
GneaI'm interested in obtaining a cortex a8 (or a9) tablet... can anyone confirm that Ubuntu will work on one or the other and to what satisfaction?03:22
infinityGnea: Other than us probably not having a kernel or bootloader that supports the specific hardware you're buying, the userspace will be just fine.03:30
lilstevieas for satisfaction, that depends on a number of factors, including but not limited to availability of xorg drivers03:41
Gneawell, I'm looking specifically at the Eken line of tablets... it looks like their new line has done any extensive market saturation yet, so it may take some time03:46
Gneainfinity: being a kernel-configuring/compiling guru myself, I could probably get a kernel together for it at some point03:47
Gneabootloader, OTOH, is a bit out of my league :)03:47
GneaI'm just amazed that someone is making a tablet with ethernet *and* a usb 2.0 port built in03:49
infinityGnea: It may be less about configuring and compiling and more about hacking.03:55
infinityGnea: Unless the thing ships with linux anyway, then you can just cheat and use the kernel (and bootloader setup) it came with.  Ish.03:55
Gneainfinity: they claim it's got android 4.003:56
infinityWell, that's sort of Linux. ;)03:58
infinityDesktop Linux can run under an Android kernel, generally, with a few potential hiccups.03:58
infinityBut it's good enough to fiddle with, at any rate.03:58
GneaI've got an x-server running on my droid x, and that can be interesting at times, but not too useful :)04:00
lilstevieGnea: unless you get it for an amazing price the A10 is going to be a nightmare04:31
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ogra_ppisati, urgh ...08:56
ppisatiogra_: that doesn't sound gut...08:56
ogra_ppisati, so i got my install to finish (funnily there is no beagleboard entry in the flash-kernel hardware DB, i had to add it) ....08:56
ogra_that bootloader bit didnt go so well and i now end up in the initrd shell ...08:57
ogra_(where i could fix the issue if ..... )08:57
ogra_... sadly i have no kbd or mouse now ...08:57
ppisatibut what i found strange is that you had all these problems with netinst...08:57
ogra_could we compile the HID stuff in or some such ?08:57
ogra_well, it were only two problems actually08:58
ppisatidead usb? uhm...08:58
ogra_one is the NIC driver randomly commiting suicide under load08:58
ogra_and the other is flash-kernel actually not knowing about beagleboards08:58
ogra_once i worked around both i had a proper install08:59
ogra_(flash-kernel will be fixed in a minute)08:59
ogra_what *I* find intresting is, how could *you* finish your install with flash-kernel being completely broken08:59
ppisatibut you never had any problem with smsc95xx in the other install, right?09:00
ppisatii mean09:00
ppisatithe live or preinstalled09:00
ogra_no, but they dont have to work under load09:00
ogra_in preinstalled server the network only gets used to update apt once09:00
ogra_and to find the TZ09:00
ogra_in preinstalled/live desktop its similar but there also NM gets into the game09:01
infinityIn no case is a network required, however.09:01
ogra_but my current prob is the missing usb support in initrd09:01
ppisatimissing? why?09:02
ogra_no idea, by my kbd definitely doesnt work :)09:02
infinityIs initramfs-tools not giving you hid stuff?09:02
ogra_seems like09:02
ogra_at least something down the stack is missing09:02
ogra_without kbd thats hard to check :)09:02
ogra_might be USB completely missing or just HID bits09:03
infinityWe specifically add a bunch of hid_* modules.09:03
infinityIt's possible that ARM has differently-named ones.09:03
infinityWhich would be lame.09:03
ogra_right, its more likely the HUB isnt initialized or so09:03
ppisatido you have lights on the nic?09:03
ppisatiis the mouse/keyb powered?09:04
infinityWell, if you can get the system fully-booted at some point, I'd love an lsmod and such.09:04
* ogra_ is still *massively* surprised that flash-kernel has no trace of beagle support09:04
infinityTo compare against initramfs-tools.09:04
infinityI'm not shocked about the lack of support.09:04
ogra_ppisati, neither num- nor capslock show any sight of life09:04
infinityLoic did tell us the new DB didn't have many entries.09:04
* ppisati yesterday tried but was unable to get an installation at all09:04
infinityLuckily, omap3 and omap4 support are a sed job away.09:04
ppisatiogra_: so IMO usb is dead09:05
ogra_infinity, heh, be careful ...09:05
ppisatiogra_: kernel version?09:05
ogra_took me a while to find out that it is "OMAP3 Beagle Board" but "OMAP4 Panda board"09:05
ogra_(note the capitalization)09:05
infinityogra_: Hah, yeah, I've noticed that before. :)09:05
ogra_ppisati, ugh, whtever is the the most current d-i image ...09:05
infinityogra_: Arguably, it's a "bug" with the Pandas, but one they get to live with.09:06
infinityI wonder if they'll fix it with the Panda5, just to keep confusing you.09:06
ogra_so my sed replacing "OMAP4 PAnda" with "OMAP3 Beagle" didnt work somehow :P09:06
infinityOr maybe go "OMAP5 panda Board" just for you.09:06
ogra_or probably Omap5 :)09:06
infinityAnyhow, after a night of chasing kernel SRU buggery, I think I should find a pillow and get to know it better.09:07
infinityHave fun with your Beagle madness.09:07
ogra_yeah, get some sleep09:07
ogra_heh, i will09:07
infinityIf anyone wants to send me an xM to replace the piece of &^%!$ on my desk, I'll suddenly feel more excited about helping out with omap3. :P09:08
ogra_talk to steve ?09:08
ogra_we should have some spare XMs in the DC09:08
infinityHe's the one who gave me this one. :P09:08
infinityOh, were the buildds xM?09:08
infinityIf so, we have a ton of them.09:08
ogra_right, i think they were09:08
ogra_not sure which rev09:08
infinityI'll ask elmo's crew what we can do about getting those in the hands of developers.09:08
ogra_i *think* linaro owns them though09:09
ogra_we might need to ask there09:09
ogra_this boot has a lot more info !09:09
infinityWell, rev is less exciting.  All xMs are 1GHz/512MB, right?09:09
ogra_udevd segfauilting doesnt help much with having input devices i guess09:09
infinityWhich sure beats the C4 I have.09:10
ogra_"mounting /dev on /dev/root failed: no such file or directory"09:10
ogra_err /root/dev indeed09:10
infinityI assume root isn't mounted?09:11
ogra_that somehow smells like i dont even end up in the initrd09:11
infinityOr not populated yet?09:11
ogra_shouldnt matter for mount if its empty or not09:11
ogra_its either /dev missing completely or /root/dev09:12
ogra_at the top of the screen i see the end of an oops, something went seriously wrong here09:12
ogra_aha, this time /dev is there but it cant find fstab (which the new flash-kernel needs to read the rootfs UUID from)09:13
ppisatiogra_: but why you don't have any problem with live images then?09:14
ogra_no idea09:15
ppisatii mean09:15
ogra_i havent had a successfull install, i cant really say if i would have probs09:15
ppisatii'm ok if errors are coherent09:15
ppisatibut this way...09:15
ppisatino wait09:16
ogra_the installer worked in both09:16
ppisatididn't you say live image was ok?09:16
ogra_apart from the NIC issues which dont matter in live09:16
ogra_no, live image got me into a live session instead of the installer09:16
ogra_and the bioard doesnt have enough ram to run both09:16
ppisatiand that's ok, right?09:16
ppisatii mean09:17
ogra_so i didnt bother at all to attempt an install09:17
ppisatiah ok09:17
ogra_the live session itself didnt have any issues09:17
ppisatiok we need a way to bisect this09:17
ogra_both, live and d-i run from SD09:17
ogra_the final install has root on USB09:17
ogra_i'm pretty sure we have some USB issues here09:17
ogra_which the missing kbd in initzrd points to as well09:18
ppisatii thin kwe have more than usb problems here09:18
ppisatisee my email with you and Ming09:18
ogra_yes, that too09:18
ppisatiwe need to bisect this09:18
ogra_USB might just be a fallout09:18
ppisatihow can i recreate the netinst image?09:18
ogra_recreate ?09:18
ppisatii want to recreate one with pure vanilla kernel and omap2plus_defconfig09:19
ppisatiso to see if upstream has it too09:19
ogra_thats quite effortful, you need to build d-i09:19
ppisatiany way i can "open" the img and replace uImage&c?09:19
ogra_i would suggest trying with the preinstalled server image instead09:19
infinityogra_: Hrm?  A netboot image?  You can just write it to an SD, and then replace the bits you don't like.09:20
infinityIt's just a vfat.09:20
ogra_well, the installer *is* your initrd ... thats the prob here, you couold indeed replace the kernel in there but all your udebs wouldnt work and the installer would look for different versions all over the place09:20
ogra_infinity, and the hardcoded versions ?09:21
infinity(Assuming all you want to replace is the kernel)09:21
ogra_modules etc09:21
infinityIf you're replacing the initrd, yeah, that's harder.09:21
ogra_well, just replacing the kernel will make the initrd contents incompatible09:21
ogra_at least all that contain modules09:21
infinityUnless you replace it with a monolithic kernel ;)09:21
ogra_indeed :)09:21
* ppisati is thinking...09:23
ppisatiso, problem crops up *only* after the installation, right?09:25
ppisatii never tried netinst in my rev a actually09:25
ogra_yes, on the installed system09:27
ppisatiogra_: so you should encounter it with the preinstalled image too, right?09:29
ogra_ppisati, hmm, so not finding / is my fault09:30
ogra_i messed up the partition when fiddling with flash-kernel09:30
ogra_err, or not09:30
ogra_ignore that09:30
ogra_(i looked at the wrong device)09:30
ppisatiogra_: ok, i'll finish with an O/omap4 kernel release09:31
ppisatiogra_: and then i'll try with my rev c and rev a09:31
ppisatithe preinstalled image09:31
* ogra_ will dig further09:31
ogra_bah, no installer logs were saved09:32
ppisatiit looks like a mess09:32
ogra_no, thats normal if the installer cant do its things in the right order09:32
ogra_and if i hack stuff in inbetween09:33
ppisatii know it's a pain, but i'll have to ask you to retry with preinstalled then09:34
ppisatiwe don't what's going on with this netinst09:34
ppisati*don't know09:35
ogra_i do and want to fix these issues (thats why i picked netinst ) ... but yeah, no prob in testing preinstalled too09:35
ogra_ppisati, we should wait for rcn-ee to show up, he isially works with the bleeding edge kernels for his elinux ubuntu beagle images09:37
ogra_he might know about any issues09:37
ppisatiwe can check with him if he knows anything is broken upstream09:37
ogra_thats what i mean :)09:38
* ogra_ sees musb_hdrc.fifo_mode=5 in rcn's boot.scr ... but that seems to be for beagle A-C09:42
ppisatiogra_: where is it?09:43
ppisatiogra_: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-preinstalled/current/ has only ac100, no omap310:14
ogra_ppisati, ubuntu-server/daily-preinstalled10:19
ppisatiogra_: ok, found10:20
ppisatiogra_: perhaps i'm crazy but, my preinstalled omap3 here12:53
ppisatiogra_: i mean, the installation process12:53
ppisatiogra_: it never ends12:53
ppisatiogra_: it keeps restarting12:54
ppisatii'm not kidding, it never edns12:58
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ppisatiand it restarted again13:07
ppisatiis there an emergency console available?13:11
ogra_not on preinstalled, no13:12
ogra_live has auto-logged-in tty's13:12
ogra_but not on serial13:13
ppisatiuhm :(13:16
ppisatithen i can't even complete the installation and see what's wrong...13:16
ogra_where does it restart ?13:16
ogra_somewhere in the middle ?13:17
ppisatiafter installing all the packages13:17
ppisatiit goes back to the first screen13:17
ogra_installing packages ?13:17
ogra_on preinstalled ?13:17
ppisati(Choose the language for the installation)13:17
ppisatilet me try again13:17
ppisatiso i can tell you exactlty what's the title of the last dialog13:18
ogra_if the installer gets thorugh far enough you should be able to log in on a tty with the user you created13:18
ppisatii'm back to "Selecy a language" now13:18
ppisatiit kept all my settings (Full user name, user name, hostname, etcetc) except for the pwd13:19
ogra_if you are sure it went far enough, put the SD into your desktop and remove  /var/lib/oem-config/run13:19
ppisatinow i'm at "Software selection"13:19
ogra_then boot it again and apt-get purge  ubiquity13:19
ppisatii select "Basic Ubuntu server" + "OpenSSH server"13:19
ppisatiInstalling system13:20
ogra_check if you can log in with that user... if debconf did set it up already you should eb able to do something with that system13:20
ppisatiConfiguring keyboard13:20
ppisatiConfiguring ah!13:21
ppisatiERROR: The OEM installer failed.13:21
ppisatifirst time13:21
ppisatiafter 7/8 restarts13:21
ppisatiat least i've a console now13:21
ogra_check if the user works13:21
ppisatii'm #13:21
ogra_if so, remove the file and the ubiquity package13:22
ogra_being in # should pretty much enable you to check for the user ;)13:22
ppisati/etc/passwd doesn't have my user13:22
ogra_well, for debugging you should be able to just use adduser (still remove the file and the ubiquity package)13:22
ppisatidmesg doesn't show anything13:22
ppisatii mean, no oopses13:22
ppisatior other crap13:23
ppisati /proc, /sys, /dev, etcetc13:23
ppisatiare all mounted13:23
ppisatiand are ok13:23
ogra_also syslog should have info13:25
ogra_might simply be ubiquity being broken ... there were some bugs that were only recently fixed13:25
ogra_most likely the fixes arent on this image13:25
ppisatiogra_: ^13:33
ogra_permission denied for syslog13:33
ogra_well, console-setup seems pretty unhappy13:34
ppisatiubiquity.install_misc.InstallStepError: Plugin console_setup failed with code 113:34
ppisatiin the oem-config log there more warns/errors13:35
ogra_i guess thats an old bug13:35
ppisatibut still relevant13:43
ppisatiwho is the ubiquity guy?13:43
ppisatiogra_: ^13:43
ogra_#ubuntu-installer ;)13:44
ppisatiogra_: ok so, i'll restart omap3 testiong on monday when the flash-install fixes hopefully landed13:57
ogra_just uploaded them14:02
ogra_they should be in the next build14:02
ogra_ppisati, have a look at the last comment of bug 70924514:07
ubot2Launchpad bug 709245 in linux-linaro "ARM SMP scheduler performance bug" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70924514:08
ogra_i wonder if thats related to the smsc95xx issues i see on omap314:08
ogra_(it has clearly nothing to do with the scheduler i think)14:09
ppisatiogra_: i agree there's something rotten in omap3 ATM14:18
ogra_well, thats omap4 though14:18
ogra_i thik there is either a general usb prob on the omaps or smsc95xx has an issue14:19
ppisatidefinitely could be14:19
ppisatias soon as we have a preinstalled working14:20
ppisatii want to try omap2plus_defconfig + vanilla14:20
ogra_sounds good14:22
kzrkhelloo all15:27
kzrkI am trying to get perf tool to work on any ubuntu release15:28
kzrkI installed the linux tools but perf tool returns with error "open_counter" returned with error 1915:28
kzrkdid any one get the perf to work on any ubuntu release or daily builds?15:28
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tim__GrueMaster, ogra_, I have built the 3.2.14 kernel with snd-soc-overo builtin, and it does seem to work. Thanks very much! I'm getting an odd delay on playback..17:39
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GrueMastertim__: Excellent!18:20
GrueMasterNot sure what to tell you on the delay/18:21
tim__its an issue with puredata-18:21
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WladyslawHi, I have a question about Robert C Nelson's Ubuntu images on Beagle, sorry if this is the wrong channel21:38
WladyslawI booted the latest pre-build Oneiric MMC card from here http://rcn-ee.net/deb/rootfs/oneiric/21:39
rcn-eego for it. ;)21:39
WladyslawThanks! Then I built replacement kernel .debs from https://github.com/RobertCNelson/linux-dev.git21:40
rcn-eeah, 3.5-rc ?21:40
rcn-eedisplay is broken...21:40
WladyslawI did a git checkout of a previous version21:41
rcn-eeuse head of https://github.com/RobertCNelson/stable-kernel latest 3.2.x21:41
WladyslawOK I will21:41
rcn-eelinux-dev is more experimental, and stabilized when moved to stable-kernel21:41
WladyslawAnyway I copied the .debs onto the Beagle and installed them with dpkg -i21:41
Wladyslaw(worked fine except for one file conflict in linux-firmware)21:42
Wladyslawbut when I reboot, I am still using the old kernel21:42
rcn-eedon't bother with that firmware packg.. ;)21:42
WladyslawOK cool. Do I need to update UBoot somehow?21:42
rcn-eeuse the "./tools/install_image.sh"21:43
WladyslawOK I have tools/load_uImage.sh21:44
rcn-eeit'll install directly to the sd card.. ;)21:44
WladyslawLooks like I need to run ./build_kernel.sh instead of ./build_debs.sh then. Trying that now.21:45
WladyslawThanks for your help!21:46
rcn-eedeb is only useful if you don't have access to the machine. ;)21:46
WladyslawOh I see... if you want to install into a prebuilt image21:47
Wladyslaw./tools/rebuild.sh running now... on my powerful Atom CPU ;-)21:48
rcn-eejust a note, that only rebuilds the tree, so if you do a checkout another tag or something, that doesn't udpate the kernel/patachset to the specific checkout..22:04
WladyslawOK... so I should do build_kernel.sh instead of rebuild.sh?22:09
rcn-eeto give you an idea.. when i'm making small patches/tweaking the config i use the "rebuild.sh"...  when starting from scratch with a new checkout use the full "build_kernel.sh"...22:10
rcn-eeotherwise, the "KERNEL" directory isn't going to be updated with your actual checkout, it'll still contain the old patch/config setup..22:11

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