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sairgoHello! Where can I find a good comparision between Kubuntu and Ubuntu?01:54
sairgoI'm using Gnome 4 years... but I'm tired.... I want to give Kubuntu a chance.01:54
cypher-neoHello. Brief question. I downloaded a Window Decoration file from KDE-Look.org, and I was wondering where I should extract the file in order to install it.02:14
cypher-neoMy bad, openDesktop.org...02:14
cypher-neoWhere do I extract it?02:15
skreech__sairgo: So.. give it a chance then02:24
skreech__cypher-neo: It should have a readme inside it02:24
skreech__sairgo: Any particular questions you'd like to ask We'll try answer them but something as general as what's the difference between Kubuntu and Ubuntu is somewhat like what's the difference between OSX and GNOME02:25
DarthFrogsairgo:  You're the best judge of whether Kubuntu suits you.  The real difference is whether you prefer KDE or GNOME.  In my minde, KDE is for power users.  GNOME is for those who don't mind HAL saying, "I'm sorry Dave, I can't allow you to do that."02:27
DarthFrogKDE doesn't stand in your way and limit you unnecessarily.02:27
DarthFrogNow, of course, that was prejudiced on my part.  I've made my choice.  Your choice can only be made by you.02:28
skreech__DarthFrog: What's the accounting software supposed to do?02:29
DarthFrogskreech__: Are you referring to the question I asked this morning?02:30
skreech__DarthFrog: Yes02:30
DarthFrogThanks for your interest.  My friend has already turned up his nose. :-)  I don't know what he had in mind in particular, but he does quite abit of work for non-profits and charity.02:31
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Guest72681Buenas alguien en el canal?02:38
skreech__DarthFrog: Understand but still I woudl like to know what it was the program was intended to do :)02:41
skreech__With out that it's impossible to know if it already exists or if it needs to be built02:41
DarthFrogskreech__: I'll ask him.02:41
skreech__DarthFrog: Thanks. What were his comments that came from around his upturned nose?02:45
skreech__sairgo: What concerns do you have about trying Kubuntu?02:45
DarthFrogskreech__: The ICQ conversation ended before that. :-)  He's in Houston, I"m in Vancouver, BC.02:48
skreech__\o/ ICQ :)02:49
DarthFrogHey, it works.02:49
skreech__I know I quite like ICQ02:50
skreech__There is a number of KDE Accounting software by the way02:50
skreech__DarthFrog: http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/KdeFinance02:58
skreech__!ca | DarthFrog03:12
ubottuDarthFrog: Canadian Ubuntu users can be found in #ubuntu-ca aussi #ubuntu-qc03:12
skreech__hi sairgo03:30
poetic_algebraI have a super n00b question --- how do I determine which version of KDE I'm using?  I've just installed project neon, and in the "About KDE" menu item, I'm told that it's version 4.8.4; but if project neon is up to date, it should be 4.8.9 or 4.9.003:47
skreech__poetic_algebra: which about KDE menu?03:47
poetic_algebrathe one available through the konsole03:48
skreech__poetic_algebra: however I would say check the about KDE menu :)03:48
skreech__poetic_algebra: I'm presuming that you installed the packages then logged out and back in ?03:48
poetic_algebraskreech__:  yes, indeed03:48
poetic_algebraskreech__:  my concern is that I'd like to file a bug, but I want to know if I'm up-to-date03:49
poetic_algebraotherwise I could just be filing an obsolete bug, and that would be a waste03:49
skreech__poetic_algebra: alright open a termin.. waiiit. Ok Type in the terminal kde4-config --version03:49
poetic_algebraaha!  thank you =D03:50
poetic_algebrait is indeed 4.8.403:50
skreech__poetic_algebra: well there you go then03:50
poetic_algebradah!  maybe I'll have to compile the RC myself =P03:50
skreech__KDE Development Platform: 4.8.90 (4.8.90)03:50
skreech__Is my response03:50
poetic_algebrareally?  and you're using project neon as well?03:51
poetic_algebraoneiric or precise?  32-bit or 64?03:52
skreech__32 bit 12.0403:52
poetic_algebra(if you don't mind my asking)03:52
skreech__I'm using the PPA from Kubuntu.org03:52
skreech__you want something newer Iguess03:52
poetic_algebraskreech__: yeah; I'm doing a little testing, and I'd just like to file a current bug, rather than one for the stable version (although it may ultimately make no difference).  In any case, thanks very much!  I appreciate it!03:54
skreech__poetic_algebra: I think that the beta may be good enough. What's the bug let me see if I can duplicate03:55
poetic_algebraskreech__: sure thing; if you dim the display, and then add a battery widget to the desktop, the brigtness resets to the highest setting03:57
poetic_algebraThis may be related to a couple other extant bugs03:58
* skreech__ would need a laptop >_>03:59
poetic_algebraeven worse, the brightness sliders in the energy settings appear to have no effect03:59
skreech__Oh yeah that I noticed04:00
skreech__I had Beta 2 on a laptop the other day and couldn't make it brighter at all04:01
amason_yeh i noticed that too04:01
amason_it's on my list of bug reports to do04:01
amason_but haven't had any time to do more digging04:01
poetic_algebrawell, glad to know I'm not alone =D04:02
poetic_algebrathere are a couple related bugs out there; brightness seems to be a bit of a mess =]04:02
skreech__poetic_algebra: Most likely. Can you jump into #kde-quality and mention it04:02
amason_poetic_algebra: if you have time it would be great if you could do some digging and submit it , i am running pretty low on time and it's > 10 on my bug list04:03
skreech__amason_: I take it you did a search to see if the bug was already filed?04:03
amason_and i too don't have my laptop today04:03
amason_skreech__: yeh it's there but it was sparse i.e needed more info04:04
poetic_algebrasure; what kind of digging should I do?04:04
amason_i guess i didn't mean submit it , more like submit some debugging.04:04
amason_poetic_algebra: well the one thing i didn't do was see if i coud dim the display from the CLI, haven't looked at how to do this04:05
amason_to make sure it's a kde issue and not just the system04:05
poetic_algebraokay, I'll look into that04:05
poetic_algebrait's interesting that you can dim the display from the battery system tray icon, but it will reset in moments04:06
amason_ah n/m then04:06
amason_if you can do that then it's not a system issue :)04:06
poetic_algebragood to know =]04:07
poetic_algebra(sorry, got a phone call; I'm dividing my time, and it's tricky!)04:08
amason_it's fine, i'm doing stuff at the same time too04:10
amason_pft work...04:10
josh_Trying to update my drivers. Downloaded the appropriate file from AMD website. What do I need to type in terminal to run it? I'm new to Linux :)04:13
amason_josh_: can you provide us with a bit more information...04:27
amason_what kind of file is it?04:27
skreech__amason_: can you give the bug info?04:29
amason_yup, gimme a few mins need to find it04:30
msxhi guys, @josh: can you tell me what patch you apply to make dolphin have inline rename?04:30
skreech__josh_: Were there noinstructions on the website?04:31
josh_Little update, i changed the properties of the file to executable. double clicked it and it began doing its thing. It asks for admin password to run as super-user, I put my password in but it told me it was incorrect04:32
josh_Yeah, the website didn't provide me with instructions04:32
skreech__josh_: Though you can install drivers from inside kubuntu itself04:32
josh_I figured you could, just not sure how. I'm a terminal noob04:32
skreech__msx: Update to a newer version of dolphin I'd guess04:33
skreech__josh_: alt+F2 -> kdesudo jockey-dke04:33
skreech__umm jockey-kde04:33
msx@skreech: i just read an article saying it will be default in upcoming 2.1 version, thanks :)04:34
josh_excellent! it's searching for drivers04:34
skreech__josh_: ;-)04:35
josh_I have two choices. ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver or (post-release)04:35
josh_I assume post-release04:35
skreech__fglrx :)04:36
skreech__Oh wait no. Post release04:37
poetic_algebraokay, sorry about that; I'll take a look at this some more tomorrow --- thanks for your help skreech__ and amason_ =]04:40
poetic_algebraamason_: the program xbacklight will allow you to change the brightness at the cli04:43
poetic_algebraidk if this is what you were looking for, but it's one option04:43
amason_ah cool, thanks. i knew there was some backlight tool just couldn't remember which one.04:44
amason_skreech__: i think this is the one i was looking at 28668804:44
poetic_algebrathere's also this setpci -s command that I don't exactly know how to use =]04:44
poetic_algebraanyway, goodnight!04:45
skreech__amason_: ok I"ll try follow up04:45
skreech__night poetic_algerbra04:45
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cbbgood morning06:52
skreech__Good morning07:01
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jdsAre games written in java like Minecraft hand coded? Or are they using some kind of engine or something?07:41
mah454where is this repository ? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/amd64/libqt4-dev/4:4.8.1-0ubuntu4.108:01
skreech__mah454: Hm?08:12
mah454skreech__: nothing ! find !08:13
skreech__mah454: You found it?08:13
mah454thank you :)08:13
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mah454How can fix this problem : http://pastebin.com/aqhHRKyW10:13
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vipHi there, after todays upgrade, I've got problems with connecting from some apps12:00
vipE.g. kopete jabber plugin, krdc, kadu-dev12:01
viphere's list of upgraded packages https://gist.github.com/14f73036af2cdb13a38912:01
vipI'm using quantal12:02
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CenbeIs there a way to turn off those annoying "System Notification Helper" on-screen messages?12:21
BluesKajHey all12:25
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tusharthantharatHi guys13:19
tusharthantharatcan anybody responsd to me13:21
mydogsnameisrudyhello tusharthantharat13:21
BluesKaj!ask | tusharthantharat13:21
ubottutusharthantharat: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:21
tusharthantharatokay thanks.. was just checking if i got connected13:21
Joittus usual when you get the name list from users, you are here13:23
tusharthantharatokay thanx. but laterly i was facing some issues13:23
kaddiis there a known problem with gtalk and kopete at the moment?13:24
mydogsnameisrudykaddi:  mine is working fine13:25
kaddimine keeps saying: Kopete: Connection problem with Jabber server talk.google.com There was an error authenticating with the server: Login failed with unknown reason.13:26
kaddijabber itself is working fine13:26
kaddiany ideas?13:36
hateballSSL issues?13:37
kaddihmm, i wouldn't know... It was working fine until 2 weeks ago, then it suddenly stopped working13:40
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shoopdewoopskreech__: So, I did a complete reinstall because I hadn't gotten far anyway and it seemed like the easiest solution :P everything is working fine now (to be expected) and now I'm just afraid to install that driver again :P14:43
federica_is there any dantti print-manager ppa?14:50
shoopdewoopinstalling updates, back in a few14:52
shoopdewoopskreech__: just reinstalled the driver, title bar issue still persists :(15:18
Joitshoopdewoop: you should probatly fill a bug15:20
Joitbug report15:20
shoopdewoopHow do I do that?15:21
Joit1 sec pls15:22
shoopdewoopNo problem15:22
Joiti looked up for your gma chip and transparent title bar and got 2 results15:25
Joitto fill up a bug there is a system implemented to ubuntu, you can install that with muon, else make an account here https://bugs.launchpad.net and fill one15:26
shoopdewoopokay thank you for the info15:28
Joitif you cant fix it with this workarounds above, you maybe better stay with your old driver, i dont think that you will play any shiny games on your machine. for the rest a normal driver work probatly good enough15:31
Joitand -updates- at linux doesnt mean that they make anything better at linux15:32
shoopdewoopthats true :P the old resolution is just a little annoying, but it might be the only option (1024x576 vs 860x576) its not crucial really, I should be getting a shiny new laptop pretty soon :)15:32
Joitsometimes the normal driver works also better with other apps15:32
shoopdewoopwe shall see15:33
Joitcan you do better resolutions with the updated driver?15:33
shoopdewoopjust 1024x576, but its better than 860x576 :P15:34
Joitproabtly there is only something missing, like the uax missed like above15:34
shoopdewoopI'll check it out definitely; unfortunately I don't have as much time as I'd like today, but I'll check out those links you  posted15:35
Joitok, i can only hope it helps, i am not familar with this chips15:35
shoopdewoopAnything is helpful, thanks so much :)15:36
Joityou also can simple look for intel gma500 kubuntu on the net, that should give some results what are probatly interesting15:40
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orioljoin #kde-promo17:01
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skreech__hi shoopdewoop17:38
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BluesKajhey skreech__18:05
skreech__Hi BluesKaj18:08
pentarexhey guys can anyone tell me some good screen capture application so I can record my monitor and upload the video to youtube? I am using Kubuntu18:53
mydogsnameisrudypentarex:  look at recordmydesktop and recorditnow18:57
genii-aroundI also sometimes use VLC to capture the screen19:03
skreech__pentarex: there is a blogpost on it19:11
skreech__hold on19:11
skreech__pentarex: http://nienhueser.de/blog/?p=46919:11
pentarexskreech__: ok I will wait :)19:11
skreech__pentarex: wait No mure!!!19:12
pentarexno mure?19:12
skreech__It's my hurrible accent.19:12
BluesKajwhat accent ? :)19:15
genii-aroundnasal congestion?19:16
BluesKajmust be amuricen19:19
skreech__BluesKaj: :-)19:19
AptarIs there a better picture viewer than Gwenview?19:25
skreech__Aptar: The Louvre19:26
skreech__Aptar: What are you looking for?19:26
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Aptarskreech__, Looking to view my pics and videos from a camera.19:27
Aptarskreech__, I also have some videos that display sideways that need to be rotated.19:27
skreech__Aptar: tried alt+F2 -> kamera:/19:28
skreech__I think that gwenview can rotate videos. I forget19:28
BluesKajAptar, gwenview rotates19:28
skreech__I think Digikam takes more of that into consideration but that's a jackhammer for nail19:28
AptarWhen I display a video in Gwenview it grays out the rotate options19:28
Aptarpictures will rotate but not my videos19:28
BluesKajAptar, try VLC for videos , it can rotate as well but you have to dig down several menus19:29
BluesKajvlc>video>postprocessing>geometry , iirc19:32
Aptarok thank you19:33
Aptarskreech__, I can't even find one called "The Louvre:19:33
AptarBluesKaj, Where you able to see if Gwenview really rotates videos?19:35
skreech__Aptar: It was a joke. :)19:35
Aptarskreech__,  ;)19:35
skreech__Aptar: it's alt+F2 -> camera:/19:35
skreech__kamera is the configuration for that19:36
BluesKajAptar, sorry , it's tools>effectsand filters>video effects>geometry19:37
BluesKajAptar, no < i've never even tried to play videos in gwenview19:39
AptarBluesKaj, Ah, ok I got it now...I was looking in the postprocessing menu and couldn't locate it...now I got it, appreciate it! :)19:39
BluesKajAptar, yeah , sorry I have only needed to rotate video in VLC once , so my memory failed19:40
AptarBluesKaj, Just about all of the video I have taken with my iphone 4 displays as sideways on here, ugh.19:40
BluesKajyeah , my freind uses a video cam on his bicycle helmet and records his cross country races , but they were all sideways as well19:41
phoenix_firebrdpentarex:  try try recorditnow or kazam19:41
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cypher-neoHello. I was configuring Kickoff and I wanted to bind it to the Meta key so it launches the menu much like Unity and GNOME do with a single Meta keypress, but it won't capture the key. It looks like it wants me to make it TWO keys! Is there any way to just bind it to one key?21:25
cypher-neoMeta preferably21:26
eXpanderi have the same problem!21:26
eXpanderHelp me!21:26
* BluesKaj wonders what's so difficult about clicking kickoff :)21:27
cypher-neoBluesKaj: It's not really that hard. I was just wondering if it was possible.21:28
cypher-neoBluesKaj: Cause then I could just stick to using the keyboard... almost exclusively21:28
cypher-neoBluesKaj: On GNOME I could do this because the menu is raised on keypress. Now I think KDE is much MUCH better than GNOME.21:29
cypher-neoBluesKaj: There's no way I could be dragged back into GNOME! I was just hoping I could use some of the same keyboard shortcuts I got used to on the other DE.21:29
Daskreechcypher-neo: I think that it's mapped to Alt=F121:31
DaskreechI know there is an issue with using meta as single key as well as a modifier21:32
BluesKajcypher-neo, I'm not the guy to ask , there probly are simailer keyboard shortcuts in kde , but I don't use any :/21:32
cypher-neoDaskreech: Oh...21:32
cypher-neoDaskreech: That makes sense... Thanks for the help anyway21:33
Daskreechcypher-neo: There is a hacky ways to get around it so if you want to do it then it is possible21:33
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