
wiillI have a hard drive question, a process is abusing I/O operations on my drive, is there any way to find out which one it is, also, it doesn00:08
wiill't show in System Activity00:08
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ScottyKgreetings! is there a program in KDE that one can use to mount iso's (like MagicISO in Windows)??02:06
jdsAcetoneISO, Furius ISO, GmountISO02:10
amason_ScottyK: not specific to kde but if you can also do it from the cli with mount -t iso9660 foo.iso ./mount_point02:12
ScottyKamason_ - what would the mount point look like normally?02:21
amason_ScottyK: well it's just whatever directory you want it to appear as02:24
amason_like if i wanted the contents of the cd to appear in /home/bob/mycd then that would be my mount point02:24
ScottyKah, I get it! Thanks...02:25
daniel___greeting! is there a way to improve frame per second? I have a NVIDIA card  GTX550  and Iam getting 3 to 4 FPS in spring game.02:31
DarthFrog!nvidia | daniel___02:50
ubottudaniel___: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto02:50
contrastGreets, everyone... Does anyone here have Compiz working under KDE? I get segmentation faults when trying to start it (or CCSM).04:15
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OxDeadC0decontrast: I do except I'm on 10.04 still :P05:12
contrastOxDeadC0de: Which version of KDE?05:12
contrastYeah, I read something that indicated Compiz doesn't work on recent versions of KDE. I'm looking for evidence to the contrary though. :P05:22
skreech_Sysinfo for 'skreech-desktop': Linux 3.2.0-24-generic-pae running KDE Development Platform 4.8.90 (4.8.90), CPU: AMDPhenomIIX61055T at 800 MHz (5618 bogomips), HD: 1254/1402GB, RAM: 3727/3987MB, 258 proc's, 6.0d up05:28
skreech_That works05:28
lordievaderGood morning05:41
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cbbGood morning all06:54
cbbAnything new anyone?07:08
ussher_like what?  got a new SSD yesterday....07:11
cbbwell that is interesting, which SSD?07:12
ussher_made me laugh because my local server's drive died.  it was a 20GB drive and when i went to one store to get a replacement the smallest they had was a 2TB drive.  Got a 60GB SSD instead07:13
ussher_its an OCZ 60gb07:14
cbbso the smallest they had was a 2TB disk? was it supposed to be a system disk or+07:15
cbbi see why you bought yourself a ssd instead.07:16
ussher_the smallest HDD drive they had was 2TB.  That is a big jump in space when the 20GB wasnt close to full07:16
ussher_its just for a local server i use for testing stuff before uploading it to a live server07:17
ussher_"got nothing smaller?"07:17
cbbi am currently watching the "latest update on the higgs boson" search from cern. I got to say it is some advanced physics involved there.07:19
ussher_Just some light viewing to pass the time then...07:21
cbbWhat is best to use for connecting to a samba server with username and password?07:22
ussher_'installation step failed'. hmmm.07:23
ussher_i use konqueror and smb://07:23
ussher_from memory I think you only need to set the username/password once.07:24
hateballussher_: you can set it in system settings07:27
hateballkrunner -> search for samba07:27
cbbthanks, it works great.07:27
hateballyou can set default properties to use07:28
hateballoh, cbb you had the initial question :)07:28
cbbyes i did :)07:28
ussher_cbb: 'higgs boson' thats some heavy stuff.   I just watched part of a youtube video titled "Has the Higgs Boson Finally Been Found?".  the commentator says "lab scientists found hints of the higgs" just as they do a zoom in on a guy cleaning a part.  lol07:39
ussher_http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QG1O_EMY4I at 0:3707:39
cbbHehe yeah, http://webcast.web.cern.ch/webcast/play_higgs.html07:40
cbbThe webcast is a bit more high detailed.07:41
cbbIt is really interesting, do you agree?07:42
ussher_its too far above my head to comment.  i normally watch poker to waste time while stuff installs.07:43
ussher_Its nice to know someone knows that much.07:43
cbbWell yeah, it is really heavy physics....07:44
ussher_It looks like there would be some really fun and interesting stuff in there if after you had put in the effort to learn the basic less fun and interesting stuff.07:45
cbbWell the problem with physics is that you must crunch data for every time you do something, and then you have to analyze everything.07:47
cbbussher_: there is a lot of data there.07:48
ussher_all the data in the universe.07:48
cbbpretty much07:48
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jdsHey there, is it okay to install packages via apt-get as root?10:53
jdsI was logged in as root (root@box:) when I install gimp. Will there be any problems?10:55
hateballYou're probably fine10:56
jdsOkay thanks.10:57
HusarSomeone know how to fix metalic sound on some flash sites?10:59
cbbHusar: What browser are you using?11:06
Husarand the same on chromium and11:06
cbbIs it only on flash sites?11:09
Husarcbb: this is something with memcpy11:09
cbbmemcpy? Like the copy memory function in in c?11:09
Husarcbb: Yes, prpblem is with flash aplications, ex. Sites with sexcam - metalic sounds + cant open right click menu11:10
Husarand some other for example from google finances11:10
Husarwait, i givu u link11:10
HusarProblem looks like this one: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=638477#c5211:11
ubottuError: Could not parse XML returned by bugzilla.redhat.com: HTTP Error 404: Not Found (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/xml.cgi?id=638477)11:11
Husarbut this fix do not help11:11
Husar1.  http://www.google.com/finance?q=glw - cant open right click menu11:12
Husar2. http://showup.tv/malkox11:13
Husarmetalic sound + cant open right click menu11:14
Husaryoutube is working without problems11:14
cbbHas youtube converted totally to html5?11:14
Husarno, i have testing with flash11:14
cbbThat is interesting, anyone have any idea how to fix this?11:15
HusarI have fresh and clean install Kubuntu 12.04, 64bit11:15
cbbCan you test something? Can you go to wimp.com . launch an video and try to maximize it, tell me what happens.11:16
Husarno problems11:17
Husarsound good11:17
Husar+ can open flash menu11:17
cbbOkay, I can't seem to figure out what the problem is here. Google finance does not really have a right click menu with a lot of choices...11:20
Husarcbb: do u check second site with video?11:21
HusarAnd what about metalic sounds?11:25
cbbDid not hear any.11:25
HusarAr u on Kubuntu 64?11:25
HusarI will try record some videos with sound...11:26
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kettyubuntu o kubuntu?12:14
BluesKajHiyas all12:19
BluesKajthis is kubuntu support , ketty12:19
HusarBluesKaj: hi12:20
BluesKajhi Husar12:20
HusarBluesKaj: do u notice any problems with metalic sound in flash applications?12:21
BluesKajHusar, nor anymore than usually ,by metallic do you mean trebly ?12:22
kettyok exist kubuntu in italian?12:23
BluesKajnot more than usual , rather Husar12:24
BluesKaj!t | ketty12:24
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)12:24
Husaryes BluesKaj12:24
Husarar u on Kubuntu 64?12:24
kettysi.. volevo capire su ubuntu in it. si puo parlare di kubuntu?12:25
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)12:25
BluesKajHusar, yes , but when did you notice the change in your sound quality?12:33
Husari have always this in some sites12:34
Husarex. youtub work greate12:34
Husari just uplaod video, will show u in 5-10min12:34
BluesKajHusar, do you have a mic connected ?12:40
Husarno, i do not use mic12:40
Husarlook for this video:12:40
Husarif i play video with good sound, ALSA plug-in just not moving, but if i play video(streaming) with metalic sound, ALSA plug-in just crazy12:42
BluesKajHusar, uhm, that url doesn't look right12:42
Husar+ i can right click flash menu on youtube, but no in other12:43
cbbWhat does your error log say?12:44
BluesKajHusar, I don't get any sound on that last youtube URL12:55
jdsDo we have web (html) developers here? I got a question.12:55
HusarBluesKaj: beacuse there is no sound :D12:56
HusarI cant capture sound, dont know why12:56
HusarBut u can see that is something wrong12:57
BluesKajHusar, maybe the sound is there but just doesn't play back12:57
HusarWith this girl video, i have very metallic sound12:57
BluesKajHusar, so you say .flv files don't playback with audio , but some work on youtube with tinny sound?12:58
Husarno audio just video, what i record my screen and upload to youtube (but this is not problem what i want to fix)13:01
HusarOn this video, u can see 2 website what i testing13:01
Husaryoutube + showup13:01
Husaryoutube work greate, googd sound and can open flash sttings menu13:02
Husarbut in showup - sound is very mettalic and i can not open flash settings menu, just show for a second, if i do right click13:02
Husaradditionally, u can se on "Plaeybeck Streams" tab, that ALSA plug-in just crazy whenn i watch showup13:03
BluesKajHusar, which browser /13:05
Husari have testing ff, chrom and reconq13:06
BluesKajthink you have a flash problem13:08
Husarwhy me only? :P13:09
HusarBluesKaj: Can u check one website for sounds?13:10
BluesKajif you wish13:12
HusarBluesKaj: http://showup.tv/Princess2313:14
Husarjust check sound quality13:14
Husar(to enter, click button on left side)13:14
BluesKajHusar, I get no sound at all13:17
Husardo u see this girl? video is playing?13:18
BluesKajyes video , no audio13:19
Husari have audio, but metallic, and this is main problem...13:19
Husarif i use windows, all is good13:20
Husarmy friedns trying with arch and ubuntu13:20
Husarand sound work without problem13:20
Husarok, what i can do... nothing13:21
Husarjust can wait, and mayby someone fix this in future13:22
Husaror switch os13:22
Husarthanks for help13:22
BluesKajHusar, maybe my audsio is blocked since i'm not in ukraine or russia13:22
Husarim not ukraine, or russia and have sound13:23
BluesKajbecause youtube flash audio works fine on everything else13:23
Husardon think that is localisation problem13:24
Husarim from ireland13:24
Husarwebsite in poland13:24
Husari have use sometimes french vpn13:24
Husarso... u have problem with this too13:25
BluesKajHusar, you don't seem irish to me13:26
Husarbeacuse im not ;p13:26
BluesKajthat's what i thought ...eastern european background I bet13:27
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jdsWas the link you posted an adult site?13:29
BluesKajyeah it is , if you let it run long enough , it becomes rather adult13:31
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BluesKajHusar, from now don't post anymore sites like that pls ..it's against the rules.13:31
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kofferhy everyone15:23
kofferI have a problem with wine + mozbackup15:23
kofferi just migrated from windows and cant run mozbackup in wine to restore my data from my windows mozilla15:23
kofferI would appriciate the help15:23
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BluesKajkoffer . what mozilla back files are you trying to access?15:48
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: hi15:49
BluesKajerr backup files rather . koffer15:50
BluesKajhey phoenix_firebrd15:50
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: mozilla tab problem solved?15:50
BluesKajit wasn't FF . it was pastebin widget that was at fault .. so I added the pastebin addon to the FF toolbar'15:52
BluesKajphoenix_firebrd, ^15:52
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: right i remember15:53
BluesKajbut I also have pastebinit installed as well , so 2 options there15:54
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: can you try something?16:04
BluesKajdepends , i tried something yesterday and had to use the recovery kernel to repair the damage16:08
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: this is very simple16:08
BluesKajwhat is it ?16:08
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: we need to add "-new-tab" to the application launch command16:09
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: ya16:10
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: the command for firefox should be like this "firefox %u -new-tab"16:11
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: working?16:13
BluesKajnope , suddnely i see why the pastebin wasn't working properly , FF isn't listed in the kickoff/internet ...I removed FF a while back in favour of a newer version , but ti didn't work out , so i reinstalled the installer but the actual application is no longer listed in kickoff ...sstrange16:16
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lordievaderGood evening16:18
genii-aroundlordievader: Good afternoon!16:20
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: create the new entry manually16:20
lordievaderHey genii-around how are you?16:20
BluesKajI did , g but I have something running in FF ..wait16:21
genii-aroundlordievader: Fairly well, hiding in my office to avoid the sweltering heat outside, mostly16:21
lordievaderHey alexfreewalker, how are you?16:42
alexfreewalkerI am great thank you, what about you?16:42
lordievader Quite allright16:43
alexfreewalkerhow good r u in fixing issues in kubuntu?16:45
lordievaderalexfreewalker: Depends on the problem.16:46
alexfreewalkerrecently i installed the regular updates, and windows seems to be distorted from the top and some charachters are missing from the title bar16:47
lordievaderalexfreewalker: Phew could be many things, what kind of graphics card do you have?16:48
alexfreewalkernVidia optimus: intel graphics controller rev 20, and nVidia 31016:48
lordievaderalexfreewalker: Do you have drivers installed for those? Maybe those got corrupted.16:49
alexfreewalkeri have the system installed for a year, and all the sudden things got shitted, I dont know what was the update that did this to my OS, the list is long16:50
lordievaderalexfreewalker: Was there a kernel update (something like linux-image-3.2.something)?16:51
alexfreewalkerle me check the log again16:52
lordievaderalexfreewalker: I'm sorry I have to go, I will be back later. You might try to ask someone else though.16:53
alexfreewalkerokay thx anyway16:54
alexfreewalkeranybody here who can help? please??16:59
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sky100everytime i try to install updates .. apper shows up amother instance of this application is running ...17:17
sky100cant install any updates17:17
genii-aroundsky100: It usually means that the automatic updates is running in the background, so it's best to usually let it finish17:20
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=== halo is now known as sanju
lordievaderGood evening17:52
DarthFrogCan anyone recommend a good, simple accounting program?  I'm trying to convert a buddy to Kubuntu and he needs to replace AccountEdge on his Mac.17:59
alexfreewalkerhey guyz I'm looking for help18:02
genii-aroundDarthFrog: The standard is pretty much gnucash. We use "ledger" at work but it's CLI18:03
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:04
alexfreewalkerokay here is the link that explains my problem in short18:04
DarthFroggenii-around: Thanks.  I've passed it on.18:05
genii-aroundalexfreewalker: "You don't have permission to access /images/5u5343y9dw9ugun46s6i.jpg on this server." Additionally a 404 error, etc18:07
alexfreewalkerthe UI is kinda distorted, some letters are missing, sometimes things are laggy18:08
alexfreewalkergenii-around second link works18:08
L3topalexfreewalker: what is the output of lspci -nn | grep VGA18:09
genii-aroundalexfreewalker: Interesting. I had a similar issue quite a while ago but it was fixed by some updates. This happens when running gtk stuff under kde?18:09
genii-around( firefox, etc )18:09
genii-aroundeg: Same issue occurs if viewing page with Konq?18:10
alexfreewalker00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller [8086:0046] (rev 18)18:10
alexfreewalker01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: NVIDIA Corporation GT218 [GeForce 310M] [10de:0a70] (rev ff)18:10
L3topding ding18:10
L3topalexfreewalker: is this a laptop with hybrid graphics?18:11
alexfreewalkeryeah optimus18:11
L3topAre you using bumblebee alexfreewalker18:11
alexfreewalkeri had thr OS running for a year, but before yesterday this shit happened after a massive system update18:11
alexfreewalkeri cant figure which update from the log caused this18:12
alexfreewalkerthe log is so long18:12
alexfreewalkeryeah i use bumblebee but it often fails18:12
L3topalexfreewalker: I understand. My guess would be the xorg updates. They tinkered with some fairly fundamental things. What version are you on?18:12
genii-aroundProbably to use the xorg-edgers18:12
L3topyeah... bumblebee is far from "good" but it is the best you got18:13
alexfreewalker12.04 precise18:13
L3topYou have been on 12.04 for a year?18:13
alexfreewalkerno i started with 11. someting18:14
L3topOr did you upgrade to 1204 from what had been working for a year18:14
alexfreewalkerbut 12.04 3 months ago i guess18:14
L3topAgain... my guess is xserver-xorg-core18:14
L3topand 3 months ago it was good?18:15
L3topit was not until this current update?18:15
alexfreewalkeryeah smooth18:15
L3topI don't think anything major changed in that time18:15
L3topLet me poke around. Will be a few minutes alexfreewalker18:15
alexfreewalkeri can send u the log, but its fucking long18:15
IdleOnealexfreewalker: please no cursing in here18:15
alexfreewalkerunless u know waht ur looking for18:15
genii-aroundMmm coffee18:17
coffeeboyso whats up18:17
coffeeboyrunning kubuntu 12.04 on a net book18:17
coffeeboyhaving difficulty getting power saving to not turn of screen when pluged in18:18
genii-aroundcoffeeboy: I have it installed on my Acer D260 but find it unbearably slow there18:18
alexfreewalkergenii-around: how did u manage to fix the thing with the fontd and graphics?18:18
Atakim running mint at the moment18:18
coffeeboySeems to run snapy on my Acer EEpc1005peb18:18
genii-aroundalexfreewalker: It resolved itself after some system updates18:19
alexfreewalkercoffeeboy: power managment sucks on 12.0418:19
coffeeboyI agree18:19
coffeeboyare there any work arounds18:19
genii-aroundalexfreewalker: I do have some PPAs however, like the xorg-edgers one and some others18:19
coffeeboyOn another note happy 4th to all US peeps18:20
coffeeboyIt is realy hot out today18:21
alexfreewalkercoffeeboy: 11.04 was the best so far, if u want to, u can install it and freeze the update, turn off everything related to system and security updates and it would be the best18:21
* L3top has had great success with 1204, including power management.18:22
* L3top also knows he is in the minority18:22
alexfreewalkergenii-around: how do u add xorg-edgers to your PPA?18:22
coffeeboyalexfreewalker: I tried 11.04 on this netbook and 12.04 seems to run better outside of the power managment18:23
alexfreewalkercoffeboy: u got my 11.04 messege?18:23
genii-aroundalexfreewalker: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa18:23
alexfreewalkercoffeboy: haven't tried it non netbooks18:24
genii-aroundalexfreewalker: Caveat: Use at your own risk18:24
L3topthe 310m is a weird one frankly... I have only ever supported it on Macs.18:24
alexfreewalker:yao ming: nothing left to be destroyed, system is already f up18:24
coffeeboyalecfreewalker: Maybe I will give it another try in the comming days and weeks18:24
L3topalexfreewalker: what is this laptop out of curiosity18:25
alexfreewalkerASUS U36JC18:25
alexfreewalkercoffeboy: give 10.10 a try18:26
coffeeboyOther than the power managment thing I had 11.04 maybe on my desktop a while ago and it had an option to set the wallpaper per the current weather conditions18:26
coffeeboywhat happened to the opption?18:27
coffeeboyalexfreewalker: I will play around with you suggestions, do you remember when the netbook interface was introduced in kde?18:28
alexfreewalkeri have no idea... since my update to 12.04, things got worse, knetattach keeps crashing, synaptics touch pad software keeps crashing, cant save poer managment settings...etc18:28
coffeeboyAny way we gotta go to a cook out for the 4th with my sister and brother in law18:29
coffeeboyhave a good day and stay cool18:29
alexfreewalkercoffeeboy i dont know when... sorry18:29
alexfreewalkerL3top: any updates?18:29
L3topalexfreewalker: still looking at things... however... can you please make your laptop mess up and lsmod | grep -Ei '(intel|nvidia)'    presuming you are using the nvidia drivers over the nouveau18:30
alexfreewalkerL3top: u think i should do sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa18:31
L3topI am trying to figure out which modules are loaded at that time, intel or nvidia18:31
L3topI think you should sudo apt-get install i965-va-driver   and perhaps uninstall nvidia-current and install nvidia-current-updates18:32
L3topI tend not to recommend PPAs as they are bleeding edge experimental drivers, and you have a poorly supported graphics situation to begin with.18:32
L3topWith regard to xorg-edgers or x-swat18:32
L3topAll due respect to genii-around18:33
L3topIt would be my last line of attack18:33
BluesKajL3top, glxinfo | grep OpenGL, should tell what's loaded18:34
* genii-around makes more coffee and follows the current line of attack18:34
L3topty BluesKaj...18:35
alexfreewalkerL3top i ran sudo apt-get purge nvidia-current18:36
L3topWell... it looks like nvidia is not the culprit here... but the intel driver.18:37
L3topDo try that accelleration install I gave you and... I would just reboot18:37
alexfreewalkeryes sir!18:38
L3topbut installing nvidia-current-updates is a good idea first lol... the 295.40 driver has a regression issue which is fixed in the updates anyway18:38
BluesKajL3top, not sure about 12.04 , but the 302.17 driver is finally updated and working on 12.1018:41
L3topI am in the middle of a rather dicey global upgrade for my system as well. I am going to have to reboot my core as soon as this last machine finishes its kernel upgrade... so... I will hopefully be right back.18:41
L3top302 is a good driver. When 304 hits, anything 4xx+ is going to get a serious boost though... +20% performance -20% power consumption. I am looking very forward to that guy.18:42
genii-around!info nvidia-current18:43
ubottunvidia-current (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library. In component restricted, is optional. Version 295.40-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 32650 kB, installed size 96032 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; lpia)18:43
alexfreewalkerL3top rebooting... brb18:44
L3top!info nvidia-current-updates18:46
ubottunvidia-current-updates (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-updates): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library. In component restricted, is optional. Version 295.40-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 32650 kB, installed size 96014 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; lpia)18:46
L3topthat... should not be correct.18:46
L3top  Candidate: 295.49-0ubuntu0.118:47
L3topI guess I don't understand how that ubottu works in that circumstance18:47
L3topI wouldn't expect !info would be wrong... but it is18:48
L3top 500 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-updates/restricted i386 Packages18:49
alexfreewalkerL3top: back... nothing changed... still same issue18:49
L3topThat is on my kubuntu 12.04 apt-cache policy nvidia-current-updates18:49
L3topOne second alexfreewalker.18:50
L3topplease try this alexfreewalker http://pastebin.com/zHjszxbX18:52
alexfreewalkeron it... for some reason only gtk applications have issues18:53
alexfreewalkervlc which is a qt is totally fine18:54
alexfreewalkerok L3top ... rebooting... brb18:56
alexfreewalkerL3top: sorry, it didnt work19:01
alexfreewalkerhowever here is the update log that caused the issue http://pastebin.com/kpGk1g8g19:01
L3topSorry alexfreewalker.19:02
alexfreewalkerxserver-xorg-video-intel:i386 (2.19.0+git20120629.eae5e127-0ubuntu0sarvatt~precise, 2.19.0+git20120702.e80f9c46-0ubuntu0sarvatt~precise) is one of the updates19:02
L3topI am sure it exists, but can you please apt-cache policy xserver-xorg-video-intel | grep stalled19:03
L3topThat was my next line of attack.19:03
alexfreewalker Installed: 2:2.19.0+git20120703.9e2ac8a4-0ubuntu0sarvatt~precise19:03
L3topyou could try pinning version 2:2.17.0*19:04
L3topapt-get removing and then apt get installing19:05
alexfreewalkeralso this was updated xserver-xorg-video-cirrus:i386 (1.4.0+git20120521.2e35bc31-0ubuntu0sarvatt~precise, 1.5.0+git20120702.46a9e962-0ubuntu0sarvatt~precise)19:05
BluesKajI've been receiving a "java not installed" or "upgrade to newest java" message on firefox14 , is this common ?19:05
* L3top wonders if it is looking at free java or insists on sun java19:05
alexfreewalkerL3top what exactly should I apt-get? and how do I specify the version that was working 3 days ago?19:06
BluesKajodd , java-common isn't installed19:07
L3topalexfreewalker: try creating an /etc/apt/preferences  file with line 1) Package: xserver-xorg-video-intel          line 2) Pin: version 2:2.17.0*                     line 3) Pin-Priority: 100019:08
L3topalexfreewalker: sudo apt-get remove xserver-xorg-video-intel          sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel19:09
L3topand... it is just the way I am with video frame buffer... reboot. I know it should not necessarily be necessary... It is just how I do.19:10
L3topI forgot... you will need to apt-get update after making the preferences file19:12
IdleOnealexfreewalker: Please stop with the bad language.19:13
alexfreewalker^ what is his problem19:14
lordievaderalexfreewalker: Your language is his problem, this is a public chat room.19:14
alexfreewalkerL3top should i install the dependencies or do something before?19:16
alexfreewalkerThe following packages have unmet dependencies:19:16
alexfreewalker xserver-xorg-video-intel : Depends: xorg-video-abi-1119:16
L3topthat is going to be the source of all ill. This IS the fault of xorg19:16
L3topabi has been removed19:17
* L3top would expect abi-10... but still19:17
alexfreewalkertrue story E: Package 'xorg-video-abi-11' has no installation candidate19:18
L3topI couldn't find it, but that is the recent change. They have dumped abi from the repos due to changes in xserver-xorg19:18
L3topThats what is wrong.19:18
L3topYou are going to have to pin the old version of xserver-xorg.19:18
genii-aroundAlternately put the ignore abi thing in your xorg.conf19:19
L3topI am not sure... this is a bit of a spiderweb. And I have to do a reboot I might not recover from.19:19
L3topI believe it is abi which is making things work, which they have dropped genii-around.19:19
genii-aroundL3top: I had same abi issue, specifically with the nvidia driver. Between abi-11 and abi-12 , setting the ignore abi lets it work19:20
L3topWorst case scenario I will change my network so I can get back. I just did this for something else recently... I will figure it out... but it may be a good 30 min before I am back. I am doing dev work on  something and have to report findings19:20
alexfreewalkeris there a way to rollback to 11.04 and keep my bashrc, mysql configrations, rvm, run=by and my gems...etc?19:21
L3topOk genii-around I went the opposite direction and downloaded the package19:21
L3topalexfreewalker: let genii-around help you ignore abi19:21
L3topbbiab... shortly with any luck19:21
alexfreewalkergenii-around go on please19:21
alexfreewalkerthanks L3top for your help :)19:22
L3topany time19:22
shoopdewoopHello everyone! I've dabbled in linux here and there but never seriously gotten into it, and now I'd like to try again! I just loaded Kubuntu 10.04 lts on my dell inspiron mini 1010 (terrible i know) and sorted out the driver for my wireless card, but I'm kind of clueless where to begin as far as graphics drivers, flash/java support, etc. Also, are there any exceptional books on ubuntu out there that I should check out?19:22
L3toplspci | grep therne19:22
L3tophold on that19:22
L3toplspci | grep -Ei '(wireless|wlan)'19:23
alexfreewalkerwhy do u need the wlan?19:23
genii-aroundalexfreewalker: http://pastebin.com/FHkKFWBT19:23
L3topsometimes lspci lists as wireless... sometimes it lists as wlan19:24
genii-around( goes in /etc/X11/xorg.conf )19:24
genii-aroundHm. Shaun of the dead.19:24
L3top"No... not Purple Rain... aw.. bugger go ahead"19:25
alexfreewalkergenii-around last thing i did with L3top was sudo apt-get remove xserver-xorg-video-intel... should i proceed from there or do something else?19:25
L3topshoopdewoop: lspci | grep -Ei '(wireless|wlan)'19:27
L3topin a terminal please19:27
L3top!info bcm19:28
ubottuPackage bcm does not exist in precise19:28
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs19:28
L3topno... that isnt it.19:28
genii-aroundApologies on lag. My work has me running from the computer to do something every couple minutes right now19:28
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx19:29
genii-aroundalexfreewalker: Is the main display output right now powered by the intel or the nvidia?19:29
alexfreewalkerintel i believe19:29
L3topintel genii-around19:29
shoopdewoopI've figured out all i need as far as wireless goes :) What I'm looking for right now is flash/java and just general resources (a book or two?) about getting started with ubuntu19:30
alexfreewalkerand i just unistalled the xserver-xorg-video-intel19:30
genii-aroundL3top: The plan was to use vesa or so?19:30
genii-aroundSorry, just trying to get oriented here19:31
L3topgenii-around: the plan was to install the regressed working driver without abi19:33
L3topgenii-around: I am still of the opinion that abi, or the lack of, is the missing component to make it work.19:34
genii-aroundThe abi-XX however, is actually not a separate package but part of the entire xserver-xorg-core19:35
alexfreewalkergenii-around current status => /etc/X11/xorg.conf was totally empty when i added ur code, i cant reinstall the driver cuz it wants abi19:36
genii-aroundalexfreewalker: Is the recent xserver-xorg-core still in /var/cache/apt/archives ?19:38
L3topls /var/cache/apt/archives | grep xserver-xorg-core19:39
alexfreewalker[archives]$ ls | grep xserver-xorg-core19:39
FloodBotK1alexfreewalker: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:39
L3topall of this git stuff...19:40
L3topalexfreewalker: ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d19:40
L3topbetter yet... ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d | wc -l19:40
shoopdewoopWill be back in a few, just installed intell gma 500 drivers.19:41
L3topHOLY poop. 34?19:41
genii-aroundeg: you can manually do like: sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite --ignore-depends /var/cache/apt/archives/xserver-xorg-core_2%3a1.12.2.902+git20120704+server-1.12-branch.487e8e82-0ubuntu0ricotz~precise_i386.deb19:41
L3topalexfreewalker: I am thinking this has something to do with your problem...19:41
alexfreewalkerno its things not related19:42
L3topThat is a LOT of PPAs19:42
* genii-around ponders apt-get clean19:42
alexfreewalkerdropbox, google chrome, google talk plugin, opera, node.js19:42
* L3top ponders rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*19:43
alexfreewalkerthere is however19:43
alexfreewalkerxorg-edgers-ppa-precise.list  &  ubuntu-x-swat-x-updates-precise.list19:44
alexfreewalkeri added those yesterday trying to fix the problem19:44
alexfreewalkeron my own, but was a total fail... i'm just a web devloper not a kernel programmer19:45
alexfreewalkerubuntu-x-swat, hes with the special forces... an ex-swat after all those years19:47
alexfreewalkerL3top genii-around ??19:54
alexfreewalkerwhat should i do, i wish there is system restore like windows, or updates can be removed with 2 clicks...19:55
genii-aroundalexfreewalker: To get rid of package manager groaning about missing abi-## usually to install the xserver-xorg-core with dpkg and say ignore depends, etc. But you have a mess of them in there, hard to say which to use.19:56
alexfreewalker:OH GOD WHY:19:56
L3topdpkg -i --ignore-depends=xorg-video-abi-11 xserver-xorg-video-intel                   I believe19:58
genii-aroundalexfreewalker: I would suggest to use: sudo apt-get clean    first... to clear them all out. Then sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg  which will d/l whatever it is supposed to need. It will probably then fail and groan but the package we need should then be in the archives dir19:58
genii-aroundOr, let L3top guide first ;-)19:58
L3topwell... again... after the 4th recompile of my kernel I HAVE to skidaddle...19:59
L3topand I SHOULD come back19:59
L3topbut then... I wrote this routine so I could very well not...20:00
* genii-around crosses fingers20:00
alexfreewalkerL3top genii-around... I coud use cd / && sudo rm -rf* and all problems will be fixed20:01
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!20:01
alexfreewalkerL3top i know.. i was kidding20:01
L3topThat should not be done here. Newb lurkers can die over it.20:02
genii-aroundalexfreewalker: Even in jest, not to put that in open channel20:02
alexfreewalkerokay... sorry guyz20:02
genii-aroundWe HAVE HAD newbs just plug it in20:02
L3topNo worries... just know.20:03
alexfreewalkeranyway, seriously i can start programming without m gedit fully functioning... so whose ganna guide?20:04
skreech_DarthFrog: what's the accountign program need to do?20:04
genii-around!newb > genii-around20:05
ubottugenii-around, please see my private message20:05
genii-aroundFor completeness ;-)20:05
alexfreewalkergenii-around L3top, this used to be fully working on my system20:05
skreech_genii-around: :)20:06
alexfreewalkerthe xserver-xorg-video-intel : i386 : Natty (11.04)20:06
shoopdewoop... back again :P20:07
shoopdewoopFor some reason, the top bar of all of my windows (bar with minimize/maximize/exit/etc) has turned blank ...20:07
L3topalexfreewalker: please pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list20:08
L3topalexfreewalker: please pastebin your ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d20:09
Galvatronshoopdewoop:  Are you using Kwin or Compiza?20:09
L3topboth please. You have conflicting crap.20:09
shoopdewoopI wish i knew what that meant! 0:P20:09
Galvatronshoopdewoop: Try "kwin --replace"20:15
shoopdewoopOkay I'll try that20:15
shoopdewoopeverything is black right now ...20:16
Joitshoopdewoop:  i found something lately at systemsettings, where you can switch between air and oxygen, its anywhere at systemsettings workstation..?20:19
Joityou can set them partially for the windows20:19
Joiti had it once too, that one from this both made my menus black20:20
L3topalexfreewalker: rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*20:20
alexfreewalkerL3top r u sure?20:20
L3topalexfreewalker: sudo should prepend that.20:20
L3topalexfreewalker: You have everything updated currently from them, and you have oneiric and natty sources in there. That is a problem20:21
L3topalexfreewalker: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade20:21
alexfreewalker[~]$ ls -l /etc/apt/sources.list.d20:21
alexfreewalkertotal 020:21
Joitshoopdewoop: i found something lately at systemsettings, where you can switch between air and oxygen, its anywhere at systemsettings workstation..?20:22
Joiti had it once too, that one from this both made my menus black20:22
Joityou can set them partially for the windows, but maybe you only try to load a predefined design. you can store your current before that too20:22
L3topThis may break due to the pinning. If so sudo mv /etc/apt/preferences /etc/apt/preferences.old20:23
shoopdewoopyeah i tried both, the issue stays. also when i change between air and oxygen, my whole screen is black except for a few white lines?20:23
Joitload a predefined then?20:23
shoopdewoopwhat do you mean?20:23
shoopdewoop(im super new to linux)20:24
Joitthere are layouts for your desktop designs, predefined, you can load some from the web too20:24
Joitits actually same like in windows20:24
alexfreewalkerL3top successfuly renamed20:24
shoopdewoopin system settings > appearance?20:25
Joitdunno, i have a german kubuntu :P but i would guess styles20:25
Joitor appearance, sounds good too20:25
Joitthere is a drop down menu20:26
Joitand more in -colors-20:26
Galvatronshoopdewoop: Settings > Application Appearance and Settings > Workspace Appearane20:27
shoopdewoopthat path doesn't exist20:27
shoopdewoopthe only item in settings is system settings20:27
GalvatronThat's what I meant20:28
Joitstart it20:28
Joitit has more submenus20:28
Joitand thx Galvatron that was it20:28
Joityou can move there back and forth with the arrows above20:29
alexfreewalkerL3top whats next?20:33
L3topalexfreewalker: apt-get update and upgrade20:39
L3topalexfreewalker: then reboot20:39
alexfreewalkerokay rebooting20:40
L3topwife is watching media... so I cannot reboot for a min... what's up alexfreewalker20:48
alexfreewalkerman ur a genuis!!20:49
alexfreewalkerbut i can set the correct resolution20:49
L3topno... I just break stuff a lot. Geniuses have helped me to the point that I can diagnose problems.20:49
L3topcan = can't?20:50
L3topdo you have an xorg.conf? ls /etc/X1120:50
L3topI believe bumblebee creates one20:51
L3topIf you do not have one... I would reinstall bumblebee so it can create one for you20:51
L3topI am not positive, I do not have the hardware, and we do our own solution for it... crushing the intel side20:52
alexfreewalker[~]$ more /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:52
alexfreewalkerSection "ServerFlags"20:52
alexfreewalker    Option "IgnoreABI"  "on"20:52
FloodBotK1alexfreewalker: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:52
alexfreewalkeri guess this is genii-around code20:53
L3topalexfreewalker: go ahead and pastebin the xorg.conf ( cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf ) or you could install pastebinit... then pastebinit /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:54
L3topsounds like you have half an xorg.20:54
alexfreewalkerits up20:54
L3topif it starts with ServerFlags20:54
alexfreewalkerthat was genii-around code20:55
shoopdewoopseems like the title bar issue is some kind of glitch ...20:55
alexfreewalkerL3top i cant run glxspheres20:56
L3topalexfreewalker: again... you have half an xorg.conf it looks like20:57
L3topthat needs to be resolved20:57
shoopdewoopcould just be a graphics driver update needing to happen? totally a shot in the dark20:57
L3topNo shoopdewoop20:57
L3topalexfreewalker: I would reinstall bumblebee20:57
L3topalexfreewalker: It should create the xorg.conf it needs20:57
alexfreewalkerokay... bumblebee it is20:58
shoopdewoopL3top: (talking about my title bar issue, not alexfreewalker's, just to clarify)20:58
skreech_Hi shoopdewoop20:58
skreech_what do you need help with?20:58
shoopdewoopthe title bars on all my windows seem to be glitching?20:59
shoopdewoopwondering if it has to do with a recent graphics driver update (im on a dell inspiron mini 1010, just installed intel gma500 drivers)21:00
skreech_shoopdewoop: posibly. What's the glitch?21:05
Joitskreech_:  his title bar is black21:06
shoopdewoopnot quite sure how to describe it. when i open a window, it looks like there is no title bar, but really it just looks like whatever is behind it21:06
shoopdewoop(i thought it was black before, but i had a black wallpaper :P changed the wallpaper, now it looks different)21:06
Joitleaver suck :P21:07
Joitcan you repeat both answers again shoopdewoop?21:07
Joiti think he didnt read it21:07
shoopdewoopnot quite sure how to describe it. when i open a window, it looks like there is no title bar, but really it just looks like whatever is behind it21:08
shoopdewoop(i thought it was black before, but i had a black wallpaper :P changed the wallpaper, now it looks different)21:08
shoopdewoopi screencapped it because i dont know how else to describe it, how can i post the pic?21:09
Joitimageshack.us or postimage.org21:10
Joitwell, it worked before updating yur drivers?21:11
Joitproabtly go back t your old one?21:11
Joitto your old one*21:11
Joityou can do that at system additionla drivers21:12
Joitadditional driver*21:13
shoopdewoopif i rollback the driver the resolution is just outrageous21:13
skreech__shoopdewoop: there is a title bar though?21:13
skreech__You can move the window or press alt+F2 and type the name of the window?21:13
shoopdewoopyes, its there, just does not look like it should21:14
shoopdewoopand yes i can move it. not sure what alt+F2 is supposed to do21:14
alexfreewalkerL3top, im back, bumblebee didn't change the config file, and I still can't choose the resloution21:14
Joitopen a command line actually21:14
Joitit appears at the upper part from the screen21:15
skreech__shoopdewoop: that opens a command line on the top of hte screen21:15
skreech__ You can type in a lot of things to open and manipulate things21:15
Joitusual when you pres alt-f2 and start typing you should type into this command line21:15
skreech__like you can type in the name of any window and it will pop you over to that window21:15
skreech__But also it won't open at all if you don't have a title bar21:16
skreech__shoopdewoop: and I guess this happens for any window?21:16
shoopdewoopim not seeing a command line?21:16
shoopdewoopjust makes all my windows go away21:16
Joitjust start typing21:16
shoopdewoopthe name of the window?21:17
Joittry quassel irc21:17
skreech__like typing quassel or #konversation or the name of someone you are talking with in kopete21:17
skreech__but nevertheless if it open then you have a title bar21:18
shoopdewoopit works21:18
skreech__shoopdewoop: Alright so You have  caching issue with the screen redraw21:19
shoopdewoopsounds delicious!21:19
skreech__Which driver did you recently install?21:20
shoopdewoopintel gma50021:20
shoopdewoopfor the lovely and ever-frustrating dell inspiron mini 1010 xD21:20
skreech__Yeah :)21:25
shoopdewoopIf it helps, it seems like if the window is maximized, the title bar is perfectly normal21:27
alexfreewalkerL3top: are you still here?21:30
=== Philip6 is now known as Philip5
L3topam I back?21:37
shoopdewoopskreech__ ?21:37
L3topIt would appear so21:37
skreech__shoopdewoop: Umm21:40
skreech__shoopdewoop: can you press alt+shift+F12 and tell me if it fixes it?21:41
=== shoopdewoop_ is now known as shoopdewoop
shoopdewoopam i back?21:42
shoopdewoopi think ...21:42
skreech__shoopdewoop: Yep21:43
skreech__shoopdewoop: you ar back21:46
shoopdewoopi am back indeed21:46
shoopdewoopso i was poking around settings, and found that 'compositing is temporarily disabled'; relavant?21:46
shoopdewoop(in desktop effects)21:46
skreech__shoopdewoop: Yeah21:47
alexfreewalkerL3top: are you still here?21:47
skreech__shoopdewoop: try alt+shift=F1221:47
L3topI am21:48
L3topmy system is terribly unstable21:48
* skreech__ wobbles L3top's system21:48
rafaelAlguém do Brasil aqui?21:49
=== shoopdewoop_ is now known as shoopdewoop
alexfreewalkersorry about that21:49
shoopdewoopSo, tried shift+alt+F12, and my screen turned white ...21:49
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.21:49
shoopdewoophad to ctrl+alt+del and log back in21:50
skreech__shoopdewoop: and stayed white?21:50
alexfreewalkeri have everytjhing working except for resolution, i cant make my second display detectable21:50
skreech__shoopdewoop: Yeah sounds like a bad driver update21:50
shoopdewoopi wiggled the cursor, and it changed like i was rolling over buttons and things21:50
L3topomg... you are running 2 displays on optimus?21:50
shoopdewoopthen i ctrl+alt+del'd and logged back in21:50
skreech__shoopdewoop: try a reinstall of the driver first incase it was just a missing lib update or something21:51
skreech__If not we can rll it back21:51
shoopdewoopokay ill do that; how can i uninstall it do redo it?21:51
skreech__shoopdewoop: You could have just pressed alt+sfhit+F12 again :)21:51
L3topalexfreewalker: Xorg -configure21:51
skreech__how did you install it in the first place?21:51
alexfreewalkeryeah i did that21:51
L3topThis will drop an xorg.conf.new file in your ~ directory21:51
L3topalexfreewalker: ^21:51
alexfreewalkerand replaced it with X1121:51
alexfreewalkeralready did that21:52
L3topokey doke...21:52
L3topalexfreewalker: sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:52
L3topxorg.conf is depreciated, and I believe bumblebee will use xrandr21:53
L3topIt would be an easier way to attack it really21:53
alexfreewalkerk brb.. dont go plz :)21:53
eutleyjrI just installed KDE, and every time I run the Software Updates program it says "this operation cannot continue since proper authorization was not provided." How can I get it to work?  I have ubuntu 11.1021:53
L3topIm here... no matter how unstable21:53
skreech__eutleyjr: what are you trying to do?21:54
shoopdewoopi tried that a few months ago the first time i tried linux on this machine, and it worked fine21:54
shoopdewoopperhaps it was just a bad install like you said21:54
eutleyjrmy alerts say that i have security updates available. i want to update them21:55
skreech__shoopdewoop: is that what you installed recently?21:56
skreech__eutleyjr: Open a terminal and type sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade21:56
shoopdewoopyes, sorry if that was confusing, i just installed the same thing today after a fresh kubuntu 10.04 install21:56
skreech__that should pull in new packages and hopefully update Muon to stop giving the error21:56
shoopdewoopokay ill do that21:56
skreech__shoopdewoop: try removing the ppa and then reinstalling the intel driver21:57
shoopdewoopHow do I do that?21:57
shoopdewoopoops sorry, i just realized that update/upgrade message wasn't for me ;P well, doesnt hurt!21:59
eutleyjrskreech__: i think that is working. Thanks for the help21:59
shoopdewoopskreech__: how do i remove the ppa? and do i need to uninstall the driver before i reinstall it?22:00
alexfreewalkerL3top, im back, the resolution is kinda distorted in both screen, i cant choose other resolutions or detect the other display22:00
L3topwhere are you trying to choose other resolutions alexfreewalker?22:01
skreech__shoopdewoop: Umm .. ok lets remove it first then decide. can You open muon ?22:01
skreech__then click settings -> Software sources22:01
alexfreewalkerin the system settings22:01
skreech__shoopdewoop: nope doesn't hurt22:01
alexfreewalkerDisplay and monitor22:01
skreech__eutleyjr: hope that solves your password issue22:02
shoopdewoopadd and remove software?22:02
L3toppossy as expected downgrade of pluto-dcecommon resolves.22:03
L3topdoh.. wrong window.22:03
shoopdewoopedit software sources?22:04
shoopdewoopThen just unchecl the ppa source?22:05
skreech__Under the tab other software you should see your PPA22:05
skreech__uncheck it22:05
L3topalexfreewalker: You are way outside of the spectrum of my "make it work" comfort zone... you are attempting to run dual displays on an otpimus chipset and switch happily between the two. I would recreate/move the xorg.conf.new, and then reinstall bumblebee to beg config.22:05
alexfreewalkerL3top roger that22:06
jamil_1hi all22:06
jamil_1plasma-dektop is eating up ~ 100% of my cpu22:06
jamil_1strace shows that it is continuously doing:22:07
jamil_1stat("/etc/localtime", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=389, ...}) = 022:07
shoopdewoopskreech__: now what?22:07
skreech__jamil_1: Plasmoid?22:07
alexfreewalkerL3top /etc/X11 config file should exist?22:07
jamil_1skreech__: I am using some plasmoids22:08
skreech__shoopdewoop: do you have a section that says installed software in the add/remove ?22:08
skreech__jamil_1: Any that pull time?22:08
jamil_1skreech__: how can I narrow it down which one is polling so wildly22:08
L3topalexfreewalker: I don't honestly know. The way I handle these cards is to force an ACPI power off to the intel, and generate a funky xorg.conf automagically.22:09
shoopdewoopskreech__: no i dont think so22:10
skreech__jamil_1: do you have a /etc/localtime file?22:10
jamil_1skreech__: yep22:10
alexfreewalkerL3top, i really appreciate your help, at least I can use my gedit now and get back to coding, thanks really for your time and effort :)22:11
jamil_1skreech__: can I monitor threads of plasma-desktop ?22:11
L3topany time alexfreewalker. Sorry I couldn't get you to a nominal solution.22:11
skreech__shoopdewoop: bleah Ok. Lets open a terminal and type sudo apt-get remove poulsbo-driver-2d poulsbo-driver-3d poulsbo-config22:11
jamil_1skreech__: i guess it must be running plasmoid in separate thread ?22:11
skreech__then I think you should be able to logout and log back in to flip over to the default driver22:12
skreech__jamil_1: It's one thread. That's part of the problem22:12
shoopdewoopskreech__: done22:13
skreech__shoopdewoop: You can reboot if you like but I think logging out and back in should be sufficent22:13
jamil_1skreech__: just removed the clock plasmoid, not effect22:14
shoopdewoopskreech__: alright, be back in a couple!22:14
alexfreewalkerL3top fixing the GTK thing made my day, its been 3 days, the multiple monitor thing is a side effect of our attack, so nevermind, you are really smart, cheers!22:14
skreech__jamil_1: I'd probably put that one pretty far down on the list of likely plasmoids since so many people use it22:14
jamil_1good point22:15
jamil_1my be I should ask in #kde22:18
shoopdewoopskreech__: back, nothing seems to have changed ...22:18
skreech__jamil_1: can't hurt22:29
skreech__shoopdewoop: ok can you install the package kubuntu-desktop for me?22:30
skreech__Or I guess for you >:-)22:30
jamil_1skreech__: apparently #kde ppl don't like me :)22:30
jamil_1skreech__: is it possible to get memory map of a process ?22:31
=== shoopdewoop_ is now known as shoopdewoop
shoopdewoopskreech__: new complication: E: Type 'n' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gma500-ppa-lucid.list22:32
skreech__shoopdewoop: that should not be valid22:33
skreech__It shouldn't be reading that file at all22:33
shoopdewoopit threw that error when i tried to do a 'sudo apt-get update'22:34
shoopdewoopalso after the reboot nothing seems different, except for that error22:34
skreech__can you pastebin lsmod ?22:35
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:35
shoopdewoopwhat is lsmod?22:36
skreech__a command22:36
skreech__ok lets do this. open a terminal22:36
shoopdewoopokay open22:36
skreech__type sudo apt-get install pastebinit ; lsmod | pastebinit22:37
skreech__Should give you a URL. Paste that URL in this channel22:37
shoopdewoopit didn't ...22:38
shoopdewoop"josh@JSWAIN:~$ sudo apt-get install pastebinit ; lsmod | pastebinit22:38
shoopdewoopE: Type 'n' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gma500-ppa-lucid.list22:38
shoopdewoopE: The list of sources could not be read.22:38
shoopdewoopThe program 'pastebinit' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:22:38
shoopdewoopsudo apt-get install pastebinit"22:38
FloodBotK1shoopdewoop: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:38
skreech__shoopdewoop: ha ok22:38
jamil_1shoopdewoop: you should first paste 1st line of /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gma500-ppa-lucid.list22:39
skreech__sudo mv /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gma* ~ && sudo apt-get install pastebinit ; lsmod | pastebinit22:39
shoopdewoopI have to leave now :( Will you be available later tonight?22:41
shoopdewoopI'll come back on when I can and poke around a bit to see what i can see22:42
shoopdewoopthanks for the help skreech__ :)22:42
skreech__I should be22:43
skreech__though I do have to go now22:43

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