
gary_posterbac, morning.  did you switch tarmac to look for the well-known file, but we still need to add it for tarmac?11:41
bacgary_poster, both are updated.  i'm trying to figure out why it isn't finding it11:41
gary_posterbac, weird, k thanks11:41
bacand when i google for info about setting up the verify_command, my own wiki page is one of the top hits.  unhelpful.11:42
gary_posterbac, any bites from rockstar, or hints that he might actually review/merge your branch anytime soon11:44
bacgary_poster, no.  i forgot to ping him y'day12:03
gary_posterk, we were busy12:04
bacgary_poster, him merging the changes would be nice but we do have work-arounds in place12:04
bacso it is annoying but not impacting us12:04
gary_posterunderstood bac.12:04
bacfigured out the pre-commit hook problem12:04
gary_posterwhat was it, if it is short to describe?12:04
bacat 15 and 45 a cronjob pulls new tarmac-puppet branch12:05
bacbut at 0 and 30 a different cronjob actually installs it.12:05
bacso for 15 minutes you have good code that is not being run12:05
bacthe first is run as tarmac but the second as root.  i think it would be nice if the skew were smaller.12:06
gary_posterbac benji gmb https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/f135cc1be8fc9bbfbb3d0128a6f81e6403c1c8f4?authuser=1&hl=en-US12:09
* gmb does the firefox dance12:09
gary_posterbac, do you want to pair on the next steps of the install thing? (No is fine, just asking)13:55
bacyes, that would be good13:55
bacif you start a hangout i'll join in a few minutes13:56
bacgary_poster, ^^14:09
gary_posterbac https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/f82bede9fbd65df1dda02cb90f7324f306fd834e?authuser=1&hl=en-US14:09
gary_posterinvited both accounts14:10
bacsorry,i'd missed it14:10
gary_posterbenji, bac sez ctrl-space (important for emacs) does not work in tb, fwiw14:23
benjigary_poster: interesting, I'll file a bug14:23
gary_posterbac https://bugs.launchpad.net/lpsetup/+bug/102177115:11
_mup_Bug #1021771: Write new "update" command <lpsetup:In Progress by bac> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1021771 >15:11
benjibac: you've done some work with getting ssh to shut up about ec2 instances that "change", was any of that in the context of ssh called by juju?  I'm trying to automate some juju calls and the unskippable ssh prompts are killing me15:41
bacbenji, trying to parse that sentence.16:42
bacbenji, which prompts?  i only know about using -o StrictBlahBlah=no16:43
gary_posterbac, when do you want to hang out again?16:59
bacgary_poster, putting in my earphones17:00
benjibac: (I was AFK/lunch.)  Yeah, those prompts were what I was talking about.  I was having a problem with juju calling ssh which would then prompt.  The solution I came up with was to use the "sshpass" program to trick ssh into thinking a real person typed in it's oh-so-precious "yes"17:11
bacit's not nice to taunt SSH17:11
gary_posterbac abspath(expanduser('../foo'))18:08
gary_poster  --use-http     Force bzr to use http to get the sourcecode branches rather18:18
gary_poster                 than using bzr+ssh.18:18
gary_posterbenji, how goes integration tests?20:51
benjigary_poster: they have determined that lpsetup init-host is broken20:52
gary_posters/goes/go the/20:52
benjiI like that attitude. ;)20:52
gary_posterin what way, benji?20:52
benjione part of lpsetup is generating ssh keys and then another part tries to do the same thing and falls over20:53
benjiI am trying to figure out where the first part is.20:53
benjioh! I found it20:54
benjiaparently this code path hasn't ever been run20:55
gary_postercool benji.  so you have a pattern for us to follow, and it is ready to merge once the test actually passes?20:56
benjigary_poster: yep20:56
benjiI did have to move away from using unittest though; SSH's deep need to interact with the user foiled my plans20:57
benji(ssh is so needy)20:57
gary_postergreat news benji, ty.  I sent an email: bac and I have broken lxcinstall and run out of time.  automated tests will be so nice.  what do you run now? custom harness?>20:57
benjiit's just a script; once we want a second test like this I bet the best thing to do will be to just add another function to the script20:59
benjior at worst, extract a couple of functions into a module so all the test scripts can use them20:59
gary_postersounds good benji20:59
benjiI'm going to push what I have and write up a hand-off email so the euro-yellows can work on it if they have time monday21:00
gary_postergreat benji thank you.  I believe frankban is back Wed, so it is just gmb Monday21:00

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