
hobgoblinhi hannie14:43
hobgoblinhow's things14:43
hanniehey hobgoblin everything fine here14:43
hannieand you?14:43
hobgoblinyep - all good here thanks14:43
hobgoblinhave a look at the beginning of this - bodhi added some stuff :p14:44
hannieI will14:44
* hobgoblin is going to be dragging a lot of the new staff and members kicking and screaming into the party of the next month or so14:45
hannieoops, didn't quite get that14:46
hobgoblinthe post or what I just said ?14:46
hanniewhat you said14:47
hobgoblinI shall be getting some new blood in to the wiki/thread project14:47
hannieah, good. I am not very productive because the manual costs me a lot of time.14:48
hannieI am currently preparing the translations on LP.14:48
hobgoblinlol - you do your bit and what you have done has been great :)14:48
hobgoblinhelped me enormously14:48
hobgoblinI know - I am still on the manual m/list - and still intend to help where I can14:49
hannieI started translating the manual and then got involved in all kinds of jobs :)14:49
hannieYou do a lot for forums, I do a lot for the manual14:49
hobgoblinbeen doing a lot of testing for xubuntu as well14:50
hannieHave you seen the link to the14:50
hobgoblinread that :)14:50
hannieI am glad the manual gets more attention now in the media14:50
hobgoblinyea I'm sure14:51
hannieJust read the post14:51
hannieSo, from now on tutorials should start on the wiki, not on the forums14:52
hobgoblinwe will be starting to force it more now14:52
hanniegood, I hope people will understand the advantages of the wiki14:53
hobgoblinmost will I think - you always get some who don't like new14:53
hannieWell, back to translations then. See you14:54
hobgoblinnice to see you :)14:54
hobgoblinsaw you pop in yesterday but I missed you14:54
hobgoblinhave fun :)14:54
hanniety, you too with xubuntu and forums14:54
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=== elfy is now known as forestpiskie
=== forestpiskie is now known as themadmonk
=== themadmonk is now known as elfy
=== jedney is now known as JonEdney

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