
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ochosiastraljava: hey! how's the display-dialog stuff goin?14:25
ochosimicahg: could you take a look at bug #1019157 please?15:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1019157 in Shimmer for gmusicbrowser "Change default playback-order from "shuffle" to something more intuitive" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101915715:11
micahgochosi: it's on my list, I have to get 2 other things done first15:54
ochosimicahg: ok, thanks!16:01
ochosido any of you have quantal for testing?16:13
hobgoblinI can boot one16:14
hobgoblinochosi: ^^ if you want16:14
ochosiplease do so16:14
ochosii have two themes that need testing desperately16:15
hobgoblink 16:15
ochosiand i don't have the resources for quantal right now16:15
hobgoblinochosi: k - what's needed?16:18
ochosihobgoblin: please pull the bright-menus branch of greybird and albatross master16:19
ochosiif you need download-links to the tarballs let me know16:19
ochosioh well16:19
hobgoblinI would ochosi :)16:19
ochosithen extract them into ~./themes and test them with gtk3 apps16:20
ochosiideally start the apps from terminal16:20
ochosi(evince, file-roller,...)16:20
ochosiif you can provide screenshots and/or pastebin if there's any useful output16:21
ochosithat'd be great16:21
hobgoblinwhich other gtk3 apps are there?16:22
ochosialthough that was always buggy...16:23
hobgoblinok - Albatross - got a black menu bar - rest looks 'grey'16:23
ochosioutput in term?16:23
hobgoblinhangon - will screenshot this 16:24
ochosiimportant is that gtk2 and gtk3 match. if you take a screenshot, please open a gtk2 app as well16:24
hobgoblinis settings manager gtk2? 16:24
ochosibut take a sub-dialog please16:25
hobgoblink - that looks different16:25
ochosithe manager itself is not very representative16:25
ochosithunar would be a good gtk2 app16:26
ochosifor screenshots16:26
hobgoblinimgur is playing games with me - got a screenie site off hand 16:26
hobgoblink - I will get thunar too16:26
ochosieither use imagebin.org16:27
ochosior just use zimagez (which comes with xfce4-screenshooter)16:27
hobgoblinalbatross ^^ 16:28
hobgoblinis that what you were looking for?16:28
ochosithat looks perfect16:29
ochosiyou'd have to change the window-manager theme as well to get the "real look"16:29
hobgoblin2 secs then :)16:29
ochosibut anyway, albatross looks perfect other than that!16:30
hobgoblinhttp://imagebin.org/219340 <- ALbatross with w.m too http://imagebin.org/219341 <-Greybird16:32
hobgoblinochosi: there you are - both done properly :)16:32
hobgoblinanything else while I'm in here - not got music in here yet - so I am like a fish out of water :)16:33
ochosithanks hobgoblin !16:33
hobgoblinnothing else? 16:33
ochosino that's sufficient for now, jump back into the water ;)16:33
ochosii'm happy to see that most issues seem solved for now already16:34
hobgoblinthat's better - musique :p16:37
ochosihobgoblin: did you change the default font btw? doesn't look like Droid Sans...16:38
hobgoblinoh yea - that font drives me nuts - I set EVERYTHING up with ubuntu16:38
hobgoblinother than that it's vanilla 16:38
hobgoblinsome point in the week I will decide which of the 3 or 4 installs I've got to use and keep lol16:40
ochosiwhat installs do you have atm?16:40
hobgoblinthis (12.04), the one I was just in and a couple of other quantal's left over from last weeks testing 16:40
ochosidoes quantal feel stable?16:41
hobgoblingenerally - but I've not really used it for much longer than 30 minutes at a time - hence the lack of music16:41
hobgoblinbut if you ask me the same thing next week I'll give you an answer :)16:42
ochosiok, i will16:42
ochosithink i'll also have to fix bluebird for gtk3.5.4 now16:42
hobgoblinI got some bug that's in ubuntu (and probably) everywhere atm - .cache foder filling with at-**** folders16:43
ochosiuu, nasty16:43
hobgoblinbut I've not tried nvidia in there yet - probably won't until later with that16:43
hobgoblinbiab - time for food 16:44
astraljavaochosi: Not yet going, haven't had time for it.17:14
knomeastraljava, why you little...17:20
pleia2knome: on the slides for UDS, were the footers part of the background image?18:25
knomepleia2, the footer text?18:54
pleia2knome: presenter name, title, date18:55
pleia2page number18:55
pleia2oh, I found it18:57
pleia2there is actually a footer text thingy in Impress18:57
pleia2carry on!18:57
davmor2knome: you can buy a half decent manual on libreoffice components now from software center :)18:58
pleia2knome: if you don't mind, I put template versions of the slide theme up here: http://people.ubuntu.com/~lyz/xubuntu/ (pdf is just so you can see it w/o downloading and opening impress for the odp)19:05
pleia2I'm thinking we also want to share it on the Marketing page, and spreadubuntu, if it's licensed freely :)19:05
pleia2also, related to my upcoming "Everything you ever wanted to know about Xubuntu" talk I need to pick someone's brain about the basic workflow of "how xubuntu comes into being" (sync lots of stuff from debian, we apply our themes and config stuff, magic happens)19:08
pleia2and about translations19:08
knomepleia2, yes, feel free to share as we want19:30
pleia2ok cool19:32
pleia2http://spreadubuntu.org/en/material/presentation/xubuntu-presentation there we go :)19:58
knomethe spreadubuntu xubuntu logo is ancient19:58
knomeand there's the old sticker19:59
knomeunder xubuntu19:59
pleia2I'll update the sticker19:59
pleia2not sure how to go about asking them to update the logo though :)19:59
pleia2ok, sticker updated20:03
knomewell, there is "report spreadubuntu bug" -link20:04
pleia2ah, https://bugs.launchpad.net/spreadubuntu/+bugs :)20:04
pleia2ah, even their ubuntu logo is out-dated20:06
knomeoh my20:06
knomenot well done for a marketing site..20:07
pleia2there is probably no one working on infrastructure now that it "just works"20:07
* knome is wondering how would automatic-wordpress-updates-from-private-server work20:07
knomei mean, for example, autoupdates for nonfree plugins20:08
knomelooks like the check-for-updates path is hardcoded for now20:08
ochosipleia2: you might've seen i fixed the greybird-bug you reported20:18
pleia2ochosi: yes! you rock :)20:19
ochosipleia2: at least for the session, not yet for the greeter (because i'm still hoping we'll get a new greeter) ;)20:19
pleia2I'd download the theme, but I am tight on time20:19
* pleia2 nods20:19
ochosisure, no problem20:19
ochosihobgoblin already tested it, and it looked ok20:19
ochosiat least he didn't complain ;)20:19
ochosibut the more people test it the better20:20
ochosinow i have to go fix bluebird20:20
pleia2oh right, I'm short on time because I'm about to go on a trip to see family, knowing me I won't be able to stay away from IRC ;) but time will be limited20:23
pleia2I'll be back on Tuesday20:23
ochosisure, no problem20:24
ochosihave a nice time with your family!20:24
pleia2thanks :)20:24
knomehf :)20:25
ochosiUnit193: you around?20:40

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