
=== _MOSMarauder is now known as MOSMarauder
studio-user729hi all17:49
studio-user729newbee alert - is it possible to get somehow apple MOV editable into openshot ?17:49
studio-user729all the time video isnt playable17:50
studio-user729audio only :-(17:50
studio-user729i sthere a codec pack for ubuntu ?17:50
tycheI've never tried MOV files in OpenShot.  You might have to convert it to something else, first.18:00
eein_where does PA get its profiles from?18:11
eein_and is there a way to mske your own?18:12
sunzHi! i just installed ubuntu-studio, everything went well except that the fonts look somewhat "rainbow-colored" here and there..  what can i do to fix that?18:19
MaynardWaterssunz: have you tried simply switching the fonts?18:29
sunzMaynardWaters, yes, fontsize, hinting and stuff, this all affects it, but its still there, more or less18:30
Farmer_i have a little problem with booting from the live dvd, maybe somebody can help me with that19:42
Farmer_if i select "Try Ubuntu Studio without installing" i get a bleck screen, then another black screen with a prompt and then i get vertical pink stripes19:43
ailoFarmer_: What kind of graphic card do you have?19:43
Farmer_thats ubuntu studio 12.04, with a hd 679019:43
Farmer_and then my moniter shuts down19:44
ailoFarmer_: Have you tried the standard Ubuntu live CD?19:44
Farmer_no, i already have ubuntu on my other pc19:45
Farmer_but i can try...just have to burn another cd (dvd?)19:46
ailoFarmer_: You could create a bootable usb19:46
ailounetbootin is easy to use19:46
ailoFarmer_: http://askubuntu.com/questions/125710/monitor-turns-off-while-installing-12-04http://askubuntu.com/questions/125710/monitor-turns-off-while-installing-12-0419:46
Farmer_how many gb does that require?19:46
ailoUbuntu live is the size of a CD19:46
ailoNot all sticks support it. Most modern systems do support booting from usb stickas19:47
Farmer_mhh, thanks for that page....i will try that19:47
ailoFarmer_: If that works, you might need to install raphic drivers to get things working after that. Also, if it does not work, but standard Ubuntu does, you can always install ubuntu studio using the meta-packages: ubuntustudio-desktop, ubuntustudio-audio, etc19:48
ailoThe latter on top of an existing Ubuntu install19:49
Farmer_ailo: thank you, i will try that19:49
Farmer_forcevesa does work19:50
Farmer_yeah, it did boot19:52
Farmer_thank you19:52
ailoplotino: Hello19:52
ailoFarmer_: Great19:52
ailoplotino: New to Ubuntu Studio?19:53
plotinobut im still at 10.0919:54
plotinono way to update because it's installed on old machine19:55
plotinohow to check it by shell?19:55
ailoYou want to update using the terminal?19:55
ailosudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade19:56
plotinono no19:56
plotinojust the command to see which isuue i have installed now19:56
Farmer_mhh, strange...i dont even have to type xforcevesa, just select nomodeset and it works...19:58
ailoplotino: It's in /etc/. Either do: cat /etc/issue, or cat/etc/*release19:58
astraljavaplotino: lsb_release -a19:59
plotinoi got 10.1020:01
plotinoi wanna ask to you20:01
plotinowhich is the best sw in the suite to record audio when playing back some MIDI traces?20:02
ailoI think all sequencers that are midi capable, and can record audio, are good for recording audio. But, some may be better at processing the audio20:03
ailoqtractor is ok20:03
ailoArdour3 is another option20:03
ailoIt's available as a beta release at the Ardour home page20:03
ailoYou can also use two DAW's by syncing them. You could use qtractor for midi, but Ardour for audio20:04
ailoBoth should be configured to follow jack transport20:05
plotinoardour is very heavy for my system and sometimes get my audio card stuck20:05
plotinowhat about rosegarden?20:05
ailoplotino: May I ask, what kind of computer is this? Processor, RAM?20:05
ailorosegarden is fine as well. I find it crashes for me sometimes, but I haven't used it very much20:06
plotinoathlon 1GHz20:06
plotinoRAM 512 MHz20:07
plotinothtas the point20:07
ailoI used to use a similar computer a couple of years ago20:07
plotinoi would like to have a stable and affordable system20:07
ailoplotino: Are you using a low latency capable kernel?20:07
plotinobut ardour is not so stable20:07
plotinonot now20:07
ailoI think all of the programs can be a bit flakey at times20:07
plotinobefore updating kernel20:07
plotinoi had kernel RT20:08
plotinonow its generic pne20:08
ailort kernels can be unstable. I had some problems on the older computer20:08
ailoWith generic, you will not be able to get low latency, but is that important to you?20:09
ailoplotino: Have you tried MusE?20:09
ailoI like the midi on MusE. The audio part is not very advanced20:09
plotinoonly for midi infact20:10
plotinoi have a creative sound blaster platinum20:10
ailoI think Ardour is best for mixing, etc20:12
ailoBut for recording, I don't think it matters20:12
plotinoso maybe rosegarden could be the final choice20:14
ailoplotino: I find that I can't do everything with only one SW. I do use Ardour quite a lot, but I need other DAW's for other things. Could be Ardour3 is better. You could try it. I think it should work fine on your Ubuntu version20:21
ailoIt has midi support, but it's different from other DAW's20:22
plotinou use more than 1 Daw?20:22
ailoDepends on what I am doing20:22
ailoI do mixing with Ardour20:22
plotinowhich is your instrument?20:33
ailoplotino: I'm allround. Drums, guitar, keyboard(piano)..20:35
ailoI haven't used Linux for multichannel recording much though - when recording drums20:35
plotinohave u studied music composition?20:36
ailoI usually use other OS's (cause I don't record drums at home)20:36
ailoplotino: Yes20:36
ailoI started studying at the library, but I later studied at http://www.gotlandstonsattarskola.com/en20:37
ailoIt's open for foreigners the last time I checked20:37
ailoFull time, composition only20:37
ailoSeems like they haven't translated everything20:38
ailoplotino: How about you. Did you study something?20:52
plotinosorry i was busy21:09
plotinoim an electrical bassist21:09
plotinoand im going to learn upright21:09
plotinoi like linux21:09
plotinoso i play sometimes with ubuntu studio21:10
ailoplotino: Like holstein. He's also a bass player21:20
ailoHe plays mostly jazz. Both electric and upright21:21
ailoHe's usually the one most active here21:21
plotinoi would the same :)e21:21
holsteinailo: missed em' :/22:30

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