
=== hamitron is now known as ham
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
jacobwguten morgen06:36
AlanBellmorning all06:54
AlanBellhiggs boson day maybe http://webcast.web.cern.ch/webcast/play_higgs.html06:54
diploMorning all07:53
paulmellorshello all08:00
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)08:05
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bigcalmIs it out yet?08:11
bigcalmdiplo: UUPC08:13
diploAh :)08:13
diploI'm way behind on all podcasts at the mo :/08:13
bigcalmI caught up on Monday08:14
bigcalmBut then I only listen to 1 podcast :)08:15
diploI watch Jupiter Broadcasting and occasionally listen to LO08:19
bigcalmLO isn't really my thing08:20
diploOr me, I use it occasionally to fill time when travelling to Nottingham08:21
diploLiked Shot Of Jaq etc08:21
Songtaohi guys, how to run this cmd at the system startup ?08:21
Songtaosudo smbmount // -o username=test,password=test,rw08:21
bigcalmSongtao: I wouldn't do it like that08:22
Songtaoso how should I do ?08:22
bigcalmOne moment08:22
SongtaoI just want to auto mount the window share folder when system startup08:22
bigcalmPart of the line will go in /etc/fstab, the auth information will go somewhere only root can access08:23
bigcalmSongtao: from my own /etc/fstab: //proliant/videos   /media/smb/proliant/videos  cifs    credentials=/home/iain/.smbcredentials,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0666,dir_mode=0777      0       008:24
Songtaothanks a lot, I will give it a try08:24
bigcalmIn ~/.smbcredentials you have username=foo and password=bar on 2 lines08:24
Songtaogreat! thanks08:25
bigcalmBecause /etc/fstab can be read by any user on the system, you don't want to give away your login details08:25
SongtaoI c, thank you08:26
bigcalmSongtao: no problem, hope it works for you08:26
brobostigongood morning everyone.08:26
bigcalmHi brobostigon08:27
brobostigonhi bigcalm08:27
JamesTaitGood morning all! :)08:38
jpowell_good morning08:38
=== schwuk_away is now known as schwuk
BigRedSAnyone got any recommendations for mac-mini sort of sized PCs? Ideally cheaper than the mac mini but still good enough to be worth buying?09:03
SuperMattBigRedS: http://www.mini-itx.com/09:04
SuperMattbuild your own!09:04
BigRedSSuperMatt: it's for work, they want pretty09:06
BigRedSI did ponder suggesting raspberry pis, but it's for admin and so they'll need to be able to open things like openoffice09:06
SuperMattBigRedS: https://secure.dnuk.com/store/desktops.php09:08
SuperMattBigRedS: these are quite good, we use them at work: http://h40059.www4.hp.com/uk/commercial-desktops/product.php?id=A2K17ET&experience=direct09:12
BigRedSSuperMatt: yeah, I think something way smaller is wanted - something that can unobtrusively sit on a desk09:14
BigRedSthat DNUK one is worth punting over, though09:14
diploBigRedS : Revos ?09:22
bigcalmBigRedS: what do they want to do with it? A revo might fit the bill09:23
BigRedSbigcalm: stick it on a desk and do admin sorts of things with it09:23
bigcalmI didn't think the R3600 was still made. There are newer models around09:23
bigcalmHow about a Boxee box? It's, erm, different :)09:24
BigRedShaha, different's not regarded as an especially good thing here :)09:24
diplobigcalm: I googled acer aspire revo and clicked first link09:24
BigRedSneeds to be all customer-facing-friendly09:24
BigRedSdo revos have real HDDs in them, or are they laptop ones?09:25
bigcalm2.5" drive09:25
bigcalmNothing wrong with that09:25
bigcalmPut in an SSD and it'll be even better09:25
BigRedSwe're a hosting company, we have piles and piles of spare 3.5" ones09:25
bigcalmDoes the apple tv use a 3.5" drive?09:25
BigRedSwell, a pile of them09:25
gordolder revos have esata09:26
BigRedSI think anything Apple offer has been deemed too expensive already09:26
bigcalmI have 9 spare PATA drives. Doesn't mean I want to use them ;)09:26
shauno1st gen are 2.5", 2nd and 3rd are solidstate09:26
bigcalmgord: no esata on the new ones?09:26
gordno esata on the new ones09:26
shaunoand if you want it to look as good as a mac mini, it's gonna be a mac mini.  PCs have borg asthetics.  you should be used to it by now :)09:26
gordnew ones have a better ION chip though, i think its a 200m09:27
BigRedSYeah, I think esata might be regarded as too mini.09:27
BigRedSshauno: yeah, I think that's the problem :)09:27
BigRedSeven these Dell Zinos we have which look perfectly okay to me are 'a bit ugly'09:27
gordif they want something pretty tell them they have to pay for pretty09:28
BigRedSthink I'll send on this list you've all sent me and see what they make of it :)09:28
BigRedSI think mac minis would be more realistic if they weren't so hard to take apart, and if they took normal disks and suchlike09:28
shaunoany chance they'll let you redefine the question by bolting a small-form-factor underneath the desk?  I think the prettiest computer is one you can't see09:30
BigRedSI don't think so - there's not a lot under these desks and there's thsi theme of attempted minimalism going on.09:31
BigRedSmight be worth suggesting09:31
BigRedSjust stick a 1u server in there adn be done with it :)09:32
popeyBigRedS, whats the machine going to be used for?09:33
BigRedSAdmin stuff so I'm not really sure. OOo, Thunderbird, and a bunch of lightweight web UIs09:35
bigcalmA revo would be fine09:35
bigcalmSee how they get on with a Viglen ;)09:35
bigcalm(suggested just to cause popey to highlight)09:36
popeyno longer highlighted09:36
BigRedSyeah, there's strong preference for somethign that takes full sized HDDs and are easy to take apart and fix09:36
popeynot on irssi09:36
popeywhat is to fix?09:36
BigRedSwell, tinker with under the guise of fixing09:36
bigcalmYou have time and inclination to tinker with work hardware? Ug09:37
popeyi have a revo 3600 here with 4GB RAM and an SSD...09:37
shaunominimalist admin tinkerers.  you're getting worryingly close to a "pick two" situation there :p09:37
popeyisnt hard to take apart really09:37
popeyhow about one of them09:37
gordnot much you can tinker with, with a revo though09:38
popeyoh, discontinued?09:38
bigcalmI had to destroy the case for one of my USB 2.5" drives. Just to put the drive in my server :)09:38
popeyreplace ram/hdd and wifi chip09:38
bigcalmThat was a case that they didn't want me taking apart09:38
BigRedSpopey: yeah, those are what we have in the nioc09:39
BigRedSthe plan was to just get more until they appeared to be discontinued09:40
shaunowonder if you could press a chromebox into service, they're the closest macmini knockoff on the market atm ;)09:40
bigcalmpopey: how'd uupc go last night, did you survive? One day I'll make it to a live recording09:49
popeyyeah, mild panic09:50
popeyaudio levels were all over the place09:50
bigcalmOoo, I look forward to hearing the recording ;)09:50
bigcalmJoint Wedding account now at £381. This needs to pick up pace if we're to be wed in the Autumn of next year09:51
bigcalmHumm, wonder if I can do a kickstarter for it09:52
bigcalmRewards: being invited to wedding, having a chair to sit on, getting a bit of cake09:53
andylockranhowdy all09:56
christelyeah why havent you invited me to your wedding yet09:56
diplobigcalm: I found private jobs helped a lot09:57
* bigcalm tickles christel 09:59
bigcalmMmm, good coffee09:59
bigcalm3quid something for a large pack from Lidl. Really pleased with it09:59
davmor2morning all10:10
bigcalmMorning davmor210:10
davmor2bigcalm: were you singing in the shower again?10:11
bigcalmdavmor2: yup :)10:12
bigcalmStopped raining here now though10:12
gordi'd love some sunshine, or rain. either really. got a new camera and want to play10:12
gordanything but horrible overcast shadowless boring bleeeeh10:13
bigcalmA photographer's worst nightmare10:14
ormiretovercast makes a nice base to add your own light to10:14
davmor2bigcalm: that's why I ask it was coming from your direction10:16
bigcalmOh my gawd10:18
bigcalmThat means it's nearly a week off work time10:19
bigcalmWhich is always stressful10:19
davmor2bigcalm: no singing on the 15th alright10:21
davmor2bigcalm: you sing then we get another 40 days worth ;)10:23
davmor2bigcalm: and the way things are going we'll get them all on that day too :)10:23
bigcalmdavmor2: nice that you think I have such powers ;)10:23
Azelphuraww, there's this daddy long legs that flew into one of my PC case fans, looks like it broke a leg and is just kinda wriggling around on the floor now :(10:38
gordnatural selection in action, we will have less daddy long legs that fly into computers now, surely thats a good thing?10:39
Azelphurwonder if it'll recover10:39
shaunoget some duct tape and see if you can fix him?10:42
gordwe can rebuild him, better, faster, stronger than before10:43
dogmatic69Azelphur: daddy long legs dont fly10:44
Azelphursimilar thing with wings then10:44
dogmatic69Azelphur: ah, wiki says the UK calls them daddy long legs :/10:46
dogmatic69the rest of the world calls http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pholcidae daddy long legs10:46
Azelphurhe's chilling out on the end of a molex now xD10:47
dwatkinsthat doesn't look like a daddy-long-legs, it has wings.10:47
dogmatic69"In the United Kingdom, Ireland, Newfoundland and Nova Scotia they are commonly referred to as daddy longlegs"10:47
AzelphurI'm surprised it didn't just get cut in half or something tbh, it flew into a massive 200mm fan and made a loud thud.10:48
Azelphurthat article says in the UK the crane fly is commonly referred to as a daddy longlegs, so I was right xD10:51
bigcalmMy project can now receive SMS. Woot!10:52
christeli say10:52
bigcalmAnd soon it shall be sending them as well!10:53
Azelphuryay \o/10:53
dogmatic69bigcalm: php?10:53
bigcalmdogmatic69: yus10:53
Azelphuralso trust me to have sympathy for a fly xD10:53
DJonesAzelphur: Thats a daddy long legs, I've always called them that10:53
dogmatic69what provider you using?10:53
bigcalmdogmatic69: Symfony. Hooking into Oxygen810:54
dogmatic69bigcalm: do you know what they charge? nothing on the site10:55
bigcalmdogmatic69: I have no idea. My client has set up the contracts. I'm just the developer :)10:55
dogmatic69ah ok10:55
dogmatic69bigcalm: they just use a REST api or something?10:55
bigcalmdogmatic69: of sorts, yep10:56
bigcalmdogmatic69: it's really simple to use10:56
dogmatic69ye, I done one before but a different provider. been looking for one in the UK10:57
bigcalmHumm, 12pm. Lunch?11:01
diploShopping needs a ! ?11:04
diploIt's not a good thing11:04
gorddepends if you are shopping for chocolate or not11:05
dogmatic69diplo: shopping is awesome!11:05
diploShopping sucks, full stop11:06
diploEspecially if their are lot's of women talking!11:07
diploEven more so if I have to take my children :)11:07
Songtaohi guys, I got a old pc, athlon 64x2, 2.59GHz, 2 GB ram, I want to use it as development server, shall I go 64bit ubuntu server, or 32 bit ? give me some advice please11:08
Songtao2gb ram is it too low for 64 bit ?11:09
christelshopping is best enjoyed as a solitary activity11:09
* christel nods11:09
diploSongtao: not worth it really11:10
diploUnless you are thinking of upgrading ram and still then it's probably not worth it11:10
BigRedSSongtao: you probably wont notice any difference11:11
diploUnless you are developing apps for 64bit server :)11:11
davmor2Songtao: what will the production server be running if that is 64bit then run 64bit on the development server too11:11
bigcalmSongtao: if it's to be a web server for deving on, the machine should be ok. But upgrade the ram if you can11:14
bigcalmdavmor2: speaking of ram. Was it okay to do the post I did to the LUG list?11:14
davmor2bigcalm: yeah11:15
dogmatic69Songtao: if you are using 64bit numbers 32bit will be pointless11:16
Songtaoproduction server is 32bit,  yea, it is better I stuck on 32bit for dev.11:17
Songtaoit is just normal web app ,11:17
Songtaofell outdate now, just never use 64bit server11:18
bigcalmNo reason not to use 64bit if the arch is 64bit11:18
dogmatic69I never use 32bit11:18
dogmatic69work with php all day every day11:19
davmor2Songtao: to put it in context I have a server with 1 gig of ram chugging along on 64bit quite happily11:19
bigcalmdogmatic69: what happens when you want to deal with timestamps greater than 2038 ?11:22
Songtaoen... just found a old pc in office storage room, so decide to build a small toy for myself.  it is good to clean up sometime.11:23
shaunothat's interesting.  looks like farnell are opening up the rpi to general orders (rather than register & queue) tomorrow11:25
BigRedSI just went to register and queue and the page essentially says "No. Come back tomorrow"11:26
dogmatic69BigRedS: 64 bit happily goes to 285198648531-04-2111:28
dogmatic692038 is no problem11:28
bigcalmdogmatic69: yes, you said you used 32bit though11:29
dogmatic69<dogmatic69> I never use 32bit11:29
bigcalmDoh, me miss-reading then :)11:29
dogmatic69I have been working on adding bigint support for mysql in cake11:30
dogmatic69lots of fun with making 32bit work11:30
gordx32 is interesting, most of your applications don't need 64bit address spaces so you might as well run them with a 32bit pointer size but with 64bit registers. gets you some great speed gains11:33
BigRedSdogmatic69: most 386 hardware wont make it to 203811:35
* bigcalm tootles off for lunch and shopping11:37
bigcalmBest eat 1st :)11:37
shaunobut a disturbing number of design decisions may11:37
dogmatic69bigcalm: good thing by then we should be on 1024 bit and/or quantum pc's11:37
BigRedSIs there a way of telling Empathy or Pidgin that a contact becoming available is not a something requring a notification?11:38
BigRedSdogmatic69: yeah, or at least we'll have reinstalled the OS on the surviving x86s11:38
dogmatic69BigRedS: there is sure to be a client running x8611:39
dogmatic69I got a friend that was, until a year ago, supporting a PHP.... 3 app11:40
BigRedSdogmatic69: I still am11:40
davmor2BigRedS: there is for empathy you just unselect it in the list of notification in the setting menu11:41
davmor2BigRedS: unselect it in the sound menu too11:42
BigRedSI can find a place to stop them making sounds, but no list of notification triggers11:43
davmor2BigRedS: it's next to the sound tab under preferences in precise at least11:45
BigRedSyeah, this is precise11:45
BigRedSI have General, Sounds, Calls, Spell Checking and Themes tabs11:46
BigRedSor, there is a new empathy in the repos11:46
davmor2BigRedS: http://ubuntuone.com/7abLvmHYTVXUq7VFYom5gY11:47
BigRedSyeah, I don't have that tab11:49
BigRedSI'vejust got the new empathy, perhaps that will11:50
BigRedSyeah, still not there11:51
BigRedSoh well11:51
BigRedSI'll have a better look into it when there's less going on11:51
davmor2BigRedS: try looking in dconf-editor you'll need dconf-tools off the top of my head11:51
* jacobw is interested writing a puppet module to maintain dconf11:55
BigRedSdavmor2: ta! I'll have a poke around in a bit11:57
Songtaohi,any1 meet this problem, after fresh install ubuntu 12.04, the google chrome is not started12:38
davmor2Songtao: there is no chrome on a default install :)12:44
Songtaono, I mean, after install ubuntu, I download chrome from google, and using software centre install it,12:46
Songtaobut the chrome browser won't start12:47
diploNope, worked on the last 2 installs I've tried Songtao12:51
diploCould tried loading in the terminal and see if it works from there or get any errors12:51
Songtaonope, still not works in terminal, no error, just stop response12:53
popeySongtao, strace it?12:53
diploLet me have a go :P12:54
Songtaonever use strace, will give it a try, thanks12:55
* bigcalm returns13:37
* bigcalm continues to read Learning Python and wonders when we'll get to some actual code13:53
diploI just dived in and wrote some bigcalm13:58
diploAlbeit I'm quite stuck with a part now and google is no good13:58
diploBook any good ?13:58
bigcalmdiplo: I've made it to page 31. I'll let you know when it lets me do some coding ;)13:59
ormiretbigcalm: since you can already code in other languages I'd rcommend skipping on a bit, I'm sur eyou don't need to be taught about variables and control structures (though I haven't read learning python so I suppose it is possible the start is actually useful rather the usual rehash of basic + common concepts).14:02
bigcalmormiret: the start (so far) is mostly about the history of Python and how it works. I don't want to skip too much as I actually find this stuff interesting sometimes. Also, I know that there are basic differences between languages. So knowing how it does the basics is handy14:04
ormiretI prefer to learn the way basic things are different by writing bugs from my misunderstanding - I remember the way it actually is better that way than reading it and remembering long enough to get things right shortly afterwards.14:10
Songtaodamn, I had 2 pc when I try to run ifconfig, it both show eth0 ip how do I renew the ip?14:14
SongtaoI have tried ifconfig eth0 up/down14:15
Songtaoor ifup ifdown14:15
ormiretSongtao: "sudo dhclient -r " I think14:18
Songtaoall right, I run sudo dhclient -r on one , the pc will be disconnected14:20
Songtaobut then I run ifup eth0, it will pick the same ip again?14:21
ormiretit shouldn't unless your DHCP server is giving it the same IP again (or isn't responding, in which case it might use an old value).14:22
Songtaoen, thx14:26
bigcalmAnd now I can send SMS. Yay!14:36
davmor2bigcalm: I don't believe you :P14:36
gordbigcalm: writing an sms spam bot?14:36
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
bigcalmgord: yep :)14:36
gordi may have to kill you then14:36
gordthe world doesn't need more sms spam :(14:37
bigcalmThat seems fair14:37
bigcalmIt's a way for end users to put credit onto their account with a client. I really hope the client doesn't want to go down the spammy route14:38
bigcalmI do hope I typed in the correct number just now14:40
* bigcalm drums his finders14:42
bigcalmAnd fingers14:42
* BigRedS hopes bigcalm meant the plural noun and not the verb14:43
bigcalm!ohmy | BigRedS14:43
lubotu3BigRedS: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.14:43
bigcalmdavmor2: poke14:50
* davmor2 snaps bigcalms stick! what?14:51
davmor2bigcalm: oh I'm back on for thursday now woohoo14:51
bigcalmdavmor2: did you get the sms?14:52
bigcalmdavmor2: ah, goodo14:52
davmor2bigcalm: indeed I was too busy to look though :D14:52
bigcalmdavmor2: gah, you could have taken the time :P14:53
bigcalmdavmor2: you had me worried I had the wrong number14:53
davmor2bigcalm: well I was going to say no at first and freak you out :D14:53
* bigcalm stops playing with the client's system14:54
bigcalmAre all UK mobile numbers +44 7 ### ### ###? I need to make sure I always send the correct format to the SMS Gateway15:11
dwatkinsIn theory, yes, bigcalm - that was what they changed back in about 199915:12
dwatkinsclearly there will be numbers which are forwarded etc. of course15:12
dwatkinsAlso, the number of digits should have been standardised then, unlike in Germany where it depends what exchange a company has as to how many digits you dial15:13
dwatkinshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telephone_numbers_in_the_United_Kingdom looks handy15:14
BigRedSbigcalm: it depends why you are interested. It's possible for mobile numbers to terminate at landline phones and vice versa15:15
bigcalmI'll try sending a text message to my land line :)15:16
dwatkinsthere's also the liklihood someone will give out a number with just the UK area code, but I assume that's not the issue here.15:16
BigRedSbigcalm: many will accept it15:16
bigcalmWe'll see if it works from the gateway though15:16
BigRedSBT do a service where you can send to an 020 number, for example, and the recipient has it read out to them on their answerphone15:16
davmor2bigcalm: shockingly it will work as virgin has a read you a text message15:16
dwatkinscaller ID doesn't even have to use a valid number, when I call my mobile from work, it shows a 7-digit number15:16
ubuntuuk-planet[Jonathan Riddell] Akademy Week Continues - http://blogs.kde.org/node/458515:17
dwatkinsdidn't they have Stephen Fry's voice reading out text messages for a while, or was it Tom Baker on the speaking clock I'm thinking of....?15:17
dwatkinsThe apocalypse has begun in Edinburgh, we'll be completely submerged in five minutes at the rate it's raining here.15:18
diploBigRedS: You can do that to most numbers afaik15:19
diploWorked on cable as well15:19
diploJust text a landline and it's read out15:19
bigcalmIt sent the sms to my land line ok. I have found that I need to format the number to always be 44 rather than 0. So that'll be fun15:19
bigcalmUg. I need to write this up for my client. A fun job indeed :S15:20
gordput another fan on my cpus water cooling thing, now its ambient temperature is 5 degrees lower than what it was pre fan, score!15:26
davmor2gord: yeah but then it is flying around the room from all the fans15:28
gordit only has seven!15:28
davmor2gord: more than enough most propeller planes only have 4 :D15:29
BigRedSdiplo: ah, perhaps15:31
dogmatic69damn, that is quite the bomb shell cisco dropped15:31
diploWassat ?15:32
dogmatic69tl;dl auto updates required + spying + selling your data15:33
dwatkinsthe government will be pleased, considering they almost certainly use Cisco networking gear15:33
dogmatic69dwatkins: I think virtually all servers run through cisco hardware at some point15:34
diploUmm, this is home stuff15:35
diploThey wouldn't dare do corp stuff on ios15:35
dwatkinsdogmatic69: indeed, I have an 800-series VPN router at home15:35
diploThis is basically linksys equipment15:35
dwatkinsloads of intermediary stuff from Cisco though15:35
diployeah they couldn't wouldn't touch that dwatkins15:36
dogmatic69diplo: perhaps just the start?15:36
diplonah, corps would move away in a flurry15:36
diploThe place i ran wouldn't allow it, they would buy someone elses kit if they knew they didn't have full control15:36
dogmatic69ye, that is still a huge pita15:37
dogmatic69BT has dodgy stuff like this going on too15:38
dogmatic69there is a backdoor in the home hubs and they keep popping in to see what is going on15:39
BigRedSI love the idea of this room full of 'technicians' sat there sshing in to people's homehubs, running ps through a few greps, shrugging, and moving on to the next guy15:40
dogmatic69BigRedS: I have 5+ port scans per day on my router15:43
BigRedSyeah, I just always picture this as humans logging in and looking rather than the machine it probably is15:48
dogmatic69I would not be surprised, have you called BT support o.o15:48
Myrttipro tip for people using Google+: please add your nickname to your profiles15:49
dogmatic69Myrtti: google has pretty much done away with usernames15:50
diploI thought I had Myrtti :)15:50
diploAdded :)15:50
Myrttidogmatic69: you can still add nicknames into the profile15:51
Myrtticase in point: https://plus.google.com/100016383867666174158/about15:51
diploUnder "other"15:51
BigRedSMyrtti: nickname? As what The Internet calls me, or some Google-specific thing?15:51
Myrttidiplo: errr15:51
dogmatic69BigRedS: BigRedS15:52
BigRedSdogmatic69: ta!15:52
Myrttiit still is a way of displaying your nickname(s) and you can display it with your name up on the top, like I do15:52
* BigRedS is a bear of simple brain15:52
dogmatic69holly cow, you can embed linux in a router15:53
Myrttidiplo: oh, hai, it was you15:53
BigRedSyou can embed linux in lots of things15:53
BigRedSbut, for historical reasons, only BSD is permitted in toasters15:54
diplopopey: Said something similar the other day, 'Oh that's you' :)15:54
dogmatic69busy reading about DD-WRT, looking for ways to give BT the finger15:54
diploWondered why it hadn't said diplo in my profile but hadn't actively cheked15:54
diploSure I had done it15:54
Songtaohow to setup dns in ubuntu 12.04 cmd line ?16:00
diploman resolvconf Songtao16:01
bigcalmSongtao: do you want to be a dns server or add dns server ip addresses?16:01
diploAnd with that, it's home time16:01
Songtaoresolv.conf, only 2 line16:01
diploCatch you all later16:01
Songtaoadd dns server ip16:02
Songtaoin resolv.conf16:02
SongtaoI have setup static ip for the system, now I need to add dns server ip16:02
bigcalmSongtao: quick answer is to add "nameserver x.x.x.x" to /etc/resolv.conf. Better answer is to look at the package resolvconf: http://askubuntu.com/questions/29286/how-to-auto-add-to-etc-resolv-conf16:03
AlanBellresolv.conf.d is your friend16:04
Songtaobut currently, in resolv.conf, only 2 line:16:04
SongtaoDynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by resolvconf(816:04
bigcalmHow come it's gone 5pm?16:06
bigcalmThis just isn't on16:06
AlanBellSongtao: the file to edit is /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head16:07
Songtaothx, but,  the same message displayed : in  head file16:09
AlanBellah, well that message is lying I think16:09
Songtaounder /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d folder16:10
bigcalmMaybe that's where the message in /etc/resolv.conf comes from16:10
Songtaothere are another 2 files, base and origianl16:10
Songtaobase file is empty16:10
AlanBellread the stgraber article, it explains everything16:11
bigcalmSongtao: the URI that AlanBell pasted will explain what you need to do :)16:11
Songtaobut original got "nameserver "16:11
Songtaothanks a lot, have a look now16:11
Songtaogot it, works now, thanks everyone16:17
AlanBellwas I right about the message in /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head being a lie?16:18
AlanBellsomeone should file a bug about that probably (unless I am wrong)16:18
SongtaoI didn't do it that way, I edit /etc/network/interfaces, and add "dns-nameservers", because I setup static ip in this file anyway16:20
davmor2AlanBell, bigcalm: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/network-configuration.html the "dns-nameservers" is the recommended way according the the official server guide :)16:24
AlanBellyeah, says that in the stgraber article too, but you can also stuff things in head I think (which would apply for all interfaces)16:27
bigcalmYep, but nice to know you can do it per interface via networking16:32
=== KillerJim is now known as KillerJim|Away
AlanBellyeah, and as maco pointed out in the comments that is really cool for VPNs16:33
bigcalmIn PHP, is there a quick way to remove all non-digits from a string?16:35
davmor2bigcalm: yes but I'm not telling you muhahahahahahahahaha (no idea really :) )16:36
davmor2bigcalm: there is in python but python rocks16:36
* popey is spending his evening testing out new unity and compiz packages 16:39
davmor2popey: oh aren't you mr excitement, I did a mini.iso install today because ubiquity/linux combo hates my webcam16:48
* BigRedS just wrote half a KB of one-liner that generates a script :)16:49
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bigcalmpopey: who is editing last night's UUPC then?16:54
popeywe dont edit :p16:54
popeyhowever I do need to top and tail it and release it16:55
popeybusy busy busy16:55
popeynever get my lens finished ;(16:55
bigcalmNoooo :(16:57
* bigcalm learns Python16:58
Songtaobigcalm, has you try regx17:00
gordfantastic idea for a lens i don't want to spend time making but someone else should: minesweeper lens17:05
bigcalmgord: how would it work?17:12
gordjust throw up a grid of results, set the icons to be a not clicked yet tile, when one gets activated see if its a mine or not, change the results accordingly17:12
bigcalmgord: you use the term "just" in the same way my clients do. It's very disturbing17:13
* bigcalm returns18:21
bigcalmIt's all go in here tonight :)21:01
popeyI was thinking the same21:03
ahayzenHi, quick question(s), is it preferred for applications to store their settings under ~/.app or ~/.config/app ? also is there anywhere to refer to for this sort of information?21:06
popeyahayzen, .config/app21:11
bigcalmpopey: what shall we do then?21:11
popeythere's a spec about it21:11
ahayzenpopey, thanks21:11
popeybigcalm, early night for me, maybe code in the morning with fresh eyes :(21:11
bigcalmpopey: ah, a fresh start is always good21:11
popeyahayzen, https://live.gnome.org/GnomeGoals/XDGConfigFolders21:11
ahayzenpopey, thanks again :)21:12
popeyhmm, not ideal page21:12
popeybut you get the idea :D21:12
bigcalmTime for a podcast!21:12
popeygoogle xdg config21:12
ahayzenso why do some apps store them in ~/.app ? is that an old standard or misuse or something?21:12
popeybasically :)21:14
popeynn all21:14
* bigcalm notices a lack of mention at the beginning of podcast :(21:15
ubuntuuk-planet[Ubuntu UK Podcast] S05E10  The Tale of the Pie and the Patty Pan - http://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/2012/07/04/s05e10-the-tale-of-the-pie-and-the-patty-pan/21:17
AlanBellhttp://www.ebuyer.com/388470-zoostorm-laptop-7873-9037 operating system free laptop21:27
ali12348GB ram and 500GB HD for under £30023:10
ali1234that's amazing23:10
AzelphurA full PC?23:10
ali1234a laptop23:11
Azelphurlink? o.O23:11
Azelphuryay for zoostorm23:11
Azelphurthat CPU is horribad23:11
ali1234i dont know what pentium B960 means23:11
Azelphurthere again quite cheap23:11
ali1234but yeah23:11
Azelphurit means crap23:11
ali1234i guessed it would suck23:11
ali1234it's intel so i bet it doesn't do VX23:12
ali1234which means the 8GB is wasted anyway23:12
Azelphurit benches lower than a core 2 duo T9800 @ 2.93ghz23:12
ali1234are they the same socket?23:12
ali1234that's obviously a low end laptop chip for email wizards23:13
ali1234i don't care about speed but i need VX23:13
Azelphurthe ram is just a waste with that cpu xD23:13
Azelphurwhat's VX?23:13
ali1234hardware virtualization23:13
ali1234maybe zoostorm will make a AMD one23:13
* Azelphur shrugs23:14
ali1234anywhoo that's a pretty good laptop for the price, even if the CPU sucks23:15
dogmatic69ali1234: that is well under 30023:15
dogmatic69I was expecting 298.9923:15
dogmatic69that is a shame, "Ebuyer recommends using genuine Microsoft Software and is Windows 7 "23:18
ali1234yeah well, if need to be told that you shouldn't be buying a computer with no OS23:19
ali1234i don't really care what ebuyer recommend :)23:19
dogmatic69great they dont 'force' windows on you though23:20
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away

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