
nhandlerWhere does the software center get the small application icons from (i.e. the ones on https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/search/?q=rhythmbox) ? If it looks within the binary deb, where, what size, and what format must the icons be?03:26
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dholbachgood morning06:56
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* Laney phases in from another dimension17:53
Laneyanyone here ever set up wanna-build?17:53
tumbleweedwhat are you using it for?17:54
tumbleweed(going to be)17:54
Laneywell, we got this hp cloud stuff17:54
Laneyso I thought I might have a go at my charm idea17:54
LaneyI think you can add units or something (not looked into it much)17:55
Laneyso each one of those can be a buildd17:55
Laneyand a controlling wanna-build instance17:55
Laneyanyway it seems fairly painful to actually set up17:55
Laneymaybe there's another solution?17:55
tumbleweedI was about to suggest you look at lucas' EC2 rebuilding setup, but that's not wanna-build17:56
Laneycould prove useful though17:56
Laneynow where's that xnox?17:56
* tumbleweed goes. pub quiz demands that we be offline17:57
ScottKLaney: xnox seems to avoid this channel.17:59
iulianOh no. How so?18:00
Laneyhe's not on 24/7. strange behaviour.18:00
micahgScottK: but he seems to know if we talk about him :)18:00
ScottKI often see him on #ubuntu-devel when he's not here.18:00
ScottKmicahg: Canonical cabal no doubt.18:00
micahgTINC :)18:01
iulianThat must be a new acronym. No idea what that means. :)18:01
LaneyThat means you are the cabal.18:01
* micahg had to look it up the first time as well18:02
ScottK#1 result.18:03
* iulian nods.18:04
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna

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