
infinityRAOF: I know it's not your "day", but if you could look at the ruby1.9.1 I popped into precise-proposed, that would be lovely.  Should be the easiest review EVER.06:54
RAOFinfinity: No worries.06:54
infinityThorpie says you're fully sick.06:54
RAOFIncidentally - ruby needs not just a separate source for each major version, not just a separate source for each minor version, but a separate source for each *nano* version?06:55
RAOFThat's some high-stability language design, there.06:56
micahgRAOF: they had to do something to stand out from PHP06:56
micahginfinity: you feel like reviewing stuff in precise-backports NEW?06:59
infinityRAOF: It's kinda special.07:00
infinitymicahg: I can quickly look before I sleep.07:00
micahginfinity: not worth losing sleep over07:01
infinityLaney: Your backport of ben in precise-backports claims in the changelog that it's for lucid. :P07:02
infinityLaney: pls to reupload.  kthx.07:04
infinitymicahg: Done.07:04
micahginfinity: thanks07:04
RAOFDear launchpad: FASTER!07:05
infinityRAOF: Diff's there now. :P07:07
RAOFHuh. I wonder why queuediff isn't picking it up.07:08
infinityDear queuebot, why did you just claim two of those were rejects?07:11
infinityAnd again... WTF?07:16
infinitylinux 3.2.0-27.42 in precise (Cannot copy DDEBs to a primary archive)07:17
infinityDid someone twiddle the kernel PPA?07:17
Laneyinfinity: there you go. well spotted08:10
ogra_still no armhf+mx5 images12:02
xnoxogra_: for the release meeting - foundations team "broke dpkg & fix it; broke ubiquity/daily-cds & fix it"12:03
ogra_heh, i can totally commit to the latter one as well :)12:03
ogra_(with the addition of arm indeed)12:04
ogra_Making the binary CDs bootable ...12:06
ogra_Running tools/boot/quantal/boot-armhf+mx5 1 /srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/scratch/ubuntu/daily-live/tmp/quantal-armhf+mx5/CD112:06
ogra_ls: cannot access mx5/cdrom/vmlinuz*: No such file or directory12:06
ogra_GAH !!!12:06
ogra_infinity, so the copying of the omap kernel apparently is necessary in debian-cd, seems there is no mx5 one to copy around :P12:07
cjwatsonoh blast, I had even read the conversation about why linux was rejected12:27
Davieycjwatson: Hey, Can i check in on the status of the squashfs fun?13:00
cjwatsonmostly distracted today by helping to fix a critical bug in ubiquity; but last status is that I uploaded livecd-rootfs to fix up the squashfs contents a bit, and was waiting for that to publish before trying again13:01
cjwatsonconsidering something like http://paste.ubuntu.com/1077995/ to fix the pool contents13:02
cjwatsonhm, that's not right though ...13:04
jibelCan we have a new set of desktop images with ubiquity 2.11.9. We'd want to get them tested before the week end.13:12
cjwatsonjibel: not before it's published :)13:15
cjwatsonyou'll have them as fast as it's actually possible13:15
jibelcjwatson, thanks :)13:16
Davieycjwatson: Ok, super.. thanks13:34
cjwatson-rw-rw-r-- 1 cdimage cdimage 614772736 Jul  6 13:29 /srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/scratch/ubuntu-server/daily-live/debian-cd/i386/quantal-live-i386.raw13:34
cjwatsonmore sensible size now at least13:34
cjwatsonrebuilding the squashfs to get the server task in there13:35
cjwatsonthen I'll try new ISOs which might be worth me testing13:35
cjwatsonthough I guess I can rsync this one in advance ...13:35
Davieycjwatson: that sounds dandy... separately, is it vialble to expose the squashfs on cdimage?13:36
cjwatsonpossible but why?13:42
Davieycjwatson: mirror to deployment servers for netbooting13:53
cjwatsonDaviey: ok - it's certainly easy enough if there's a reason, since we already do it for http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/livecd-base/current/13:54
Davieycjwatson: hah14:07
infinityogra_: Well, err, copying none around is the sane thing to do.  But yes, s/omap/mx5/ would break. :P17:37
=== rsalveti` is now known as rsalveti
jdstrandinfinity: hey, when you have a moment, can you bin deNEW ufw and put python-ufw in main? This should be the last of me pestering you for a while :)20:15
cjwatsonso, there's a new queue tool in lp:ubuntu-archive-tools now, which you're welcome to try out20:31
cjwatsonsome caveats20:31
cjwatsonmaking override-source/override-binary work is awaiting the next Launchpad deployment20:32
infinityBy which, you mean, it doesn't do the one thing I use q on cocoplum for? ;)20:32
cjwatsonfetch looks like it works, but actually doesn't (it fetches the .changes correctly, and a load of error pages for everything else) - I have a branch up for review to fix that20:32
cjwatsonyeah, well, it should do by Monday :)20:32
cjwatsonthe rest of the tool should work barring trivial UI glitches like showing all the dates as "TODO"20:33
cjwatsonmostly I just wanted to get it committed so that I wouldn't have to refer to a pastebin in my QA plans20:33
cjwatsonif you fancy doing things like improving tools to accept things for themselves rather than sending you to the web UI, that should be possible with the same API20:34
cjwatsonthough in most cases that will currently involve polling until the copy job actually gets processed20:35
cjwatsonusual script/API performance tradeoff, much faster to start up, takes a bit longer per item to walk down the queue20:36
cjwatsonI plan at some point to fix some of queue's more idiotic long-term UI warts20:37
cjwatsonso don't start scripting around its output or anything, use the API if you're going to do that :)20:37
infinityMmkay.  I have no immediate plans to fix anything, except for small cosmetic annoyances.20:39
infinityOh, I committed the "must provide a comment" fix to remove-package, did you have a look at that for sanity?20:40
infinityOr for style, even.  I can never decide how to do nested quotes in Python.  '/"/"""/\" ... So many options.20:40
cjwatsoninfinity: looks fine, though I tweaked for line length20:55
infinityPicky. ;)20:56
infinityMy terminals default to 100 chars wide (for bizarre reasons), so I tend to be insensitive to 80char limits sometimes.20:56
cjwatsonnested quotes - whatever, I might have ended up with """ at some point but if there's only one of ' and " inside it makes sense to use the other one20:57
infinityjdstrand: Done.21:04
infinitycjwatson: Your partman-target SRU.  Why only address /var/lib/{mythtv,mysql}?21:10
infinitycjwatson: Isn't /var/lib in general user state we don't want to lose?21:10
jdstrandinfinity: thanks!21:10
infinitycjwatson: I assume the same issue would hit postgres, and other packages?21:11
infinitycjwatson: Or, rather, if you're trying to get a sane start point, perhaps you want to be inclusive rather than exclusive (ie: clear out dpkg and apt, but leave unknown stuff in /var/lib alone?)21:14
cjwatsoninfinity: I've never been at all happy with this entire system, so don't look at me to justify it :P22:03
cjwatsoninfinity: we want to avoid leaving around previously packaged but unowned files that will never be cleaned up22:04
cjwatsonor that will confuse packages on the new system22:04
cjwatsonmaybe a rewrite would look at dpkg files state on the old system as some kind of cue or something, but there are lots of unowned files.  hard to get right in shell.  not sure about whitelisting /var/lib, there's a fair bit of other stuff in there ...22:05
cjwatsonfor instance, I don't think whitelisting /var/lib/binfmts/ would go well22:06
cjwatsonor /var/lib/initramfs-tools/, that seems like it'd create some confusion22:06
infinitycjwatson: Hrm, perhaps.  Well, this is an improvement over the current situation, in that it fixes the specific bug, I guess.22:23

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