
dholbachgood morning07:24
gesergood morning07:26
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
tumbleweedmicahg: urgh, grumble. The sks backport didn't build the same way on the buildds as locally09:24
tumbleweed/usr/lib/sks/berkeley_db.txt is empty09:24
* tumbleweed noticed that when verifying the SRU I did at the same time :(09:25
tumbleweedmeh, affects quantal too. So it'll beb a re-backport when fixed09:30
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
=== vibhav is now known as ILoveUbuntuOMG
=== ILoveUbuntuOMG is now known as vibhav
=== ninjak_ is now known as ninjak
psusiI"m going to kill printf, I swear to god... am I losing my mind, or isn't %.1d supposed to print the number with one decimal place?  as in 1.2 instead of 12?14:33
CareBear\psusi : no15:06
CareBear\psusi : %d can only ever print integers15:06
micahgtumbleweed: ACK, I'll have a look sat night unless you need it sooner, is it worth pulling the backport?17:38
tumbleweedmicahg: I'm about to head off to debconf, so I'll be offline for > 24 hours17:54
tumbleweedI'll have a quick look at it at the airport, though17:55
tumbleweedas to pulling the backport. I doubt there are enough users to be worth it :)17:55
micahgtumbleweed: as long as it won't break users more than the precise version, it's fine17:57
micahgotherwise, I'll get it pulled17:57
tumbleweedthankfully, it doesn't break users, but it does use several GB in /var/backup during the upgrade, and take forever17:58
tumbleweed(it was already broken in precise, re upgrades, which was why I was SRUing it) :/17:58
micahgah, ok, it can stay then if it's the same shape as teh current version17:58
micahgtumbleweed: might want to mark the SRU verification-failed if it's indeed the case17:59
tumbleweedyeah, did so17:59
highvoltagetumbleweed, Laney: only one more day!18:51
Laneyhighvoltage: hmm?18:54
LaneyI do hope you're not referring to Debconf, becuase I will not be there :( :( :( :( :( :(18:54
highvoltageLaney: oh no, for some reason I thought you were :'(18:57
highvoltage(...were going to debconf, that is)18:57
Laneyhopefully next year!18:59
tumbleweedpeople at work are starting to grumble about me running around. Someone told me to plant a small forest when I get home to offset the CO219:20
Laneyas long as it's not the boss19:26
tumbleweedkinda :P19:26
ScottKtumbleweed: Remind them you're saving them from the next ice age.20:09
tumbleweedmicahg: sks bug 1021650 squashed. I'd appreciate a rebackport.20:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1021650 in sks (Ubuntu Precise) "/usr/lib/sks/berkeley_db.txt is empty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102165020:49
tumbleweedI can't test it now, but the build log looks correct20:49
* tumbleweed wanders off to board his flight20:50
micahgtumbleweed: it needs run/install, if you'd like to do that at some point of the weekend and ping me (or hand off to someone else to do), I'll be happy to ACK/upload21:11

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