
=== len is now known as Guest58971
TandyUKhi guys, were getting an error from cron.daily after the recent update12:53
TandyUKgrep: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mythbuntu-repos.list: No such file or directory12:54
TandyUKfrom /etc/cron.daily/mythbuntu-repos12:54
TandyUKwhat should this file contain, and why has it been removed during the upgrade?12:54
TandyUKalso the permissions on /var/log/mythtv/jamu.log were incorrect, but ive fixed those12:55
TandyUKin fact just found 2 files in that folder,12:56
TandyUKroot@myth-bedroom:/etc/apt/sources.list.d# cat mythbuntu-repos.list.save12:56
TandyUKdeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/mythbuntu/0.24/ubuntu natty main12:56
TandyUKdeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/mythbuntu/testing/ubuntu natty main12:56
TandyUKroot@myth-bedroom:/etc/apt/sources.list.d# cat mythbuntu-repos.list.distUpgrade12:56
TandyUKdeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/mythbuntu/0.25/ubuntu oneiric main12:56
TandyUKdeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/mythbuntu/testing/ubuntu oneiric main12:56
Zinn[ppa.launchpad.net] Index of /mythbuntu/0.24/ubuntu12:56
Zinn[ppa.launchpad.net] Index of /mythbuntu/testing/ubuntu12:56
Zinn[ppa.launchpad.net] Index of /mythbuntu/0.25/ubuntu12:56
Zinn[ppa.launchpad.net] Index of /mythbuntu/testing/ubuntu12:56
TandyUKwhich is the correct one for 12.04?12:57
TandyUKthere is also a file named "mythbuntu-0_25-precise.list"12:57
TandyUKyou guys really need better testing of upgrades imho12:58
TandyUKevery time we update the base mythbuntu version there are issues12:58
dekarlTandyUK: I think you might be looking for something like "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mythbuntu/0.25"13:05
TandyUKits there though13:05
TandyUKits just the daily cronjob referring to the wring file?13:06
dekarlno idea what that would do in cron.daily, though13:06
TandyUKnote ive made 0 changes to this machine, it wasa stock mythbunto 10.04 originaly, and hasbeen upgraded as you guys update mythbuntu13:06
TandyUKthe cron job is:13:07
TandyUK# Detect if the repo config was disabled by distro upgrade and enable if13:07
TandyUK# necessary.13:07
TandyUKREPOLINE=$(grep -E "# disabled on upgrade to .*" "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/mythbuntu-repos.list")13:07
TandyUKif [ $? -eq 0 ]; then13:07
TandyUK  DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive dpkg-reconfigure mythbuntu-repos13:07
dekarlahh, looks like Ubuntu changed its way of disabling repositories on updates... the script checks for commented out stuff, but now the file is renamed :( ... <- superm1, tgm488313:08
dekarlI have /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mythbuntu-repos.list.distUpgrade13:08
TandyUKyeah i have that file too13:09
TandyUKrunning dpkg-reconfigure mythbuntu-repos returns13:09
dekarland obviously they don't want you to script it as the comment is localised, so grepping for "disabled" does not match "deaktiviert" yeah13:09
TandyUK/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: mythbuntu-repos is broken or not fully installed13:09
TandyUKand telling it to update it, wants to install 178MB!! of packages13:10
TandyUKfor a 1kb text file :S13:10
TandyUKer download size that is i mean wtf13:10
dekarlits not pulling in other updates, too?13:11
TandyUKyeah loads13:12
TandyUKbut even with13:12
TandyUKapt-get upgrade mythbuntu-repos13:13
dekarlTandyUK: running 12.04 means updating to mythtv-0.25, too. so thats the correct one, with precise after it13:13
TandyUKthe list of stuff that will be upgraded doesnt even include the package i told it to upgrade13:13
TandyUKah its been replaced by mythbuntu-common apparantly13:14
TandyUKso that old /etc/cron.daily/mythbuntu-repos file is obsolete and can be deleted?13:15
dekarlits possible, lets see what the mythbuntu devs think about it13:16
TandyUKdid you do a clean install of 12.04?13:17
TandyUKif so just see if your system has that file or not13:17
dekarlno, I updated from 11.04 via 11.10 to 12.04 myself13:19
TandyUKah right13:21
tgm4883TandyUK, delete the cron job14:11
tgm4883it's not used anymore14:12
=== len is now known as Guest67909

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