
micahggenii-around: that's a bug most likely00:02
micahgnot being able to have both that is00:02
genii-aroundmicahg: Previously I was able to have regular ubuntu, xubuntu, lubuntu and kubuntu. Now I'm down to kubuntu and lubuntu00:03
micahgright, so that's a bug00:03
micahggenii-around: I can install all 4 together in a chroot00:04
micahgyou must have something installed blocking00:04
genii-aroundYes, perhaps00:04
micahggenii-around: you can run the install command with -o Debug::pkgProblemResolver=true and see what's causing the issue00:05
genii-aroundmicahg: Well, perhaps tomorrow...I'm sort of off the clock right now00:05
micahggenii-around: sure, at your leisure00:06
ochosiUnit193: your seconds last pretty long! :)00:20
Unit193ochosi: Yeah, sorry about that, I was working on a computer that bluescreened right after.03:08
Unit193ochosi: It also appeared to be already marked as confirmed.04:00
ochosiUnit193: i guess you didn't read the bugreport... anyway, it's not confirmed for 12.1009:24
hobgoblinochosi: I am now running 12.10 all the time ;)09:25
Unit193I did a little, but I didn't want to add rather than confirm something when I don't know.  (Not the best with bugs)09:25
* hobgoblin had a doozy yesterday - install failed 09:26
ochosihobgoblin: ah ok, can you quickly open abiword with greybird?09:26
hobgoblinwith one of your new themes or just greybird normal?09:27
ochosigreybird normal suffices09:27
hobgoblin2 secs - need to reinstall it lol 09:27
hobgoblinnot sure when I removed that?09:28
ochosii guess directly after installing 12.10 :D09:28
hobgoblinochosi: k - opened it 09:28
hobgoblinyea probably :)09:29
ochosiscreenie please :)09:29
hobgoblinlooks a bit odd 09:30
ochosihobgoblin: could you upload that screenie to bug #948128 and say that you can confirm it for 12.10 ?09:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 948128 in shimmer-themes (Ubuntu) "Abiword Ruler Text and Ticks White" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94812809:30
hobgoblinatm all I have noticed in here is the odd grey things in some menus - there's a bug for it already I believe09:32
hobgoblinanyone using liferea - that seems to ignore fonts I tell the sytem to use09:34
ochosihobgoblin: screenshot of that please?09:35
ochosi(i mean of the odd grey things in the menus)09:35
hobgoblinhang on 09:36
hobgoblinbah can't remember where I saw it now - when I remember I will ping you with the screenie09:36
ochosiplease do so09:37
hobgoblinI remembered - audacious - http://imagebin.org/21952309:40
hobgoblinochosi: ^^09:40
ochosihobgoblin: are you using greybird's bright-menus branch from git right now?09:40
hobgoblinno - just the normal greybird - you want me to check with that one?09:41
ochosiyes, please09:41
hobgoblinthat's fine 09:41
hobgoblinlooks perfectly ok with that theme09:43
hobgoblinother than the white and blue that I don't personally like much - but that's not a bug :)09:44
ochosiwhat white and what blue?09:45
hobgoblinthe white background and blue highlights 09:46
ochosiin the menus?09:46
hobgoblinyea 09:46
hobgoblinbut that's a personal thing :)09:46
ochosihave you tried to use it before?09:46
hobgoblinyea - a while ago when you were first asking people09:46
ochosipersonally i think that it grows on you once you use it on a daily basis09:47
hobgoblinthe best thing I remember from 11.10 to 12.04 was the all grey terminal - loved that :)09:47
ochosiyeah, that's still there09:47
hobgoblinI'll leave the new greybird as it is, get some sunglasses and report back if I get to be ok without them :D09:48
ochosiplease do so09:49
ochosifor me the menus got so much easier to read after a day or two09:49
hobgoblinok 09:49
* hobgoblin feels like rat in a cage lol 09:49
ochosiwell as soon as you don't expect them to be dark anymore, it'll get easier ;)09:50
hobgoblinochosi: with your new sunglasses theme - http://imagebin.org/21952710:20
ochosihobgoblin: it's not my fault if you keep your themes in ~/.themes10:20
hobgoblinoh yea - sorry 10:20
hobgoblinmove it to where as root lol ?10:20
hobgoblinthanks :)10:21
hobgoblinthat's better then :)10:23
astraljavaHow is that better?10:41
hobgoblincos it looks ok now?10:42
astraljavaOk. Is ~/.themes/ not supported anymore?10:43
hobgoblinit works ok and is fine till you run soemthing as root 10:43
hobgoblinI assume10:43
ochosithemes in ~./themes are not used for applications run as root (those have to be in /usr/share/themes)10:45
astraljavaOh... yeah that makes sense.10:48
ochosiastraljava: btw, do you think the display-dialog deadline is still realistic?11:51
astraljavaochosi: I don't see why not. Two full days (Sat. and Sun.) plus the evenings of today and tomorrow. It's not a very huge feature, after all.12:31
ochosiastraljava: ok great!12:31
mr_pouitfwiw, we don't get many precise bug reports because of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-meta/+bug/100163014:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1001630 in xubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "xubuntu-desktop kubuntu-desktop etc. no longer upload crash reports as of Precise" [Undecided,New]14:13
astraljavaThanks for the heads-up, mr_pouit!15:34
ochosinasty bug that prevents reporting of bugs...15:46
ochosithe socalled "bug of bugs"15:46
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