
dpmgood morning all07:05
dholbachgood morning07:24
hobgoblingood day dholbach07:31
dholbachhi hobgoblin07:32
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philipballewaloha as well czajkowski08:15
czajkowskiphilipballew: you're up late08:15
philipballewI tend to never sleep czajkowski . Well when I do, It's at the weirdest hours.08:16
czajkowskitake a ticket and join the club :)08:16
czajkowskialtough i'm well tired today08:16
philipballewWhy would I ever want to sleep when the Internet is open 24/7 :)08:18
czajkowskicjohnston: ello13:15
* cjohnston is ready to go back to bed13:15
czajkowskipah tis the weekend :)13:17
cjohnstonthats why I want to go back to bed.. we have a busy weekend planned.. yesterday was my first day back on shift in a month and a half, and we were up most of the night.. it was not a nice welcome back13:18
czajkowskicjohnston: take less time off so13:18
* czajkowski ducks 13:18
cjohnstonczajkowski: I had surgery13:18
cjohnstonczajkowski: taking the kids to downtown disney tomorrow13:18
czajkowskiohhh nice13:19
czajkowskiI want to go back to disney13:19
czajkowskiwas there 2 weeks ago13:19
cjohnstonheh.. we went while we were in Hong Kong.. that was pretty cool13:20
jcastroheya czajkowski14:16
jcastroso since there was no quorum I assume the CC will sort it over email and get back to me?14:16
jcastroI basically forgot to ask what the next step is14:16
pleia2jcastro: I think it's somewhat unclear whether the CC actually has jurisdiction here, since juju isn't just an Ubuntu project14:17
jcastroit isn't? that's news to me lol14:17
pleia2I thought it had been ported to debian too14:17
jcastrowell yeah14:17
pleia2and there were plans for other distros14:18
jcastrosure, the client14:18
pleia2well if someone is just a debian juju contributor I'm not sure we can be giving them ubuntu membership under your proposed board14:18
jcastrowell all the proposed people are ubuntu members, pending 2, but I only need 3 for an initial board14:19
jcastrofor a total of 514:19
pleia2but the board grants ubuntu membership, right?14:20
pleia2I thought that's why you were coming to the CC :)14:20
pleia2most teams in Ubuntu just define their own leadership structure, you don't need the CC for that14:20
jcastrowell I figured it would be wise to tell the CC that there's a new board that reports to them14:21
jcastrofor the 0 times I expect we'll ever ever have a charm policy dispute.14:21
pleia2ok, I don't think there is much to discuss then, aside from "thanks for informing us, carry on!" :)14:21
jcastroyeah I saw no need for such a small thing to need to care/have membership granting powers14:22
pleia2yeah, that can easily be handled by the membership boards14:23
czajkowskijcastro: yes the CC will get back to you either way14:24
pleia2czajkowski: "either way" for what?14:24
jcastroalso does the CC give out ponies?14:24
jcastromight as well ask14:24
czajkowskibut the meeting finished last niught and I went out to the office to meet people and working now so later on will send mail14:24
paultagpleia2: I hear you're in Maine :)14:24
czajkowskipleia2: well rather than leave people hanging14:24
pleia2paultag: yep!14:24
czajkowskiit's nice to get back to them14:24
paultagand by I hear, I mean, I saw it on your facebook wall14:24
czajkowskias we didnt have enough people turning up14:24
jcastroI'm in no rush, the juju board is basically the same people in ~charmers so we're not blocking on anything14:24
cjohnstonwe had something last night where the candidate seemed more appropriate to be applying to the DMB, but the DMB referred him to the regular MB... which was really odd.. someone who has done alot of charm work14:24
pleia2czajkowski: hanging as far as what? I'm confused as to the discussion...14:24
paultagpleia2: if you end up near Boston this weekend (or week), let me know (although I'm sure you're going in and out from NH)14:25
pleia2paultag: I'm just in town for a few days to see my new nephew, no time for side trips :\14:25
paultagpleia2: figured, no worries :)14:25
czajkowskipleia2: I'll post the notes later on from the meeting, currently working sorry.14:26
pleia2czajkowski: I read the logs14:26
pleia2sounds like they're just another team creating a leadership structure, teams don't need permission from us unless they're asking to grant ubuntu membership14:26
jcastropleia2: yeah the reason I put it on the agenda is I didn't want to be like "oh hey CC we need to escalate something" and you all are like "who are you?"14:28
* pleia2 nods14:28
jcastro"We are the juju witch doctors"14:28
jcastroohhh, that's a catchy name, I am saving that for something14:28
jcastrowe on?15:00
jonodholbach, jcastro, dpm, mhall119, balloons all set?15:00
jonodholbach, jcastro, dpm, mhall119, balloons https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/aad9745e894e49a5ecaa9825a764baae6dc22372?authuser=0&hl=en-US15:00
dholbachbah, Google doesn't let me15:04
dholbachlet me try again15:04
jonoballoons, you coming along?15:06
czajkowskihttp://blog.launchpad.net/were-hiring/were-hiring-software-engineers-to-work-on-cloud-projects-in-canonical  if anyone knows people who are looking for work15:11
nigelbczajkowski: I think "using a major object or oriented application framework" should read "object oriented application framework"15:21
czajkowskicant change the job spec thats the one on the canonical site which was submitted by boss and his boss15:22
nigelbwell, it reads wrong to me. I don't know if it's actually wrong.15:23
AlanBellit is wrong, but meh15:36
AlanBellnobody actually applying for the job would fail to do so based on a badly written spec (neither would they complain to the hiring manager about the error unless totally daft)15:36
czajkowskiAlanBell: well that's also rather true :)15:37
czajkowskiSergioMeneses: plus you can practice speaking english to us in here any time I promise :)16:22
czajkowskiI was saying to SergioMeneses just because people don't speak English fluently it's not a reason to not come to uds16:23
czajkowskipeople of all levels of speaking english attend16:23
SergioMenesesczajkowski, jajaja sure why not16:23
dholbachalright, I'll call it a day my friends16:31
dholbachhave a great WE16:31
dholbachI have to go run and buy stuff for a barbecue16:32
dholbachas I'll have friends coming over in a bit16:32
jcastrojono: http://www.billboard.com/news/def-leppard-recording-forgeries-of-old-hits-1007484752.story#/news/def-leppard-recording-forgeries-of-old-hits-1007484752.story17:23
jonothjanks jcastro17:24
jcastrohas 2 songs inlined ^^^17:24
jcastroat the risk of getting made fun of...17:29
jcastrodef leppard does rock pretty hard17:29
paultagjcastro: try some wildcat - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aF_3bPipN8Q17:30
paultag(or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iexoDhvwGbo)17:30
IdleOneDid you people know that cyphermox is awesome?20:38
* IdleOne thanks cyphermox for all the great work he does :)20:38
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jonoimbrandon, around?20:40
cyphermoxIdleOne: moo?20:41
cyphermoxcopy-on-write what?20:41
IdleOnestop doing that, hurts my brain20:41
jonowe all know cyphermox is awesome :-)20:41
IdleOnejono: here i thought I discovered something :/20:41
IdleOneStar Trek time20:44
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bkerensajcastro: http://techcrunch.com/2012/07/06/so-thats-it-for-thunderbird/22:00
bkerensaand now its public22:00
imbrandonjono: pong22:30
JanCAlanBell: OTOH, if you find 2 more or less similar job descriptions, and one of them isn't written in proper English, which one will you pursue more actively?   ;)22:34

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