
cob-olpthe last linaro with hardware acceleration was 12.0306:21
cob-olpdo you know how long it may take to have it in new versions?06:22
bilboedjhodapp, hi12:28
bilboedjhodapp, I realized you also posted on gst-devel12:28
bilboedjhodapp, yes, you want to use gstreamer 1.012:28
bilboednot only is most of the development concentrated there, but you'll also have serious performance gains on embedded platforms12:28
jhodappbilboed: excellent, thanks for that feedback12:32
jhodappbilboed: I'd read that, and that's really great to know someone with STB-like experience can speak to that12:34
bilboedI'll give you a simple example : hw-accelerated decoding/encoding/display works out of the box with pandaboards12:35
bilboedinstead of having to butcher/patch gstreamer to make it work correctly12:35
bilboedand another pro-tip if you are at the early stages : stay away from (gst-)openmax as much as possible12:36
bilboedbest case scenarios : it'll give you headaches. worst case scenario : you won't be able to have 100% accelerated playback/display12:37
jhodappbilboed: ok, good tip12:43
jhodappbilboed: so what was added to the 1.0 series that makes you say those things work out of the box?12:43
bilboedbecase it just does :) install gstreamer 1.0, install ducati gst plugins, works12:44
bilboedwhere gstreamer 1.0 is from upstream (and not a modified version with patches for that specific platform)12:44
bilboedit would take some time to explain the full details of the changes12:45
jhodappwell I just mean a summary12:46
bilboedthis is a wip summary : http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/wiki/ZeroPointEleven/FeaturesArticle12:48
bilboedand a talk by yours truly : http://video.linux.com/videos/gstreamer-10-no-longer-compromise-flexibility-for-performance12:48
jhodappcool, thanks12:49
bilboedand a slightly older one by wim : http://gstconf.ubicast.tv/videos/keynote-gstreamer10/12:50
bobweavertgm4883,  you around ?19:21
bobweaverwanted to talk to you about a scaper and what not for the tv19:21
bobweaverget rid of xbmc as 1) it takes too much time and does not scan right19:21
bobweaverwanted to see if you had made or have friends that might have made something like this with tvdb and moviedb19:22
bobweaverIf not I am just going to write a bash script for it19:23
tgm4883bobweaver, yea19:33
tgm4883bobweaver, yea we can do that fairly easily, but the results we'll get are XML19:34
tgm4883so we need UTV to be able to read that data19:34
tgm4883likely from a DB19:34
tgm4883bobweaver, I haven't heard much on the UTV front recently, is there work being done to get metadata out of the crappy .nfo files and into something useful?19:36
tgm4883eg. UTV/Unity needs to not look for .nfo files19:36
jhodapptgm4883: the goal is definitely to get rid of .nfo files and replace it with a proper metadata index system19:38
tgm4883jhodapp, does UTV/Unity support metadata from other sources?19:38
tgm4883eg. mysql19:38
jhodapptgm4883: not today, no19:39
jhodappwell UTV19:39
tgm4883jhodapp, is that something bobweaver can work on?19:39
tgm4883since he's getting familar with the code19:40
tgm4883jhodapp, or rather, are the plans for that public? eg. If we know it's going to a mysql database, we can work on the stuff needed to get the data into that DB19:41
jhodappIt's a bit premature for uTV19:41
jhodappfor Unity there's nothing stopping that since a scope can use anything as a data source19:41
tgm4883so really, we need to be looking at the videos scope then?19:41
jhodappwell what are your goals?19:42
tgm4883I'm guessing bobweaver's goals were to completely remove the requirement for XBMC19:42
tgm4883since the need for that is completely metadata based19:43
tgm4883so he pinged me to see how mythtv did it, which we have python scripts to pull the metadata down using the available API's at those websites19:43
tgm4883but the data is all XML, so if we already would have to do work to get it into the .nfo file, we might as well just get it into whatever the planned destination is and work on the scope to pull it from the right  place19:44
jhodapptgm4883: ah, that part I can speak to...our current goal is to use Grilo for this19:44
* tgm4883 sighs19:45
jhodappso if someone wants to create some additional Grilo plugins for certain online metadata sources not already created, that work could prove useful19:45
jhodapptgm4883: why are you sighing?19:46
tgm4883jhodapp, this is the first I am hearing of grilo's use here19:46
tgm4883am I not subscribed to the right areas for discussion?19:46
tgm4883I'm always here and subscribed to the UTV mailing list19:47
jhodapptgm4883: it has only been discussed between Saviq and I for now19:47
tgm4883yea, that was what the sigh was for19:47
jhodappso you are on the cutting edge19:47
tgm4883I don't have an issue with grilo (how can I, I don't know anything about it yet), but there doesn't seem to be much direction/leadership in this project19:47
jhodapptgm4883: no need to sigh...you're really not missing much of anything yet19:48
tgm4883and that makes me sigh :/19:48
jhodapptgm4883: I understand your frustration...I share it19:48
tgm4883I'd ask for an update on the Unity 3D move, but I don't think I'd like the response19:48
jhodappthe project has some issues to work out before we pull all stops out for implementation...for example...I haven't really begun implementing myself yet19:48
jhodapptgm4883: though I don't know many details on the move to Unity 3D, that part has the most traction19:49
tgm4883jhodapp, AFAIK, there still hasn't really been any information on any of the DVR type stuff19:49
tgm4883which also makes me sad19:50
jhodapptgm4883: yes that part is particularly frustrating19:50
tgm4883jhodapp, so who do I have to buy a drink to get this info?19:50
tgm4883I haven't seen willcooke here in a while19:50
jhodapphe pops in, but he hasn't said much in here...you can ping him any time he's online19:51
tgm4883is he still the project lead?19:51
jhodapphe's UTC +119:51
tgm4883which is like 10PM right now19:51
tgm4883maybe I'll just shoot him an email19:51
jhodapptgm4883: he is the business manager, Saviq is the technical lead19:51
tgm4883ah, so I need to buy Saviq a drink then :)19:51
tgm4883Apparently I need to buy you a drink19:52
SaviqI was about to tell you that19:52
Saviqjhodapp, (psst. why?)19:53
tgm4883Saviq, so I'm hoping you can give some direction. jhodapp answered a bunch of questions, but there are still some unknowns19:53
tgm4883Saviq, there doesn't seem to be much information coming out regarding this project19:53
tgm4883I'm not looking for timelines on things, but there are a bunch of people ready to help in their own areas, but we don't know what to do, because there isn't any specification we're working toward19:54
tgm4883for instance, regarding things like metadata lookup. We just learned that Grilo is going to be used for that19:54
tgm4883I haven't looked at that much, but it doesn't appear to have any metadata grabbers for TMDB or TTVDB websites, which we could certainly write if we knew we were using Grilo19:55
tgm4883We don't know the deal with DVR lens/scope. (we've discussed this before, but no conclusions)19:56
jhodapptgm4883: personally I think that's a great idea19:56
Saviqtgm4883, we will definitely try and communicate as much as possible, as soon as we know it19:57
tgm4883jhodapp, I'm fine with whatever is chosen to do metadata lookups, provided it's not super terrible. I'm even willing to work on plugins to add support. I just need to know what we're doing there ;)19:57
Saviqtgm4883, which is now much closer than it was even a week ago19:57
bobweaverheyguys just got back reading ^^19:57
bobweavertgm4883> bobweaver, yea we can do that fairly easily, but the results we'll get are XML  << UBTV uses QML which uses Javascript this would tie in nice19:58
tgm4883Saviq, A very large issue with the way information is being handled right now, is that it can be interpreted one of two ways. 1) Everything is done super secret and when done will be released to the public (see landscape, launchpad)  2) The project is dead19:59
jhodapptgm4883: like I said before, Grilo is the likely choice but not 100% yet...you are on the cutting edge19:59
tgm4883Saviq, neither of those are good things19:59
bobweaver<tgm4883> eg. UTV/Unity needs to not look for .nfo files   <<   I have fixed that19:59
tgm4883bobweaver, you'll want to keep reading, as it seems things keep changing19:59
bobweaverwill do19:59
Saviqtgm4883, there's also a third option - c) we're still in the process of defining all that20:00
Saviqyes, I know it's been long, and we feel the same20:00
Saviqtoo long20:00
* jhodapp agrees20:00
Saviqthe biggest setback was the decision to switch to Nux20:00
tgm4883Saviq, which is unfortunate, since we're in the second dev cycle since anouncing the project20:00
jhodapptgm4883: how long is a cycle to you?20:00
Saviqjhodapp, half a year20:00
tgm4883jhodapp, 6 months20:00
Saviqjhodapp, remember it's Ubuntu20:00
jhodappoh right, that's what you mean20:01
Saviqtgm4883, truth is we're not thinking in Ubuntu cycles that much, at least not yet20:01
bobweaver<Saviq> the biggest setback was the decision to switch to Nux    I dont care about that anymore20:02
bobweaverI tried to do that for a week20:02
tgm4883Saviq, thats fine, but everyone else is20:02
bobweaverthe lib is not strong and paints things weired for me20:02
bobweaverwell not as strong as qt20:02
Saviqbobweaver, that should be better every day now20:02
bobweaverbut untill then I want my tv20:03
Saviqespecially since the decision was made to stick with Nux, much more manpower goes into it, especially regarding stability and documentation20:03
bobweaverI have made new stuff for UBTV all QML20:03
bobweaverif you look at my branch you will see that there is abour 12 new "pages "20:04
bobweaverpluged in networkmanager20:04
Saviqbobweaver, yeah, I saw some of that20:04
Saviqbobweaver, you need to be aware, though, that you're alone with that20:04
Saviqbobweaver, unity-2d is basically getting decomissioned20:04
bobweavermade a TV page that is all for youtube watchseries and project free tv which is all have lens20:04
bobweaveryeah but untill things are stable ....20:05
Saviqalready the lp:ubuntutv code is incompatible with 12.04, it's only going to get worse20:05
bobweaverthat is a shit ton of work porting all that qml to C++20:05
tgm4883Saviq, as much as I hate blogging, this project needs a weekly update blog20:05
Saviqtgm4883, don't they all?20:05
tgm4883Saviq, this project more than others20:06
bobweaverplus it is harder and longer work to do the NUX route there is no good IDE ect20:06
jhodapptgm4883: would you be willing to help me in that effort?20:06
tgm4883jhodapp, blogging?20:06
Saviqbobweaver, don't get me wrong, I co-wrote lp:ubuntutv20:06
jhodapptgm4883: yes20:06
Saviqand the decision was a tough one for me as well20:06
tgm4883jhodapp, what kinda help do you need?20:06
jhodapptgm4883: first of all, helping make sure that it happens weekly would be a great start20:07
bobweaverI also like the idea of nux too. But to port this much code is going to take 6 months20:07
Saviqonly that I didn't really have a say - we needed to choose a single technology, and the choice was Nux20:07
bobweaverat least20:07
Saviqbobweaver, it would've taken that much to take the QML stuff production-ready as well20:07
jhodapptgm4883: second, you can even help me write blog entries...I'd be happy to have a quick online meeting with you weekly to give a status report of the project20:08
bobweaverbut at least there is framework that is soild20:08
Saviqit was a proof of concept, sure it went surprisingly well, still it was a long way away from being ready20:08
bobweaverehhh.. not a biggie.20:08
bobweaverso true ^^20:08
bobweaverSaviq,  that is ^^20:08
Saviqbobweaver, tgm4883, guys you can be sure we will be communicating as much as possible, as soon as possible20:09
Saviqwe really want to be as public with all that as possible20:09
bobweaverI am sure of that but .. there is alot of work to happen20:09
jhodappbobweaver: you're telling me :)20:10
tgm4883jhodapp, let me ping a blogger buddy of mine20:10
bobweaverand it is good work but. there is no code ....20:10
jhodappbobweaver: design comes before code20:10
bobweaverthere is so much to paint and nothing to paint on :)20:10
Saviqbobweaver, there will be, real soon, we have been nailing things down these past weeks20:11
bobweaverthere are things that I am seeing with my tv that are going to get in the way v.soon20:11
Saviqand are really trying to get our hands dirty now20:11
bobweaverlike if other's want scopes that are not in the SimpleLauncher20:11
bobweaverwhich will be the launcher when C++ comes into play20:12
bobweaverthere needs to be "Landing Pages "  for scopes20:12
bobweaverlike one for TV20:12
bobweaverOne for Music20:12
bobweaverthat way there can be  lens everywhere20:12
bobweaverbut one will not have to choose for 50 lens on the launcher20:13
bobweaverlike in music     pandora scope   local scope    grooveshark scope20:13
tgm4883jhodapp, pm?20:14
Saviqbobweaver, of course, the number of lens needs to be limited20:14
Saviqbobweaver, much more so than on the desktop20:14
bobweaverSaviq,  let me take a screen shot of what I am talking about20:14
tgm4883Saviq, I agree, there needs to really be only like 6 lens20:15
tgm4883maybe less20:15
Saviqtgm4883, I'd say less20:15
jhodapptgm4883: pm?20:15
Saviqtgm4883, videos, music, photos, tv, maaaaybe contacts20:15
jhodapptgm4883: oh sorry, private msg20:15
SaviqOT: yay, a PR1.3 update for my stillborn phone :D20:16
bobweaversee here is the thing thou gents to have scopes of this magnitude you need to have lens also20:16
tgm4883Music, Videos, Pictures, tv20:16
bobweavernot just one scope per lens20:16
tgm4883Saviq, heh, we have the same idea's20:16
tgm4883I'd probably forgo contacts as a lens in TV though20:16
bobweaverbecause the lens need to use css to grab stuff20:16
Saviqbobweaver, of course20:17
Saviqbobweaver, css?20:17
Saviqtgm4883, I only mean for VoIP20:17
bobweaverthe python code to grab from each site there stuff20:17
Saviqtgm4883, might be a separate app, though, but would be nicer to have all your contacts aggregated, not split for skype, google chat, jabber etc.20:17
bobweavertake a look at that20:18
bobweavereach one is its own lens20:18
bobweaverthat is what I mean by "Landing page "20:19
tgm4883Saviq, I can see a reason for contacts or applications lenses, but probably not both20:19
tgm4883Saviq, I'd lean towards applications rather than contacts though20:19
bobweaverthe user should be abl to install whatever lens they like20:19
Saviqbobweaver, sure, lenses should be apps, basically20:19
Saviqtgm4883, I20:20
Saviq'd rather get rid of apps in mine20:20
Saviqbut whatever20:20
bobweaverso if I click on watchseries it loads the lens20:20
bobweaverI have a altered apps launcher also that I am wprking on20:20
tgm4883Saviq, I'd agree, but then you might have apps that don't have a reason to be associated with contacts20:20
bobweaverthat wraps the apps in the dash20:20
tgm4883which is why I went the other way20:20
bobweaverI think that each "Launcher"  should be to a landing page that has Launding page20:21
bobweaverLanding *20:21
bobweaverthis way other lens to not get mucky   like the video lens and the video lens and also the other video lens.    aka the Ubuntu tv video lens   the Ubuntu 12.04 video lens   the Youtube Video Lens20:22
bobweaverlauncher==>laundingpage ==> lens ==> dash20:23
bobweaverthere is just to many cool lens  not to do it that way20:24
Saviqbobweaver, so by "landing page" you mean an intermediate stage20:25
bobweavernot sure20:25
bobweaverthis is what I did20:26
Saviqwhere you select the ~content type, then the lens20:26
bobweaverI hacked Home.qml20:26
bobweaverso that lens are only showing up20:26
bobweavercorrect Saviq20:26
Saviqbobweaver, I'd say that's too much complication, why not just have the scopes bind into the Video lens?20:27
bobweaverlike select Videos "Launcher "   and you get page that can take you too a number of lens20:27
Saviqthen you can select the source via filter s20:27
Saviq-[ ]20:27
bobweaverbecause it will not work that way20:27
Saviqwhat won't?20:27
Saviqand why won't it?20:27
bobweaversome of the scopes Need there own lens20:27
bobweaverlike the youtube one and watchseries one this would also solve are 12.04 video lens trouble20:28
Saviqyoutube is already included in the 12.04 video lens20:28
bobweaverrename the Ubuntu tv lens to ublens ect20:28
bobweaverthat  is a joke right ^^20:28
tgm4883There needs to be a single Videos lens for Ubuntu TV/Desktop/etc20:28
Saviq+1 ^20:29
tgm4883bobweaver, youtube works in my 12.04 desktop videos lens20:29
bobweaverIf you go that route you are going to miss out on code that a=is already out there20:29
bobweaverand re-inventing the wheel20:29
Saviqbobweaver, it's already there for the video lens, too20:29
bobweaverthe Ubuntu video lens has Nothing on my youtube lens20:30
Saviqbobweaver, the whole idea behind Unity is aggregation, unification20:30
Saviqwe don't want to have separate lenses for the same content type, unless necessary20:30
bobweaversure but that is impossible how can css be read to render to screen from one site and another in one lens20:30
Saviqbobweaver, not following20:31
tgm4883why are we rendering websites?20:31
tgm4883Saviq, oh, I get what he is saying20:31
bobweaverto get Icons and all sorts of info20:31
tgm4883Saviq, the questions was, how is it possible to render two different websites in a lens20:31
bobweaverok so on the lens that I just made20:31
Saviqbobweaver, that's what scopes are for, each is specific to a backend, there's a scope for youtube, a scope for vimeo etc.20:32
bobweaverproject free tv20:32
tgm4883Saviq, which is a misunderstanding of how that works20:32
bobweaverI know how to make lens guys and scopes20:32
MrChrisDruifWhat's with all this activity tonight? =P20:32
SaviqMrChrisDruif, people having grief with us not telling what we're doing ;)20:33
tgm4883bobweaver, I'm just not understanding why we need to render any website at all?20:33
MrChrisDruifI can completely understand20:33
MrChrisDruifIt's like a secret group within a community, making their own decisions20:33
tgm4883the lens just shows whatever the scope is offering it20:33
tgm4883the scope takes the data it gets from the website and condenses it down to just the info that the lens needs20:34
tgm4883no need for css20:34
bobweaverif a.get('href').startswith("http://http://www.free-tv-video-online.me/internet/"):if counter % (2):20:34
bobweaverhow to pull the links with out css ?20:34
bobweaverfor a in tree.cssselect('tr td a'):20:34
Saviqbobweaver, so first thing is: we will never support scopes that do site scraping20:35
Saviqif only for compliance with terms of service20:35
tgm4883bobweaver, you're misunderstanding. The css and all that would be handled by the scope, not the lens20:35
bobweaverbut 3rd party ?20:35
bobweavertgm4883,  no I am not20:35
tgm4883bobweaver, which is why you are doing it wrong20:36
Saviqbobweaver, the scopes are responsible for translating "websites" into: title, description, image20:36
Saviqbobweaver, the lens only sees those three20:36
bobweaveryou can not have a bunch of scopes calling and scraping it will crash I have tried20:36
Saviqbobweaver, of course you can20:36
Saviqbobweaver, that's exactly what they're there for20:36
tgm4883bobweaver, that is what it does right now20:36
bobweaverI have tried over and over again and get nothing20:36
Saviqbobweaver, that means you did something wrong20:36
bobweavercould be20:36
Saviqbobweaver, a single lens calls into whatever number of scopes you have installed20:37
bobweaverI know that20:37
bobweaverI have wrote lens and scopes20:37
bobweaverI understand how they work or at least the idea20:37
bobweaveryou can scrap all them sites in one scope then parse to vlc ?20:38
bobweaversorry one lens20:38
Saviqbobweaver, no, one scope per site20:38
tgm4883well, maybe20:38
Saviqsure you could, but that's not the  idea20:38
tgm4883one lens references multiple scopes20:38
Saviqthe idea is: one source, one scope20:38
Saviqone lens, multiple scopes20:38
Saviqthe aggregation happens on the lens level20:38
Saviqall scopes query in parallel (which should help speed up data flow)20:39
bobweaverso you are saying that if I take my three scopes youtube watchseries and prokect free tv out in /unity/lens/videos    they will all work with native UBtv video scope ?20:39
Saviqbobweaver, yes20:39
bobweaverno workie20:39
Saviqbobweaver, they should, at least20:39
bobweaverok So I just tried to put Ub TV  scope into 12.04 video lens and no workie20:40
Saviqbobweaver, can't say why, but that's how it should work20:40
bobweaverrenamed dbus also20:40
Saviqbobweaver, you can see there's a video-remote.scope there20:41
Saviqbobweaver, did you implement the "source" filter in your scopes?20:41
bobweaverthis is where if you add libunity picks up on dbus path20:42
bobweavercorrect ^^20:42
bobweaverI did20:42
Saviqbobweaver, can't really say what happened, but that's exactly the path you should take20:42
Saviqif it didn't work, there's something wrong, but not the general approach20:42
bobweaverI fought with that for a month20:43
bobweaverto get both 12.04 video and also Ubuntu tv video to go togeather20:43
bobweaverno workie maybe me but the minute I make new lens Name and rename things both scopes work20:44
Saviqbobweaver, so the ubuntutv video is different in the sense it implements both the lens _and_ the scope in the same process20:44
Saviqmostly because it's a quick hack-up of a lens20:44
Saviqbobweaver, so you would need to chuck the lens parts of it out, and make it a proper scope20:45
bobweaverI hade to rename everything in Ubuntu tv scope and now both work for 12.0420:45
bobweavercorrect one that ties to the video scope20:45
bobweaverjust write into that scope20:45
bobweaverThis was my thought 1 month ago20:46
bobweaverit is hard to do20:46
bobweavermaybe I am not skilled enough20:46
tgm4883that is how it works right now with the videos scope, only there are a lot more videos scopes in use by default20:47
bobweavertgm but local on both scopes do not like ech other20:47
tgm4883bobweaver, so make the scopes not local?20:48
bobweaverI have looked at that code over and over again but get no where20:48
tgm4883bobweaver, I'm no expert on it, but the mythtv scope is a separate scope from the videos lens20:48
bobweavertgm4883,  I am talkingabout taking the scope from Ubuntu tv and implanting into that I tried for a month20:48
tgm4883no expert on scopes, I'm an expert on the mythtv scope ;)20:48
bobweaverit is not as easy as it seems20:48
Saviqbobweaver, you know http://developer.ubuntu.com/resources/technologies/lenses-and-scopes/ I presume?20:49
tgm4883bobweaver, for the mythtv scope, I actually had to write a third utility to query the API20:50
tgm4883not 100% that was necessary, but it's doable20:50
Saviqbobweaver, afraid there's no better source, but maybe you should go through that again focusing on the "remote scope" approach20:50
tgm4883IIRC, to do the mythtv scope, I basically just learned from the youtube scope20:50
bobweaverYeah it might just be me. But at any rate I have both of them running just as 2 lens and not one20:51
tgm4883hmm, apparently lunch was 2 hours ago20:52
tgm4883I blame Saviq for showing up and answering all these questions :P20:52
SaviqI apologize, will now go away and not show up again during lunch time ;P20:52
bobweaverI do say the minute that there is Nux code I am all ready to paint but until then I am going to keep on making qml pages20:53
Saviqit's actually 11pm here, so I've to go20:53
bobweaverno need for me to waste more time20:53
Saviqbobweaver, if you need help with the scope, don't hesitate to ask, if not me, I'll try and find someone who can help20:53
bobweaverall I want is a good looking projector :)20:53
bobweaverthanks Saviq20:54
bobweaverso there is one other thing that I would like to say about the tv20:55
bobweaverthe Video Preview20:55
bobweaverthis should have "dialog" pop ups that show the movie actors fan-art in background and also the nfo files that javascript is reading need to be placed in a background image with a scollbar20:56
bobweaverit runs of the page :)20:56
bobweaverthat is all I ahve to say thanks guys20:56
tgm4883bobweaver, so to answer your initial question, it looks like we need to create grabbers for grilo to get metadata from the right sites21:01
jhodappyes that's right21:03
bobweaverwhat is wrong with moviedb and tvdb I am looking at grilo now21:08
tgm4883bobweaver, grilo is a framework for pulling metadata (among other things)21:09
tgm4883it seems similiar to Ubuntu TV21:10
tgm4883you query for metadata for a piece of content, and it queries a bunch of places21:10
bobweavertgm4883,  you are right about a weekly blog21:11
tgm4883bobweaver, it's going to be done21:11
tgm4883starting this friday21:11
bobweaverI just spent two days reading up on tvdb and moviedb21:11
bobweaverbleeding edge = not working for everyone21:12
bobweaverMeaning I do not see the 2 most imporant places that meta data has to be hade21:13
bobweavermoviedb and tvdb21:13
tgm4883bobweaver, currently those plugins for grilo don't exist21:14
bobweaverso this means altering gnomes code which means reinventing the wheel again21:14
tgm4883so we'd have to write them21:14
tgm4883bobweaver, grilo works with plugins21:14
bobweaveryou mean re-write21:14
tgm4883I mean plugin21:14
bobweavera plugin that is already there in other programs ?21:14
bobweaverI mean why girlo I should say21:15
tgm4883because this.....21:15
tgm4883If you use grilo, then when you write ubuntu TV code and you need to get metadata, you code "ask grilo"21:15
tgm4883if you don't, then when you write ubuntu TV code and you need to get metadata, you code "ask ttvdb", "ask tmdb", "ask apple movie trailers", etc21:16
bobweaver15 ago  (make new grilo code so that 20 apis will be one )    15 minutes later  there is now 21 apis21:17
tgm4883no, from the Ubuntu TV perspective, there is 1 API21:18
bobweaverso that is the plan then ?21:19
tgm4883apparently so21:19
bobweavermake new plugins for grilo for moviedb adn tvdb21:19
bobweaverany other  ?21:19
tgm4883IDK, I only care about metadata at this point and I don't know of any better sites for metadata21:20
bobweaverlookslike there are plans already21:22
tgm4883yea I saw that21:22
bobweaverbut no one taking the leep21:22
tgm4883bobweaver, well, it's been suggested21:22
bobweaverGirlo is NOT Async21:22
tgm4883my biggest issue with it is it doesn't support python plugins :/21:22
bobweaverGrilo can be used directly from Qt applications already, however, having Qt bindings available would make it even more natural for Qt developers to use Grilo.21:23
bobweaverthere is vala support21:23
bobweaverthere is also no Daemon21:24
tgm4883it needs a bit of work21:25
tgm4883but I'm not sure what could be used that wouldn't need work21:25
bobweaverit seems to me like there is a hat somewhere with pieces of paper in this hat and each piece has something wrote on it like "NUX" "QT" "Girlo"   ect21:28
bobweavernow who is picking from this hat21:28
bobweaverand how do I get a list of this pieces of paper :)21:28
bobweaverI am adding girlo repo now to see how this all works and how this i going to come together21:30
bobweaverif at all21:30
bobweaverstupid auto tools making things more complcated then they need to be21:32
bobweaverThis is awesome the grilo packages are all effed up21:35
bobweaverdependency issues left and right21:36
bobweaverIDK guys this seems almost like it does not work21:49
bobweaverlike it needs a year or 2 before it is even stable21:49
bobweaverIt is like you guys are choosing stuff that has no documentation at all.21:53
bobweaverand to top it all of this is not going to work. ATM.21:55
bobweaverAt this point I have no choice but to branch this off into something else21:55
bobweavergood luck with everything and I hope that you can push the TV sometime in the next 5 years.21:56

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