
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Elementary-Schoohi, first time doing this, please excuse any faux pas. Installing precise for a group of 1st grade classrooms. Have windows share server. Need easy way for kids to login to their windows share. Possible to use GUI (File > Connect to server > ip addr, share, username, group, password), but looking for easy way for 1st graders to input just username/password. Thanks.20:30
highvoltagehi Elementary-Schoo20:33
highvoltageit's possible to create a bookmark in their file browser for that network share20:33
* highvoltage sees if there's any documentation for that somewhere20:33
Elementary-SchooThanks highvoltage  :-)  I can create a bookmark once I login to a specific share. I don't know how to create a bookmark for a generic login that will then ask the 1st grader for his/her username and password.20:37
highvoltageElementary-Schoo: I couldn't find a nice doc, just starting up a VM right now where I can try it out and let you know...20:39
Elementary-SchooYou are a god-send  :-)  Thanks!20:40
highvoltageElementary-Schoo: when you create a bookmark for a user,20:43
highvoltageElementary-Schoo: it goes into the file called .config/gtk-3.0/bookmarks20:44
highvoltageElementary-Schoo: so if you set up one user with the bookmarks that you'd like in there, you can create a directory called /etc/skel/.config/gtk-3.0 and put that bookmarks file in there20:44
highvoltageso basically:20:44
highvoltage1. set up a user with the bookmarks you'd like20:45
highvoltagesudo mkdir /etc/skel/.config/gtk-3.020:45
highvoltagecp .config/gtk-3.0/bookmarks /etc/skel/.config/gtk-3.020:45
highvoltagethen when you create new users they'd have that bookmark20:45
highvoltagefor existing users you would just have to place that file there20:46
Elementary-SchooOkay!  I'll give it a shot. Thank you soooo much! I might be back for more hints (not too tech savvy).20:47
highvoltageno problem. these questions are useful, I think we should have a tool that does things like that for you.20:48
Elementary-SchooHi, I'm back. I couldn't find .config/gtk-3.0/bookmarks, but I did find .gtk-bookmarks in my home folder. In .gtk-bookmarks, there is a location of an existing bookmark. So I was thinking, is there a way that I could use that location in a script?21:29

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