
slangasektrue... :)00:01
infinityDaviey: You could just stop causing them. ;)00:44
Davieyinfinity: lets just re-ship dapper :)00:45
infinityI liked dapper.00:45
infinityI wouldn't mind woody either.00:45
infinityDaviey: Why does celery need to depend on an issue tracker?00:48
Davieyinfinity: i highly suspect it does not actually NEED it.  I think it's for the docs generation, to include better marked up issues.00:56
Davieyinfinity: either way, i think we can do without it.00:57
Davieyinfinity: I hope it doesn't try to grab data from the various BTS's.. because then it's a total don't need01:00
Davieyinfinity: why does this scream alarm bells? http://pb.daviey.com/Fo0Z/01:02
=== doko_ is now known as doko
micahgtumbleweed: ^^ there you go :)07:01
micahgcjwatson: it would be awesome if precise-backports could get some love today (1 NEW, 3 Unapproved)07:31
cjwatsonmicahg: fair enough; let me see what I can do08:16
tumbleweedmicahg: thanks :)08:22
=== Guest59153 is now known as kklimonda
cjwatsonLaney: Doesn't tickr need to be backported to {natty,oneiric}-backports as well?  Otherwise the lucid backport violates ordering.08:39
cjwatsonmicahg: Cleared precise-backports; tickr (just above) is the only remaining queue entry08:40
Laneycjwatson: AIUI the Lucid-Maverick upgrade path is gone.08:41
Laneyso the only way out is via precise08:42
cjwatsonI guess that's a reasonable point but it still seems kind of weird08:42
LaneyI suppose it is, but it makes life easier08:43
xnoxhmmm... you can still upgrade via http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/08:46
Laneynot in a supported way08:50
LaneyI wouldn't be surprised if there were SRUs/security updates in a similar situation08:50
cjwatsongrr, it's been a long time since I checked that stable installer images were up to date with kernels08:51
infinitycjwatson: Should we be revving them on every SRU ABI bump?  I can trivially keep an eye on that, since I do many/most of the kernel SRU AA faff.09:08
cjwatsonGenerally yes09:08
cjwatsonI seem to have neglected to create branches for oneiric and precise so far09:09
DavieyIs there any way this can be caught automatically?  Humans suck.09:09
cjwatsonSigh, all I was trying to do this morning was some SRU verification catchup09:09
infinityDaviey: It could be fairly trivially added to the SRU report.09:09
infinityI've been waiting on some highbank-related SRUs to land before I bothered touching d-i in precise, since it needs some backporty fun.09:10
Davieyinfinity: good thought.09:10
infinityBut I guess just revving the ABI for the status quo works for now.09:10
Davieyinfinity: I suspect there will another highbank SRU shortly.09:10
infinityDaviey: I didn't mean the kernel, I meant other supporting bits.09:11
cjwatson... and the build failures start rolling in ...09:12
infinitycjwatson: That's comforting.09:12
cjwatsonOh, hardy/lpia didn't build last time round either.  Meh then.09:14
* cjwatson ignores09:14
cjwatsonAnd didn't build in hardy-release.09:14
infinityI'm not convinced lpia ever had a user.09:15
Davieycjwatson: erm, Dell Mini 10 shipped with lpia?09:23
cjwatsonDaviey: I'm not arguing; what statement of mine are you disputing?09:23
Davieybah. sorry cjwatson - 10:15 < infinity> I'm not convinced lpia ever had a user.09:24
Davieythe nicks cjwatson and infinity are clearly too similar.09:24
Laneyoh look, is that a package for ben?09:25
xnoxLaney: yeap!09:26
* xnox loves ;-)09:26
xnoxLaney: time to file bugs and feature requests! =))))09:26
Laneyxnox: I know, I synced it :P09:26
cjwatsoninfinity: could you review debian-installer/oneiric-proposed?  I'm generally happy to self-review trivial API bumps under prior agreement, but the first in each series needs a little more work to enable post-release pockets09:27
infinitycjwatson: Sure.  I just got an aneurysm listening to a particle physicist explain the Higgs Boson using the Paparazzi as a metaphor.09:28
cjwatsonI'll have one for precise-proposed coming in a bit, too.09:29
iulianinfinity: Exciting day, isn't it? :)09:34
infinitycjwatson: Matches previous release->proposed bumps, looks good to me.09:43
infinitycjwatson: Oh, before you release precise-proposed, I want to backport a fix.09:44
cjwatson*blink* to the build system?09:45
cjwatsonBut sure, backport away, I'm done with it otherwise09:46
infinitycjwatson: bug #101070809:47
ubot2Launchpad bug 1010708 in eilt "create armadaxp netboot directory and move files into it" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101070809:47
cjwatsonI can just backport that for you if you like09:49
infinityAlready done.09:49
cjwatsonOh, you don't have CIA set up for that branch, OK09:50
infinityOh, I do.09:50
infinityI haven't committed yet.09:50
cjwatsonLet me push first ...09:50
infinityAnd you have no changelog yet.09:50
infinityAhh. ;)09:50
cjwatson(I wasn't bound, by mistake)09:50
cjwatsonDone now09:50
infinityAlright, you review mine, I'll review yours? :P09:52
cjwatsonLooks clearly correct to me09:53
infinityIf your debdiff matches 'bzr diff -r1681..' consider it reviewed.09:54
infinityI should nap. ;)09:54
cjwatsonYeah, it does09:56
cjwatson(Except for some extra noise in build/config/armhf/, because debdiff follows that symlink but bzr diff doesn't)09:57
xnoximport cable release coordination: slangasek and infinity I have received the cable from ev09:58
infinitycjwatson: Right.10:02
infinitycjwatson: Oh, are we having a short-staffed meeting today, or skipping it?10:02
infinity(Given the US holiday, plus doko may already be in flight, etc)10:03
infinityI'll set an alarm. ;)10:03
cjwatsonSleep well10:04
infinitycjwatson: Might want to sru-accept that too, for the bug.10:10
* infinity really sleeps now.10:10
cjwatsonOh yes10:10
=== mmrazik is now known as mmrazik|lucnh
davmor2cjwatson: are the mini iso's still being spun I want to get this machine on Quantal but can't with ubiquity so though I'd give mini iso a spin rather than download alternate (if it is still being made)10:57
cjwatsonOf course10:57
cjwatsonThey're a product of debian-installer builds10:57
davmor2cjwatson: cool I'll grab one of those then thanks :)10:58
dokoinfinity, still here, leaving tomorrow at 4:30am11:01
zulslangasek: afaik adam_g is validating glance/keystone but he has the day off today13:54
ogra_infinity, hmm, still no mx5 images ?14:45
infinityogra_: Don't look at me, you're the one who's been doing the images. ;)14:47
ogra_well, i didnt do anything specific to mx514:47
ogra_ubuntu                  daily-live              quantal-                amd64 amd64+mac armhf+mx5 armhf+omap4 armhf+omap i386 powerpc14:47
ogra_thats what we have in default-arches14:48
infinityI see a successful livefs build.14:48
ogra_but somehow only omap and omap4 come out of this14:48
* infinity checks cd logs.14:48
ogra_and yeah, seems to be successfull, there is no mail14:48
infinityNo script to make CDs bootable for armhf+mx5 ...14:51
infinityAnd, indeed, mx5 has a post-boot, but no boot.14:52
ogra_Making the binary CDs bootable ...14:53
ogra_No script to make CDs bootable for armhf+mx5 ...14:53
ogra_make: *** [/srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/scratch/ubuntu/daily-live/tmp/quantal-armhf+mx5/bootable-stamp] Error 114:53
ogra_bah, you were faster :P14:53
ogra_hmm, just a cp boot-armhf+omap boot-armhf+mx5 and adjusting the SUBARCH var should be enough14:55
infinityDoes it really do nothing?14:55
ogra_it copies kernel and initrd  around iirc14:55
ogra_ah, only the kernel14:56
infinityAhh, yeah, that should do, then.14:56
infinityShall I?14:56
infinityActually, SUBARCH and FLAVOUR are obviously not being used anyway.14:57
infinityGiven that omap4 is a symlink to omap. :P14:57
ogra_oh, right, thats from an older iteration14:57
infinitySo, we could probably just add more symlinks.14:58
infinityIt claims to be looking in SUBARCH/cdrom/ ...14:58
infinityDoes that mean the omap4 images have omap kernels copied to them, but no one's noticed because post-boot fixes it all anyway? :P14:59
ogra_which is a bit nonsense ... given we store in arch+subarch14:59
ogra_rrrright ...14:59
ogra_we shouldnt tell paolo that he uploades unused omap4 kernels since two years then ;)14:59
cyphermox^^ software-properties: ported to python3; needs cloud-init and orchestra to adjust Depends for the right package that carries add-apt-repository now. working on it.15:00
ogra_well, i think the link is sufficient15:00
ogra_seems to work with omap415:00
infinityogra_: Yeah, I'm trying to trace *why* it works for omap4 before I do it. ;)15:04
davmor2cjwatson: well that worked I now have a Quantal install :)15:49
* ogra_ notices that jibel had an "ulimate" morning this morning ... oh my, so many duplicates15:51
infinityogra_: So, entertainingly, I was right.  The boot script is copying the omap3 d-i kernel/initrd for both flavours.  And then we just overwrite it in post-boot. :P15:52
ogra_lol, ok15:52
ogra_we should just drop the code then15:52
infinityogra_: So, yeah.  Just copying or symlinking it will "work" for mx5 too, but some day, we should tear out the useless.15:52
ogra_i think that script stems originially from my very first live image attempts15:53
infinityogra_: I don't want to do too much culling right now, cause I'll get cut-happy, and I haven't slept.15:53
ogra_back then it was actually split in two and the first one created the partition image15:53
cjwatsonOh man, API queue is so much faster than the LP script15:53
ogra_infinity, go to bed, i'll care15:53
infinityogra_: That works for me.15:54
infinitycjwatson: That makes up for kernel NBS removals taking half an hour. ;)15:54
* ogra_ wonders if ubiquity should be able to work on a serial port if the right preseeding is set 15:54
cjwatsoninfinity: It's a tradeoff between startup time and API request time15:55
ogra_(i know oem-config works but never tried ubiquity itself)15:55
cjwatsonEach individual request is slower, but if you run something that only needs a couple of requests, that's utterly dominated by the 10+-second startup time of execute_zcml_for_scripts or whatever it is15:55
cjwatsonIf I can ever figure out how to make status=["Published", "Pending"] work then that would help too15:56
infinitycjwatson: Yeah, the startup time of those LP scripts was abysmal, no argument here.15:57
infinitycjwatson: And now that remove-package outputs often enough for me to not get bored, I don't really care that it's slow on large sets.15:58
infinityIf there's anything programmers are good at, it's watching scrolling text in their peripheral vision.15:58
cjwatsonIt's a bit annoying that there's no way to make a bulk query for a load of package names.15:58
cjwatsonThat might be easy to add if I ever get bored (not likely).15:58
infinityAnyhow.  I completely failed to nap before the meeting, despite a valiant effort to do so, so I might go flip a coin between passing out for a bit or heavy caffeination.15:59
infinityIf I don't come back, the former won.16:00
infinityIf I never come back, the latter may have won.16:00
Laneybah, struck again by bug #88866516:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 888665 in launchpad "Backports can't build-depend on other backports" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88866516:24
Laneyafter figuring out the wobbly stack of backports required to get ben to lucid16:24
micahgcjwatson: thanks for clearing precise-backports16:26
LaneyI suppose I can apply a wobbly patch for precise instead to avoid having to backport tyxml16:27
slangasekzul: glance/keystone> ok, cool17:28
slangasekzul: I also have the day off today ;)17:28
zulslangasek: enjoy your pouring tea in your boston harbor day :)17:30
jamespageplease could the binary NEW packages for libunwind be accepted into quantal - ta20:38
stgraberafter a few succesful tries, I've now updated nusakan to build Edubuntu DVD for i386, amd64 and armhf+omap4 daily. We've cut around 30-45min of our build time with another change this cycle so I won't change the cron as it should still fit. We can always update later on if that's a problem.21:06
phillwstgraber: I just caught the end of your meeting. The Lubuntu-QA team are always 'up' for a challenge in helping another team out. Feel free to give us a poke. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Testing23:13

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