
gary_postergmb, bac, benji, I'm not entirely sure if today or tomorrow is the deadline for getting our expenses entered and approved.  If it's today, let me know in an email to approve your expenses & I will10:48
gary_poster(I'm entering mine now)10:48
gmbgary_poster, It's today.10:48
gary_postercool gmb.  Well, get those expenses in while I'm here for a brief shining moment and you'll have yours taken care of. :-)10:49
gmbgary_poster, Done10:51
gary_posterapproved gmb (and I also filed my own $671.30 AWS bill; ow!)10:53
gmbgary_poster, Though I heard last week that someone managed to max out a $25,000 credit card on EC2 costs for some experiment or other, so...10:57
gary_posterholy smoke gmb10:57
gary_posterDon't want to go there10:57
bacgmb: wow, really?  that's nuts.11:49
bacyou mean someone at canonical or in the free world?11:49
gmbSomeone at canonical.11:50
gmbI think it was a company CC11:50
bacbut only so much11:50
bacgmb did you restart the tarmac instance?11:51
gmbbac, Yep11:51
bachmm, the dns didn't update.  what's the ip address?11:52
gmbFWIW, WFM.11:52
bacoh, ok.  by coincidence it got the same IP address i was using yesterday so i ass-u-med it had not updated11:53
bacgmb: i think we're the only two here today.  do you want to hangout?12:11
gmbbac, Is there anything that needs covering? (Also, note, I've got a very spotty connection today; video might be hilarious)12:13
bacgmb: we can just chat here.  so whatcha working on?  are your two bugs really still landing?  (question from yesterday.)12:13
gmbbac, Okay. I haven't picked anything up today yet - got sidetracked by reviews and am still working on retouching those images I shot for PR a couple of weeks back.12:14
gmbThe branch to update our zope.testing dependency to p16 hasn't landed yet12:14
gmbAmusingly it breaks subunit in python 2.612:15
gmbWhich means it can't get through EC2.12:15
gmbWorking on fixing that now.12:15
gmbThe other is done-done.12:15
bacwhat about bug 1019275 or bug 101882312:15
gmb(I forget that lp2kanban only tracks LP bugs)12:15
_mup_Bug #1019275: Under python 2.7, skipped tests break the subunit stream <python-upgrade> <Launchpad itself:In Progress by gmb> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1019275 >12:15
_mup_Bug #1018823: lpsetup probably shouldn't overwrite your SSH keys with nonsense <lpsetup:In Progress by gmb> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1018823 >12:15
bacthe first is the one we talked about yesterday.12:16
gmbThat's the zope.testing dependency.12:16
bacah, ok12:16
gmbShould probably put it back in WIP, actually.12:16
gmbSince it needs more work.12:16
bacgmb: if you need any help with those today let me know.12:16
baci've claimed but haven't yet started the card about deleting the 'install' subcommand12:17
gmbbac, Sure thing. I'll ping you if I can't spot anything screamingly obvious.12:17
bacok.  i'll be around until 1900Z and then will work offline for a few hours12:18
bacgmb: at some point can you kill the tarmac machine so i can claim it?  i have some things i want to experiment with.  sadly i don't know how to do shared ownership yet.12:19
gmbbac, Sure, I'll do that now.12:19
gmbbac, Done12:20
bacpuppet still confounds me12:20
bacgmb: thanks!  hey did you need to update the wiki at all?12:20
baci mean, was anything confusing?12:20
gmbbac, Nope, the instructions were absolutely fine.12:20
baci move we adjourn this fourth of july standup12:21
gmbI second.12:21
* gmb lunches12:27
bacgmb: would you do a perfunctory review of https://code.launchpad.net/~bac/lp-tarmac-configs/add-scripts/+merge/113401 ?  i want to ensure that this branch gets landed automatically.13:40
gmbbac: Approved13:41
bacgmb, i was pleased to have sold my 70-200 yesterday.  i got most of my money out of it and the buyer got a very good deal, relative to what they cost new now.13:42
bactakes the sting out of buying gear if you know you can flip it later13:42
bacgmb: thanks13:42
gmbAnd lenses hold their value pretty well13:42
gmbBodies not so much.13:43
bacyeah, bodies are in free fall from two months out it seems13:43
bactrying to decide what else to get rid of.  probably the 35 and the 60 macro.  may just keep the 50, sigma 10-20, and 18-200.13:46
bacgmb: you need a sb-600?13:46
gmbbac: Nope, sorry.13:50

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