box :)21:14
JonathanDWould it be totally weird to bring them?21:14
waltmanprobably, yeah21:14
JonathanDyeah, I thought so :P21:14
JonathanDwaltman: soon josh will be old enough to babysit.21:14
JonathanDcouple years.21:14
waltmanI'm told that Victory is kid-friendly. But probably not lobster burrito-friendly.21:15
waltmanthey have microbrewed root beer!21:16
waltmanand ice cream!21:16
waltmanbut probably no lobster burritos.21:17
JonathanDwere in consh right now21:17
waltmanOK, what should I write in perl?21:17
JonathanDan online version of phase 1021:18
waltmanphase 10?21:18
JonathanDcard game21:19
JonathanDhow late will you be there?21:19
waltmanaround 7, then probably heading over to Downingtown for Victory21:19
waltmanThey've run out of Red Bull here. Having an impact on the haX0ring.21:20
waltmanPeople are getting upset.21:20
waltmanIf I don't get out of here alive, it's been nice knowing you.21:21
JonathanDI might try to make victory after dinner.21:22
JonathanDtext me when you go there?21:22
waltmanHave you been there before?21:22
waltmanI will.21:22
JonathanDbatts almost dead. i have to get off irc21:23
waltmanI'll also try to chat them up myself. Caine's been busy all day on a project.21:23
waltman(And I forgot)21:23
JonathanDwaltman: ok. Cool23:11
JonathanDSee how I feel about it when we get home. I'm pretty beat though.23:11
JonathanDdid you find a project yet?23:12
InHisNameSo, Is the quack 'n hack all done now ?    What nifty things went on there ?23:50

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