
michael___ukiki r 432 o9 rew -00:17
* michael___ /me00:17
FloodBotK1michael___: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:17
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L3top!jp | cham04:07
ubottucham: 日本語の場合は /join #ubuntu-jp または /join #kubuntu-jp を入力して下さい。04:07
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ed3lgonhello there05:10
mr0wlhey, i lost plymouth splash screen, all i get now is "Kubuntu...." with white background and text.05:18
mr0wlany idea on how to get it back?05:18
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit05:56
=== administrador is now known as Kurono
floownI can not share a directory truth samba, in Dolphin07:58
floownwhen I do a right clic, the share options for invite is not selectable08:00
floownok, I have try with a another directory, it's works for a dir in my home08:04
floownbut not for a hdd in ntfs mounted with fstab08:04
floown# /windows was on /dev/sda1 during installation08:05
floownUUID=C698A46898A45927 /mnt/windows        ntfs    defaults,umask=007,gid=46 0       008:05
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ct529hi there .... how can I partition a new disk using GPt rather than old MBR 4 partition structure?09:51
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit09:55
hateballct529: is this a drive you have yet to install an OS on?09:56
hateballor rather... do you have access to the drive, with your installed OS?09:56
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ct529hateball: yes, it is a new drive, nothing on it, still to be formatted09:59
ct529hateball: yes, I have access to the drive .... I can simply stick it into my laptop10:03
ct529hateball: or even connect it externally10:03
mydogsnameisrudywhat OS do you plan to run on it ct529? just wondering10:07
ct529mydogsnameisrudy: a couple of versions of linux10:08
mydogsnameisrudyok i was reading some on it ....10:08
* ct529 pings hateball10:12
mydogsnameisrudyct529:  found this info   not sure if it will help any  http://www.rodsbooks.com/gdisk/10:15
kchatHello, just installed kubuntu for testing purposes, I'm looking for /etc/inittab to set the runlevel at boot time, but I can't find it, does anyone know if there is a simple and fast way to do it?10:16
philwyettkchat: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#change-runlevel-immediately10:20
ct529mydogsnameisrudy: thanks a lot10:21
mydogsnameisrudyseems to have all you need ? ct52910:21
mydogsnameisrudyim going to read thru it also seem intereesting10:21
ct529mydogsnameisrudy: mmmm .... I will let you know as soon as I have worked my way through .... :-D10:23
mydogsnameisrudyok ;)10:23
kchatThank you very much philwyett ...10:24
kchatthis is ok ...10:24
=== floown_ is now known as floown
mydogsnameisrudyct529:  more info to look at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69X9ZYA41xU&feature=plcp10:51
ct529mydogsnameisrudy: I do not udnerstand .... my list of potential partition types does not allow for linux filesystem11:02
mydogsnameisrudynot sure why you want this i guess alot of work to get it running but , way more then i would do ;)11:04
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BluesKajHey all11:44
mydogsnameisrudyhey BluesKaj11:44
BluesKajhi mydogsnameisrudy11:45
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oracleoftruthHello there. Is anyone able to help with networking? Just need to connect two kubuntu 12.04 laptops on the wireless network. Cannot work out why its not working. Tried samba but no luck. Could be firewall?13:05
hateballwhat do you need to connect?13:07
hateballshare files?13:07
hateballMy experience with samba is little, and full of headache. I'd just use sshfs if it's about file-sharing13:08
oracleoftruth<hatball> yeah just share some files.13:09
ubottusshfs is a !Fuse based filesystem which allows you to mount a remote system over !SSH - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHFS for instructions13:09
oracleoftruth<hateball> right. I don't know anything about sshfs13:10
oracleoftruthBrilliant thanks!13:10
hateballor even13:10
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.13:10
hateballIf you're doing Linux <-> Linux networking, Samba is like the last resort :)13:10
hateballAnd for me, it is even if there are other OS's involved ;p13:11
oracleoftruthThanks <hateball>! I appreciate it13:11
sktrasherbonjour à tous13:17
sktrasherje chreche un canal irc a propos de Qt413:18
RagnaRok__guys whenever i try to create a new project under netbeans (7.0.1) and switch to the design tab the preview window just reads "loading..." but nothing seems to happen13:32
RagnaRok__how can i fix this?13:32
BluesKaj!fr | sktrasher13:47
ubottusktrasher: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.13:47
* Smurphy love the channel polic -> Traduction: J'adore la police du channel ...13:49
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BluesKajquel police du canal ? :)13:51
BluesKajSmurphy, ^13:51
Smurphytoi :) Qui d'autre ...13:52
SmurphyNous sommes sur une Planete - elle s'appelle Terre - 3ieme en partant du soleil :}13:52
BluesKajI'm not an op13:53
SmurphySi un pays la bousille - on est tous bousillé :)13:53
SmurphySi - tu dis aux étranger d'aller autre part :)13:53
BluesKajenough  french , I was just kidding around  ... 3rd planet from then sun , but destroyed? what's that about13:56
utu-santopic was set last May and it's now July.  Is kubuntu in limbo?13:58
utu-sanam curious about the election though13:59
utu-sanstill tallying?13:59
BluesKajthe guidelines don't change , the sites posted there have info that does though13:59
SmurphyBluesKaj: Hitchhikers guide :)14:00
utu-sanguidelines?  you mean the election thing doesn't change?14:00
BluesKajutu-san, of course not , the results will still be posted at the same site as I said14:01
BluesKajSmurphy, I no longer hitchhike :)14:02
Smurphy:} I do ...14:02
BluesKajand haven't for a very very long time14:03
stripehi all, cant get/change the menu options on Kplayer  (fullscreen/progress etc) any ideas?? thanks14:18
BluesKajstripe, use dragonplayer , it's the default or Mplayer14:22
stripe<BluesKaj dragonplayer and mplayer will not play all of my mp4 videos but Kplayer will (no idea why)14:27
BluesKajstripe, have you nstalled kubuntu-restricted-extras and the extra codecs available at the medibuntu repos14:28
BluesKaj!medibuntu | stripe14:30
ubottustripe: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org14:30
stripeBluesKaj: I have installed the restricted extras, but dont know anything about medibunttu, am looking for it now14:31
BluesKajlook above stri14:37
dougllinux-image-3.2.0-23-lowlatency is what I want to try for my freezing up 64 bit kubuntu 12.04 -> how do I install this kernel?15:07
BluesKajdougl, http://askubuntu.com/questions/142192/can-i-install-linux-kernel-3-4-in-ubuntu-and-kubuntu-12-0415:09
douglBluesKaj, How are you :) => thanks15:10
BluesKajany  error messages in /var/log/, dougl , sounds like X problems with plasma15:10
douglBluesKaj, checking...15:11
douglerr - what log file?15:11
BluesKajdougl, probly Xorg.0.log15:12
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douglBluesKaj, my kubuntu connected UPS went off line at 12:41 last night so my kubuntu froze at 12:40 => how do I find log entries for that time?15:15
BluesKajdougl, try syslog.115:17
stripeHi all, have installed: restricted extras and medibuntu, but certain mp4 video files will not play in dragonplayer and gnome mplayer, but they will play in kplayer and vlc, any ideas?? thanks15:20
BluesKajstripe, perhaps they are DRM encoded , best to install libdvdcss2 globally, sudo apt-get install libdvdcss2, in the terminal15:23
stripethanks BluesKaj will tr4y that15:23
stripeBluesKaj no difference,  Strange thing is that I dont have the same problems with other videos from the same site (youtube)15:26
BluesKajstripe, these are downloaded files from youtbe then they could H264 which are only playable on VLC and a couple of other players ..H264 is patented in North America and some euro countries and some in asia as well15:30
BluesKajbe happy they play in VLC , i's the best player out here IME , once you learn how to use it , which does take time and patience, it's the best player15:31
BluesKaj!info H 26415:33
ubottu'264' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, oneiric, oneiric-backports, oneiric-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, quantal, quantal-backports, quantal-proposed, stable, testing, unstable15:33
douglBluesKaj, the logs only dsplay data up to 9:46 am when I hard booted after freeze :(15:33
BluesKaj!info H26415:33
ubottuPackage H264 does not exist in precise15:33
stripeThanks BluesKaj, that could be the problem, I am happy they play in VLC (I like it as well) going to try to convert 1 and see what that does. thanks again for the help mate.15:33
BluesKajstripe why convert ?15:34
bazhangx264, h264enc  may be what you want15:34
bazhang!info x26415:34
ubottux264 (source: x264): video encoder for the H.264/MPEG-4 AVC standard. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:0.120.2151+gita3f4407-2 (precise), package size 316 kB, installed size 751 kB15:34
BluesKajdaed, he wants to decode the files15:34
BluesKajbazhang, ^15:35
stripeBluesKaj: just one to see if it makes a difference, thats all15:35
BluesKajstripe, it will , probly lossy15:35
bazhangthen use handbrake15:35
stripeBluesKaj:  cheers mate, thanks again for the help15:36
BluesKajVLC might convert it as well15:36
douglupdated my kernel => where do I go to enable my nvidia drivers again?16:22
* dougl has 640x480 splattered accross 22" screen and cannot see much16:23
michael___3�,4�ƛF���������KY�Y5�]e',a� OK!1���<ޠ>�16:25
bazhangmichael___, whats that16:26
michael___ukploi9r 43 i9 ,16:27
bazhangmichael___, this is kubuntu support only. dont do that here16:27
michael___3�,4�ƛF���������KY�Y5�]e',a� OK!1���<ޠ>�16:27
DarthFrogmichael___: I have no idea what you're doing, but please don't do that again.16:27
FloodBotK1michael___: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:28
DarthFrog!ops | michael___16:29
ubottumichael___: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Hobbsee, Tm_T, Nalioth, Riddell, seth, imbrandon, gnomefreak, nixternal, ryanakca, mneptok, PriceChild, tsimpson, jussi, Pici, ikonia, genii, Mamarok, claydoh, maco, apachelogger, seele, Nightrose, JontheEnchidna, rgreening, or txwikinger16:29
DarthFrogmaco:  Thank you.16:30
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=== Jikai is now known as Jikan
douglI just installed 3.4.0 kernel on my 12.04 kubuntu and now my nvidia drivers won't install - any suggestions?16:38
BluesKajdougl, which nvidi drivers and which card16:39
BluesKajerr nvidia16:39
dougl295.40 and...16:40
BluesKaj dougl onboard?16:43
douglno... card in slot16:43
douglthere is info on issue... just need to find out where I can get the installer16:44
philwyettdougl: If you want help from wetall (author of article) join #crystalspace or #ubuntu. He may help you directly.16:47
douglphilwyett, thanks - never noticed the connection :)16:48
BluesKajdougl, check additional driver in kmenu>apps>system, choose the recommended driver16:51
douglBluesKaj, "Sorry, installation of this driver failed. Please have a look at the log file for details: /var/log/jockey.log"16:53
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BluesKajdougl, bummer , maybe the nvidia proprietary or xedgers ppa is worth looking ar16:54
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douglBluesKaj, k - thanks16:54
MiguelitoHey any multimedia wiz's here :)17:27
phoenix_firebrdhello everyone17:42
Num83rGuyDoes network manager create a tun device for VPN connections or can it if requested?17:53
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: are you there?17:56
BluesKajyes phoenix_firebrd17:57
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: due you compile form source?17:57
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: *from17:57
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: i know you dont like pulseaudio, i am starting to feel the same17:59
BluesKajI have yes17:59
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: so you compile from source?17:59
BluesKajwell, i have to tolerste pulse because my soundcard doesn't play webaudio without it18:00
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: ya18:00
BluesKajI compile from source only if I have to18:00
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: now you use pulseaudio right?18:00
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: what is your current kde version?18:01
BluesKajphoenix_firebrd, kde 4.8.9018:02
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: nice18:02
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: is you kmix working properly after changing from stereo to 5.118:03
BluesKajphoenix_firebrd, I use digital out from the spdif to an audio sytem amp which converts the dgital signal to analog18:04
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: thats nice, you escaped18:05
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: they is a bug in kmix in selecting the master channel selection18:06
BluesKaji have only one master in kmix , but if you set the master in alsamixer , it should work18:07
=== graft is now known as Guest48673
mmhwhen i try to lower brightness my system freezes..is it bug in LTS?please help me out18:11
BluesKajphoenix_firebrd, paste your alsamixer18:11
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: a fellow in kde-bugs is helping in testing my patch, can you wait?18:13
BluesKajI'll be here for a little while18:14
Num83rGuyDoes network manager create a tun device for VPN connections or can it if requested?18:15
mmhi cannot even enter command mode i .e Ctr+Alt+F1 ..i have to forcely shutdown wenever it freezes18:15
BluesKajNum83rGuy, dunno what a tun device is , but i believe VPN can be configured to work with NM18:19
Num83rGuyBluesKaj: I think I finally found the answer, tun is a tunnel device and yes it seems that tun0 is my VPN connection.18:22
BluesKajNum83rGuy, ok then ssh would be one method of tunneling18:25
Num83rGuyYes. I wanted to lock some programs to my VPN connection so if it goes down no data is transmitted on my standard network.18:27
Num83rGuyBy using only tun0 as opposed to eth0 I can do that.18:28
phoenix_firebrdyofel: are you there?19:38
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: http://imagebin.org/21923519:42
BluesKajphoenix_firebrd, move the --> to the line out etc so I can see the rest of the alsamixer ctrls19:44
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: http://imagebin.org/21923719:47
BluesKajphoenix_firebrd, is there no line out ?19:49
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: http://imagebin.org/21923819:49
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: i have pasted all, capture and playback, thats the entire thing, no line out i guess, i cant see any thing like that19:50
BluesKajok phoenix_firebrd looks like the analog 5.1 is working , but I'm not real familiar with that. Is there no sound from those outputs or ?19:54
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: no no, audio is fine here19:55
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: kmix is the problem19:56
BluesKajhave you tried removing kmix , it's bascivally just a gui with volume ctrl and install pavucontrol or veromix instead to replace it19:57
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj:  i dont like veromix19:58
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: pavucontrol is a gtk one19:58
yofelphoenix_firebrd: hm?19:59
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: i have fixed the bug in kmix, i am trying to post it to the review board, having problem with the diff file19:59
BluesKajhow did you fix it phoenix_firebrd , care to share ?20:00
yofelhow did you create the file? Usually just use git diff20:00
yofelor commit and use git format-patch20:00
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: sure i will paste the link to the diff20:00
phoenix_firebrdyofel: i haven't tried both the thing you are telling, can you check the diff file ?20:01
yofelwell, feel free to pastebin it20:02
* BluesKaj shrugs , I have pavucontrol and pulseaudio , I don't like them , but I have to live with it in order to have audio on websites , mostly because flash audio doesn't link to alsa thru my pci soundcard from a browser20:02
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: i know :)20:03
phoenix_firebrdyofel: checking?20:03
phoenix_firebrdyofel: this is the error message i am getting when uploading the diff file to the review board "The file 'gui/dialogselectmaster.cpp' (r) could not be found in the repository"20:04
yofelhm, are you sure you selected the right branch in reviewboard? (master probably)20:05
yofelotherwise ask in #kde-multimedia20:05
yofelwith people at akademy currently you might have to be patient a bit20:06
phoenix_firebrdyofel: http://imagebin.org/21924120:06
BluesKajyofel, looks like site one can learn from. i didn't know it existed20:07
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: which one?20:08
phoenix_firebrdyofel: what do you do when you submit a diff?20:09
BluesKajyofel, kde-multimedia20:09
BluesKajI really need to get my multimedia cli-text command files organized20:10
yofelphoenix_firebrd: I'm getting the same error, so I would ask in #kde-multimedia. Not sure if that's something for the sysadmins20:12
phoenix_firebrdyofel: how do you submit diffs?20:13
yofelsame way?20:13
phoenix_firebrdyofel: is my diff file ok?20:15
yofeldoesn't apply against master here,  but that seems to be something wrong with the paste IMO20:17
yofelwrong indent http://paste.kde.org/51134020:18
BluesKajphoenix_firebrd,  yes , but where did you find the info for the fix ? it would be good to know.20:18
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: i did it20:18
BluesKajok how?20:19
yofelphoenix_firebrd: and unless paste.kde.org shows it oddly, your indentation is different from the existing code in a few places20:19
yofel(mixed tabs and spaces?)20:19
phoenix_firebrdyofel: let me check20:20
phoenix_firebrdyofel: only problem with kmix.cpp right?\20:20
yofelbah, the existing kmix code is mixed tabs and spaces as well -.-20:22
phoenix_firebrdyofel: what your kmix source version?20:23
yofelgit master?20:24
yofelgit clone git://anongit.kde.org/kmix.git20:24
phoenix_firebrdyofel: do you have 4.8.90?20:24
yofelnow I'm on master, same error though20:26
phoenix_firebrdyofel: did you try patching with 4.8.90?20:28
yofelsame rejects. Probably broken copy and paste from paste.kde.org thanks to the tabs20:28
phoenix_firebrdyofel: how can i send the file?20:29
yofelnvm, wget to the rescue20:31
yofelok, now it applies, except that the patch is invalid in line 9720:32
phoenix_firebrdyofel: i am getting the same error20:34
phoenix_firebrdyofel: let me check20:34
yofelsomething's wrong with the diff block in lines 89-96, says +/- 7, but it's +/- 620:36
yofelbetter recreate the diff20:36
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phoenix_firebrdyofel: http://paste.kde.org/511352/20:41
phoenix_firebrdyofel: thats mixer.cpp patch20:41
yofelthe diff for core/mixer.cpp is fine, it's the last diff block for apps/kmix.h that's invalid20:43
yofelwas just missing an empty line20:43
phoenix_firebrdyofel: solved?20:44
yofelsame error on reviewboard though, maybe something's messed up with the repository setup there20:45
phoenix_firebrdyofel: they are also recommending to use this "post-review"20:46
yofelI never used that20:46
phoenix_firebrdyofel: last time i tried without success, i just attached the patch to the bug report and someone picked it20:47
yofelreviewboard barfs if you don't use git to create the iff20:47
phoenix_firebrdyofel: in that case i dont have permission20:48
yofelphoenix_firebrd: here's something that works with reviewboard, please make sure no changes were dropped: http://paste.kde.org/511364 (it also applies against master)20:48
yofelhuh? you do20:48
yofelwhat *did* you use to create the patch in the first place?20:48
phoenix_firebrdyofel: the cli diff20:49
yofelah. Not sure why it failed then. I applied it in the repos and used git diff to create the one above20:50
phoenix_firebrdyofel: since i am a beginner, errors may tend to happen :)20:51
yofelsure, no problem. As git.reviewboard seems to really need patches understood by git, best take a look at http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Git someday20:54
phoenix_firebrdyofel: sure20:55
phoenix_firebrdyofel: one year before i set a gaol to learn to package , now i am able to compile from source, i think i have completed 5% of my goal20:55
phoenix_firebrdyofel: have to learn about the install locations and cmake20:56
yofelmake that 25%, you'll often spend time wondering why something doesn't build...20:56
phoenix_firebrdyofel: what is the most common thing you encounter?20:57
yofelusually something out of: missing build-dep, linking error, wrong file location or need some distro adjustment20:59
phoenix_firebrdyofel: if we submit the patch today and if it gets accepted, will it be committed to  kde 4.9 rc2?21:02
yofeldunno, you'll have to ask the reviewer that. RC2 tagging is a week away though21:03
phoenix_firebrdyofel: the patch fixes this bug https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=290177 and the dock icon problem21:05
ubottuKDE bug 290177 in general "Changing Master-Control via KMix main menu does not change Master-Control in Tray" [Normal,New: ]21:05
phoenix_firebrdyofel: ok whats the best thing to do?21:05
yofelput it on reviewboard and say it fixes the bug - that's what I would do at least21:05
phoenix_firebrdyofel: the diff file you gave is working with the review board21:08
phoenix_firebrdyofel: now editing the details21:09
phoenix_firebrdyofel: https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/105422/21:29
phoenix_firebrdyofel: thank you, see you later21:33
AptarIn the dolphin file browsing window how do you view hidden files?21:35
phoenix_firebrdAptar: press <alt>+.21:36
Aptarphoenix_firebrd, Thank you.21:37
phoenix_firebrdAptar: yw21:37
Aptar<-- newbie...21:37
AptarWhich you have already figured out by that question ;)21:38
phoenix_firebrdAptar: i am too a newbie21:39
Aptaroh :)21:41
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=== JMichael|work is now known as GiantRetard
Lymphocytewill kubuntu 12.04 get kde 4.9 when its stable?23:32
bobweaverHello there I have a question . What is the name of well....  in gnome it is called  gnome-session-quit  what is that called in kde ?23:55

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