
pmjdebru1jnhi guys09:11
pmjdebru1jnI have a Ubuntu Precise system running in a large ramdisk (so no initrd/pivotroot construct)09:12
pmjdebru1jnthe ramdisk is the main system09:12
pmjdebru1jnnow when booting I get09:12
pmjdebru1jninit: Failed to create pty - disabling logging for job09:12
pmjdebru1jnfrom what I rather this is because /dev/pts probably isn't mounted yet (since this would usually be done by the initrd)09:12
pmjdebru1jnthe question is what would be the best point to mount /dev/pts 09:13
pmjdebru1jnI could create my on job09:13
pmjdebru1jnthough on what event should it be started, what is most wise?09:13
pmjdebru1jnthe /dev/pts filesystem is mounted on this system09:19
pmjdebru1jnthough I don't see where it gets mounted09:19
jodhpmjdebru1jn: this is a known limitation. /dev/pts is probably being mounted by mountalls built-in fstab (/lib/init/fstab).12:54
pmjdebru1jnis there a way to workaround this?13:12
pmjdebru1jnby creating my own upstart job to mount /dev/pts? 13:12
pmjdebru1jnat an earlier stage13:12
jodhmountall already starts as early as possible. The simplest solution is to boot with '--no-log' to disable job logging, since this is that part of Upstart that requires /dev/pts.13:20
pmjdebru1jnjodh: I read about that16:44
pmjdebru1jnjust wondered if there was a way to deal with it differently16:44
pmjdebru1jnjodh: anyhow, thanks for your time16:44
pmjdebru1jnI'll go with --no-log then16:45
JanCI guess you could use alternative ways to run something before upstart17:46
JanCactually, it's quite easy to start a job before all other jobs, including mountall etc.17:58
JanCif that would be helpful...17:59
JanCpmjdebru1jn: ^^^18:13
pmjdebru1jnwell if mountall is already among the first job to start I guess it probably won't make a difference18:14
pmjdebru1jnstill thanks for the thought18:14
JanCI never tried a setup like yours, but does it prevent loging for all jobs, or only for jobs started before /dev/pts is mounted?18:15
pmjdebru1jnI think only the first few18:15
pmjdebru1jnbut I'd have to investigate to be sure18:15
JanCokay, then you could add "--startup-event pre-startup" to the kernel commandline and add a job that starts on the 'pre-startup' event which mounts /dev/pts (and maybe does other things?) and then emits the 'startup' event (which is the default event emitted on boot, so it should start whatever would normally be started)18:19
JanCthat way, only this "pre-startup job" would not be logged18:19
JanCI think18:19
JanCmountall is started in parallel with other jobs, so it's normall some of them start before mountall has the chance to mount /dev/pts18:23

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