
=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara
czajkowskirvba: morning09:20
rvba\o czajkowski09:20
czajkowskirvba: I have one more Q in for you. I suspect more will come in over the next 2 days and the others will get another one each. https://answers.launchpad.net/maas/+question/20228209:21
rvbaczajkowski: k.09:23
rbasakI got a failure on "make test": http://paste.ubuntu.com/1076131/ - fixed by installing libpq-dev as specified by the error. This needs to be added to HACKING.txt I presume?09:40
rbasakBTW, the detail in HACKING.txt is awesome and just saved me tons of time. I really appreciate it being there. Every upstream should have something so detailed.09:40
rvbarbasak: thanks for reporting that.  I'll fix HACKING.txt.09:55
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jtvDaviey: can you help us out with a dev question?  We're dealing with approaches to updating DNS zone files for changing node IPs, and we're just not sure what the uses and requirements are.11:46
jtvroaksoax or smoser maybe?11:47
Davieyjtv: ok11:48
Davieyjtv: Can you state the problem?11:49
jtvThe problem is that we're trying to implement the “update DNS based on the latest IP address information for the nodes” story but we don't know what those DNS updates are needed for.11:49
jtvWhich leaves us without criteria for evaluating solutions.11:49
jtvThe particular point we're stuck on is the latency/robustness/throughput tradeoff: how soon do we need DNS to be updated, and how important is that?11:52
Davieyjtv: Hmm11:54
jtvAnd of course if we don't know why we need this at all, then things suddenly become very easy indeed.  :)11:55
Davieywell, it's actually not super-quick-urgent stuff.  The metadata service provides the hostname, which overrides the local hostname.. which would normally be set at install time11:55
DavieyThe issue arises mostly when one node tries to talk to another node.11:55
Davieyjtv: Writing out a base A record zone file, loading it into bind, go home.11:56
Davieyalso-notifying the slaves might be a little too much..11:57
jtvYou mean notifying the DNS slaves?11:57
Davieyin the named.local you can put, also-notify X.X.X.X, X.X.X.X, X.X.X.X; for each zone, and it will ping the slaves for an update11:58
Davieybut that can be cron'd from the slaves to just update regulary11:58
jtvDaviey: so this is half-a-minute stuff rather than half-a-second stuff?12:01
Davieyjtv: oh, most certainly12:03
jtvWow, that certainly puts things in a different light.  Thanks!12:03
Davieyjtv: it's not uncommon for this to take 15 mins.12:03
jtvWell crucially, you're saying that's not a big problem?  :-)12:03
Davieywhen people talk about 'DNS propagation' they either mean the TTL to expire on clients OR the time it takes to push out to the slave DNS servers12:04
jtvYes, we figured that bit out — the missing bit was what kind of service was actually required.12:06
jtvI'm writing it up now, before they kick me out of this coffee shop.  Thanks again!12:07
Davieyjtv: Yeah, crucially the node knows about it's self via meta-data service12:08
DavieyIt's other nodes contacting that node at speed, which could be problematic12:08
jtvThat's the bit we need to know about though.12:08
Davieybut i can't imagine going from dns name change -> production service in under 60s12:08
jtvPutting a number on it is good.  Thanks.12:09
jtvReally have to stop here!12:09
rbasakFor faster stuff, there are dynamic DNS updates. Perhaps cloud-init could do them?12:10
jtvnn people!12:11
jtvrbasak: too late.  :-P  The question wasn't how we can do this cleverly.  Clever is often bad!  The question was what was required.12:12
* jtv really is off now.12:12
rbasakI generally see "avoid race conditions" as an automatic requirement, because they almost always come back to bite.12:13
allenaprbasak: +1 ... if you want to comment, I've CC'd jtv's follow-on from this discussion to private-canonical-maas, with my response.13:58
* rbasak looks13:58
rbasakallenap: thanks. I don't think I have anything more to add. Speed of deployment with juju was my concern also.14:01
allenaprbasak: Cool.14:02
rbasakanyway I'm just a bystander :)14:02
pmatulisis there a non-devel m/l for maas?14:02
allenaprbasak: No you're not! A lot of this we're building for your ARM stuff :)14:03
rbasakYes for ARM, but not for DNS!14:04
allenapAh, fair enough.14:04
* allenap writes "ARM does not need DNS" in feature document.14:04
rbasakBTW, you'll be pleased to hear the the test suite almost completely smoothly on ARM.14:04
rbasakOh, you mean I didn't tell you about how ARM servers do DNS differently? :-P14:05
allenaprbasak: It'll be QA that breaks hard on ARM.14:05
allenaprbasak: With Yellow Pages, right?14:06
rbasakI was kidding. It's exactly the same14:06
rbasakYou can use yp if you want14:06
allenapDo not want.14:06
rbasakUserland is pretty much all the same on ARM. Just minor porting issues. And Java issues.14:07
roaksoaxDaviey: the DNS *is* important14:27
roaksoaxDaviey: juju accesses the nodes based on hostnames14:28
roaksoaxif juju can't resolve to a hostanem, then uju doesn't work14:28
Davieyroaksoax: right, i'm saying that if it doesn't happen within the first 60 seconds of a node being commissioned.. it's pretty safe.14:30
Davieyit won't make the world fall apart if i add a node, and it's not resolvable within the first 60 seconds.14:30
DavieyI can't imagine juju will be usable within that time.14:30
roaksoaxDaviey: right, as long as juju can handle it we should be fine14:31
roaksoaxDaviey: anyways, did you see the missing file if I remove the sphinx-issue tracker dep?14:31
roaksoaxsmoser: where's your bug about the oauth issues?14:31
Davieyroaksoax: i didn't see it no.. is it all good and gone?14:32
roaksoaxDaviey: if I remove the build-dep, then this file is missing for python-celery-doc: /usr/share/doc/python-celery-doc/html/_static/issuetracker.css14:33
Davieyroaksoax: I think that is safe..14:34
roaksoaxDaviey: alright then, I'll ditch the Dep then14:35
Davieyroaksoax: wait 214:35
roaksoaxDaviey: sure:)14:36
Davieyroaksoax: did you check that issuetracker.css isn't referenced in the new docs?14:40
DavieyI think that is added to the html files  at build time, but haven't confirmed14:40
roaksoaxDaviey: i'm rebuilding the packages to confirm.14:40
* roaksoax hates having a crappy network14:41
roaksoaxDaviey: ye it seems it doesn't get referenced14:52
roaksoaxDaviey: so we should be good to remove it14:53
roaksoaxDaviey: so I'll go ahead with it15:07
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roaksoaxDaviey: do you agree? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1076635/15:57
Davieyroaksoax: yep16:27
Davieyroaksoax: you checked the generated docs don't include the issuetracker.css?16:27
roaksoaxDaviey: yep: (a) Current one:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1076673/ (b) patched one: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1076676/16:29
Davieyroaksoax: cool!16:36
Davieygo go go16:36
roaksoaxDaviey: lol, haven't heard the gogogo! since I last played Counter Strike few years back lol16:36
Davieyroaksoax: Contact Front, Wait out.16:38
Davieyroaksoax / smoser: Can you work out what changes need to be done to use the ephemeral environment for enlistment.  I'm expecting little more than adding a few entries to the kernel cmd line for cloud-init to do the enlistment.18:01
Daviey(still maintaining seperate cd based enlistment)18:01
roaksoaxDaviey: it would be similar to the boot image really18:02
roaksoaxDaviey: run a script on boot to try to enlist18:02
Davieyroaksoax: right, but the key is making cloud-init be the handler18:03
Davieyroaksoax: so cloud-init invokes maas-enlist18:03
roaksoaxDaviey: yeah so should be even simpler then18:03
roaksoaxDaviey: cloud-init should simply invoke maas-enlist with the arguments needed and that's it18:03
Davieyroaksoax: Then MAAS just needs the default preseed change, should be trivial18:03
Davieyroaksoax: right.. i can't imagineit's super complicated18:04
roaksoaxDaviey: shouldn'18:04
roaksoaxDaviey: shouldn't be. I guess it would just need to be different meta-data18:04
Davieyroaksoax: well, the meta-data cpuld be provided from the kernel cmd line18:05
roaksoaxDaviey: yeah, but we either provide a different URL for where to get the meta-data, or we modify the meta-data in the process18:07
roaksoaxDaviey: err, I think we would just need to ,provide enlistment meta-data18:07
roaksoaxDaviey: has it being thought of making enlistment+comissioning one single step?18:08
Davieyroaksoax: That is the next thing :)18:13
Davieyroaksoax: so.. a kernel cmd line 'metadata service' is just as valid as a http one18:13
roaksoaxDaviey: right, so that means you want to send the metadata in the kernel command line then?18:20
Davieyroaksoax: yep18:23
roaksoaxDaviey: wouldn't it be easier to have the metadata in the MAAS server and just send a URL where to be obtained from?18:24
Davieyroaksoax: Added complexity IMO.18:25
DavieyThe metadata currently detects what metadata data to supply based on oauth credentials18:25
DavieyAs this is a new node, there are no creds18:25
DavieySo... That requires additional upstream work18:25
DavieyNote, that the metadata url still have to be provided via kernel cmd line.. So it's an extra leap for no sound reason IMO18:26
roaksoaxDaviey: right, but it is simpler to provide a URL than metadata through the kernel command line. Either way, we only need to pass MAAS server IP address basically18:28
roaksoaxDaviey: and the hostname that the image obtains18:31
roaksoaxDaviey: from the DNS server18:31
roaksoaxif there's one18:31
roaksoaxfrom DNS or DHCP18:31
Davieyroaksoax: hmm yeah18:33
ahasenackhi, is there a way to release a node back into the pool via the maas UI?19:33
ahasenackI see only "delete" which might be relevant, but it's greyed/disabled19:34
dpb___Hi all -- how do I release a maas node?19:40
roaksoaxahasenack: there's none, that's done via juju20:47
ahasenackroaksoax: you mean it's done via the api20:50
roaksoaxahasenack: or the api20:50
ahasenackroaksoax: if I do a "cobbler system remove", maas might crash?20:50
ahasenackthat is the equivalent of "delete" probably, which is grayed out for a reason20:51
roaksoaxahasenack: removing from cobbler is deleting a system in maas, deleting it in cobbler might be harmful to maas20:51
ahasenackroaksoax: ok20:51
ahasenackroaksoax: there is no command-line api tool for maaas, right?20:51
roaksoaxahasenack: that's in progress20:52
roaksoaxahasenack: you want to set back to ready a node that's been allocated?20:52
ahasenackroaksoax: yes20:52
roaksoaxahasenack: how was it allocated in the first place?20:52
ahasenackroaksoax: just booting and accepting it in the maas ui20:52
roaksoaxahasenack: that leaves the node in Ready state20:52
roaksoax1. first boot -> enlist20:52
roaksoax2. 2nd boot -> commission20:52
roaksoaxthat leaves the node in Ready state20:53
ahasenackhm, it said it was allocated to "ubuntu", my user20:53
roaksoaxallocated state means that you used juju deploy/juju bootstrap,20:53
ahasenackno juju involved20:53
* roaksoax checks20:53
ahasenackI could have done some weird things the first time, just poking around20:53
roaksoaxIIRC ready state is the state when it has been commissioned20:54
ahasenackbut that wasn't the point anyway, just wanted to know how to put it back in the pool20:54
ahasenackand the answer is "using the same tool that allocated it in the first place"20:54
ahasenackroaksoax: thanks20:55
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