
sithfmhi there, can anyone tell me where to look for my panel configuration file for lubuntu 12.04? I seem to have lost it and need to go tell nautilus to start up without changing my damn root window / background02:43
Unit193Should be in ~/.config/lxpanel/02:44
sithfm/usr/share/lxpanel/profile/Lubuntu/panels <- think i found it02:44
Unit193That's not for the current user.02:45
sithfmah yes02:46
Unit193Yep, if things have gone very wrong, you can delete that and restart the panel to get back to default config.02:48
sithfmneeded to change that02:48
sithfmthe Exec= line02:48
sithfmto jsut add the parameter to not manage root window02:49
Unit193And nautilus like s to take over the desktop. :/02:49
sithfmther's another binary/script that can be run to do that too i think02:49
sithfmlxpanel -reset or something02:49
sithfmit's been a looong time since I've booted into this environment i'm rusty :P02:49
Unit193lxpanelctl restart02:50
sithfmexcellent, thanks again02:51
sithfmweird, i am convinced i've made this change in the past02:51
sithfmoh well02:51
sithfmi much prefer nautilus to pcmanfm so i am willing to live with this idiosyncrasy02:51
Unit193nautilus --no-desktop, or somehting....02:52
Unit193(I did remember right!)02:52
sithfmargh, so i made the change and logged out of my session and logged back in02:54
sithfmlubuntu reported an 'internal error', expanding the details showed /usr/bin/lxpanel02:54
sithfmand yep wouldnt you know, on launching nautilus it reset the background02:54
sithfmyes you did hehe02:54
sithfmwondering if some other xsession is starting or something via lxdm for some reason02:54
Unit193Using LXDM in 12.04?02:56
sithfmwell, i'm 90% sure02:56
sithfmhow can i tell02:56
Unit193Well, it'd still work fine, but uses lightdm by default.02:56
P-ChanHi! How change icon size in the start menu?04:12
P-ChanHi plz I need support04:16
ClientAlivewow, only 68 people are into lubuntu? But lubuntu rox!05:07
Tm_Tirc channel population isn't the whole usebase05:09
Tm_T(or necessarily part of usebase either)05:09
ClientAlivegosh I hope not  :>05:09
ClientAliveI just started using lubuntu (well it's 1`2.04 server with lxde on it) and I think its awesome05:10
ClientAliveWell, hope someone can help me with this. I've gone through 3 different virutalization platforms by now and the same issue is with every one. So now I think it's in the vm itself, not the virutalization package. I don't have the correct screen resolution available under Preferences > Monitor Settings what can I do to get the resolution I need? xrandr? /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE/autostart ?05:12
Unit193Right, well Ubuntu (server) +LXDE isn't exactly Lubuntu, but what are you using to run the VM? What software?05:30
ssrvmis there any way to disable the ability( of non admin user in lubuntu) to edit defautl lxde panel, change/edit/delete desktop icons etc?08:43
ssrvmhelp please08:43
=== margo_ is now known as margo
Jordan_UI've installed the package rss-glx (really slick screensavers) and I can run /usr/lib/xscreensaver/spirographx from a terminal, but spirographx is not listed as an option in the xscreensaver preferences. Any idea how to get it to show up there?19:46
snikkerhi, there is a way to disable standby?19:46
melodie_snikker, what is "standby" ?20:32
ochosii assume it's "suspend to ram"?20:33
melodie_ochosi, I would not be sure20:34
melodie_disable "suspend to ram" would not make much sense to me20:34
melodie_I'll bb a little later20:35
snikkermelodie_: i mean a power management20:41
snikkerwhich disable hard disk and monitor after x minutes20:42
melodie_snikker, ok. have you looked in the control center or such ? (didn't notice that in the Lubuntu version I installed)20:43
snikkermelodie_: i don't have find nothing in control cente20:44
melodie_what about something having for name "gnome-power-manager" ? Is it installed ?20:46
melodie_snikker, ?20:48
bioterrorlubuntu 12.04 has xfce4-power-manager20:48
melodie_hi bioterror20:48
snikkermelodie_: no, gnome-power-manager isn't installed20:49
melodie_snikker, you configure xfce4-power-manager for one, and xscreensaver for the monitor, and it should solve it for you20:49
melodie_snikker, please try to follow :)20:49
melodie_have to go...20:49
snikkermelodie_: ok, thanks20:49
LukahHi, I haven't used irc much in the last ten years.  I'm using Irssi.  What is the most common way to get a list of channels on a server (other than /list)?  Web/Use a different client/Dump the list to a file and grep-sed-foobar it?23:44
LukahBtw, I'm asking in here because I use lubuntu, and I'm sure many of you appreciate lightweight methods of doing things.  As opposed to "just grab BloatwareIrcClient2000"23:46
AlanBell!alis | Lukah23:50
ubottuLukah: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*23:50
Lukahwow, cool bot23:50
Lukahsweet, thanks for the help23:52

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