
jheskethHi There. Is this a good place to ask a few questions about the flow through ubiquity -> lightdm -> unity?05:40
sil2100Anyone here running most recent precise, unity 3D with a free moment of time to perform 2 small manual tests?08:29
MCR1sil2100: sry, on quantal already...08:30
sil2100MCR1: hm, quantal normal or quantal-proposed?08:31
MCR1normal with additional ppas08:31
MCR1I fear proposed ;)08:31
sil2100MCR1: but unity is from quantal, yes?08:31
MCR1no, from the staging PPA08:31
sil2100MCR1: good that you do! quantal-proposed is a risky game!08:31
sil2100MCR1: what version of unity is it?08:32
MCR1sil2100: 5.12+bzr2470ubuntu0+72408:32
sil2100MCR1: thanks, well, I need someone with a smaller version08:33
sil2100seb128: do you have a spare minute?08:33
sil2100seb128: (hi btw.)08:33
seb128sil2100, hey, yes08:34
sil2100seb128: you're running precise, yes?08:34
sil2100seb128: since I need 2 tests confirmed from someone running 5.12 - could you open the HUD, press Alt+F1 and tell me if you enter navigation mode on the Launcher?08:35
didrockssil2100: it doesn't08:36
didrockssil2100: there is a merge in trunk which is supposed to fix it :)08:36
didrocks(and a AP test as well IIRC)08:37
sil2100didrocks: it doesn't enter?08:37
sil2100didrocks: what's the desirable effect?08:37
didrocksentering the launcher keyboard navigation mode I think08:37
didrockswhich is what the branch was supposed to do08:37
sil2100didrocks: since we have an autopilot test failing (both in AP and in manual-testing) which says it SHOULDN'T, but does08:38
sil2100"""Pressing Alt+F1 when the HUD is open must not start keyboard navigation mode."""08:38
didrocksah HUD08:38
didrocksnot dash08:38
sil2100This is the comment on the autopilot test08:38
didrockssil2100: ok, then, please check with them08:38
didrocksit doesn't in dash and HUD on previous version08:39
didrocksI misread the merge then and thought the opposite was wanted08:39
sil2100So it's an regression?08:39
seb128sil2100, it doesn't go in navigation mode08:41
seb128it seems weird that the hud and dash are supposed to behave differently08:42
seb128could be worth checking with design?08:42
MCR1Anyone an idea how we could fix that one: bug 1017550 ?08:43
ubot5Launchpad bug 1017550 in docky (Ubuntu) "Unity Dash: The Dash does not get recognized by docks like Docky, Cairo Dock or Plank when set to fullscreen and the docks do not autohide" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101755008:43
sil2100seb128: I have some strange autopilot tests here... so keynav mode should work when dash is opened?08:43
sil2100JohnLea: hello, are you around?08:45
seb128sil2100, I'm not sure, best to check with JohnLea08:47
JohnLeasil2100, seb128 ; hi, I'm back, what's the question?08:54
sil2100JohnLea: hi, I'd like to ask a bit about the keynav behavior during dash and HUD08:55
sil2100JohnLea: when the HUD or the Dash are opened, what should Alt+F1 do?08:55
sil2100By design?08:55
JohnLeasil2100, seb128; close the Dash/HUD and open the Launcher keyboard navigation I think08:57
sil2100JohnLea: oh, that would actually make sense - but we have some autopilot tests in unity that say that it should be the opposite08:58
sil2100And that it shouldn't start keynav mode when in dash or HUD08:58
JohnLeasil2100; strange, I don't think that request came from us in design08:58
sil2100JohnLea: ok, thanks - I'll try to find the person who made the AP and ask why they added this08:59
JohnLeasil2100; I think the tests are bugby ;-)08:59
didrocks        """This test when Alt+F1 is activated it must close the dash."""08:59
didrocksso the dash is fine, it was the MR I was referring to08:59
sil2100didrocks: ok08:59
didrockssil2100: you mean, there is an opposite one for the HUD?09:00
sil2100didrocks: still need to bzr blame the person who added: """Pressing Alt+F1 when the HUD is open must not start keyboard navigation mode."""09:00
didrockssil2100: yeah ;)09:00
sil2100didrocks: test called test_disabled_alt_f1 in test_hud.py09:00
sil2100didrocks: the same for test: """When switching from the hud to the dash alt+f1 is disabled."""09:00
didrockssil2100: so basically, bother (HUD/dash) enters navigation mode, right?09:00
didrockssil2100: it seems only the test has to be fixed for the HUD to test the fact that you enter navigation mode?09:01
sil2100didrocks: yes, both enter keynav mode09:01
sil2100didrocks: so the tests are probably invalid09:01
didrocksyeah, seems so09:01
sil2100didrocks: since alt+f1 for both dash and HUD in unity 6.0 enter keynav mode09:01
didrockswhich is what is wanted, good, yeah bzr blame is your friend here :)09:01
sil2100didrocks: when in HUD, well, the hud is not hidden, but keynav mode works!09:01
didrockssil2100: hum09:02
sil2100didrocks: so it's partially fixed ;p09:02
didrockssil2100: it should do the same for both09:02
didrocksotherwise, it's confusing :)09:02
sil2100didrocks: yes, I presume ;)09:02
sil2100It seems as if brandon added this test..?09:03
sil2100Will have to discuss this with him when he's online09:03
MCR1smspillaz: Hi :) Is it more or less safe to use your new experimental Compiz PPA or is it rather not recommended to use it ?09:24
smspillazMCR1: I'm still trying to get it building09:42
smspillazMCR1: lots of things will be broken, there are a lot of plugins which have not been (and will not be in the near future) ported to the new API09:42
smspillazwhen I say "lots of things" I mean "lots of things" if you extend beyond the default ubuntu usecase09:43
MCR1smspillaz: Thx 4 the info. I think I understand.09:45
* MCR1 is removing the PPA from the sources...09:45
smspillazMCR1: that being said, if you're feeling adventerous and want to help development, you can test whats in https://code.launchpad.net/~smspillaz/+archive/compiz-experimental/ and report bugs (tagged with 'gles')10:01
smspillazI haven't been able to test it yet myself10:01
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MCR1smspillaz: I just downgraded ;), but ofc. I will help with testing and reporting bugs, but not today anymore (not enough time)...10:08
sil2100didrocks: remember the problem I had with merge-upstream in libunity? (and why essentially I had to remove your unreleased version to re-add it later)?10:10
sil2100didrocks: the thing with merge-upstream throwing a python error that revision is not found10:10
sil2100didrocks: it seems to be the case because libunity ubuntu branch is in a bit of a mess-state10:10
sil2100The 5.90.0 version (UNRELEASED) wasn't properly imported with merge-upstream10:11
sil2100So, in fact, the lp:ubuntu/libunity tree doesn't have the upstream-5.90.0 tag pointing anywhere10:11
sil2100Because there is no merge for it10:12
sil2100didrocks: so when I try importing a new tarball, bzr merge-upstream wants to have a starting point from the last tarball import (5.90.0) - but can't find the revision there10:13
sil2100didrocks: since upstream-5.90.0 = ?10:13
sil2100didrocks: you can even see that through bzr vis that something's _wrong_10:14
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smspillazMCR1: sure np10:16
MCR1smspillaz: I guess it would be best to test this with some standard config, yes ? I mean without all the additional Compiz stuff I have up and running here ?10:17
smspillazMCR1: it will work fine, but some things just won't work that's all10:18
smspillazI don't *think* it will try and load anything built against the old abi10:19
MCR1smspillaz: Ok, since I often had the problem of Compiz not even starting when using my config... (Compiz updates keep me nervous all the time until the new boot is finished)10:20
MCR1smspillaz: Probably it would be wise to have a fresh Quantal installation on some partition just for tests of that kind...10:21
smspillazMCR1: you'll need Quantal for this anwyays10:23
smspillazunity is depending on nux 3.010:23
sil2100...after the unity 6.0 release is done!10:24
* smspillaz twiddles thumbs waiting for unity to build on the buildbots10:26
MCR1smspillaz: Sure, I will setup a new installation of Quantal and run the (manual) tests then - I will do it on Monday... (weekend==girlfriend&&partyparty) ;)10:26
smspillazno problem have fun10:26
c10udsmspillaz, MCR1, as i was discussing with didrocks yesterday, nux3 and unity6 is possible in Precise10:27
c10udofcoure it is unsupported and such stuff, but still possible10:27
c10udi have a few issues getting unity to build in a ppa, but locally it built and it's all good10:27
smspillazc10ud: it might be. I think unity 6.0 and nux 3.0 are depending on boost1.4910:28
smspillazbut they might just be using functionality shared by boost1.4610:28
c10udlooks like they do, i'm running them right now10:28
smspillazI wouldn't be able to tell on my precise installation since I build a lot of things from source10:29
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smspillazglib, Xorg, kernel, unity, compiz, gnome, mesa etc10:29
smspillazits hardly stable but who cares about /that/10:30
didrockssmspillaz: you need to use -r -110:37
didrocksas I typed on the example :)10:37
didrockssil2100: yeah, libunity case is different, right :)10:38
didrockssil2100: please still get a real changelog :)10:38
smspillazdidrocks: -r -1 ?10:38
smspillazdidrocks: was this about the automerger ?10:38
didrocksoupss, it was for sil2100 :)10:38
smspillazoh ok10:38
smspillazdidrocks: while you're here ...10:38
sil2100didrocks: will do! But I'll still have to, sadly, remove the last changelog entry and re-add it with the new version (but with the proper committer ;p)10:38
smspillazdidrocks: is compiz in freeze? automerger seems to be doing nothing10:38
didrockssmspillaz: yep :)10:39
didrockssmspillaz: yeah10:39
didrockssmspillaz: see the email about the freeze, even if sil2100 never confirmed it was frozen on the ML10:39
smspillazyeah I thought we were doing compiz a little later. oh well10:39
* didrocks takes a shower now that the running-under-the-rain is done :)10:40
didrockssmspillaz: you should UNBLOCK the test for gsettings10:40
didrocksand all changes related to it10:40
didrocksMirv will have to redo the packaging anyway10:40
sil2100Well, I only wanted to freeze the unity trunk, without compiz!10:40
didrocksbecause he didn't go to all merge request to see that some tests were missing :)10:40
sil2100I think Mirv asked for a compiz freeze ;)10:40
didrocksalways ensuring that the criterias are met is a must :)10:41
didrocksor you would make rick and distro unhappy ;)10:41
didrocksreal shower now, really needed ;)10:41
sil2100mhr3_: in the new libunity you guys removed some symbols, mostly related to previews10:55
sil2100mhr3_: this was the cause of an ABI break that we had recently?10:55
sil2100hm, wait, actually I see those symbols were only in 5.90.010:56
sil2100Which wasn't released10:56
sil2100didrocks: what should I write in the changelog in this case?10:56
sil2100didrocks: some symbols got removed, but only symbols with 5.90.0 version number - which didn't get 'officially' released10:57
didrockssil2100: no, it's fine, previews were never released10:57
sil2100didrocks: should I note that some symbols from 5.90.0 got removed?10:57
didrocksso fine :)10:57
didrocksjuts updated symbols10:57
didrocksthat's it10:58
sil2100didrocks: ok, thanks10:58
didrocksnothing else :)10:58
MCR1gotta go. c ya. :)11:01
sil2100didrocks: for lenses, I should also use the Breaks: tag pointing to new unity?11:07
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sil2100I mean, to old unity11:07
didrockssil2100: indeed11:07
didrockswell << newversion11:07
didrocksas I did11:07
sil2100didrocks: ACK :)11:07
sil2100didrocks: actually, in unity packaging you did << 6.0.0, but actually we're not releasing 6.0.0 versions for the application and files lens11:09
sil2100The video lens also has different versioning11:09
sil2100didrocks: is that still correct?11:09
Mirvcompiz would be working with the gsettings backend and testable via https://launchpad.net/~timo-jyrinki/+archive/prerelease-unity60/+packages11:10
Mirvif it will be unfrozen for adding tests (?) then fine, but the bzr3278 is now testable11:10
didrockssil2100: oh? I gues you were11:10
didrocksdidn't we standardize in version 6 for everything?11:11
didrocksincluding lenses11:11
didrocksoh we backport them, right :)11:11
didrockssil2100: for those we do backport, please fix the versionning11:11
didrocksMirv: we will need to snapshot a newer version11:11
didrocksMirv: keeping the freeze but UNBLOCK the merges for tests11:12
didrocksas we can't release without that11:12
sil2100didrocks: ACK, I'll fix that up11:12
didrocksthanks sil210011:12
Mirvdidrocks: ok, so waiting for the merge to trunk and then I'll rework the packaging accordingly11:13
didrocksyep :)11:14
didrocksMirv: you are doing a tarball for the snapshot, right?11:14
Mirvdidrocks: yes11:16
sil2100didrocks: oh! And I even see the thing you were talking about during the sprint - the unity-lens-applications package has Breaks: ula (<< 0.4.0), but we can remove that right? Since quantal doesn't offer smaller versions than 5.12, right ;)?11:16
sil2100So I can remove the Replaces and Breaks parts for ula previous? ;)11:16
sil2100(or, so called unity-place-applications)11:17
didrockssil2100: yeah, you can clean that now11:18
didrocksas place doesn't exist anymore11:18
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sil2100didrocks: I'm fixing up unity-2d for the new release now - in dependencies, should I add something like 'libunity-core-5.0 OR libunity-core-6.0' or just enforce using 6.0?12:01
Klap-inhi people! for bug 904205 the fix is merged in devel, what's the way to get it in precise?12:01
ubot5Launchpad bug 904205 in Compiz Main Plugins "Desktop wall: Bindings for next/previous don't wrap to the next row" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90420512:01
didrockssil2100: no, just use 6.012:02
didrocksKlap-in: we will backport important fixes in compiz trunk to precise next week12:02
sil2100didrocks: ok, done - I'll also push it upstream as a MRQ, since upstream needs to rebuild against the new nux and unity as well12:04
Klap-inok, so at that moment also inclusion of that fix will be reviewed? or is it also helpfull to propose it somewhere in the sytem?12:07
didrocksKlap-in: no, we will review all commits in trunk12:07
didrocksand see if it's safe enough to backport it to precise or not12:08
Klap-inok, nice. Then i will look forward to the review.12:11
c10udnew unity really brings an uber speedup12:38
c10udnever been able to get 60fps in a wine-gl game12:38
sil2100didrocks: hm, should we add a Replaces: libunity-core-5.0-5 for libunity-core-6.0-5 in debian/control?12:49
didrockssil2100: why would we need that?12:49
didrocksc10ud: yeah, the last commit makes a clear difference in speed :)12:50
sil2100Since hm, now we can have both libunity-core-5.0-5 and libunity-core-6.0-5 installed in a system, right?12:50
didrockssil2100: comes back to the conflicts/replaces definition12:50
didrocksfirst, do you have files that are common between the 2 packages?12:51
didrocksthe answer is no12:51
didrocksso no need for replaces12:51
sil2100ACK ;)12:51
didrocksthen, can't we install libunity-core-5.0-5 and libunity-core-6.0-5 on the same system?12:51
didrocksyes, we can if we want to :)12:51
didrocksso no need for conflicts :)12:51
didrockssil2100: don't apply magic recipe, it's all about logic :)12:52
didrockssil2100: dee needs it because it ships a common override files that isn't different between soname though :/12:52
sil2100Trevinho, andyrock: you here?13:03
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sil2100andyrock: Trevinho: could you guys look at this one when you're around? https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/102132714:35
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1021327 in unity "When dragging icon from the dash, the icon is dragged under the dash" [Undecided,New]14:35
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Mirvhmm, compiz_discover_tests got into compiz trunk, the gsettings branch apparently still brewing until tomorrow14:46
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didrockssil2100: I just saw your email, fixing those 2 regressions are not enough15:09
didrocksthere are more issues and fixes needed :)15:10
didrocksI presented them in the detail of the sprint and entitled them as blocking release issue, can you find it on the document?15:10
didrocks(I'm just telling you them now to not block trunks more than now, normally, I should just check that once everything is green)15:11
popeydidrocks, can you be more specific?15:17
didrockspopey: well, I would prefer you guys going back to your note and the release wiki page to find what's missing and what you didn't check15:17
didrockspopey: I told you it at least 6 times in the past 2 weeks as a hint of something missing and told you exactly what it was during the sprint, so if you don't look at little bit, I'm not sure you will have the reflex later to look at that15:18
andyrocksil2100, ping15:28
didrocksof course, if you don't find at all, I can help, but I would prefer you to find what's missing :)15:28
popeytrust me we are looking15:28
sil2100andyrock: hi! Could you look at the unity release e-mail I sent?15:28
sil2100andyrock: there are 2 bugs that might need your help ;)15:29
sil2100(from Q)15:29
andyrocksil2100, perfect let me check the email15:29
andyrocksil2100, keynav mode inside dash?15:30
sil2100andyrock: that too - but the drag issue also is a bit annoying15:30
andyrocksil2100, i can reproduce the drag issue15:31
sil2100andyrock: and it seems to be a trunk regression15:31
andyrocksil2100, also dragging nautilus icon over the launcher15:31
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popeydidrocks, notes scoured, what have we missed?15:51
didrockspopey: so, something really important is to check that the new release passed the distro criterias15:52
didrocksone of them is that all commits matches the criterias15:53
didrocksthat's why I constantly repeat "you should look at all merge requests"15:53
didrocks2 commits don't have tests where they should have15:53
didrocksduring the sprint, I showed you this link: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1kiVPg0U7VJpHt21y-Qm9VtnLxsTmKHfBmA2B16yLGzc/edit#15:53
didrockswhere I post when I see a merge which doesn't (IMHO), match the criterais15:54
didrocksso a discussion with upstream should be opened to know if this can be tested15:54
didrocks(those 2 ones were only noted and I told you, "we can't release now because of this")15:54
didrocksso, this is the first point15:54
didrocksthe second, is that unity doesn't build an armfh for 3 weeks: https://launchpad.net/~unity-team/+archive/staging15:55
didrocksI told it during the sprint, I think Mirv was looking at it :)15:55
didrocksbut we can't release as long as all the platform we support doesn't build15:55
popeythank you15:58
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