
=== zumbi is now known as Guest42808
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steevChipaca: last i knew, because arm devices tend to be lower... power, and take longer, they don't tend to extend them to users07:22
lilsteviesteev: I think it is more to do with the security side of things, they don't have the same virtualization thing going on that the x86 and x86_64 machines do08:06
lilstevieor a combination08:06
steevlilstevie: could be a combination, i just know i was told there wasn't enough hardware to support giving users access to it (wouldn't get stuff built in time)08:07
steevmaybe with all these quadcore machines coming down the pipe (and armv8 (drool)) that will change08:07
lilstevieIt is just annoying that we can't build a package and upload it to a PPA either08:08
ppisatindec: with latest tilt-tracking (44fef05d56961d0f34178e3c7ca4e362948e3107), during boot i get a lot of08:29
ppisatindec: wl1271_sdio mmc1:0001:2: sdio read failed (-110)08:29
ndecppisati: is it 3.4 or 3.5?08:29
ppisatindec: wl12xx: ERROR command complete timeout08:29
ppisatindec: 3.408:29
ppisatindec: tilt is still on 3.4 if i'm not mistaken08:29
ndecwell, i am asking because latest tilt-tracking is on 3.508:30
ndecand it's probably not in a good shape atm.08:30
ppisatindec: really? couldn't find the 3.5 part08:30
ppisatindec: anyway, still 3.4 here08:30
ppisatindec: let me paste the entire boot logs08:30
ndecppisati: well, we don't use tracking atm, but tilt-3.4.08:31
ndecok. you're right, it is still 3.4.08:31
ppisatindec: http://people.canonical.com/~ppisati/3.4.0-202-wifi/08:34
ppisatindec: dmesg and config08:34
ppisatindec: it's just an annoyance by now since it resets later in the boot process08:34
ppisatindec: and it seems to work (get the ip via dhcp and so on)08:34
ndecppisati: well, not sure if i can help atm. can you ping andy, or send an email to linaro-dev?08:34
ppisatindec: i'll do, just wanted to check out if it was a known issue08:35
* ndec checks quickly08:35
ndecppisati: if you want a 3.4, you should use tilt-3.4 branch instead. it is supposed to be better branch.08:35
ndec-tracking will get some support for 3.5 later.08:36
ppisatindec: i see08:36
ppisatindec: i'll check tilt-3.4 then08:36
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ogra_ppisati, your kernel looks good, i get a lot of wireless errors in dmesg though (they were there before but less noisy)10:23
ogra_(ah, the same errors you described above)10:24
ppisatiogra_: yeah10:27
ppisatiogra_: working on that and "INFO: task kinteractiveup:55 blocked for more than 120 seconds." crap10:28
ogra_i cant really notice any issues that causes10:30
ogra_i have it too though10:30
ppisatiogra_: it's harmless but still an annoyance10:32
ogra_yup, the wlan is more intresting10:32
ppisatiogra_: hopefully i'll have both them fixed for this afternoon and then i'll pull request10:32
ppisatiogra_: thanks for testing10:32
ogra_so thats the latest TILT ?10:32
ppisatibleeding edge10:32
ogra_do we know if the audio device names will stay like that ?10:33
ogra_they changed again vs precise so i need to update alsa10:33
ogra_and wouldnt like to do that twice10:33
* ogra_ wonders why one cant just stay with one name)10:33
ppisatiogra_: you better ask TI about the name changes10:34
ppisatiogra_: but if needed i can revert the modification10:34
ogra_PandaBoardES now ... was PandaBoard and the version before it was just Panda10:34
ogra_well, it would be cool if upstream could just decide on a proper and persistant name :P10:35
ppisatipersistance is the past, we are heading for the future! :)10:36
* ppisati reminds of a Gamma Ray song/album10:36
ppisatiand with that said, i'm out for laundry + lunch10:36
ppisatiback later10:36
ogra_have fun10:36
* ogra_ just notices that HDMI sound works OOTB10:39
ogra_nice !10:39
janimolilstevie, do you know if the tf101 supports USB console over it's dock cable?12:06
lilsteviejanimo: look at the acm usb gadget12:11
lilstevierequires a bit of fiddling to get working12:11
janimolilstevie, thanks. should it work with kernel boot messages too?12:11
lilstevieonce the gadget driver has initialized12:12
lilsteviebefore that no12:13
lilstevieI have no idea what or even if there is a UART pinout on the connector12:13
lilsteviein probing I cannot find one12:13
janimolilstevie, do you know the easiest way to get kernel boot messages when the screen/fbdev are not working?12:14
janimoas is the case with 2.6.3912:14
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* ogra_ would so love to know why the ac100 kernel explodes in his face with the recent images14:59
hrwogra_: kernel itself before initramfs?15:03
ppisatindec: what's BCMDHD?15:09
ogra_hrw, pretty hard to say, no serial ... i end up with an oops and it looks like the kernel couldt use the initrd ...15:22
hrwogra_: use PRINTK_DELAY option in kernel?15:24
ogra_that would mean i need to recompile ...15:24
ogra_nah, thanks15:24
ppisatiogra_: i've a new kernel that fixes wifi sdio and interactive governor log spam15:38
ppisatiogra_: willing to give it a test?15:38
ogra_sure !15:38
ppisatiogra_: http://people.canonical.com/~ppisati/linux-image-3.4.0-203-omap4_3.4.0-203.8_armhf.deb15:40
ppisatiogra_: enjoy15:40
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ogra_ppisati, so i see the wlan device in dmesg, but network-manager doesnt, something is still missing it seems15:54
ogra_beyond that, the oopses are gone15:54
ogra_hmm, disabling wlan in NM and re-renabling it fixes it ... odd ...15:57
* ogra_ tries a reboot, lets see, probably just a hiccup15:57
GrueMasterDisabling/reenabling probably reset NM's config.  I've seen that before in Natty iirc.15:58
ogra_well, lets see i boot with unplugged wired now ...15:58
* ogra_ would love to know what the system does so long in the initrd15:59
ogra_seems to take minutes until it moves on15:59
ogra_k, works16:01
* ogra_ puts that one in the hiccup category16:01
angsI am searching the package for ralink rt2870 chipset on http://packages.ubuntu.com/ for beagleboard-xm (ubuntu-desktop 12.04) but it does not show any output for "rt2870" or "rt2800" keywords. am I checking it on the wrong webpage?16:13
GrueMasterangs: Just check /boot/config-<kernel version>.16:14
GrueMasterThat will tell you if it is built or not.16:14
ogra_thats shipped in teh kernel as rt2x00.ko16:15
ogra_and its firmware comes as /lib/firmware/rt2870.bin in the linux-firmware package16:18
ogra_both should be installed by default16:18
angsI can see the rt2870.bin in the directory that you said. but the led of the usb dongle does not work, also iwconfig, ifconfig -a does not show the wireless interface. however, I can see the usb stick on lsusb16:21
angsdoes the stick suppose to work as I plug it to the board?16:21
ogra_do you apply enough power to the board ? USBV wlan adapters draw a lot16:22
angsI use 5V, 2.5A power supply16:23
angsI plugged the usb stick on my laptop, it does not work16:23
GrueMasterIf it doesn't work on your laptop either, that could indicate a bad dongle.16:25
angsmost probably16:27
ogra_either that or it needs a special initialization ...16:27
ogra_i had such dongles in the past, they had a mini HDD on them that carries the windows driver and you needed to tweak the device in sysfs to make it switch from HDD mode into wlan16:28
ogra_anyway ...16:29
* ogra_ is off to mow the lawn16:30
angsthank you, I saw some threads on google that this d-link product has some problem, I will try to find a solution16:33
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janrinze2lilstevie: which 3.x kernel do you recommend for the tf101?19:48
* janrinze2 runs ubuntu and pidgin on a tf10119:50
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