
DammitJimdoes anyone here do embedded web applications?12:53
DammitJimI worked on something for openWRT's LuCI, but it's not easily portable to another linux distro12:54
DammitJimand I suck at doing web pages12:54
=== mhall119_ is now known as mhall119
raubvogelDoes anyone know how you can specify the interface/ip to *listen* using netcat in a machine with more than one IP/interface?18:44
zoopsterraubvogel: nc -s ipaddr doesn't work?18:54
raubvogelzoopster: I though -s is for  and -l for the listening side 19:01
zoopsteryou asked how to specific the ip to listen right?19:14
zoopsterhow to specify rather19:14
zoopsternc -s ipaddr would listen on that specific ip19:15
zoopsterit's the local source address19:15
zoopsteror are you wanting the remote19:15
raubvogelzoopster: that would be a remote machine. host1 has two interfaces in two subnets19:16
raubvogeland host2 insubnet A will try to nc -vv host1 port19:17
zoopsterwell he left and he's confused19:25

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