
Unit193Jordan_U: Did you restart the daemon? (Or fix it already?)03:44
Jordan_UUnit193: Yes (and no).03:47
Unit193Here's a paste of /usr/share/README.xscreensaver http://paste.ukikie.tk/?c36e5cec633b3aba#kIF5ST5uuGdcN2mtYmmMnfvY16QUIGDN4eiyU8HFUqw=03:49
Unit193Bah, /usr/share/doc/rss-glx03:49
Unit193That get it?03:57
Jordan_UUnit193: Thanks. I now can use XSpirograph, but not SpirographX (the latter is far superior to the former IMHO).04:00
Jordan_UUnit193: I tried the script first, then adding the lines manually, neither worked (SpirographX is still not an option in xscreensaver-demo).04:01
Jordan_UUnit193: Is it working for you?04:02
Unit193I see it in the list, but changed it to match the format of the rest of the config.04:05
Unit193  GL: spirographx --root    \n\04:05
Unit193(That clearly being a good paste....)04:05
Jordan_UUnit193: Thanks, it's now working. I have my favorite screensaver back :)04:09
Unit193Great, now you should submit a bug report. ;)04:09
Jordan_UWill do (though not tonight).04:11
Unit193Righto, have a good one.04:11
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Halexander9000Greetings from Eastern Europe! Could someone help me restore my sound output from my computer? I have an ASUS EEE PC 904HD running UBUNTU, and today while watching a Youtube video, the audio just upped an muted itself. Tried the audio mixer, everything was set to high, still nothing. Tried Pavucontrol from the console, still nothing. Could someone please help me?12:22
Halexander9000I even rebooted. Still nothing.12:23
ikoniaHalexander9000: you're running Ubuntu, #ubuntu is the best place to ask (as you are doing so now)12:31
Halexander9000Well, I do have the lubuntu interface.12:32
kanliotdid you install ubuntu, then lxde? Halexander900012:34
kanliotso pavucontrol wasn't muted or anything?12:37
Halexander9000Nope. Tried Alsamixer in the console. Still, nothing. I even disabled the Auto-mute function.12:38
kanliotdid you try a cold boot?12:39
kanliotand verify your headphones aren't broken?12:39
Halexander9000I did.12:42
Halexander9000In fact... now that you mention it. I plugged my headphones and the sound it working. I unplug then, and the internal speakers don't work.12:44
kanliotgood coz i was outta ideas12:45
head_victimSounds like a dry solder joint inside the case somewhere.12:45
kanliotyeah, some youtube got in that soder jointings12:45
Halexander9000... but the speakers have been working since 2008.12:45
head_victimAnd on that note, good night all12:54
=== smile-moe is now known as smile-uitgeslape
fluffyguyIm having odd sound issues ( silent/loud sound jumps) ,my question is would I have problems with pulse audio?15:17
dirkI'm trying to install lubuntu 12.04 ppc on my old and trusty Pismo ... to no avail. I've tried the regular install disk - it keeps failing telling me that it cannot mount the root device15:24
dirknext stop: alternative installer. I get halfway through the install but then it typically freezes when installing the packages, always at 6% progress15:25
dirkI've booted the alternative installer and ran the check target - it fails reproducibly on the locales_2.13....deb package15:25
dirkyes, I've compared the MD5 sums of the downloaded isos ... they match15:26
fluffyguydirk you could try Bodhi linux15:32
dirknever heard of that ... how does it compare to lubuntu?15:34
fluffyguyWell its lighter due to E17 ,too "fancy" for my liking but it is really fast15:34
fluffyguyI prefer LXDE due to its minimalistic look15:35
dirkerr, are you sure Bodi is for powerpc?15:39
fluffyguydirk try it,if it wont work puppy linux is a way to go.  Honestly if you want faster response you could try ask at #ubuntu15:43
dirkok thanks15:43
=== smile-moe is now known as smile
smilebye :p18:30
gfomI have no login screen.  I think I did this on purpose when I set up this box a couple of months ago, but the point of this computer is different now, and it needs to be multi user with a login screen.  I've no idea how to fix this.19:54
gfombioterror, thanks19:57
aklsnew windows appear with the size of the screen, but not maximized. is it ok?...20:27

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