
=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
roaksoaxDaviey: howdy! So I was wondering if something about the backporting/SRU'ing of MAAS has been discussed yet?13:51
Davieyroaksoax: no, still a little early14:42
roaksoaxDaviey: right, but my point being is that we are introducing dependencies that are not even in precise's archive15:09
roaksoaxDaviey: so was just wondering if a plan was drafted to deal with that15:09
roaksoaxwe can't simply be shipping more stuff with MAAS source15:09
allenapDaviey: In the fullness of time, is the plan to do ephemeral (via iSCSI) boot, and allow ubiquity to install from that?15:55
rvbaDaviey: looks like the default apparmor profile will prevent named to read the files in /var/cache/maas/bind don't you think?  I was trying to run a stupid (read with minimal configuration) dns server on a non standard port as a non-privileged15:59
rvbauser and then I realized apparmor won't allow that.15:59
rvbaDaviey: do you have any idea how to circumvent that problem?16:00
Davieyallenap: we won't be using ubiquity this cycle16:00
allenapDaviey: For 13.04 perhaps?16:01
Davieyrvba: just use the bind location for now..16:01
Davieyallenap: right16:01
rvbaDaviey: that means we can't run a stupid bind instance as part of the dev environment, or even in a fixture :(.16:02
Davieyrvba: join #ubuntu-hardened16:03
rvbaWe can live with it, but it reduce our ability to test things.16:03
allenapDaviey, rvba: Does the apparmor profile apply if running bind as a different user? (/me has never used apparmor).16:07
rvbaallenap: definitely does.16:08
rvbaallenap: the profile is linked to the executable.16:08
allenaprvba: It'll allow any file under /etc/bind and /var/cache/bind, so perhaps use /var/cache/bind/maas instead of /var/cache/maas/bind?16:22
rvbaallenap: Daviey says maybe we can have a named.d directory. But in the mean time, you're right, we will use /var/cache/bind/maas I think.16:31
=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk

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