
bazhang<Like> Ainozama #include googles search help you02:43
bazhangis Like making any sense02:44
elkyDidn't we like, ban like?02:51
bazhangin -ot02:51
elkyTime to expand it.02:51
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from ninjah)09:23
bazhangninjah seems to have no idea even about apt09:44
oCeannor about a lot of other things09:44
bazhang<ninjah> popokpou,  try this if you can get online: sudo-apt upgrade and sudo-apt update, then reboot, see what'll happen cuz i don't get how he can have copmpiz installed if he's not in GUI yet09:44
oCeanhehe, let him have both :)09:49
bazhang<ninjah> or do a reinstall full09:49
bazhangthats his brilliant 'advice'09:49
oCeanfrom BT I see he has been trouble before09:49
bazhangwhat a surprise09:50
ikoniaoCean: thanks, I didn't see the earlier command11:49
IdleOneLjL: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1100089 is this post related to what vikash is looking for?13:36
LjLIdleOne: uhm, it says to install ibus-m17n which is the same i came up with now, but then the stuff it tells you to do, i don't understand it13:37
IdleOneyeah, me either.13:37
LjLIdleOne: i reckon he's merely trying to input Hindi, not entirely sure whether he absolutely wants phonetic (Latin-style) input or what13:37
bazhang<honspace>     我擦   and also wo ca   are not nice. he's been told many many times where the chinese channel is14:44
bazhangwhy the repeated questions about root irc by sunshinehappy15:07
bazhangat least half a dozen so far15:07
PiciKeep telling them its offtopic then15:08
ikoniait's a troll, as he's talking about the hottest chilli's in ##security, so he knows what he's doing15:11
ikonia(as in ramdomly, no-ones talking so he's just spouting off about the best/hottest chilli's)15:11
ikoniaquite odd yes15:12
ikoniato be asking security questions in an OS, but be asking chilli questions in a security channel....15:12
bazhangaugh. why the insistence on avi15:12
ikoniapeople like the container, or don't understand that's it's just a container15:13
bazhanghe gave a bit sharpish reply as well15:13
ikoniaI've sent sunshinehappy a pm to respond when he's free15:13
genii-aroundI'm kind of curious now what the hottest chilli is...15:16
ikoniaI don't think it was an educated statement he was making15:16
bazhanglaotian chili15:17
ikoniahis opinion was habaneros and nagas,15:17
bazhanggogli is the same user as kav and one other, btw15:20
ikoniayes, I know that's why the slack has just ended15:20
Piciikonia: I don't think we should dissuade users from using wine if that is how they have decided to use their software.15:22
ikoniawhy ?15:22
ikoniaI'm advising them that as a long term solution it's going to end in dissapointment15:22
ikoniaif they are happy with the problems it causes, continue15:22
bazhangthey be asking in #winehq for app support imo15:22
ikoniamost people just think it's Wine will run window stuff - it won't15:22
Piciikonia: I don't think should support it.  Telling them about the appdb and #winehq should be where our support ends.15:23
Pici(I say that as an op, not with my ircc hat on)15:23
ikoniaI'm offering support15:23
ikoniaas in - I advise them not to depend on wine as a long term solution15:23
ikoniathey don't have to agree, they can continue15:23
PiciI'm sorry, but I think its annoying and not something that we'd let our users get away with if they gave the same answer every time they asked a question about something.15:24
ikoniahow is it annoying15:24
ikonianot trying to argue, asking for feedback15:25
bazhangdirect them to #winehq after checking the appdb is the norm15:25
ikoniathe majority of people don't understand the limitations/risks of depending on wine, I don't see an issue with advising them of those potential risks, if they chose to accept those risks/ignore them, then it's no problem15:25
ikoniaI'm not saying don't use wine, I'm saying don't depend on wine as a solution, or for everything to work all the time15:26
bazhangthat gets a bit too much into offtopic chat / opinion in my view15:26
ikoniasomething that works today may fail tomorrow15:26
bazhangand they know that15:26
ikoniado they ?15:26
PiciSure, but what you're saying is basically "Don15:26
genii-aroundI don't think they do15:26
PiciSure, but what you're saying is basically "Don't use wine, ever"15:26
ikoniaPici: no, I'm not, I'm saying "don't depend on wine as a long term solution"15:26
ikoniaI'm not saying don't use wine15:26
bazhangbetter to let them find out than preclude them trying out at all if not15:26
ikoniabazhang: really ? better to let them battle a system than just making them aware of the limitations15:27
ikoniaif they are happy with those limitations risks, good on them, carry one, #winehq is there15:27
PiciI really really really think we should point them to #winehq and let their experts help.15:27
bazhangikonia, yes.  !appd please check here; #winehq for specific app support is the norm15:27
ikoniaso, in that case should I not warn people of the high risk issues with the SIS chipsets15:27
ikoniaas that's saying "trying to avoid sis chipsets as they don't work well with linux" ?15:28
PiciFor all we know the app they're trying to use will work perfectly with Wine and we've just told them otherwise.15:28
bazhangwe'd spend all of our time warning15:28
ikoniaPici: it won't15:28
ikoniaI KNOW it won''t15:28
ikoniaI'm not guessing15:28
ikoniahence why I passed on the advice15:28
bazhangseems beyond the purview of #ubuntu15:28
ikoniathere have been a constant changing status with diablo where it's worked, then the sound broke after the game was patched now it sort of works depending on a few hardware limits15:28
Piciikonia: you know that every application won't work under Wine?15:28
bazhangperhaps tell them in #winehq your specific experience15:29
ikoniaPici: no, but the general advice of not depending on it as a long term solution is sound, and if I know that of the application they are asking of I can give them views15:29
genii-aroundPici: Although often I am finding over there they won't support any version less than what the most current is on their site, so the user ends up trying to go install from source or so on, just making more of a mess15:29
ikoniagenii-around: exactly, points the users to install a PPA15:29
bazhangI do that when xchat questions get too involved, I join the #xchat channel with them15:29
ikoniawhen again - the PPA won't matter if the game / software is broke15:29
ikoniaa one liner advising someone that wine is not really a long term solutions to windows games, is not "getting involved" it's offering advice and opinions based on experience and knowledge, I thought that was the aim, help the users based on what you know15:30
ikoniaI'm not slating wine, I'm not saying it's rubbish, I'm not putting it down15:30
bazhangI always take it to that channel <----- What I DO15:30
PiciPersonally, I'd say someting like "I believe that D3 support under Wine currently is rather poor" rather than "Don't use WINE as a solution"15:30
ikoniaI'm advising them that depending on wine as a long term solution is not advisable, as even if it works today you are at risk of it not working tomorrow, if they are comfortable with that,15:30
ikoniaPici: that is not what I said15:31
ikoniaPici: I purposfully said do not DEPEND on it as a LONG TERM solution15:31
Pici"depending on wine as a solution will end in dissapointment"15:31
ikoniayes, it will15:31
ikoniaPici: ok, so then do I not warn people of the issues with the SIS chipset ?15:31
Piciikonia: I'm just saying that even though you didn't say "Don15:32
ikonianot trying to pick a fight, but I don't see the problem in offering realsitic advice and opinions based on experience15:32
Pici(*ARGH, keep pressing enter too quickly)15:32
ikoniaPici: I would with confidence say "don't use the SIS chipset unless you have to"15:32
Piciikonia: I'm just saying that even though you didn't say "Don't use WINE", thats what it reads as.15:32
ikoniaor even "don't use the SIS chipset"15:32
ikoniaI don't see a problem with "don't use wine"15:32
ikoniabeing honest15:33
PiciWhich is probably what I should have said in the first place.15:33
ikonialess so when I've explained in the lines above the one you pasted why15:33
ikonia(and the lines after that one too)15:33
bazhangheh !enter15:33
ikoniait wasn't a one line "don't use wine", it was advice with approx 6 lines of context and reason15:33
genii-aroundGeez. I wonder what happens when you try to use mount for the webcam or so on.15:35
ikoniaI'm not ignoring what you're saying,15:36
Picimeh, maybe I'm just annoyed because I keep seeing you say it.15:36
ikoniaPici: do you feel wine is a good long term solution for Windows software ?15:36
PiciI'm also afraid of it digressing into an offtopic conversation15:37
ikoniaPici: and you are correct, if someone is struggling with wine and certain software, I will advise them of it15:37
ikoniaPici: that part (the offtopic conversation I can see)15:37
Piciikonia: no. I'd much rather see native solutions.15:37
ikoniaPici: native solutions don't exist though15:37
ikoniathis is what I mean about being realistic15:37
PiciIf it works, fine. Otherwise a VM or a real install.15:37
ikoniaexactly, but few things work %100 and continue to work %10015:37
ikoniawhich is why long term solution even if it works today is not something I'd guide people to use wine as or depend on15:38
ikoniathe realisitc and sorry fact is that unless it's native, you're at risk of dissapointment15:38
ikoniaPici: maybe an -dicsuss point ?15:39
ikoniagogli: hello15:39
goglii'm sick of to be banned without any proper season15:39
ikoniagogli: I'll explain the reason to you now15:39
goglii'm just sick of your reason15:39
gogliwho think am i15:39
ikoniagogli: I have asked you multiple times to stop randomly highlighting me for no reason, and yet you persist in just doing things like "ikonia ...."15:39
goglijust stop here ikonia15:40
ikoniayou join a channel and do it, you do it randomly for no reason, I've asked you multiple times to stop, and you continue, so I have banned you until you stop15:40
goglii came here on ubunu for help not to ban15:40
ikoniathat doesn't change what I've just said15:40
ikoniaI know that you came to ubuntu for help15:40
goglijust stop this nonsense now ikonia15:40
ikoniagogli: ok, discussion over.15:40
ikoniagogli: please /part the channel15:40
goglitoday , i'm cry becuase of you15:41
ikoniagogli: ok.15:41
ikoniaplease /part the channel,15:41
goglii just hate you15:41
ikoniaok, noted15:41
PiciWe don't care. If you don't want to resolve your ban then you may depart.15:41
goglifor god shake , please stop this nonsense15:41
ikoniagogli: /part then15:42
goglithats the only reason i don't came here15:42
mneptokhere in NM, "chili" is the bean/meat stew, and "chile" is the pepper.15:55
mneptok... for those keeping score at home.15:55
mneptokhttp://www.chilepepperinstitute.org :)15:58
bazhangI stand corrected!15:59
ikoniabazhang: I'm pretty sure this user was doing the same thing yesteday and we walked her through fixing it16:06
bazhangikonia, ok. it looked the same or similar to the code.google.com usb-builder lightdm.conf issue user for a moment there16:07
ikoniaI don't know16:08
ikoniabut I remember the nick and the problem quite clearly, I aslo remember explaining the many issues with the minimial custom build she was trying to do16:08
ikoniait was a bit of a mess16:08
ikoniaand this was one of the issues16:08
IdleOnewhich DE do they have installed?16:09
ikoniaat the time there wasn't one16:09
IdleOneprobably still isn't16:09
ikoniait was just starting up X16:09
ikoniaand earlier booting before X16:09
bazhang<ubuntu-lover> i want to add my own penetration testing tools16:11
* Pici sighs16:11
ikoniathre we go16:11
bazhangforwarding to BT channel...16:11
PiciI know all linuxes.16:11
ikoniaof course you do......16:11
ikoniathat's why you can't grasp why X won't start16:11
bazhangubuntu has too much BLOAT16:11
Picinot sure what that last line meant though16:12
genii-aroundHe/she has been here on and off pretty much all this week with the same "problem"16:12
ikoniagenii-around: good, I'm not going mad16:12
ikoniaI thought that also,16:12
bazhangnot about this, at least16:13
genii-aroundThey were the same person who put startx then tried to apt-get install startx, then the dependency hell starts etc16:14
ikoniathis is how I rememer it too16:14
bazhanghow is RHCE related to building this pentesting light distro16:15
ikoniaRHCE is a pretty tough exam, so she's using it to show she is not a novice16:15
ikoniabut then, debugging a X problem should be a doddle16:15
IdleOneshaneo is the one who installed a libs-something from quantal16:15
IdleOneI warned them about the problems it could cause16:16
ikoniaand actoinparsnip dives in wtih random things16:16
bazhangis that shane56?16:16
IdleOneI don't think so16:17
IdleOnevery similar nicks.16:17
DJonesI'm assuming ubuntu-lover is lion/tiger from yesterday? They said they were RHCE16:19
ikoniaI would be a significant portion of money that they have never seen an RHCE exame situation, let alone passed it16:20
ikoniaIdleOne: he is purposfully dodging the 12.10 question16:21
IdleOne<daptordarattler> shaneo: http://packages.ubuntu.com/quantal/libgnutls26 was what he was told to install to fix some depends issue16:27
IdleOneright it was to fix/install vlc16:27
IdleOneI think.16:28
IdleOnehe is just wasting time16:36
IdleOnehe said he didn't want to lose any data and now says he already has it all backed up16:36
goglii want my kav ID back17:06
PiciYour what?17:07
goglikav ID , kav is my real name17:07
gogligogli is a anonymous name .17:07
Picigogli: We don't administrate this network. If you want help with nick registration you'll need to ask in #freenode17:08
gogliok ! thanks17:08
IdleOneYou should also part this channel unless you wish to resolve your ban at this time17:15
IdleOnethat works17:18
IdleOneSo not only is gogli banned but he was ban evading because his alt nick is also banned from a different IP17:19
oCeanhe has been a handful all day, but I could not find an active ban17:20
Piciban[39115] was set on *!*@ is the most recent17:22
IdleOneanybody have xskxwraith in PM. I'm not to keen on helping them after the PM I got.17:32
PiciIdleOne: good catch17:35
IdleOnehehe, thanks17:36
kavhello Pici !17:56
kavPici: i want come back on #ubuntu17:57
Picikav: Do you understand why you were banned?17:57
kavPici : can i  ?17:57
kavyup  !17:58
kavi don't want to argue .please17:58
kavi just want to come back on #ubuntu17:58
kavCan you do this for me ?17:59
Picikav: Just because you want to join is not a good enough reason.17:59
kavPici: old people says , some time its better to leave the question without any reason18:00
Picikav: I would at least expect you to understand why you were banned, and even then, I'm not willing to unban you right after you tried to evade.18:00
kavPici: Sorry , my english is not good .Can you explain me again in simple way18:00
Picikav: Can you explain why you were banned?18:01
kavyup ! becuase i ask for same right as you have18:01
kavthats why i'm banned .I ask for same power like for admin18:02
Picikav: no. That is not why you were banned.  ikonia has already told you a few times why.18:02
kavPlease don't involve her here .I'm not irretated by her name .Please .i'm begging you18:03
Myrttiwho's name?18:04
kavPici : i have a request to see again  gogli log file18:04
kavPici: Can you go for neutral dicision ?18:05
Picikav: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/07/06/%23ubuntu-ops.html#t15:3918:05
kavcan you tell me whereis my fault ?18:07
kavin the log18:07
kavthis log is incomplete , it don't include this ":("18:08
Pici[15:39] <ikonia> gogli: I have asked you multiple times to stop randomly highlighting me for no reason, and yet you persist in just doing things like "ikonia ...."18:08
kavfor  god shake ! i'll tell you the reason now18:09
kavi ask a question on #ubuntu that " i can't mount my devices " then ikonia  answer me "your HDD is already mounted " but i'm saying that my filesyatem is not working correctly but she don't care about it18:10
kavi logged off and then my LIVE USB behave like a garbage .I'm very unhappy and when i came back on #ubuntu , i see her name listed on screen .So, to tell her that i'm fail to recover my filesystem i wrote her " : ( "  and she banned me18:12
Picikav: has ikonia told you not to hilight their name before?18:13
kavok  ! i have also a question18:14
kavSometime she also highlight me , i don't say anything to her18:15
kavif i have the log i'll tell you the fault .Now i don't have evidence to prove me18:16
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/18:16
IdleOneall the logs are there18:16
kavO god ! can you find all logs of gogli for me : )18:17
IdleOneno, but you can18:17
kavam i stupid ? how can i found my log from  all this stuff so quicky .I don't have the experience18:18
IdleOnekav: I am going to have our bot send you some links that I would like you to read.18:18
IdleOne!guidelines > kav18:18
ubottukav, please see my private message18:18
IdleOne!coc > kav18:19
IdleOnePlease take your time and read both those documents carefully18:19
IdleOnePlease let us know when you are done reading.18:20
kavIdleOne: sorry , but i already read those documents18:20
IdleOneDo you understand them?18:20
kavhave you forget that you LjL gave me to read those18:20
kavi'm not little angry , so thats why you think i'm not following coc18:21
IdleOnekav: Do you understand what those two documents say?18:21
kavi'm  little angry now  , so thats why you think i'm not following coc18:21
IdleOneok, can we stop being angry and try focusing on the present.18:22
kavya! sir ...Treat every one like human , all genders were same18:22
IdleOnegood. Now will you agree not to highlight anybody without good reason?18:22
kavNever abuse some one , evey person have its own privacy18:22
kavIdleOne:  sorry to say again , but i'm not highlighting her18:23
kavplease , see the logs18:23
IdleOnekav: I am asking you if you agree to not do it with any users in the future18:24
kavi know you are admin but i'm also a human18:24
Myrttiikonia is a he18:24
kavikonia : he is she :) , she already told me ...whatever for me ikonia is a admin18:25
IdleOnekav: Please stop trying to change the subject. I am trying to help get you unbanned. If you insist on bringing up the specific situation that happened between you and ikonia. I will not be able to move this forward.18:25
IdleOnegood. Now will you agree not to highlight anybody without good reason?18:25
kavbut i have the reason when i highlight her18:26
kavbut why she banned me ?18:26
kavi hightlight her becuase18:26
IdleOnealright, then. This ban will not be removed. Please come back in 30 days and we will try again at that time to resolve this.18:27
IdleOnePlease part this channel now as there is nothing left to discuss.18:27
kavyou are just forcing me to change according to your wish18:28
kavok ! i'll come back after 30 days till than i'll be gogli18:29
kavis that fine ? IdleOne18:29
IdleOneyes, see you in 30 days.18:29
kavbye ! hope this partilaity will not be done after 30 days18:30
kavwill you promise me ? IdleOne18:30
IdleOnekav: All the ops (admins) try very hard to be fair with all the users. I promise I will continue to try being fair with everybody.18:31
kavthanks , hope another kav will not be like punished like me  without any proper reason : (18:32
kavbye bye !18:32
IdleOneeverybody lost the game18:33
ubottuL3top called the ops in #ubuntu (Cottus)19:48
genii-aroundI've seen it before where someone put the rm command without directing it and a user who just asked something else before thought it was for them20:04
DJonesFrom memory, the command won't do anything anymore anyway, doesn't it need a force option even with sudo before it would cause catastophic damage20:05
LjLDJones: yes, but that's besides the point20:07
IdleOnelook out for ignacio, rings alarm bells for me20:07
LjLyes for me as well IdleOne20:08
LjLmaybe not the same ignacio i have in mind, i don't know20:08
LjLhe's in #ubuntu-es-cafe20:08
LjL!danger > Cottus this is the factoid we have already20:10
ubottuI'll remember that, LjL20:10
IdleOneyeah > doesn't pass comment20:11
IdleOneneed to for that20:12
IdleOneubottu: forget danger > Cottus this20:12
ubottuI know nothing about danger > Cottus this yet, IdleOne20:12
LjLtried already20:13
LjLdon't know how to remove it :<20:13
IdleOneubottu: forget Cottus this20:13
ubottuI know nothing about Cottus this yet, IdleOne20:13
IdleOnewell heck20:13
DJoneswill it not be "!danger > Cottus this" ?20:14
genii-aroundPretty sure20:14
LjLDJones: that's the one i tried to remove20:14
LjL!forget danger > Cottus this20:14
ubottuI know nothing about danger > Cottus this yet, LjL20:14
IdleOneno the factoid name doesn't include the !20:14
LjL!forget danger > cottus this20:15
ubottuI'll forget that, LjL20:15
LjLmatter of capitalization20:15
genii-aroundCase matters!20:15
IdleOnewell done20:15
mneptokexcept it was capital C in the original.20:16
mneptokso case does matter. it MUST be lower. :)20:16
genii-aroundYes, very odd20:16
LjLwe made it, in any case20:17
IdleOneI saw that20:17
DJonesTo quote Dr_willis "Case is imporntant"20:17
mneptokadn spleling is crucail20:18
LjLbut we don't care about no grammar20:18
mneptokplease use "grammer," and swap that missing "a" into "kernal."20:19
knomemneptok, but there was a study that only the first and last letters are meaningful20:39
knomemneptok, for eaxmlpe, tihs txet is coplmeetly radaelbe20:40
IdleOnelgeible too20:40
knomeand usnedrtdaabnle20:41
mneptokpreuette en vtroe luange nuellrtae20:50
knomei don't understand french :(20:52
mneptok"peut-etre en votre langue naturelle" "maybe in your natural language" ;)21:01
knomedepends what you mean with natural; born-with or just anything fluent?21:21
knome(not really "born-with", but mother .. wouldn't been what i was after either)21:22
genii-aroundCyrax is starting out suspiciously like our other friend kav21:22
mneptokthat nick was registered a while ago21:24
genii-aroundJust seems very odd. gogli was first causing issues insisting also to have admin rights in #u21:25
mneptoklife ain't fair.21:26
genii-aroundHehe, so true.21:27
mneptoki want admin rights in 1600 Pennsylvania Ave Wash, DC.21:27
mneptokTHIS IS A DEMOCRACY, *RIGHT*?!21:27
ubottuIn ubottu, arand said: !schedule-#ubuntu+1 is <reply> A schedule of Quantal Quetzal (12.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseSchedule22:19

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