
micahgailo: you actually did the testing for Bug #1019537?04:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1019537 in Precise Backports "Please backport qjackctl 0.3.9-2 (universe) from quantal" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101953704:41
ailomicahg: I did, yes04:45
micahgailo: ok, I'll upload it then, thanks04:45
ailomicahg: Great!04:45
micahgailo: is Bug #956438 something that should be fixed for 12.04.1?06:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 956438 in jackd2 (Ubuntu) "qjackctl unable to stop jackd2" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95643806:43
micahgrather, is it something that US devs should commit to for 12.04.106:44
ailo_micahg: I believe jack devs are aware of that bug, which is why qjackctl got its' panic button08:08
ailo_Don't think we can fix it ourselves, however, if a newer jack will solve it, and it appears soon in the development release, we could see about backporting that as well08:09
ailo_It's a bit annoying having that kind of a bug on a LTS release08:09
micahgailo_: a backport won't be on 12.04.1 though08:29
micahgI backported qjackctl for the new feature :)08:29
micahgbugs should really be fixed as SRUs though08:30
ailo_micahg: Oh, ok. I guess I should look at how to SRU then. But qjackctl will be updated on installs won't it?08:43
ailo_I mean, when you do an update, the newer qjackctl will be installed?08:43
ailo_backports are enabled by default after all08:45
ailo_Not nice to have the bug on a live ISO anyway08:45
astraljavamicahg: Good point, I'll add that to the agenda as well.10:04
astraljavamicahg: TheMuso: I'm a little unsure about what to do with the kernel updates. We're still behind mainline on precise, what do I need to do to get that up-to-date?10:05
len-dtailo_, I am thinking we should replace "task manager" with "system monitor"15:09
len-dtailo_, you may remember the fun I had figuring out how much memory an application uses.15:10
len-dtSystem monitor seems to give the numbers that make the most sense15:10
len-dtLooking at them side by side.. System monitor offers a lot more. Almost all of our workflows are resource hungry too. So a tool for finding those kinds of problems should be the better one.15:15
len-dtSystem monitor does use more resources, but task manager does no better than top and uses a lot more resources to do that.15:31
ailo_len-dt: I prefer system monitor as well16:17
len-dtailo_, we got the task manager as part of xfce16:27
* len-dt would like a tray applet that shows memory left.16:36
ailo_len-dt: I added a couple things to blueprints, misc. 1. to maybe change to system monitor. 2. To have nautilus run the desktop (it's not default for everything right now)16:38
ailo_len-dt: Evern heard of sieve? - a mail filtering language16:39
ailo_I've been having a lot of fun adding custom filters to my incouming email16:40
ailo_Got it with the mail service I use. I quit using gmail, and started paying for the one I have16:40
micahgailo_: no, backports is enabled by default, but you have to select the backport version (you could release note it), but ideally, the bug should be fixed17:35
=== jussi01 is now known as jussi
len-dtailo_, I haven;t used sieve, or any other filter. Nautilus seems to be in the middle of a name change... identity crisis?20:09
len-dtailo_, The executable is still nautilus but the about says "Files" On the 12.10 live ISO.20:10
len-dtailo_, +1 on the suggested changes BTW.20:11
ailo_len-dt: Gnome is renaming some apps, but the package name will probably not change20:41
ailo_len-dt: Epiphany browser is now called "Web" tec20:42
len-dtailo_, Ya I remember that too. The package name helps upgrades work, though dummy packages work too.20:54
ailo_I guess evolution might change to email? :P20:59
len-dtfalktx, Have you tried jack_control from your jackd package? It doesn't work for me22:47
len-dt jack_control exit22:47
len-dt  File "/usr/bin/jack_control", line 32722:47
len-dt    configure_iface.ResetParameterValue(['internals', internal_name, param])22:47
len-dt                  ^22:47
len-dtSyntaxError: invalid syntax22:47
falktxlen-dt: maybe needs python2?22:48
len-dtI am not sure if it is the jackd package or something that has changed in dbus in precise22:48
len-dtIt used to work before. I have used jack_control a lot because of qjackctl issues.22:48
falktxI see22:49
falktxneed to report this to nedko then22:49
len-dtfalktx, I didn't want to file a bug at ubuntu because it is not the ubuntu package.22:50
falktxlen-dt: sure thing, thanks for reporting22:50
falktxI'm already speaking with nedko about this22:50
len-dtif you need me to test things or report any things about how my system is I can do that.22:51
len-dtI do have to go right now though and do some family things (beach)22:51
falktxlen-dt: I can get the error here, so it's ok (I'll be able to test this myself)22:51
falktxI'm pretty sure a fix will be here in a few minutes22:52
len-dtThank you.22:52

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