
thomas__1Sparky_: what type of help do you need?00:00
escottmatreya6, im not sure what that means. why not just move the partition start00:00
Sparky_Well, I guess all of it XD I am a complete noob when it comes to OS's.00:00
Sparky_It was suggested that I try ubuntu on a flash drive, just to test it so I don't lose windows, but I don't know what to do, so they told me to come here :P00:01
=== gartral|Away is now known as gartral
thomas__1the instructions on the dl site are really good, you should start following them and we can walk you through parts you don't get00:02
matreya6escott, using (gp)arted? Yes, I' ll have to do that. I hope NTLOADR does not get confused, but I' ll know that in a few moments. After all, I use WinXP for games only, my main systems run Linux.00:02
Sparky_Ok thanks, brb :D00:02
thomas__1first though, find out if your system is 32 or 64 bit00:02
Sparky_I believe it is 32... Its just a little dell netbook :P00:03
zykotick9Sparky_: "uname -m" to find out00:03
escottmatreya6, yeah im not sure how ntloadr will feel about all this00:03
thomas__1ok, it's good you're on a pc, that's all I know how to use00:04
ActionParsnipSparky_: i686 = 32bit   x86_64 = 64bit00:04
Sparky_Its not a pv, its a laptop lol00:04
MissVeraI have a question.. I was trying Xubuntu from the Live cd, and i saw that I had 54 GB of free space. I go to install it, and it says "low disk space - this computer has only 0 bytes disk space remaining" in the upper right ??00:04
Sparky_Dell netbook  = laptop :300:04
Sparky_ActionParsnip that makes no sense to me o.o00:04
thomas__1ha, laptops are pcs too00:05
EaglemanWill setting iptables rules on eth0 also conflict with eth0.10?00:05
Sparky_oh -.-00:05
Sparky_Told you i'm a complete noob XD00:06
ActionParsnipSparky_: read the output of:  uname -m   ten read what I said...00:06
Sparky_uname -m00:06
thomas__1don't worry about it00:06
Sparky_What do I do with that -.-00:06
ActionParsnipSparky_: press CTRL+ALT+T  and type that, then hit ENTER00:06
thomas__1i promise you a netbook will run the 32bt version00:06
mz|`_on windows ? type 'uname -m' ???00:07
Sparky_Ah.... CTRL+ALT+T = nothing...00:07
Sparky_What is it supposed to open up?00:07
thomas__1crt alt t opens terminal, it wont do shit if you're on windows though00:07
ActionParsnipthomas__1: check the ASUS 1215B-PU17-SL  as one example00:08
Sparky_Could I just open a command prompt...?00:08
ActionParsnipthomas__1: not all netbooks are 64bit00:08
ActionParsnipSparky_: what do you think CTRL+ALT+T does?00:08
IdleOnethomas__1: Please keep the language clean00:08
Sparky_Terminal ^^00:08
Sparky_I'm on XP00:08
mz|`_netbook -> just install in 32 bits version00:08
Sparky_XP home edition ^^00:09
MissVeraCould i get some help?  :x00:09
mz|`_why bother with 64 bits00:09
Sparky_I will just take a bargain and choose 32 bit.00:09
mz|`_especially for a simple test on usb key...00:09
EaglemanWill setting iptables rules on eth0 also conflict with eth0.10?00:09
=== Sparky_ is now known as Sparky[A]
* Sparky[A] is now away - Reason : AFK for 30 minutes, beep me a few times if you need me :D00:09
mz|`_Eagleman: depends on your iptables, but no should not as it is another interface (virtual)00:10
=== marek_ is now known as marekweb
MissVeraI have a question.. I was trying Xubuntu from the Live cd, and i saw that I had 54 GB of free space. I go to install it, and it says "low disk space - this computer has only 0 bytes disk space remaining" in the upper right ??00:11
=== Sparky[A] is now known as Sparky_
* Sparky_ is no longer AFK - Gone for 2 minutes 29 seconds00:12
escottSparky_, please disable that00:12
Sparky_Sorry lol00:12
MissVeraNo one?00:13
mz|`_MissVera: screenshots of the two informations please.00:13
ActionParsnipMissVera: was the 'free space' unpartitioned?00:14
MissVeraSorry? I Dont have screen shots. I dont understand why i need them either. I have 54gb free hard drive space. Which, I Know for a fact since i just reformmated.  And then at the beginning of the install, right where im picking the language, it tells me in the upper right, low disk space, mz00:14
Sparky_Do I just download Ubuntu Desktop?00:14
ActionParsnipSparky_: yes, if you want a desktop OS00:14
aristidesflMy fresh 12.04 doesn't power off nor reboots, it says waiting for all active processes to terminate00:14
Sparky_well.... does a desktop OS work on a dell laptop? lol00:15
MissVeraAction, if it failed dring an install, could that have left it unpartitioned?00:15
escottMissVera, i wonder if its the ramdisk is getting full00:15
MissVeraI'm really REALLY new to Ubuntu, so, its a bit confusing.00:15
escottMissVera, i would just ignore it if it is happening during the install00:16
MissVeraI had tried to install it, and at the end it said something about a problem it couldnt recover from. and now im trying to install again, and its telling me i have no free space, escott00:16
MissVeraSo, just.. try again?00:16
Sparky_Twenty minute download x.x00:16
thomas__1Vera: you already tried once? did you partition the disk?00:17
n1ckn4me09876543what command do i use to know/find out if i have Python installed or what version00:17
ActionParsnipMissVera: delete the 54Gb partition so that the space is unallocacted, then run the installer00:17
MissVeraI clicked for it to format over the old linux version and replace it with Xubuntu00:17
muellin1ckn4me09876543: python --version00:17
MissVeraActionParsnip, how? using the live cd? since the other OS is gone now..00:17
n1ckn4me09876543muelli: ty00:18
ActionParsnipMissVera: you can use gparted in the liveCD00:18
Sparky_It is downloading two things, is that right?00:18
MissVeraActionParsnip okay. I've done this... once. So. didnt know.00:19
thomas__1what two things?00:19
Sparky_They look almost the same -.-00:19
ActionParsnipMissVera: in the liveCD run:  gksudo gparted   and you can manipulate the drive00:19
Sparky_ubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386 (1).iso00:19
thomas__1Sparky did you click twice?00:19
Sparky_Don't think so lol00:19
thomas__1you did00:19
thomas__1you can stop 1 of them00:20
MissVeraActionParsnip, lol. I spent an hour trying to figure out how to partition the other day using Gparted.I'll give it a go.00:20
thomas__1the other thing you need, scroll down a bit and click the usb instructions00:20
thomas__1there's a program to create a live usb for you, dl that00:20
MissVeralive USB thing - http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/00:22
Sparky_If I use it on a USB I can always delete it can't i?00:22
mz|`_Sparky_: you could also have used LiLi USB Creator, it 1/ download the ISO 2/ choose the key 3/ install the ISO on the USB automatically00:22
mz|`_yes just format the key00:22
Sparky_Format the key o.o?00:23
i7ccan i list recent package upgrades somehow?00:23
Sparky_Could someone teamview with me and help? lol i'm confused beyond belief00:23
MissVerajust format it :P00:23
Sparky_Idk how to do that -.-00:23
muellii7c: very likely. There should be something in /var/log. probably "dpkg.log" or smth like that.00:23
catphishhas anyone else had any problems starting at Clock: inserting leap second 23:59:60 UTC00:24
muellicatphish: yes00:24
muellicatphish: http://serverfault.com/questions/403732/anyone-else-experiencing-high-rates-of-linux-server-crashes-today/403752#40375200:24
i7cmuelli: indeed. thx!00:26
thomas__1how's Sparky doing, he stopped talking00:28
aristidesfltried to install fglrx without success and now my screen is blank00:29
aristidesflI've got ssh connection00:29
aristidesflwhat to do?00:29
ActionParsniparistidesfl: check /var/log/Xorg.0.log00:30
aristidesflActionParsnip http://hastebin.com/vujowelelo00:31
fuzzynurfhurterfor some reason i cant get apt-get to install anything00:31
ActionParsniparistidesfl: check what: fglrx(0): firegl_SetSuspendResumeState FAILED -9      is00:34
MissVeraAlright, I'm using UNetBootin to make a USB install for Voyager (Xubuntu)and near the bottom, it says, "Space used to preserve files across reboots (Ubuntu only)" then has a space for you to set it at however many mb.   How much should I allocate?00:34
escottMissVera, enough to store whatever files you want to save00:35
thomas__1Vera: What do you want to use it for? just installing?00:35
MissVerathomas__1 yes, just to install.00:35
wolfgang_Does anyone know a good nintendo 64 emulator?00:36
thomas__1then none00:36
escottMissVera, then zero00:36
Sparky_Nintendo 64?00:36
MissVeraI cant see to install distros from cd, so i stick to flash drives00:36
Sparky_Nintendo 64 is so old they probably don't even have one x.x00:36
MissVeratoo old for an emulator? lul?00:37
wolfgang_Sparky_ , They have them i played on them on windows.00:37
Sparky_hmm o_o00:37
wolfgang_i need one for linux00:37
MissVerathere are emulators for NES games. how would a 64 be too old? :x00:38
muelliwolfgang_: a quick search on http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=n64 revealed mupen64plus00:38
wolfgang_melli, on software center?00:38
wolfgang_muelli, on sofware center?00:38
escott!info mupen64plus | wolfgang_00:39
ubottuwolfgang_: mupen64plus (source: mupen64plus): plugin-based Nintendo 64 emulator (transitional dummy package). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.99.4+4 (precise), package size 5 kB, installed size 31 kB00:39
muelliwolfgang_: I suggest that you check that yourself.00:39
wolfgang_I have so much random stuff D:00:39
wolfgang_muelli, can't find it00:40
wolfgang_Not I But the search00:40
kristenBHow can I set my computer to allow only reverse ssh connections ?00:40
muelliwolfgang_: you have to have universe enabled.00:40
wolfgang_I have to go bye00:40
muellikristenB: what is a reverse SSH connection?00:40
wolfgang_also what is univers?00:40
kristenBmuelli: a ssh with the option -R...00:41
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories00:41
wolfgang_Gota go00:41
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muellikristenB: yes. So what do you want your computer to do? Do you want to set openssh up in such a way that people can only do (reverse) port forwarding?00:42
ActionParsnipyou cn buy an N64 for next to nothing and the games cost less than a mars bar00:42
escottkristenB, why would you want this?00:42
kristenBmuelli: yes00:42
kristenBmuelli: why not ?00:42
=== f0rkb0mb is now known as sixdahs
kristenBescott: why not?00:42
escottkristenB, i mean why would you want to allow reverse ssh but not regular ssh?00:43
escottkristenB, beyond just putting up a firewall?00:43
numberto1Hi guys, I keep getting system errors and as far as I understood it is because of posgresql-9.1.  Can I just completely remove it? (Ubuntu 12.04 upgrade from 11.10)00:43
kristenBescott: because I would like to have access to a computer B that is behind a NAT, without giving him access to my computer.00:44
muellikristenB: well. If it was me, I'd create a user with /bin/false as shell and put a public key in ~user/.ssh/authorized_keys with the necessary parameters set up. I believe man ssh_config or sshd_config lists the necessary options00:44
escottkristenB, how about setting up an auth-key and setting the command to /bin/false?00:45
muellikristenB: i.e. I have something for a friend. The following allows him to do port forwarding, but doesn't get a shell: command="sleep 900",no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding $the_public_key00:45
kristenBmuelli: so what's the full command exactly ?00:45
numberto1So can anybody tell me if I can fully delete postgresql from ubuntu?00:46
kristenBescott: how would setting the command to /bin/false work exactly ?00:46
muellikristenB: well. cat >> ~user/.ssh/authorized_keys <<EOF00:46
muellikristenB: and then the string fom above. Then CTRL+D00:46
muellior EOF really00:46
escottkristenB, much as muelli suggested. you setup a key for this usage and put it in authkeys with the command=/bin/false prefixed before the public key00:46
kristenBI'm sorry I'm quite lost I'm actually not used to settings keys, I usually just do with passwords00:47
escottkristenB, auth keys are AMAZING00:47
muellibut kristenB. That's rather advanced OpenSSH voodoo. I'd suggest you to read up on OpenSSH, Publickeys, linux user management and so on. And come back after a week of studying and experimenting.00:48
kristenBso step by step, assuming A is my computer, and B is the computer I want to access through the reverse ssh connection (that is, B is supposed to connect to A with ssh in such a way that A can access B)00:48
escottkristenB, run ssh-keygen it will ask for a path to the key call it id_rsa_untrusted00:48
escottkristenB, that will create id_rsa_untrusted and id_rsa_untrusted.pub00:49
kristenBso run ssh-keygen on A, right ?00:49
kristenBwait I'm doing it as you say00:49
kristenBso the first step is to run ssh-keygen on A ?00:49
escottkristenB, yes. give B id_rsa_untrusted and add a line to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys that starts "command=/bin/false " and follows with the contents of id_rsa_untrusted.pub00:49
kristenBso I typed ssh-keygen. It asks me where to save it and seems to give me a default path. Should I just type 'enter' ?00:50
escottkristenB, no call it untrusted00:50
escottkristenB, you dont want to confuse this key with YOUR key. this is an untrusted identity00:51
zykotick9ActionParsnip: i own an n64 and a usb->n64 adapter mupen64plus is amazing.00:51
kristenBit says "Enter file in which to save the key (/home/kristen/.ssh/id_rsa):" should I type the whole path ?00:51
ActionParsnipzykotick9: n64 is 6 GBP...00:52
kristenBshould I type 'id_rsa_untrusted' or '/home/kristen/.ssh/id_rsa_untrusted' ?00:52
escottkristenB, sure otherwise it will save it to your ~ (or whatever folder you are currently in)00:52
kristenBI should type '/home/kristen/.ssh/id_rsa_untrusted' then?00:52
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escottkristenB, sure00:53
kristenBnow it asks for a passphrase00:53
zykotick9ActionParsnip: check out the prices for new n64 games.  i own a boxed copy of "Pocky & Rocky 2" that i got from a 2nd hand thrift sort for nothing - and it's probably worth $500+ ;) </OT>00:53
escottkristenB, this is a password for the key. you would need to give any such password to B, or you can just press [ENTER] to leave it passwordless00:53
zykotick9ActionParsnip: sorry Pocky & Rocky 2 is an SNES game00:54
kristenBok, I chose a password. The shell returned. What now ?00:55
kristenBI need to give this key to B, right ?00:55
escottkristenB, now "ls -l ~/.ssh" should show the untrusted rsa file00:55
escottkristenB, lets do some other stuff to make sure it works the way we want00:55
sunshinehappyvidalia can't connect to the debian-tor instance of tor that's launched by init, if I kill it vidalia can launch its own tor and work fine: How can I get it so I don't have to kill the debian-tor tor after starting up?00:55
=== Mike is now known as Guest97011
escottkristenB, "cd .ssh" and then "cat id_rsa_untrusted.pub" just so you know what the public key looks like, and "cat id_rsa_untrusted.pub >> authorized_keys" to add it, and "ssh -i id_rsa_untrusted localhost" to verify that your authkeys is working to allow login00:56
escottkristenB, if that was done correctly you should have gotten an ssh login without being asked for your password (not what we want for B, but it means that auth keys is working)00:58
kristenBwhat is -i in ssh ?00:58
escottkristenB, it specifies what identify file to use. by default it uses ~/.ssh/id_rsa00:59
muellikristenB: the identity to use. as "man ssh" will tell you :o)00:59
matreya6escott, moving the partition start is warned against even by parted itself On top of that it seems that this WD-EARX (Green) drive has an annoying "feature" that causes it to park every 10 seconds when not using Windows causing the @!# drive to fai within a year. I'll never buy these drives again.00:59
escottmatreya6, the second should be something you can deal with through hdparm00:59
kristenBwell as a matter of fact it did ask for a password01:00
escottkristenB, but was it the password for the id_rsa_untrusted or YOUR password01:00
matreya6escott, no, because it is in the firmware of the drives itself, which can only be interfaced using a Windows driver directly form WD01:00
escottkristenB, ssh -v -i id_rsa_untrusted localhost   will explain what ssh is doing. could you paste the output of that01:01
escott!paste | kristenB01:01
ubottukristenB: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:01
kristenBbut I didn't choose any password when prompted by ssh-keygen, maybe that's because of that01:03
xaviergmailHow would I go about wiping a drive completely with as many pases as possible, I'm handing out a computer to a friend and I have bank data on the drive which I want to be completely wiped01:03
xaviergmailand not recoverable by any means?01:03
kristenBthere's no need to set a password, because only reverse will be allowed anyway01:03
escottkristenB, no. its something else. maybe the permissions of auth_keys are too open. what is ls -l ~/.ssh/authorized_keys say?01:03
MissVeraxaviergmail  google gives quite a few programs :X01:04
catphishxaviergmail: a single wipe is currently not recoverable by any means but you can overwrite using dd and urandom a couple of times if you want01:04
escottkristenB, thats the problem. chmod 600 authorized_keys01:04
MissVeraFor complete destruction, I believe It's something like 30 over-writes?01:05
xaviergmailI read somewhere that 7 pass wipe is the standard for us government01:05
MissVeraNot quite01:05
xaviergmailand a friend told me 32 pass is overkill but completely safe01:05
kristenBescott:  well even after chmod,  ssh -i id_rsa_untrusted localhost still asks for a password01:05
xaviergmailthe thing is google failed me on a 32 pass drive wiper01:05
escottkristenB, then throw some -v's in there and paste it over to us01:06
MissVeraits not necessarily overkill. depends on how safe you want your data01:06
xaviergmailI want it as safe as possible01:06
escottkristenB, ssh -vv -i id_rsa...01:08
kristenBescott:  yes I'm doing it01:09
ActionParsnipxaviergmail: single pass is al you need01:09
ActionParsnipxaviergmail: you can use dd to echo 0s to the drive from start to end01:09
xaviergmailActionParsnip:  isn't a single pass recoverable by a magnetic something method?01:11
escottkristenB, weird. its offering the key, but its not being accepted. what does "ls -l ~/.ssh" say01:11
ActionParsnipxaviergmail: no, the info you have is waaay out of date about needing multiple wipes01:11
ActionParsnipxaviergmail: you could wipe with 1s then 0s if you really want but a single sweep is sufficient01:12
alankilaxaviergmail: probably not for last few decades. The data density is too high today for there to be any sense of meaningful residual magnetic stuff to recover. Or whatever the original theory was.01:12
kristenBThe files are authorized_keys (rw-------) id_rsa_untrusted (rw---------) id_rsa_untrusted.pub (-rw-r--r--) and known_hosts (-rw-r--r--)01:12
ActionParsnipalankila: not seen anyone ask about this stuff in years now :)01:12
alankilathe point is, these days we're lucky to get the original data back when we try to read it, because redundancies are getting too low for reliable operation.01:13
OerHeksxaviergmail, test it yourself with testdisk: if testdisk can find anything, it will find it immidiatly.01:13
xaviergmailActionParsnip:  Alright I'll do a 2 pass wipe with 1's and 0's, I'm paranoid like that :P01:13
escottkristenB, and authorized_keys is the same as id_rsa_untrusted.pub. "diff authorized_keys id_rsa_untrusted.pub" should say no differences01:13
xaviergmailand I'll try that oer, thanks01:14
kristenBno it's not01:14
escottkristenB, ok. id_rsa_untrusted.pub should be one of the lines of authorized_keys (did you cat id_rsa_untrusted >> authorized_keys instead of .pub by chance?)01:15
ActionParsnipxaviergmail: i'd just smash up the drive and buy new if yu have that many tinfoil hats01:15
ActionParsnipxaviergmail: drives are cheap01:16
alankilaalso whatever you write it's going to get encoded into some semiregularly flipping magnetic field based on some encoding. It is not true that if you write 0 somehow the entire disk gets magnetized to north or south orientation. Regardless what you write, at the platter level there will be polarity swaps because to recover the information at all, the field polarity must change regularly.01:16
kristenBescott: woopsie01:16
kristenBescott:  sorry about that, you're right, let me correct that01:16
escottkristenB, its easy to get the two confused :). you can just delete the authorized_keys file and try again. don't forget to chmod 600 the auth keys file01:17
alankilathis is because the disk is spinning at some speed which is not known exactly, and too long runs of no change of polarity are difficult to detect. Was that 500 0-bits I just read, or 501? You get the idea, hopefully.01:17
kristenBok it works now01:17
kristenBno password asked01:17
kristenBwhat's the next step then ?01:17
xaviergmailI guess01:17
xaviergmailthanks guys01:17
escottkristenB, so thats clearly not what you want. so you now open authorized_keys in an editor01:18
Jonny1Hi. I want to route audio from different applications to different sound card outputs. I have a USB 5.1 channel sound module plus the onboard audio card so theoretically I could have 8 channels of output. Which software would I use? In particular, I want to use one audio player such as rhythm box to preview songs to headphones and another player like banshee or audacious to play songs to loudspeakers01:18
escottkristenB, before the ssh-rsa you can put various things. in this case put 'command=/bin/false,from="B's ip if known",no-X11-forwarding,noagent-forwarding'01:19
escottkristenB, that should probably be no-agent-forwarding (check the ssh man page for the various options). but now the ssh -i command should login and immediately exit01:21
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escottkristenB, and if you tried to specify a command like ssh -i ... -C /bin/bash it shouldn't let you01:22
jfujuweijfdfhhi all. are any people have problems with ubuntu server 10.04? we seem to have had about 10 of our servers bomb out at 00:00(UTC) - 2 hours ago with very high load and processes exhibit really high cpu01:23
kristenBwhat does no-agent-forwarding mean ?01:23
alankilajfujuweijfdfh: hmm, could it be the leap second thing?01:24
jfujuweijfdfhalankila: whats that then? pardon my ignorance01:24
escottkristenB, suppose B has a key to access C, and wants to connect through A without giving A the key. he can forward his agent and then its as if his key was on A, but it really never leaves B01:25
alankilajfujuweijfdfh: they inserted a leap second at end of June01:25
kristenBescott: as far as quotes go, should it be of the form:       ssh-rsa command=/bin/false,from="",no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding  ABCD...rest_of_the_key01:26
escottkristenB, long and short you probably want to say no to most things that B might want to use01:26
alankilajfujuweijfdfh: the timing matches for 00:00 as that would be the insertion time, I suppose01:26
alankilaor it might be. I'm not 100% sure how the process works.01:26
escottkristenB, from= is going to stop everyone from using that line01:26
escottkristenB, if you don't know B's address then leave the from clause out01:26
kristenBI know I meant just the syntax01:26
jfujuweijfdfhalankila: ah interesting. im wondering if it is unlikely to be an ubuntu thing if no one else has raised it - im guessing theres no talk of it on here01:26
escottkristenB, and all that comes before the ssh-rsa bit01:27
kristenBthe quotes, are they correct01:27
alankilajfujuweijfdfh: I heard that old kernels -- was it 2.6.28 and earlier -- may actually crash trying to handle the leap second01:27
escottkristenB, the ssh-rsa identifies the format of the hexkey01:27
kplI uninstalled empathy but I still have those availability options ( available, away, offline) under my messaging menu, How can I remove those? ubuntu 12.0401:27
escottkristenB, your quotes are fine01:27
kristenBok the file has been edited01:28
kristenBwhat now01:28
kristenBI could try that I can't indeed access loopback like I was able to before, right?01:28
escottkristenB, try your ssh -i and you should be rejected based on the from clause01:28
ActionParsnipkpl: may have to log off and on01:28
whoeverhi all, need some help, i am running lightty(thAT is not running at the moment) and i direct my brower to my website, i get not found, but the signiture line says apache 2.0 .. why, i don't have apache installed01:28
kristenBwell now it's asking for a password again, is that expected ?01:29
kplDidn't work out ActionParsnip , But thanx for the response01:29
escottkristenB, make the from clause and try again and you should be able to login, but you immediately disconnect because your shell is /bin/false01:29
jfujuweijfdfhalankila: we are on 2.6.32 so fairly close01:29
escottkristenB, so its skipping that line because the from doesn't match01:29
alankilajfujuweijfdfh: well, that is one specific bug. Perhaps you hit some other bug.01:29
kristenBI would like it to be even more severe than that01:30
kristenBrather than just going back to the password level, I would like my computer to refuse the ssh connection01:30
kristenBis that not possible ?01:30
escottkristenB, you can disable password login01:30
jfujuweijfdfhit definitely seems to be a time based thing as the load shot up at midnight utc. rebooting the boxes work so i guess the leap second could be an explanation; whether it is a kernel thing or something else we are running, im not sure01:30
kristenBjust for that key?01:30
poooookia leap second was inserted01:30
poooookireboot fixes the problem.01:31
poooookiseems to be a kernel bug to do with threading.01:31
alankilatime is a dangerous thing, it seems. Mess with it and all systems break.01:31
kristenBescott: just for that key?01:31
escottkristenB, thats not really meaningful. thats like saying. "i see you have a key, but it doesn't fit and i'm not allowed to ask a password when you have a key" well in that case the next time i come to the door i'll just say "i dont have a key"01:31
kristenBi see what you mean01:32
kristenBmakes sense :)01:32
Nefertemanyone use jolicloud?01:32
escottkristenB, what you really want is to disable password login outside of your subnet in /etc/sshd_config01:33
kristenBlet me try to modify 'from' and see how it goes01:33
alankilaAnother reported, although somewhat inexplicable, crash related to the leap second insertion: https://lkml.org/lkml/2012/6/30/12201:33
fellayaboyinstead of using zenity id like to use that gui widget i guess its what its called.. the one the networkmanager uses when you connect and disconnect internet01:33
fellayaboywhats the name of that, how can i use that widget instead of zenity for my scripts01:34
kristenBescott: I'm not sure I would want that. Because then I wouldn't be able to connect from elsewhere without having exchanged the keys previously. But it's okay my password is really strong and the port has been changed01:34
Jordan_Ufellayaboy: notify-osd01:34
fellayaboythank u01:34
ActionParsnipfellayaboy: notify-osd01:34
alankilaHmm I definitely see loads going up at UTC 00:00 here too01:34
Jordan_Ufellayaboy: So you probably want to use notify-send.01:34
escottkristenB, you can also carry an id_rsa around on a usb keychain, and keep your key with your keys01:35
alankilathree virtual machines appear to be suffering from high cpu usage. Oh lovely.01:35
fellayaboyJordan_U theres no issues using that for the purpose of just echoing a line of text is there01:35
kristenBescott: true, ok I'll do that01:36
kristenBescott: the fact is I always have a usb key with me01:36
jfujuweijfdfhalankila: seems to be a bug https://forums.aws.amazon.com/thread.jspa?messageID=360514&tstart=001:36
poooooki1.8 Million context switches. woot.01:37
jfujuweijfdfhother ppl talking about cpu steal01:37
escottkristenB, if you are security conscious thats the best practice, but it is a bit of a pain01:37
Jordan_Ufellayaboy: None that I can think of, though I don't know your specific use yet.01:37
kristenBescott: I've changed 'from' to but I'm still being asked for a password ?01:37
fellayaboyjust to echo if an exit status is 0 or 1..if 0 then echo success if not then something went wrong..etc01:38
ActionParsnipfellayaboy: eg:  notify-send 'Test Message' 'Great success!!'01:38
fellayaboyallllriight great success01:38
ActionParsnipfellayaboy: I like!!01:38
escottkristenB, im not too sure how the from line works. maybe it wants localhost there...01:38
fellayaboycan i draw 2 thumbs up with a mustached man01:38
ActionParsnipfellayaboy: there is an option for an image in notify-send :)01:38
kristenBescott: as a matter of fact I've just tried without 'from', it also asks me for a password...01:39
fellayaboyno way01:39
ActionParsnipfellayaboy: way01:39
fellayaboylet me check the man page01:39
escottkristenB, what does the auth_keys line look like (you can safely paste it here since it only has the public part of the key)01:39
fellayaboylol the icon01:39
fellayaboyima test it brb01:40
ActionParsnipfellayaboy: notify-send 'Test Message' 'Great success' -i ~/Pictures/wawaweewa.png01:40
fellayaboynice nice thank u01:40
Guest990Does anyone know if there's a way to use dual monitors with a kvm virtual machine?01:40
kristenBso just to be clear as to what I'm doing, what I have in authorized_keys is                command=/bin/false,no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding ssh-rsa  ABCD..rest_of_the_key... kristen@pc01:40
alankilawell this was poor showing from linux's part. I have mysqlds and java processes showing high cpu usage here01:40
alankilaall rebooted by now though01:40
kristenBand then I'm doing ssh -i id_rsa_untrusted localhost01:41
escottkristenB, that looks ok01:41
ActionParsnipalankila: is it oracle's java?01:41
ActionParsnipalankila: any bugs reported for either?01:41
David_MillerIs there a way to fix the leap second load without a reboot01:41
ActionParsnipDavid_Miller: could sync to an ntp server01:42
kristenBactually I've tried different things, and I've found out that only removing command=/bin/false permits to log in without password01:42
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David_MillerI am synced, that is the problem :)01:43
David_Milleraren't people in this channell getting the 100% load issue?01:43
alankilalooks like restarting mysqld does not even fix it. Do I really have to reboot this machine to recover from this01:43
alankilait just goes right back to the 100% cpu use01:43
escottkristenB, i think i know what might be happening. try ssh -i ... -C /bin/false01:43
David_Milleralankila: let me know if you find out01:43
David_Millerand i'll do the same01:43
David_MillerI tried stoping/starting all my services01:43
ActionParsnipalankila: maybe its the leap second thing01:43
alankilasure it is01:44
alankilastarted right after the 00:00 UTC01:44
ActionParsnipalankila: then if its convenient, reboot01:44
David_MillerIt's not convenient :)01:44
ActionParsnipalankila: or submit an emergency change then reboot01:44
kristenBescott: doesn't work either01:44
fellayaboyha golden Actionparsnip...im adding that borat to my script01:44
fellayaboyit worked01:44
ActionParsnipfellayaboy: nice!01:44
fellayaboyima go read up more thank u for ur help guys01:45
ActionParsnipfellayaboy: but when will jack be here?01:45
operatorplikhalo my name is aida :)01:45
operatorplikhalo tasmania01:46
dinalankila, i find just rebooting and saying the machine rebooted is much easier than getting approval to do so. ;)01:46
fellayaboylater dudes01:46
operatorplikwhere do you laive my friends??01:47
poooookiI have rebooted 80 machines thus far. Fingers hurt.01:47
David_Millerso why does reboot fix it?01:47
alankilawell it's mildly inconvenient to have to reboot for this01:47
alankilawell, I guess it can't be helped. What a bummer.01:48
escottkristenB, try putting /bin/false inside quotes01:49
David_Millerpoooooki: im sorry :(01:49
escottkristenB, apparently thats necessary01:49
David_Millerwe are going to have to do reboots remotely which is always scary01:49
kristenBescott: where01:49
escottkristenB, command="/bin/false"01:49
kristenBescott: in -C or in auth_keys ?01:49
escottkristenB, and then it shoudl just work. the -C is unnecessary01:50
kristenBescott: I'm afraid it still doesn't work, I've just tried it01:50
alankilawell, that took care of that01:50
kristenBescott: not even with -C01:50
escottkristenB, so your auth keys looks like 'command="/bin/false",no.... ssh-rsa ...'01:51
kristenBescott: nor -C '/bin/false'01:51
kristenBescott: no it's not like that, i had single quotes01:51
kristenBescott: let me try double01:51
escottkristenB, it needs to be double quotes01:52
dinalankila, i trust everything came back up ok?01:52
alankilayeah it only took a reboot01:52
rangoI am Chinese, but I am using an English Ubuntu Desktop System,what can I do as the input method switcher always  strike after I reboot ?01:52
kristenBescott: ok it works now. Thanks :). It closes right away though. That's because I didn't use -C, right ?01:53
geekbrileap seconds thank god they ruin your day01:53
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escottkristenB, no thats because the shell is /bin/false01:53
fuzzynurfhurterhi yall how can u change the login manager from lxdm back to the default??01:53
escottkristenB, you can try any -C command you want. it will be ignored. the shell is /bin/false. and it immediately returns. the user cannot DO anything with that key. it opens to a brick wall01:53
alankilastill, I guess the joke is on us. If windows has to be rebooted because mouse pointer was moved, at least that is something that the user did. This time the clocks were adjusted via NTP and linux had to be rebooted.01:54
escottkristenB, but with a master control file you should be able to use that open connection to reverse ssh out01:54
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kristenBescott: hmm, there's a slight difference though. If I don't add -C, it ouputs 'Connection to localhost closed.'. However, if I add -C /bin/ls, it doesn't output anything. Why doesn't it output the same message ?01:55
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alankilaI'll be interested to read the scoop about this tomorrow01:55
escottkristenB, so on B set "Host *  ControlMaster auto  ControlPath /tmp/ssh_%r@%h:%p  ControlPersist 4h" in ~/.ssh/config and it when B starts the connection to A he opens the channel but cant do anything. the channel stays open for 4 hours01:56
escottkristenB, probably because with -C ssh is not supposed to be interactive so the ssh client does not generate the message that says "your session was closed" that would confuse an application that tried to parse the output of an ssh -C command01:57
fuzzynurfhurterhi yall how can u change the login manager from lxdm back to the default manager??01:57
kristenBI see01:57
kristenBok so now I'm supposed to go to B, right ?01:58
trismfuzzynurfhurter: which ubuntu version?01:58
WeThePeopleis anybody familiar with mkisofs?01:58
escottkristenB, yes. now you can give the untrusted key to B, and setup B to use a control file and persist the connection, and to use the untrusted id file to connect to your system01:58
kristenBso the first step is to give *.pub to B, right ?01:59
escottkristenB, no give it the key itself (you can give anyone the pub, but B needs the private key)02:00
kristenBwhat's the use of the public key then?02:00
escottkristenB, anyone can have the *.pub (and you should feel happy giving it out) the other file is the real key, the pub is what the key fits into02:00
escottkristenB, mathematically its a bit more complicated, but someone with id_rsa.pub can generate a challenge that only someone with id_rsa can solve02:01
kristenBas far as ssh is concerned though02:01
escottkristenB, so you give me your id_rsa.pub, and then i challenge you and say "solve this" if you can then you have id_rsa, if you cant then you dont02:02
kristenBin what use case would it be useful to give the public key as far as ssh is concerned?02:02
amh345is there an issue with ubuntu and leap second?02:02
escottkristenB, the pub keys go on the machines you want to have access to. the private keys stay on the machines that need access02:02
naptasticWhat do I use now instead of chkconfig?02:03
buntyhi all02:03
kristenBok so let's copy it from A to B.02:03
escottkristenB, i could say "put this in your authorized_keys" and if you were stupid enough to do so I would have access to your machine. no skin off my back ssh-rsa AAAAB3N....02:03
Coreynaptastic: update-rc.d02:03
naptasticCorey, thank you!02:03
Coreynaptastic: no worries.02:03
buntyI just installed ubuntu but the system didn't create my user for me. instead I get "guest" login02:04
buntyhow can i add or create a new user ?02:04
Coreybunty: useradd02:04
ActionParsnipalankila: its good to clear RAM and possibly boot to new kernel etc02:04
buntysudo useradd newuser doesn't work bc user "guest" isn't in the sudo list02:05
Coreybunty: Uh... is there a ubuntu user?02:05
Coreybunty: ls /ome02:05
CoreyEr, /home02:05
ActionParsnipbunty: you can reboot to root recovery mode and make a user there, the Ubuntu install process asks you to make a user which you can now log in with, sounds like you aren't using ubuntu02:05
buntyyes it did02:06
buntyI made the user bunty but .... it's not there02:06
WeThePeopleis anybody familiar with mkisofs?02:06
escott!anyone | WeThePeople02:06
ubottuWeThePeople: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.02:06
ActionParsnipbunty: so your user that you made isn't in the user list in thelogin screen?02:07
ActionParsnipbunty: let me search02:08
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kristenBescott: ok i've copied id_rsa_untrusted to B.02:08
Jagst3r15i cannot play my DVD02:08
Jagst3r15it says i need to install gstreamer stuff but it then gives me an error message02:09
WeThePeoplehow do i make a iso from a folder using mkisofs?02:09
escott!dvd | Jagst3r1502:09
ubottuJagst3r15: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:09
rinzlerI'm not seeing xubuntu as an apt-get option...02:09
kristenBescott: now that I'm thinking about it, wouldn't it have been more logical to generate that key in B, and send the public part to A ?02:10
mneptokJagst3r15: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras02:10
buntyok I think I will load the CD again and mount the /target and add the user.02:10
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mneptokrinzler: xubuntu-desktop or xfce02:10
buntyhow do I add a user to the sudo list ?02:10
ActionParsnipbunty: if you log off and press CTRL+ALT+F1 and log in as bunty there, you can run:  echo "greeter-hide-users=true" | sudo tee -a /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf02:10
Coreybunty: visudo02:10
mneptokbunty: adduser $NAME admin02:11
ActionParsnipbunty: then run:  sudo reboot   and you can type your username to log in with02:11
rinzlermneptok: does that include all the packages necessary?02:11
escottkristenB, you could do that if you wanted, but i would discourage B from using this as his key. if he decides to change keys then you have to change keys. its easier if you control the key and just tell him to use it02:11
mneptokrinzler: yes02:11
chamunksI gotta create a link in my ubuntu lamp setup to a directory outside of /var/www/ how would i do this?02:11
rinzlermneptok: Ok. Thanks!02:11
Peckersymlink chamunks02:11
mneptokrinzler: xubuntu-desktop is all the Xubuntu apps. xfce is the DE only.02:11
Peckersee ln cmd02:11
escottkristenB, normally yes. B would have his key and ask you to make if fit in your lock (give you the .pub) but this isn't HIS key its really YOUR key02:11
Jagst3r15mneptok thanks!02:11
kristenBescott: ok in any case the copy is done, what's the next step ?02:11
rinzlermneptok: perfect. Thanks!02:11
kristenBescott: I see. Thanks for the explanation02:12
chamunksPecker, i tried "sudo ln -s ./ /var/www/get/ch/02:12
ActionParsniprinzler: xfce4 is the package for a minimal xfce DE02:12
Doug2710How can I find out if the ASUS P9X79 DELUXE motherboard will work with Ubuntu?02:12
buntyok bbiab02:13
Peckerum then check to see if the link points to right place02:13
philsfhi, my netbook doesn't turn off speakers when I plug a headphone in. my girlfriend's netbook is the same model, and same ubuntu release (11.10) and it works there. I messed around with alsa configs some releases ago but don't know which files I should revert. Does anyone know where should I look to fix this?02:13
kristenBkristenB: first of all, in B, where do I have to put that key ?02:13
Peckerseesmto me you didnt give it the right link to go to though02:13
kristenBescott: first of all, in B, where do I have to put that key ?02:13
ActionParsnipPecker: file /path/to/link02:13
escottkristenB, best to put it in ~/.ssh. then make his ~/.ssh/config look like http://paste.ubuntu.com/1068727/02:14
hannssDoug2710,  search for compatible hardware ubuntu. there's a site that lists a good amount of gear and its friendly status with ubuntu02:14
Doug2710thanks, I'll give it a shot02:14
kristenBescott: right now there's no file named config. Should I create an empty one or import /etc/ssh/config ?02:15
escottWeThePeople, mkisofs -o file.iso folder02:15
escottkristenB, you can create one02:15
escottkristenB, /tmp/ssh_%u.... may not be appropriate for that system. you should think about whether or not that is desirable02:16
ActionParsnipkristenB: won't it be /etc/ssh/sshd_config02:16
cym13hi, does anyone know a CLI video conferencing tool ? Skype's not keyboard friendly…02:16
kristenBActionParsnip: maybe it was just from memory :)02:17
chamunksPecker, im not sure how to do that.02:17
kristenBescott: so could you give me a short explanation as to what each line does so that i'm usre it corresponds to my issue ?02:17
chamunksim kind of suggesting if i knew how to do that I'd ... maybe do it or if i had a clue what to look for i'd look for it.02:17
escottkristenB, the way this controlmaster stuff works is that when he starts the connection it creates a file /tmp/ssh_user@host:port which is a handle and allows future ssh connections to use that same channel.02:17
T3CHKOMMIEhey guys, i need some help. i got a raid card in my computer, old thing i scored from an old dell precision 620. I configured the raid to be a 0 raid and im trying to install ubuntu desktop ontop of it.. however, ubuntu cant see the raid as a whole.. just the two drives.. help?02:17
ActionParsnip!raid | T3CHKOMMIE02:18
ubottuT3CHKOMMIE: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto02:18
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kristenBescott: I'm lost. Where is that file created, in A or B?02:18
escottkristenB, the concern would be that anyone can see that filename, and root can read that file and control the channel (not that root@B can do anything to you@A)02:18
Sparky_I'm back02:18
escottkristenB, it creates it on B02:18
T3CHKOMMIEActionParsnip, im not looking for a softraid. I already got the radio up and going.. just cant get ubuntu to SEE it as a raid... is there a driver im missing?02:18
chamunksI gotta create a link in my ubuntu lamp setup to a directory outside of /var/www/ how would i do this?02:18
Peckerchamunks: sudo ln -sfn /target/folder /folder/to/put/link/in/and/its/name02:18
chamunkssorry thanks boss.02:19
chamunksi appreciate it.02:19
chamunksI'll look into the details about how this works when i do it :)02:19
kristenBescott: I don't really understand the purpose of that file.02:19
escottkristenB, if there were 2000 people on this machine then the existence of /tmp/ssh_... would publicize the existence of YOUR machine and YOUR username which might concern you02:19
Peckeryeah see 'man ln' for more02:19
aristidesflHow can I disable gnome and keep xorg in 12.04 LTS?02:19
sunshinehappyWhen I kill a process in system monitor it says this could introduce a security risk: What security risk?02:19
chamunksthanks alot02:20
escottkristenB, right now when B ssh'es to A it runs /bin/false which closes immediately, giving you not time to reverse the connection. we need B to keep his channel open for a while02:20
Peckersunshinehappy: depends on what data the app was using02:20
Peckerusually safe to ingore message02:20
sunshinehappyis there a guide to whether or not it's safe to kill certain processes?02:20
kristenBescott: oh I see.02:20
Peckerwhat process is giving you fite02:21
escottkristenB, so we are setting up B to use this feature to persist all his connections for up to four hours (its also just a useful feature in general), so we enable connection sharing so all of B's connections to host X will be shared (which is more efficient) but it needs a file handle to run everything through02:21
philsfhi, my netbook doesn't turn off speakers when I plug a headphone in. my girlfriend's netbook is the same model, and same ubuntu release (11.10) and it works there. I messed around with alsa configs some releases ago but don't know which files I should revert. Does anyone know where should I look to fix this?02:21
ActionParsnipphilsf: what netbook?02:21
Pecker!patience | philsf02:21
ubottuphilsf: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/02:21
Sparky_Who was I talking to earlier about running ubuntu off a flash drive x.x I can't find them on the nick list :(02:21
philsfActionParsnip, asus 1005ha02:22
flabCan anyone help me with ubuntu upgrade problems?02:22
Peckerflab: question is02:22
ActionParsnipphilsf: why was that not in your initial question?02:22
Nick9321flab, what's wrong?02:22
escottkristenB, and the concern would be is "/tmp" the right place for B to keep his personal ssh persistence files. ideally you would have a /tmp for that specific user, so you could to /tmp/myusername/ thats not a bad place, but the desired config is really up to the sysadmin ofB02:22
philsfActionParsnip, sorry for that. I didn't think it was relevant, since it's not a hardware problem, just a misconfig issue02:22
WaraudonA little concerned with the leap second problem. I'm running Precise on 3.2.0-26-generic-pae, anyone know if it's affected?02:23
ActionParsnipphilsf: its the make and model of the system, so its very relevant02:23
flabi think i am having serious problems...i was doing an upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04 and i became under the impression that i had to restart my computer in order for the process to continue...02:23
WeThePeopleescott, how do i specify the folder location, its on my desktop..thats the part i have trouble with02:23
kristenBescott: I see. How about /home/Bname/tmp ?02:23
ActionParsnipphilsf: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh02:23
nrdbmy upgrade to 12:04 has stopped mid-upgrade ... :( ... I think it lost the internet for an extended period.. is there anyway to get it going again? ... It is in the "install the upgrades" action.02:23
flabso i tried to restart and now i cant access my desktop02:23
escottkristenB, /home/Bname/tmp won't be cleared on reboot, which would cause problems if he crashed because he would need to clear his personal /tmp. better would be a /tmp/Bname02:24
Wikipediatreroflmao http://bit.ly/z7Ja9f02:24
escottWeThePeople, mkisofs -o ~/Desktop/output.iso ~/Desktop/folder02:24
sunshinehappyjava web start is putting an icon on my desktop every time I launch it, how can I stop it creating the desktop icon?02:24
Sparky_Ok, i'm running Ubuntu off a flash drive atm, and I want to install it, what do I do?02:25
philsfActionParsnip, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1068738/02:25
chamunksPecker, worked flawlessly.02:25
kristenBescott: I see. Well that was just for my information, in reality I'm also the only user on B, so I can put it in /tmp.02:25
kristenBescott: but what's the use of that persistent file ? Couldn't I do without ?02:25
ActionParsnipphilsf: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-audio-dev/ppa; sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get dist-upgrade; sudo apt-get --reinstall install linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils; killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse*02:26
ActionParsnipphilsf: wait 10 seconds then reboot02:26
escottkristenB, you need the file for controlmaster auto to work. auto first checks if that file exists, and if it doesn't creates the connection, otherwise it uses the connection. ControlMaster auto is really great stuff and should be the default (the only concern is this control file in /tmp)02:26
escottkristenB, you can also specify the control file on the CLI. so if you wanted to add this to something like /etc/rc.local then you could specify a control file in the command or hard code it within the Host section of the config file02:28
kristenBescott: what I also don't understand is the IdentityFile part. Is this file's content shared on the network unencrypted before the encryption takes place ?02:28
philsfActionParsnip, ok, will try. if this works, should I be able to revert to pristine packages instead of those from the ppa?02:28
ActionParsnipphilsf: the ppa givs you a later alsa which can help as the defaults are old, it may help. The command is from: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure02:29
escottkristenB, we are just hardcoding the -i id_rsa_untrusted bit with the IdentifyFile line02:29
ActionParsnipphilsf: I just re-jig it to be nicer02:29
nrdbmy upgrade to 12:04 has stopped mid-upgrade ... :( ... I think it lost the internet for an extended period.. is there anyway to get it going again? ... It is in the "install the upgrades" action.02:30
kristenBescott: I know. But that -i option, is it passed unencrypted over the wire ?02:30
philsfActionParsnip, ok, thanks. I'll return in a while to report.02:30
escottkristenB, no. nothing in ssh is ever done unencrypted, and keys are in fact never passed in either direction. its all based on diffie hellman and public private key signatures02:31
kristenBescott: okay.02:31
evilytwistedis there anyway to restart a cysco router from terminal imput?02:32
escottkristenB, theoretically there is no danger in your doing ssh user@blackhate.site02:32
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kristenBescott: yes that's somehow what I want to reproduce, B isn't a safe place;02:33
kristenBkristenB: it's work, actually02:33
escottkristenB, worst case someone (your boss) compromises B and gets id_rsa_untrusted, but all he can do is establish a connection to your computer. he can't do anything with that connection02:35
kristenByes that's exactly what I want :)02:35
kristenBso sorry for asking again, but it hasn't pierced into my brain just yet. Why would we need a temporary file ?02:35
evilytwistedescott:  is there anyway to restart a cysco router from terminal input?02:36
IdleOneevilytwisted: question better asked in ##networking02:36
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escottkristenB, so you want this connection to persist. and there are other ways to persist it other than control master, but control master is really useful and it works here02:37
escottkristenB, im not sure what you gain by doing otherwise02:37
kristenBescott: but what if I just used (from B): ssh -nrR A02:38
helloworldso many peoples here!02:38
kristenBescott: but what if I just used (from B): ssh -nrR 2000: A02:38
phunyguyhelloworld: this is not a toy.02:39
tkinghi guys how do i kill movie play, it won't exit and wont play02:39
evilytwisteduse a sledge hammer?02:39
evilytwistedthen a clawhammer?02:39
kristenBand then from A, a few hours later, ssh -p 2000
escottkristenB, you could try without the control master. it might not be necessary. i've never used reverse connections.02:39
tkinghi guys how do i kill movie playerer, it won't exit and wont play02:40
gsrhi all.  An hour ago, I noticed that flash and unity were lagging.  Tried restarting, then looked at the additional drivers section, and saw that fglrx has been uninstalled.  I tried enabling it again, but it failed, and told me to check jockey.log.  Never seen this log before, what should I be looking for?02:40
IdleOne!behelpful | evilytwisted02:40
ubottuevilytwisted: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.02:40
kristenBescott: what's exactly the advantage of using a control master ?02:40
kristenBescott: apart from, maybe, keeping the connection alive02:40
escottkristenB, my concern would be what makes the B connection persist? and i know with a control master you can make it persist. there may be other ways. perhaps you can directly specify the persistence of the connection in the Host section02:40
kristenBI think I would want it to indefinitely persist02:41
kristenBin other words, I would want to be able to access B from A at any given time, and not just within 4 hours of living B02:42
escottkristenB, http://www.vdomck.org/2005/11/reversing-ssh-connection.html02:42
escottkristenB, well you can tune that 4 hours, you could even have a script running on B that checks if the control master file is there, and if its not restarts the connection02:42
escottkristenB, or set the persistence for 4 hours and open the connection every hour02:43
kristenBescott: (I've already successfully achieved the reverse connection, and all this chat was about securing the access so that it could be used as a reverse connection and nothing more)02:43
escottkristenB, i know more about the auth keys than i do about the reverse connection stuff, but its up to both ends to keep that thing alive02:44
escottkristenB, controlmaster is nice because it would be the same connection that you would be keeping alive. you wouldn't have to worry about "do i need to make a new connection, or do i need to reset the timeout on the existing one?"02:45
highlander-basei'd just like to say i've always been really really against gnome and ubuntu because i thoght they oversimplified everything and didn't really provide any good innovations02:45
highlander-basebut with 12.04 and unity i'm amazed02:45
kristenBescott: I see. And could I set the time to indefinite or infinity ?02:45
highlander-basei just installed in on the c omp for my mom and dad (who have never been able to grasp windows or mac or kde or gnome in the past)02:46
highlander-baseand they just immediately got it, it did what they expected when they expected it02:46
L3topgsr lspci -nn | grep VGA   please.02:46
ActionParsniphighlander-base: Unity is like marmite. You love it or hate it02:46
gsrL3top, 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI RV710 [Radeon HD 4350] [1002:954f]02:47
highlander-baseand everything works right out of the box it got all of the network information all the drivers, and i now know all thier stuff is safely backed up on a cloud if something goes badly for them02:47
escottkristenB, i wouldn't put it above the half-life of your network connection between A and B, but sure you can make it big02:47
caravelhi there02:47
ActionParsniphighlander-base: i dunno about the backup thing...02:48
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highlander-baseactionparsnip: why? afraid of having your info on a cloud?02:48
nrdbmy upgrade to 12:04 has stopped mid-upgrade ... :( ... I think it lost the internet for an extended period.. is there anyway to get it going again? ... It is in the "install the upgrades" action.02:48
ActionParsniphighlander-base: no, some folks diont backup02:49
caravelhelp please : I've got the alternate installer. Went for the assisted partition scheme woth full disk lvm+luks. Then I am trying to resize /boot and dmcrypt, therefore need to remove the default vg... but this seems like it cannot be done02:49
caravellooking at lvm cli tools from tty2, I can see it's gone, but the installer pretends it's still there no matter what I do...02:49
highlander-baseActionParsnip: well its the right move, i keep my files in 2 redundant places locally, i dont use a cloud because i dont like having my things out there but for most people its an easy solution to a really common problem, i dont know many people who havent lost massive amounts of personal data to a harddrive failure02:50
caravel[...] is the only solution to manually remove them and restart the whole installer ?02:50
highlander-baseand its awesome that ubuntu is giving them a bit of space to do that for free built in integrated with their folders02:50
caravel[...] and then, choose manual scheme instead of partition scheme ?02:51
gsrL3top: and my /var/log/jockey.log file -> http://pastebin.com/YSv1TS9x02:51
jjimmhello, im looking to install ubuntu. I plan to use computer as simple server but i want the gui for setting up things like drivers and using web browser, how can i set up ubunutu without install things like libreoffice02:51
L3topgsr sorry... having some issues on my end here... one second please.02:51
gsrL3top, no worries, ping when convenient02:52
caravel[...] so I removed the lvs, that's fine, then the vg says 0 lvs, looks good, but dmcrpt can't be removed because t says the vg s still there02:52
caravel[...] looks like the option to remove a vg is just missing ?02:53
L3topgsr was that the complete output of the lspci I asked for?02:55
tkingi killed Movie Player bcos it wasnt responding, now i want to re-run it. When i clicked the icon in the lens it shows in panel blinks for few seconds and disappear not launches... any1 know why?02:55
gsrL3top, yes02:55
escottkristenB, apparently ControlPersist yes is indefinite02:55
philsfActionParsnip, your tip worked. now jack sense works as expected. thank you very much02:55
escottkristenB, http://who-t.blogspot.com/2012_03_01_archive.html02:56
gsrtking, launch it from a terminal, see what it outputs02:56
kristenBescott: What I had working, before all this key stuff, was ssh -nrR 2000: A. I know added -i .ssh/id_rsa_untrusted, and also -f because that was always a pain in the ass to have to manually call bg and disown. When I did so, I got a warning that said Warning: remote port forwarding failed for listen port 2000".02:56
tkinggsr, i don't know the name for it in terminal02:56
kristenBescott: typo:      ...I now* added...02:57
escottkristenB, i wonder if it needs to run something on the remote server to setup the port forwarding.02:57
tkinggsr, i tried mplayer, also tried Movie Player02:57
gsrtking, totem02:58
escottkristenB, you might need to change /bin/false to something that setups up a netcat to forward the port manually02:58
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tkinggsr i typed totem nothing happened just went to nxt line (blank without my user@...PC$)02:59
tkinggsr ths is what it says Timeout was reachedtking@TKing-HP-PC:~$02:59
kristenBescott: so what you're saying is that I should create a script from A, and then modify A's file 'authorized_keys' to command="script", so that B can only execute that script from ssh, and that this script is actually the one that would do port forwarding ?03:00
caravel[...] That really looks like a bug : despite even removing the pv from tty2, and re-detecting the disks, it still finds the lvm !03:00
nrdbmy upgrade to 12:04 has stopped mid-upgrade ... :( ... I think it lost the internet for an extended period.. is there anyway to get it going again? ... It is in the "install the upgrades" action.... I really need to get the install finished.03:00
escottkristenB, maybe. i don't know what is happening on A when B requests the port forwarding03:00
L3topgsr I do not believe your card is supported by the fglrx drivers in 1204. I know they are not supported in the new version... trying to discern what version is what and when they dropped support for yours specifically. Some of the hd 4k series are still supported, but I am pretty sure anything older than Rx800 is no longer supported in the recent ones.03:00
gsrL3top, but I upgraded to 12.04 a few months ago, only started with this problem today03:01
Sparky_ohai lol03:01
gsrcan I go back to the previous version?03:02
Sparky_I installed Ubuntu :303:02
nrdbcan I reboot and start the upgrade again?03:02
escottkristenB, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8021/allow-user-to-set-up-an-ssh-tunnel-but-nothing-else03:02
L3topThat does not change the fact. Even if they worked to a degree, it is only a matter of time until they break, and I am not sure that you have been using the fglrx driver at all, simply it has been present. I think what you ran into is the various conflicts that exist using the radeon driver when fglrx is present.03:03
escottkristenB, it looks like all you need is this "permitopen" declaration in your authorized_keys03:03
kristenBwith or without /bin/false?03:03
gsrtking: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eog/+bug/883824 only bug I could find that looks related.03:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 883824 in eog (Ubuntu) "eye of gnome doesn't start" [High,Invalid]03:04
escottkristenB, with. unless that doesn't work, but the command= is what is preventing them from getting shell on your machine. no-pty is also something you should add03:04
kristenBif I understand correctly, reverse ssh is just a particular case of a ssh tunnel ?03:05
escottkristenB, yes03:05
L3topgsr: I am not positive that is correct now. Let me continue to dig. I think it is only 12-5 and forward yours was dropped on.03:05
kristenBand what's a ssh tunnel then exactly ? :/03:05
gsrL3top, fglrx was definitely installed and working fine.  It was running 3D games, multiple screens and movies - i don't think that the free drivers are capable of that03:06
ActionParsnipkristenB: secures normally unsecure protocols03:06
escottkristenB, its a reverse ssh tunnel but reversed :)03:06
L3topthey are... but again... still digging gsr03:06
gsrL3top, thanks, I will too - going to try to apt-get purge fglrx*, reboot, and try reinstalling.  Back in a few minutes!03:06
L3topperformance varies quite a bit... but... I will figure it out gsr.03:06
poooookifound a workaround to leap second bug03:06
kristenBis it the ability, from B, to tell A to forward everything it gets to port p1 towards ip2/p203:07
escottkristenB, what you are setting up configures things so that opening an outbound port on A:2000 takes you through a little network wormhole and you come out the other side on B:2203:07
escottkristenB, the reverse part is that you are setting all this up from B. normally you would configure your tunnel from A and start the connection A-> B instead of B-> A03:08
kristenBI see03:08
escottkristenB, your tunnel is going "upstream" on the ssh connection instead of "downstream"03:08
tkinggsr thanks though u really tried03:09
kristenBand the general syntax of doing so would be with the command -L, right ?03:09
escottkristenB, yes03:09
kristenBthat's all so fascinating :)03:10
kristenBok let me try that permitopen thingy03:10
escottkristenB, i mis-spoke earlier: "opening an inbound port on A:2000 takes you through a little network wormhole and you come out the other side on B:22"03:11
[dlp]I wonder if anyone here has any suggestions. I have an interesting problem affecting audio playback (and video playback, too, where present). Sometimes playback will occur way too fast (as fast as the machine can decode, presumably); others, it'll pick sporradic moments to replay a fragment of, perhaps, 1/3 of a second 3 or 4 times in a loop before continuing as normal. CPU load remains about 95% idle throughout the underrun cycle; I haven't monitor03:11
escottkristenB, so A listens for connections on port 2000 and instead of dealing with them locally sends them on to B:22 but the come out of B as if they were from localhost03:11
escottkristenB, also dont get fired for this03:11
lebanyone know if ubuntu systems are affected by the ntp leap second bug?03:12
akem[dlp], what player?03:13
[dlp]akem: All of them.03:13
ActionParsnipleb: I've seen folks with SQL servers have high CPU immediately after 00:0003:13
kristenBso given our previous notations, it would be permitopen="B:22" right ?03:13
ActionParsnipleb: needing a reboot03:13
[dlp]akem: mplayer, vlc, flash (streaming vlf), audacious...03:13
lebthere seems to be a kernel crash associated with ntp trying to update the time03:14
buhmanwhile trying to do an apt-get update, I'm told: http://sprunge.us/AXTW03:14
ActionParsnip[dlp]: what output methods for video have you tried?03:14
escottkristenB, no it would be permitopen="localhost:2000"03:14
buhmanI already have "APT::Cache-Limit "100000000";" in /etc/apt.conf03:14
kristenBescott: so given our previous notations, it would be permitopen="" right ?03:14
akem[dlp], strange, try out with a live CD like knoppix see if you get the same problems, or Windows if you can.03:14
poooookileb: yes03:14
escottkristenB, A is not allowing the port to be opened (based on that error message)03:14
detaersup dell03:15
detaerare you a computer?03:15
[dlp]akem: Did you read all of my initial message?03:15
dellno i'm a person03:15
escottkristenB, in all seriousness though, a good corporate sysadmin would fire someone and then ask questions if they found out about a reverse ssh tunnel03:15
dellbut i'm called my computer so03:15
escottkristenB, so be careful03:16
akem[dlp], no got only one from you in the buffer.03:16
akemsorry if i missed something then.03:16
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lapionanyone been having any leapsecond issues ?03:17
escottlapion, yes03:17
dellthis is the first time iḿ here people03:17
kristenBescott: thanks for the advice. I already had it setup long before though, it's just that I hadn't gone into the process of securing my own personal computer against anything else but that ssh reverse connection03:17
sunshinehappydell, welcome03:17
dellthank you sunshine03:17
dellwhere goes this forum about?03:18
escottkristenB, i would feel bad if i spend a couple hours helping you out and next week you were asking for a job03:18
[dlp]akem: Sorry, I'm just being facetious. People in the forums were very dismissive to those who brought this up, so I sort of prepared myself for that.03:18
sunshinehappydell, come to #ubuntu-offtopic :)03:18
[dlp]ActionParsnip: Hang on, for Flash I don't know.03:18
kristenBescott: but it would be so much easier to find a new one with all that extra knowledge :D03:18
dellwhy sunshine?03:18
lapionescott, what issues do you have ?03:18
escottlapion, i havent had any. you asked if anyone has had issues, and others have03:18
sunshinehappydell, #ubuntu is for questions & answers, #ubuntu-offtopic can talk abot anything03:19
dellen where i can found it?03:19
[dlp]ActionParsnip: For mplayer... it's using vdpau03:19
lapionmaybe mythtv might be hacing some issues.. seeing as my backend has been running at load avg of 2003:19
kittiesdell: /join #ubuntu-offtopic03:19
kristenBescott: I have added permitopen localhost 2000 but it still says port can't be opened03:20
[dlp]ActionParsnip: Flash will be using whatever it uses (?).03:20
PortaltechHi I have a newbie question I know has been answered again and again, it just seems like there's always some doubt left in my mind....here goes: I know it's hard to catch a virus especially in the wild but how about keyloggers on linux....(preferably Ubuntu?)03:20
kristenBescott: and the warning message is still the same if I remove the /bin/false part03:21
escottkristenB, if you were using controlmaster then on B if you run ps aux | grep ssh you should see an sshd process of yours. kill it. its using the old ssh configuration details, and therefore the old auth keys03:21
wolfgang_Hello i was on earlier asking about mupen64plus i got it how do i run it?03:21
wolfgang_I got it through sudo apt-get03:22
kristenBescott: that's probably because it's already in use, actually, since I'm connected to B with that solution03:22
escottkristenB, yes. that would prevent you from opening the port. try 200103:22
wolfgang_How do i run mupen64plus? i did it with terminal but it doesn't run the rom files03:23
escottPortaltech, yes there are keyloggers. what is your question exactly?03:23
xDDHowdy - how does one go about configuring which ports are open (Using 12.04)?03:23
[dlp]ActionParsnip: Frankly, I don't think the video output mechanism is relevant: it affects audio-only playback as well. Though the video does freeze when the audio skips. I'm not sure what happens in the overrun case. I think the video runs fast as well. But I can't reproduce it at the moment. I suspect a reboot would allow me to do so.03:23
sacarlsonPortaltech: as all the software you should install is opensource there are many eyes that see the code and would notice a keyloger in it03:23
wolfgang_XDD, What router do you have?03:24
Portaltechwell I'm just a little worried when visiting websites03:24
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[dlp]ActionParsnip: And, tbh, if a reboot does help me to reproduce the problem I'll be /really/ fucking confused.03:24
sacarlsonPortaltech: with opensource we don't have to guess what an app does it's all seen in the code before it ever runs03:24
wolfgang_XDD, you should go to your default gateway in your browser03:24
bazhang[dlp], no cursing here03:24
xDDwolfgang_: One of the wrt*s, but right now I'm on the local network - Is there a builtin firewall of sorts in Ubuntu?03:25
wolfgang_XDD, yes03:25
escottPortaltech, modern websites and browsers open a pandora's box of problems that don't really extend beyond the browser. i would be more concerned about a local scripting attack on firefox that tries to steal control of another tab in your browser than anything else03:25
wolfgang_XDD, Did you configure your router in the internet browser?03:25
ActionParsnip[dlp]: worth a shot03:26
ActionParsnip!firewall | xDD03:26
ubottuxDD: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.03:26
[dlp]ActionParsnip: Indeed.03:26
xDDwolfgang_: Yep, a while ago, though. This is a fresh install (it was working before)03:26
Portaltechescott....so what a newbie like me should make sure I do with a fresh install of ubuntu?03:26
wolfgang_XDD, In terminal do "sudo ufw allow (port #)03:26
wolfgang_XDD, that should do it03:27
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kristenBescott: omg it works lol.03:27
escottPortaltech, if you are browsing questionable sites do so in a browser that is NOT the browser you use for your online banking, do so in privacy mode etc...03:27
xDDwolfgang_, ActionParsnip: I'll check out ufw. Thanks!03:27
wolfgang_XDD, Np03:27
escottPortaltech, disable webgl. disable flash if you can03:27
Portaltechescott: Well on ubuntu I only have Firefox03:28
r00t__Hey guys...does anyone know if I add the backtrack repositories to ubuntu if the tools wont work? I have heard arguments for both no and yes...but no clear answers03:29
escottPortaltech, there are others you can install. chromium, chrome, epiphany, konquerer etc03:29
[dlp]Ok, given the problem is now gone at uptime = 23:32, I'm gonna see if it really is relevant: rebooting. brb03:29
escott!backtrack | r00t__03:29
ubottur00t__: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition03:29
PortaltechI tried looking for Chrome but it's not in the software center only chromium03:29
r00t__escott: I am not asking for backtrack support...just seeing if adding their repositories is worth it or not...03:29
sacarlsonPortaltech: on firefox you can change profiles that can have different security settings or you can run anaother browser like chromeium as another method to see sites03:29
escottr00t__, i think there's a factoid for that.... lets see03:30
escott!backtrack | r00t__03:30
ActionParsnipPortaltech: you can grab the deb for chrome and install it, it will also add the google ppa :)03:30
wylder00t__: if you want backtrack, use backtrak. Don't mix repos03:30
wolfgang_I got a N64 emulator called mupen64plus and can't get it to run roms, how would i do that?03:30
PortaltechAction where is the deb for chrome?03:30
xDDwolfgang_, ActionParsnip: Hmm... According to the gufw gui, the firewall isn't currently on...03:30
r00t__wylde: I am just wanting some software from them...jesus you guys are defensive xD03:30
escottPortaltech, there is a ppa from google03:30
ActionParsnipwolfgang_: is there a config inthe app to point to the folder holding ROMs?03:30
r0thawolfgang_: did you rean the man page03:30
wolfgang_XDD, Do sudo ufw enable03:30
gsrL3top, no joy, purge/reinstall now has Additional Drivers listing the Fglrx driver (non post-upgrade) as active - however, its still showing all the signs of being on the non-proprietary driver.03:31
wolfgang_Actionparsnip, no03:31
wolfgang_r0tha, Didn't see one03:31
r0thanaw man03:31
wylder00t__: their packages will very likely break your system. If you want that software and it isn't in ubuntu repos you're better off compiling from source.03:31
r0thaman programname ans ee if there's one03:31
ActionParsnipwolfgang_: under configure -> rom browser03:32
xDDwolfgang_: At least right now, I'm trying to figure out why I can't ssh when I change the port (though I'll probably turn that on once this is worked out).03:32
escottPortaltech, the thing to keep in mind is that the chances of someone using a firefox 0-day to deliver exploits for ubuntu 12.04 is really low. they will use that 0-day to hit Win7. but they could use a 0-day to try and steal facebook login information, or do some weird in browser controls of other tabs03:32
r00t__wylde: oh i see03:32
ActionParsnipwolfgang_: I just pulled up a screenshot?03:32
ActionParsnipwolfgang_: http://offenerdesktop.files.wordpress.com/2010/01/spiele-mupen64plus-001.png03:32
L3topstill working on it... one min gsr03:32
Portaltechescott thanks for the info03:32
sacarlsonxDD: you change the port on ssh and can't get in from wan (out site internet)?03:33
ActionParsnipwolfgang_: is it not there any more?03:33
wolfgang_XDD, Don't know enough to help you further to turn on firewall in terminal type "sudo ufw enable" and to enable a port i told you sorry.03:33
escottPortaltech, so keep your questionable websites constrained to a browser profile you dont have to trust03:33
Portaltechsacarlson thanks also03:33
xDDsacarlson: Actually, from internal03:33
kristenBescott: so if I resume all the steps: ssh-keygen, then change name to untrusted, then no password, then cat id_rsa_untrusted.pub >> authorized_keys, then chmod 600 authorized_keys, then scp id_rsa_untrusted to B, then change authorized_keys to command="/bin/false',permitopen="localhost:2000",from="Bip",no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding ; and then from B, ssh -R. Am I forgetting something ?03:33
Portaltechaction I just installed thank you03:33
sacarlsonxDD: maybe after you changed the port you didn't restart ssh-server ?03:33
wolfgang_actionparsnip, the only way i could figure out to run it was from terminal so nothing like that.03:33
ActionParsnipwolfgang_: there should be a GUI to my knowledge, not used muppen in ages03:34
xDDsacarlson: Don't think that's it - I changed it back to 22 and restarted in the same way and it began working again.03:34
escottkristenB, well you want to change the options in the Authkey before you give the remote host the key, but yes, thats the full process03:34
nrdbmy upgrade to 12:04 has stopped mid-upgrade ... :( ... I think it lost the internet for an extended period.. is there anyway to get it going again? ... It is in the "install the upgrades" action.... I really need to get the install finished.03:34
sacarlsonxDD: so you verified it listening with sudo netstat -pant ;  after you changed it?03:35
wolfgang_Actionparsnip, i got it from the terminal by typing "sudo apt-get install mupen64plus"03:35
wylder00t__: if you wanted to have backtrack on hand, you can actually keep the iso on the / or /boot partition and boot it from grub203:35
escottkristenB, also... thanks. that was a fun one to work through03:35
ActionParsnipwolfgang_: if you run: mupen64plus    does it run?03:35
kristenBescott: thank you very much to you sir03:35
xDDsacarlson: I did not! That sounds like the advice I'm looking for :). I'll report back.03:35
wolfgang_Actionparsnip how do i take a screenshot?03:35
ActionParsnipnrdb: stop the upgrade then run the !aptfix factoid commands03:35
ActionParsnipwolfgang_: press PrintScrn just like in Windows.....03:36
kristenBescott: may I ask another question ? :)03:36
wolfgang_actionparsnip, ok where do i paste it?03:36
escottkristenB, sure03:36
xDDsacarlson: I see a tcp LISTEN sshd at
kristenBescott: so now that this connection is set up, I would like to access C (which can only be accessed through B) from A, in order to do a rsync. How could I do that ?03:37
wolfgang_Where do i paste a screen shot?03:37
nrdbActionParsnip, I don't understand ... what are those?03:37
Novasunim running liveusb there is an install linux icon that keeps coming up I go into config editor >apps>nautilus>desktop but the ability to make the icon hidden is not listed03:37
L3top!pastebin | wolfgang, there is a link in this factoid03:37
ubottuwolfgang, there is a link in this factoid: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:37
escottkristenB, in A's ~/.ssh/config file you can setup a Host C section which references the tunnel you have to B03:38
[dlp]Well... I'm not sure the reboot had an effect. I have just seen the skipping issue. Not happening a much as I expected, though.03:38
kristenBit's an equivalent of the -W option, right ?03:38
ActionParsnip!aptfix | nrdb03:38
ubottunrdb: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »03:38
ActionParsnipwolfgang_: use imgur or imageshack or somthing similar03:38
escottkristenB, http://blogs.perl.org/users/smylers/2011/08/ssh-productivity-tips.html scroll down to the onward connections bit03:39
escottkristenB, rather the jumping through servers bit03:39
escottkristenB, with the ProxyCommand bit. I'd love to help set that up, but its time for bed03:40
kristenBescott: okay :)03:40
kristenBescott: well thank you very much for your help.03:40
ActionParsnipnrdb: obviously close the upgrade app first :)03:40
[dlp]It's happening quite a bit now.03:40
SithregalSo, I am a computer science major, yet I have next to no unix/linux experience. I am going to try and set up an Ubuntu VM for tinkering. Any general advice?03:41
[dlp]Doesn't seem to happen when the machine's under load, either.03:42
[dlp]Really bizarre.03:42
L3topgsr: this is particularly annoying. I can find NOTHING which explains which ati driver version (ie 12-4) the ubuntu package (ie 2:8.960) implies. apt-cache show fglrx  doesn't even explain... very annoying.03:42
wolfgang_actionparsnip, http://nuclearmuffin88.imgur.com/all/03:43
wolfgang_actionparsnip, thats what it's like for me.03:43
ActionParsnipwolfgang_: you need to make the image publicly available03:44
[dlp]Oh, this is ridiculous.03:44
wolfgang_actionparsnip, how?03:44
ActionParsnipwolfgang_: use imageshack03:44
ActionParsnipwolfgang_: bit easier03:44
jiohdiSithregal,  a live cd/dvd may give more of an actual feel than a vm03:44
wolfgang_actionparsnip, file:///home/wolfgang/Pictures/mupen%20thing.png03:45
[dlp]Ok, I'm going to write a "stress program".03:45
ActionParsnipwolfgang_: that will only work if I have local acces to your system03:45
wolfgang_actionparsnip, How do i make public?03:45
ActionParsnipwolfgang_: http://imageshack.us/03:46
wolfgang_actionparsnip, i did that03:46
wolfgang_actionparsnip, file:///home/wolfgang/Pictures/mupen%20thing.png03:46
jiohdiwolfbyte, file = on your computer, imageshack.us should give you an http: share03:47
RAITARHow to do this grep 'EE\|WW' /var/log/Xorg.0.log,Thank you.I'm a trainee03:47
wolfgang_actioparsnip, http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/404/mupenthing.png/03:47
wolfgang_actionparsnip, That's it03:48
ActionParsnipwolfgang_: if you give it a ROM, dos it run?03:49
jiohdiRAITAR, if you type that into a terminal command line and nothing comes up, either what you are searching for does not exist or the log files does not exist03:50
wolfgang_actionparsnip, How would i go about doing that?03:50
cloockyHey everyone...I installed teamviewer7 but now I cant figure out how to uninstall it...wat do?03:50
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Mandalordcloocky: how do you install it03:51
wolfgang_cloocky, sudo apt-get remove teamviewer703:51
cloockymandalord: I downloaded a .deb file from their website and use the software center to install it.03:51
wolfgang_cloocky, or go to software center and find it then click remove03:51
cloockywolfgang_: it only gives a "reinstall" option03:51
wolfgang_cloocky, I don't know then03:52
wolfgang_cloocky, sorry03:52
cloockywait...apt-get remove is working...thanks!03:52
ActionParsnipwolfgang_: treat it like any other CLI comman d03:52
wolfgang_cloocky, yor welcome03:52
Novasunhttp://www.kubuntuforums.net/showthread.php?49393-Hiding-the-Ubiquity%28Install%29-icon-on-liveusb-persitent  forget it I have found how to hide the liveusb install icon annoyance03:52
ActionParsnipwolfgang_: mupen64plus /path/to/filename03:52
Mandalordcloocky: or run this command and tell me the result "dpkg --get-selections | grep teamviewer"03:52
wolfgang_Actionparsnip ok hold on03:52
kristenBCan someone pick up from where escott left regarding helping me with my ssh issues ?03:53
[dlp]Well... I've put the system under a high CPU load. Audio playback unaffected.03:53
ActionParsnipNovasun: what, just delete it...03:53
[dlp]Except for the odd instance where it does skip (which happens regardless of whether the system is loaded or not)./03:53
Novasuneverytime I reboot it comes back03:53
ActionParsnipNovasun: do you have persistence setup?03:54
phunyguyNovasun, you ever been on Kali?03:55
wolfgang_actionparsnip, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1068805/03:55
phunyguyNovasun: nickname is familliar03:55
wolfgang_actionparsnip, that is the outcome03:56
Novasunnope just randomly chosen due to hobby03:56
phunyguyahh,  carry on then. :)03:56
Mandalordwolfgang_ try extract the rom and run the rom inside .zip file03:56
wolfgang_Mandalord, ok hold on ill try that03:57
wolfgang_mandalord, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1068808/03:59
wolfgang_mandalord, didn't work04:00
wolfgang_mandalord, actionparsnip, what do i do?04:01
user01is there anyway to make wget try again if it gets a message other than 200 OK?  like every so often it gets a 500 error and doing it a 2nd time succeeds for me04:03
phunyguyuser01, could write a script, grep the output, and loop if failed.04:03
wolfgang_actionparsnip, mandalord: what do i do?04:04
user01i would think wget would just have an option for it though04:04
phunyguydoubt it.04:04
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phunyguyOK user01.. a simple manpage lookup04:05
phunyguy-t,  --tries=NUMBER            set number of retries to NUMBER (0 unlimits).04:05
Mandalordwolfgang_: not sure what happen, can you "ls /home/wolfgang/Downloads/Zelda-O.zip/"04:06
wolfgang_mandalord, says not a directory? but it's there?04:06
Mandalordwolfgang_: oh, did you extract the .zip file04:07
Mandalordextract it into a folder04:08
wolfgang_Mandalord, No04:08
wolfgang_mandalord, you mean move?04:08
kristenBwolfgang_: no I think he means unzip [tab]04:08
Mandalordwolfgang_: no, i mean EXTRACT, its a .zip file, you should extract it04:09
wolfgang_ok i did now try?04:09
Mandalorddid you extract it? unzip it?04:10
wolfgang_Got it running thank you how do i change the controls?04:12
wolfgang_Mandlord, how do i change the controls now its running?04:12
Zylekquick random question: my computer says "processor 100% in use" how do i check to find out specifically what is using it all up?04:13
Mandalordwolfgang_: it is running? I dont know how to change controls. You should read manpage04:13
phunyguyZylek: top, htop, system monitor04:13
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wolfgang_mandalord, I cant find help on man page04:14
user01phunyguy, the man pages doesnt specify what  it means as successful04:14
user01phunyguy,  hopefully only 200 responses04:14
phunyguyI would think so as well04:14
user01phunyguy, well ill know in about 15 minutes04:15
Zylekit is npviewer.bin04:15
Zylekwhat the heck is that04:15
OerHekswolfgang_, then maybe you can't change controls04:15
Zylekit's hoggin' up the computer04:15
wolfgang_Oerheks, ok04:15
kristenBIf i had add up all the processes displayed memory usage of 'ps aux', I don't get the sum displayed in free -m > memory used. Why is that ?04:16
wolfgang_mandalord,actionparsnip: thank you for your time bye i got it from here04:16
SadlyMistakenhello there, i just plugged a hard disk, and i can't write in it.. it say i don't have permissions. In terminal I just wrote 'sudo chmod 777 -R' to the harddisk and it doesn't work, what can i do?04:16
Zylekcan i just force kill all of the npviewer.bin files?04:17
Zylekor will that make my computer explode? haha04:17
kristenBIf i add up all the memory usage of 'ps aux', I don't get the same number as free > memory used. Why is that ?04:17
Zylekmy computer is back to normal04:19
Zylekthe cursed npviewer.bin04:19
Zylekis a curse04:19
witesharkquick 12.04 question; what's preferred for GUI cleaning? Ubuntu tweak or synaptic?04:24
[dlp]Right... just experienced the "playback too fast" issue. There /is/ a slight increase in CPU usage (~10%), mostly to kmix, pulseaudio and chrome (which is the source, using Flash).04:25
[dlp]Killed KMix part way throguh.04:25
[dlp]Nothing really changed. pulseaudio became top consumer04:26
[dlp]And now it's playing ok again :/04:26
[dlp]The media player flash app complained of insufficient bandwidth a couple of times, too. lol04:27
[dlp]Insufficient bandwidth to play into the future :D04:27
[dlp]I'm just gonna have to let the system run and see if uptime really is relevant.04:28
[dlp]*VERY* strange.04:29
PlowRoxanybody know how to get the speaker  icon back to the task bar?04:30
gsrL3top, tried installing the drivers from the official ati site, still no joy.  im thinking your original idea might be on the money04:35
L3topUbuntu developers explained as well that I am looking for the information on the wrong side of the fence. AMD only advertizes their catalyst version (12-4), and the actual fglrx version is what is indicated in the repo. Getting documentation from AMD is not... intuitive. Thier "release notes" are step by step installation instructions. Do you currently have their version installed?04:37
PlowRoxati sux04:37
kristenBDoes anybody know why the sum of all the processes memory usage in 'ps aux' and the sum displayed in htop    is different from 'free' > memory used ?04:37
PlowRoxi have an $800 video card that worthless in linux thanks to ati and they heads up they ass holes attitude04:38
L3topkristenB: because some onboard devices cache memory not held in process?04:38
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kristenBL3top: would that account for a few GB difference ?04:39
PlowRoxtry ps ax04:39
L3topGB? I would say no kristenB.04:39
kristenBL3top: then what could account for that04:39
* L3top was just taking a stab at that... any further conjecture has a much slimmer chance at being correct.04:40
WingedekristenB, onboard devices will take up memory, the poorer the design the more memory they generally take and you will loose within your os.  But if the sum is gb's that doesn't sound quite right.04:41
L3topgsr do you have the driver from teh ATI site installed currently? Because I would appreciate it if you would run a couple of quick queries to determine what version fglrx it is... and you should  try lsmod | grep fglrx04:41
kristenBWingede:      ps aux | awk '{s+=$4} END {print s}'     = 1804:41
PlowRoxas long as the box runs.. i dont worry about totals of ram... thats like worring about the bits your mouse drops while scrolling04:41
L3topCould be a security issue PlowRox... in theory.04:42
L3topWorth figuring out04:42
PlowRoxun plug it04:42
gsrL3top, uninstalled it :(.  I'd do it again, but its bed time for me :(.04:42
PlowRoxif the program is malisious it will go postal trying to get online04:43
L3topNo worries. i will work it out... night gsr04:43
gsrL3top,  Thanks for looking into it though.  ill be back on here tomorrow if your around.04:43
L3topPlowRox: That simply is not accurate.04:43
PlowRoxthen dont worry about it04:43
L3topThat is also inaccurate.04:43
kristenBso from ps's point of view, 18% of memory or so is used. Yet with free, it shows almost 100% is used04:44
Vodrichow can I run an exe as another user from terminal?04:44
PlowRoxgoogle it.. unless the cpu is prcessing in that area of missing ram..its not used04:44
PlowRoxcould just be garbage collection +/-04:45
PlowRoxi just want my speaker icon back... so i can turn on and off my sound04:46
PlowRoxand no u cant enable it from settings04:46
mah454I need change default gnome-shell theme and icon theme for all users , How can do this ?04:51
mah454All new users04:51
[dlp]Well, changing clocksource did not help.04:54
[dlp]Didn't really expect it to, tbh.04:54
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user01phunyguy, nope i got 5 server errors with -t=004:59
user01phunyguy, and it didnt matter04:59
user01but for error 500 on 5 it didnt show05:00
user01or it didnt retry indefinitely05:00
phunyguysounds like a bug05:01
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Grant_PHey anyone notice kernel 3.2.0-26-generic breaks sound while watching video's. The sound skips every minute or so, rolled back the kernel to 3.2.0-25-generic and it's all good.05:03
ActionParsnipGrant_P: tried:  killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse*   wait 10 seconds and reboot05:04
Grant_PActionParsnip: Can you tell me what that does exactly?05:04
ActionParsnipGrant_P: it stops teh pulse process then deletes the config, the 10 second wait allows the process to restart which wil then regenerate the folder and file to default the settings05:07
aeon-ltdGrant_P: in short, a 'reset'05:07
ActionParsnipGrant_P: the reboot is just for good measure05:08
ActionParsnipGrant_P: great first step for sound issues05:08
Grant_PActionParsnip: aeon-ltd: will try, thanks.05:09
dcdogI am trying to install ubuntu on a powerbook g4 but I need a bit of help05:11
dcdoganyone here done that type of thing ?05:11
mah454I need change default gnome-shell theme and icon theme for all users , How can do this ?05:12
ActionParsnipdcdog: there is a PPC ISO of Precise you can use05:12
dcdogi've already got the CD burnt and I am in the install part now05:12
dcdogthe part I am having problems with is the partitioning05:12
ActionParsnipdcdog: are you setting up a dual boot?05:13
dcdogno, I am just trying to set it up on an external drive05:13
dcdogsingle boot05:13
ActionParsnipnot done that myself, is the drive detectable in the setup as a drive you can setup?05:13
dcdogyes, it seems to register ok05:14
dcdogright now I am at the window which says "Installation type"05:14
ActionParsnipdcdog: I'd choose the 'Somethig else' option05:14
dcdogyes, that is what I did, I am now at the window where I can see the partitions05:15
Richard_CavellAm I right in thinking that 10.04 uses GNOME 2 and will do until 2015?05:15
ActionParsnipdcdog: ok then you will need to least 2 partitions. 1 for / and one for swap, how much RAM does the system have?05:15
dcdog2 gigs of ram05:16
dcdoghow much space do I need to allow for swap ?05:16
ActionParsnipRichard_Cavell: Lucid desktop is EOL in April next year05:16
VodricI am trying to set myself as owner of a folder using chown -R root /folder. it says operation not permitted. I cannot copy files to this folder, etc. Any help please? I also tried chown -R root:root /folder05:17
ActionParsnipdcdog: then set swap as 2.2Gb and the rest as / formatted Ext405:17
ActionParsnipVodric: is the partition mounted writable?05:17
Richard_CavellActionParsnip: well let me rephrase the question.  I want a non-bloated Linux distro that runs GNOME 2 to run in vbox.05:17
Vodricas far as I know? I created the folder05:17
dcdogok, let me do that05:17
Richard_Cavellthat is still supported, but doesn't have to be bleeding edge05:17
ActionParsnipRichard_Cavell: Xubuntu or lubuntu are nice and lean05:17
Vodricwith mkdir05:17
Richard_CavellActionParsnip: I said GNOME 205:17
Vodricand I downloaded things to it05:18
dcdoghold on a sec while I do what you told me to do05:18
wolfgang_My screen is really zoomed in!05:18
wolfgang_what do i do?05:18
VodricI seem to have access in terminal, but not in gui?05:18
ActionParsnipVodric: thats irrelevant, if the partition is mounted read only, not even root can write to it (afaik)05:18
wolfgang_its all really big05:18
ActionParsnipwolfgang_: was it ok a little while ago?05:18
OerHeksRichard_Cavell, gnome2 is EOL.05:18
VodricYes it is, I have tested just now. I can do anything in terminal, but in gui im getting errors?05:18
wolfgang_Actionparsnip, it did this after i closed out of mupen64plus05:19
ActionParsnipRichard_Cavell: gnome2 is dead, you could use mint which isn't supported here which uses Mate which is a fork of gnome205:19
ActionParsnipwolfgang_: what video chip do you use?05:19
Richard_CavellActionParsnip: I'm in denial about GNOME 2 being dead.05:19
wolfgang_Actionparsnip, What do you mean?05:19
kristenBcan someone help me with ssh please ?05:20
ActionParsnipwolfgang_: the chip on your video card, what is it? ATi? nvidia? intel?05:20
ActionParsnipRichard_Cavell: go ask in #gnome and you'll see05:20
dksainihi  gm05:21
dcdogok, I got those partitions set up, I am going to press the button which say install05:21
ActionParsnipRichard_Cavell: there are forks but they aren't supported here, xfce looks a lot like Gnome205:21
wolfgang_actionparsnip, could not see all of word nividia not sure05:21
dcdogI have highlighed he main one as root, is that ok ?05:21
babalabonI used to be a hardcore ubuntu user years ago, I've forgotten everything, where is the settings and options for firefox??05:21
ActionParsnipdcdog: ok as long as you set the right disk up and have a / partition and swap, it will install to the usb05:21
dksainihow  i can use koha05:21
babalabonI dont even remember how to install things05:21
dcdogok, here goes05:22
babalabonWhere is my terminal??05:22
ActionParsnipbabalabon: use software centre to install stuff05:22
ActionParsnipbabalabon: in dash, or press CTRLA+LT+T05:22
wolfgang_babalabon, ctr+alt+t05:22
dcdogshit, it says No Newworld boot partition was found05:22
ActionParsnipdcdog: the highlight is irrelevant, the installer will see the mount points you set05:22
nanaihey threre'05:23
OerHeksbabalabon, focus to firefox, then the top panel will show file-edit-etc05:23
nanaifuck u all assoles05:23
wolfgang_nanai, chill out05:23
Richard_CavellActionParsnip: good idea, I'll ask in #gnome05:23
dcdogits saying the yaboot loader requires an Apple_bootstrap partition of at least 819k in size05:24
OerHeksnanai, please /join ##english to learn writing.05:24
nanaihey wolfgang05:24
wolfgang_nanai, Why you so pissy?05:24
nanaii m new to bt05:24
nanaii need some help05:24
wolfgang_nanai, what?05:24
nanaii m sorry for that05:24
Novasunmost guides for these issues would be more effective if people added pictures to explain how to fix a problem rather then text or a video of it05:24
OerHeks!backtrack | nanai05:24
ubottunanai: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition05:24
wolfgang_nanai, hold on i have to restart my comp be right back05:24
nanaifuck it05:25
nanaihey alFReD-NSH05:26
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org05:26
wolfgang_nani what was your prob?05:26
wolfgang_nanai, what was the prob?05:27
nanaiwas ??05:27
ActionParsnipNovasun: the problems can be vast and wide, so not really practical05:27
wolfgang_nanai, You fixed?05:27
nanainothing jus joined here05:27
wolfgang_nanai, oh ok05:27
Novasunwell adding video + image helps the learning curb is all im saying05:27
nanaiso wss up05:27
kwtm2hmm... mint channel info from ubottu not accurate; I'm one of 2 people there ...05:27
dksainihow i can ILS using koha05:27
wolfgang_nanai, what was your question?05:27
OerHeksjoining irc as root is a bad idea, nanai05:28
nanaihow can i use bt to learn about security05:28
wolfgang_nanai click my name05:28
nanaido i need any coding skills05:28
wolfgang_nanai, in top left it should be red05:28
ActionParsnipnanai: i'd use ubuntu first and learn the OS you are using05:28
ActionParsnipnanai: just using backtrack won't teach you anything about security05:28
alkisgDoes Ubuntu ever run `apt-get clean` by itself or from some GUI, or do I have to run it manually from the console periodically?05:29
ActionParsnipnanai: you also need to read about networking and how network stuff works05:29
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ActionParsnipalkisg: you can run:  sudo apt-get autoclean     and debs will not be retained between installs05:29
ActionParsnipnanai: I suggest you ask stuff in #backtrack-linux  where your distro is supported05:30
alkisgActionParsnip: so users that don't user the command line and use an LTS version of Ubuntu, might end up with e.g. 10 Gb on /var/apt/cache/archives, right?05:30
dcdogparsnip, I set up the newworld partition but it still doesn't want to install05:31
Nicekiwi_interesting.. I set FlightGear to locate my aircraft to my local Airport (on the list) and it dumped me in the ocean :P05:31
dcdogthe installer said there were conflicting files and could not continue05:32
ActionParsnipalkisg: its nothing to do with LTS and non-LTS05:32
dcdognow I am back at the Installation type window05:32
ActionParsnipalkisg: its a setting for apt-get05:32
ActionParsnipalkisg: you can run:  sudo apt-get clean    and clean the apt cache05:33
sunshinehappyvidalia can't connect to the debian-tor instance of tor that's launched by init, if I kill it vidalia can launch its own tor and work fine: How can I get it so I don't have to kill the debian-tor tor after starting up?05:33
alkisgActionParsnip: LTS == people keep it for many years, because you said that the cache is not retained between installs05:33
ActionParsnipalkisg: you get the same with Windows, look in %WINDIR% and show hidden files, look at the folders starting with a dollar sign05:33
ActionParsnipalkisg: if you run: sudo apt-get autoclean THEN it won't be retained05:34
alkisgActionParsnip: I'm just looking to see if there's a GUI way to do apt-get clean, otherwise I'll put a menu in my teacher-supporting app05:34
alkisg(that runs apt-get clean fro them)05:34
alkisg(or autoclean, or autoremove, etc)05:34
ActionParsnipalkisg: not sure, I've not used GUI for package stuff in years, takes too long to do anything05:34
alkisgMe too :)05:34
jnbhow do I install an autorun file within my documents with root privledges05:35
ActionParsnipjnb: what is an autorun file?05:36
jnbprinter softwre05:36
ActionParsnipjnb: is tis a windows file by any chance?05:36
jnbIt a standard linux file containing multiple drivers05:36
wolfgang_Actionparsnip, I got mupen64plus running do you have any idea how to change controls? it says on web site that you do it in config file but i can't find the part where you change the controls? would i add it in?05:36
ActionParsnipjnb: what is the filename please?05:36
ActionParsnipwolfgang_: like I said earlier...I haven't used it in years05:37
wolfgang_Actionparsnip, ok.05:37
jnbUnified Linux Driver05:37
jnb from Samsung05:37
jnbI log in with sudo -i05:37
jnbhowever that is only good for the terminal windo05:37
jnbI need root privileges outside the terminal window05:38
jnbthe drivers with in Ubuntu work work05:38
ActionParsnipjnb: you do know there is a repo for those drivers....05:39
jnbno I dont know05:39
jnbthis is for a samsung ml-2160 wireless printer05:40
ActionParsnipjnb: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=34162105:40
jnbI am installing the printer via the network05:40
diverdudeHow of is contents of /tmp deleted?05:40
dcdogparsnip, I think I might have to start over again05:40
Novasunthey delete auto on reset05:40
diverdudeHow often is contents of /tmp deleted?05:42
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jnbhow could i execute the install with root privileges05:42
MissVeradiverdude, i thought it was everytime you rebooted?05:42
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dcdogwhat kind of format should the swap area and the apple bootload area ?05:43
ActionParsnipjnb: add the priner and install the samsungmfp-driver, samsungmfp-data and samsungmfp-scanner packages05:43
ActionParsnipjnb: run it with sudo05:43
jnb@thank Action, however I would like to click on the file in my download folder and install. I am a newbie how do I go about accomplising the follow.  Basically install an file with root privileges.05:45
MissVeraDoes ext4 work for Xubuntu?05:45
littlebearspaI've used ubuntu since the beginning - now with 12.04LTS it won't work - says internal error and screen goes blank - video card is nvidia 6150 le.  any thoughts?05:46
ActionParsnipjnb: is it a single file only?05:47
ChogyDanlittlebearspa: have you looked at the Xorg.0.log file?05:47
ChogyDanMissVera: I think ext4 works for any Ubuntu05:47
littlebearspaChogyDan: no - what would I look for?05:48
Novasunlittlelebear is it x64 or x82?05:48
ChogyDanlittlebearspa: in /var/log/Xorg.0.log   look for errors05:48
littlebearspaNovasun: 3205:48
MissVeraChogyDan: I'mjust having to use Gparted, and I've done this...Once before. Trying to remember things :x05:48
jnb@ yes Action a single file only sorry it took me so long to reply stepped away05:49
ActionParsnipjnb: its a simple command: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1068889/05:49
littlebearspaNovasun: and ChogyDan: thanks!05:49
MissVeraI cant seem to format one of the partitions though :/05:49
ActionParsnipjnb: try those 3 commands05:49
Novasunsudo apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates05:50
Novasunthen   type sudo apt-get update05:50
Novasunthen type sudo apt-get install nvidia-current05:50
ActionParsnip!who | Novasun05:50
ubottuNovasun: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)05:50
jnbthanks action05:50
ActionParsnipjnb: that's all that site says...05:50
jnbhowever in the near future05:50
=== Nanaki is now known as Guest16799
jnbis there a sudo command I can run to activate the autoinsatller05:51
MissVeraDoes anyone know what would cause GParted to not allow you to delete or format a partition?05:51
ActionParsnipjnb: what is the name of the file and where is it located?05:51
ActionParsnipjnb: case very sensitive05:51
ActionParsnipjnb: if you must do it the hard way, I can play05:51
jnbhome/download/unified linux driver05:52
ActionParsnipjnb: do you mean /home/yourusername/Download/unified linux driver05:52
ActionParsnipjnb: is the file literally caled 'unified linux driver'05:52
ActionParsnipjnb: same case, and with the spaces?05:52
erica647Anyone been able to get the battery indicator working in the top bar on Ubuntu 12.04?05:53
jnbsorry no spaces05:53
ActionParsnipjnb: ok once more05:53
ActionParsnipjnb: what is the name of the file and where is it located?05:53
ActionParsnipjnb: the case, spaces and all that stuff is VERY important05:54
jnbcdroot folder the file is called autorun05:54
ActionParsnipjnb: Linux is 100% case sensitiove05:54
jnbI created a root log in and double clicked on the file to install05:54
jnbI later removed the root log-in05:54
ActionParsnipjnb: so it's in ~/Downloads/cdroot/autorun05:54
jnbhow can I give myself the permissions to install this file by just double clicking05:55
jnb@Action yes05:55
ActionParsnipjnb: i'm trying but you can't give the detail I need05:55
ActionParsnipjnb: chmod +x  ~/Downloads/cdroot/autorun && gksudo ~/Downloads/cdroot/autorun05:55
jnb@Action what more info do you need05:56
Nanaki_LionHi all. I got a weird problem with my Wireless connection. It does fully connect to my laptop, my router reconisze it, yet I have totaly no internet with it. No firewalls are running. Right now I am connected to my router via cable. What must i do so my wireless connection goes over the net again. This problem I only have since 21.0405:56
ActionParsnipjnb: run taht as ONE command and it will install05:56
jnbok perfect will copy and past05:56
Nanaki_Lionoops 12.04 i mean05:56
ActionParsnipjnb: you don't actually need the file at all, there is a PPA with the driver which will install for you but you seem completely hell bent on using this file you have05:56
jnbwhat is ppa05:57
jnbI was trying to mimic the priviledges given to a root user when he logs in.05:58
jnbwhen I enabled root log in all i had to do was double click with left mouse05:58
ChogyDanjnb: you should use the ppa, it is better05:58
ActionParsnipjnb: its a 3rd party source for packages and it will allow you to install the packages using software centre05:58
jnbwhat is ppa05:58
jnbok will install now05:58
ActionParsnipjnb: yes but you are now running the file as user, so you only have user acces05:58
ActionParsnipjnb: so when your user double clicks the file it runs as user which doesn't have enough access to install it05:59
ActionParsnipjnb: that's why sudo and gksudo exist05:59
Novasunubuntu totem-xine can work for autoplay default05:59
jnbsudo and gksudo seems to work within the terminal windows only05:59
Novasunif you modify fstab then back it up first06:00
jnbi looked for ppa is software center and nothing came up06:00
ActionParsnipjnb: you can run gksudo on its own then point it at the file you want to run06:00
jnbI tried that browse button and nothing happened06:00
jnbwill try again now06:00
ActionParsnipjnb: the pastebin I gave you has 3 commands, one adds the ppa, the 2nd adds the key and the second installs the packages06:00
snap_hey, I'm getting some errors from dpkg when trying to install packages saying that I have corrupt packages and I have't been able to track down anything to fix this.  Here is output: http://pastebin.com/WLBWieY0  Anyone have any ideas?06:00
NovasunCDDE in software center might help if you cant read a cd06:01
jnbAction the gksud doesn't allow me to browse to the file06:02
ActionParsnipjnb: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1068896/  I missed a step06:02
ActionParsnipjnb: you can run:  gksudo ~/Downloads/cdroot/autorun06:02
Space-DuckAnyone know how to install sqlite3 for use in php?06:03
Space-DuckI'm trying to install sqlite3 and use it in PHP. I installed the sqlite3 packages and then followed these steps ( http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8039665&postcount=6 ) to add the extension to apache. and now when I run my php I get this...I'm trying to install sqlite3 and use it in PHP. I installed the sqlite3 packages and then followed these steps ( http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8039665&postcount=6 ) to add the extension06:03
Space-Duckto apache. and now when I run my php I get this...06:03
Space-DuckPHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php5/20090626+lfs/sqlite3.so' - /usr/lib/php5/20090626+lfs/sqlite3.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 006:03
jnb@action thanks for your help06:04
CoreySpace-Duck: Crap approach.  php5-sqlite  is all you need.06:04
icerootSpace-Duck: how you installed it? apt-get?06:04
icerootSpace-Duck: sudo apt-get install php5-sqlite06:05
Space-Duckiceroot, I used the ubuntu software center06:05
zastaphanyone running ubuntu natively on a macbook air/pro ? Is it cumbersome to setup the dualboot through EFI and would it be a better option just to use vbox?06:05
Space-Duckdoes php5-sqlite have sqlite3?06:05
Nanaki_LionI am trying to fix my Wifi that refuses to go on the internet, yet connect to my router. What must I do to get it on the internet? No firewalls used so it is not blocked.06:05
* caravel got around the alternate/partition manager issue mentioned earlier -- "of course" :) -- once a pv is created via assisted lvm+luks, it just can't be "removed" within the same install session -> abort install, start over, manual partionning... ?!06:06
ActionParsnipNanaki_Lion: what is the output of: lsb_release -sc    please06:06
CoreyNanaki_Lion: Is a default gateway being set?06:06
mbleighhey all, i'm trying to set up dual boot win/ubuntu on my new asus zenbook prime but i'm having boot loader issues, can anyone help?06:06
caravel[...] pvremove works from tty2, but the installer won't see any change06:06
icerootSpace-Duck: it has the sqlite extension matching your php version06:06
Nanaki_LionActionparsnip: one sec06:06
ActionParsnipNanaki_Lion: thanks06:07
icerootSpace-Duck: libsqlite3-0 (>= 3.7.4)06:07
icerootSpace-Duck: so yes, its using sqlite3 with the correct php extention for php506:07
bart__zastaph, Linus Tarvolds runs his linux on a macbook pro06:07
zastaphbart, I bet he does :) but it's not just point and click to set it up.. I've seen some guides06:08
Nanaki_Lionyes default gateway is set correct. but your line only gives me precise (if you need to enter it in terminal atleast06:08
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ActionParsnipNanaki_Lion: can you ping
Nanaki_LionActionparsnip: where can i do that best? mind you i am right now connected via cable. so a ping is no use. As said i got totaly no internet via my Wifi, yet it connects to the router.06:10
ActionParsnipNanaki_Lion: i'd go for gnnome-terminal   there is no 'best'06:11
ActionParsnipNanaki_Lion: ping over the wifi06:11
* caravel good sunday ^^06:13
Nanaki_Lionbrb then, need to pull the cable from my laptop to be able to ping like that.06:13
Nanaki_LionSo back.06:15
Nanaki_LionPing to failed as pinging my router also failed.06:16
rinzlerupdate manager wants to notify me of updates, but apt-get holds them back when i do apt-get update && apt-get upgrade... any idea of how to get notification center to let go of my system?06:17
Nanaki_LionActionParsnip: did the ping, it failed, as it also failed to ping my router.06:18
Nanaki_LionActionParsnip: so back, ping failed to the one you gave and to my router.06:20
L3toprinzler, do you have PPAs?06:26
decciI have a Linux Machine(Ubuntu) as Session Manager.My resolv.conf says:  search localhost nameserver nameserver  I am trying to configure Windows 2003 as Application Server. During the Apllication Server setup , the Application server is not getting added to unregistered list. I cross-checked with running nslookup on Windows machine and it does list as DNS server. So there is no DNS issue(right06:26
decciit all says "Session Manager not connected, sleeping for a while". What could be the issue?06:26
ActionParsnipNanaki_Lion: then your interface is not getting DHCP, probably not connecting06:26
Nanaki_Lionactionparsnip: DHCP server is enabled and set to automatic.06:27
rinzlerL3top: not sure.06:29
L3toprinzler: does ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d return a result?06:30
HaddockkI am having this weird issue with my HD6670 with foss driver: Right after installation, when i reboot, all I can see is a purple screen, sometimes it flickers a bit, but I can't see any login window. Doing "nomodeset" lets me login, but with lower resolution. But, booting from a live media works fine with native resolution and 2d acceleration. Any help much appreciated :)06:31
rinzlerL3top: yes: google-chrome.list google-chrome.list.save06:31
L3toprinzler: sudo mv /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* ~      or replace ~ with a folder of your choosing and sudo apt-get update06:32
L3topHaddockk: what resolution are you trying to achieve?06:34
HaddockkL3top: my monitor supports 1366x76806:35
EDawg878When using pwmconfig how could I tell what sensor something is for example: hwmon0/device/temp1_input06:36
rinzlerL3top: it's still keeping back packages06:37
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L3topCan I see a pastebin rinzler?06:37
rinzlerL3top: yup. one sec...06:38
decciGuys, I can ping Ubuntu machine from Windows machine while unable to ping Windows machine from Ubuntu. The DNS for both shows the same IP.06:38
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decciIf I do nslookup <ubuntuIP> it shows an IP which is listed on /etc/resolv.conf on Ubuntu06:39
L3topHaddockk: can you login with nomodeset and give me a pastebin of xrandr --verbose06:39
rinzlerL3top: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1068936/06:40
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L3toprinzler: uname -r06:41
rinzlerL3top: 3.2.0-23-generic-pae06:42
Sparky_Anyone here know how to use Xchat?06:42
rinzlerSparky_: using it right now. what's up?06:43
L3toprinzler: it is holding back the linux kernel itself. I expect it wants you to sudo apt-get dist-upgrade.06:43
Sparky_Ah, I want to make it autoconnect to Irc.gamesurge.net and a few channels06:43
rinzlerL3top: mmkay. lemme try...06:43
decciI am trying to ping Linux machine from Windows it works but while I try to ping Windows box(Win 2003) from Linux it dont? I checked DNS. I ran nslookup <linuxbox) command on Windows 2003 server and it does show DNS entry which is listed on /etc/resolv.conf on Linux06:44
HaddockkL3top: i shall do some other time, busy with something urgent :(06:44
Sparky_rinzler, do you know how to do that?06:45
rinzlerSparky_: ctrl+s, select your server, hit edit on right, check box that says something allong the lines of connect automatically.06:45
Sparky_Oh, ok thanks :)06:45
rinzlerSparky_: sry, was looking it up06:45
L3top!ppa | rinzler: you can mv that ppa back if you want chrome updates... but...06:45
ubotturinzler: you can mv that ppa back if you want chrome updates... but...: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge06:46
GNS3Talkdecci: Is the Windows firewall enabled?06:46
Sparky_rinzler, CTRL^S opens up a dialog to save the log from #Ubuntu06:46
rinzlerSparky_: ok, then replace the ctrl+s with Network List under the XChat meny06:47
Sparky_Uhhhh 0.006:47
Sparky_I'm new to Ubuntu and all this jazz.... Idk how to do that o.o06:48
rinzlerSparky_: are you in xchat now?06:48
rinzlerSparky_: go to the XChat menu.06:48
rinzlerit's the first ite,06:48
rinzlerthat meny06:49
Sparky_Nothing is happning x.x06:49
rinzlerare you sure you're in xchat?06:49
Sparky_XChat-GNOME IRC Chat06:50
Sparky_Thats what it says on the dock to the left06:50
Sparky_Is it not the same thing -_-06:50
lrcaballeroSparky: try using Pidgin...for better result06:51
rinzleropen a terminal and do "sudo apt-get install xchat"06:51
rinzlerw/o quotes06:51
rinzlerand, no, it's apparently not the same thing...06:51
Sparky_How do I open a terminal? Sorry i'm VERY new to Ubuntu x.x06:51
Sparky_I installed Ubuntu onto my computer about 3 hours ago06:52
rinzlerclick on the top icon in the dock and start typing terminal, and it should bring up an icon06:52
raitarcan xchat use commands,just like /whois xxxx06:52
sjoosSparky_: ctrl+alt+t06:52
Sparky_Oh :306:52
raitarmy can't06:52
Sparky_lol I got it XD06:52
rinzlerthat too...06:52
lrcaballeroSparky: go to Dash Home type Terminal06:52
Sparky_Thats what I did lrcaballero ^^06:53
rinzlerthat's the word that I was looking for: Dash Home06:53
lrcaballeronow double click on your terminal06:53
lrcaballeroor single click06:53
rinzlerI'm on xfce :P06:53
Sparky_kk I opened a terminal :P06:54
Sparky_Its asking for a password06:55
rinzlerif you copy and paste that command, remember to use ctrl+shift+v to paste it into the terminal, cause ctrl+v means something else06:55
lrcaballeroSparky: try installing Pidgin...$ sudo apt-get install pidgin inside your terminal06:55
Sparky_But I can't type anything -.-06:55
Sparky_It asks for my password, but I can't type anything in it x.x06:55
rinzleruse your password. it won't display anything for security reasons, but you are really typing06:55
lrcaballeroclick inside the terminal06:55
Sparky_oh lol06:55
Sparky_I see ^^06:56
rinzlerit should go through a whole speil, and if it asks Y/n? just hit enter06:56
Sparky_Ok it looks like it finished06:57
Sparky_lol ^^]06:58
rinzlernow open xchat, and it should bring up the window that I was trying to get to.06:58
Sparky_Thanks ^^07:01
Sparky_Ugh XD it join freenode again lol07:02
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ganesh_can u switch kernal in burg07:09
atjesseCan someone tell me how to configure Canon iR6570 in Ubuntu?07:09
icerootganesh_: ?07:10
atjesseganesh_, think you can press "e" and you get grub-like edit mode!07:11
killerhow do i set up ad hoc so that i can use my wired connection also on my android phone07:12
raptor67682do you know the mms stream of france info radio (news radio) ?07:13
EDawg878Can somebody assist me with fancontrol/pwmconfig, I need to correlate fanspeed to hardware temperature07:16
dn4what is an alternative to mathematic ?07:17
Endafyhey how do I purchase the laptop on the home page?07:17
EndafyI click the image and it doesnt do anything07:18
melodie_is there someone knowing a bit the tricks related to grub-customize ? I tried to change the font type but it is not used, another font is systematically used instead07:18
ikoniaEndafy: it's not a web shop07:18
ikoniaEndafy: it's an image, it's n ot real07:18
Endafyikonia: why not? I want to buy it07:18
ikoniaEndafy: it's an image.....07:19
EDawg878its probably from https://www.system76.com/07:19
melodie_Endafy, what kind of lappy do you want to buy ? what country are you in ?07:19
Endafythe US07:19
EndafyI want the one on the Ubuntu home page07:19
melodie_do you want it new or refurbished ?07:19
ikoniano, it's just an image07:19
melodie_ah ha ! :D07:19
zastaphi want to install ubuntu on macbook air.. but I wonder if it's ok to run linux from a usb flash drive07:19
EndafyI want the advertised product07:19
ikoniaEndafy: it's not advertised07:19
melodie_Endafy, imho the best lappys are IBM/Lenovo Thinkpad07:19
ikoniaEndafy: it's just an image07:20
ikoniaEndafy: it does not say it's for sale, nor does ubuntu.com sell products07:20
Endafyikonia: alright then why not just show the Ubuntu image07:20
ikoniaEndafy: it's showing an example device running the OS07:20
Endafywhy advertise a thin nice looking laptop07:20
PriyanthaHi all :) I have graphics problems on my HP Elitebook 8560w with Nvidia Quadro 2000M, yesterday ActionParsnip helped me alot but it didn't solve my problem :(07:20
zastaphdoes anyone run ubuntu from a usb flash drive?07:20
melodie_Endafy, just to make you have the wish for it. ;)07:20
PriyanthaI have looked at it more, and found out that it is probaly something with the framebuffer07:21
Endafyikonia: coming from a business perspective, and please dont take offense, thats astoundingly stupid07:21
melodie_Priyantha, you can do this:07:21
Priyanthabut I disabled the framebuffer in Grub07:21
Priyanthabut it didn't help :(07:21
Priyanthavga=normal nomodeset, i tried07:21
Endafymelodie_: so it seem07:21
ikoniaEndafy: it sounds fine, ubuntu is not a hardware vendor07:21
Endafythen dont show hardware07:21
melodie_Priyantha, you get nividia-tools, create a small xorg.conf with nvidia-xconfig, then comment with a # the line "pci bus id"07:21
melodie_then it should work07:22
Endafytruth in advertising07:22
ikoniaEndafy: well, this channel is for ubuntu technical support, so I guess this conversation is done07:22
Priyanthammm what does that do then melodie_ ?07:22
melodie_Priyantha, does your system use nvidia or nouveau ?07:22
Priyanthanvidia melodie_07:22
Endafyif you only sell diamonds dont show rings, or put a giant red logo saying "example"07:22
melodie_Priyantha, are you sure ?07:22
PriyanthaI am 100% sure ;)07:22
PriyanthaI installed it yesterday07:22
ikoniaEndafy: enough now, you can't buy it, disucssion done07:22
Endafythis is a support quandary07:22
lrcaballeroikonia: DELL sells laptops with ubuntu install, but for this you have to call them and request it07:22
melodie_do a "sudo lshw | grep driver" and check07:22
Endafyikonia: thats rude07:23
ikonialrcaballero: why are you telling me this ? I know07:23
ikoniaEndafy: no, it's not, this is a technical support channel, you've been told ubuntu.com doesn't sell hardware, discussion done07:23
melodie_Priyantha, you installed : but if you still have "nouveau" in the system, maybe it is preferred (without you knowing) this is why you should check07:23
Endafyno need to be an asshole about it jeez07:23
Priyantha                configuration: driver=nvidia latency=007:24
melodie_Priyantha, good ! now do you have a file in /etc/X11 which has for a name "xorg.conf" ?07:24
L3topPriyantha: What exactly is the problem?07:24
Priyanthaafter running the nvidia-xconfig there is no statement in the xorg.conf with  pci bus id07:24
melodie_L3top, I was going to ask him,07:24
Priyanthayes I have ;)07:24
Priyanthathe problem is as follows07:24
Priyanthawhen I am visiting websites or just opening programs07:25
Priyanthathe screen wil flicker a lot07:25
Priyanthawhen I open for example this console(for irssi)07:25
Priyanthathere is some transparancy going on then07:25
PriyanthaBUT when I reboot my system07:25
L3toplspci -nn | grep VGA     please07:25
PriyanthaI can see still that screen during the Bios POST07:25
melodie_Priyantha, this is probably coming from Flashplayer07:26
Priyanthaand even during the grub screen07:26
melodie_each time I have viewed a flash video it does that in my machine07:26
melodie_Priyantha, and when I close the tab where the video is present, then it stops07:26
melodie_you might want to try07:26
Priyanthawhen I am waiting logn enough, the image disapears, it looks like Plasma retention07:26
melodie_Priyantha, did you read me ?07:27
* L3top suspects Priyantha is correct about the framebuffer.07:27
Priyanthayes I did :)07:27
melodie_did you see L3top asking you a command line output ?07:27
Priyantha01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: NVIDIA Corporation GF106 [Quadro 2000M] [10de:0dda] (rev a1)07:27
PriyanthaHere it is :)07:27
PriyanthaYeah I do think it's with the framebuffer07:27
PriyanthaI am quite technical myself ;) but it's so long ago I used Linux on a desktop07:27
melodie_L3top, Priyantha can you explain why the framebuffer, and not the flash videos ?07:28
mbleighi can't seem to get my system recognizing grub as the bootloader07:28
L3topPriyantha: did you install nvidia-current or nvidia-current-updates?07:28
PriyanthaBecause melodie_ I didn't opened sites using Flash ;)07:28
PriyanthaI tried both L3top07:28
L3topBecause it is retaining BIOS post. This is something grabbing hold and not letting go from jump street07:28
melodie_Priyantha, good point07:28
Priyanthaand even tried the newer nvidia drivers from the x-updates ppa07:29
Priyanthabut that didn't solve it either07:29
L3topI would purge the nouveau driver from your system.07:29
melodie_Priyantha, did you try nouveau ?07:29
melodie_L3top, this is also a good idea07:29
melodie_either or07:29
PriyanthaNo I didn't EDawg878 :)07:29
L3topthat card is pretty spankin new... I would go with the nvidia driver over nouveau... for a lot of reasons...07:30
melodie_Priyantha, try that ? and for the framebuffer you could modify the kernel command line in one of those numerous grub files, I am not sure which one07:30
melodie_going now...07:30
ganesh_can u switch kernal in burgback07:31
Priyanthaapt-get remove --purge libdrm-nouveau2 xserver-xorg-video-nouveau07:31
PriyanthaReading package lists... Done07:31
Priyanthadoing that now :)07:31
L3topthen reboot please and see if you can reproduce the problem Priyantha.07:31
Priyanthayes I will :)07:31
ganesh_anyway i am installing a new kernal and i am using burg07:31
PriyanthaI don't thing I am going to use the nouveau driver07:32
Priyanthathat driver is still to much in development07:32
ganesh_so i was wondering if u can change ur kernal same like in grub207:32
auronandaceganesh_: you should just stick with grub, burg isn't supported07:32
Priyanthagoing to alter /etc/default/grub to disable the splash shizzle07:32
L3topwell... it is a losing battle unfortunately Priyantha... but they do awesome work... considering.07:32
ganesh_so there is no way?07:32
PriyanthaGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="vga=normale nomodeset"07:33
Priyanthathat is what I am going to put07:33
Priyanthashould be good I think :)07:33
Priyanthayes it is L3top07:33
Priyanthathey are doing great work yes I know :)07:33
ganesh_i do have grub customizer and it does support burg so can u use that change kernal?07:33
Priyanthawill update-grub and then reboot L3top see you a 2 minutes ;)07:33
auronandaceganesh_: if you need help with ppas then contact their maintainers07:34
auronandaceganesh_: they are unsupported here07:34
Priyanthaback :)07:35
ganesh_i see07:36
Priyanthammmm made a  typo in my Grub line :P07:36
Priyanthanormale had to be normal ;)07:36
PriyanthaIt didn't help though :(07:37
Priyanthastill the flickering07:37
L3topfraid of that.07:37
Priyanthauhu same here ;)07:37
michaelrose357Hi what packages should I need to mount an encrypted raid created with fedora?07:37
michaelrose357or an encrypted raid array in general07:37
PriyanthaI was wondering melodie was talking about altering the xorg.conf07:38
jimmy8888i seem to be missing "update-rc.d" command in 12.04 - does anybody else have it?07:38
Priyanthabut that line he talked about, it not by default in the config07:38
gaelfxmichaelrose357: not completely sure, but I would assume whatever software was used to create the encryption should be able to do it07:39
michaelrose357that is probably correct but not extremely useful it was created by anaconda07:39
Priyanthabut I can put it myself of course07:39
michaelrose357during installlation07:39
Priyanthajust a BusID statement07:39
Priyanthabut is that going to help is the question ;)07:39
L3topPriyantha: It is a tad more complicated than stuffing it in there... you need to convert it.07:40
Priyanthayeah I know, from the lspci statement07:40
bekksmichaelrose357: Then you have to ask the Fedora support to please tell you how the encrypt a RAID using anaconda.07:40
L3topPriyantha: but all that does is designate the correct bus output... in case it is confused... but you would have to have more buses avail which you do not appeear to.07:41
gaelfxmichaelrose357: so ask in the fedora room what packages anaconda uses for encryption07:41
michaelrose357packages can't be exactly the same...hmm07:41
=== michaelrose357 is now known as mikerose357
PriyanthaL3top: exactly what I thought, and that is not the case on my laptop ;)07:42
Jonny1Hi. I am trying to get multichannel sound from a Nicole USB 6ch sound module. In the sound settings I can only get the first 2 channels to work07:43
L3topPriyantha: If you wanted to though... lspci | grep VGA | head -1 | while IFS=':. ' read -r tok1 tok2 tok3 rest; do printf '%2s %2s %s\n' "$((16#$tok1))":"$((16#$tok2))":"$((16#$tok3))" | sed -e 's/ //g'; done      will give you what you need ;P07:43
=== onlyme is now known as PolyMath
Priyanthais not really working L3top ;) I think you didn't close it right your string07:44
Priyanthabut it doesn't matter I converted it already by hand :P07:44
PriyanthaBut I am not going to that route I think07:44
PriyanthaI can't see why that should solve it07:45
L3toplspci | grep VGA | head -1 | while IFS=':. ' read -r tok1 tok2 tok3 rest; do printf '%2s %2s %s\n' "$((16#$tok1))":"$((16#$tok2))":"$((16#$tok3))" | sed -e 's/ //g'; done07:45
Priyanthathere are no more than 1 graphicscard in y laptop07:45
Priyantharoot@HP-EliteBook-8560w:~# lspci | grep VGA | head -1 | while IFS=':. ' read -r tok1 tok2 tok3 rest; do printf '%2s %2s %s\n' "$((16#$tok1))":"$((16#$tok2))":"$((16#$tok3))" | sed -e 's/ //g'; done07:45
Priyanthasorry ;)07:45
FloodBot1Priyantha: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:45
Priyanthathat bot is quite aggressive tuned by the way ;)07:46
gaelfxPriyantha: as per guidelines, we try to discourage people from useint the !enter key too often07:46
auronandacePriyantha: spammers are also rather agressive07:46
gaelfxit's intended to keep things readable in IRC07:47
PriyanthaYeah I know auronandace ;)07:48
PriyanthaI am a long-time IRC user myself :)07:48
L3topYou do realise it has to convert from base hex to base 10 right? It isn't a straight swap the dots... regardless. I wonder what it desided your hz is. Does      xrandr --verbose | grep EDID         return a result?07:49
L3topPriyantha: ^07:49
L3topThat wouldn't account for the bios post retention though... man thats weird.07:50
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.07:51
decciI got two server - Linux(Ubuntu) and Windows(2003) from webhosting company. I can connect to them and login. When I see Ubuntu machine, it reports some IP X and Z(two entries on /etc/resolv.conf). Say,  nameserver nameserver  while Windows Machine too shows the first DNS server entry on nslookup.   >nslookup localhost  I am able to ping Windows machine from Linux machine but unable to ping Lin07:51
Priyanthathis looks like my problem :)07:51
gaelfxI am using NFS to access my /home on my mainbox from my laptops in my home, the /home in question is on an external drive connected via USB3.0, and sometimes it works perfectly fine, other times it works particularly slow, can someone help me diagnose the problem, if not solve it?07:51
PriyanthaL3top: I don't get any output after that command07:51
decciThis could be incomplete domain name(I guess?) What domain name shall I need to add to Windows?07:52
Priyanthano EDID info07:52
gaelfxPriyantha: are both of your cards listed in lspci?07:52
Priyanthathere is one card gaelfx07:52
Priyanthano two07:52
gaelfxPriyantha: ok, is IT listed in lspci?07:53
L3topyes that thread sounds EXACTLY like your issue.07:53
Priyanthayes it it gaelfx :)07:53
PriyanthaI think there is also a solution there07:54
onery1how can i learn how to partition a hd?07:54
PriyanthaI am going to read it more thourough07:54
gaelfxonery1: I believe there is a guide in the documentation on the website, but do you have a more specific question you might want to ask? I could give you general advice if you like07:54
* L3top wonders if it is related to the lack of edid data and its guess at your hz... Priyantha can I get a pastebin of xrandr --verbose as well as your /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?07:56
Priyanthayes of course L3top07:56
Priyanthahere it is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1069003/07:58
PriyanthaI am going to reboot, I changed some settings in the nvidia-settings07:58
Priyanthaah well07:58
PriyanthaI am to put the xorg.conf also for you07:58
Priyanthahttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1069006/ here is my xorg.conf07:59
L3topPriyantha: you DO have EDID data in there...  odd that it did not return a result...08:00
L3topOh... you meant that it did not return the data itself... my fault for not being clear. When I ask if it "returns a result" I mean ANY result... I was just looking for the line that says EDID: the data itself follows after newline... just means it sees some.08:02
Priyanthaback :)08:04
L3topPriyantha: That is a terribly lame xorg.conf... I am going to generate one for you. Please back that one up in case I blow your stuff up... but... I really shouldn't. That is one heck of a laptop btw. I am a bit jealous.08:04
Priyanthaaah okay sorry08:04
=== Lupinedk is now known as lupinedk
Priyanthathx ;P08:04
PriyanthaIt's quite a beast yes :)08:04
Priyanthawith a 30bit screen FHD and stuff :)08:05
Priyanthaand currently since a couple of days with a ssd08:05
Priyanthagoing to purge xorg-edgers08:08
Priyanthaand try to use the latest 'stable' nvidia driver08:08
Priyanthabecause now I am using a 302.x driver08:08
Priyanthathat's are the betas08:08
gzimmererwhere to find help on nic drivers??08:10
Priyanthawhat kind of nic drivers ?08:11
Priyanthamost of the are already in the kernel includes gaelfx08:11
Priyanthauhmm gzimmerer08:11
Priyanthasorry gaelfx ;)08:11
gzimmererdell d600 yeah well I've been working on this for two weeks no luck..  I am new to linux/Ubuntu08:12
gaelfxI am using NFS to access my /home on my mainbox from my laptops in my home, the /home in question is on an external drive connected via USB3.0, and sometimes it works perfectly fine, other times it works particularly slow, can someone help me diagnose the problem, if not solve it?08:12
gaelfxgzimmerer: what seems to be the problem?08:12
Priyanthawhat kind of nic gzimmerer ? your cabled nic ? or wireless ?08:12
gzimmererlaptop worked well with XP dule boot now that I wiped and put Ubuntu I get wifi but no ethernet.08:12
wdpgzimmerer, try to ask more detailed questions. describe your problem. you just asked "hey, can someone help me with my bycycle" without telling whats your problem.08:13
gzimmererwhen I do hardware I only see Intel Pro Wireless08:13
PriyanthaL3top: going to install nou nvidia-current-updates by the way :)08:13
Priyanthaand then alter the nvidia-settings according to that thread and look if it is solved08:14
L3topPriyantha: http://pastebin.com/yn32QHVk        give that a try... if it pukes I will tweak a couple of things... I am making some broad assumptions ... I think they will go.08:14
L3topPriyantha: I wouldnt08:14
onery1anyone know if there are NES emulators for Ubuntu?08:14
Priyanthaah okay08:14
Priyanthanot altering the settings ?08:14
Priyanthaor not purging the xorg-edgers repo ?08:14
gaelfxonery1: yes, look in the software center, you should find them by searching NES08:14
wdpnvidia in ubuntu seems to be a little bit difficult anyway.08:14
L3topWell... the 295.40 driver has a regression issue which is better with the one you have... but it is yours to do with as you wish Priyantha08:15
onery1thanks gaelfx08:15
gaelfxwdp: still easier to deal with than fglrx though08:15
wdpdue to compiz I guess.08:15
wdpif i try to use my sli setup in ubuntu, i get very low fps.08:15
Priyanthaah okay :P well I want to try the best I can haha L3top ;) so I am keeping the xorg-edgers then :)08:15
wdpif i disable sli and try to play videos, vdpau causes sometimes freezes.08:15
wdpand i get overall stuttering.08:15
SadlyMistakenHello, I just suprimated the clock,the messages icon, the net-wifi indicator, etc... could someone help me?08:15
wdponly chance to play back videos --- -vo xv.08:15
gaelfxgzimmerer: perhaps you could pastebin the output of 'lspci | grep -i network08:16
wdpbut yeah. still easier than fglrx :)08:16
L3topPriyantha: might do that if this all fails... I didnt see a solution... I saw one guy say he thought it was related to DPMS... and several others say "no" but its worth a shot....08:16
gaelfxwdp: what are you using to play videos?08:16
wdpmplayer (hence -vo xv)08:16
Priyanthawell the 'solution' I found was altering the dithering in the nvidia-setings screen08:17
gaelfxwdp: did you try using VLC and enabling GPU accelleration?08:17
SadlyMistakenHello, I just deleted the clock,the messages icon, the net-wifi indicator, etc... could someone help me?08:17
wdpnot yet, can do later. though i really would prefer to use mplayer.08:17
gaelfxwdp: yeah, that's what I usually use, but I've found VLC actually does a better job a lot of the time (only recently though)08:18
wdplemme check later, sorting my backups currently :)08:18
gaelfxno problem08:18
Priyanthagoing to try your xorg.conf now L3top :)08:18
gaelfxgzimmerer: do you know how to use pastebin?08:19
Priyantharebooting ;) see ya in a minute of 208:20
meisth0thi want to upload my application to launchpad to a ppa, i activated ppa for my application but i don't know how to create a package, i was following packagingguide on wiki but i already have 123918731 tabs open. isn't there an easy way?08:20
gaelfxmeisth0th: easy ways tend to lead to crappier software,imo08:22
meisth0thi already stayed awake for nights to write to code08:22
PriyanthaL3top: your config made my screen go b0rked ;)08:22
Priyanthajust green and other colors flickering08:22
gaelfxplus, it kind of needs to be complicated so that the package dependencies and whatnot don't break the system08:22
Priyanthawithout seeing the actual content08:23
Priyanthaso reverted to 'no' xorg.conf08:23
L3topwell... I did mention I took some liberties and it might08:23
L3topAnd I did tell you to back up your old one so you could revert...08:23
L3topOne second I will give you a safer one08:24
PriyanthaL3top: my fickering is gone08:24
Priyanthait's done by altering08:24
Priyanthathe nvidia-settings windo08:24
L3topin what way?08:24
gzimmererno sorry i was looking for pastebin08:24
KrammerHey :) I've installed the package of 7zip, but I can use it, why ? and how ?08:25
Priyanthaunder the Dithering controls, I changed "Dithering enabled" to 'enabled', "mode" to "Static 2x2" and Depth to 6 bpc08:25
Priyanthammm 8 looks like working too08:25
Priyanthachanged it now to 8 bpc08:25
gaelfxL3top: would you have any idea why my mainbox always boots up to 1080i instead of 1920x1080@60hz? (using NVidia drivers) It causes a goodly portion of the screen to remain off-screen08:25
L3topsweet! Thanks for figuring it out. I will save that, so perhaps I can help someone else.08:26
L3topgaelfx: all the way around?08:26
gaelfxL3top: not sure what you mean08:26
PriyanthaYeah :)08:26
Priyanthanice stuff, thanks for your great help L3top :)08:26
PriyanthaI will stay here around to help others if I can :)08:27
L3topmeaning not the left side, or the top... but there is a portion of the screen missing on all four sides...08:27
Priyanthaafter all I am quite experienced with server systems and running diverse Unix and Linux variants :)08:27
gaelfxL3top: yeah, that'd be a good description of it :)08:27
L3topPriyantha: ;) you did all the work... it is nice when helping someone who knows what they are doing...08:27
Priyanthagheghe I know L3top ;) but two minds can think more than just one08:28
Priyanthagaelfx can't you force that resolution setting inside the nvidia-settings panel ?08:28
L3topgaelfx: it is called overscanning... and it has to do with your tv. There is no reason, at all, for TV manufacturers to still use this... but they do. There should be something in the nvidia configuration tool to account for this.08:28
gaelfxL3top: thanks, I'll look into that then08:29
gzimmererIs this how to pastbin?08:29
L3topgaelfx: Many tvs have a way to account for this as well in their menus.08:29
Priyanthagaelfx: http://priyantha.nl/GoT/Screenshot%20from%202012-07-01%2010:29:12.png08:30
Priyanthafor example08:30
gaelfxeh, it's a Chinese TV, I'm lucky it has English menus at all08:30
Priyanthayou can disable overscanning in the TV settings yes08:31
LeJokerEvening, #ubuntu. Anyone wanna help me installing an x64 version of Java?08:31
L3topPriyantha: depends on the tv. My Samsung plasma, for instance (which actually uses LG boards) cannot.08:31
kavhello , i need help regarding  Shell SCript08:32
kavcan somebody help me08:32
Priyanthahere it says: "16:9 Overscan" 'off'08:32
mrguserI know it08:32
Priyanthaon my Panasonic TX-P50VT30 Plasma08:32
xpistoshey guys. Anyone know where I might get some help with a dd-wrt router08:32
Priyanthawow that's quite annoying L3top08:32
L3top!details | kav08:32
ubottukav: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."08:32
PriyanthaIsn't here a hidden option for it then L3top ?08:33
kavok ! i need want to enter password in script08:33
L3topPriyantha: Yep... very but our project has its own overscan fixer thingamajig.08:33
PriyanthaIt sound so strange, maybe a inside a debug menu or something :)08:33
kavhow can i do that08:33
L3topkav: sending passwords in the clear is a very bad idea. You should ask how to do this in #bash the correct way... but... truthfully... this should not be done.08:34
kavi enter sudo bash in script ---> after that i it need password ---> i want to feel the passeord by defualt in script08:34
kavO   ! but i need08:35
bekksHardcoded passwords - not a single person on this planet needs that.08:35
L3topkav... just run the script as root.08:35
LeJokerAnyone wanna help me install an x64 copy of Java? I have a .tar.gz file but I'm not entirely sure what to do with it.08:35
LeJokerbekks: Hackers do :P08:35
LeJokerThat'd be like christmas!08:36
kav  GNU nano 2.2.6               File: Music08:36
kavmkdir .Music_Store08:36
kavln -d /home/kav/Music/ /home/kav/Desktop/.Music_Store/08:36
kavrhythmbox  /home/kav/Desktop/.Music_Store/*.mp308:36
FloodBot1kav: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:36
bekksLeJoker: Christmas, birthday, Easter, everything. :)08:36
Priyanthawhat are you trying to do kav ?08:36
L3topPriyantha: I have opened up the service menu on my tv... and in fact even changed the model designation to open up 24p... I promise you... there is NO way to do this.08:36
Priyanthatransfering files to other pc's ?08:36
Novasunjoker what version of ubuntu do you use?08:36
Priyanthaah okay L3top :P strange tho :D08:37
Jonny1Can anyone help me get surround sound in Ubuntu 12.04 using a Nicole 6ch USB sound card, please?08:37
LeJokerNovasun: 12.0408:37
kavi want to transfer files from MUSIC to .Music_Store (hidden)08:37
kavfor that it need a password08:37
Priyanthaon the same machine kav ?08:37
Priyanthayou're using the sudo command in front ?08:37
kavpermission denied !08:37
Priyanthato do it as 'root' privileged user ?08:37
kavi tried ! but failed08:37
bekkskav: You dont need a password at all in your example given.08:38
decci I have been provided with two servers Linux and Windows from webhosting company. If I configure one of them with my own DNS server, will it be reachable from here. Or do I need to stick to their DNS server08:38
bekksBoth directories belong to the same user - no password needed at all.08:38
Priyanthauhu sounds strange, the .Music_Store should be belonging to the same uid/guid's08:38
kavyup ! it belongs to me i.e kav08:39
L3topkav... you have been told about your hyperactive use of the enter key... and if this is local, change the ownership/permissions of the hidden folder.08:39
Novasunjoker x64 or x32?08:39
bekkskav: Then you dont need a password to copy stuff to that directory.08:39
LeJokerNovasun: x6408:39
kavi have tried it .... chmod 777 *08:40
NielsMknhello everyone08:40
L3topkav ls -l .Music_Store08:40
Priyantha09:37 < Jonny1> Can anyone help me get surround sound in Ubuntu 12.04 using a Nicole 6ch USB sound card, please?08:40
NielsMknI have a big problem here08:40
L3topwhatever path that precedes it kav08:40
PriyanthaJonny1, is it a Chinese sound card or something ?08:40
Priyanthacan you do a lsusb ?08:40
Novasunsudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk08:41
Priyanthaand copy/paste it to a pastebin ?08:41
Jonny1Priyantha: Yes it was made in China, but then so is everything these days08:41
Novasunjava 7 is said to mess up firefox08:41
NielsMknI formatted one of my partitions as fat and now my laptop is stuck at the boot screen (HP Logo) and I can't even enter the bios menu.08:41
L3topNovasun: that will not work anymore I do not believe08:41
kavi have  mention it above08:41
LeJokerNovasun: I'm looking for java 7 and that installed x86 for me last time08:41
PriyanthaI know Jonny1 :P but I meant the brand it self Jonny108:41
gaelfxJonny1: what does lspci/lsusb show it as?08:41
LeJokerJava 7 has never messed with firefox for me08:41
kavwait a minute08:41
gaelfxJonny1: knowing the manufacturer usually doesn't help since they probably didn't make the chip they're using08:41
NielsMknSo when I remove the hdd and boot from usb, I'm able to get into the 'try ubuntu' thing but can't see my hdd even if I connect it.08:42
PriyanthaJonny1: because google'ing on that sound card doesn't revaal a lot ;)08:42
NielsMknAny idea how to solve this issue?08:42
LeJokeralthough I installed the JRE, I don't need to develop anything. does the JDK default to x64?08:42
L3top Novasun when oracle bought sun they pulled the license nonsense and it has been removed from the repos.08:42
PriyanthaNielsMkn: yes I do have a clue08:43
gzimmererWhere can I find information on Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless LAN 2100 3B Mini PCI Adapter (rev 04)?08:43
Jonny1Priyantha: lsusb shows it as Bus 002 Device 003: ID 0c45:17cf Microdia08:43
NielsMknah great how do I do it Priyantha ?08:43
Priyanthait's because you'r HP has it's Bios on a hidden partition I think08:43
PriyanthaI had it also when I put my new SSD in it08:43
kavcheck it !08:44
L3topWhat information are you trying to find gzimmerer08:44
NielsMknah it didn't boot when you inserted the ssd?08:44
gaelfxJonny1: ok, so run 'alsamixer' and see if you can select it as your sound card08:44
Priyanthayes NielsMkn08:44
gzimmererFirst question is this both wifi and ethernet?08:44
PriyanthaI had to plug my old hdd in08:44
NielsMknso how did you fix it?08:44
bekkskav: Then fix the permissions instead of breaking even more permissions when using sudo.08:44
Priyanthawell you can try it with a windows 7 install disk08:44
Priyanthafrom HP itself08:44
Jonny1gaelfx: I can select it in alsamixer as usb audio but it only shows 2 channels08:44
Priyanthaand install the uefi bios tooling08:44
gaelfxgzimmerer: no, it's wireless, your wired card is probably something else. Why don't you pastebin 'lspci | grep -i network' for us?08:44
Priyanthayou can still change you boot order ?08:45
Priyanthaor choose a boot device ?08:45
Priyanthaor even that not ?08:45
kavOk ! lets me try again08:45
Priyanthaby pressing the "ESC" button or "F9" NielsMkn ?08:45
gzimmererShows only the ProWireless... perhpas my ethernet is on the MB?08:45
NielsMknPriyantha, I can't enter the bios setup options while the hdd is connected.08:45
Priyanthaand if you disconnect the hdd ?08:45
gaelfxgzimmerer: probably, yes, but it should show up in lspci. how about pastebinning 'ifconfig'08:46
Priyanthayou don't need to enter the bios itself08:46
gzimmerersure, but same problem just a sec.08:46
Priyanthajust only the boot menu08:46
NielsMknIf I remove it and then boot from the windows 7 disc, I can't see the hdd when I connect it later08:46
Novasunhttp://www.webupd8.org/2011/09/how-to-install-oracle-java-7-jdk-in.html  ??08:46
Priyanthammmm strange stuff NielsMkn...08:47
Priyanthalet me thing :P08:47
NielsMknyeah I know, I'm totally stuck :P08:47
gaelfxgzimmerer: sorry, that was my fault, I should have asked for lspci | grep -i ethernet08:47
bekksNielsMkn: You dont have a hot plug hdd. :)08:47
bekksNielsMkn: Most likely, you will electrically break it when doing so.08:47
NielsMknhot plug hdd?08:47
shafianyone here has experienced pdnsd with dhcp?08:48
Priyanthatry to put your hdd in a usb case :)08:48
Priyanthaor just the s-ata>usb converter08:48
gzimmererNo prob.... but it showed up blank08:48
Priyanthathat should do it08:48
gaelfxJonny1: what does it call the device in alsamixer?08:48
NielsMknSo first I need to buy a s-ata to usb converter?08:48
kavcheck out this one08:49
PriyanthaI have put my old HDD also trough a s-ata to usb converter on my laptop08:49
Priyanthayes that should give you a big chance yes08:49
kavhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1069050/      i have addes sudo in it08:49
bekkskav: OUCH. DONT mess up the permissions even more.08:49
gaelfxgzimmerer: ok, just pb the whole lspci08:49
bekkskav: Use this:08:49
MayazcherquoiHey guys, how can I make it so that when I disconnect my headphones from the computer, the volume will become mute and vice versa?08:49
gzimmererokay will do08:49
MayazcherquoiJust like on Windows?08:49
shafianyone here has experienced pdnsd with dhcp?08:50
bekkskav: chmod -R youruser:youruser ~/Music/; find ~/Music/ -type d -exec chmod 755 {}\; find ./Music/ -type f -exec chmod 644 {}\;08:50
PriyanthaNielsMkn: http://www.priyantha.nl/GoT/Screenshot%20from%202012-07-01%2010:50:06.png08:50
Priyanthathis is how my partition table looks like08:51
NielsMknI see, thanks Priyantha08:51
kav?   ...   can you simplify above ..............Aha ....08:51
NielsMknCan you show me a screenshot of your s-ata to usb converter?08:51
kavbekks   : can you train me08:52
Novasun<Mayazcherquoi> http://askubuntu.com/questions/132770/how-do-i-stop-sound-coming-from-my-speakers-with-a-faulty-headphone-socket08:52
kavbekks  : O god08:52
Novasunseems like it could relate to what you are searching for08:53
bekkskav: chown -R recursively sets ownership to your user/group. The first find gets all directories and sets useful permissions to them; the second one does the same for all files.08:53
fluffyguyanyone knows why lxpanel and openbox keeps "restarting" (Its like im on windows and explorer keeps dying on me) ?08:53
gaelfxgzimmerer: wow, that kind of makes me think that nic in your machine is fried, unless the driver for it somehow got blacklisted. Did you do any blacklisting to get other stuff working?08:53
fluffyguyIm using lubuntu 12.0408:53
shiftingcontrolI searched in synaptic and apt-get doesn't install libpcslite-dev, where can I get that08:54
Jonny1gaelfx: Alsamixer shows it as USB Audio08:54
L3top!anyone | shafi08:54
ubottushafi: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.08:54
gaelfxI am using NFS to access my /home on my mainbox from my laptops in my home, the /home in question is on an external drive connected via USB3.0, and sometimes it works perfectly fine, other times it works particularly slow, can someone help me diagnose the problem, if not solve it?08:55
gzimmererdon't know blacklisting, so probably not... It was dual boot with XP working, then reload with Ubuntu finds wifi as eth0 but no wired network.08:55
MayazcherquoiNovasun: That isn't really my problem. My socket is not faulty, and sound from the speakers does cease when I plug headphones in. What I am asking, is, how can I have two separate volume levels? One when the headphones are plugged in, and one without? Like Windows 7.08:55
kavbekks : hey ! what is the difference between locate and finf08:55
kavbekks : *find and locate08:55
L3toplocate = where does the system think this is, find = seek out anything matching this pattern wherever I tell it to look kav08:56
Priyanthalocate is built with a database, that database has to be up-to-date to know exactly the real location08:56
Priyanthafind is just plain old searching the location without using a database backend08:57
gaelfxJonny1: what software are you using to try and play the audio?08:57
Priyanthalocate is most of the time faster, but is only usable when it is already indexed :)08:57
Priyanthaupdatedb will update the locate database by the way kav ;)08:57
L3topgzimmerer: does windows find/use it?08:57
gaelfxgzimmerer: and is the ethernet working under windows?08:57
emoneyquick Q: my buddy DL'd ubuntu12 but would prefer 10,04LTS, and he's dual-booted w/ windows. Can 10.04 be installed over 12 w/o reinstall windows?08:58
shafiI have configured pdnsd and dhcp-server on my 11.10 ubuntu server, when I set the pdnsd IP in dhcpd.conf as a option domain-name-servers, then the clients are not able to ping google, but they are able to ping the google ip, any idea?08:58
kavbekks   : i think i asking a stupid question ............... suppose i want to find all file related to .mp3   then if i type                                            find . *.mp308:58
kavwhat shpuld be the output08:58
NovasunMayazcherquoi  http://www.schaeben.info/alsamixer.jpg ?? alsamixer08:58
gaelfxgzimmerer: my wireless shows up as Eth1, so that's just a naming convention for network adapters08:58
kavbekks :   find         .                                        *.mp308:59
gzimmererYes Windows finds and used it before the wipe08:59
gaelfxgzimmerer: did it work in the live environment? could you try to see if it does?08:59
L3topgzimmerer: can you pastebin your /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules08:59
shafibekks, locate *.mp309:00
emoneySo if I DL 10.04, burn as ISO to disk, can I just reappropriate the space for Ubuntu12 as space for 12? (as long as I get the partition names correct)09:00
kavO ! hey ! shafi where is bekks09:00
Jonny1gaelfx: I want to route 2 different media players to different outputs on the sound card so I can use one to preview on headphones and the other to play my playlist on loudspeakers. So far I am using Rhythmbox and havent installed a second player yet. But jack control only shows 2 outputs at the moment.09:00
L3topshafi: do you have any other name servers listed? and what does your resolv.conf look like09:01
kavi think he is using ssh server09:01
Novasunalsa mixer is in the software center just type alsa09:01
kavL3top : i think he is using ssh server09:01
shafiL3top, the ISP dns servers are place in pdnsd.conf file, and within the resolve.conf I only have the localhost IP09:01
gzimmererfull lshw here http://paste.ubuntu.com/1069064/09:02
gzimmererrulesd here  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1069067/09:02
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L3topJonny1: it sounds as if you will need to designate outputs on the specific media players... if I understand your goal.09:02
emoneyquick Q: my buddy DL'd ubuntu12 but would prefer 10,04LTS, and he's dual-booted w/ windows. Can 10.04 be installed over 12 w/o reinstall windows?09:02
Novasunif you type alsa there are others that show up I haven't tested them09:02
Jonny1gaelfx: I have just found https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SurroundSound and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=795525 so Im trying changing "default - sample-channels = 2" to "default - sample-channels = 6". I will have to reboot after doing that09:02
L3top!downgrade | emoney09:03
ubottuemoney: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system.09:03
Jonny1L3top: Yes you understand perfectly.09:03
kavhey ! i want to plug net shutter in my ubuntu , how can i do that without using network connection API09:03
cybic_ubottu, to my mind it's nearly impossible to downgrade...09:03
ubottucybic_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:03
Jonny1L3top: but at the moment ubuntu is only showing 2 outputs so I am not as far as allocating players to outputs yet. Need to reboot and see if it works09:03
gzimmererBTW, How do you guys make your posts on this thread all the same color?09:03
emoneydowngrade from 12 to 10 is an upgrade, imo. But dont want to start the age-old "unity vs gnome" argument09:03
cybic_emoney, so please do not start ;)09:04
bekkskav: I am here. Why?09:04
L3topJonny1: what does alsamixer show? Does it have a designated headphone mixer?09:04
kavbekks : hey ! i want to plug net shutter in my ubuntu , how can i do that without using network connection API09:04
emoneycybic_, I wont...just helping a buddy start out on ubuntu, and 10.04 is far more user-friendly when migrating from windows09:04
kavbekks ; i want to use system files09:05
bekkskav: Did they three commands I gave you work out?09:05
cybic_emoney, and here it goes again :D09:05
emoneyI'll PM for info if you have? Just so it's off main09:06
L3topUnfortunately emoney, your question has been answered.09:06
kavi haven't try it out , but i have note them ..i will  try them after clearing my doubts09:06
kavAha ...09:06
Jonny1L3top: For the internal soundcard alsamixer does show a headphone and speaker output. But I need to use the headphone connector to connect a PA system so thats not too helpful as there is only one headphone socket. For USB Audio, alsamixer only shows a single entry "PCM"09:06
kavbekks : hey ! i want to plug net shutter in my ubuntu , how can i do that without using network connection API09:06
bekkskav: What is a "net shutter"?09:07
jetoleDoes anyone know which room I would use to send a message to ubuntu maintainers or admins?09:07
kavbekks : can you help me09:07
bekkskav: I never heard of a net shutter until now.09:07
L3topJonny1: That is going to be a bit of a trick.09:07
shafiL3top, please see configuration detail here.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/1069076/09:07
gaelfxgzimmerer: for that rules.d you need to open it in gedit and then paste the contents09:08
Jonny1L3top: Im trying editing pulse audio settings as shown in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=795525. I will have to reboot before I can see if it works.09:08
kavbekks : net shutter : is pendrive like connector used to plug externally in computer's slot to use internet09:08
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bekkskav: I am sorry, I didnt get that sentence. It makes no sense to me, so please rephrase it.09:09
L3topJonny1: this will likely get you 6 chan... but designating them is going to be a trick.09:09
kavbekks : https://www.google.com/search?q=net+shutter&hl=en&client=ubuntu&hs=Taw&channel=fs&prmd=imvns&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=HBLwT__JLIHVrQfr0qy9DQ&ved=0CFEQ_AUoAQ&biw=670&bih=31609:09
L3toplol@ google search link09:09
Novasunpatchage in software center might work it seems to offer allot of customization09:09
Jonny1L3top: Once I have 6 channels to play with then I think Jack Control Panel's patchbay will do the trick09:09
L3topchecking shafi...09:09
kavbekks : click on that link09:09
bekkskav: No. Why?09:09
L3topnot if it thinks the front and the back are the same output Jonny1... If I understand your setup correctly.09:10
juliaI installed 12.04 but my screen is not recognized (Ilyama E2607WS)09:10
juliaany tip?09:10
kavit will show you net shutter ...........................................believe me , its not a virus09:10
bekkskav: It downt want a picture of a net shutter, I want an explanation what it is doing. And you . key is freaking out.09:10
L3topwhat do you mean the screen is not recognized julia... What is the actual problem?09:10
kavO !09:11
Jonny1L3top: I need to see what happens after I change the settings and reboot09:11
jetoleDoes anyone know which channel I could find ubuntu admins/maintainers. There seems to be a outage on a set of repos at the moment09:11
L3topkav... stop with the nonsense space eating posts... please. Again. For the 3rd day.09:11
juliaL3top: actually it's recognized as a Ilyama 2509:11
d4v1dhey guys...anyone knows about the wacom-grafictablett problem in dualmonitor use? Even if i assign my laptopscreen to the tablet, in the mainsettings, the mice is 5cm away from my pen, cause it thinks the whole desktop is my screen..the changed settings are never saved when i close and open the settings again. using updatet ubuntu 12.04 on a lenovo x61t.thx4 reading...doubble thx4help :)09:11
L3topWhat problem does this create julia?09:11
juliaI' got the twice the information09:12
julialike 2 bars on each side of the screent09:12
L3top!details | julia09:12
ubottujulia: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."09:12
julialike "sur iimpression"09:12
gaelfxI am using NFS to access my /home on my mainbox from my laptops in my home, the /home in question is on an external drive connected via USB3.0, and sometimes it works perfectly fine, other times it works particularly slow, can someone help me diagnose the problem, if not solve it?09:13
kavinternet Data Card which plug externally to PC09:13
juliaOk I installed Ubuntu 12.04 deskotp, same thing with server version. the screen is recognized as Ilyama 25, when it's a 2607WS, as a result 2 bars on the left and on the right of the screen are re-impreted on top of the already displayed infomration09:14
kavbekks : its a data Cars which plug externally to PC , to access internet09:15
kavi think you have seen in it breaks ...............    Net setter giving 2G and 3G  connection09:15
bekkskav: Use a SINGLE . please.09:15
kavbekks : ok !  i think you get me now09:15
L3topI am not sure I can help shafi... I have not seen a conf like that before... Sorry.09:15
juliaSamre results with VGA and HDMI09:15
kavbekks : sorry , my english is very poor : )09:16
shafiL3top, no problem, thanks anyway09:16
shafihope some one else could help me with this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1069076/09:16
lgp171188Hi, I am getting a 404 on ubuntu repositories when I do an apt-get update in my precise amd64 installation. Something like Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise-backports/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found [IP: 80]. I haven't modified my sources.list in a long long time. Any clues as to what might be wrong?09:16
bekkskav: And from what I've found in a 30s google experience is, that this "netsetter" is a USB 3G Stick, which uses a Huawei E1550 chipset.09:16
kavbekks : yup ! you are right09:17
Novasunjulia like how the bars on a wide screen tv movie?09:17
kavbekks : can you connect them using system files09:17
juliaNovasu, no because there is twice the same information09:17
bekkskav: Huh? You have to configure it.09:18
kavbekks : how to configure it ?   , i'm a newbie : )09:19
juliaNovasun: I was wandering if at least, I could do something to specify things manually09:19
L3topjulia: what resolution is this set at? It sounds as if it is reading EDID data and misreporting... you might have to set a NoEdid value either in xrandr or an xorg.conf... i would have to look up which and how.09:19
kavbekks : actually i don't know which file i have to configure09:19
juliaL3top: it does the same thing whatever the resolution, I tried all, I'm now on 1920x120009:20
juliaL3top: thanks I'll try to have a look at xrandr09:21
L3topjulia: lspci -nn | grep VGA     please paste the output09:21
gzimmererAnyone know if you can you search http://paste.ubuntu.com for all paste from a specific user?  As in to see past history?09:22
killer_hi....i created  a adhoc connection using nm-applet .......but the problem is that it is not detected by any of my wireless device09:22
glitsj16shafi: have you tried setting /etc/pdnsd.conf to use eth0 as server_ip instead of yet (line 14)?09:22
gzimmererL3top: sorry I dropped out for a few minutes... I am still new to chat.09:23
Novasunjulia would this help ? http://www.didiergalland.com/2009/08/05/adding-undetected-resolutions-on-my-sony-vaio-z41-syncmaster223bw/09:23
juliaL3top: SORRY, I was wrong, it does work on VGA, but not in HDMI09:23
kavbekks : are you busy09:23
juliaL3top: VGA will do the trick,09:23
shafiglitsj16, not yet, let me just try..09:24
gaelfxis there anything that I could use to auto detect the character encoding for a text file?09:24
L3topgaelfx: file09:24
L3topmcc@cylon:~$ file saned          (newline)    saned: ASCII English text09:25
kavhave any one use alert command09:26
kav " alert   "09:26
kavalert " Hello "                          ### how can i gave  iconto this alert command09:27
juliaNovasun: thanks, I'll give it a try, since in Vga, it's still a identified as 25''09:28
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juliathanks everybody, have a good day09:28
Novasunnp tell me if it works out09:28
only_uhow can I unrar in ubuntu?09:29
Jonny1L3top: I changed the pulse audio config and now I have 6 channels all working. Now need to see if I can map them to different players09:29
kavalert command09:29
L3topkav... every time you hit enter, I am less inclined to help you. The more you disregard what you have been told for 3 days now... the closer you get to /ignore09:29
L3top!patience | kav09:29
ubottukav: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/09:29
kavO ! sorry09:29
L3topI cant even get libnotify installed and you have posted 5 times.09:30
L3topYou keep saying sorry, and continue to do it.09:30
kavL3top can you help me09:30
sbarcteamI want to use linux 3.4.4 on ubuntu.09:30
sbarcteamIs there a ready to use package for it ?09:31
Priyanthayou don't want to use the newer 3.5.0 ? sbarcteam09:31
L3topkav: alert --help          Most commands have this.09:32
mwozniak00sbarcteam: you can use 3.5-rc kernel but on 12.10 alpha 2 ;)09:32
Novasunhttp://packages.ubuntu.com/natty/libnotify1  did you try the .deb file based install?09:32
sbarcteammwozniak00: I don't want 3.5-rc. and I'm on 12.04. Do I go make-kpkg route ?09:33
gzimmererL3top: You seem busy, I will google some more and perhaps check back some other time... thanks for your help.09:33
L3topsorry gzimmerer I did not realize you were waiting for me.09:34
glitsj16sbarcteam: have you tried http://askubuntu.com/questions/142192/can-i-install-linux-kernel-3-4-in-ubuntu-and-kubuntu-12-04 yet?09:34
PriyanthaI am using the 3.5 kernel from the xorg-edgers repo at the moment09:34
L3topPlease refresh me... where are we at?09:34
gzimmererthis was my last... http://paste.ubuntu.com/1069098/09:34
Priyanthabut that's also because I want to use the latest Xorg shizzle09:34
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Priyanthaso it can that you don't want that ;)09:34
Priyanthabecause it can be unstable09:34
gzimmererL3top: this was my last http://paste.ubuntu.com/1069098/09:34
L3topsorry gzimmerer  cat /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules09:35
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NielsMknPriyantha, fixed my problem :D09:36
Priyanthacool !09:36
Priyanthahow NielsMkn ?09:36
gzimmererL3top: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1069105/09:36
kavalert --icon=Path\ my \Icon   "My Message"09:36
NielsMknI connected my hdd after entering the bios boot menu, instead of entering ubuntu live mode and then connecting it. This way the disk utility recognised my hdd and I was able to re-format the FAT partition back to NTFS which solved the problem :D09:37
gaelfxok, so the next question is, how can I change the character encoding for a file?09:37
brodulHi, how to disable ssh-agent in ubuntu ?09:37
L3topgzimmerer:  your system does not appear to see this nic at all. One second, let me review your lshw you pasted earlier.09:38
brodulI use 12.04. And want to keep the wifi passwords unlocked. I just want ubuntu to "forget" password of my private ssh keys09:38
kavi want my alert not to show command alert --icon=Path\my\Icon "My Message"                when it pop up on Screen ... Can any one help me09:39
xcervohello guys, how i can download free mp3 I'm using ubuntu 12.409:39
Dr_Willisxcervo:  theres numerous web sites with legally free mp3s amazon even has some free ones eveyr day.09:40
LjLxcervo: Amarok and Banshee have Jamendo functionality09:40
kavxcervo : use dilandau.com09:40
xcervothanks guys i'll check that09:40
fk3any good pdf reader with option to highlight text and add notes ?09:41
pimperledid archive.ubuntu.com just break? i get lots of 404s when running apt-get update and this started about 3 minutes ago.09:41
kavDr_Wills : hey how are you09:41
L3topgzimmerer: please check your bios settings, to make sure the onboard is not disabled. You can also sudo mv /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules ~              this file should be regenerated on boot.09:41
L3topgzimmerer: if something odd is happening then we can move it back afterwards.09:41
Novasundoes ssh auto start?09:42
Priyantha10:37 < NielsMkn> I connected my hdd after entering the bios boot menu, instead of entering ubuntu live mode and then connecting it. This way the disk utility recognised my hdd and I was able to re-format  the FAT partition back to NTFS which solved the problem :D09:42
PriyanthaCool NielsMkn :)09:42
Priyanthahappy to hear that !09:42
Priyanthaso you're now back in business :D09:42
NielsMknThanks a lot for your help Priyantha :D. Fortunately yeah :)09:43
Priyanthano problem :)09:43
Priyanthaso you have now you bios full working again too ? :D09:43
NielsMknyup, everything works perfectly :D09:44
fk3good pdf reader for ubuntu with options to highlight text and add notes ? i hate xournal09:44
kavi want my alert not to show command alert --icon=Path\my\Icon "My Message"                when it pop up on Screen ... Can any one help me09:44
fk3mendeley desktop is another option but it's too heavy.09:44
kavfk3 : use foxit reader09:45
L3top!poll | fk309:45
ubottufk3: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.09:45
kavfk3 : its now available on ubuntu09:45
Dr_Williskav: notify-send -i /home/willis/.config/cairo-dock/themes/MeeGo/icons/gedit.png "Demonstration"09:45
Dr_Williskav:  dosent show the command it ran here...09:45
Dr_Williskav: http://www.barregren.se/blog/pop-notification-command-line09:45
LjLL3top: he did specify some features he wanted09:46
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L3topAnd that changes what?09:46
Dr_Williskav:  also seems to be some built in icons...09:46
Dr_Williskav notify-send -i face-cool "I'm cool."09:46
LjLL3top: that changes the fact that if you're asking for a program with specific features, that is not a "poll". the only thing that may have triggered your factoid was the "good" adjective, but that really seems pretty venial.09:47
kavDr_Willis   : cool09:47
Priyanthacool NielsMkn :)09:47
Priyanthawhat kind of HP was it by the way ?09:47
L3topSo... if you narrow down your poll for a good pdf reader with certain wants it is no longer a poll?09:47
LjLL3top: correct.09:48
Dr_Willisnotify-send -i face-wink "Wink"09:48
L3topNo... no it is not.09:48
LjLL3top: note the factoid includes "features you require", so it makes sense that if you specify such features, it's fine.09:48
NielsMknPriyantha, Its hp dv6 2165tx09:48
LjLL3top: i wrote the factoid, maybe i know.09:48
shafithanks glitsj16 , now I can ping, but when I am trying to browse the squid server give me DNS time out09:49
L3topI am simply speaking to the terms of the question as I posed it... and yes... you would know.09:49
kavthanks Dr_Willis09:49
gzimmererL3top: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1069117/09:49
Dr_Williskav:  seems you can use any of the default gnome themes icons without needing to use the full path.09:49
Dr_Willisnotify-send -i printer-error "Printer Is On Fire"09:50
NielsMknPriyantha, From what I understood, I can't have a FAT partition since as the laptop starts, the bios searches for a fat partition (which is supposed to be the HP Tools Partition) and it halts there if you don't have the proper data in that partition.09:50
L3topgzimmerer: that should be fine... but I would have put it someplace else.09:50
L3topudev is a bit weird... but... should be fine.09:50
Priyanthacool NielsMkn :)09:50
kavDr_Willis : yup !    and thanks you man ... You are great09:50
gzimmererL3top: I will move it.09:50
Priyanthayeah that's true yes NielsMkn09:50
Dr_Williskav:  its the alert alias that you are using - that seems to be causing the issue. due to how bash is parseing the alias09:50
Priyanthayou have to have the HP_Tools partition there09:50
Priyanthaor nothing :P09:50
glitsj16shafi: np, wasn't aware of squid also being in your setup .. i'm afraid i can't help you there09:50
NielsMknPriyantha, yeah just learnt that the hard way :P09:51
PriyanthaIs that laptop by the way fully working with Ubuntu hardware-wise ?09:51
kavDr_Willis :  i need one more help09:51
shafiglitsj16, no problem, but this was a gr8 help, I am trying to find out this time out problem09:51
NielsMknYup, everything works totally fine :) (With a few proprietary drivers though)09:51
shafiMany thanks09:51
L3topLjL: This was not my understanding. Clearly I defer to your judgment. I was misinstructed.09:51
Priyanthagheghe cool :) that's nice09:51
NielsMknSo which model do you use?09:52
kavDr_Willis  : how to add password in your bash Script when you working on same machine09:52
PriyanthaI am using a HP Elitebook 8560w09:52
* L3top wonders if that refers to the wattage09:53
Dr_Williskav:  not sure what you mean by adding a password.09:53
kavDr_Willis   : i want to password for my sudo09:53
glitsj16shafi: you're welcome .. since 12.04 throws dnsmasq into the mix by default (see http://www.stgraber.org/2012/02/24/dns-in-ubuntu-12-04/) complexities rise a bit .. maybe that page has some info on squid09:53
L3topkav... again... this is not necessary. You are creating a bad symlink and had weird permissions.09:53
PriyanthaNielsMkn: LY528EA is the exact type09:53
shafiglitsj16, ok, thanks09:54
NielsMknPriyantha, oh so you do have the option to enable UEFI Boot? :O09:54
Dr_Williskav:  if the script needs sudo rights, then it should ask for the password as part of the script. or you should run  the script with sudo. you do NOT put a password IN a script. thats security 101 basics. ;)09:54
kavL3top : but i need  , i want to learn this09:54
L3topkav then please learn, never send a pass in the clear.09:55
Dr_Williskav:  if the script is running specific commands that need sudo rights. you can set up the sudoers file where sudo's password is not needed for specific commands.09:55
Dr_Willisso i think thats the 3 only options.09:55
kavDr_Willis   : ok !09:55
kavi think that can work09:55
PriyanthaYes I have NielsMkn :)09:55
Priyanthabut don't use it ;)09:55
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NielsMknah, well your laptop is awesome :D Wish I had that one :)09:56
gzimmererL3top: to check BIOS I will need to reboot BRB09:57
LjLL3top: can you answer my PM please? i'd rather discuss this than make it an argument from authority, if you're so inclined09:57
kavDr_Willis   : hey is there any system file which can i edit to connect with net setter (USB internet )09:57
Priyanthahaha :)09:57
PriyanthaIt's working quite okay now09:58
Priyanthaafter some little tweaks09:58
kavDr_Willis   : i don't want to connect my net setter using ubuntu API "network Connection"09:58
NielsMknoh you had some problems getting ubuntu on it?09:58
jim__cCan I bring up a degraded nvidia fakeraid 5 using dmraid?09:59
jim__cThe BIOS is happy to boot from it, after giving me a Scary Warning10:00
Dr_Williskav:  never heard of 'net setter' so no idea. I just use the normal network manager stuff on my home lans.10:00
jim__cBut dmraid just says "wrong # of devices" and refuses to start it10:00
kavDr_Willis   : net setter is like mobile broadband10:00
Dr_Williskav:  never used it. Other then basic phone teathering, I only use my home network.10:00
Dr_Willistime to go to work.. bye all.10:01
kavDr_Willis   : Ok !  thanks you very much .... you saved my day .....and bye bye10:01
PriyanthaNielsMkn: yes I had :) it was primary with the graphics10:01
Priyanthaand that is now solved10:01
jim__cAm I missing something basic, or is dmraid really that broken?10:02
NielsMknPriyantha, Cool :D Can't help but feel a bit jealous about the i7 and full hd resolution :P10:02
Priyanthahaha :) sorry :P10:03
PriyanthaI bought in the first place a 8540w with the same screen10:03
Priyanthabut that one broke down10:03
Priyanthaand got this as a replacement10:03
NielsMknWow thats great :D10:03
Priyanthabut only after I had asked and asked for replacement because I didn't had any trust anymore in the older one10:04
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DarkSimHello, I'm using 12.04 and I'm trying to use a Canon Laser Shot LBP-1120 printer but it doesn't print anything, I don't know what to do anymore10:04
NielsMknInteresting so you only paid the price difference or did you have something more? :o10:04
PriyanthaI did not pay anything :)10:05
Priyanthabut the 'old' one was not that old10:05
Priyanthait was bought in december 201010:05
NovasunI want a Autostereoscopic tv10:05
NielsMknah so the price was the same for both?10:05
Priyanthaand in november 2011 it was replaced after dropping it :P and my inssurance paid for that10:05
Priyanthayes the price was nearly the same yes10:06
Priyanthasame class10:06
Priyanthaand warranty is 3 years10:06
glitsj16DarkSim: you have the linux driver installed for that printer?10:07
DarkSimI think I installed a driver called 2.40 from Canon's website10:07
DarkSimBut I am not sure if it really works10:07
=== Sickki_ is now known as Sickki
NielsMknPriyantha, pretty cool :D10:07
kavHey ! Priyantha , Novasun , glitsj16 : which is the best server for gaming purpose10:08
Priyanthayeah it is NielsMkn :D10:08
Priyanthawhat kind of server do you mea kav ?10:08
glitsj16DarkSim: does it show up in CUPS (http://localhost:631)?10:09
Priyanthawell, I think I am going to download a Debian iso :P10:09
glitsj16DarkSim: sorry typo .. http://localhost:63110:09
PriyanthaI don't think I can get used to the unity interface10:10
DarkSimglitsj16: Yes10:10
kavi want to setup server having many client who  can communicate with each other and play on same game10:10
PriyanthaI can't find for example just a simple DPI setting 8)710:10
kavPriyantha : is there any server10:10
DarkSimWould be so much easier if I just could share my desktop with you guys :/10:10
kavDarkSim : means Remote Assistance10:11
glitsj16DarkSim: no go when printing test page and/or self test in CUPS?10:11
DarkSimIt says that the print was successful pretty fast10:12
DarkSimbut the printer itself never does anything10:12
L3topDarkSim: I have power now. Did you remove the other various drivers prior to grabbing the cannon driver?10:12
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DarkSimI am very new to Linux so I guess I haven't done that yet L3top10:13
DarkSimI don't know how to do that10:13
L3topIf it were me... I would try and get back to scratch. Remove the driver you installed from cannon, and then reverse the steps you took with the site which seemed to lead you down this path to begin with.10:14
L3topDarkSim: ^10:14
DarkSimBut how do I remove drivers L3top?10:14
L3topdid you download a deb DarkSim?10:15
L3topPlease find the links for me that you used, and I will try and guide you through backing out so we can start fresh.10:15
LjLkav, there isn't such thing as a "generic" server for gaming that will support any game... you need a specific server for what you want to play - if i understand your question correctly10:15
Saikican anyone help me with a shell script?10:15
DarkSimI don't think I can find those exact downloads again :/10:16
L3topWhat is the script and what is it supposed to do Saiki?10:16
SaikiL3top: I need an option. "Do you wish to continue?" and a simple y/n if yes, run the script. if no, kill it.10:17
L3topDarkSim: if you are referring to the Canon link... if you can find the file you downloaded that will suffice... the other one was fairly involved... I will need that one. I can backscroll if need be. My irc client has a DB. I can go back to day one. if I gotta.10:17
kavLjL : Could be a WoW Private Server or a Counter Strike server call of duty the popular games.10:18
DarkSimL3top: http://www.canon.co.uk/Support/Consumer_Products/products/printers/Laser/Laser_Shot_LBP-1120.aspx?DLtcmuri=tcm:14-846492&page=1&type=download10:18
LjLkav: well, as i said, you need a WoW server program, a CS server program, or a CoD server program. there is no generic program.10:19
Saikikav: Most WoW servers run on windows, other servers you'll have to dig for10:19
qw[UA]hello all10:19
Novasun Xenon servers $0.35 per slot  or gamingdeluxe 12 slots: £15.0010:20
kavLjL  : O !    is their any popular server which is very useful for  a  beginner to learn10:20
qw[UA]help me please10:20
computa_mikequick question : any one know how to install   libMagick++.so.3 onto precise?  it was there in oneric, but the upgrade removed it - It's only one application I get that uses it, so was wondering if there was a process to add it back in, or should I just recompile against   libMagick++.so.4?10:20
DarkSimMust I have the exact downloads just to remove the drivers?10:20
Novasunjust got back scrolled up :D10:20
qw[UA]i am install ubuntu 10.04 and i would like update/upgrade my system10:21
jim__cOr, failing that ^ any bright ideas for converting fakeraid in-place to md? :/10:21
Saikikav: What are you trying to do, exactly?10:21
kavLjL : i'm  a newbie , and i want to learn to set up a small server  in my house {may contain 3 - 4 PC }10:21
LjLkav: i'm afraid i don't really know, as i'm not into gaming. but i'd start with something that is in the repositories (mostly open source games), try doing "apt-cache search game server | grep server"10:21
SaikiLjL: most servers won't be found on th repos10:22
SaikilJL: not like what he's talking10:22
Saikikav: are yu paying attention to me?10:22
LjLSaiki: well, servers for open source games can. if he wants to "learn", i don't see how that prevents him from learning... if he wants to install proprietary blobs, he can do that without my help ;)10:23
kavSaiki : yup !10:23
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Saikikav: What exactly are you trying to accomplish?10:23
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SaikiLjL: granted. but even prop. servers take some work10:23
DarkSimI think I have tried in total 3 diffrent drivers, no way to remove them all and start fresh without having to find where I downloaded them all10:23
ravenxubuntu 12.04 new installation + nvidia quadro 620: monitor stays black after loading grub10:24
kav3 - 4 PC clients connected to my PC , i want to control them using My server10:24
SaikiLjL: I'm installing a propiatary server right now myself10:24
=== lloir is now known as Lloir|ZzZzZz
EaglemanHow to locate where the binary of a command is?10:24
kavhow can i do that ?10:24
L3topSaiki: http://pastebin.com/gHkgDwMS   try that. I didn't test but should be right.10:24
Saikikav: a game server of some sort, or a telnet/ remte controll server?10:24
SaikiL3top: thank you10:25
kavok ! i want to start from beginning then i'll choose a remote controll server10:25
EaglemanWould this work in crontab?  1        *       *       *       *       init 610:25
kavSaiki : after that i'll go with gaming server10:26
SaikiL3topI can just use Y) someline here  <new like> more code here?10:26
ravenxubuntu 12.04 new installation + nvidia quadro 620: monitor stays black after loading grub what could be wrong??10:26
Saikikav:Gaming servers are easier to set up10:26
DarkSimMaybe I should back the whole OS back to fresh install? Should be faster, no? L3top10:26
Saikiraven: does the failsafe kernel work?10:27
kavO ! i that so , ut still i go with remote controll srver10:27
Saikikav: That's beyond me. I can't help you there10:27
kavi willl go with remote controll server10:27
L3topSaiki: I am not sure I understand your question. I just used echoes to demonstrate the ability to put a command there... You can do whatever you want before the ;;   and Y|y allows upper or lower case. I am not sure I understand your question.10:28
kavO ! ok ! can you gave me some links regarding remote controll server10:28
L3topSaiki: oh... and as I made it a function, it will have to be invoked... obviously...10:28
gzimmererL3top: I have reviewed the bios NIC and both onboard and docking station are enabled.  Did ifconfig and same result.10:29
Nicekiwihow do i copy a folder to my iphone? ive mounted it successfully with ifuse, but the cp command is not working10:29
L3top!cn | joerh9910:29
ubottujoerh99: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw10:29
SaikiL3top: this work? http://pastebin.com/UCDFDsnh10:29
ubottu#ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India10:29
SaikiL3top: I want to go to the directory and run the script, as is10:29
SaikiL3topso basically: cd /my/place && ./install.sh10:30
ravenSaiki seems to work but the strange thing is: this is a testing machine yet and i installed exactly the same setup yesterday and today again - and yesterday it worked without problems. how could that be?10:30
gzimmererL3top: I think I have had enough for now... thanks for your help (and apparently you give a lot so double thanks)10:30
joerh99哦  原来如此10:30
L3topyes... if you throw the actual ask_them call where you want it in the rest of the script... and quit should probably be exit 0 Saiki10:31
kavhey ! LjL are you indian10:31
DarkSimCan I back a 12.04 install back to a fresh install, or do I have to reinstall it manually?10:31
Saikijoerh99: ??????????,?????????? ???10:31
joerh99我输入 /join #ubuntu-cn  可是没有反映啊10:32
L3topDarkSim: If you have nothing else on the machine you could do a fresh install...  but in general one learns from fixing broken things... and when you DO have a ton of data on there, this will not be an option.10:32
DarkSimYeah I know10:32
kavjoerh99 : just type /j #ubuntu-cn  and hit enter , a new tab will open and go there10:32
DarkSimbut I did install it yesterday and I do only want Firefox, Spotify and that damn Printer to work first10:33
pale3I can't find anything on net about monitoring currrent clock rates of gpu with nouveau drivers. Is there solution to this?10:33
L3topgzimmerer: I am sorry... but it looks like your nic is fried... can you see if you have the /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules ?10:33
LjLkav, nope10:33
DarkSimand there doesn't seem to be a way to back installed drivers so I can't really do anything10:33
kavso, why are you in #ubuntu-in10:33
Novasunthere are probably cheaper or better ones then the ones ive listed10:33
LjLkav: because i'm in many channels as i'm an Ubuntu IRC operator10:34
kavLjL   : O !    that is great .10:34
SaikiL3top: but if I instructed someone to do that, cp (dir) and run the script. as it stands now, would that work?10:35
kavLjL :can you list me some best remote control server name ?10:35
SaikiL3top: ignoring the commands, they will change, obviously10:35
DarkSimBut after I've done the reinstallation can you get me helped with clean from the start L3top?10:35
LjLkav, stop with the "best" thing, it's all subjective. but what do you mean by "remote control server"?10:35
L3topIt would have to begin with #!/bin/bash     and end with ask_them10:35
ravenSaiki seems to work but the strange thing is: this is a testing machine yet and i installed exactly the same setup yesterday and today again - and yesterday it worked without problems. how could that be?10:35
DarkSimIf I can't get this printer to work, I have no choice but to install WinXP10:35
Saikiraven: I heard you10:36
Saikiraven: my issues issimpler, let me fix mine first. ok?10:36
kavLjL : Sorry ...    a server to control my clients' activities10:36
innocivI'm having trouble installing dtrace. "ERROR: /lib/modules/3.2.0-24-virtual/build does not exist".10:37
innociv  But when I google that, I'm not finding anything useful with my knowledge.10:37
gzimmererL3top: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1069179/ same as before, I think I am going to try to reload XP and see if I can learn HW and driver set or just dual boot as before.10:37
L3topDarkSim: I am happy to try and help. Either we can try and find the site with all of the stuff you did, but yes... at this point... a fresh install will take about 30 min. You wont need to do anything magic, just during the installer options, choose "Use entire drive" if there are no other OSes on there10:37
LjLkav: i don't know, something like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nagios ?10:38
kavLjL : what about OpenSSh server , is it good10:38
L3topgzimmerer: I have about a 81% confidence level that this nic will not appear in windows... unless you have dumped it into a file in /etc/modprobe.d as a blacklist10:38
SaikiL3top: http://pastebin.com/mph3wJxR10:38
DarkSimI'll reinstall and immediately come back here so you can help me right from the start10:39
Nicekiwihow do i copy a folder to my iphone? ive mounted it successfully with ifuse, but the cp command is not working10:39
DarkSimCya in 30-60min L3top10:40
Saikiraven: This isn't my area of knowlage, but I have found that crazily sometimes you can make exact replications and something can be different. In my opinion, it's a matter of luck10:40
SaikiL3top: like that?10:40
LjLkav: that's a very basic thing any server should have installed.10:40
kavLjL : i'm  using SSH and SOCKS to connect internet with my firefox  ... But i don't know how to use OPENSSH server as a Remote Control Server10:40
AkhlDNicekiwi, use cp -R :)10:40
NicekiwiAkhlD: whats that?10:41
LjLkav: uh, you just type "ssh hostname", give your password, and then put commands in it remotely like it were a local shell10:41
AkhlDNicekiwi, that command recursively copy all contents of folders10:41
Saikikav: OPENSSH isn't a "remote controll server" it's a shell connection10:41
NicekiwiAkhlD: ahhh sweet10:41
MlysianHi , I am installing lamp stack by terminal, "sudo tasksel install lamp-server". I unable to type in the password10:42
kavSaiki  : Okkk !10:42
Saikikav: have you ever used FTP?10:42
L3topSaiki: like this http://pastebin.com/s1HUcvwr10:43
kavSaiki : yup !10:43
LjLMlysian: define "unable". does it say it's the wrong password?10:43
Saikikav: openssh = FTP (but SLIGHTLY different)10:43
Mlysianit want me try again10:43
SaikiL3top: thank you10:43
L3topSaiki: you can literally just drop that into a new text file... name it... say, askem... and type bash askem10:43
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)10:44
LjLMlysian: then it's saying it's the wrong password. i assume it happens for anything you do with "sudo"?10:44
gzimmererL3top:  blacklist is more than I can handle right now.  I am US CTime  Starbucks is about to open I think I'm ready :)  I will raise a glass to you... THANKS L3top!!!10:44
SaikiL3top: ./askthem.sh should work too, yes?10:44
oCeanSaiki, kav: NO. ssh is nothing like ftp10:44
ubottuFTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd10:44
oCeankav: what is your goal? What are you trying to do10:44
SaikioCean: OPENSSH, not ssh10:44
LjLSaiki: difference being?10:44
L3topyes Saiki. http://pastebin.com/9e6c1FUN10:44
LjLSaiki: i thought openssh was an implementation of the ssh services10:44
NovasunFileAid on your iPhone/iPod touch then start the app  Click on the share Icon then right click Start press Open then right click Start and press Open Enter ftp://(Blank)  In the empty blank area, fill in the IP number port it gives you in the application  look at the app in your iPhone10:45
kavO god ! you are coonfusing me10:45
SaikiLjL: always though of ssh being command like. and open as being more FTP-like10:45
oCeankav: again, what are you trying to do? I'm not sure what "controlling clients activities" means10:45
Novasunthen drag and drop the files10:45
L3topSaiki: you will want to change that to be an executable to avoid opening with bash. sudo chmod +x askthem.sh10:45
LjLSaiki: that's not the case to my knowledge. when you install "openssh-client" on an Ubuntu machine, that's what provides the "ssh" command.10:45
kavioCean : i want to set up a server like we have in college10:46
oCeankav: ok, some details?10:46
SaikiL3top: can that be done and carried over to windows though?10:46
L3topIt is a BorneAgainShellScript... so no. You would need to use a windows scripting language.10:47
Saikikav: you mean where they can shut down a PC if you're on somehting they don't want you on?10:47
L3top*BorneAgainSHell script10:47
kavdetails : a server which act as FTP from which my clienst can download , and also manage who log when and when he log out , and what they access10:48
SaikioCean: (trying to help you on hat lol)10:48
SaikiL3top: I mean. I make it on linux, chmod it and then can I copy it to windows and when it goes to a new linux pc it will work as intended?10:48
kavis there any server for me according to my details10:48
geobilalisim on Xubuntu, how can i change keyboard layout in order to swith languages when i  type?10:49
L3topSaiki: ah... I believe that would depend on how you copied it.10:49
SaikiL3top: openssh server to windos to ISO10:49
L3topso windows is client?10:50
oCeankav: I would suggest you start reading here: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/index.html The guide has various very helpful topics10:50
SaikiL3top: no, linux is client. it's a file I need to share with others10:50
L3topI really don't know the answer to be honest. I don't even have any windows machines anymore so I can't test... and I mean that you are sshing from windows in putty or something Saiki.10:50
SaikiL3top: it's a server setupscript10:50
k0nichiwahello ubuntu 8.1 i can't add/remove software, the repositories seem to be bogus or something (specifically Eclipse)10:50
kavhey ! can any one help me , how to use FileZilla10:50
geobilalisanyone knows how to change keyboard layout?10:51
ubottuUbuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) was the ninth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 30th, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.10:51
Saikikav: rtfm?10:51
oCeankav: have you started reading the link I send?10:51
MlysianLjL: sudo: tasksel: command not found. This is what I got after typing in the password. The password typing into terminal is invisible?10:51
oCeanSaiki: that is NOT welcome here10:51
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade10:51
geobilalisMlysian yes it is invisible10:51
k0nichiwaoh no, i hope the upgrade process is easy10:51
k0nichiwaor ill have to resinstall the virtual machine =)10:51
SaikiL3top: I am sshing from windows, but I have physical access to the machine10:52
oCeank0nichiwa: if you have decent backups, you could reinstall and restore the data you need10:52
SaikiL3top: I am setting up a server10:52
kavoCean : yup  ! hey ! i have a doubt , ubuntu launch to two type of falvours 1. ubuntu server 2. desktop ubuntu10:52
LjLMlysian: yes, it's invisible10:52
kavwhat is the difference10:52
geobilalisXubuntu change keyboard layout? i need two languages to swith when pressing alt+shift?10:52
L3topSaiki: so you are using putty on windows?10:52
k0nichiwaoCean, yeah thats one way to do it10:52
LjLMlysian: and apparently tasksel is not installed by default10:52
SaikiL3top: WinSCP10:52
MlysianLjL:  O10:53
LjLMlysian: sudo apt-get install tasksel should get it for you - but maybe there's a reason why it's no longer installed, not sure10:53
SaikiL3top: graphical, not command line10:53
oCeankav: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications (webserver etc)10:53
dr_williswinscp is a must have tool  ;)10:53
L3topI don't know is the answer frankly... With regards to executable bits on shell scripts pulled from ubuntu onto windows... "probably" is the best answer I can give.10:53
MlysianLjL: yes ,I got it from documentation,but can't install10:53
kavoCean : O !10:54
LjLMlysian: what happens when you try10:54
L3topSaiki: I do not understand the roll or necessity of a windows machine at all.10:54
SaikiL3top: quess I won't know till I try lol. I have a gunea pig I can test on :P10:54
MlysianLjL: after type in the password , sudo: tasksel: command not found10:55
SaikiL3top: the windows pc is MY pc. the linux pc is a server VM10:55
LjLMlysian: i mean after you try doing "sudo apt-get install tasksel"10:55
SaikiL3top: hence why I am using WinSCP to access it. my windows PC has everthing on i and I'm copying it to the server10:55
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto10:55
MlysianLjL: it show [sudo] password for weng:10:56
kavhey ! what is software RAID ?    i'm confuse10:56
MlysianLjL: I think is my password10:56
oCeankav: I asked you to start reading the server guide.10:56
kavoCean : i'm reading that guid , there i found Software Raid and i get confuse10:57
MlysianLjL:  whole process  weng@ubuntu:~$ sudo tasksel install lamp-server10:57
Mlysian[sudo] password for weng:10:57
Mlysiansudo: tasksel: command not found10:57
SaikiL3top: make more sense now?10:57
stuengyou know when you are at the desktop and you can click up at the top where it says Ubuntu and "connect to server" how can I start that another way?10:58
LjLMlysian, what i'm saying is that BEFORE running tasksel, you need to INSTALL tasksel. that's done with "sudo apt-get install tasksel"10:58
kavMlysian : install it ................                            sudo apt-get install tasksel10:58
Mlysianok, thanks10:59
L3topSo copy the stuff to the server burn the disk from server vm... growisofs -Z /dev/dvd=/path/to/image.iso       or /dev/sr0 or whatever10:59
L3topSaiki: ^11:00
NielsMkngtg now later11:00
SaikiL3top: growisofs -Z /update.iso  ?11:01
k0nichiwahm im having more sucess installing eclipse now11:01
k0nichiwai just added the respository sources from the "upgrade instructions" for 8.111:01
k0nichiwamaybe i dont have to upgrade ubuntu11:02
SaikiL3top: growisofs -Z /update.iso   or is it.. growisofs -Z /dev/dvd=/update.iso ?11:02
oCeank0nichiwa: please understand that End Of Life also means that you cannot get upgrades/newer versions etc11:02
L3topwell Saiki, you would want to create the iso on linux... so... it gets a bit more complicated... are you trying to make an installable cd/dvd?11:03
k0nichiwai c its going to install a really old version of eclipse11:03
k0nichiwawell 2010 version may be ok for me11:03
SaikiL3top: can im pm you?11:03
MonkeyDustk0nichiwa  why not upgrade to 12.04 then?11:03
L3topgrowisofs -Z /dev/dvd=/home/Saiki/update.iso   for instance... unless update.iso was on the root11:04
k0nichiwai just use this ubuntu for the occassional linux work, its not a main OS for me currently11:04
DarkSimL3top: I'm back, fresh and all11:04
k0nichiwaso if i can install eclipse and compile this eclipse project, thats all i need11:04
DarkSim269 updates from update manager11:04
MonkeyDustk0nichiwa  then upgrading to 12.04 may be what you want: better support, newer software, less issues11:04
kavoCean   , LjL  :  ifconfig -a | grep eth11:05
k0nichiwachill out dude, its an OS, its not a cult11:05
kaveth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:24:21:a5:a7:a3                        .....................what is  HWaddr 00:24:21:a5:a7:a3        ?   is that my Mac Address11:05
LjLkav: should be, yes11:05
stuengyou know when you are at the desktop and you can click up at the top where it says Ubuntu and "connect to server" how can I start that another way?11:05
k0nichiwaur  pushing 12.1 on me like your a moonie and 12.1 is the unified church11:06
kavLjL : O !11:06
LjLk0nichiwa: you mean 12.10? who's pushing 12.10?11:06
DarkSimGonna let it install all these updates first11:06
DarkSimthen we shall get things going11:06
k0nichiwaoh 12.0411:06
k0nichiwawhatever =)11:06
LjLk0nichiwa: you can use other versions too, it's just not recommended to use versions that are EOL11:06
DarkSimEven got some hot water with honey in it, let's get to it!11:07
ragonhello! can i ask something about "quickly"?11:08
DarkSimragon: apparently you never ask about asking a question11:09
DarkSimjust ask the question11:09
ragonok! do you know how i can create a "Save as..." dialog with quickly?11:09
KrammerHey :) How can I use 7zip software ? I can just use the basic software :/11:10
stuengapt-get install 7zip ?11:11
oCeanragon: if no one here nkows, you could try asking in the #ubuntu-app-devel channel11:11
ragonoCean: nice, thanks!11:12
kavLjL  : what is PPP0 ?11:12
kavI know that it is  a Point to Point Protocol .But why we use this protocol ? Is this is a mobile BroadBand Protocol ? If so , then where in File System i can found Its System file to configure .11:12
DarkSimL3top: I will soon be at your disposal, updating soon done11:12
zastaphthere must be 100 ways to get Ubuntu onto a pendrive.. I'm lost11:16
zastaphwhats the benefit of using the pendrive as a live cd? can live cd's be updated?11:16
mi3zastaph: yes11:16
MonkeyDustzastaph  unetbootin is the most used way, what issue are you having?11:16
kavzastaph : use unebootin11:16
zastaphand my first thought was simply to boot live cd from cdrom, and just choose install directly to the pendrive11:17
mi3zastaph: and you store the settings too and pendrives are faster then live cd's I'd say.11:17
MonkeyDustzastaph  the benefit is, that it's faster and you can easily erase the pendrive11:17
zastaphbut them I read about not good idea to have /tmp partition on the drive, better in ram11:17
kav what is PPP ?11:17
kavI know that it is  a Point to Point Protocol .But why we use this protocol ? Is this is a mobile BroadBand Protocol ? If so , then where in File System i can found Its System file to configure .11:17
wylde!ppp > kav11:18
ubottukav, please see my private message11:18
leonjeruwhat's the wiki page for ubuntu, package distribution files ? thanks11:19
zastaphit describes the problem with /tmp and wear out11:19
zastaphbut I can't seem to find the solution11:19
zastaphwhy can't the installer just give you the option during install?11:20
Novasunpen drives are more secure since they use transistors normal harddrives that are not solid state have residual paramagnetic traces of old data even when wiped11:20
Krammerstueng : I've add the package with the software-center :/11:21
zastaphyeah but pendrives wear out11:21
=== DarkSim_ is now known as DarkSim
zastaphso I want swap/tmp in ram11:21
Jonny1Can anyone help me get Jack audio working, please? I get the errors shown at http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1069211/. Its the same using a usb sound card or the built in one. My setup (the default) is shown at http://picpaste.com/Screenshot_from_2012-07-01_12_16_40.png11:21
Novasunif you wipe a flash drive it is wiped like if you use kill disk in a live cd11:21
zastaphI just can't find any docs that tell me how11:22
DarkSimL3top: I should be ready now!11:22
DarkSimClean install and the first batches of updates are done, I am now at your command11:23
KrammerWhat is the better ? apt-get remove or apt-get clean ? or other ?11:24
mi3can someone suggest how the terminal knows in which directory it is when we click on "Open in Terminal " ? which command is it ?11:25
marunHi how do i check if my server needs to be rebooted? Is there any flag sort of thing?11:25
oCeanKrammer: those are totally different commands11:25
DarkSimI hate printers11:26
DarkSimDon't you?11:26
Krammerto get 7zip, the command is "sudo apt-get install p7zip-full" ?11:26
Jonny1mi3: I would guess the terminal would start in its default directory which would be ~ (your home directory). Or maybe it starts in the application directory called by the command you are running11:26
mi3Jonny1: but which command is it ?11:26
oCeanKrammer: yes, that would install that package11:27
Elchzardmarun: afaik the server will tell you when you login if it needs to be rebooted11:27
Krammermi3 : isn't "pwd" ?11:27
KrammeroCean : yes, I've installed that, but now, what I must do to open 7zip ?11:27
mi3Jonny1: for example, when I installed nautilus open terminal, it gave me the option "Open in terminal" but how does the terminal come to know that I am in that directory ?11:27
marunElchzard:  i wanted to write a script to send me automatic notifications when a server needs to be rebooted. So where can I get the  status from?11:28
notjoemarun, depends on what you want to use as the trigger to reboot the server11:29
oCeanKrammer: the command is /usr/bin/7z   7z --help shows options (or man 7z)11:29
mschrYo, whats up with the HDMI playback for time being?? How come it doesnt 'just-work' :/11:29
Jonny1mi3:  Sorry I guess I didnt read from the start of your posting. Could you repeat the whole question (all on one line), please?11:29
mi3Jonny1: sure11:30
mschri have tried multiple approaches, none seemed to work. Only thing left for me - given my knowledge of the sound system - is to manually compile alsa11:30
mi3can someone suggest how the terminal knows in which directory it is when we click on "Open in Terminal " ? which command is it ?11:31
mi3Jonny1: for example, when I installed nautilus open terminal, it gave me the option "Open in terminal" but how does the terminal come to know that I am in that directory ?11:31
kavi'm reading PPP , then i came to topic wvdial , i open its conf file ....   i'm still on mobile Broadband (MTS Mblaze) , so why it don't detect my Modem11:31
KrammeroCean : I cannot use it with Nautilus integration, or like a basic Software ?11:31
ikoniami3: what do you mean how it knows ?11:31
ikoniami3: it's passwd through dbus to open a terminal in the current working directory11:31
k0nichiwawhats hdmi playback11:31
mschrHDMI device shows fine everywhere and modules are loaded, however no audio is sent through.. aplay -D hw:hdmi_ints ..wav ?> channel count not available11:31
kavplease check this file  : http://paste.ubuntu.com/1069233/11:31
k0nichiwaoh its like multiple monitors connected via hdmi cable11:32
KrammeroCean : O_o 7zip is only usable with Terminal ?11:32
mschrk0; analog audio playback => mini-jack speakers output, digital audio playback => optical jacks etc.. hdmi => passthrough audio to receiving device11:32
mi3ikonia: umm when we click on open in terminal, it has to issue some command which will enable it to know which directory it will open11:32
k0nichiwamschr, you mean you connect a multimedia system to your machien using an hdmi cable11:33
mschraplay -D plughw:hdmi_ints ..wav no error - yet no sound11:33
ikoniami3: it's passed through dbus via the desktop11:33
mschrk0nichiwa yes11:33
k0nichiwamschr, have you tried mplayer / vlc ?11:33
mschrk0nichiwa yes ofc11:33
kavTry smplayer ...11:33
Jonny1mi3: I suspect whatever you are running from the GUI is sending  command like /some/path/somefilename. So if you tell it to run in a terminal I would guess the terminal session would run in the directory /some/path as specified in the command sent by the GUI. Sorry if that answer is not helpful11:34
DarkSimL3top: Are you still there?11:34
k0nichiwamschr, any help ? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=111139611:34
mschrdiscussions about the topic comes in multiples with many many forums11:34
KrammerSometimes Windows is better, very better than Linux :/11:34
jim__cI gave up trying to bring up the raid degraded and restored the metadata from the 3rd disc.11:34
k0nichiwawell yeah but that shows how to tell mplayer to route to the hdmi11:34
kavKrammer : what happen ?11:34
jim__cNow it thinks there are 2 arrays, both degraded :(11:34
k0nichiwamschr, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=111139611:35
kavKrammer : i'll help you11:35
k0nichiwaoh sorry11:35
k0nichiwamschr mplayer -ao alsa:device=hw=0.311:35
MonkeyDustmschr  maybe this page is useful - i don't use hdmi myself, so it's just a hint http://voices.canonical.com/david.henningsson/2012/04/14/audio-over-hdmi-and-displayport-in-ubuntu-12-04/11:35
mi3f I want it to open in the Downloads folder, now when I click on open in terminal , it will show that the pwd is /Downloads, how does it do that ? its bcos of dbus ?11:35
k0nichiwamschr, have you tried the various -ao possibilities with mplaye r?11:35
mi3or what ?11:35
ikoniami3: the terminal is opened with a current working directory11:35
mi3ikonia:  then what about open in terminal option ?11:36
ikoniami3: what about it ?11:36
Krammerkav : to have graphical insertion of 7zip :/11:36
L3topsorry DarkSim11:36
mi3ikonia: http://i.stack.imgur.com/cArXe.png can you explain this to me ?11:36
mschrk0nichiwa how would i know for sure which hw:x,y is the right one?11:36
mi3what parameters is it using ?11:36
kavKrammer : Let me see , wait a minute11:36
L3topfor the most part... 730 am now... give me just a minute to finish this.11:36
Krammerkav : to have "add to..." and other things in contextual menu11:37
ikoniami3: it's opening a terminal with the current working directory as a variable11:37
ikoniami3: that variable is passed to the terminal when launching, so ti's current directory is where you are11:37
mi3ikonia: ok, can it be assigned as a keyboard shortcut11:37
DarkSimL3top: Ok :)11:37
ikoniami3: not really, as there will be no working directory to pass11:37
ikonia(assuming I'm understanding what you mean)11:37
mi3ikonia: umm ok, thanks for the explanation :D11:37
MonkeyDustmschr  there's also this, seems they found a solution http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=196111411:38
Jonny1mi3: What are you trying to do?11:38
mi3I wanted to know how it worked, now I know it uses some variable.11:38
Krammerkav : thanks :) and there isn't possibility to get PeaZip or like that on uBuntu ?11:38
k0nichiwamschr, it probabl isnt the right one for you11:38
mi3Jonny1: nothing, trying to understand that11:38
L3topugh... wifes home... this is gonna be a min DarkSim.11:38
k0nichiwamschr, you'd have to research that part some more11:38
DarkSimL3top: No worries11:38
mi3Jonny1: thanks to you too11:38
k0nichiwamschr, maybe its a device listed in your /dev or whatever11:39
DarkSimL3top: If I can get this printer to work in the end, it's all worth it11:39
k0nichiwathat linux directory that lists all the devices on your machine11:39
ravenhow to connect virtual box with a 26 i/o audio card (pci)?11:39
kavKrammer : in ubuntu their is a Tool 7zip11:40
k0nichiwamschr, obviously you can make some guesses and try all the possibilities pretty quickly11:40
k0nichiwamschr, another thing ive found with alsa if you are using that11:40
kavKrammer : what you want from it11:40
k0nichiwais that alsa for me would somtimes have various outputs and inputs set to 0 volume11:40
k0nichiwai think it was alsactl in a terminal that would let you control that11:40
Krammerkav : not have to use Terminal for 7zip11:40
Krammerkav : graphical insertion like in Windows11:41
kavactually , you don't need temianl for that11:41
nicholaspughWhat channel should i join to ask about drivers?11:42
MonkeyDustnicholaspugh  try #ubuntu11:42
kavKrammer : just right click on that you want to encompress , it will encompress11:42
KrammerKav : and how I do that think ?11:42
Krammerkav : I can't do that :/11:42
kavwhich distro are you using ?11:43
nicholaspughAlrighty. Where is a good place to get drivers for a netgear n600 wireless N Adapter?11:43
Saikiwhat does this do?: fromdos /home/*.sh11:43
Krammerkav : yes I can do that, but there isn't so many options like 7zip software11:43
Jonny1mi3: OK. When you click on an application, you are actually calling a shortcut. For example, /some/path/somefilename which has been set up in the shortcut. If you are running gnome you can see this by editing the applications menu and looking at one of the shortcuts for an application. I dont know how to that in unity. If you selected an option to run in terminal then I am not sure if the terminal would run in your home directory ~ or would r11:44
kavchoose .zip , if you want to that stuff on windows11:44
mschri was noticing some bumping 'ticks' on my TV over hdmi once i turn up volume 50% + (very loud). Reinstalled fglrx with one shipped on ubuntu repositories and now its gone (thumbing). yet still no audio11:44
kavKrammer : ubuntu offer you many functionality to comtpress11:44
mi3Jonny1: ok, understood, meaning the parameter cannot be assigned to the shortcut in this case, but it can be assigned only to the open-in-terminal, right11:45
kavKrammer : Enjoy Ubuntu !        Feel its Power , you can't imagine what are you using .....Aha !!!11:45
MonkeyDustSaiki  in a terminal, type apt-cache show tofrodos     to find out what it's for11:46
Krammerkav : I'm just realising that WinRAR is just the better unarchiver x)11:46
=== lubmil is now known as lub`
Krammerkav : better than 7zip, even on Windows, because we can use Profiles :p11:47
kavKrammer : well, you need to spend time on ubuntu .11:47
SaikiMonkeyDust thank you11:47
kavKrammer : which Ubuntu version  you have11:48
SaikiMonkeyDust: some of these things I'm seeing are completely new to me11:48
Jonny1mi3: Yes I think so. You might be able to tell the application you are using to run in a certain directory. Then if you run it in a terminal, the terminal might also run in that directory. Again, I am guessing so someone else correct me please.11:48
mschrk0nichiwa, MonkeyDust thx but sadly none of the above forum threads is the solution11:48
MonkeyDustSaiki  that's called 'learning'11:48
SaikiMonkeyDust: something like that :P11:49
Krammerkav : last times I've spent more time on uBuntu than on Windows, but I'm finding huge defaults of ubuntu which I haven't on other OS :D11:49
Krammerkav : Euhhhh... 12.04 I think :D11:49
kavKrammer : are you using Laptop or Desktop for Ubuntu .Which one ?11:49
mi3Jonny1: yeah, thanks for the explanation, I think I will stay with my present pwd when the terminator starts :D11:49
mschrthe HDMI output device lists fine with aplay -l and pacmd list-sinks both an analogue and the hdmi sinks11:49
Krammerkav : Laptop Acer Aspire 7741G :p11:49
kavKrammer : o ! nice11:50
Krammerkav : why ? x)11:50
kavkrammer : what is your battery backup on ubuntu11:50
kavkrammer : i think atmost 1.5 hours11:51
SaikiMonkeyDust: in this case it's more "monkey see, monkey do"11:51
Krammerkav : Only AC :p never use without battery, but with other OS, I can watch 2 movies in one battery life11:51
=== vato__ is now known as m0ss
m0ssI just made a bootable USB thumb drive in Mac OS X and I can't boot from it..11:52
mschrcard 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: ALC663 Analog [ALC663 Analog]; card 1: HDMI [HDA ATI HDMI], device 3: ATI HDMI [ATI HDMI] and then11:52
Krammerkav : (in economical power)11:52
mschr aplay -D plughw:0,0 /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav no error, has playback11:52
m0ssMy macbook isn't recognizing it after reboot.11:52
mschr aplay -D plughw:1,3 /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav no error, No playback11:52
kavkrammer : ubuntu has less compatibility with hardware11:52
Novasunis it supposed to auto boot the usb?11:53
kavkrammer : Ubuntu now saying , that they removed that problem in 12.1011:53
SaikiMonkeyDust:I'm loking at pre-made scripts11:53
VirtualBlacknessok DarkSim... printer model please11:53
mpma__Hello everyone11:53
=== VirtualBlackness is now known as L3top
geobilalisHow can i add more apps in the XUBUNTU dock???11:53
kavKrammer : in 12.10 , you may get more battery backup11:53
Krammerkav : before I've formated all my HDD (3 days ago), no hardware problem with both OS11:53
DarkSimVirtualBlackness: Canon Laser Shot LBP-112011:53
Krammerkav : yes, I've 12.04 LTS11:54
DarkSimL3top: ^11:54
Krammerkav : and I can upgrade without lose data ?11:55
kavkrammer : LTS means you ubuntu version will pay more attention than others in term of time11:55
geobilalissupport etc11:55
m0ssits not supposed to, i press alt/option on boot11:55
m0ssbut it only recognizes my main hard drive11:55
DarkSimL3top: Canon Laser Shot LBP-112011:55
SkippersBoss!patience | geobilalis11:55
ubottugeobilalis: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/11:55
kavKrammer : if you on 11.04 , even then you can upgrad without loss of data11:55
L3topWhat country are you in DarkSim11:56
SkippersBossgeobilalis, You want to add another launcher to the panel ??11:56
Krammerkav : so LTS is for Laptop ?11:56
m477have can I check if I have installed java JRE and JDK?11:56
DarkSimL3top: Sweden11:57
SkippersBossI guess not hmm11:57
kavkrammer : Haha !   well may be .. It designed for both desktop and Laptop11:57
Krammerkav : maybe in one year when i'll go to university I'll happy to have more autonomy :D11:57
ravenhow to connect virtual box with a 26 i/o audio card (pci)?11:58
kavKrammer : take an example of MAC , if you have MAC then your Battery Backup will more if you install window / ubuntu on MAC system11:58
Krammerkav : I have not all understood on "LTS means you ubuntu version will pay more attention than others in term of time" :/11:58
glitsj16mschr: have you tested each subdevice on your hdmi card yet? it might be a different subdevice than 1,311:59
kavKrammer : take an example of MAC , if you have MAC on mac system then your Battery Backup will more compare to when you install window / ubuntu on MAC system11:59
kavKrammer : LTS : Long Time Support11:59
Krammerkav : and there is a link between LTS and battery backup ?!12:00
mschrglitsj16 there is only the one for card 112:00
kavKrammer : 8.10 is not LTS , after few years Ubuntu will stop making packages for 8.1012:00
L3topDarkSim: what does Handböcker mean in English?12:01
kavLTS and Battery BAckup has no link12:01
Krammerkav : ooh, I understand now :)12:01
mschrglitsj16 i know it looks odd and i also find it weird, that the device # starts with 312:01
DarkSimL3top: Basically it means a guide/manual12:01
kavkrammer : any other problem12:01
glitsj16mschr: can you pastebin aplay -l please, or provide a link to it if you already done that12:02
Krammerkav : but maybe in some years, 12.04 LTS will not be continued to have package ? (bad sentance :D)12:02
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)12:02
mschrglitsj16 thing is, plughw:1,3 has a pause, says 'playing WAVE' but nothing is heard12:02
kavwell , i think it will be supported till 201712:02
SkippersBoss!lts | krammer12:02
ubottukrammer: please see above12:02
glitsj16mschr: device #'s for hdmi usually do start at 3, but what is weird is only 1 subdevice12:03
L3topDarkSim: Does that look right? http://www.canon.se/Support/Consumer_Products/products/printers/Laser/Laser_Shot_LBP-1120.aspx?DLtcmuri=tcm:87-846510&page=1&type=download12:03
KrammerOkay, I think I've understood that :)12:03
DarkSimL3top: Yeah, that's my printer alright12:04
mschrglitsj16 i have an onboard sound device, a dedicated video card. fglrx provides the HDMI card12:04
L3topgo ahead and dl DarkSim12:04
kavkrammer : Aha ! o god !  i think we are of same age   , i want to go in  university : (     . ... in a good university12:04
L3topDarkSim: go to bottom and accept the mile of agreements12:04
kavkrammer : Aha !    , happy ubuntu12:05
DarkSimL3top: File downloaded12:05
glitsj16mschr: okay, what i was thinking: your card does have several subdevices, but pulseaudio configuration uses the wrong one, so no error + no sound12:05
L3topmschr: does sudo speaker-test -c 2 -t sine -l 1 -D hw:1,3           make noise?12:06
glitsj16mschr: thanks, checking12:06
kavdr_willis : read this http://paste.ubuntu.com/1069233/12:06
mschrl3top nop12:06
Krammerkav : another problem, I don't have microphone on skype12:07
Krammerkav : but on PulseAudio, I can talk easily12:07
kavdr_willis : i'm using MTS MBlaze ( PPP modem)    , but when i use wvdial.conf   , it doen't detect my modem12:08
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kavkrammer : i never use skype    ...          Sorry !12:08
mschrglitsj16 oh and btw hda-intel module gets 3stack-dig however i dont think it has anything to do with it12:09
dr_williskav ive not used a dialup modem in 13+ years12:09
L3topmschr: can you add      options snd-hda-intel model=auto        to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf      at the end and then sudo alsa reload12:09
Krammererf... somebody can help me ? I cannot use microphone on Skype, but I can use it on PulseAudio !12:09
kavdr_willis : O !12:09
L3topmschr: then speakertest again12:09
mschrl3top same story, no audio12:09
glitsj16mschr: l3top has loads more knowledge on this, forget what i was saying (that referred to nvidia)12:10
kavL3top : please took here http://paste.ubuntu.com/1069233/    ,i'm using MTS MBlaze ( PPP modem)    , but when i use wvdial.conf   , it doesn't detect my modem12:10
L3topmschr: can you put a hash # in front of what I just gave you and put options snd-hda-intel enable_msi=0 index=-2  in there instead... and sudo alsa reload  and then speakertest12:10
L3topdunno anything about that kav...12:11
L3topDarkSim: I have a terrible connection. I am almost done12:11
kavLa3top  : Ok !12:12
L3topmschr: there are no error messages or warnings at the beginning when you do alsa relaod right12:12
mschrl3top Terminating processes: 9142lsof: WARNING: can't stat() fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon file system /home/mschr/.gvfs12:12
mschr4 warnings on gvfs12:13
L3topCan you reboot please mschr and speakertest12:13
sashowhat is the best antyVirus sofware ?12:13
oCean!av | sasho12:13
ubottusasho: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus12:13
mschraye captain :)12:14
jim__cok, the raid is restored to life12:14
L3topDarkSim: have you extracted that archive yet?12:15
jim__cnow I have to find my wife's backup drive and get her to move her stuff off it12:15
jim__cbecause my own is not big enough for everything I need to back up12:15
sashothe bot is good mate12:15
DarkSimL3top: Yes12:15
jim__ccongratulations dmraid, for simultaneously convincing me once and for all I don't want to be using you and making it very difficult to stop12:16
L3topDarkSim: uname -m12:17
mschrl3top the msi switch renders no-cards-found12:17
DarkSimL3top: Should I just write that in terminal?12:17
compdocpssst: dmraid is not alive12:17
mschr[    8.484915] snd_hda_intel: `-' invalid for parameter `index'12:17
L3topcan you hash that and unhas the last and reboot please... (sorry... alsa is... annoying this way)12:18
L3topDarkSim: ^12:18
DarkSimI'm not sure I get what you want me to do L3top12:18
jim__ccompdoc, why do you think I'm trying to convert to mdraid in the first place?12:18
L3toptype uname -m DarkSim12:18
L3toptell me what it says please DarkSim12:18
L3topDarkSim: in a terminal12:19
DarkSimL3top: i68612:19
kavL3top : what  is the difference between gksu and gksudo ?12:19
AndroidBeingam trying to configure xdmcp with lightdm, have added "[XDMCPServer] enabled=true" but it doesn't work, is there anything else I need to change?12:19
miadbahramihow to recover my file in ubuntu & linux ?12:19
mschrgawd i love ssd :)12:19
ircnode0I unmute and maximize everything (except rear mic boost), but there are no sound?12:20
* miadbahrami how to recover my file in ubuntu & linux ?12:20
L3topDarkSim: in terminal, please navigate to the extracted directory, the the 32bit directory then the Ubuntu directory12:20
compdocmschr, ssd is nice, but make sure you enable trim in fstab12:20
ircnode0with alsamixer12:20
mschrl3top no noise12:20
mschrcompdoc ?12:20
ircnode0can I do something to get sound back?12:21
L3topmschr: amixdigital=$(amixer | grep "Simple" | cut -d' ' -f4,5,6 | sort | uniq); for output in $amixdigital; do amixer sset $output unmute; done 2>/dev/null; alsactl store12:21
compdocmschr ^12:21
mschroptions snd-hda-intel enable_msi=0 is valid, cards are listed but no hdmi audio12:21
DarkSimL3top: I'll try and navigate with terminal, haven't done that yet though12:21
mschrcompdoc what does it do?12:21
L3topDarkSim: what browser did you use to download?12:21
DarkSimL3top: Firefox12:21
L3topDarkSim: cd ~/Downloads12:22
compdocmschr, trim is a method of deleting data that ensures the ssd drive lives a long life12:22
L3topdid you extract it with ark there?12:22
DarkSimjust had to change downloads with hämtningar12:22
L3topmschr: aplay -l | grep -i hdmi12:22
DarkSimgonna be a pain with swedish words, but I hope you can endure12:22
mschrl3top yea, none muted neither :p12:23
L3topmschr: just checkin12:23
L3topmschr: lspci -nn | grep VGA   please12:24
DarkSimL3top: is the Debian folder the Ubuntu folder?12:24
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L3topsorry Debian yes DarkSim... not ubuntu12:24
m0ssdoes ubuntu support EFF12:25
DarkSimL3top: I am now in the debian folder in the 32-bit driver folder in terminal12:25
mschrl3top: http://pastebin.com/zQ6MLbWj && 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: ATI Technologies Inc Mobility Radeon HD 3400 Series [1002:95c4]12:25
L3topDarkSim: sudo dpkg -i cndrvcups-common_2.40-1_i386.deb cndrvcups-capt_2.40-1_i386.deb12:26
L3topmschr: lsmod | grep fglrx12:27
DarkSimL3top: How do I know if it did everything correctly?12:27
L3topIt will install12:27
L3topand not yell at you12:27
L3topmschr: does that return an output?12:28
mschrl3top yes12:28
mschrDriver version: 8.95-1202414a-134397C-ATI12:28
L3topmschr: You cannot run that driver12:28
mschrfglrx loaded and linked with agpgart12:29
L3topmschr: In the infinite wisdom of ATI, you must use the radeon driver.12:29
L3topOne moment12:29
DarkSimL3top: This is basically what came out http://paste.ubuntu.com/1069318/12:29
DarkSimI ran it through google translate to fix the swedish words, hopefully it's still readable12:29
L3topDarkSim: sudo apt-get install libglade2-012:30
mschrl3top radeon driver is xorg default fallback right?12:30
DarkSimL3top: Done with that command12:31
L3topmschr: they are incompatable... you will have to purge and reload a heap of stuff unfortunately...12:31
muelliDarkSim: if you ran "export LC_ALL=C" beforehand, you'd have everything in proper English12:31
BluesKajHey all12:32
DarkSimI'm very new to Linux and I'd want the menus to be in Swedish since it's for my father12:32
L3topDarkSim: that command is just for the session12:33
SaikiDarkSim: change the system langage to sweedish and reboot. the system should ask if you want to convert the folders12:33
DarkSimL3top: I should've said I have executed it12:33
DarkSimMy folders are in swedish, most of them already12:34
L3topone second mschr not forgotten you... just trying to do both of these things at once12:34
mschrl3top im quite certain that i heard people over on #ati having audio working with fglrx..12:34
zastaphwhat's the difference of installing Ubuntu to pendrive between using Unetbootin or the "Startup Disk Creator" from Ubuntu self?12:34
L3topNot on that chipset in 1204 mschr12:34
L3topcheck with them.12:34
L3topmschr: before I give you these commands I am looking for the notice of support drop to confirm12:35
L3topmschr: that is why it is taking me forever12:35
L3topmschr: I may be confused...12:36
mschroh but i have no issue with trying out the radeon driver12:36
mschri'd just be happier with fglrx running as should12:36
L3topmschr: Yes... sorry... I am wrong... it is not till the 12-5 catalyst... this is the 12-4 equiv in repo.12:36
L3topI think12:36
L3topDarkSim: did you sudo apt-get install libglade2-012:37
DarkSimL3top: Yes12:37
L3topDarkSim: sudo dpkg -i cndrvcups-common_2.40-1_i386.deb12:37
DarkSimL3top: Done12:38
L3topno errors?12:38
MK`My ram got low and so ubuntu started allocating some things to swap. Now that my ram usage is down, it still shows 5% swap in use, is there a way for me to transfer that out of swap?12:38
DarkSimL3top: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1069329/12:39
DarkSimL3top: Doesn't seem like an error to me at least12:39
L3topDarkSim: sudo dpkg -i cndrvcups-common_2.40-1_i386.deb12:39
DarkSimL3top: Same things as before12:40
djiefoHi, how to install gnome themes comming in zip file? thru 12.04 thx12:40
L3topDoes anyone know if you need to reload cups or anything after installing printer drivers?12:40
MonkeyDustdjiefo  unzip, then install, or is that not exactly what you mean12:40
wdpis there a way, to limit the kernels and files in /boot in ubuntu?12:41
L3topjust fyi mschr http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=amd_catalyst_legacy2&num=112:41
djiefoMonkeyDust,  it's not that simple...12:41
MlysianHi, where is my file location after install lamp server by terminal12:42
wdpI used to have /boot on a separate partition since I use linux, usually like 150 MB for /boot. So I did when I installed my mom ubuntu. The problem is now, /boot runs full, hence my question if it's possible to keep only the current kernel and the one before that as fallback (automatic)12:42
L3topmschr: has that other one out... I will find a better msi for your specific card... I am almost done with Dar12:42
DarkSimL3top: I think you have to, I remember reading that somewhere12:42
L3topDarkSim: just reboot... if you dont mind... I just like reboots. Nobody else does.12:43
DarkSimOh ok12:43
mschrwhats msi short of12:43
uzumatiwhat's up fellas12:44
Sparky_Whenever I open the Ubuntu Software Center, I get an error, Over and Over and Over again! "Items cannot be installed or removed until the package catalog is repaired. Do you want to repair it? 'Once Update Manager has finished the repairs, you can close it and return to the store.'"12:44
djiefoMonkeyDust,  when I extract, it gives me 2 files (1 tar.gz and 1 .emerald)12:45
L3topThe index address... I was just giving you quick cheats that work for almost every nvidia thing out there... and some ati... thats why I asked about the GPU, and then thought (mistakenly) that the fglrx could have been the problem. I do not believe it is teh case... I have to find the matrix for individual doodads.12:45
L3topmschr: ^12:45
DarkSim_L3top: Done12:45
L3topLets try and print.12:45
MonkeyDustSparky_  avoid expressions like "Over and Over and Over again" -  in a terminal try sudo apt-get install -f        -f means fix12:45
DarkSim_Gonna start up the printer12:46
alankilaSparky_: command-line time. Try 'sudo apt-get update', see if it's more illuminating about what goes wrong12:46
bencchow can I measure cpu and ram usage during a load test?12:46
L3topbencc: top12:47
DarkSim_L3top: I can't see my printer12:47
Sparky_Command-line? How do I get to that?12:47
L3topone moment DarkSim12:47
MonkeyDustSparky_  a terminal, ctrl-alt-t12:47
Sparky_Yeah I know Terminal lol12:48
benccL3top: can I save top results to a file?12:48
Sparky_"Your computer has 0 bytes disc space left"12:49
vltbencc: "top -n 1" or something like that. See manpage.12:49
uzumatiAnyone can you tell me how to get sensor for Intel HD 3000  VGA ?12:49
Sparky_Ubuntu hasn't been pleasing me lately -_-12:49
benccvlt: L3top: thanks12:49
MonkeyDustbencc  top | tee blah      then you see top and it creates a file called blah12:49
anon_Would it be possible for the developers of Ubuntu to integrate Yacy into Ubuntu so even Ubuntu beginners don'tg have to use Google anymore ? http://yacy.net12:50
MonkeyDustanon_  what's yacy?12:50
MonkeyDust!brainstorm| anon_12:51
ubottuanon_: Post your ideas for Ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!12:51
=== DarkSim_ is now known as DarkSim
anon_MonkeyDust, it is an anonymous, distributed search engine.12:51
Sparky_When I installed Ubuntu, I installed it alongside XP, and XP is taking up all my disc space, how do I delete it?12:51
MonkeyDustanon_  you mean like duckduckgo?12:51
anon_MonkeyDust, with it you can search the Internet anonymously whereas Google tracks your every move.12:52
RAITARI also want to ask this question12:52
aristidesflI restarted my machine and now can't connect via ssh `ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused`12:52
Sparky_192.169.1.4 is a local IP12:52
MonkeyDustanon_  offtopic: https://duckduckgo.com/privacy.html12:52
aristidesflSparky_ I'm in a local network12:52
mschrl3top perhaps this will help ? http://pastebin.com/jyXGDyEK12:52
anon_If Linux is the counterpart to Windows then yacy is the counterpart to Google yacy.ne12:53
tehNewbhi guys/girls12:53
anon_MonkeyDust, is duckduckgo distributed or in the hand of one organization?12:53
tehNewbi'm new at ubuntu and have a little problem. can someone explain me why i can't start the live version of ubuntu on my laptop?12:53
tehNewbit works at my pc12:53
MonkeyDustanon_  guess you can read it on the ddg pages12:54
tehNewbbut the laptops wont boot from usb stick.. but i changed it in the bios :s12:54
aristidesflSparky_ I've disabled gnome but have xorg enabled, how can I access a terminal?12:54
Sparky_Can someone tell me how to clear my disc so I can install Ubuntu with a completely clean slate?12:55
thaurwylthI've had problems with mini laptop stick boot as well earlier. Live CD worked.12:55
MonkeyDustSparky_  use gparted, delete the partition you need12:55
thaurwylthThis was with 11.10. With 12.04, also the stick started working.12:55
Sparky_aristidesfl, I dunno o_o I'm no Ubuntu wiz, I started using it yesterday lol12:55
Sparky_I wanna just delete it all12:55
Sparky_I don't have anything important on my computer12:55
thaurwylthSo in a nutshell the answer would be, laptop stick boot works in mysterious ways.12:56
anon_MonkeyDust, as expected it is in the hand of one organization. Promises of privacy are nonsense.12:56
tehNewb@laurwylth my netbook has no cd drive12:56
aristidesflSparky_ use the installation disk/usb12:56
Sparky_I have a USB with Ubuntu on it, I just don't know how to wipe my computer clean of everything12:56
MonkeyDustanon_  you can use brainstorm then, type !brainstorm to repeat the factoid12:57
thaurwylthSparky, you can do that during the installation.12:57
Sparky_How do I do it?12:57
thaurwylthYes. You don't need to pre-empty yuour machine.12:57
thaurwylthWait a second.12:58
Sparky_Oh how convinient lol12:58
ubottuPost your ideas for Ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!12:58
DarkSimHow is it going over there L3top?12:58
thaurwylthhttp://www.liberiangeek.net/2012/04/dual-boot-windows-7-and-ubuntu-12-04-precise-pangolin/   <== ctrl + f Next, choose the option highlighted below (Something else) and click ‘Continue’13:00
alexander_how to make dell latitude e5520 see its own mic?13:00
thaurwylthThat third option, the Something else option, allows you to reallocate disk space.13:00
thaurwylthAt that point, you can wipe out all existing stuff from the disk.13:00
Sparky_Could you put that in noob language XD13:00
thaurwylthLet's see. I'm not sure whether there's a thorough tutorial of it online.13:01
Sparky_Hrm :/13:01
Sparky_Dual boot windows 7 and Ubuntu? What does Windows 7 have to do with it?13:02
m0sswindows 7 is le poop13:02
thaurwylthIn any case, as you start your live CD/stick/what-gangsta-evah, soon you will see that three-option screen. At least regular Ubuntu install does that. Then --13:02
thaurwylthDual boot is not important here.13:02
thaurwylthThe image of the three options was what I was after.13:03
thaurwylthI just recalled that it is conveniently on that page.13:03
Sparky_So, I guess I will just plugin my USB and install and hope for the best :313:03
thaurwylthWait a second.13:03
thaurwylthYou will first need to make some notes on how to set up the disk space.13:03
Sparky_oh ok13:03
thaurwylthOr make sure that you have another computer with IRC available.13:03
Sparky_lol I do13:04
thaurwylthOh, then you can fire away, I guess.13:04
Sparky_Ok :P13:04
Sparky_Wish me luck XD13:04
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thaurwylthJust remember that 'Something else' option, it will allow you to do stuff for the disk space.13:05
thaurwylthMy choices, which I guess are hugely old-fashioned today, are typically a tri-partition of the disk: one part for /, one part for swap and one, the biggest part for /home .13:06
alexander_why is Settings->Sound->Input disabled (dell lat. e5520)?13:07
thaurwylthBut hey, people, I actually came here because I have a question myself. This is about Win 7 double-boot. Please allow me to skim through the Code of Conduct and FAQ first...13:07
HelloWorld321alexander_ : probably because it doesn't detect your microphone ((sound input device)13:10
thaurwylthOK. Here goes. My problem is sort of this backwards. 'I installed Windows (or another Operating System) and now I can't get into Ubuntu! See the RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows page.' Let me elaborate.13:11
DarkSimL3top: Are you here?13:11
HelloWorld321alexander_: do you have one?13:11
[dlp]Hi all... is there a PPA for more up-to-date mainline kernels?13:11
[dlp]The daily build PPA looks defunct.13:11
alexander_yes, according to specifications it comes with one (or many)13:11
LjL!mainline | [dlp]13:12
ubottu[dlp]: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds13:12
=== setkeh` is now known as setkeh
thaurwylthThis machine has two disk and FIRST, Win 7 was installed on one and both disks were made NTFS. Then I - without doing anything pre-emptive for the disks inside Windows, sorry for this - stuck in Ubu 12.04 Live and made the empty disk NTFS ==> Ext4 and installed Ubuntu there and GRUB to the boot sector of the remaining Windows disk. TO BE CONTINUED --13:12
automaciejI'm trying to track down the current state of pitivi. There's a bug which says "fix released". https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pitivi/+bug/1001516 -- but this is only to precise-proposed. There's a page with an automatically generated list of packages in the process of SRU: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html -- and it doesn't mention pitivi.13:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1001516 in pitivi (Ubuntu Precise) "Please SRU to PiTiVi 0.15.2" [High,Fix released]13:13
thaurwylthNow GRUB boots just fine, Ubuntu boots just fine, and I have set also the Windows disk to mount to Ubuntu via /etc/fstab . CONTINUED --13:14
thaurwylthHowever, when I tried to do a Windows boot, it crashes. I guess this is due to the other disk being 'done stuff to' so that the Windows system information is now incompatible.13:14
thaurwylthThe Windows install I have there is fresh, so I could just well do another install, but I'd try to avoid it, if possible, because then I will have to do also a GRUB reinstall. So are there any easier workarounds for me?13:15
BluesKajthaurwylth, grub should have been installed on the kubuntu disk , it would have detected the windows mbr on the other disk , if not sudo update-grub would probly have picked it up13:16
HelloWorld321alexander_: I've gotten you as far as I go (I don't go very far).  You probably need to install drivers for your sound device.  Find out what sound device you have, and then ask again how to install it.13:16
thaurwylthYes, it recognizes the Windows boot just fine. The problems start, when the Windows boot loader kicks in.13:17
BluesKajthaurwylth, the mistake was to install grub in the windows boot sector13:19
thaurwylthThis is only me guessing, but I think that the problem is as follows. Windows has stored system information and it thinks that hey, by golly, I should have two NTFS disks here. However, since my Ubuntu installation this has changed. So system information does not match with existing reality ==> crash.13:19
thaurwylthI see.13:19
achirura_hey i'm using Xubuntu and i've got Creative Soundblaster 5.1 Vx soundcard my problem is when i try to listen music or talk in skype sounds coming 2x faster or more and i cant really understand whats going on... anyone can help me?13:21
BluesKajinstalling grub on the kubuntu disk as if it was an independent install works , grub will pick up thgew windows mbr on the other disk during the grub update13:21
BluesKajthaurwylth, ^13:21
thaurwylthSo you don't think changing one of the disks from NTFS to Ext4 is part of the problem at all?13:22
inashdeenhi, can someone point me how do i connect to xkb developer13:22
thaurwylthWill I be able to fix also the Windows MBR without a reinstall? I know that getting GRUB on the other disk should be easy; if nothing else, I can also hack it from the Live stick.13:23
BluesKajthaurwylth, however windows looks for the /dev/sda/ partition no matter which disk has theat designationeven if it's ext or ntfs13:24
tezterhow to check the load of each process shown with `top`? (not RAM, but load, on a 1-core VPS)13:24
alankilatezter: the % estimate given by top is not sufficient for you?13:25
gaelfxI'm using NFS to access my /home on my main box from my laptops around the house, the /home is on an external HD connected via USB3.0, and sometimes when my client connects, it's really slow, other times it's perfectly fine, can anyone help me diagnose or possibly solve this issue?13:25
BluesKajthaurwylth, I'm not sure but perhaps the repair windows optionwith windows install will rstore the mbr13:25
thaurwylthBy the way, goddamnit, it seems that for some reason the Windows system information and, well, full install in general has been done on /dev/sdb . This was done before I got my hands on this computer.13:25
NsrUbuntuI need help related to Usb 3g modem .. please PM me13:26
tezteralankila: whenever nagios was warning me about high load, i checked with top and not any of the processes was suspicious.13:26
thaurwylthAnd, thus, my Ubuntu disk is now /dev/sda . Is this a problem?13:26
alankilatezter: yes, because load doesn't really relate to CPU use that well.13:26
alankilatezter: load average is the average number of processes in runnable state, but if they don't run for whatever reason they give a high load average. Often slow i/o causes this, as the processes are runnable but have to wait for disk13:27
tezteralankila: how else can i find out the bad process? i am pretty sure apache+mysql are OK, but have no idea about postfix and others.13:27
BluesKajthaurwylth, not if you managed to install windows onm sdb , however that's probly how kubuntu sees the disk , and windows may see it as sda13:27
alankilatezter: look for processes that are either in R or D state as shown by top, frequently at the top when measured by cpu usage too13:28
alankilatezter: also try a program called iotop (may need to be installed first)13:28
tezterio is fine. i checked this already.13:28
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BluesKajer ubuntu13:29
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tezterno peaks if no backup is being written at the moment. the downtimes or issues happen at any time, around 3-6 days of running. no peak times, hardly any traffic.13:30
BluesKajthaurwylth, the situation I described above happened to me13:30
thaurwylthOK. Thanks for the help. I'll try to reinstall GRUB on a different MBR, then repair the Windows MBR. I'll also manually take notes of the partition UUID's - at least in the past this has been an important precaution.13:30
n105why i have only two screen resolution13:30
alankilatezter: checked if you are swapping yet?13:31
alankilatezter: also a popular reason for high load averages13:31
alexander_downloaded an audio driver for latitude which has a deb-archive and a sh-script (to fix mic problem). Packegs is  alsa-driver-hda-krug-ubuntu-audio-dev-dkms. How to install?13:31
tezter(real) RAM usage between 50 and 75%, no warnings. swap around 60MB.13:31
alankilatezter: I rather mean swapping in dynamic sense, if pages are moving in and out of swap13:31
tezteralankila: oom-killer was not active.13:32
alankilaalthough if there's around 50 % free then probably not.13:32
alankilaout of ideas anyway13:32
tezteralankila: me, too. thanks for the tipp with R/D flag in top. i will try to check it when it happens next time. hard to research because nagious is only telling about the total load in last 5 minutes etc., no hint for the "bad" process there.13:33
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alankilatezter: my guess is that it's either swapping or something that slows disk access to much that processes get to waiting. i/o is a common reason for load average that is high while cpu usage is not.13:34
NsrUbuntuhow to register ?13:34
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode13:35
DarkSimWhere did L3top go? :(13:35
gaelfxI'm using NFS to access my /home on my main box from my laptops around the house, the /home is on an external HD connected via USB3.0, and sometimes when my client connects, it's really slow, other times it's perfectly fine, can anyone help me diagnose or possibly solve this issue?13:36
n105why i have only two screen resolution13:37
n105800x600 and 1024x80013:37
kristenBescott: you there?13:38
burghello. i am trying to install ubuntu 12.04 from usb stick, but it won't get past the loading screen just after booting from usb13:38
escottkristenB, yes13:38
kristenBescott:  :)13:38
kristenBescott: can we continue our ssh questions? :)13:38
escottkristenB, sure13:38
alankilagaelfx: you are using wireless? my guess is that your wi-fi speed fluctuates and that's the cause of the slowdown13:39
kristenBescott: I didn't do anything since you left, I went to bed too.13:39
kristenBescott: so my question was that I wanted to connect to C through B for rsync.13:39
DarkSimI'm never gonna be able to use Ubuntu in this pace13:40
escottkristenB, yeah13:40
mschrl3top gave up :? http://pastebin.com/jyXGDyEK13:40
DarkSimI can't find him, he has been missing for over an hour13:41
escottkristenB, so you need to create a Host entry in the config file for C and mention B in the ProxyCommand declaration13:41
escottDarkSim, refresh the channel on your problem13:42
DarkSimI'm trying to use a Canon Laser Shot LBP-1120, but it doesn't work13:42
kristenBescott: so that would be in .etc/known_hosts ?13:42
escottkristenB, no in ~/.ssh/config13:42
DarkSimI tried a lot of drivers before but I couldnt get it to print anything, so I went for a fresh reinstallation13:42
escottDarkSim, what was L3top having you try13:43
DarkSimBut then L3top, who was helping, dissappeared13:43
DarkSimHe said that I should try to print something, but it doesn't find my printer13:43
kristenBescott: how can I specify the port of C?13:44
phoebus_power consumption in ubuntu 12.04 is higher!!13:44
escottDarkSim, does the printer appear in https://localhost:63113:45
DarkSimescott: Nope13:45
escottkristenB, I think there is a Port declaration under Host13:45
burganybody had the same problem?13:46
escottkristenB, http://linux.die.net/man/5/ssh_config13:46
thaurwylthExcept that... What is the easiest way to get GRUB reinstalled on a different MBR? Can I simply edit something in /etc/default/grub and run update-grub?13:46
DarkSimescott: I think L3top guided me to install there drivers though: http://www.canon.se/Support/Consumer_Products/products/printers/Laser/Laser_Shot_LBP-1120.aspx?DLtcmuri=tcm:87-846510&page=1&type=download13:47
DarkSimSo I should have the drivers installed13:47
ertigoHello , I want application , system etc on top in ubuntu 12.04 instead of icons on the left. Is it possible ?13:47
kristenBescott: Is it usePrivilegedPort ?13:48
escottDarkSim, what files did that create13:48
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=== InCognitO is now known as InCognitO`
DarkSimescott: What files?13:48
gaelfxalankila: yeah, using wireless, but I've monitored the connection and it's steady13:48
escottDarkSim, the file you installed from canon, what files did it create and install?13:49
DarkSimescott: I don't know, I have also rebooted after that like L3top told me to do13:49
DarkSimI just ran it with the terminal13:50
alankilagaelfx: yeah I can get around 8 MB/s over a wireless link here in a steady way when in same room with the server and its wireless card, but put a few walls in between and the link's speed fluctuates quite a bit for me13:50
escottkristenB, i think all you need is that proxy command13:51
alankilagaelfx: if you can prove that simultaneously while NFS speed is low, other transfers are unaffected, then that's a good way to be sure that the wireless is not the cause of the slowdown. (Not sure how you monitor the connection.)13:51
kristenBescott: ok13:52
escottkristenB, but it would be something like Host C HostName whatever Port 22 ProxyCommand B:200013:52
kristenBescott: I also need to set up a passwordless connection between B and C then ?13:53
DarkSimWhy must a printer cause so much trouble :(13:54
escottkristenB, yes you will want that. all you need to do is run ssh-keygen and ssh-copy-id on B to C13:54
ubottudhcp is Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, a protocol for automatic IP assignment from a router. Ubuntu uses dhclient as a DHCP client but other ones (and DHCP servers too) can be obtained from the !repos. More info at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DHCP13:54
PriyanthaHow is your printer connected DarkSim ?13:55
DarkSimPriyantha: ^13:55
kristenBescott:  this time I can just keep the default name for id_rsa ?13:55
escottkristenB, yes13:56
Priyanthawhat was the exact type again DarkSim ?13:56
kristenBescott: then ssh-copy-id is to be run on B or C ?13:56
DarkSimPriyantha: Canon Laser Shot LBP-112013:56
escottkristenB, on B to C ssh-copy-id user@C13:56
Priyanthathx mate :)13:56
DarkSimThere is a guide with the drivers I downloaded but I couldn't follow it through13:57
DarkSimMaybe that will help you13:57
kristenBescott: how can I add the port specification in that command ? Is it just -p %portnumber ?13:57
nitincan any body help me to configure 3g USB modem13:58
escottkristenB, the ProxyCommand should be a normal ssh command13:58
PriyanthaDarkSim: http://software.canon-europe.com/software/0040567.asp?model=13:58
Priyanthadid you download that one ?13:58
DarkSimPriyantha: http://www.canon.se/Support/Consumer_Products/products/printers/Laser/Laser_Shot_LBP-1120.aspx?DLtcmuri=tcm:87-846510&page=1&type=download13:58
kristenBescott: I'm not talking about the ProxyCommand, sorry for the confusion. I was talking about ssh-copy-id13:58
escottkristenB, if its not 22 then yes13:59
kristenBescott:  I tried t and I get Bad port 'umask 077; test -d ~/.ssh || mkdir ~/.ssh ; cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'13:59
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DarkSimPriyantha: Seems like mine is a bit newer, the site is in swedish though14:00
kavPriyanthat : !dhcp    .Can you clear this statement .Please14:00
Priyanthaah that one is even newer DarkSim :)14:00
PriyanthaI see14:00
escottkristenB, you can also do it through scp. you can see from the above that ssh-copy-id is just a shell script14:01
Priyanthaare you running 32bits DarkSim ?14:01
kavPriyantha : !dhcp    .Can you clear this statement .Please14:01
DarkSimPriyantha: L3top guided me so I navigated into the 32-bit debian folder in that folder14:01
DarkSimPriyantha: yes 3214:01
papnaI'm having trouble with an 11.10 install; there appears to be some kernel installation/dependency issue. The output of dpkg --configure -a shows the issue: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1069431/14:01
Priyanthawhat statement kav ?14:01
DarkSimPriyantha: and I installed those two files I guess14:01
Priyanthaah okay14:02
kristenBescott: so I just to send the .pub, right ?14:02
PriyanthaI don't understand your question kav14:02
Priyanthammm strange DarkSim14:02
Priyanthathe printer gui even doesn't reconize the printer ?14:02
kavdhcp is Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, a protocol for automatic IP assignment from a router. Ubuntu uses dhclient as a DHCP client but other ones (and DHCP servers too) can be obtained from the !repos. More info at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DHCP14:02
escottkristenB, yes14:02
orogorhi here14:02
DarkSimPriyantha: Have look inside, there should be a guide, maybe it'll enlighten you14:02
kavhere , Ubuntu use dhclient : means what ?14:03
DarkSimPriyantha: In the docs folder it is zipped up14:03
Priyanthaah yes I see14:03
orogormy workstation wont  save the dns config using resolv.conf , where would i change it?14:03
kristenBescott:  and where do I put it in C and under what name ?14:03
escottkristenB, whatever name you want log in as14:03
kavPriyantha :Ubuntu uses dhclient as a DHCP client but other ones (and DHCP servers too) can be obtained from the !repos.   : i have doubt in this line14:03
paulus68is there a way to upgrade to 12.04 server without having to reinstall all the programs?14:04
PriyanthaDarkSim: you did follow that guide ?14:04
DarkSimI have tried14:04
DarkSimbut some of the commands didn't work out14:04
kristenBescott: come again? In what directory of C do I put the rsa_id file in, and should I change its name to something more appropriate ?14:04
Priyanthathat location14:05
Priyanthaif you have extracted that guide-capt file14:05
escottkristenB, the .pub should be added to the contents of the authorized_keys file of the user on C you want to login as14:05
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DarkSimPriyantha: Yes14:05
kristenBkristenB: oh so it's not added as a file ?14:06
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Priyanthakav: and what have I to do with that ? ;)14:06
DarkSimPriyantha: I had problems with the CUPS restart, Spooler and onward14:06
chrisalk13Hi have a video related question14:06
Priyanthawhat kind of error did you get with restarting cups DarkSim ?14:06
kavPriyantha : i want to understand networking , so i need to understand that  line ... I have some doubt about DHCP14:07
chrisalk13i am running 12.04 on an Acer Aspire 5610, the video freezes and the sound 'skips' until I move the mouse.  This happens both online and on DVD14:07
DarkSimPriyantha: I'm not sure if it was a problem more than that I just didn't know if I did it correctly14:07
chrisalk13have to go i'll try again later...ty14:07
Priyanthaokay :)14:08
DarkSimSo if this guide is correct Priyantha, let's continue of the step Restart CUPS14:08
kavhey ! DarkSim ... Can you also help me to understand that line          ?14:08
DarkSimI have used Ubuntu approx. 12 hours14:08
DarkSimI have no idea :P14:08
Priyanthawell kav, what DHCP is, it is a service which provide you for example a IP address, Gateway, subnet and stuff14:08
Priyanthaand also DNS addresses14:08
DarkSimPriyantha: Pretty please?14:09
kavPriyantha : Sorry ! but i know all this , but i want to understand meaning of that line14:10
NewbHi, If I have written a php script, should I just be able to open in it firefox?14:10
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kavHey ! Priyantha ...1st help DarkSim14:10
papnaNewb: Not and have it do anything. You'd need to set up a server that knows what to do with it.14:10
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kristenBescott: ok so I just added the content of B's rsa_id to C's authorized_keys14:11
Newbpapna, How can I test it without a server14:11
AdminkidIs there a way that I can go to a room with Arch Linux in it. Because all the rooms that I been going to they dont have people in them:(14:11
Priyanthayes DarkSim :)14:11
DarkSimPriyantha: Have you read up on the steps, and if so can guide me through them?14:11
Priyanthayes I did DarkSim14:11
papnaNewb: You cannot, but you can easily set up a server on whatever machine you're using.14:11
Priyantha/etc/init.d/cupsys restart14:11
DarkSimFor the love of God, help me then :P14:11
Priyanthajust do that ? :)14:11
Newbpapna, How?14:12
Priyanthadoes it doing something ?14:12
DarkSimFile or catalog doesn't exist14:12
kristenBescott: now I'm trying to connect from C to A through the B tunnel . I get Bad tun device 'C:Cport'  ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host.14:12
escottkristenB, the .pub14:12
DarkSimPriyantha: File or catalog does not exist14:12
papnaNewb: There are bound to be hundreds of instructions on the internet that would tell you more accurately than I could.14:12
AdminkidWhat is the room for Arch Linux???14:12
kristenBescott: yes that's what I meant, it's a typo but I did it correctly14:12
Priyanthaand /etc/init.d/cups restart14:12
PriyanthaI think it is not named cupsys ;)14:13
Priyanthahere in Debian it is cups14:13
escottkristenB, so the connection from B to C works without the password then14:13
Priyanthaso in Ubuntu it should be too I think14:13
AdminkidHello anyone going to help me???14:13
kristenBescott: yes it does I've tried it14:13
DarkSimPriyantha: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1069455/14:13
papnaAdminkid: What's the name of the guy on second base.14:13
PriyanthaAdminkid: /j #archlinux14:13
PriyanthaAdminkid: #archlinux is the ArchLinux channel14:14
kristenBescott: oh but not from A to B14:14
Priyanthagoing to look at it now DarkSim14:14
HelloWorld321Adminkid: I googled it for you https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/IRC_Channel it is #archlinux on irc.freenode.net14:14
DarkSimPriyantha: I guess it wants me to write sudo service cups restart or something?14:14
Priyanthammm that last line is strange14:14
kristenBescott: I had only done it from B to A yesterday, that's why, right?14:14
Priyanthayou have :)14:14
FloodBot1Priyantha: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:14
Priyanthayou have to use sudo in front of it yes14:14
escottkristenB, then the entry in A's config should be Host C HostName C.internal.id ProxyCommand ssh A -W %h:%p14:15
kav!lo >kav14:15
escottkristenB, then the entry in A's config should be Host C HostName C.internal.id ProxyCommand ssh B -W %h:%p14:15
DarkSimPriyantha: Sudo + what you wrote earlier or sudo+that I wrote?14:15
PriyanthaAdminkid: why did you leave #archlinux ?14:15
Priyanthayes "sudo /etc/init.d/cups restart"14:15
jesper_Hey. I was wondering if someone could help me out. I'm trying to install Ubuntu 12.04 Desktop using a USB stick, but the install fails with a sequence of error messages, the last one being "ata 7: hard resetting link". I suspect it's something to do with my SSD. I don't have an HDD.14:16
escottkristenB, yes you might also want to run ssh-keygen and ssh-copy-id to put your public key on A into B14:16
DarkSimPriyantha: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1069461/14:16
AdminkidPriyantha: Because I could not talk on it it did not let me send a message14:16
paulus68is there a way to upgrade to 12.04 server without having to reinstall all the programs? at have "more or les a clean install14:16
Priyanthajesper_: I had the some issues, the issue here was a b0rked usb-stick14:16
DarkSimjesper_: I tried to use USB stick to install this, CD worked a lot better, try that14:17
PriyanthaAdminkid: maybe you needed more time ?14:17
Priyanthalooking at it DarkSim14:17
jesper_I've tried with a CD as well, but I get the same problem14:17
Priyanthayeah DarkSim ! that looks great  mate :)14:17
ChandlerHeatQuestion for the group:  Is there any way to get right to the GRUB options on boot-repair without having to do a time-consuming scan?  All I want to do is add the pci=noapci parameter.14:17
DarkSimPriyantha: So that is step 4 complete?14:17
Priyanthayes DarkSim :)14:17
Priyanthano step 5 :)14:18
DarkSimPriyantha: Now*?14:18
jesper_Priyantha: i've tried it waith two different usb stick (one of them brand new), as well as a CD - same message in all cases14:18
PriyanthaDarkSim: yes now :)14:18
kristenBescott: I've tried the tunnel, it works now. But I need to type two passwords, B and C. To get B without password, all I need is to set up ssh-keygen. But why does it ask C password, since it doesn't from B?14:19
Priyanthajesper_: strange, than is your hdd/ssd the biggest suspect :(14:19
escottkristenB, perhaps the agent is being forwarded. you might want to add A's pub to C's auth_key.14:20
DarkSimPriyantha: sudo /usr/sbin/lpadmin -p LBP-1120 -m CNCUPSLBP1120CAPTK.ppd -v ccp://localhost:59687 –E14:20
jesper_Priyantha: the weird thing is though that windows 7 says the ssd is fine, and windows 7 also installed without a glitch14:20
PriyanthaDarkSim: yes exactly yes :)14:20
DarkSimPriyantha: I read somewhere that that port is not actual either, do you know what it should be?14:20
orogormy workstation wont  save the dns config using resolv.conf , where would i change it?14:20
DarkSimPriyantha: the ccp://localhost:59687 part?14:21
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kristenBescott: I would rather not have the forwarding, and connect as B. Is that not possible ?14:21
PriyanthaI thin it is 631 DarkSim14:21
Priyanthathat's the default port14:21
escottkristenB, you should be able to disable agent forwarding in the config file14:21
Priyanthaalthough whait14:21
Priyanthathat port14:21
DarkSimPriyantha: ccp://localhost:63114:22
Priyanthathat port should be the port of the deamon of the canon tool14:22
PriyanthaI think14:22
Priyanthawait a sec ok :)14:22
DarkSimPriyantha: Ok14:22
DarkSimPriyantha: Just don't dissappear like the last guy did14:22
Priyanthano I don't ;)14:22
BluesKajorogor, in /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head14:22
bastidrazor!upgrade | paulus6814:22
ubottupaulus68: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade14:22
DarkSimBeen here all day for christ sake lol14:22
probyhello , when i login only the mouse cursor shows , am havin gnome 2.3 and compiz as windows manager14:23
kavPriyantha : have he plug Printer in Computer14:23
kristenBescott: how ?14:23
kristenBescott: also, I've noticed that when I get to C from A, one exit logs me off immediately and gets to A. I don't know if that's expected, but I would have expected to get to B first, and then after another exit, get to A.14:23
DarkSimA perfectly good Sunday, for what? A godforsaken Canon printer in a Linux enviroment!!!14:23
escottkristenB, ForwardAgent no14:23
kavDarkSim : sorry ! bro !14:23
escottkristenB, thats the proxy command14:23
kristenBescott: in ssh/.config of A ?14:23
escottkristenB, yes14:24
kavDarkSim : try this one                             chkconfig cups on14:24
escottkristenB, you never establish a shell on B, it directly connects the output of A->B to the input of B->C14:24
DarkSimkav: What does it do?14:24
PriyanthaDarkSim: I see that those Canon printers are quite a nightmare in Linux environments :(14:24
Priyanthagive me some more time plz ;)14:25
DarkSimNo shit Sherlock :P14:25
kavit activate the service of your printer14:25
kristenBescott: but even after the connection is established to C, all the (encrypted) traffic goes through B, right ?14:25
papnaI'm having issues with my kernel install, which makes me uneasy about the state of this machine and unable to install anything http://paste.ubuntu.com/1069476/14:25
escottkristenB, yes, but there is no shell on B. so when you exit on C then C closes its end of the ssh from B->C and B closes its end of the ssh, and since ssh was the only thing you were running on B it closes its end of A->B14:26
PriyanthaDarkSim: you may look at this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=131566514:26
kavDarkSim : hey ! can i see your output  for chkconfig --list14:26
Priyanthathere they are talking about compiling the drivers instead using the Canon binaries14:26
PriyanthaAnd I do think that that can help maybe14:27
kristenBescott: just for information, in a more advanced setup, would it have been possible to allow only forwarding on B, and not getting a shell?14:27
DarkSimkav the first command (chkconfig cups on) tells me that14:27
DarkSimchkconfig is not isntalled14:27
kristenBescott: that is to say, in B's config, let A connect to C, but don't allow A to connect to B.14:28
kavinstall it ...Its only  about 200 kb14:28
escottkristenB, sure. the same way you put command=/bin/false on A, you could put a command="ssh -W " on B14:28
kavAha ..   suso apt-get install chkconfig14:28
kavsudo apt-get install chkconfig14:28
kavchklist -cups -list14:29
kristenBescott: that's cool.14:29
probyhello , when i login only the mouse cursor shows , am havin gnome 2.3 and compiz as windows manager14:29
jdhicks67I am looking for help installing ubuntu 12.04 on a fresh build wiht no other operating systoms installed14:29
kavchkconfig cups --list14:29
DarkSimkav: cups                      0:off  1:off  2:off  3:off  4:off  5:off  6:off14:30
kristenBescott: does the host file also apply to scp ?14:30
escottkristenB, yes14:30
kavchkconfig cups on14:30
mschrI have got no HDMI audio, power meters pulse, playback seems fine but no audio... FIXME : http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=0LJBQAvt14:31
kavDarkSim : have you done14:31
DarkSimkav: /sbin/insserv: File or catalog does not exist14:32
oCeankav: what are you trying to do? Are you confident this will help DarkSim? Ubuntu uses "upstart" replacing the old Sys V Init system14:32
oCeanso chkconfig is really of no value for regular upstart scripts14:32
PriyanthaI am sure that it is not going to help him14:32
kristenBescott: When I do ssh-keygen, the end of the .pub ends with myname@mymachine. Could I put any random string in there ?14:32
PriyanthaI am going to reboot, see ya all in a minute of 2 ;)14:33
kavWell, ... i want to activate cups service permanently14:33
oCean!upstart | kav14:33
ubottukav: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/14:33
oCeankav: suggesting chkconfig will not help that14:33
kavok ok ! i get it14:34
escottkristenB, i dont know14:34
kav/etc/init.d/cups start14:34
DarkSimI'm supposed to find if this localport is correct14:34
DarkSimsudo /usr/sbin/lpadmin -p LBP-1120 -m CNCUPSLBP1120CAPTK.ppd -v ccp://localhost:59687 –E14:34
thaurwylthThanks for the help. It worked out exactly as you stated.14:34
oCeankav: you are very welcome to help others, that is appreciated. But let others know how confident you are that you're offering an actual solution14:35
Saiki[09:10] <Saiki> [Sun Jul 01 08:36:35 2012] [notice] child pid 9846 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)   <how do I fix this error? my web pages aren't showing up14:35
thaurwylthI didn't even have to do anything to the Windows MBR after simply doing grub-install /dev/sda and update-grub.14:35
Priyanthaback :)14:35
kavO ! well, i'm very very sorry again14:35
EaglemanWhat is creating this route? default         UG    100    0        0 eth014:36
kristenBescott: ok nevermind. I tried to put ForwardAgent no in A's ssh config, but it still asks me for a password if I connect from A to C, although it doesn't from B to C. It looks like it still knows that A is not B.14:36
DarkSimHow should we find the right localhost port?14:36
escottkristenB, for RSA1 keys its just a comment14:36
PriyanthaDarkSim: "netstat -anp"14:36
Priyanthathen you'll see all ports for all programs14:36
kristenBescott: ok thanks14:36
escottkristenB, you might try it with -v and see what its doing14:37
astantonI'm running into an issue where httperf on 12.04 claims to be limited by a very low FD_SETSIZE, defaulting to a single socket instead of the provided.  Has anyone figured out a work around for this?14:37
DarkSimPriyantha: What am I supposed to look for though?14:37
Priyanthafor ccp for example14:37
Priyanthabut copy/paste it in a pastebin plz :)14:37
PriyanthaI'll look for you14:37
sqrrlhow do i restart computer under ubuntu (no reset button, gui or cli)?14:38
DarkSimPriyantha: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1069495/14:38
sqrrlctrl-alt-del just prints a bunch of errors14:38
EaglemanWhat is creating this route? default         UG    100    0        0 eth014:39
Priyanthaare you sure you copy/pasted everything DarkSim ?14:39
kavPriyantha : service cups start14:39
DarkSimI couldn't go any higher up in the terminal14:39
Priyanthaokay DarkSim14:40
Priyanthato solve that14:40
jdhicks67i need help installing ubuntu 12.04 on a fresh build?14:40
Priyanthago to edit>profiles14:40
Priyanthaclick on the edit butten of the Default profile14:40
Priyanthago to the scrolling tab14:40
linuxisteagleman: isn't that just the route for your subet?14:40
Priyanthaand click on the "unlimited" button14:40
PriyanthaDarkSim: after that run the same command again plz :)14:41
Eaglemanlinuxist its the ddefault route, the route to the internet14:41
linuxistEagleman:  that would be the other way around - i.e.    wouldn't it?14:41
Eaglemanyes linuxist but something is creating that route on boot14:42
EaglemanThe route was goodd but i want to ad a new efault route14:42
DarkSimPriyantha: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1069503/14:42
linuxistEagleman: just do a "route del default gw"14:43
Priyanthathx DarkSim14:43
linuxistEagleman: put it in /etc/rc.local or something if you can't find out where it's coming from14:43
kavunix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LYSSNAR       21280    -                   /var/run/cups/cups.sock14:44
Eaglemanlinuxist i've aded this route before booting:     default         546BCA01.cm-12-         UG    0      0        0 eth1.1014:44
EaglemanAnd when i reboot i get this:    default         UG    100    0        0 eth014:44
linuxistwhere are you adding these routes to?14:44
Eaglemanroute add and route dell14:44
linuxistah yes, well they won't stick around after a reboot14:45
Eaglemanputting then in my interface file will work?14:45
DarkSimI even did one with sudo Priyantha, since I read that in the beginning14:45
PriyanthaDarkSim: ik don't see the deamon running14:45
DarkSimPriyantha: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1069507/14:45
Priyanthaah thx14:45
kavPriyantha :unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LYSSNAR       21280    -                   /var/run/cups/cups.sock14:45
linuxistyeah in /etc/network/interfaces14:45
linuxisteagleman: a quick "man interfaces" should help you out14:46
Eaglemancan i also ad a route dell in the interface file linuxist?14:46
DarkSimPriyantha: Still guess you'll find nothing14:46
linuxisteagleman: you shouldn't need to really14:46
EaglemanI;ve found this: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-add-permanent-static-routes-in-ubuntu.html14:46
Priyanthayes I don't find it no14:46
=== jeka is now known as [QB]Geladriet
Priyanthathere should be a process "ccpd  running14:46
DarkSimPriyantha: So what does that mean?14:46
kavHer cups port is 2128014:46
Priyanthacan you check if that is running ?14:47
Guest64217eaw, it's my first time here14:47
Priyantha"sudo ps aux |grep ccpd"14:47
kristenBescott: http://pastebin.com/AFqHsqBc14:47
Priyanthait is returns with nothing it's not running14:47
kavno ccpd in port number14:47
DarkSimuser    2871  0.0  0.0   5608   832 pts/0    S+   16:47   0:00 grep --color=auto ccpd14:47
Priyanthaokay is not running then14:47
Priyanthathx DarkSim14:47
linuxisteagleman: are you using DHCP?14:48
Priyanthacan you try "sudo /etc/init.d/ccpd start"14:48
kavhey ! linuxist ....What is DHCP14:48
ahojHello, I'm having trouble installing ubuntu 12.04 LTS from an usb. After booting it is stuck at a black screen saying SYSLINUX 4.06 EDD 4.06-pre1 Copyright (c) 1994-2011 H. Peter Anvin et al. Any ideas ?14:48
Priyanthaand after that again "sudo ps aux |grep ccpd"14:48
DarkSimPriyantha: Starting /usr/sbin/ccpd: .14:48
Priyanthanice :)14:48
Priyanthaafter that the ps aux command plz again :)14:49
Eaglemanlinuxist should i show you my interface file?14:49
DarkSimPriyantha: root      2876  0.0  0.0   6296   996 ?        Ss   16:48   0:00 /usr/sbin/ccpd user     2878  0.0  0.0   5608   836 pts/0    S+   16:49   0:00 grep --color=auto14:49
linuxisteagleman: just pastebin it pls14:49
hellyeahcan you suggest good ide for html css java script php all in one if possible14:49
linuxistkav: network aut-configuration14:49
Eaglemanlinuxist: http://pastebin.com/vjbEZ1zt14:49
Guest64217i'm Brazil, if someone it's hacker here, please tell-me- for i have some ideia of how is that here14:49
Priyanthacool DarkSim :)14:49
Priyanthawe are going there DarkSim14:49
ghostchickahoj,  Which usb creator did you used?14:50
Priyanthaplz provide me again with a "sudo netstat -anp"14:50
Saikiwhat's the default debugger installed in server edition?14:50
linuxisteagleman: why do you have those two NIC's on the same subnet?14:50
ubottudhcp is Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, a protocol for automatic IP assignment from a router. Ubuntu uses dhclient as a DHCP client but other ones (and DHCP servers too) can be obtained from the !repos. More info at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DHCP14:50
Eaglemanbackup nic linuxist14:51
Guest64217Please someone give me another server to access, so I know this14:51
Eaglemani bought it 2 weeks aigo but i didnt really needd it, maybe in the future14:51
DarkSimPriyantha: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1069514/14:51
linuxisteagleman: ok, there's the potential for the system to get confused there I think14:51
ikoniaGuest64217: this channel is an ubuntu support channel, do you need help with ubuntu ?14:51
kavlinuist : Ubuntu uses dhclient as a DHCP client but other ones (and DHCP servers too) can be obtained from the !repos.              ............. can you help me to understand this line14:51
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories14:52
linuxisteagleman - best to disable it14:52
Guest64217how i can install file.theme??14:52
escottkristenB, its trying A's key to connect to C. i think14:52
DarkSimPriyantha: I think I found ccpd at the very top14:52
qw[UA]after update i am no see desktop14:52
ikoniaGuest64217: depends on the type of themes14:52
EaglemanThats not what i want linuxist14:52
qw[UA]his black14:52
kristenBescott: well that's just wrong, it's not the right lock lol14:52
linuxistkav: that just means that ubuntu uses a program called dhclient to obtain an address from any available DHCP servers on the network which are capable of issuing network configuration information14:52
EaglemanI am pretty sure that not the only solution14:53
Guest64217themes for irssi14:53
linuxisteagleman: what do you want?14:53
Priyanthacool DarkSim :)14:53
Priyanthathere should be a portnumber too DarkSim14:53
jdhicks67hello! i'm looking for elp installing 12.04 on a fresh build can someone plz help?14:53
Eaglemanremove a default route and addd my own14:53
Priyanthathat portnumber is the one you have to use with step5 of the guide14:53
DarkSimif you look Priyantha, it gives me 2 numbers14:53
Guest64217what's your question about that?14:53
linuxisteagleman: for both NICs?14:53
escottkristenB, just put A's public key on C14:54
EaglemanI only want a ddefault route for eth0.10 since its the only one allowedd to connect to the internet14:54
papnaIs there a particularly smooth way to migrate my users from one machine to another?14:54
DarkSimPriyantha: 59787 and 5968714:54
PriyanthaI see DarkSim14:56
linuxisteagleman: (I'm not 100% sure of this) I think if you're using DHCP, you can't set the default route in the /etc/network/interfaces file14:56
kristenBescott: but why would I, I don't want that, I want to connect as B.14:56
mschrI have got no HDMI audio, power meters pulse, playback seems fine but no audio... FIXME : http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=0LJBQAvt14:56
escottkristenB, why does it matter?14:56
Eaglemanlinuxist this is what i've got now:14:56
Eaglemanup route del default dev eth014:56
Eaglemanup route add default gw dev eth1.1014:56
PriyanthaI think you have to use the latter one DarkSim14:57
Eaglemanin my Interface fule14:57
Priyanthajust follow the guide again I think14:57
summershynhello,I'm new here14:57
Priyanthawe have now the daemon up and running14:57
Priyanthathat's what was needed14:57
kristenBescott: that's what would happen if I did it in two steps, I don't want A's info on C, just on B14:57
hannsswelcome, summershyn14:57
linuxisteagleman: I don't understand how that will work14:57
linuxistis that a public address?14:57
linuxistis your system going to get given a DHCP address on the same subet as that address?14:58
DarkSimso ok Priyantha: sudo /usr/sbin/lpadmin -p LBP-1120 -m CNCUPSLBP1120CAPTK.ppd -v ccp://localhost:59687 –E14:58
Eaglemaneth0.10 is bridgedd with my router's WAN interfacem so its able to get an extra WAN IP Addddress14:58
kristenBescott: why would it behave differently whether I get to C in two steps or one ? It's just a trick to have less to write, but the end result should be the same14:58
PriyanthaYes DarkSim :)14:58
linuxisteagleman: yep, but is your router going to give the correct DHCP information to eth0.10?14:59
DarkSimPriyantha: lpadmin: Unknown argument "–E".14:59
kristenBescott: B is work. It's not compromised, but it's work. C is a database of work. I would rather connect to C using my work credential rather than my home's14:59
Eaglemanyes linuxist but i'm not 100% sure14:59
linuxisteagleman: sounds like this one is beyond me sorry15:00
Priyanthalol DarkSim ;)15:00
Eaglemanok. no problem15:00
EaglemanIt took me a week to set it up :P15:00
sparky_Does anyone here play Assaultcube? Or know how I could get to the Assaultcube folder (Normally  in Program files on windows)15:00
PriyanthaDarkSim: have you installed "cups-client" ?15:00
DarkSimPriyantha: Sorry if I don't get the funny part ;P15:00
DarkSimI'm not sure15:00
DarkSimprobably not15:01
Priyanthaif not, please install it "sudo apt-get install cups-client"15:01
Priyanthabecause that is essential for having a printer system up and running ;15:01
DarkSimLäser paketlistor... Färdig Bygger beroendeträd          Läser tillståndsinformation... Färdig cups-client är redan den senaste versionen. 0 att uppgradera, 0 att nyinstallera, 0 att ta bort och 0 att inte uppgradera.15:01
PriyanthaThat means that it is already installed ?15:02
DarkSimPriyantha: It tells me cups-client is already latest version15:02
DarkSimnothing to do basically15:02
sparky_Does anyone here play Assaultcube? Or know how I could get to the Assaultcube folder (Normally  in Program files on windows)15:02
zykotick9sparky_: if you installed from repo - "dpkg -L assaultcube" should show paths to installed files15:02
Priyanthaokay DarkSim15:03
jdhicks67hello! i'm looking for help installing 12.04 on a fresh build can someone plz help?15:03
Priyanthabecause lpadmin should be in that specific package15:03
EaglemanIs it possible to use sleep 1 in the interface file?15:03
Priyanthaah wiat15:03
Priyanthathe "-E' it didn't understand...15:03
sparky_What zykotick9 ?15:03
kristenBescott: I've just read http://linux.die.net/man/5/ssh_config and I don't think adding ForwardAgent No changed anything, it's the default.15:03
jiohdisparky_, if you are looking for profile type files then look in your home user folder for hidden files either by that name or under .config15:04
PriyanthaDarkSim: please re-type that "-E"15:04
PriyanthaIt's the "-" which is the fault15:04
sparky_How would I find the hidden files?15:04
DarkSimPriyantha: Same command but skip the - infront of E?15:04
Priyanthajust a 'normal  "-" is okay15:04
kav-E          The -E (preserve environment) option indicates to the15:04
kav                   security policy that the user wishes to preserve their15:05
kav                   existing environment variables.  The security policy may15:05
Priyanthamake a - by your self15:05
kav                   return an error if the -E option is specified and the user15:05
kav                   does not have permission to preserve the environment.15:05
FloodBot1kav: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:05
Priyanthanot by copy/pasting it from the guide15:05
zykotick9sparky_: ctrl+h in nautilus i believe15:05
Priyanthathe - from the guid is wrong15:05
MonkeyDustsparky_  in nautlus: ctrl h     in terminal: ls -la15:05
ghostchicksparky_,   ctrl + h in nautilus15:05
IdleOnekav: Please learn to use the pastebin15:05
sparky_What is nautilus lol15:05
TheLordOfTime!nautilus | sparky_15:05
Sajjad_KananiI need Major help, I installed Windows 7 Pro 64 bit yesterday and now want to run Ubuntu 12.04 along side it. I install it through wubi and on the reboot I get a "Prefix is not set error." Please can you help me :)15:05
Priyanthais de filemanager sparky_15:05
TheLordOfTimestupid ubottu15:05
MonkeyDustsparky_  the filemanager15:05
sparky_Ahhh I found it15:06
zykotick9!info nautilus15:06
ubottunautilus (source: nautilus): file manager and graphical shell for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 1:3.4.1-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 823 kB, installed size 2395 kB15:06
EaglemanIs it possible to use sleep 1 in the interface file?15:06
kavPriyantha :i'm a newbie ... i just have 6 month experience15:06
DarkSimCanon you imbecils!15:06
Sajjad_KananiI need Major help, I installed Windows 7 Pro 64 bit yesterday and now want to run Ubuntu 12.04 along side it. I install it through wubi and on the reboot I get a "Prefix is not set error." Please can you help me15:06
zykotick9Eagleman: i wouldn't think so15:06
ikoniaDarkSim: stop it15:06
MonkeyDustSajjad_Kanani  wubi :(15:06
Priyanthano problem mate kav :)15:06
kavis ikonia is a bot15:06
dancalloWhat is Windows?15:06
DarkSimI've been errorshooting something as stupid as a almost dash which is 1mm longer than the usual dash15:07
kavikonia : O ! sorry ...15:07
bazhangkav, no . use a pastebin in future15:07
Priyanthaexactly DarkSim :P15:07
Sajjad_KananiAnyone help me?15:07
DarkSimI want to punch someone15:07
Priyanthasorry I didn't knew the dash word haha :P15:07
Priyanthasorry ;)15:07
ikoniaDarkSim: stop now15:07
PriyanthaI couldn't come up to that word15:07
Sajjad_KananiI need Major help, I installed Windows 7 Pro 64 bit yesterday and now want to run Ubuntu 12.04 along side it. I install it through wubi and on the reboot I get a "Prefix is not set error." Please can you help me15:07
arvanthow i can install quickly?15:08
kavDarkSim : go in some fresh air and then come back15:08
kavDarkSim : we are happy to help you15:08
uzumatiarvant: install quickly what ?15:08
MonkeyDustarvant  install glade15:09
Sajjad_Kananianyone know the solution to my problem?15:09
kavPriyantha : can you help me to understand service management15:09
Priyanthamaybe later okay kav ? :)15:09
Vimanhello, does anyone know how to use the meta key for keybindings in Xfce?15:09
Sajjad_KananiI need Major help, I installed Windows 7 Pro 64 bit yesterday and now want to run Ubuntu 12.04 along side it. I install it through wubi and on the reboot I get a "Prefix is not set error." Please can you help me15:09
kavPriyantha : O k   !15:09
Priyanthawhy is DarkSim gone now ?15:10
tobiassjostenI just started my computer after having it suspended and now it's all black. When I hover certain areas I can see the pointer changing in what I think is the login and I believe I am able to log in. But everything's just black. Does anyone know how I could fix this?15:10
jiohdiSajjad_Kanani, wubi is likely the problem... if you alter things after wubi set up, then the pointers to boot get messed up... alter meaning just a simple ubuntu update15:10
kavi think he is upset regarding ubuntu15:10
jiohdiSajjad_Kanani, best is to install ubuntu without wubi from a disk15:10
jiohdior a flash drive15:10
TheLordOfTimetobiassjosten:  power down and restart, and don't use suspend?15:11
tobiassjostenDoing ctrl+alt+f1 let me run irssi and chat in here at least, so something's working at least. Just not X.15:11
arvantQuickly will get you up and running with a Python GTK app right away.15:11
Priyanthawb da15:11
tobiassjostenTheLordOfTime: That's it? Surely there must be a way to get this working? I mean it does, most of the time.15:11
Priyanthawb DarkSim15:11
Priyanthalet's go further :)15:11
jiohdiSajjad_Kanani, if you install ubuntu on its own, grub should find the win7 and set up a boot option for it15:11
TheLordOfTimetobiassjosten:  well, apart from killing 'lightdm' (12.04) or 'gdm' (pre-12.04), and then starting that back up, i'm not sure there is anything else you can do.15:12
kavPriyantha : where is DarkSim15:12
TheLordOfTimetobiassjosten:  you could try `sudo killall lightdm` (12.04)15:12
Sajjad_KananiSo if I install Ubuntu on my 7 disk now, it won't delete my files, or format the drive?15:12
tobiassjostenAh, so *that's* what it changed name to. Tried restarting gdm but there wasn't any such service anymore.15:12
tobiassjostenTheLordOfTime: Thanks, I'll try that.15:13
TheLordOfTimetobiassjosten:  you may need to manually restart lightdm too, though15:13
TheLordOfTimetobiassjosten:  i had to kill lightdm yesterday, and it didnt come back up until i manually started it15:13
TheLordOfTime(just a little tidbit, might not be the case in your setup)15:13
MonkeyDustSajjad_Kanani  you install ubuntu on a free space (partition), so it won't affect win715:14
arvanti need ubutnu developer chanel15:14
tobiassjostenTheLordOfTime: Yup, that solved the problem. Killed everything I had open but still. Worked. :)15:14
Sajjad_KananiHow can I partition the drive, without formatting it, or losing all my data?15:14
Sajjad_KananiWhich programme?15:14
=== THE_dreamer is now known as jiohdi
TheLordOfTimetobiassjosten:  FYI, save items and work before going into standby15:14
tobiassjostenOhh! Except my tmux session. Nice.15:14
TheLordOfTimetobiassjosten:  standby sometimes breaks things.15:14
MonkeyDustSajjad_Kanani  launch a live cd or pendrive and use gparted to see if you have free space and/or partition15:15
anadonCan someone advise me on how to instruct a non-linux user  to allow a ssh connection so I can fix their machine?15:15
tobiassjostenTheLordOfTime: Yeah. Well, thanks for helping me find the renamed gdm service.15:15
kristenBescott: are you still there?15:15
escottkristenB, yes15:15
ikoniaanadon: if you are not capable of talking someone through that, you should not be trying to fix their computer15:15
TheLordOfTimetobiassjosten:  its not renamed, its a different desktop manager :P15:15
MonkeyDustanadon  s/he must have openssh-server installed15:16
kristenBescott: so is there no solution to not give A's key to C ?15:16
TheLordOfTimeanadon:  i agree with ikonia, if you're not able to instruct them, you shouldnt be trying to fix their system15:16
anadonopenssh is installed15:16
escottkristenB, thats out of my depth.15:16
anadonand its because they aren't farmilliar with the environment.  I could do it if I were there, but I'm 400+ miles away15:16
TheLordOfTimekristenB:  what're you trying to do?15:16
MonkeyDustanadon  on your friend's pc: client or server?15:16
* TheLordOfTime doesnt have backlogs15:16
anadonMonkeyDust: laptop, standard 12.04 install CD with server software added.15:17
escottkristenB, http://lists.mindrot.org/pipermail/openssh-bugs/2011-May/010287.html might be relevant, but i would just put A's key on C15:17
MonkeyDustanadon  if you can't ssh to it, then it must be a firewall problem, i guess (ufw)15:18
kristenBTheLordOfTime: I've set up a ssh connection from A to C through B in one step, using the config ssh file and the option ProxyCommand. It works as intended, but asks me the password of C, even though it doesn't when I connect from B to C. I would want to connect to C, in as little command writing as possible, but not changing the usual method of authentication, which is that B connects to C with key pairs.15:19
escottanadon, most residential customers are behind NATs these days15:19
kristenBTheLordOfTime: If that's not clear please ask for further details.15:19
MonkeyDustanadon  what escott says, the router may block incoming connections15:20
TheLordOfTimekristenB:  i'm going to have to agree with escott on this, try putting A's key on C and see what happens.  that bug he mentioned also may be relevant.15:21
kristenBTheLordOfTime: well I can try it for test purposes, if you want. But that's not the end result I'm looking for, I want to connect to C with B's credentials. If that's not possible, then I'll forget about ProxyCommand and do it in two steps.15:22
jdjbI am using Ubuntu 12.04. I have tried to install a package from a ppa that is failing and now every apt command I try attempts to install the package yet again.15:22
jdjbActually, it fails at the "Setting up [package]" stage. Removing the package with apt-get remove doesn't work as it still tries to "setup" the package first.15:23
MonkeyDustjdjb  a ppa is an "external" and unofficial software source, it is not supported here, you use ppa's at your own risk15:24
jdjbI'm not asking how to install software from a ppa. I'm asking in general how do you get aptitude to remove a package that is sitting in limbo state between "installed" and "setting up"15:24
TheLordOfTimejdjb:  contact the maintainer of that ppa for assistance with their ppa's packages.15:24
escottkristenB, you could try specifying an IdentifyFile directive in the config on B, but i doubt its even being read15:25
kristenBescott: TheLordOfTime: ok I tried adding A's public key to C, and it indeed works. But I would rather not do that.15:25
escottkristenB, you could also just steal the id_rsa from B and put it on A, but thats bad practive15:25
tempnickhello can someone point me in the right direction for dealing with usb-serial and their configuring?15:25
escottkristenB, im not at all clear why you dont want to do that?15:26
kristenBescott: B is work. It's not compromised, but it's work. C is a database of work. I would rather connect to C using my work credential rather than my home's15:26
tempnickusb-serial converters* sry15:26
escottkristenB, in other words you are breaking policy and you want to minimize evidence of it15:26
TheLordOfTimewhat escott said15:27
kristenBescott: I don't think so. On the contrary, I'm making clear that I'm B when I connect to C. In order words, I'm giving my work ID rather than my home ID, since only my work ID makes sense when I'm at work15:27
kristenBin other* words15:27
kristenBin any case that's what happens when I connect in two steps so I don't see why it would be different when I connect in just one step.15:29
escottkristenB, that seems silly. who cares whether the security agent at the door recognizes me as joe or as Mr Black, so long as he gives me authorization consistent with "Senior VP Joe Black"15:29
NewbDos anyone know how view the php file on mozzila15:29
escottNewb, ???15:29
NewbDos anyone know how view the php file on mozzila15:29
NewbDos anyone know how view the php file on mozzila15:29
NewbI have made a index.php, I want to view it on firefox15:30
kristenBescott: how do you mean?15:30
SomeDamnBodydoes anybody use allura to host git repos?15:30
kristenBescott: are you saying that my ID is universal and hence I should just use A's ID anyway ?15:30
escottkristenB, authorized_keys is just a list of valid credentials to accept before granting access to the account. it says recognize "David Somerset", "Mr. Fisher", "Sir Hilary Bray", etc as "James Bond 007" and grant such a person access to all files held in the jbond007 account15:32
escottNewb, do you want to view the interpreted results? or the php contents?15:32
Dr_OkristenB: you are using a netcat proxy on B to reach C from A right. and setting C's username in the .ssh/config on A15:33
Newbinterpretted results15:33
escottNewb, have you installed and configured apache?15:33
kristenBDr_O: I could have used that, but I didn't. I just used the option ProxyCommand in the ssh config file15:33
Dr_OSo create a new key pair on A and register it in the .ssh/authorised_keys on C15:33
Newbescott, apache215:34
tempnickhello can someone point me in the right direction for dealing with usb-serial converters and their configuration? I can see Ubuntu picks it up as a prolific pl2303 device, but its ttyUSB0 and my software wants it on  ttyS# any help is appreciated. I tried to symlink it to /dev/ttyS32 (first available number) but it doesnt work.15:34
Dr_OBut WHAT does Proxy command run?15:34
kristenBDr_O: well I don't know, maybe netcat indeed15:34
Newbescott,  Everytime I try and open it in the webrowser, it redirects me to bluefish?15:34
Dr_OWell your proxycommand line in A's .ssh/config MUST have the command that is run!15:35
escottDr_O, she is using the new versions built in support, but for reasons I can't fathom wants to use the id_rsa on the intermediary to login to the remote15:35
wyldeNewb: you have to access it through the webserver eg http://localhost/myphpfile.php15:35
kristenBDr_O: oh I'm sorry I didn't understand your question. The command is 'ssh B -W %h:%p'15:35
Dr_OSorry I'm confusing you I note escott's comment15:36
Newbwylde, tI dont have a server just my computer with ubuntu desktop15:37
escottkristenB, maybe you should turn the agent on. maybe on is what you want not off15:37
kristenBescott: well I think the question is, why connecting with ProxyCommand would give a different result than connecting in two steps ? Isn't that the purpose of ProxyCommand, to make it behave exactly the same as if two authentications were made ?15:38
kristenBescott: let me try that15:38
kavwhat is Device Mapper Multipathing  ?15:38
Dr_ONO! the proxy command is exactly to make sure that B cannot read any of the communication between A and C15:39
thaurwylthOK. Thunderbird question. I have 12.04 and Thunderbird. I have an old disk which has, I think, 10.04 and Thunderbird from that era. I would like to bring over old accounts, folders, address book and filters.15:39
escottDr_O, if you are familiar with it perhaps you know. is it possible when using a ProxyCommand to utilize the proxies identify to authenticate to the remote host?15:39
Dr_ONo I don't think it is15:40
Lymphocyteare pre release updates safe to install?15:40
kristenBoh now I understand, makes sense then15:40
=== lub` is now known as lubmil
kristenBI mean so far it just didn't make sense, but if the purpose of ProxyCommand is to prevent B from intercepting the content between A and C, then if it is in two steps, it's not the same.15:41
Dr_OThe proxy command is a command to let port 22 on C be available to A... then you run a NEW ssh excryption etc over that pipe15:41
escottDr_O, in what way is the intermediary prevented from accessing the channel. it runs under my accounts uid on the intermediary, so I should be able to access the memory maps. is the DH key exchange done between the two remotes in proxy mode or something?15:41
wyldeNewb: PHP is server side scripting. If you want to see the output in your browser you need a webserver with PHP installed to view  it.15:42
Dr_OAll you can access is the encrypted packets betwwn A and C15:42
Dr_Owhen using proxy command15:42
kristenBescott: I tried setting ForwardAgent to yes, the result is the same15:42
Newbwylde, can I run the server in a virtual machine?15:43
Dr_OWhy can you not either (1) take a copy of public key from B to A15:43
Dr_Oor make new key on A and put public bit on C15:44
wyldeNewb: yes, or you can just install a lamp on your machine. It really doesn't use much in the way of resources.15:44
kristenBDr_O: well I could do that, but that would be the private key, wouldn't it? And I don't think it's good practice to give the private key of B to A.15:44
Dr_OWell then option (2) create new key pair on A and put public on C15:45
kristenBkristenB: if I create a new keypair, I need to specify the identity with -i, right ?15:45
escottkristenB, instead of using the ProxyCommand you could just set the command="ssh C" in B's auth_key15:45
kristenBDr_O: if I create a new keypair, I need to specify the identity with -i, right ?15:45
Dr_ONow that is clever escott...15:46
Dr_OYes prob do need to use -i15:46
kristenBescott: and then from A, ssh B -C ssh C ?15:46
wylde!lamp > Newb15:46
ubottuNewb, please see my private message15:46
Newbwylde, how do i view private messages15:47
wylde!lamp | Newb15:48
ubottuNewb: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)15:48
escottkristenB, so this will get a little complicated. suppose you need to use B, but you want a nested direct connection to C as well. then you create two identities on A. id_rsa and id_rsa_C. you put both in B's auth key, but for the id_rsa_C line you set command="ssh C". then in A's config file you have Host C, HostName B IdentifyFile id_rsa_C15:48
wyldeNewb: that depends on what irc client you're using.15:48
Newbwylde, tks, How do i call the server if its virtual, Or do I call the php script from within the virtual server15:49
escottkristenB, then when you ssh C it looks at your config and sees that C is really B, and presents id_rsa_C. B sees that id_rsa_C is in the AuthKey but with a restricted command so it opens the channel and runs on your behalf ssh C which uses the id_rsa on B to connect to C15:49
kristenBescott: I see. Alternatively, I think there's an option (-C) in ssh to execute a command rather than give a shell. So couldn't I do ssh B -C ssh C ?15:49
escottkristenB, when you ssh B it presents id_rsa to B, which opens a normal ssh session on B15:50
escottkristenB, yes that probably easier. one key, but Host C, HostName B Command ssh C15:50
wyldeNewb: if you're going to run a VM as the webserver then you configure the networking so you have access to the VM's IP address, then you would access it like  http://vm.ip.address/myphpfile.php15:50
escottkristenB, the problem is that this will break scp15:51
wyldeNewb: but if you just install the lamp to your desktop machine you would put your files into /var/www then access them by http://localhost/myphpfile.php15:51
kristenBescott: I tried it and the error message returned is 'Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.'15:52
SkippersBoss!ask | total_newbie15:52
ubottutotal_newbie: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:52
KPG_How can one properly add Unity integration in the Unity launcher as explained in this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqGfsgz1Sl4&list=UUWUDCz-Q0m4qK7lkK4CevQA&index=10&feature=plcp, with an application that was produced using Quickly? How do you properly get a reference to the main application window, like in the video example?15:52
total_newbieI am totally new to Linux. I have a Lenovo SL510. Does the latest Ubuntu 64 bit release support Mobile Intel GMA 4500MHD?15:52
Dr_OkristenB: add  "-t" switch15:53
kristenBDr_O: come again ?15:53
Dr_O -t      Force pseudo-tty allocation.15:54
SkippersBosstotal_newbie, how much memory have you got in there15:54
escottkristenB, the more i think about it the worse an idea it seems. everything is going to be broken scp, ssh -C on A nothing will work write because you are overriding the command options on your way to C and dropping everything else15:54
Dr_Ofrom ssh man page15:54
total_newbieSkipperBoss 6 GB15:54
HelloWorld321in "sort --key=1,32", is that one key or two?15:54
Newbwlyde, tkks15:55
kristenBescott: Dr_O: ok nevermind I understand the reasons why it's set that way now. I think I'll just create a new pair on A and give it to C.15:55
SkippersBossi cannot see a problem. Are you going to dual boot or ubuntu only15:55
kristenBok so now let's go to the next problem :). I want to rsync from C to A. How could I do that ?15:56
total_newbieSkippersBoss Probably Ubuntu only15:56
Dr_Ocan C ssh to A?15:56
escottkristenB, just tell rsync to use ssh protocol and it should follow your ssh setup15:56
kavhello ! all of you .   can any one tell me the command to know all port number and socket number (whether they are open or not )15:56
total_newbieSkippersBoss Is hardware acceleration possible with Ubuntu drivers and Mobile Intel GMA 4500MHD ?15:57
kristenBescott: so what would be the syntax exactly15:57
Newb! x1@x1:~$ sudo apt-get install tasksel15:57
Newb[sudo] password for x1:15:57
NewbReading package lists... Done15:57
NewbBuilding dependency tree15:57
NewbReading state information... Done15:57
ubottuNewb: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:57
Newbtasksel is already the newest version.15:57
FloodBot1Newb: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:57
Dr_Okav: netstat is the command - "netstat -atp" for tcp ports - I think "netstat -aup" for UDP ports... but check the man page15:57
SkippersBosshmm i am not te expert on the graphics drivers15:58
SkippersBossbut most cards will be supported15:58
escottkristenB, Dr_O is correct if you want to rsync C->A your connections need to be reversed. but from A->C its should just be rsync folder ssh://C:path15:58
total_newbieSkippersBoss I need a qualified answer on this ;-) Are there any graphics guys available here?15:59
kavDr_O : what about port number where software installs15:59
kristenBescott: well I'm at A, but I want to copy some files of C. Is that not possible ?15:59
escotttotal_newbie, check the mesa project15:59
Dr_Okav: /etc/services is the list of approved numbers16:00
total_newbieescott, what is this?16:00
escottkristenB, yes but its A->C. so its rsync ssh://C:path localpath16:00
SkippersBosstotal_newbie, there you go. :-)16:00
Dr_Okav: rpcinfo -p (for port mapper services)16:00
syrinx_priestHi all.  Anyone happen to know where the conf file for "atftp" resides in 12.04?  From what I gather from Google, it used to be in /etc/default/16:00
total_newbieSkipperBoss, thanks but what is mesa project?16:00
syrinx_priestbut it's not there now,16:00
escotttotal_newbie, http://www.mesa3d.org/16:01
total_newbieescott, do I need that library? Is this a driver?16:02
escotttotal_newbie, thats the driver16:02
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kristenBescott: wow that's cool it works lol16:02
total_newbieescott, OK do I need to manually install it after installing Ubuntu?16:02
XiRoNHi, I have a simple question that I still didn't manage to get from google. I'm using ubuntu and want to check if I have a swap partition if not i would like to create one, but how?16:03
escotttotal_newbie, no16:03
kristenBokay, next question :).16:03
Dr_OXiRoN: /sbin/swapon -s16:03
kristenBcan I set it so that a ssh connection to A (or B or C, really, doesn't matter now) is somehow notified to the current user ?16:03
Dr_Othat will list any active swap16:03
total_newbieescott, hmm... does this mean that this driver is within the latest Ubuntu and it supports Mobile Intel GMA 4500MHD?16:04
kristenBthat is to say, I would like to allow connections to my computer, but get graphically notified by ubuntu that such a connection is taking place16:04
MonkeyDusttotal_newbie  better start from the beginning, what have you done and tried before you came here, what do you want to do16:05
escottkristenB, no idea16:05
ghostchicktotal_newbie,  in linux most drivers are in the kernel or system apart from some proprietary  ones , check your graphic card on google to see if it is supported , or test it with a livecd16:05
SkippersBossMonkeyDust, total_newbie want confirmation that the IntelGMA 4500 is fully supported before he buys the laptop16:06
kavDr_O : i have a small question regarding ssh , can i ask you ?16:06
XiRoNIf the ubuntu system needs ram does it take priority over taking swap space or dedicated RAM?16:06
escottXiRoN, if the ram is dedicated (ie to the video card) then its untouchable16:07
total_newbieSkippersBoss, MonkeyDust, I already have that laptop, but with Win 7 64 bit. I just want to change to Ubuntu 64 bit and need confirmation if it supports Mobile Intel(R) GMA 4500MHD together with hardware acceleration16:07
Dr_OkristenB: immidiate ideas are: (1) read the sshd_config man page about ForceCommand and ~/.ssh/rc (2) tail you r log files16:07
kavDr_O : ssh -D 1080 kav@Lex      offers me Dynamic IP adresss or what16:07
Dr_Okav: go on16:07
SkippersBossi stand corrected16:07
Dr_O-D switch creates a socks proxy16:07
ghostchicktotal_newbie,   as i said try with the live cd , you will see or google for it , there is not other fast way to know it16:08
XiRoNescott: Sorry what I meant was, If the ubuntu system needs ram does it take priority over taking swap space or physical RAM?16:08
kavDr_O : how can i go for Dynamic IP addressing16:08
ghostchicktotal_newbie,  but generally there is a good support16:08
SkippersBosshmm a life cd could do the trick maybe ??16:08
Dr_Oso say I can brows a web site on machine B but on machine A I cannot. so while on A I "ssh -D 1080 B" and set up my web browser on A to use the socks proxy at localhost:108016:09
total_newbieghostchick, thanks the only problem is that i already googled it, but i didn't understand a word. This is why i wanted to ask the experts here on the chat :-)16:09
kavDr_O : so that i can be unknown16:09
Dr_Okav you can almost always be known16:09
jimmy__needing some help with installing 12.04...16:09
kavDr_O  : O ! how can be i unknown16:10
kristenBDr_O: and why do I provide as the forced command ? is there no such software available ? Having it say in the notification bar, how many people connected, and where from ?16:10
Dr_Okav: begs the question why do you want to be unknown!16:10
escottXiRoN, still not sure what the question means. if there is memory pressure stuff in the LRU will be written out to swap16:10
MonkeyDusttotal_newbie  if that's very new hardware, you may be pioneering and not much support will be available, because it is too new16:10
escottkristenB, alert16:10
total_newbieMonkeyDust now, this Intel device is from 200816:11
jimmy__my laptop never liked previous versions, finally got 12.04 to install and i have working wifi finally! but now im getting a black screen....16:11
kavDr_O  :   i want to tunnel using ssh with unknown identity16:11
kristenBescott: wow that's funny lol.16:11
kristenBescott: didn't know about that one16:11
escottkristenB, going to have a lot of problems with alert though. because that ssh user won't have your environment variables to connect to your existent X session16:11
SkippersBosstotal_newbie, like ghostchick has said. run the livecd16:11
kavDr_O  : in china , we have to be unknown16:11
jimmy__im running the live cd16:11
total_newbieMonkeyDust, ghostchick http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Intel_GMA_4500MHD What is libva? Is the information there up to date?16:12
Dr_OAh... well you kav: the tor project might be waht you want but I don't know about that sorry16:13
kavDr_O :tor really sucks16:13
Dr_OI'll take your word for it16:14
kavDr_O : sometime it fails and even slow16:14
Dr_OYOu can always try to use a chain of open web proxies16:14
kavhey ! can you trace me using ubuntu when i'm chatting with you16:15
kavDr_O: can you do that ?16:15
Dr_Okav: you ask the wrong man!16:16
vibhavkav: Anybody can know your Ip adrees16:16
kavhow vibhav ?  Can you tell me ?16:16
kristenBescott: so what other option do I have to get notified ?16:16
* Dr_O waves goodbye16:16
kristenBescott: that alert thing seemed interesting.16:16
kavBye Dr_O , thanks for helping me16:16
vibhavkav: typed /whois kav16:16
XiRoNIs there a way to run a program which only uses swap memory and not physical?16:16
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vibhavkav: If you want to be anonymous on IRC please request a cloak on #freenode16:17
kavO god ! are you kidding me16:17
kavthat was wrong . Check the place , you can't even tell me from where i'm talking16:18
kavGo ahead ! vibhav16:18
vibhav!offtopic | kav16:18
ubottukav: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:18
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kavhey ! vibhav wanna join me there16:19
escottkristenB, im not sure16:19
XiRoNIs there a way to run a program which only uses swap memory and not physical?16:19
escottXiRoN, no that would be impossible16:19
XiRoNescott: Would, or wouldn't?16:20
escottXiRoN, totally impossible16:20
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Lymphocyteis it safe to have ubuntu and kubuntu installed at the same time?16:26
kristenBescott: ok let's forget about that alert question for now then and jump to another question :)16:26
kristenBescott:  Using my previous network architecture, I have a reverse ssh connection from B to A. How could I automatically reconnect in case of power or networking failure ? (using cron, I guess, but how ? If I just ask cron to ssh every 5 minutes, he'll create a new one instead of checking whether it already exists, right?)16:26
ghostchickLymphocyte,  you mean on different partions or kde and gnome on the same system?16:26
escottkristenB, not with command master16:27
Lymphocytesame partition16:27
kristenBescott: I don't have it setup16:27
escottkristenB, i thought you had configured command master auto?16:27
kristenBescott: no in the end I didn't use it16:27
kristenBescott: maybe I should16:28
escottkristenB, thats why i would recommend it16:28
kristenBescott: so what's the method again ?16:28
three18tihow do I rotate one of my displays?  I just rebooted and one of my monitors came back rotated 90deg.16:29
three18timy xorg.conf file appears unchanged.16:29
three18tiI'm running is failsafe mode, I have two nvidia cards.16:29
escottkristenB,   ControlMaster auto  ControlPath /tmp/ssh_%r@%h:%p ControlPersist 4h16:30
three18tiI thought I could rotate the display in the NVIDIA X Server Settings menu, but that is not the case.16:30
vibhavwhat is the /srv directory for?16:30
three18tiI did let the setting upgrade run before I rebooted.16:31
kristenBescott: oh yeah we're back to the /tmp issue lol, I remember why I didn't use it now :)16:31
kavhey ! vibhav .Your name seems to be of indian .Are you ?16:31
kristenBescott: so where is that to be added (file, folder and computer) ?16:31
vibhavkav: Could We discuss this in #ubuntu-offtopic? :)16:32
escottkristenB, the .ssh/config on B16:32
kavOk !16:32
Eagleman7Hello, i am having this issue when rebooting:  http://imageshack.us/f/819/img20120701173438.jpg/16:32
Eagleman7Something is delaying my startup16:32
TheLordOfTimeEagleman7:  i think if you read it'd explain it16:33
kristenBescott: after Host C ... and on the same level ?16:33
TheLordOfTimesomething's hanging up your networking setup16:33
uzumatiEagleman7: What disto you trayin to boot ?16:33
Eagleman7ubuntu 12.0416:33
Eagleman7TheLordOfTime if i did understand it i wasnt here16:33
DJonessorry, wrong window16:34
three18tiactually, it looks like I have the rotate option in my xorg.conf file     Option         "Rotate" "left"16:34
steve973do any of you mount your NFS shares on your mac (if you have a mac at home or at work, of course).  I am having problems mounting my exported filesystems on my mac (os x lion)16:35
escottkristenB, i enable it for all hosts, but you could enable it for specific hosts if you want16:35
Eagleman7TheLordOfTime you are saying that i have to remove my keyboard and pc screen?16:36
TheLordOfTimeEagleman7:  no, i was saying that your networking is being delayed16:36
Eagleman7Yes but why16:36
three18tiwhat would cause my machine to stop reading the xorg.conf file?16:36
kristenBescott: so how would the syntax differ if it's for one or all?16:36
TheLordOfTimeEagleman7:  the error tells you that the networking system wasnt able to configure, so it took time to output the kernel-level issues, and then tried to reconfigure.  i'm not able to debug that any further right now, i've got to run16:37
escottkristenB, i just put it in a Host * declaration at the top16:37
TheLordOfTimeEagleman7:  my suggestion would be to make sure your network card still works.  Is this in a server setup, or a desktop, btw?16:37
Eagleman7they still work16:37
Eagleman7able to reach both on their staticly assigned IP Address16:37
Eagleman7I also do have a VLAN setup: eth0.1016:38
Eagleman7which also works16:38
kristenBescott: and if I remember correctly you said it was possible to change the controlPersist to indefinite, what's the syntax again?16:41
escottkristenB, ControlPersist yes16:41
kristenBescott: does controlPersit overwrite the default config TCP keepalive option ?16:42
escottkristenB, there is a separate keepalive option16:43
kristenBescott: in order words, what does ControlPersist do, exactly ? Does it close the connection if there's no input for 4 hours?16:43
kristenBescott: in other* words.16:43
amazingunknown keyword in configuration file:gfxboot16:44
amazingvesamenu.c32:not a COm32 image16:44
escottkristenB, i think its just a timeout before it cleans up that temp file16:45
amazingi want to install new but this is a mistake, how can i sove this<?16:45
kristenBescott: oh okay then I can just leave it to 4hours, it won't break the connection ?16:45
escottkristenB, after 4 hours it would break the connection, because the persistence file would be invalidated16:46
amazingi try to install from usb stick :)16:46
escottkristenB, the idea is that you start a connection and thats the master. when you close that connection if there are no other connections it would close the master connection and clean up the file16:46
valhow can i know what is the architecture of my system ?16:46
valx86 x64 ?16:46
valin the command shell ?16:46
ikoniauname -i16:47
escottkristenB, but if you were doing multiple commands one after another you might want to persist the connection for some period after the command terminate16:47
kristenBescott: oh I see16:47
kristenBescott: but then16:47
Nani009hey all ubuntuians16:47
patr|ckfor Ubuntu 10.04 setup - i created /home/spool in a seperate partition. when it later asks if i want to encrypt my /home will it encrypt /var/spool aswell?16:47
three18tiok, uninstalling an reinstalling the nvidia drivers... wish me luck.16:48
kristenBescott: seeing as the reverse ssh is still an active connection, it would not drop it, would it?16:48
escottkristenB, it shouldnt drop an open connection16:48
kristenBescott: okay I get what's the idea behind controlmaster now, thank you16:48
escottbut any subsequent connections from B->A would be new connections because the control file would not be present16:48
fluffyguyAnyone here tried to play Wolfenstein ET on 12.04?16:49
Eagleman7Hello, i am having this issue when rebooting:  http://imageshack.us/f/819/img20120701173438.jpg/16:49
kristenBescott: so now how to check every so often whether the ssh reverse is still active, and activate it if not (due to power failure for example)16:50
escottkristenB, i would just run ssh A every few minutes16:50
escottkristenB, if the control file is present then its basically a noop16:51
kristenBand with controlMaster, it doesn't create a new connection ?16:51
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kristenBescott: I mean, a new connection from within the tunnel that controlMaster created ?16:51
escottkristenB, it reuses the existing connection16:52
kristenBescott: so that's some sort of multiplexing ?16:52
escottkristenB, yes16:52
kristenBescott: how is it able to differenciate between the different connections ?16:52
kristenBescott: I mean, if I have two shells on X1 and X2 to Y, how is it that the output of a command sent from X1 doesn't appear in X2 ?16:53
escottkristenB, it just does.16:53
kristenBescott: I mean, if I have two shells X1 and X2 on X to Y, how is it that the output of a command sent from X1 doesn't appear in X2 ?16:53
kristenBescott: that's black magic lol16:54
kristenBescott: so what would be the command to cron ?16:55
escottkristenB, ssh A16:56
fluffyguycan I use this guide for my Ati x1050 (RV350 chip) on Lubuntu 12.04?16:56
kristenBescott: I'm not that familiar with cron in ubuntu. Do I have to edit /etc/crontab ?17:00
tkingusing ubuntu freshly install i saw an icon by the status bar saying  i should install some properietry driver http://postimage.org/image/x7gqk596t/90dc4abb/17:01
escottkristenB, that would be roots you want crontab -e17:01
kristenBit's a command or a file to edit?17:01
L3topfluffyguy: it is a bit dated with regards to package names/purging fglrx etc... and xorg.conf is no longer necessary except in odd circumstances... it has been depreciated... however yes... most of that looks fine... esp if you NEED an xorg.conf17:02
Eagleman7Hello, i am having this issue when rebooting:  http://imageshack.us/f/819/img20120701173438.jpg/17:03
mwozniak00hi, somebody else have problem with dependencies of nvidia close driver on ubuntu 12.10 alpha2 ?17:04
fluffyguyL3top Im try to get Wolfenstein ET working on Lubuntu ...only reason Im even messing with drivers17:05
DJonesmwozniak00: Probably better asking in #ubuntu+1 for 12.10 queries17:05
fluffyguyGeez I need coffee17:05
mwozniak00DJones: ok. thx17:05
escottkristenB, command17:06
kristenBescott: ok done. I made it    */1 * * * *    Does that seem ok?17:06
L3topfluffyguy: just be aware, fglrx will not work on that card... and if you have installed fglrx trying, you need to get rid of a lot of stuff.17:06
escottkristenB, probably too often but sure17:06
tempnickhello if ive found a patch for my kernel regaurding my specific problem, should I recompile my own kernel or might there be one out there already to dl?17:07
kristenBescott: so what could I say instead ? /10 ?17:07
fluffyguyL3top so it seems Im forced to play it on my W7 partition after all. damn17:07
L3topNot at all fluffyguy.17:07
escottkristenB, sure. its a matter of how impatient you are17:07
L3topthe radeon driver should be able to play it, imperfectly.17:08
kristenBescott: /10 means once every ten minutes, right ?17:08
escottkristenB, yes17:08
kristenBescott: ok edits done. Why is it that now the contents of /etc/crontab and crontab -e differ ?17:09
escottkristenB, the first is roots17:09
igor__i want to install windows 7 to play a game.  i already have a dual boot system, linux and xp.  some one told me that i will mess up the grub loader if I try and install a 3rd OS like 7?17:09
kristenBescott: well the user is a sudoer.17:09
kristenBescott: so what's the difference ?17:09
escottkristenB, just because a user can sudo doesn't mean that everything they do is done as root17:10
kristenBescott: right17:10
kristenBescott: and where is that file located ?17:10
escottkristenB, i think it ends up in /var17:10
PicikristenB: '/etc/crontab' is the system crontab. crontabs edited by using crontab -e end up in /var/spool/cron/17:11
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kristenBPici: ok thanks17:11
litropyIs anyone else having screen refresh/window refresh -like issues with google chrome?17:12
kristenBPici: escott: but that's weird, /var is not specific to one peculiar user. Does that mean that my crons are visible by every user on the machine?17:12
litropyLike the image loads, but it's ... Hang on lemme tiny pic it17:12
escottkristenB, check the permissions on the user specific crontab17:12
igor__anyone here understand grub loaders17:12
PicikristenB: no, /var/spool/cron/crontabs/ is only readable by root and the cron.17:13
Pici*the cron user17:13
kristenBPici: I see17:14
kristenBthat' s tricky.17:14
kristenBI think I'm out of questions regarding ssh :(17:15
litropySee, it's not like the image didn't load. Instead, it's only partially displayed.17:15
litropyThe browser isn't refreshing well.17:15
litropyWhen I select text sometimes, it's not highlighted ... because, again, the window isn't refreshing well.17:16
litropyFirefox has no problems.17:16
litropyIf I, for instance, resize the image (RES allows drag-resize, for you non-redditors), it forces a window refresh and it's then okay.17:17
kristenBescott: can you please reexplain why it's perhaps not advised to have the controlmaster file in /etc ?17:18
phoenix_firebrdHow to increase the video thumbnail icon in nautilus size to 25617:18
kristenBescott: is it just because its filename includes the hostname and ip ?17:19
escottkristenB, the only concern i can think of is that you are exposing the hostname and username to others. beyond that i dont see a risk17:19
D-F3NSim searching for a program which allows me to write with my pen on my lenovo tablet x201t. and recommendations?17:19
kristenBescott: but in the filename or in the file itself?17:19
escottkristenB, but a lot of that is in ps aux anyways17:19
bazhang!grub2 | igor__17:20
ubottuigor__: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)17:20
kristenBescott: if the only problem is the filename, could I not change the filename to something less suggestive ?17:20
WeThePeoplehi, does allocating (eg. 64mb of video) ram to a machine, split it between the vm and the os or can i allocate the whole 128mb to the vm.. and have both vm and my os use 128mb of video ram? does this make sense?17:20
escottkristenB, you certainly could17:20
kristenBescott: and that would solve the problem, would it not?17:20
escottkristenB, the only concern is that the file does give root the ability to access the channel17:21
escottkristenB, but root already had access to your keys17:21
kristenBescott: well it's okay since we've made it so that only one command could be issued out of this channel17:21
igor__i'm using mint 12 which i am told is basically ubuntu?17:22
escottkristenB, there could be other security concerns17:22
BluesKajigor__, ask in #linuxmint17:23
escottkristenB, but those are the only ones i can think of17:23
kristenBescott: hmm17:23
bazhang!mintsupport | igor__17:23
ubottuigor__: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org17:23
kristenB escott: so instead of  ControlPath /tmp/ssh_%r@%h:%p     I can just say /tmp/ssh_randomString ?17:23
aristidesflI'm receiving locale problems all the time on a fresh 12.04 LTS. how to fix this? shouldn't this be configured by default? http://hastebin.com/raw/fayogimolu17:23
escottkristenB, sure17:24
escottkristenB, but dont put it in Host * then17:24
aristidesflsudo adduser user deluge17:24
kristenBescott: can I not generate a random string so that I can put it in Host* anyway ?17:24
escottkristenB, it would have to be the same string every time.17:25
kristenBescott: that is to say, generate a string every time it connects rather than once for all17:25
aristidesflsudo nano /etc/init/deluge.conf17:25
three18tiok, I'm about to lose it...  how do I remove the erroneous double bars at the top and bottom of my screen and how do I get rid of all the duplicate icons? http://i.imgur.com/RUgoF.jpg17:25
igor__well too bad for me linux mint channels are not very responsive17:25
SirFunkHi there. I'm trying to install ubuntu 12.04 server on a dell poweredge. It gets past selecting the timezone, then detects hardware then goes to a purple screen with no writing.. any ideas?17:26
three18tiSirFunk, try rebooting and attempting your install again.  also you may attempt to burn your installtion media again.17:27
L3top!nomodeset | SirFunk17:27
ubottuSirFunk: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter17:27
SirFunkthree18ti: i tried it twice already17:27
phoenix_firebrdSirFunk, is there any disk activity?17:27
SirFunkphoenix_firebrd: nope17:27
SirFunkL3top: ... does ubuntu sever modeset at all?17:28
* L3top misread that sorry SirFunk... 17:28
phoenix_firebrdSirFunk, are you able to open another tty?17:28
kristenBescott: I think I'm going to leave it in /etc17:28
SirFunkphoenix_firebrd: yup17:29
igor__is there a way to increase my linux partition size in dual boot system?17:29
SirFunkoh! there it goes17:29
SirFunkwth.. that took like 5 minutes of a blank screen before showing the hdds17:29
bazhang!gparted | igor__17:29
ubottuigor__: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php17:29
phoenix_firebrdSirFunk, so can you see the log?17:29
igor__without hurting either OS17:29
kristenBescott: I have another question. Could I set up ssh so that I can see the remote desktop in a way similar to what vnc does, with -X for example ? So far I've only been able to display one specific application, rather than the whole desktop.17:29
david452Rmok my probleme is carmetal by ubuntu17:30
SirFunkphoenix_firebrd: it continued *shrug*17:30
phoenix_firebrdSirFunk, just as i thought, enjoy17:30
three18tiSirFunk, sometimes all you have to do is ask about it.17:30
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SirFunkhaha, yeah thanks17:31
david452Rmok goodbye17:31
SirFunk1U servers are LOUD17:31
igor__which is better to use?17:31
SirFunkand my boss keeps calling it a 'blade server' and it makes me want to punch him17:31
L3topSirFunk: out of curiosity what is the output of lspci | grep VGA17:32
NicholaspughHello!!! Was wondering if anyone can point me towards where to get drivers for a Netgear N600 Wireless Adapter.17:32
Surkow|laptophi guys17:32
SirFunkL3top: some integrated ati17:32
Surkow|laptopjust used photorec to recover some textfiles. it generated millions of files.17:33
Surkow|laptopafter deleting them my harddrive has 4GB space that is no longer usable17:33
L3topSirFunk: Some of these servers have an onboard KVM interop which makes things dicey. I ask to see if there are two. And there is no way to shut the KVM side off from bios.17:33
Surkow|laptopI understand why it happened, but is there is a way to reclaim the space?17:33
escottkristenB, you might look at NX17:33
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kristenBescott: I did and I'm already using it. Is there no way to do without, just from ssh ?17:34
escottkristenB, you could start an Xnest server17:34
kristenBescott: what's that ?17:34
kristenBescott: and in any case, with nx, I'm not able to share a desktop, but rather to open a new connection.17:35
escottkristenB, its an x client that draws a root window so you can nest what you want inside17:35
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kristenBescott: could I set nx to share a desktop (the same as the one the remote user is using) rather than an empty profile ?17:36
escottkristenB, nx is setup to do that better17:36
kristenBescott: or does Xnest do that ?17:36
escottkristenB, alternately look at vnc17:36
kristenBescott: well if it can do better it can do worse too right? :)17:36
kristenBescott: so nx doesn't allow that ?17:37
escottkristenB, the design of X is such that a client (window) cannot be moved easily from server (display) to server (display)17:38
SnowRaptorHello, there! Where are good places to look for reasons of random shutdown in an Ubuntu 11.10 machine?17:38
kristenBescott: not moved, but copied17:38
tempnickthanks for all the help everyone17:38
kristenBescott: is that not possible either ?17:38
escottkristenB, to do so requires a virtual x server to act as an intermediary. xnest is one such virtual server, nx also provides a virtual17:39
litropyFYI: reinstalling google-chrome-stable fixed my issue.17:39
escottkristenB, things like vnc work by basically taking screenshots and then sending them across the pipe so if you have a real primary display vnc may make more sense17:39
kristenBescott: but does nx allow to connect to the existing x server used by the remote user, rather than start a new session ?17:39
escottkristenB, you might have to change your login when at the physical display, and login to the nx17:40
kristenBescott: come again?17:40
kristenBescott: if I want to connect to B remotely and have the same software launched as when I left, how could I do that with nx?17:41
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escottkristenB, to use X and migrate you need to have a virtual display backing the desktop. so your X server needs to be running the nx client connecting to the NX virtual server. when you leave for the day you would then connect to the NX virtual from the remote location17:41
kristenBso how to do that from a practical point of view?17:42
escottkristenB, i've never used nx17:42
kristenBescott: have you used vnc?17:43
kristenBescott: you wouldn't know how to set it up?17:45
pharmankurhi all ..17:45
hellyeahi need to know good ide for html css php java script i am using ubuntu do you have any suggestion17:45
pharmankurI have a pretty strange problem with ubuntu 12.04 since last week ...17:46
sacarlsonhellyeah: wordpress?17:46
pharmankurdetals are on .. http://pastelink.me/dl/0e225917:46
pharmankurThere is a very strange problem i am facing in ubuntu 12.04 since last week.  I have cannot 'see' any data (incuding movie files) in a particular folder but I can watch those same movies from the same location through VLC player (via recently played history)!  Details:- Note - All my partitions (execept / & /home) are NTFS & I share with my Windows XP installation  I store all of my movies in media -> Pictures -> Movies. Since 1 w17:46
pharmankurdetails are on There is a very strange problem i am facing in ubuntu 12.04 since last week.  I have cannot 'see' any data (incuding movie files) in a particular folder but I can watch those same movies from the same location through VLC player (via recently played history)!  Details:- Note - All my partitions (execept / & /home) are NTFS & I share with my Windows XP installation  I store all of my movies in media -> Pictures -> Mo17:47
pharmankurdetals are on -- pastelink.me/dl/0e225917:47
escott!paste | pharmankur send us the output of "mount"17:47
ubottupharmankur send us the output of "mount": For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:47
wp-developeri have both windows 7 and ubuntu17:47
wp-developercan i run ubuntu from within windows 717:48
aristidesflI'm receiving locale problems all the time on a fresh 12.04 LTS. how to fix this?  http://hastebin.com/raw/fayogimolu17:48
IdleOne!wubi | wp-developer17:49
ubottuwp-developer: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Oneiric/11.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/oneiric/wubi.exe17:49
IdleOnewp-developer: or you could run it in virtual machine17:49
wp-developeri have allready installed ubuntu on partition17:50
wp-developercant i use that from windows 717:50
pharmankurescott ... ankur@ankur-desktop:~$ mount /dev/sda5 on / type ext4 (rw,errors=remount-ro) proc on /proc type proc (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev) sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev) none on /sys/fs/fuse/connections type fusectl (rw) none on /sys/kernel/debug type debugfs (rw) none on /sys/kernel/security type securityfs (rw) udev on /dev type devtmpfs (rw,mode=0755) devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,noexec,nosuid,gid=5,mode=17:51
escottwp-developer, you probably want virtualbox, and VBox can use raw partitions but its not advisable17:51
escott!paste | pharmankur17:51
ubottupharmankur: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:51
sacarlsonwp-developer: you can access the data from within ubuntu partition in windows with a third party software that can mount ext4 partitions in winodows17:51
pharmankurescott --- my mount output17:53
wp-developeri installed ubunto on ext2 partition17:53
BlueLagunaOne of the hard drives in my RAID 5 array seems to be clicking, but I don't know which one.  What's the best way to find out?  smartctl finds all drives "healthy"17:53
wp-developerhow will it effect me17:54
escottpharmankur, it should all be available under /media. you would have to send a screenshot of where its not appearing17:54
wp-developeri installed ubunto on ext2 partition.how will it effect me?17:54
pharmankurmy problem description ... http://paste.ubuntu.com/1069844/17:55
kantlivelongwhy was xnee removed from the repos?17:55
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saviohello anyone17:56
saviowhy my gdm is not working17:56
sacarlsonwp-developer: ext2 should work just fine17:56
ubottuext3 is the default filesystem on older versions of Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org17:56
escott!work | savio17:56
ubottusavio: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.17:56
pharmankurmy image 1 movie folder space - http://imagebin.org/21909317:57
savioit sas .service file is not there17:57
dr_willissavio: what are you doing exactly17:58
pharmankurmy image 2 movie folder seems empty --> http://imagebin.org/21909417:58
savioi install gdm17:58
saviogdmsetup not unlock login screen17:58
SomeDamnBodyhey, when I try to run lubuntu-software-center I get17:59
SomeDamnBodyno module name defer17:59
Eagleman7How do i flush the dns cache of BIND9?17:59
SomeDamnBodyI found deferred in pip and python-defer in apt-get17:59
SomeDamnBodybut it says that python-defer is already installed17:59
escottsavio, what version of ubuntu is this?18:00
escottsavio, what about running gksudo gdmsetup?18:00
sacarlsonEagleman7: might try restart bind9 but I'm not totally sure that will flush the cache18:00
saviosame error18:00
savioi also try installing lightdm some time ago18:01
pappijoI'm trying to publish a post in the ubuntu app showdown reddit and it doesn't appear (I submitted it 4 days ago, then I tried to delete it and submit again with no result).18:01
saviobut no hel[18:01
escott!ot | pappijo18:01
ubottupappijo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:01
pharmankurescott .. did you get all of my threads ?18:02
escottpharmankur, what does "ls -l /media" say18:02
UserHello, I am having a tough time figuring out grub2 when trying to add a parameter to my kernel line18:03
pharmankuroutput  ..  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1069858/18:04
Userwould anyone know of an easy to follow grub2 guide?18:04
pharmankurescott , your required output ,, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1069858/.18:04
escottUser, modify /etc/default/grub and run update-grub18:04
escottpharmankur, how about ls -l /media/Pictures18:05
wp-developerhe want to change something in grub config18:05
wp-developerwant a grub guide >user18:05
wp-developer.grub > User18:05
xerxesubuntu gönül dostu bir türke ihtiyaç vardır18:06
wp-developer!grub | User18:06
ubottuUser: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)18:06
Userheh, thanks wp-developer and escott18:06
pharmankurls -l /media/Pictures output ... http://paste.ubuntu.com/1069863/18:06
wp-developer!grub2 | User18:06
SomeDamnBodyhey is there any way to make sure that python is correctly installed18:06
IdleOne!turkey | xerxes18:06
ubottuxerxes: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için /join #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.18:06
pharmankurescott ... ls -l /media/Pictures output ... http://paste.ubuntu.com/1069863/18:06
saviois there no one to help me ?18:06
wp-developeryes savio?18:07
saviothat's seems unfair18:07
wp-developersavio ask question please18:07
escottpharmankur, but if you open nautilus and type "Ctrl-L /media/Pictures" it shows as empty18:07
wp-developertell savio whats it all about18:08
Userescott: is GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX where image parameters go?18:08
pharmankurescott .. i did not get you ... where to type it ?18:08
savioi try unloacking login screen using gdmsetup18:08
savioit's all i got18:08
escottUser, i usually put it in GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT18:08
wp-developersavio i never tried it sorry18:08
savioi try posting on many irc18:09
saviono help18:09
saviowasted so many days18:09
escottpharmankur, in the location bar18:09
Userescott: thanks again, rebooting18:09
MissVeraQuestion. I installed and everything went fine. It installed then loaded just fine. But, after i restarted my computer, now it doesnt boot up the system? Its just a cursor...18:09
pharmankurok ... but problem is not in /media/Pictures, its in Ctrl-L /media/Pictures/Movies  ; Movie folder shows empty18:10
escottpharmankur, ok what does "ls -l /media/Pictures/Movies" show18:10
igor__does boot repair work well?18:10
Frederickguys I have a problem, my system resized a partitom to install ubuntu and it seems to have unaligned the windoze partition hence now I cant seem to mount it18:10
pharmankurescott ... here it is ... ankur@ankur-desktop:~$ ls -l /media/Pictures/Movies ls: reading directory /media/Pictures/Movies: Input/output error total 0 ankur@ankur-desktop:18:11
escottpharmankur, boot to windows and run chkdsk on those drives. and check the smart status18:11
pharmankurbut i never used windows ..18:12
escottpharmankur, do you not have windows?18:12
pharmankurescott .. I never use windows since then18:12
pharmankurescott ok i will try18:13
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Eagleman7Is it possible to use dns-nameservers with  auto eth1.10    iface eth1.10 inet dhcp18:13
stevesmenameI don't have a cd drive, I'm trying to install mythubuntu on a fresh pc. I tried unetbootin with the mythubuntu iso image but it didn't seem to work. I'm trying Ubuntu 12.x Live via the unetbootin app now.18:13
promotheusi just did that yesterday stevesmename and it worked18:13
stevesmenamepromotheus: you did what the mythubuntu iso via usb?18:14
promotheusno ubuntu 12.04 vua usb stevesmename18:14
stevesmenamepromotheus: cool, thx18:14
promotheuscan anyone tell me why g++ myfile.cpp also creates myfile.cpp~ ?18:15
pharmankurescott BTW how to run chkdsk in windows XP18:15
escottpharmankur, i dont know. i dont use windows18:15
wp-developerpromotheus thats backup file when u save18:15
Frederickguys I have a problem, my system resized a partitom to install ubuntu and it seems to have unaligned the windoze partition hence now I cant seem to mount it.18:16
promotheuswp-developer: any way to disable it ? I didn't see it when on previous version of ubuntu18:16
wp-developerpromotheus believe me its very usefull feature keep it18:17
wp-developerFrederick same happen with me yesterday18:17
promotheusokay wp-developer . ANother doubt is my battery indicator seems to change between white and red when it shows around 0:45 minutes left . Any idea why ?18:17
wp-developerwhat version u r using promotheus for ubuntu18:18
escottFrederick, find a windows rescue disk and boot that to chkdsk the drive18:18
promotheuswp-developer: 12.0418:19
wp-developerpromotheus red means battery low?18:19
promotheusyeah wp-developer . But it changes between white and red.18:20
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)18:30
Eagleman7How to change the DNS server recieved by DHCP?18:30
Eagleman7How to change the DNS server recieved by DHCP on a VLAN interface?18:30
ranjanEagleman7: change in /etc/resolv.conf18:30
Eagleman7ranjan wont it come back?18:31
ranjanEagleman7: it will when you request for an IP again18:31
Eagleman7How to make it persistent?18:31
ranjanEagleman7: you may set attribute for the file so that it wont get modified18:31
ranjanEagleman7: use chattr18:31
escottEagleman7, you would have to change the dhcp server to use a different dns to change what you get from the dhcp server18:32
Eagleman7and this in my interface file? dns-nameservers
Eagleman7escott Thats not an option18:32
escottEagleman7, then configure network manager to only use the dhcp server for the ip address18:32
Eagleman7i dont have a network manager18:33
Eagleman7i'm on a CLI18:33
ranjanEagleman7: then my method is the best18:33
ranjanEagleman7: set attribute for the file18:33
Eagleman7so its impossible to change the file?18:33
ranjanEagleman7: chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf18:34
escottEagleman7, have you looked in /etc/NetworkManager at all?18:34
escottEagleman7, have you tried using nmcli?18:34
ranjanEagleman7: setting chattr +i will make the file write protected18:35
Eagleman7escott there is no thing such as /etc/NetworkManager18:35
Eagleman7I am running ubuntu server18:35
Eagleman7i will ranjan thanks18:35
Eagleman7ranjan: chattr: Operation not supported while reading flags on /etc/resolv.conf18:36
ranjanEagleman7: did you run the command as root or using sudo?18:37
nicecrewHi everyon.18:37
nicecrewIs this the Ubuntu chat room?18:37
ranjannicecrew: hi :)18:37
Eagleman7ranjan: root@eagleman:/home/user#18:37
nicecrewCan anyone help me run Ubuntu on my macbook?18:37
ranjanEagleman7: you should remove the resolvconf package18:40
ranjanEagleman7: http://vpnblog.info/change-dns-ubuntu.html18:40
nicecrewI'm sory for asking again, just wondering... can anyone help me out?18:40
nicecrewI want to run Ubuntu on my mac, just "attempted" to burn iso on a disc.18:41
noevHi, I'm trying to instal ubuntu 12.04 on my laptop right now. After sticking the usb in and restarting the laptop the screen is stuck and displays SYSLINUX 4.06 EDD 4.06-pre1 Copyright (c) 1994-2011 H. Peter Anvin et al18:41
noevany help is greatly appreciated18:41
nicecrewnoev: I would help.18:42
nicecrewBut I am looking for help too.18:42
nicecrewAnd, don't know what to do.18:42
MissVeraditto :P18:42
BluesKajnoev, did you check the md5 sum on the disk after the burn?18:42
escott!md5sum | noev18:42
ubottunoev: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows18:42
nicecrewSo, there is no one on here that has any knowledge of Ubuntu? :D18:42
Eagleman7ranjan after removing resolvconf should i also set the +i?18:43
escottnicecrew, you havent yet asked an actual question18:43
MissVeranicecrew, people get busy. no need to be rude about it18:43
ikonianicecrew: loads, but I'm not going to help you with that attitude.18:43
noevi did the md5sum already the iso file is ok18:43
nicecrewI am not trying to be rude, I was just staing a fact?18:43
escottnicecrew, you want help installing ubuntu on a macbook. in which case i would first recommend that you purchase a macbook18:43
nicecrewWhat attitude are you talking about, I put a smiley?18:43
ikonianicecrew: no, you where asking a question18:43
MissVeraIts a fact that everyone in here knows nothing about Ubuntu?18:43
ikonianicecrew: oh, a smiley, that makes it all ok then......18:44
micah_noev, try burning a cd instead of usb. i have had issues with some bios booting properly from usb18:44
nicecrewWell, I don't see how that's being mean.18:44
nicecrewBut, I'm sorry.18:44
MissVeraThen you're an idiot, which makes anyone helping you, a little pointless18:44
noevmicah_: will try, thanks18:44
escottnoev, how about the burned disk?18:44
nicecrewSo, you guys won't help me?18:44
micah_nicecrew, whats your question18:45
escottnoev, nevermind. you were using usb18:45
nicecrewWell, I'm trying to run Ubuntu on my mac..18:45
nicecrewI download the iso and it failed to mount.18:45
BluesKajeasy folks , don't succumb to "attitude" pls , nicecrew , just ask your question18:45
nicecrewJust wondering what happened?18:45
escottnicecrew, "failed to mount" where?18:46
MissVerahow to google "failed to mount"...18:46
nicecrewOnto the disk?18:46
micah_nicecrew, ok i have never owned a mac but...what kind of errors are you getting? is the cd booting at all? did you set your bios to boot from cd?18:46
nicecrewIDK. It jsut says failed to mount.18:46
=== Novasun is now known as nostalgic
escottnicecrew, "it"?18:46
nicecrewOr it says "Mounting failted"18:46
nicecrewI'm not sure escott. That is just what it says.18:47
escottnicecrew, when?18:47
escottnicecrew, CONTEXT!!!!18:47
nicecrewAfter it finished downloading.18:47
micah_nicecrew, so you are having problems burning the iso to a disk?18:47
escottnicecrew, you don't need to mount it after you download it. you need to burn it. there are instructions on the ubuntu.com website with pictures follow them18:47
nicecrewBut, do I need to burn it to a disk if I want to run it on the mac I am downloading it on.18:48
EnkwiI want to send email from terminal, anyone could give me some tips?18:48
nicecrewI know that escott. And, I did follow them, but the burning failed because the installation failed.18:48
micah_nicecrew, yes you will have to burn it to a disk.18:48
nostalgicso the program is not making an iso ?18:48
nostalgicor does it make an iso and does the iso have errors?18:49
nicecrewNo, it downloaded, but the installation is corrupt.18:49
EnkwiDo I need to do some setup ti make "mail" work in the command line?18:49
nicecrewWhen I click the iso it says "no mountable file systems"18:49
escottnicecrew, what you are doing is the equivalent of calling the mechanic and saying "my car, a light came on, i turned a switch, help, whats wrong, the light!!!"18:49
nicecrewI'm sorry escott.18:50
nicecrewI'm not very good at computers.18:50
nicecrewI don't know how I can further explain it because that's all that happened18:50
nicecrew.The disc I created is not readable when I put it in, so something is wrong.18:51
EnkwiCan you tell your problem again nicecrew?18:51
escottnicecrew, you need to tell us what you are doing, where you are doing it, what you have done, and if you are following instructions what instructions you followed18:51
nicecrewI will go though everything I did...18:51
MissVerayou did burn as an image, not data, correct?18:51
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nicecrewFirst, I went to Ubuntu website...18:51
nicecrewdownloaded the iso18:51
escottnicecrew, 64bit or 32bit?18:52
ranjanhi all..18:52
escottnicecrew, desktop or server?18:52
micah_ranjan, hello18:52
ranjanany channels related to switches or routers?18:52
nicecrew32 bit.18:52
nicecrewI click the start download and let it download.18:52
micah_ranjan, what do you need to know?18:52
escottnicecrew, you would probably want the 64bit... but you should be able to use the 32bit18:53
nicecrewThe download finished and it read  beneath it "Mounting Failed".18:53
Enkwi@ranjan idk, you can look on the ubuntu website18:53
escottnicecrew, that error is just osx being stupid. you can ignore it18:53
ranjanmicah_: need to know about applying port security in cisco switches18:53
nicecrewWell, then I went to burn it.18:53
nicecrewI put a blank DVD +R in.18:53
dsirijushow to remove a package COMPLETELY18:54
nicecrewUsed disk utility like it said to burn it.18:54
dsirijus--purge doesn't work18:54
micah_ranjan, what kind of port security? are you trying to setup a firewall? or are you trying to do port forewording?18:54
nicecrewOne thing was though, it said the disk was supposed to show next to the iso and it didn't.18:54
Enkwican't you use apt-get delete or something like that?18:54
nicecrewCould that be a problem?18:54
dsirijusor, it maybe does remove it, but (for instance, nginx) it doesn't recreate default files when installed18:54
Enkwior use "aptitude" ?18:54
nostalgicwhen you open the disk what files does it list?18:54
ranjanmicah_: to do MAC binding18:55
nicecrewNone. It says the disk in't readable.18:55
alejandroterminal email: mutt, vim, w3m configured to access gmail.18:55
nostalgicsounds like the program for iso burning failed midway18:55
micah_ranjan, hmm what is your model number of your router?18:55
Enkwi@alejandro you can send e mail with vim?18:55
nostalgictry burning on a lower speed setting or use a better program18:55
alejandroyes. i do it all of the time. it is great.18:56
micah_Enkwi, yes you can with vim and emacs.18:56
nicecrewIs disk utility good?18:56
MissVeracould always say screw the cd and use one of the usb creators.18:56
nicecrewAnd, will the disk work on a macbook? intel mac18:56
ranjanmicah_: port security in cisco switches18:56
alejandrow3m is needed to read html email better.18:56
Enkwibecause I would like to create a script to email my IP adress18:56
meowsusDoes anyone have any recommendations for a great Sound Conversion GUI? Like SoundConverter, but one that works? I'm looking to convert WAVs to Flac and MP3 but SoundConverter 1.4.4 keeps giving me headaches. Gstreamer errors about not being able to open the resource, even though all of the permissions are properly set. Can't find anything on google either.18:57
Enkwiso just need to copy my IP from a txt file18:57
escottEnkwi, you dont want to use dyndns?18:57
Enkwiescott, want to do it myself, just to work with linux a bit, because I am not too familiar with it yet18:58
alejandrogoogle how to configure mutt, vim and w3m. i do not know about other editors.18:58
Enkwiokok thx a lot18:58
nicecrewOK. So, I launched disk utility. Inserted a blank CD/DVD. And have the iso in the disk utility panel but the disk is not there with it.18:59
dr_willismail command.  is handy and old school18:59
nostalgicI'm unsure I do not own one but given the fact ive read that you can install multiple os on it with separate partitions like win7 and osx I dont see why not18:59
Enkwidr_willis yeah do I need to setup a file so mail can work? because I tried but didn't work18:59
dr_willisdisk utility is for managing hard drives19:00
escottdr_willis, he means osx disk utility. doesn't know how to burn in osx19:00
dr_willisEnkwi:  its doable..  i use dyndns.19:00
dr_willisescott:  ;)   osx should just magically work....19:01
MissVeraQuestion.  I installed, no issues. It loaded, no issues, but then when i rebooted, its a black screen with a cursor. I had checked the cd, and it was fine. So, what could it be?19:01
dsirijusok, i've uninstalled nginx from ubuntu, and deleted manually /etc/nginx and i've installed it again (apt-get install nginx) and rebooted server...19:01
EnkwiWhat are you trying to do on OS X?19:01
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter19:01
dsirijusthere's not /etc/nginx there at all now!!19:01
EnkwiWell thx for the help with mail guys!!19:02
alejandromutt, vim, and w3m is great if you are working off a ubuntu server.19:02
Guest8045hi all, just got an acer aspire one with nothing on it. just getting ready to try ubuntu 12.04 any tips?19:03
MissVeradr_wilis, does this apply to 12.0419:03
dr_willisnetbook and 12,04 work goodhere19:03
micah_dsirijus, did you try to sudo apt-get purge ngnix?19:04
MissVeraI meant, the http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=161313219:04
nostalgicthought you were using a pc XD19:04
MissVeraIm a recent windows convert. So this is a bit confusing.19:04
micah_Guest8045, a tip would be...try installing it if it works great, if not tell us what issue you are having :)19:05
dr_willisnmodeset wirks for most all releases19:05
dsirijusmicah_, yes19:05
Guest8045thanks micah_ !19:06
MissVeradr_willis...I gather what it is, but not what im supposed to do to fix this.19:07
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dr_willisMissVera: its a common fix for some video issues19:08
Guest8045just tryin ubuntu off usb and my screen is only showing the top half?19:08
nicecrewHi all.19:08
nicecrewI burned the iso to my disc and now don't know what to do?19:08
nicecrewCan anyone please help?19:08
dr_willisthe !nomodeset page gives how to set it19:08
nicecrewPlease. :)19:08
micah_dsirijus, did you just purge it now? or did you do that before you reinstalled it? do a purge then do an sudo apt-get install ngnix19:08
dr_willisnicecrew: boot the cd.19:09
MissVeradr_willis It gives info, but, for someone who knows nothing about any of this, it looks like a foreign language19:09
nicecrewIt's in and nothing is happening dr_willis.19:09
nicecrewDo I have to put it in at startup?19:09
MissVerayes nicecrew19:09
nicecrewI noticed I had to with my pc.19:09
nicecrewThen partion it?19:09
dr_williscd in. power on.19:09
MissVeraboot from the disc19:09
LLStarkshi, how do i use dpkg like gdebi without breaking everything?19:10
MissVeradr_willis Would you translate for me?19:10
dr_willisMissVera: i thought the screen shots were ckear. im on my phone so cant do i lok more19:11
dr_willisboot. hit e. edit the grub line,19:11
MissVeradr_wills, It says before install though... so. littlt too late for tht19:12
dr_willisit works either way,19:12
micah_MissVera, you can still do it after install. just reboot your machine, wait for the grub menu, hit e, add nomodeset to the end.19:12
dr_willisaskubuntu.com may have guides also19:13
MissVeraI dont get a menu19:13
MissVeraI get my old HP Screen, and then a cursor.19:13
dr_willishold shift for grub menu19:14
Anganahi team19:14
Anganai need one help19:14
Anganaam using Ubuntu 12.419:14
MissVeraNow it's frozen on the HP screen...19:14
Anganaam unable to make video call19:14
Anganausing pidigin19:15
Eagleman7Where can i get the default state of named.conf.options ?19:15
Anganahow to enable video chat in ubuntu 12.419:16
Guest8045okay installing and i get an ioremap error then i only get top half of screen. looks like i can proceed with install though. should i?19:16
Anganaam using pidigin19:16
MissVeraNo one?19:16
Elchzardcronjobs: 0 0 1 * * sh /home/elchzard/pywikipedia/unusedfiles.sh19:16
LLStarkshow do i install a deb from the commandline without using gdebi?19:16
Elchzardthat'll run that sh file at midnight every new month, right?19:16
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=== ukukele is now known as thomas
bekksElchzard: Make that file executable, and omit the "sh " at the beginning.19:16
Elchzardbekks: chmod +x thatfile.sh ?19:17
bekksElchzard: right.19:17
dr_willisdpkj -i foo.deb19:17
SnowRaptorWhioch logfiles cpould I use to (remotely) diagnose random shutdowns on a laptop19:17
dr_willisgdebi is better.19:17
MissVeramicah_ ,  where is this grub menu???19:17
=== thomas is now known as ukulele
ghostchickLLStarks, dpkg  -i19:18
bekksdr_willis: gdebi uses dpkg. ;)19:18
Elchzardalso, is it possible to append a date to a logfile?19:18
Elchzardi wanna log whether the actions from that sh file occur19:18
dr_willisand it does more then dpkg19:18
Elchzardand i'd just like to have the date in there XD19:18
micah_MissVera, when you restart your computer hold shift19:18
Elchzardhow can I get the output from date "+%H:%M:%S %d/%m/%y" to print to a file, basically?19:19
dr_willisi wonder if youtube has a video of this.19:19
ikoniadate "+%H:%M:%S %d/%m/%y" > file19:19
escottElchzard, | lpr19:19
MissVeraI did micah_. Now I'm stuck on the screen that says esc=boot menu  F1= setup,   etc19:19
escottElchzard, sorry you mean to a file... not actually printing19:19
Elchzardyeah escott, i think ikonia got it :)19:19
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ElchzardYaayy, thanks guys :)19:20
escottElchzard, > deletes the file and creates a new one >> appends19:20
bekksElchzard: mycommand > logfile-`date "+%H:%M:%S %d/%m/%y"`19:20
MissVeramicah_ ?19:20
Elchzardgot it, cheers19:20
micah_MissVera, hmm. hit ctrl+alt+delete and wait until you get past your Post messages(the screen your on now) then hold shift19:22
amccloudI'm trying to create an upstart script but keep getting "initctl: Unknown job: myscript"19:23
ghostchickMissVera, pick f1 and then edit the grub line to add the nomodeset19:23
amccloudI've created a symbolic link myscript -> /lib/init/upstart-job19:23
amccloudand placed the conf in /etc/init/myscript.conf19:24
michal__any idea why guake is slow to show up when I press F12 on a freshly installed system (12.04) ?19:24
carlosalguien con quien conversar19:26
MissVeramicah_ shift doesnt do anything, so it keeps cycling back to the post message19:26
micah_MissVera, strange are you positive that it installed correctly?19:26
Elchzardanother question: Can I get something to echo to that file on the same line as the output of date?19:26
MonkeyDustElchzard  use tee19:27
MissVeramicah_ Yes.No issues. It installed then loaded. I used it for awhile, then turned it off for the night. Turned it on this morning, and cursor..19:27
MonkeyDustElchzard  like: date | tee blah19:27
ElchzardAhhh okay, ty19:27
escottElchzard, echo `date` `whatever`19:27
ghostchickmicah_,   the grub file  can be also edited from a live cd19:27
micah_MissVera, is this a server install or desktop?19:27
escottElchzard, or echo -n `date`19:27
Elchzardescott: I need the actual output of date command, not just "date"19:27
bekksElchzard: I told you ;)19:28
nicecrewCan anyone help?19:28
nicecrewI burned the ubuntu iso to a disc and now am having trouble getting it to run on my macbook.19:28
escottElchzard, there is a reason i type ``19:28
ActionParsnipnicecrew: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded and did you burn as slowly as possible?19:28
MissVeraAlrighty, I'll work on it later.19:29
micah_ghostchick, true she may have to do that,19:29
MonkeyDust!mac| nicecrew start here19:29
ubottunicecrew start here: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages19:29
nicecrewBuned it as slowly as possible, but what is the MD5?19:29
bekksnicecrew: Which trouble do you have booting the CD?19:29
nicecrewI did see that MonkeyDust. But, I have no idea what the instructions are telling me..19:29
alejandrocan you run a linux distro on a mac which based on darwin bsd?19:29
escottnicecrew, DONT CROSSPOST19:29
ICWienerWhat is the best way to use a linux box as a router and a computer @ the same time. I have ubuntu/lubuntu/kubuntu/debian/pclos/slacko/dsl/etc... I just don't know how to use as a router19:30
nicecrewbekks: I burned it and try running it at the startup but it doesn't. I held down "c" and the mouse like it asked and it didn't work.19:30
ActionParsnipalejandro: i'd ask in #freebsd19:30
ActionParsnip!md5 | nicecrew19:30
nicecrewescott: Sorry. I'm sticking to this room now.19:30
ubottunicecrew: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows19:30
nicecrewI'm un osx ubottu.19:30
ActionParsnipnicecrew: there is an MD5 tester for mac19:31
ActionParsnipnicecrew: ubottu is also a bot ;)19:31
nicecrewWhere is the MD5 tester for mac?19:31
ActionParsnipnicecrew: the MD5 tests the ISO you used is complete and consistent19:31
nicecrewHow and where do I do this ActionParsnip?19:31
ActionParsnipnicecrew: read the link ubottu gave, thats what it's for. why do you think I triggered it...19:32
escottnicecrew, if you hadn't been crossposting everyone would have seen the full description of your problem and ActionParsnip would know its not an md5sum issue19:32
bjrohanHey everyone. I just did an upgrade (not sure which packages) and now Flash on my browsers is very slow. Any thoughts? I am running 12.0419:32
nicecrewI'm sorry escott.19:33
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nicecrewActionParsnip: That's windows MD5 instructions. I need mac ones.19:33
ActionParsnipescott: I don't see any text in my client suggesting any MD5 test and the user didn't know what MD5 is so I doubt it's been done :)_19:33
ActionParsnipnicecrew: on http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM which is in ubotttu's link, read te right hand side19:34
ActionParsnipnicecrew: 3 MD5SUM on Mac OS X19:34
escottActionParsnip, his efi isn't even trying to boot the cd19:34
ActionParsnipnicecrew: that is how to MD5 test in mac19:34
ActionParsnipescott: its good to check19:34
ActionParsnipnicecrew: had you clicked the link, you'd have seen that19:35
ActionParsnipnicecrew: did you even click the link19:35
ActionParsnipnicecrew: it's there, clear as day..19:35
Guest14217hola instale ubuntu studio 12. 4 y cuando inicio la pc me sale el cartel que el monitor no recibe señal , y no me muestra la lista de S.O me podrian decir los comandos que tengo que usar para poner el grub en 1024x76819:37
nicecrewI saw it ActionParsnip.19:37
nicecrewNow I ahve a problem MD5 isn't an optinon.19:37
nicecrewonly CRC-32 image checksum19:37
LjL!es | Guest1421719:37
ubottuGuest14217: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.19:37
|Long|what is the cmd to add a group?19:37
ActionParsnipnicecrew: so why the "That's windows MD5 instructions." when it clearly states Mac?19:37
nicecrewSorry. I didn't see it at first.19:38
ActionParsnip|Long|: do you mean add a new group?19:38
|Long|ActionParsnip, yes new group admin19:38
ActionParsnip|Long|: admin is already a standing group19:38
ICWienerWhat is the best way to use a linux box as a router and a computer @ the same time. I have ubuntu/lubuntu/kubuntu/debian/pclos/slacko/dsl/etc... I just don't know how to use as a router.19:38
ActionParsnip|Long|: do you mean add a user to the admin group?19:38
creatureHello. I DBANed a system and am trying to get it to boot, but it absolutely refuses to. I tried to repair it using the bootrepair disk, which produced this report, but it still doesn't boot. If anyone has any suggestions, I am all ears. http://paste.ubuntu.com/1069992/19:38
nicecrewBut, now I have a problem still MD5 isn't an options;19:38
ActionParsnipnicecrew: isn't there the md5sum command in the terminal?19:39
bekksThen that OSX is broken.19:39
ActionParsnipnicecrew: what model mac do you have please19:39
ActionParsnipOSX is made broken19:39
bekksActionParsnip: ;)19:40
nicecrewOne sec. I'll try something else.19:40
CottusICWiener, you can use iptables to forward internet and dhcp-server19:40
ActionParsnipnicecrew: http://www.rodsbooks.com/ubuntu-efi/  may help19:40
|Long|ActionParsnip,  sudo adduser david admin19:40
|Long|adduser: The group `admin' does not exist.19:40
ActionParsnip|Long|: what is the output of: lsb_release -sc19:41
nicecrewI still can't get it.19:42
ActionParsnip|Long|: then you have some serious issues dude19:42
|Long|oh this is new installation19:42
escott|Long|, you probably want the sudo group19:42
LjLActionParsnip: i thought in Precise the group was called 'sudo'19:42
escottnicecrew, im getting tired or "it"19:43
nicecrewOf what?19:43
ActionParsnipLjL: you are right, is that a Precise thing?19:43
LjLActionParsnip: yea19:43
nicecrewI'm staying in the same room.19:43
escottnicecrew, i dont know. thats why im tired of "it"19:43
|Long|i wanna add one user to admin grp what is the cd to do that?19:43
ActionParsnipLjL: didn't know that one, I guess it's more inline with Debian19:43
nicecrewI don't understand?19:43
ActionParsnip|Long|: you will need to make the admin group first19:43
escottnicecrew, stop saying "it" be specific19:43
nicecrewI tried method 2 and mehtod 3 of MD5 for mac osx and neither worked.19:44
Eagleman7Is it possible to set 2 IP's in <VirtualHost >? for example: <VirtualHost>19:44
ActionParsnip|Long|: if you want to give david access to sudo etc, you will need to add him to the sudo group19:44
bekksEagleman7: No.19:44
Guest26329nicecrew: what are you trying to do?19:44
Eagleman7create a seperate virtualhost bekks?19:44
bekksEagleman7: Yes.19:44
nicecrewI'm trying to do a MD5 test on my iso.19:44
Eagleman7bekks: Ty.19:44
nicecrewSince, my CD doesn't seem to be working..19:44
Guest26329nicecrew: Did you try the built in disk check?19:45
nicecrewYes. That was method 1.19:45
nicecrewI miswrote, I meant I tried method 1 and 2.19:45
Guest26329And what happened?19:45
nicecrewFor method 2, nothing happened.19:45
nicecrewMethod 1, there was no MD5 option.19:46
ActionParsnipLjL: that whole sudo thing was kept quiet...19:46
escottnicecrew, what about the third method (same as 2 but with "openssl md5" instead of "md5"19:46
nicecrewDo I drag the iso in just like method 2? escott19:46
Guest26329I mean for the disk check on in the live environment? What exactly happened?19:46
escottnicecrew, supposedly\19:47
bekksnicecrew: How long did you wait for the command to output something?19:47
escottnicecrew, i dont think the md5sum is related to your not booting. you need to do something to tell the computer to boot the cd. it doesnt do so automatically19:47
mschrI have got no HDMI audio, power meters pulse, playback seems fine but no audio... FIXME : http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=0LJBQAvt19:47
nicecrewI know. It said to hold down c and the mouse.19:47
nicecrewThat didn't work.19:48
ActionParsnipmschr: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh19:50
ElchzardIn an sh file, will the next line execute when the previous one is FINISHED, or when it's started?19:50
bekksEagleman7: finished.19:51
escottElchzard, ; after its finished && after its finished with 0 exit code & after its started19:51
nicecrewI'm officially lost. I burned the disc and can't seem to find how to get the CD to boot.19:51
Elchzardso say one line runs a python script, the next one sends lines to a log file19:52
amccloudcan upstart be anymore cryptic ?19:52
Elchzardthe python script gives output to the terminal19:52
Elchzardthe lines will print to logfile once the python script is done?19:52
amccloudFailed to spawn myscript main process: unable to execute: No such file or directory19:52
amccloudwould be nice to know what file or directory it's talking about19:52
Elchzard(by gives output I mean: it keeps the process in the foreground, i don't get another [elchzard@veetor]"19:52
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escottamccloud, where is the script? are you giving a full path?19:53
ActionParsnipmschr: why suchan old release, Lucid only has 9 months support left on desktop.19:54
ActionParsnipmschr: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-audio-dev/ppa; sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get dist-upgrade; sudo apt-get --reinstall install linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils; killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse*      wait 10 seconds then reboot19:54
amccloudescott: https://gist.github.com/2f5736f6e5b5bc8cdab719:54
Elchzardso say one line runs a python script, the next one sends lines to a log file, and the python script stays in the foreground, the lines will print to the logfile after the python script is done?19:54
amccloudit's in /etc/init/myscript.conf19:55
bekksElchzard: No, not after, but while.19:55
escottamccloud, are you sure you want a chroot?19:55
amccloudI tried chdir and cd too19:55
mschractionparsnip what would be needed to upgrade to 12.04?19:56
fe80mschr, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade19:56
ghostchickActionParsnip,  is the 10 secs the time for the computer to write the info back to disc, would not a sudo sync work also ?19:57
CharlieSuHi all.  Some of my Ubuntu boxes are acting extremely strange.  Their load average is super high and I'm unable to SSH into them.  This looks like it happened because of the leap second change.  Any ideas?19:57
nicecrewHey, I just heard that you can run linux on virtual machine? How would I do that on my macbook?19:57
ghostchickfe80,  are you a former debian user?19:57
escottamccloud, you probably dont. does it work outside the service declaration?19:57
bekksCharlieSu: Reboot them.19:57
ActionParsnipmschr: you can do it in one jump as it is LTS to LTS, personaly I'd clean install. You can use Lucid and its fully supported til April next year19:57
ActionParsnipmschr: the command I gave should sort you out19:57
amccloudescott: yes19:57
fe80ghostchick, i have used everything from debian to gentoo19:57
CharlieSubekks: does that fix things or is that just the default answer?19:58
mschrso, format c:? :p19:58
bekksCharlieSu: It should fix things.19:58
CharlieSubekks: thanks!19:58
mschrthats why, system is running months at a time uptime, has multiple self-signed programs installed etc19:58
ActionParsnipmschr: well, in linux it's  '/'  but same differnce. Is this Lucid install quite fresh?19:58
mschrthere's nothing missing, dont worry - have been experimenting slightly with the fglrx though19:59
fe80mschr, your going from LTS to LTS? i would definintly to a fresh install by downloading and burning the iso19:59
amccloudescott: I have initctl log level set to debug and it's still not outputting anything close to useful :|19:59
zacktuI like the terminal that I get with <ctrl><alt>T better than the terminal I get with the launcher.  How can I modify the path used by the launcher?20:00
escottamccloud, the chroot in what you posted is wrong, the path should be absolute20:00
mschrno more talk about cleaning / when i return after a 22 sec reboot plz20:00
ActionParsnipzacktu: if you use terminal a lot I suggest you install guake :)20:00
zacktuactionparsnip: what is quake?20:00
amccloudescott: It's not?20:00
ActionParsnipzacktu: did you ever play quake/half-life etc?20:00
zacktuactionparsnip: no20:01
escottamccloud, you should have a single exec line with a full path to the executable20:01
emetwhy does the RAM I bought from newegg crash my PC when written to20:01
ActionParsnipzacktu: its a terminal that hides and shows from the top of the screen on shortcut key20:01
amccloudescott: as I mentioned in the note in the script I pasted I've tried that also20:01
ActionParsnipzacktu: you can set a command going, hide guake and it will continue to run. Also supports tabs20:01
amccloudexec /srv/myscript/env/bin/gunicorn app.wsgi:application -b -w 420:02
fe80i love guake :)20:02
zacktuok i'll look into quak -- my use of terminal began with ed -- then ex -- then vi20:02
escottamccloud, and what error messages do you get when starting it that way?20:02
ActionParsnipzacktu: you can re-show it with the same shortcut to check progrees if the command takes a long time, saves having to hunt for your terminal window20:02
amccloudescott: Failed to spawn myscript main process: unable to execute: No such file or directory20:02
emetrobertzaccour: hey20:03
AnastasiusShit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.20:03
ActionParsnipAnastasius: please don't20:03
elcaseyoh, a new Ubuntu user20:03
escottamccloud, and what happens when you try to run the exec line on the cli20:03
AnastasiusActionParsnip: Fuck off.20:03
muellijesus christ. I've got a horribly broken machine, probably because the update from 10.04 to 12.04 broke halfway through. Now it doesn't boot properly and apt-get doesn't work, i.e. http://paste.ubuntu.com/1070048/ Can anybody tell me how to get rid of "Package is in a very bad inconsistent state"?20:03
emetelcasey: hi I'm new how do I use the Internet20:03
robertzaccourhe's probably just frustrated about somethin20:04
muelli(this time it's me needing help... -.-)20:04
elcaseyemet: why do you need internet, don't you have facebook?20:04
emetthat's true20:04
ActionParsnipAnastasius: please keep the channel family friendly20:04
fe80Anastasius, is that really necessary?20:05
AnastasiusWhy isn't a facebook included in the latest interation of Ubutnu?20:05
emetI don't think it is20:05
ghostchickfe80,  I asked this question because the mistake you made is  often made by former debian users, in ubuntu    the dist-upgrade just upgrades all packages , it does not upgrade of version therefore it is quite "safe"20:05
ActionParsnipmuelli: if you can find the deb file in /var/cache/apt/archives  you can force install it and it may help20:05
AnastasiusActionParsnip: Are you the internet police? No? Then go hump a tree.20:06
escott!ops | Anastasius20:06
ubottuAnastasius: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!20:06
fe80Anastasius, facebook is a website that is viewed through a browser. you can have a facebook on your ubuntu. you have a facebook account on facebook and view it through a browser that you install on ubuntu.20:06
ActionParsnip!ops | Anastasius20:06
CoreyLet us be civil.20:06
ActionParsnipAnastasius: no but I know folks who are20:06
AnastasiusOh dear.20:06
emet!facebook | Anastasius20:06
twirmCan someone help me find where I should file a bug when my indicators won't load inside Unity?20:06
ActionParsnipAntiSpamMeta: please be civil, it's a simple thing to achieve20:06
amccloudescott: it works20:06
CoreyActionParsnip: I find AntiSpamMeta to be quite civil. :-)20:07
mschractionparsnip aplay -D plughw:1,3 /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav => power meters pulse on HDMI card, no audio playing..20:07
amccloudescott: when I run the exec by itself20:07
muellihm. thx ActionParsnip. I might try to work my way through the whole mess like that. Now it complains about "Package keyboard-configuration is not installed". I'll probably manually install  those using dpkg -i. At least I'll try20:07
ActionParsnipmschr: do you get sound from regular speakers?20:07
ghostchickActionParsnip,   you do prefer terminator to quake ; )20:07
zykotick9ghostchick: dist-upgrade is the same in debian and ubuntu.  it's just a very misunderstood command...20:07
mschraplay -D hw:1,3 /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav => aplay: set_params:996: Channels count non available20:07
fe80ghostchick, you are right there is a seperate command for upgrading to a new release. one that i can't remember right now. thank you for correcting me though.20:07
mschractionparsnip yes20:07
escottamccloud, not sure then20:07
ActionParsnipghostchick: i find guake's hide function to be awesome20:07
twirmis this the wrong place to ask questions about bug placement, is there a better channel to help me with that?20:08
ActionParsnipmschr: great, in the sound settings, is the HDMI set as the output device?20:08
amccloudescott: okay thanks20:08
ghostchickzykotick9,  i know it is not a separate command but well i was just answering very late because was asking about upgrading of ubuntu releases20:08
ghostchickfe80,  it is  update-manager -d20:08
ghostchickfe80,  and dont worry it just shows your experience20:09
zykotick9ghostchick: -d is development (alpha/beta).  fe8020:09
ActionParsnipmuelli: once you get that package fixed then run:  sudo apt-get -f install     should help20:09
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ActionParsniptwirm: could run:  ubuntu-bug ubuntu    and it will be moved if necessary20:10
mschrActionParsnip yes, card 1 device 3 is the hdmi, all channels are unmuted, pulseaudio has fallback sink to hdmi, sound output setting is hdmi, i pipe aplay through hdmi - same result, looks like its playing but no audio20:10
BluesKajghostchick, sudo -do-release upgrade , add the -d  argument for upgrading to a development release20:10
mschrand yes, volume is up on TV as well :)20:10
ActionParsnipmschr: my sound troubleshooting is not great. Have you tried Precise liveUSB / CD to see if it's ok there20:10
BluesKajoops wrong syntax , the command is sudo do-release-upgrade20:11
ghostchickzykotick9,  then it shows how much i m into betas sorry20:11
muelliActionParsnip: let's hope so. But the update-manager, which I called but which for some unknown reason crashed half way through, probably does more than apt-getting all the necessary packages, no? So can I (easily and) manually do what update-manager does?20:11
ActionParsnipmschr: could be worth a try, just to test20:11
mycaeHello, I'm having some trouble with my ppa, ive uploaded a precise package to launchpad, via dput, and that reported OK20:12
mycaebut its not showing up in the launchpad web interface20:12
mycaeattempting to upload again simply results in "already been uploaded" msg20:13
MonkeyDustmycae   a ppa is an "external" and unofficial software source, it is not supported here, you use ppa's at your own risk20:13
twirmActionParsnip, what package are the application indicators (clock, time, messaging) inside of for unity?20:14
mycaeMonkeyDust, Im *providing* the ppa20:14
mycaeits *launchpad* that is not working, apparently.20:14
mycaeor ive done something wrong in the upload.20:14
trismmycae: did you check your email? the upload may have been rejected20:14
ActionParsniptwirm: not sure tbh20:14
mycaeah, thanks trism20:15
twirmActionParsnip, awesome, I just stuck it inside Unity20:15
twirmhopefully that gets it taken care of20:15
nullslashDoes anyone know how to switch between desktops (eg. gnome, kde) without touching gdm or kdm? I want to know the command line to do that20:15
Dr_Willisnullslash:  you mean by editing your .dmrc?20:16
mschractionparsnip have no cd's at hand im afraid - i know for a fact though, that it has run before even automatically changing audio itself (mby during gnome-session login though)20:17
mschrso trying the beta fglrx20:18
angshow can I transfer a file through the serial port connection by scp command? what do I suppose to write for the "root@remote.host" part?20:19
Dr_Willisserial port? whats connected to the other end?20:19
MeliorAnyone with good lftp config loading experience that can confirm this will work? http://pastebin.com/eVhZKBB920:19
nullslashDr_Willis, ha, let me test it20:19
angsan embedded board that runs ubuntu as well, but it does not have the internet connection20:20
bekksangs: No.20:20
angsI just have the serial port connection20:20
Dr_Willisangs:  if its using a serial connection, you would use some sort of serial terminal app. Unless its set up to use SLIP or some other sort of network0ng over serial port thing.20:20
supercom32Does the power management setting "spin down hard disks when possible", only apply to external hard drives? Because I can forsee the operating system HD being accessed way too often to be spun down.20:20
diegoviolawhat's the easiest way to share files between ubuntu desktops for people that have never used ubuntu before? I know I can just use scp/sftp myself, but what about for people that have no Linux experience?20:20
MonkeyDustangs  try  scp file [user]@[remote ip]/home/[remote user]20:21
creaturediegoviola: Dropbox?20:21
Dr_Willisangs:  does the thing have some sort of ip# over the serial port?20:21
bekksMonkeyDust: He has no remote IP on the serial connection.20:21
MonkeyDustbekks  idd, i'm wrong there20:21
Dr_Willisno ip = no useing of scp. :) as far as i know20:21
zykotick9diegoviola: if it's a local network, check out nfs20:21
angsMonkeyDust: it does not have IP address since it is not connected to the net. what do I suppose to write for the [remote ip]?20:22
Dr_Willisangs:  you can have an ip for yur local lan. and not be on the 'net'20:22
diegoviolaand yes, it's for local network20:22
Dr_Willisangs:  you may be needing to check the docs for that   board.20:22
angsDr_Willis: it has a static IP number that I assigned before20:22
Dr_Willisangs:  then it does have an ip...20:23
angsI am using minicom package20:23
Dr_Willisminicom is a serial app. it wouldebt be using the ip#20:23
bekksangs: You cant use scp over a serial connection, unless you set up something like the already mentioned SLIP, or similar.20:23
MonkeyDust!info minicom20:23
ubottuminicom (source: minicom): friendly menu driven serial communication program. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.5-2 (precise), package size 284 kB, installed size 1176 kB20:23
fe80diegoviola, you can use nfs, smb, or heck even ftp would be simple enough.20:23
bollsaqhey yall20:24
zykotick9fe80: smb and ftp are bad suggestions.  diegoviola20:24
Dr_Willisif you use minicom to get a 'shell' on the Board. then it Might support  zmodem, or other protocals.20:24
fe80zykotick9, why are they bad suggestions?20:25
CMOHi everyone need some linux noobs pls20:25
zykotick9Dr_Willis: i recall trying (and failing) to use minicom to connect with a cisco router.  ended up using lower level tools - but forget the details :(20:25
CMOneed a dynamic dns server for linux20:25
angsI tried the static IP that I assigned before, but scp did not work for it. is there any package/command to transfer a file through the serial port connection?20:25
zykotick9fe80: smb is windows and thus unreliable/buggy.  ftp just needs to die!20:26
supercom32Does the power management setting "spin down hard disks when possible", only apply to external hard drives? Because I can forsee the operating system HD being accessed way too often to be spun down.20:26
CMOdont use static ip instaid use port forwarding20:26
CMOi need a dynamic dns server for linux20:26
CMOplease help20:26
MonkeyDustCMO  how is that ubuntu related?20:27
ActionParsnipCMO: could use no-ip or dydns so you can use a name. Thet IP to name resolutionj will get updated regularly20:27
zykotick9CMO: unless you assign DHCP to always assign the same IP - static ips and port forwarding go hand-in-hand.20:27
CMOi would like to create my own dynamic dns20:27
ActionParsnipCMO: Why do you need a DNS server? Are you port forwarding from the LAN to your PC?20:27
ghostchickzykotick9,  well i was seeing ftp as a good option linked with a firefox accessing it or any simple  ftp application , what is the future ftp ; )20:27
fe80zykotick9, i know smb is for windows isnt that what he needed and since when did it become unreliable and buggy. i use it every day and have for years. and ftp is very stable and fast not to mention makes sure that the file you are trying to access makes it across the network complete.20:28
ActionParsnipCMO: if you want to manage a DNS you can use dnsmasq. It also gives a DHCP service if you desire20:28
MonkeyDustCMO  i guess your pc then needs dhcpd20:28
ActionParsnipfe80: smb can also be used by mac20:28
zykotick9ghostchick: see http://mywiki.wooledge.org/FtpMustDie20:28
CMOdnsmasq does it support dynamic dns20:28
harrisWhat is androids irc channel20:28
ActionParsnipCMO: what do you mean "dynamic dns"20:29
guntbertharris: /msg alis list *android*    will tell you20:29
CMOwell such as freedns20:29
ActionParsnipCMO: if your IP is dynamic on the WAN side of your router then you can use the client app to refresh the IP on the DNS service you use20:29
fe80ActionParsnip, exactly it's cross platform which is why i suggested it :). zykotick920:29
harrisI need a app That gives my tablet face I unlock20:30
fe80CMO, i know no-ip has a linux client as i have used it before.20:30
mschrR 350 + 12.9 beta = nono, confirmed..20:30
ActionParsnipCMO: if you want your web facing IP to resolve to a name, you can use no-ip or dydns, you don't need any DNS servers installing on your system20:30
CMOjust a dum question can i use dnsmasq to configure my router dns 2 it20:31
ICWienerMy Webcam says it's connected via usb. WTF? Do I have an internal USB adapter just for the webcam, or something?20:31
bekksCMO: No.20:31
ActionParsnipCMO: no, you will need to access the config page of therouter20:31
ElchzardThat's the sh script and the output I get when I try to run it20:31
mschractionparsnip i do however have a device or resource busy now -,-20:31
ghostchickzykotick9,  thanks for the link , well it might be a strong worded but most remarks are interesting , so now which is the future option you recommend,, and well even bash compared to fish or zsh is the past20:31
ElchzardAm I gonna have to edit the .py for that to actually run in the background, or has anyone got any ideas?20:31
CMOthanks cmo but would it let me control the dns server if i configure it and my pc is a part of local area20:32
fe80ICWiener, alot of internal devices run on the usb protocols. thus your internal webcam could be shown as connected via usb20:32
CMOthanks bekks but would it let me control the dns server if i configure it and my pc is a part of local area20:32
Jonny1Hi. Does anyone know how I can delete all user accounts from Ubuntu 12.04 so that the next time the machine boots it goes to the setup users stage?20:32
fe80ICWiener, internal devices like webcams and some microphones i should specify...20:32
ActionParsnipCMO: if you have a local DNS server you can configure it as you desire. It's not needed if you have a DNS name registered to your IP20:32
zykotick9ghostchick: nfs for local (unix native) or scp/sshfs for remote would be my suggestions20:32
bekksCMO: Uhm, no.20:33
CottusJonny1, i don't think it will20:33
ghostchickzykotick9, thanks for the nfs ; )20:33
CMOthanks bekks for all ur help and thanks everyone you the BEST Nan1a OUT!20:33
bekksroot in irc. o.O20:34
ActionParsnipJonny1: If you delete the files in your user's home (except ~/.bashrc and ~/.profile) the user will get vanilla settings next login20:34
goddardanyone know of any good encrypted note systems similar to tomboy?20:34
fe80Jonny1, you can remove users one at a time by using userdel20:34
fe80Jonny1, but if you remove everything it will not do what you asked for.20:34
ghostchickgoddard,  gnome only?20:35
zykotick9Jonny1: isn't the initial user setup during install?  i don't remember seeing any program after that does that prompting?20:35
CottusJonny1, you can also setup a new user, and then remove all else20:35
goddardghostchick: it doesn't matter20:35
harrrismrubinwhat is the android channel20:35
fe80Jonny1, use useradd to add a new user, userdel to remove users20:35
wylde!alis | harrrismrubin20:36
ubottuharrrismrubin: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*20:36
harrisI was wondering the same thing20:36
ghostchickgoddard, well baskets  has encrypted settings , but there is various others20:36
goddardghostchick: ill look into it even terminal based would be fine20:37
zykotick9goddard: gnote is a c++ port of tomboy, not sure about your encryption requirement.20:37
MonkeyDustharrrismrubin  it's #android, but you need to register to have access, just tried20:37
harrrismrubinwhat do you mean register20:38
guntbert!register | harrrismrubin20:38
ubottuharrrismrubin: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode20:38
ActionParsnipzykotick9: does it upload to ubuntuone and stuff?20:38
nim0_i have an idea partitioning my system :   / into a 20 gb SSD.... and /home on a regular 2TB hdd........makes any sense ??20:38
supercom32Does the power management setting "spin down hard disks when possible", only apply to external hard drives? Because I can forsee the operating system HD being accessed way too often to be spun down.20:38
harrrismrubini have to register my nickname to go on #androud20:38
zykotick9ActionParsnip: no.  unless you put it's directory in a sync folder.20:38
Jonny1fe80: Cottus: zykotick9: ActionParsnip: Thanks all for the suggestions. I am about to sell my old PC but I wanted to leave Ubuntu there but ready for the new owner to setup their own user account. Like the computer is when you first install Ubuntu. Maybe I should just do a clean install fom the CD.20:38
MonkeyDustharrrismrubin  yes20:39
ActionParsnipzykotick9: cool, just curious :)20:39
CottusJonny1, setup a new user, and remove all rest,20:39
creaturesupercom32: As far as I know it applies to all disks. If you're not loading new programs and have a reasonable amount of RAM, your OS drive may not be accessed as frequently as you think.20:39
CottusJonny1, by installing you'll still have to setup a new user20:39
fe80Jonny1, you may look at downloading the alternate iso, you can do an oem type install so all they will need to do when recieving the pc is to setup there username password and other simple settings like that20:39
CottusJonny1, i agree with fe8020:40
Jonny1Cottus: Good point. fe80: Yes thats exactly what I want. An oem install.20:40
=== harrrismrubin is now known as your_favorite_ha
Jonny1Thanks everyone20:41
fe80Jonny1, you are welcome :)20:41
supercom32creature: Do you happen to know what the interval for that would be? I mean, the interval that Ubuntu waits before it considers a drive idle?20:41
creaturesupercom32: Something tells me it's 5 seconds, but I have no idea if that's true or not. I'd suspect it backs onto the ACPI settings.20:42
your_favorite_hahow do i change my nick back to harrrismrubin20:42
ubottuYour nick is how people know you on IRC. Please don't change your nicknames too often (use /nick newnick), or it creates a lot of confusion. You should also !register your nick with freenode.20:42
Num83rGuyI have a problem with network manager not auto starting connections.20:43
creaturesupercom32: http://askubuntu.com/questions/39760/how-can-i-control-hdd-spin-down-time might help.20:43
MonkeyDustJonny1  there's oem-config20:43
Jonny1MonkeyDust: Thanks. I will google that20:45
Num83rGuyNetwork will not auto-start my VPN connection though I have that option checked.20:45
ActionParsnipNum83rGuy: is the confg for the connection to atoconnect? Are you using DHCP?20:45
ActionParsnipNum83rGuy: ahh vpn20:46
ubottuFor more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN20:46
ActionParsnipNum83rGuy: may help20:46
Num83rGuyActionParsnip: Thanks I will look into it.20:46
ActionParsnipNum83rGuy: let me search too20:46
sarsaeolcan anyone tell me why one hfs+ drive connectd through eSata would be rw but another hfs+ drive is read only? neither have journaling enabled20:47
ActionParsnipNum83rGuy: if you add a startup item to run: nmcli con up id ConnectionName      it will connect ConnectionName  for you20:47
sarsaeolsecond drive connected through USB20:47
fe80Jonny1, MonkeyDusk, problem with just running oem-config is it will not wipe the system back to a fresh install and the other users will still be there unless you remove manually. installing via oem install will use oem-config20:48
ActionParsnipsarsaeol: are the partitions healthy and unmounted gracefully last time they were unplugged20:48
ActionParsnipsarsaeol: if you just rip the USB from the system without first ejecting it, it makes issues20:48
sarsaeolyes, the second usb drive was formatted using gparted but has never been able to be written... always unmounte3d using gparted or disk util20:48
Jonny1fe80: I think I will do a clean oem install from the alternate CD. That way I can wipe everything and there wont be any broken packages left either20:48
sarsaeolActionParsnip: i would never be so cruel to my drives  :)20:49
Num83rGuyActionParsnip: Thanks for the startup line. The linked article was of little help though.20:50
ActionParsnipsarsaeol: you'd be suprised what people do, then get issues and act all confused20:50
fe80Jonny1, i think that would be best. MonkyDust has the right idea in suggesting oem-config. but it would be best to have a clean install for your customer20:50
ActionParsnipNum83rGuy: hopefully the command will fly :)20:50
Jonny1fe80: Yes and to be honest there are a few broken packages as things keep crashing20:51
sarsaeolActionParsnip: mabe i will just try these kernel uupdates i have slated... seems like mutiple things relating to USB do not work20:52
sarsaeoli.e USb 320:52
goddardghostchick: that app is pretty nice i think it will work well thanks20:52
sarsaeolanyone heard of USB3 issues with 3.2.0-25-generic ?20:53
ghostchickgoddard,  nice nickname  btw, but yes basket is rather cool , a shame it does not handle wikilinks as well as tomboy/gnote(or that they are not more developed)20:53
fe80sarsaeol, i have had no issues with usb3, have you checked 'mount' to see how your drives were mounted?20:54
* sarsaeol runs man mount20:55
sarsaeolfe80 is there somethi8ng liek a verbose flag i should be looking for?20:56
guntbertsarsaeol: just type   mount20:56
fe80sarsaeol, mount -l or just mount20:57
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sarsaeolweird... mount says rw20:59
fe80sarsaeol, does it show a mode?20:59
ceti331is it possible to make gnome shell trigger  on background mouse clicks,21:01
ceti331q2 is it possible to use global menu in gnome shell21:01
ceti331q3 is it possible to make the 'expose' view in gnome shell bigger windows (less spacing beetween them)21:01
sarsaeolfe80: i thnik dmesg even says it shoudl write: [sdc] Write Protect is off21:02
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fe80what options are active on the one that is working?21:03
fe80sarsaeol, what options are active on the one that is working?21:03
sarsaeolfe80: uno moment\21:03
ghostchickceti331,  most of your questions lead to modifying the gnome-shell by extensions , so most of them would be possible21:04
harrrismrubincan i add ubuntu to my android tablet without rooting21:06
harrrismrubini am afraid i will brick if i root21:06
ceti331out of the box i much prefer ubuntu unity21:06
ceti331but with those tweaks gnome shell would be better21:06
sarsaeolfe80:  the output of mount for each disk is identical21:07
fe80sarsaeol, are you getting an error when attempting to write to the device?21:08
sarsaeolexcept for dev assignment and partition name of course21:08
sarsaeolpermission denied21:08
harrrismrubincan i add ubuntu to my8 android tablet without rooting21:09
ActionParsnipceti331: wihout much tweaking, lubuntu is pretty sweet21:09
harrrismrubinwhat is lubuntu21:09
sarsaeolharris: ubuntu lite21:10
fe80harrrismrubin, it is an ubuntu spin which uses lxde21:10
fe80harrrismrubin, very lightweight21:10
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: ubuntu with LXDE by default insteaad of gnome and Unity21:11
harrrismrubinwhat is ubuntu lite21:11
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: ^21:11
fe80sarsaeol, can you view the permissions for the drive?21:11
harrrismrubinsarsaeol,  what is ubuntu lite21:11
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: lubuntu uses significant;y fewer resources, its good for low end systems or people wanting a responsive OS21:11
harrrismrubinis it the same thing21:12
fe80sarsaeol, has this drive ever worked with linux before?21:12
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: its fully supported by the ubuntu community21:12
sarsaeolharrrismrubin: i ind of made that up... listen to fe80 or ActionParsnip... lubuntu IS pretty lightweight tho21:12
fe80harrrismrubin, he meant ubuntu lite as in very light resources.21:12
harrrismrubinlubuntu for android21:12
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: check some screenshots online or youtube :)21:12
harrrismrubinok cool i want ubuntu on my tablet21:13
harrrismrubinbut i dont want to root21:13
sarsaeolfe80: no i have not seen it work with any linux yet... let me try on my 10.04 box21:13
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: ubuntu disables root by default21:13
mackenziehey all, i'm having a problem getting the liveCD to work with my hardware21:14
fe80sarsaeol, ok it may have some windows specific permissions set on it that would prevent you from writeing to it21:14
harrrismrubinso i have to root to get ubuntu21:14
bekksharrrismrubin: Yes.21:14
sarsaeolfe80: i formetted it with gparted tho21:14
sarsaeoland hfs is mac21:14
mackenziewhen i boot, my display stops working... and its unresponsive.  do you have any ideas why that might be?21:14
bekksharrrismrubin: Because you cant install anything else than Android otherwise.21:14
sarsaeolfe80:  but let me still check my 10.04 box... its pretty reliable21:15
harrrismrubinwhat do you get out of having ubuntu on tablet21:15
fe80harrrismrubin, im not sure if you would have to root your android to install ubuntu.21:15
ActionParsnipbekks: you can, users can use the marketplace and install apps21:15
bekksActionParsnip: Ah, ok.21:16
fe80sarsaeol, oh i did not realize you had used gparted. and i have never owned a mac :)21:16
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: you dont need to root your device to install normal apps in android21:16
fe80harrrismrubin, to install ubuntu onto your android device you will actually be running ubuntu in a seperate app then using a vnc client to connect to the running vnc server in ubuntu.21:17
harrrismrubinwhat english please21:18
sarsaeolsigh... drive has same issue on 10.05421:18
harrrismrubinhow do i install ubuntu21:18
harrrismrubinon my tablet21:18
sarsaeolharrrismrubin: he is saying ubuntu needs to be3 run as an app21:18
harrrismrubinno9t as an os21:19
fe80harrrismrubin, http://www.redmondpie.com/install-and-run-ubuntu-on-your-android-device-with-ubuntu-installer-download-now/21:19
OerHeksharris, not without 'root'21:19
fe80sarsaoel, try reformatting it with gparted21:19
sarsaeolfe80: well okay but that will be like the 3rd time21:20
sarsaeolfe80: gonna reboot to get these updates in21:20
harrrismrubinis it easy to root21:21
Eagleman7--dport auth which port is auth?21:21
Eagleman7or what is auth?21:21
knoppix123anybody knows about knoppix plz21:21
OerHeksharrrismrubin ask in #android21:21
fe80harrrismrubin, everything i have rooted i have been able to do very easy usually with a one-click program.21:21
ikoniaknoppix123: try the #knoppix channel21:22
harrrismrubini caqnt join #android21:22
ikoniaharrrismrubin: the guys in #freenode will help you register21:22
fe80harrrismrubin, register your nick21:22
fe80!nick | harrrismrubin21:22
ubottuharrrismrubin: Your nick is how people know you on IRC. Please don't change your nicknames too often (use /nick newnick), or it creates a lot of confusion. You should also !register your nick with freenode.21:22
knoppix123how to get there i'm new to this things sir any help21:22
ikoniaknoppix123: /join #knoppix21:22
Eagleman7--dport auth which port is auth?21:22
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HelloWorld321What's a good way to manage uid/gid for a Win7 NFS client?  Is there a service like LDAP or something that the ubuntu nfs host can run?21:23
knoppix123ok thanks i guess i got it21:23
harrrismrubinis it worth it to have ubuntu on tablet21:23
=== mackenzie is now known as Mackenzie
Eagleman7--dport auth what is auth?21:24
linux_is_my_heroso here's a reason why we're all in this chatroom on ubuntu and not the windows chatroom on windows21:24
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: if you want. depends on need21:24
linux_is_my_hero"I was dual-booting Windows 7 and XP (each on their own HDD).  On Windows 7 I visited a website with some java exploit which very quickly broke my installation and made Windows 7 unbootable.  I deleted the partition and now I am just using XP but when it starts Avast detects a rootkit on the Windows 7 hard drive, which leads me to believe the rootkit is somehow embedded in the bootloader.  Is..."21:24
HelloWorld321it's always worth it to have ubuntu: unless you're playing a game that isn't supported on ubuntu21:24
harrrismrubini want to be able to put my music on my tablet from ubuntu21:24
linux_is_my_herohelloworld321: isn't that what consoles are for?  my computer doesn't have a 1200w 7.1 hd sound system, or a 120hz 55" LED screen21:25
ActionParsniplinux_is_my_hero: i'd ask in ##windows21:25
HelloWorld321harrismrubin: no problem.  Install ubuntu as normal, and look up any "10 things to do after installing ubuntu" and most of them will reference at least one media package.21:25
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: you can transfer data to and from the tablet using ubuntu21:26
alankilaEagleman7: auth is an old service that external processed could use to ask which uid owns particular socket21:26
catmistakeonly safe place to run Windows is in a vm21:26
fe80harrrismrubin, i honestly dont see much of a point in running ubuntu on your android tablet unless you have a specific use to do so.21:26
alankilaEagleman7: they send a query like 'the connection with local port x and remote port y, which uid created it' and the auth service would say 'oh that is user account abcdefgh'21:27
harrrismrubinwhy do other people install it21:27
HelloWorld321linux_is_my_hero: yes, that's absolutely what consoles are for.  I have no idea why certain PC games don't have a console port, but perhaps we digress.21:27
fe80harrrismrubin, mostly for the nerd factor of "Hey i have ubuntu running on my android"21:27
linux_is_my_herohelloworld: but my PS3 does! go mancave.21:27
skaIs there a debugging kernel I can install to debug hardware problems?21:28
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: cos they can, or to challenge themselves. many other reasons exist21:28
harrrismrubinmy tablet is not compatible with ubuntu so i cant add music to my tab from ubuntu pc right now21:28
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: sure you can21:29
harrrismrubinif i root and download app will i be able to21:29
linux_is_my_herobarrrismrubin: what about google music?  it has an upload/sync app for apple, windows, and ubuntu.  and you can get to it from any web-enabled device, and iOS and android have their own apps and the interface is amazing21:29
fe80harrrismrubin, if all you want to do is have your music from you computer on your tablet you can just copy them over through your usb cable21:29
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: if you run an sftp server on your system you can connect to it with andftp21:29
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: or you can send data over bluetooth21:29
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: andsmb can access samba shares over wifi21:29
harrrismrubinmy pc doesnt have bluetooth when i plug in usb cable i get error message21:30
alankilame also notes that android app writers can use jcifs to access samba shares21:30
HelloWorld321can he use myth or xbms to serve media to his win tablet?21:30
alankilaeh, missing /21:30
nibohrI installed windows 8, but now after running grub-install /dev/sda my computer still keeps booting windows, can someone help?21:30
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/12/how-to-easily-mount-the-galaxy-nexus-on-ubuntu-11-10-via-unity21:30
linux_is_my_heroactionparsnip: i was making fun of windows for being overly complex and stupid21:30
alankilanibohr: you have multiple harddisks? does bios boot that harddrive, preferentially?21:31
ActionParsnipnibohr: if you run:  sudo update-grub   do you see the boot?21:31
harrrismrubini have galaxy tab 2 10.1 ActionParsnip21:31
skaI get "[Hardware Error]: Machine check events logged" but there is nothing to check..21:31
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: it may still apply21:31
skathat is in kern.log21:31
nibohralankila: yes I have 2 disks, it boots the ssd, where windows and my old ubuntu installation is on21:31
creaturenibohr: Hopefully you won't need to use it, but https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair might come in handy.21:31
bekksska: Did you check with mcelog ?21:31
nibohrActionParsnip: it finds all my operating systems, but it still starts only windows21:31
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: sharing a folder will be a super easy way, you can install openssh-server and conenct over sftp21:31
alankilanibohr: and sda is the one with windows?21:32
HelloWorld321Is there an authentication service that the ubuntu nfs host can run, to map uid/gid to a Win7 NFS client?21:32
skabekks: no, where is it?21:32
harrrismrubinwhat is sftp21:33
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: secure ftp21:33
harrrismrubindo i install that in ubuntu or android21:33
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: sudo apt-get install openssh-server21:34
harrrismrubinis there a point to having ubuntu on tablet21:34
myersgcan anyone help me get the networking to work on my ubuntu netbook?21:34
sunshinehappyhow do I get the best set up for graphics card drivers?21:34
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: you wil get an sftp server by default, you can then install andftp and connect to the sftp server. You will then be able to transfer data to and from the system using wifi21:34
rynkanim installing ubuntu as a server and im currently at "enter your hostname"-screen, its set default to localhost.localdomain. I want to name the server mercury and got a domain semsei.com should i type in mercury.semsei.com?21:34
ActionParsnipmyersg: what network technology do you use?21:34
Eagleman7Would this work ( the port range ) iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 21 -j ACCEPT?21:35
HelloWorld321rynkan: I'm no expert, but that sounds pretty darn applicable.21:35
alankilarynkan: probably yes. You can fix things up later though, for instance the hostname in /etc/hostname, the domain might make it elsewhere like resolv.conf21:35
harrrismrubinActionParsnip,  i am installing sudo apt-get install openssh-server now what21:35
ceed^I have this white line under the skype icon in the notification area. What's up with that?21:35
alankilarynkan: also /etc/hosts gets generated according to what you type in now21:35
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: install andftp on the tablet, liike I alrady stated... If you scroll up and reread, you'll see it21:36
myersgI don't know..I just connect to my router, but nothing is showing up in the uper panle bar, and I go to edit connections and type in my networking info there, it still doesn't connect21:36
Eagleman7Would this work ( the port range ) iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 21 -j ACCEPT?21:36
harrrismrubinActionParsnip,  on ubuntu when i ran the code it came this sudo apt-get install openssh-server21:36
rynkanas I understand it localhost.localdomain is the default FQDN, so, would it be best to leave it there and then change the hostname later?21:36
harrrismrubinno this Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)21:36
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: yes, that install the ssh server which also gives an sftp service...21:37
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: then your packages are not consistent21:37
HelloWorld321harrrismrubin: type that "sudo ... install"  command into the terminal21:37
harrrismrubinwhat HelloComputer1521:37
myersgdo I need to install a driver or somthing?21:37
fe80harrrismrubin to a sudo apt-get update first21:37
kristenBHow does openvpn work? It provides a layer 3 (IP) interface but works as an application (layer 7) ? That does not seem very efficient...21:39
Eagleman7Would this work ( the port range ) iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 3390-3395 -j ACCEPT21:39
myersgcan anyone help??21:39
harrrismrubini did  sudo apt-get update and the i redid the code same error21:39
ActionParsnipmyersg: do you use wired or wireless?21:40
myersgwireless, when I use the wired it works..its just the wireless not working21:40
lui_hola gente!..21:40
ActionParsnipmyersg: then that is the technology21:40
myersgI cant use the wireless right now...because its not connecting21:40
myersgor showing any21:40
ActionParsnipmyersg: run:  sudo lshw -C network     what is the product line for the wireless interface21:40
ActionParsnipmyersg: I suggest you also use a wired connection and get fully updated21:41
HelloWorld321!es lui_21:41
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.21:41
myersgpci (sysfs)21:41
myersga ton of stuff just poped up..21:42
ActionParsnipmyersg: yes, read it, what is the wireless chip you are using21:42
rymate1234native notifications for skype :D21:42
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myersgbcm4313 broadcam21:44
ActionParsnip!broadcom | myersg21:44
ubottumyersg: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx21:44
ActionParsnipmyersg: those are the easiest to setup. Use a wired conection for  maximum easiness21:44
harrrismrubinActionParsnip,  can i download it without terminal'21:44
myersgI never had to set it up though....21:45
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: you can use software centre, its the same difference21:45
harrrismrubinwhat do i type3 in21:45
ActionParsnipmyersg: well you do now....21:45
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: search dash for software centre21:45
harrrismrubinwhat do i search in the software center21:46
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: run software centre, then you can find the app you need21:47
harrrismrubinwhat app21:47
fe80harrrismrubin, openssh-server21:47
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: openssh-server    wasn't that massively obvious....?21:47
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: are you being serious?21:47
kristenBHow does openvpn work? It provides a layer 3 (IP) interface but works as an application (layer 7) ? That does not seem very efficient...21:48
harrrismrubinim joking21:48
harrrismrubinthere is one outcome in the software center21:48
harrrismrubinand it says installed21:49
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: ive got better things to do than pander to so called 'jokes' this is support21:49
skaI installed the linux-crashdump package21:49
bekksska: Did you run mcelog yet?21:49
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: ok you can now connect from android using andftp and transfer data over wifi21:49
Priyanthahi hi :)21:50
Priyanthahi ActionParsnip ! :)21:50
harrrismrubini want the data from ubuntu to tab21:50
ActionParsnipPriyantha: howdy21:50
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: yes, thats what the pap is for21:50
PriyanthaI am a happy bunny again ;)21:50
harrrismrubincan i paste in a image of what comes up in the software center because i dont think it is what you are talking about21:51
HelloWorld321I'm mounting an NFS export on a Win7 NFS client, and no matter what I do, my UID is -2 and my GID is -2.  How do I get better than anonymous access to the NFS exports?21:51
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: as long as openssh-server is installed it's fine21:51
skabekks: not yet.. I don't know all the options yet.21:51
skabekks: mcelog: warning: 16 bytes ignored in each record21:51
skamcelog: consider an update21:51
harrrismrubinno what comes up is secure shell (ssh server21:52
harrrismrubinis that is21:52
fe80harrrismrubin, yes thats it21:53
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: yes21:53
myersgwhen I tried to install it useing the additional drivers, it says:21:53
harrrismrubinwhen i search in the dash it doesnt come up21:53
myersgsorry, installation of theis driver faild.21:53
ActionParsnipmyersg: are you connected to a wired connection?21:53
bekksska: mcelog --ascii --file /path/to/mcelog21:53
myersgplease have a look at the log file for details:/va/log/jockey.log21:53
fe80harrrismrubin, it won't it is not a graphical program21:53
harrrismrubinthen how do i open it21:54
ActionParsnipmyersg: ok, run:  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade     get fully updated, reboot then retry21:54
skabekks: nothing in mcelog yet21:54
Eagleman7Why isnt this working?         0     0 DROP       all  --  eth0.10 any     anywhere             anywhere21:54
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: its a service, its already running. There is nothing to 'open'21:54
harrrismrubinthen what do i do now21:54
Eagleman7It is not blocking anything21:54
fe80harrrismrubin, install andftp on your tablet21:55
harrrismrubini did21:55
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: install andftp and connect to the system over wifi on port 22 using SFTP21:55
skabekks: I have the linux-crashdump.. I hope to find more clues..21:55
HelloWorld321I made a directory with ugo+rw, and now my anonymous access gets me where I'm going, but it looks like I'll need to set up Samba to get something that my Users will find workable.21:55
harrrismrubinwhen i open the app on the tablet it says select your ftb server21:55
myersgthere was nothing to update21:56
myersgrebooting now21:56
fe80harrrismrubin, type in your ubuntu's ip address21:57
jerknextdoorWhenever I use root nautilus or root gedit the theme is wrong.  it looks like stock gnome.  Everything is function, but it's rather annoying.  12.04 64bit21:57
harrrismrubinfirst thing is host name21:57
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: yes, thats the name of the ubuntu system#21:57
harrrismrubinso my username or the pcs name21:57
fe80harrrismrubin, host name == ip address or name of your ubuntu system21:58
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: the computer name21:58
harrrismrubinhow do i find that21:58
fe80on ubuntu type ifconfig eth021:58
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: you can run:  hostname   in Ubuntu, you set it when you installed the OS21:58
myersgits still giveing me the same erro21:59
kristenBit is often said that ubuntu requires less rebooting than windows when it is updated. What justifies this internally ?21:59
litropyJust looking ofr a bit of input: I have an iMac running Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     T7700  @ 2.40GHz. I imagine, but I want to make sure here, that I should go with the PC (Intel x86) desktop CD, and not 64-bit Mac (AMD64) desktop CD, correct? cat /proc/cpuinfo: http://pastebin.com/Wj2JawUC21:59
HelloWorld321kristenB: most service can be restarted with the command "sudo service <name> restart"21:59
kristenBHelloWorld321: and that's not the case in windows?21:59
skaWhat do I do with linux-crashdump upon a crash?22:00
myersgwhat should I do now?22:00
litropyI'm referring to the 12.10 download page, but it was suggested in +1 that I could get CPU arch support here as well.http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/quantal/alpha-2/22:00
myersgShould I reinstall ubuntu?22:00
skaSometimes the system just reboots immediately.22:00
kristenBHelloWorld321: i think the command 'netstop' in windows does just that22:00
fe80kristenB, linux is build on the idea of modules that can be restarted when needed. windows for the most part does not allow most important fiels to be changed while the operating system is running so it does that when it is booting22:00
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kristenBand yet sometimes even ubuntu asks for rebooting. Why is that ?22:01
ghostchickkristenB,  it is because ubuntu is lets say "dumbed down"22:02
Priyanthafor example kernel updates kristenB22:02
ghostchickso favor updates it warn you22:02
ghostchickfor mayor22:02
fe80kristenB, when it updates to a new kernel the system needs restarted to be able to boot that new kernel22:02
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myersgis it good to host my own website?22:03
Priyanthabut even for kernel updates you don't need to power down and power up your system, but Ubuntu does that default22:03
harrrismrubinthe username and password is what i use to sign in right22:03
skacan I monitor /var/log/kern.log to see hardware errors? or is there a better log?22:03
kristenBcan 'sudo apt-get upgrade' update the kernel ?22:03
fe80kristenB, yes22:03
Priyanthain Debian it just closes everything and restarts the kernel :)22:03
kristenBso basically I've upgraded the kernel without even knowing it. That seems dangerous22:04
trismkristenB: in general you will need to: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade; since upgrading the kernel installs new packages22:04
Baioshello,can i ask a rather noobie question plz?22:04
rynkanhttp://web2.0calc.com/ <322:04
ghostchickska,  dmesg22:04
fe80Baios, thats what this channel is for :)22:04
kristenBokay thanks. I have a completely new question regarding unity.22:05
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: yes, thats your ubuntu username and pass22:05
ActionParsnipmyersg: it can be :)22:05
bekksska: the mcelog22:05
skaghostchick: should I monitor /var/log/dmesg ?22:05
rynkanhow big should you make /tmp?22:05
harrrismrubinok i finished and pressed save then connect22:05
ghostchickPriyantha,  how you can update the kernel without rebooting , now i m interested ; ) , well i know about  the program for installing kernel updates without rebooting but22:05
fe80harrrismrubin, open a terminal and type hostname22:05
Priyanthakexec ghostchick :)22:05
Baiosthanks fe80. i ve installed ubuntu at work with wubi. i want to join the servers domain but cant see something obvious in the network card settings.any advice?22:05
Priyanthais the magic word :D22:05
Priyanthaghostchick: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RapidReboot22:06
skarynkan: as big as you need for any temp files.22:06
harrrismrubinit says FTP file browser - click  to select file it is all blank22:06
ghostchickPriyantha,  thanks very much22:07
skarynkan: usually I make mine at least as bit as memory.. But not smaller than 2GB..22:07
Priyanthano problem ghostchick :)22:07
skarynkan: sometimes 10-20GB22:07
PriyanthaI am using it on my Debian system curently22:07
Priyanthareplaced yesterday the Ubuntu install with Debian ;)22:07
kristenBI have downloaded an application that is not installed by apt-get. I would like to add it to the left panel. I have put the executable in /opt/ and added a link in /usr/bin and I have modified  /usr/share/applications. Now the icon appears and the programs launches. BUT there is no arrow saying the number of instances. When the program's window is not active, clicking on the icon of the left panel should bring it to the front, but o22:07
Guest67336im new in this22:07
fe80Baios, so in other words you are trying to see a file server's shares?22:08
Guest67336what is this about22:08
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: you want sftp22:08
skaghostchick: /var/log/dmesg doesn't seem to get it all.22:08
rynkanska: put mine at 5gb22:08
skarynkan: thats probably ok.. bigger is better..22:09
Studiouskristen8: are you running a terminal based app or gui app?22:09
Baiosfe80 : in someway i ve already done that....linux magic? :p22:10
Baiosis there any need to put the domain server like in windows or not?22:10
harrrismrubini selected sftp it still says ftp though22:10
fe80Baios, im confused on what you mean by domain server. do you mean dns?22:10
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: is there an option for sshfs22:13
fe80Baios, if you can see shared computers and can access the internet then i would say you are good with your nic configuration unless you need something specific to your work environment22:14
harrrismrubinActionParsnip,  no22:14
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=lysesoft.andftp&hl=en    under tthe types drop down, what do you have?22:14
harrrismrubinwhat do you mean types22:15
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: in the conection, there is a drop down with connection types listed22:15
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: under hostname, the 2nd option?22:16
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: you are looking at your tablet, right?22:16
harrrismrubinftp, sftp, ftps, ftps, scp22:17
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: then select SFTP22:17
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: like i said earlier...abnout connexcting to sftp....22:17
harrrismrubini did before22:17
kristenBcan someone help me with my unity problem please ?22:18
harrrismrubinhow do i send the file to my tab22:18
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: you can always use the IP of the system if the hostname fails22:18
StudiouskristenB: how can I help you22:18
kristenBStudious: I have downloaded an application that is not installed by apt-get. I would like to add it to the left panel. I have put the executable in /opt/ and added a link in /usr/bin and I have modified  /usr/share/applications. Now the icon appears and the programs launches. BUT there is no arrow saying the number of instances. When the program's window is not active, clicking on the icon of the left panel should bring it to the fr22:19
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: why do you keep asking that when I / we already know your issue? What does re-asking achieve22:19
harrrismrubinthe ftp is the name of the app22:19
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ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: yes but it can connect to sftp22:19
harrrismrubinthe ftp file browser means what files have been sent to it22:19
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: again, what does re-asking do?22:19
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: no, zero data has been transferred22:20
harrrismrubinthat is why it is blank22:20
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: why re-ask though?22:20
harrrismrubini have to be told twice to understand22:20
harrrismrubinand you were confusing me22:21
harrrismrubinso how do i send a file to test if my theory is correct22:21
sarsaeolfe80 for some reason this disk and hfs+ will not play nice... tried new enclosure and can write when it is ntfs but not when it is hfs+22:21
kristenBStudious: so any idea what's wrong ?22:21
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: oh jeez it's gonna be a long night, why not justread it twice22:22
HelloWorld321well speaking of NFS mounts (yes, I was) and rebooting windows, my registry changes took effect when I rebooted the windows client, and now I have successfully forced my uid/gid on my nfs partitions to something besides -2.22:22
harrrismrubinagain how do i send it22:23
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: you want sftp, you then type the IP as the host and useyour user credentials to connect and select port 2222:23
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ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: (2nd time so you understand) you want sftp, you then type the IP as the host and useyour user credentials to connect and select port 2222:23
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: until you get actually connected, nothing else matters22:23
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ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: is the tablet connected to the Ubuntu system now?22:24
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: then why is the transfer method impoortant if you aren't even connected?22:25
harrrismrubinit is freezing though22:25
HelloWorld321Is there a better way to map UID/GID from a Win7 client than setting a constant in the registry?22:25
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: why do you need to know how to transfer data if the app isn't connected to the server?22:25
icerootHelloWorld321: ldap22:26
icerootHelloWorld321: or a complete windows domain with samba3/4 and ldap22:26
harrrismrubinthis isnt working so ill just root and use the ubuntu app22:26
HelloWorld321tx, iceroot22:26
fe80sarsaoel, thats wierd. unfortunantly i know nothing about the hfs+ filesystem22:27
harrrismrubinare there different types of root22:27
TheteWhat do you guys think of Cherokee?22:27
StudiouskristenB: can you give a screenshot22:27
TheteBetter than Apache?22:27
sarsaeolfe80: def weird... i think ill just hack ntfs support onto my mac... oh well thanks for the help!22:28
kristenBStudious: there's no much to screenshot, it's more of a behaviour than a state. I could do a video but that would take quite long22:28
harrrismrubinis it easy to root android22:28
fe80harrrismrubin, goto #android to ask about rooting your android22:28
harrrismrubinidk how to register22:28
fe80sarsaeol, hey no problem sorry i could not be more help22:28
wyldeharrrismrubin: go ask in #freenode22:29
kristenBStudious: the problem is simple. When I click on the icon on the left panel, I would have expected the application to be brought to the front, but instead a new instance of that application is opened.22:29
HelloWorld321iceroot: I'll google samba & ldap, is there any particular subset that I should examine or any additional modules I'll need?22:29
fe80!register | harrrismrubin22:29
ubottuharrrismrubin: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode22:29
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TheteAnyone have any particular preference for running a web server on Ubuntu 12.04?  LAMP/LEMP?22:31
HelloWorld321iceroot: can I do all of that in Ubuntu, or will I need something from microsoft to admin my new windows samba/ldap domain?22:31
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: root is root22:31
cheese1756Thete: I like LLMP22:31
StudiouskristenB: so it launches a new instance of the application instead of bringing up the existing PID to front22:32
kristenBStudious: yes22:32
ActionParsnipThete: apache2 is the minimum, if you need mysql and php then you can install lamp but the bare minimum for web is apache222:32
Thetecheese1756: Will it do name based VH with SSL?22:32
Studiouscheck the shortcut link, is it set to "appname &"  ??22:32
Studiousif so, remove the "&"22:32
cheese1756Thete: I have used virtual hosts with it, and SSL22:32
cheese1756So I believe so22:32
kristenBStudious: no it's not &22:32
TheteActionParsnip: Been using Apache for years, wondering if Nginx or Cherokee , or lighttpd is better22:33
kristenBthe software I'm trying to get to the panel is 'eclipse'. The file I created in /usr/share/applications/ contains a line /opt/eclipse/eclipse, so it should just open the 'eclipse' executable when I click on the icon, and if already opened, bring it to the front (like all other icons). But instead, it creates a new instance regardless of whether it's already opened or not.22:35
ActionParsnipThete: try it, see what happens :)22:35
StudiouskristenB: see if you can create a new shortcut link using terminal. example: ln -sf /usr/bin/appname /usr/share/applications/appname22:36
kristenBWhat does the -f mean ?22:36
glitsj16kristenB: Studious: http://www.webupd8.org/2012/03/unity-with-minimize-on-click-patch.html might be what kristenB is expecting, the more traditional minimize/unminimize-on-click .. which was officially rejected .. but available via PPA22:36
ActionParsnipkristenB: depends on teh scope22:37
kristenBglitsj16: I don't think so. What I'm expecting is not a new behaviour. I'm just expecting the same behaviour as the one I'm getting for all my other icons.22:37
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glitsj16kristenB: my apologies for dropping in, to both22:39
kristenBAll my other icons behave this way. I have unity 3D. If I click on a icon of a program that is already running but whose window is not in the foreground, its window is brought to the front. However, with the new icon I added, a new instance of the software is created everytime, whether a previous instance is already running or not (such a behaviour would only occur with middle click for other icons)22:40
kristenBglitsj16: on the contrary, please.22:40
kristenBglitsj16: I'm quite lost, I don't know what's wrong. Any help is appreciated22:40
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glitsj16kristenB: yes i don't understand why unity would make a difference between 'official' launchers and user-generated ones22:42
glitsj16you seem to have put all relevant pieces of the puzzle in place22:42
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bzW: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise-updates/Release  Unable to find expected entry 'precise-security/binary-amd64/Packages' in Release file (Wrong sources.list entry or malformed file)22:45
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ActionParsnipkristenB: as long as there is a correctly formed desktop file in /usr/share/applications   it will be used by Dash etc22:45
ActionParsnipbz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1070235/22:46
=== Wiktorius is now known as CalamityVic
Newfieanyone know anything about grub.. i recently installed ubuntu 12.04 and now when i try to boot into windows 7 i get invalid efi file path22:47
RichTeahi all, i have been trying to make a usb start disk from the latest 12.04 cd, when i boot from the usb stick it keeps asking for the cdrom!22:47
ActionParsnipNewfie: try running:  sudo update-grub22:48
RichTeaany idea why? or how to fix it?22:48
ActionParsnipRichTea: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?22:48
Newfiei have tried it ActionParsnip  and still nothing ive even used the boot repair app and that didnt fix it22:48
ActionParsnipRichTea: you don't need to make a CD from the ISO to then make a bootable USB, you can use Unetbootin on the ISO direct22:49
RichTeaActionParsnip: i burned it to a cd and booted it22:49
ActionParsnipRichTea: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?22:49
RichTeai also tried unetbootin from the live cd but it wont start22:50
* RichTea has been having _fun_22:50
ActionParsnipRichTea: one last time. Did you or did you not MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?22:50
RichTeano i did not22:50
ActionParsnipRichTea: why did I have to ask 3 times?22:50
RichTeabecouse i was avoiding that question whils i was plugging that hdd in to this laptop to test ;)22:51
ActionParsnip!md5 | RichTea22:51
ubottuRichTea: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows22:51
ActionParsnipRichTea: without MD5 testing you have no way of knowing the data you are using is complete and consistant22:52
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ActionParsnipRichTea: instead of wasting time, just answer the question, then do what you need to do on your side22:52
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AdminkidI been trying to send text message on my computer but I dont know what the right software or internet website I can use to send them. Does anyone know the best SMS Text Messager software or something22:54
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ActionParsnipAdminkid: there is no single best solution for anything...22:56
pigliti am thinking of buying a nas from synology a 112 is there some way to use cloud with that synology and ubuntu?22:56
Mikatohi, i cant install parallels driver in ubuntu in parallels it says... permission is denied22:58
IdleOneAdminkid: This is off topic for this channel but gmail lets you SMS22:58
wylde!sudo | Mikato22:58
ubottuMikato: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo22:58
RichTeaarr there we go yes the  hases match22:59
ActionParsnipMikato: sudo ./installer23:00
mcamaretAdminkid: there is a google voice client that integrates into the messaging menu.23:00
aaasAdminkid id say google voice is the best, but you might need to say your requirements to determine the best23:00
mcamaretaaas: google voice isn't native, so using a client is best.23:01
aaasmcamaret maybe, depends on what his requirements are23:01
RichTeaso ActionParsnip why might the usb starter be trying to load the cd?23:02
ActionParsnipRichTea: are you wanting to run ubuntu off the USB device?23:03
RichTeayes in "live boot mode"23:03
mcamaretAdminkid: mightytext.net works with an android phone, but is a web app, not native23:04
ActionParsnipRichTea: and you say using unetbootin makes no difference?23:04
caballeroblock ports 1-65540 using latest compiled iptables download latest rnd-tools and using python to create a auto port opener using uptables that closes once the socket has null data.23:04
Athleek123Hello, if I am using wubi to install ubuntu 12.04, do i need to bring ndiswrapper over on a flash drive, or is it preinstalled?23:04
mcamaretif it uses chrome's notifications you can use chromify odd you can route it to notify-osd.23:04
ActionParsnipAthleek123: are you sure you need ndiswrapper?23:04
RichTeawell i dlonloaded unetbootin and ran it from the live cd but it just does nothing23:04
RichTeaeg i execute it and it just closes right away23:05
Athleek123ActionParsnip I am fairly sure, my wireless card was not compatible with 11.0423:05
RichTeai tried addeing unetbootin from the repo too23:05
RichTeabut that version is old and only has 11.4 not 12.423:06
ActionParsnipAthleek123: Natty is EOL in October, I wouldn't bother with it23:06
caballerounetbootin has a better bootloader than the native ubuntu one23:06
RichTeahad to add the net repo to install 7z too ;)23:06
Athleek123actionparsnip ok, I doubt they added compatibility though23:06
mcamaretRichTea: 11.04 and 12.04, zero is important.23:06
caballero793 694 895 udp close23:06
caballeroevolution mail port hidden close that23:07
RichTeasorry yes thats right!23:07
caballerobolehvpn is 4096 strength openvpn23:08
ActionParsnipRichTea: 7zip is in the repos already23:08
ActionParsnipRichTea: you could boot to the CD and install the OS to the USb as if it were a true HDD, or you could resize the NTFS in Windows (If you use Win7) and install to the free space using the CD23:09
caballerodon't use gufw use ufw23:09
caballerobetter yet compiled iptables on all ubuntu's latest release23:10
ActionParsnipcaballero: why not gufw?23:10
RichTeaid love to install to the hdd, damed thing is encrypted.23:10
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RichTeai was just wanted the usb live image on CD, didnt think it would be that dificult!23:11
ActionParsnip!away > dark3n|off23:11
ubottudark3n|off, please see my private message23:11
ActionParsnipRichTea: try the 1-2-3 installer from pendrive linux, may help23:11
RichTeaisnt that windows only?23:12
caballerogoogleplex is the last thing to check on lophtcrack all your username passwords go to ubuntu23:12
ActionParsnipRichTea: yeah, may work though23:12
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RichTeathe only windows i have has stupid pgp disk tool that will not let me access a usb drive directly23:12
ActionParsnipcaballero: not googleplexplexplexplex ?23:13
caballero02 is russian lopthcrack last to check23:13
RichTeayes i is stupid23:13
caballeroi are dumb also because i am too23:13
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caballeroalways use you first name for home directory.23:14
Athleek123ActionParsnip my wireless card is Netgear WG311 v3 (Marvell 88w8335 Libertas)23:14
quidnuncIs there a way to launch "Settings -> Preferences -> Settings Manager -> Session and Startup" without having access to the menu?23:15
caballerothere is a $2000 router made by cisco that is a firewall that will open and close ports automatically23:15
quidnunc(menu bar)23:16
caballeroits faster than gigabit23:16
Athleek123ActionParsnip where could I check for compatibility23:16
alkisgAthleek123: if your pci id is 11ab:1faa, then: grep 1faa /lib/modules/3.2.0-26-generic-pae/* ==> <nothing>, i.e. no drivers listed for it23:16
Athleek123alkisg i havent installed ubuntu yet, I am making sure I don't need ndiswrapper on a flash drive before I install23:17
alkisgAthleek123: yes, I understand. You can check the pci id from the windows device manager23:17
Athleek123alkisg oh gotcha.  brb23:17
alkisg(or from a live cd)23:18
caballeroold knoppix beowulf cluster works on mandrake 9.2 plug and play can it also be used on sparcstations running ubuntu ?23:18
caballerolive cd23:19
=== dark3n|off is now known as dark3n
Quantum_IonFunky !23:21
StrategosGroovy !23:21
caballeronetgear n600 very secure never use a beta bios on anything whatsoever23:23
caballeroespecially not motherboards23:24
caballerothe first one is never hijacked23:24
StrategosI presume you had a bad experience, Caballero?23:24
Quantum_IonI switched to Linux Mint23:24
Quantum_IonI am about to dump Ubuntu23:25
Quantum_Ionall because of the Unity interface23:25
alkisgQuantum_Ion: try installing gnome-session-fallback, it's like 10.0423:25
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Quantum_Ionalkisg: I did all of that and I fudged the GUI so bad it crashed broken pipes23:26
OerHeksQuantum_Ion, mint has its own probles, good luck23:26
Quantum_IonOerHeks: I am on Linux Mint Mate it's really stable23:26
alkisgQuantum_Ion: I'm not sure I understand, I'm using it daily because I don't like unity myself, it didn't give me any problems...23:26
OerHeksQuantum_Ion, so you left ubuntu allready.23:27
ghostchickquidnunc, just right click it on the launcher and pin it23:27
Quantum_Ionalkisg: Unity is a nightmare seems like it is glued to Ubuntu23:28
mcamaretQuantum_Ion: Unity isn23:28
Quantum_IonOerHeks: Yeah you can't even make desktop launchers in Unity any more under Ubuntu23:28
alkisgQuantum_Ion: well, there are multiple alternative DEs and sessions... so no need to trouble yourself with it23:28
mcamaretQuauntum_Ion: Unity isn't that bad.23:28
mcamaretAnd Gnome-shell is awesome.23:29
bzdefault doesn't mean glued. sadly the difference is nuanced to the untrained eye.23:29
OerHeksQuantum_Ion, you can make unity launchers. but if that is the reason why you switched, cheap to come here and complain afterwards.23:30
ActionParsnipQuantum_Ion: I've made plenty of launchers that appear in dash23:30
Quantum_IonActionParsnip: I can't believe you are a Unity advocate23:31
OerHeksor HUD23:31
ActionParsnipQuantum_Ion: Unity2D is ok. It has advantages. Depends on use23:31
Quantum_IonActionParsnip: You must have had to suck it up23:31
ActionParsnipQuantum_Ion: I use about 5 apps in GUI so it suits23:32
Quantum_IonLinus Torvalds was right when he said Gnome 3 was broken23:32
ActionParsnipQuantum_Ion: thats just his opinion23:32
Quantum_IonOkay peace out I am going back to to #linux-mint chat23:35
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sunshinehappyhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto there are ATI, NVidea etc.etc..23:37
sunshinehappyhow do I find out which one mine is?23:37
sunshinehappyI ran lspci and it just says intel23:37
ActionParsnipsunshinehappy: then you have the driver already23:38
sunshinehappyoh, ok23:38
sunshinehappybut even though I have it, I have a graphics program with one program :(23:38
ardeayhowdy all, i have a group/user file creation question23:40
three18ti!ask | ardeay23:40
ubottuardeay: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:40
ardeaywe want certain users in group to create files with 775 over sftp23:40
persona24Is there a room on Google Chrome? And not Chromium either23:42
three18tipersona24, doesn't look like it, http://productforums.google.com/forum/#!topic/chrome/A5Ca9k2_m2I23:43
ardeaygroup/user file creation question: we want certain users in group to create files with 775 over sftp by default23:43
three18tipersonal24, there is an "unofficial" channel #chromium-support23:44
persona24three18ti: Thanks23:44
three18tiardeay, so what's the question?23:44
three18tihi makaro0n_, o/23:45
HelloWorld321three18ti: how to do it23:45
ardeayhow do we force users to create files with 775 by default when uploading via sFTP (if that matters)23:45
three18tiHelloWorld321, what?23:46
NastyNazhow can I get ubuntu to turn my house lights on and off?23:46
jagginessardeay, make everybody use the same user account.23:46
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ghostchickNastyNaz,  you are thinking of automation?23:46
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flodinecan i get a link on how to make all my laptops connect to my printer.23:47
three18tiardeay, the umask is what will control this.23:47
NastyNazghostchick: i dunno I just need an app that can turn them on at like 7pm if I'm out of the house23:47
three18tiflodine, start here, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu23:47
dj_segfaultNastyNaz: You can control them with X10.23:47
three18tiNastyNaz, see http://www.arduino.cc/23:48
dj_segfaultNastyNaz: there's quite a few different software and hardware options23:48
HelloWorld321ardeay: my solution is weak, but one could set up a chron job to chmod all the uploads on a timer23:48
ardeayis the umask different for sftp?23:48
jagginessHelloWorld321, if you know who. (btw it's called "cron", not "chron" )23:48
flodinethxs bro23:48
* jagginess says what a chronjob23:49
NastyNazDo I need a powerline plug?23:49
jagginessNastyNaz, ???23:49
=== dark3n|off is now known as dark3n
jagginessNastyNaz, oh like x10 ?23:50
NastyNazjagginess: so it can connect to my house power23:50
ardeayHelloWorld321: that is a solution, but not sure if its good for us23:50
ardeaysince we need it the instant it exists23:50
three18tiardeay, in general it's not a good idea to set up a cron job to change permissions.23:50
jagginessNastyNaz, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X10_%28industry_standard%2923:50
HelloWorld321ya: it's weak.23:50
three18tiyou can set the umask for all of the sftp logins23:50
jagginessNastyNaz, there are x10 related support programs in linux23:50
bzthere're so many ways to do it23:51
smallfxis anybody can to help?23:51
ardeaythree18ti: can you confirm http://jeff.robbins.ws/articles/setting-the-umask-for-sftp-transactions is a good tutorial to reference23:51
wyldeardeay: perhaps use incron?23:51
NastyNazjagginess: ah great that's exactly what I was looking for. You happen to know where I can get more info on the programs?23:51
bzyou could automate at the light switch, automate at the power source, or automate at the light source itself23:51
jagginessNastyNaz, there's x10 linux groups online.. I was once thinking of trying but never got around to it23:51
ActionParsnipsmallfx: with details, maybe...23:52
dj_segfaultNastyNaz: http://www.smarthome.com   http://www.x10.com23:52
jagginessNastyNaz, even x10 irc chat lines here and there maybe here too23:52
three18tiardeay, how about setting a sticky bit, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3106005/how-to-set-default-group-permissions-for-sftp-uploads23:52
NastyNazdj_segfault: thanks23:52
HelloWorld321!ask | smallfx; I find the hard part is to ask the proper question23:52
ubottusmallfx; I find the hard part is to ask the proper question: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:52
smallfxi have last release of ubuntu and in firefox i cant to manage with flash player: i cant to push allow button to see my webcam23:53
ardeaythree18ti: that looks better23:53
three18tiardeay, however, using a wrapper like this would work if you need to be more flexible.23:53
jagginessNastyNaz, there's an irc and site called domogik but dont know if its just french..23:54
dj_segfaultNastyNaz: I use http://www.heyu.org/ for software23:54
ardeaythree18ti: so if we create a directory, and the parent directory has a sticky bit, does does that directory adapt that?23:54
jagginessya, there's google results.. but i even think there's x10 magazines which would look cool to check out23:55
smallfxis anybody can to help wit this?23:55
jetoleHey guys. I just installed ubuntu 12.04 yesterday and I am getting some apt errors when I try to install libgtk-3-dev from apt-get, aptitude or symantec. The errors are referring to unmet dependencies and the error is E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages. Posting full output @ http://pastebin.com/XEwZUK74. Does anyone know how I can fix this?23:55
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Guest40940set your tmp files to ram and have it wiped every 5 minutes23:56
jagginessjetole, lol symantec? like the antivirus company?23:56
three18tijetole, sudo apt-get install -f23:56
bzjagginess: he meant synaptic, i think23:56
jetolejagginess: er, whatever it's called. I'm a console junky and it's usually my last option23:56
dj_segfaultNastyNaz: I use a Firecracker for hardware23:56
RichTeaok well for now there seems to be two issues with Unetbootin for me, 1) the standard download is 32 bit only, solved by self compiling, 2) it does not reconise usb drives named like /dev/mmcb... there is a bug for this that says its fixed but i see not the suggestiod option! =)23:57
jetolethree18ti: thanks. Let me see how that works out23:57
NastyNazdj_segfault: it connects via serial?23:57
=== Guest40940 is now known as k-rad
jagginessRichardBronosky, try pendrive's usb maker23:57
three18tijetole, synaptic ;)23:57
dj_segfaultNastyNaz: Yes.  I use a USB to serial converter23:57
jagginessRichTea, http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/23:57
jagginessRichiH, make 1 single fat32 partition on the usb drive..23:58
ardeaywylde: incron looks cool, thanks for shring23:58
NastyNazdj_segfault: what do you use for each of the appliances?23:58
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RichTeajagginess: that required windows that will let you write in rew mode, i do not have that23:58
jetolethree18ti: same output. I have also run "apt-get clean && apt-get update && apt-get upgrade" and I have also run "dpkg --configure -a" based on some forum posts. I notice the first line of the Depends: is saying the version I have installed is newer then the version required too which I find odd23:58
ActionParsnipRichTea: you can also use dd to put the ISO on the USB23:59
jagginessRichTea, make a single fat32 partition on the usb drive (or also called vfat in linux)23:59
wyldeardeay: it's very handy.23:59
three18tijetole, where's your error again?  (sorry too lazy too look through the scrollback)23:59

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