
bkerensac_smith: Might be seeing you tomorrow at the Salem Ubuntu Hour... Working out details but likely nathwill and I are taking our first road trip to evangelize Ubuntu outside of Portland tomorrow03:07
bkerensaafter Salem we have Eugene, Corvallis and the Coastal Towns :P03:07
bkerensasad news for a open source application coming next week :(08:55
blkperlbkerensa: whens the next event? we should have one that targets new users16:12
bkerensablkperl: Good idea... Umm it would have to be next month... I'm stacked with events for the rest of the month16:13
bkerensaLet me discuss with nathwill tonight16:13
blkperli have some ideas on what we should do based off some of the osbridge talks :)16:14
bkerensablkperl: cool... Could you maybe shoot a e-mail to the mailing list with the ideas and just add subject "Ideas for New Users Event"16:14
bkerensaI'm very keen on having a new users event at FreeGeek especially16:15
NTRI might be able to head downtown Salem and attend17:27
bkerensaNTR: cool17:28
bkerensacweber10: you coming tonight? Me and nathwill will be there17:28
NTRAll depends if I can get off work in time. It is 6pm correct?17:29
bkerensaNTR: 6pm to 7pm yep17:29
bkerensaslangasek: are you down at Debconf?17:55
slangasekbkerensa: on my way to20:35
c_smithbkerensa, would a free host be sufficient if I wanted to have them host a znc server?20:56
c_smiththere's dozens of them out there, might just be a matter of finding the right one. correct?20:57
blkperlbkerensa: yeah ill send it tonight21:02
c_smithblkperl, what area were you from? sorry, but my memory on things like this and names is shoddy at best.21:03
blkperlc_smith: portland (psu)21:06
c_smithah, ok, thanks. like I said, my memory aint the best.21:10
bkerensac_smith: no... you need a server with root access21:23
bkerensablkperl: cool thanks21:23
bkerensaslangasek: have fun!21:23
bkerensac_smith: the cheapest your going to be able to do that is for $19 a month21:26
c_smithalright. thanks for the info.21:26
bkerensac_smith: but the Ubuntu Oregon ZNC likely wont be going anywhere it will just be moved to our physical server21:26
bkerensac_smith: see you at 6pm21:26
c_smithhmmm. alright.21:26
bkerensaproviding nathwill comes here at 4pm21:26
c_smithsee you there.21:26
c_smithheh, hopefully it all works as planned. :)21:27
* c_smith goes back to downloading his copies of Linux Journal21:27
bkerensaSo that news I blurted about at 2am22:03
bkerensaits now public22:03
cweber10bkerensa: Yep will be there22:55
c_smithohaithar, cweber22:55
bkerensac_smith we are gonna run late nathwill got stuck in traffic23:26
c_smithalright. still have a bit of time before I leave myself.23:29

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