
acmeinc2what program would you consider is closest in relation to somethign like Reason?  hydrogen?  I primarily work in Ardour, but I'm working on a new project which relies on samples, midi keys, and synth drums.  Ideas appreciated....05:47
ailoacmeinc2: Hydrogen is ok for drums. I use it mainly as a drum machine.05:53
ailoI would try using qtractor as the core sequencer05:54
ailoYou can always sync several sequencers too05:54
acmeinc2cool yea, thats what im noticing...im just having a hard time finding a good medium to import samples into...05:54
ailoacmeinc2: Did you try specimen?05:55
acmeinc2qsynth has worked well for midi keys05:55
acmeinc2na trying now05:55
ailoI've never tried it actually. I have worked with linux-sampler a bit though05:55
ailolinux-sampler has a license issue, why it's not included in the main repo05:55
acmeinc2apt-get'n that now05:56
ailoYou can get it with one of the kxstudio PPA's05:56
acmeinc2bah...not there..ok05:56
ailolinux-sampler is nice, but I find that qsampler, which is a front-end for it, often crashes05:58
acmeinc2ok, so i'm seeing in specimen i'll have to cut up the sample first...so ardour then first...at least thats my first though05:59
ailoacmeinc2: I use audacity for editing samples. Just find it the easiest for that06:06
ailoThings to consider are quick fade-in and fade-out06:06
ailoAlso, level06:06
ailoAudacity has built-in processing for a lot of things you want when you edit samples06:07
ailolike pitch-shifting, etc06:07
ailoThe first thing you want to do is make sure the audio file that is to become a sample will begin with level 0, and end with level 0. This is why it's good to use fade-in and fade-out. I usually do a 1-2ms fade-in at the beginning06:08
ailoIf it doesn't start at 0, you might get a click noise06:09
ailoMaybe you already know this..06:09
acmeinc2cool, yea i always kinda bypass audacity in my head, youre right though, that would be perfect06:09
acmeinc2much simpler for a single track cut...yea, i think i have a good direction...thanks again ailo06:10
ailoWow, there's a great game in the repo now. 0ad06:11
ailoA sort of Age of Empires game06:12
ailoThe same people who did the Age of Kings mod it seems06:12
`wookieanyone around?11:20
eein_len-dt, i've been thinking about this m-audio 1010lt setup and even if i make a custom asoundrc i believe i will have the same problem of ardour mapping a track number to the first connection.  say for instance i want to record vocals from the 1 or 2 input XLR, now those would be mapped to tracks 9&10 in ardour so i would need to records 8 empty tracks with it13:12
eein_im hoping that maybe i just dont understand how this works as this seems an odd behavior to map a track to a connection13:13
len-dteein_, you would have two audio devices. The real one and the fake one.14:56
len-dteein_, You would use the fake one for audacity capture with pulseaudio probably14:57
len-dteein_, you would use the real one with jackd for ardour or if you wanted to use your XLRs14:57
len-dtninjah, hello15:17
ninjahlen-dt, how are you?15:17
len-dtOk, just waking up..15:17
ninjahi was wondering15:17
ninjahsince i cannot install windows - how to run win7 programs in vine?15:18
ninjahis this off topic?15:18
ninjahcuz now, i am running ubuntu studio and need several programs that linux doesnt have15:19
ninjahwhich is by the way the best ubuntu i installed15:19
len-dtI am glad you like it.15:19
ninjahso a big thanks to the developers15:19
len-dtI did install wine, but don't have a store of windows programs to run.15:20
ninjahand if you need an extra hand at skins, icons... graphic wise i'm more than excited to help - and translationwise - into ex-yu languages15:20
len-dtThey all cost some pennies, and since I started playing with computers I have not used MS software... though I did use OS/2 for a bit which had some MS dve help.15:21
len-dtWe are always looking for help15:22
len-dtI think we have (had) french input (besides english) but that is about it.15:22
len-dtI can certainly think of some icons that need help too. The one for the photography menu stands out. (I made that one)15:24
xubuntu308_hi all17:01
xubuntu308_I have recently changed my motherboard and have no sound since17:02
holsteinxubuntu308_: i would try some live CD's and make sure the hardware works17:02
xubuntu308_good idea17:02
holsteinxubuntu308_: if its onboard sound and you are planning on doing audio production, you might consider a USB device that will be more easily supported and more appropriate17:03
holsteinyou can try messing with kernel version and alsa versions17:03
xubuntu308_I am not plannig audio prod17:03
xubuntu308_but one guy from #xubuntu17:03
holsteinyou should look in the bios and see that the device is on17:03
xubuntu308_told me to go here17:03
holsteinyou are welcome here, but when you come back later and this channel is dead, try #ubuntu17:04
xubuntu308_I am cuurently tryiing the AlsaUpgradeScipt17:04
holsteinthis is what to do though.. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting/17:04
holsteini would try live CD's first, unless you are sure about how to undo the alsa upgrade17:04
xubuntu308_I followed these instructions17:04
holsteini would run in a terminal17:05
holsteinaplay -l17:05
holsteinand/or arecord -l17:05
holsteinif you see a device listed, then you know the kernel is picking in up17:05
holsteinyou can look in alsamixer in the terminal, and *trust no labels*17:05
xubuntu308_aplay: device_list:252: no soundcards found17:06
holsteinliterally tweak each setting17:06
holsteinxubuntu308_: OK.. so thats going to mean the device is not on, not working, or the kernel is not picking it up17:06
xubuntu308_tbh I am fighting with this for several hours17:06
xubuntu308_and at one time I managed to get it recognized17:07
holsteinsure, but unless you know how? its not helpful17:07
holsteinalso if the hardware is bad, i would expect to see it coming an going17:07
holsteini would do whatever makes you feel comfortable to determine the hardware is good17:08
holsteinlive CD's are typically how i do that17:08
xubuntu308_this is a very good idea17:08
holsteinthen, you can move on to alsa rev's or whatever17:08
xubuntu308_I will try to find a live cd I may have one somewhere17:08
xubuntu308_maybe I'll be back :)17:09
xubuntu308_thanks for your help17:09
holsteinyou are welcome here anytime17:11
holsteinhowever, its usually dead, and your issue is not studio related17:11
holsteinwe deal more with creating content... not that you wont get help here, or #opensourcemusicians if you are "at the right place at the right time"17:11
holsteingood luck xubuntu308_ !17:12
=== jussi01 is now known as jussi
devtekbetaare there any other networks with big channels for music production? cant find much on freenode18:35
GridCubedevtekbeta, http://searchirc.com/search.php?F=partial&I=music+production&T=both&N=all&M=min&C=15&PER=15&D=color&Submit=+Go+18:41
astraljavadevtekbeta: Don't know your definition of 'production', but a very good channel for music people is #opensourcemusicians.18:41
devtekbetathanks. i tried that irc search site earlier but the interface was so terrible i couldnt find anything18:44
devtekbetawhat network is #opensourcemusicians on?18:44
ailo_devtekbeta: Same as this18:44
ailo_devtekbeta: There are a few on this network that might interest you #ardour #jack, and a few others, depending on what you like to do18:45
ailo_devtekbeta: A very short list at the bottom https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/IRC18:45
devtekbetathanks. didnt see opensourcemusicians when i looked before. but found it now :)18:46

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