
head_victimvadi2: depends, cheap or good?09:11
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sagacijaddi27: no ubuntu member cloak yet?10:59
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jaddi27No, I haven't done it yet11:00
md_5|awayyou and your shiny cloaks :P11:00
jaddi27I have been quite busy - haven't been on my computer much for the past week11:00
jaddi27sagaci, who do I ask in the irc channel?11:01
sagacijust say something about being an ubuntu member and idle around until someone picks it up11:02
chuI think you need to ask some freenode staff?11:02
jaddi27Ok. I will say something there11:02
chuEither #freenod11:03
jaddi27in ubuntu-irc?11:03
chuErr, #freenode11:03
sagaci#ubuntu-irc, sez https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Cloaks11:04
jaddi27ok. i will give it a go11:04
md_5Wine PPA, why u update so much?21:56
vadi2Well it's a new Wine release today23:44
vadi2head_victim: cheap would have been enough, from what I saw cheap supported hdmi 1.3 and 1080p bandwidth, so that would have been enough. I realized though that I can instead move the laptop and connect it to the monitor via hdmi just as well, so no need to obtain one23:45

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