
imbrandonwget https://launchpad.net/juju/trunk/galapagos/+download/juju-0.5.1.tar.gz00:23
m_3pushing a new release of jitsu after a bit... lemme know if you want anything else in beforehand00:59
imbrandonm_3: pink pony01:08
imbrandonworking on new 0.5.1 osx pacakge and rpm now as well01:09
m_3imbrandon: cool01:20
m_3no pink ponies for you01:20
m_3well ok, i guess you can have pps01:21
imbrandondoh it 404's now, IS must have found it , lol01:22
imbrandonhahaha found a copy http://ircimages.com/ircimages/7/5/75dfb725844220ba4d824268c72ea0c3.jpg01:24
imbrandon( in my defense, crimsun, no i, uploaded the original to the fridge, pitty too as google has links to it all over heh )01:26
imbrandonheh yea it was on the fridge since breezy01:43
imbrandonno idea when they took it off heh01:44
imbrandonGoogle, Amazon, HP and Microsoft all agree on one thing. Ubuntu02:04
m_3imbrandon: yup, it's pretty cool02:08
imbrandonSpamapS / m_3: got an OSX install handy ? http://cl.ly/Htjg03:23
m_3imbrandon: nope... ubuntu on my mac03:26
imbrandoncheck out the screenshot anyhow :)03:27
imbrandonbout to update the docs :)03:27
imbrandonno more brew required, only xcode from the App store and the juju-installer :) /me wonders if i could get that into the App store ...03:28
m_3imbrandon: nice screenshot04:03
imbrandon.win 906:21
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jamespagejcastro: works for me if I drop use of the PPA08:31
jamespagegoing to propose that now08:31
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jcastrom_3: around?14:05
negronjl'morning all15:53
_mup_Bug #1021157: Charm fails to start redis-server on EC2 <redis-master (Juju Charms Collection):New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1021157 >15:56
jcastrogreat response to a bug!15:56
negronjljcastro: morning16:01
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jcastrojamespage: hey so dropping the PPA worked for you?17:42
_mup_Bug #1021861 was filed: Transient error /w MAAS provider: Unknown operation: 'list_allocated'. <juju:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1021861 >18:34
jimbakerone thing that jitsu now supports in the new version in the ppa is --help, both on the main command and its subcommands. it's not complete for all subcommands (that requires some additional refactoring), but still useful18:51
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jcastrohazmat: you working today?19:03
hazmatjcastro, no, but if you need something i'm around19:08
hazmatjcastro, what's up?19:08
jcastrooh, the no would answer my question about the openstack provider then I guess, heh19:08
hazmatbcsaller, can you lbox propose -cr the test option branch for an updated reitveld20:34
bcsallerhazmat: yeah, I think lbox is working again20:34
hazmatbcsaller, it is20:35
hazmatjimbaker, re the secgrp branch, looks good, just trying to work through the implications for existing groups, afaics its fine, but its also not clear if there's a test explicitly for that case (existing group with open ports)20:36
hazmatbcsaller, thanks20:36
jimbakerhazmat, yeah, i'm thinking about that testing20:43
jimbakerhazmat, there is certainly a lot of testing in the firewall piece re open/close ports to ensure that it conforms20:45
jimbakerin practice, when a new unit is started, the watch for that machine does the firewall changes in a short period of time (<1s is what i observed)20:47
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hazmatjimbaker, so the firewall is processed as part of process_machine in the provisioning agent which allocates the new machine20:50
jimbakerhazmat, yes20:51
hazmatjimbaker, with an additional test around the pre-existing group, it feels like it should be good to merge20:57
jimbakerhazmat, sounds good to me21:00

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