
locodir-userHello im new to ubuntu, i want to be more involved where can i start, there is no LoCo team for Delaware01:46
JonathanDHey locodir-user01:46
JonathanDFrom DE eh?01:48
JonathanDHowdy :P01:50
locodir-userhello again, can you assist me please?01:51
JonathanDYou want to start a loco?01:52
JonathanDpleia2: hey. Meet locodir-user01:52
JonathanDlocodir-user: I don't think I can help you directly. But pleia2 might be able to. Or jedijf01:53
JonathanDSo stick around for a while?01:53
locodir-userok, so just wait?01:54
JonathanDFor now, yes.01:56
JonathanDlocodir-user: or PM me an email addy. and I'll see that someone gets back to you.01:57
teddy-dbearwrong key.......again12:07
teddy-dbearMorning peoples12:07
jedijfso if someone pm's me with "jeff?" should i respond?12:14
rmg51depends ob why they are12:23
waltmanNote to self: Never tell Mom I'm low on coffee.12:43
waltmanShe got a can of crappy Wegmans coffee when her Keurig was broken and unloaded it on me yesterday.12:45
waltmanIn the interest of science I tried it out this morning, and there's definitely a difference between a $3 can of coffee and an $8 bag o' beans.12:46
waltmanDoes this mean I'm a coffee snob?12:48
waltmanIt's kind of a shame. I could save a lot of time and money buying the cheap stuff.13:02
InHisNameI wonder if Aldi's would sell you a bag of their for only $2 and you could save even more than Wegman's. Unless you publicly confess to being stuck as a coffee snob.13:04
waltmanNo, I'd much rather go to the coffee roaster at my farmers market and pay $6 for half a pound of their beans.13:06
JonathanDwaltman: you call yourself a coffee snob?13:07
JonathanDYou're not even flying to south america for your beans.13:07
waltmanI know someone who roasts his own beans.13:07
JonathanDYou should grow your own beans.13:08
waltmanMy coffee snobbery extends to buying whole beans and grinding them in my little braun grinder.13:08
waltmanIt's possible I added too many grounds. I'm used to measuring beans, not grounds.13:10
waltmanmaybe 4 scoops of beans == 3 scoops of grounds?13:10
JonathanDwaltman: that seems easy enough to determine.13:10
JonathanDweigh them.13:10
JonathanDonce ground13:10
waltmanI need to buy a kitchen scale first.13:11
JonathanDyou could make a scale for less-scientificly accurate uses.13:11
waltmanIt's a bit stronger, but the taste is definitely inferior.13:12
JonathanDDoes it have subtle berry flavouring and strong overtones of chocolate?13:14
waltmanNo and no.13:16
JonathanDwaltman: in reviewing your coffee snobbery, I decided to search for some amusing wine descriptions13:22
JonathanDI came across this.13:22
JonathanD"Vile, but not in a bad way."13:22
waltman"It's a loquatious little wine..."13:23
JonathanDwaltman: you should write coffee reviews and use silly analogies and turns of phrase that really impart no additional meaning, like those guys do.13:24
waltmanPersonally after adding sugar and a little half and half to coffee, I have a hard time detecting all those subtle differences.  But there's a big difference between good and bad.13:25
waltmanIt's easier with wine.13:26
waltmanI have a hard time telling the difference between the different starbucks roasts, but I can tell the difference between starbucks, wawa, dunkin donuts, and the mud they have at my diner.13:28
pleia2JonathanD: btw, you're welcome to give folks my email address (I'm traveling this week so totally missed the person from last night)13:35
jedijfe called me jeff, so pleia2 will handle this one13:44
JonathanDpleia2: ok :)13:51
JonathanDHe called you jeff?13:51
jedijfi just emailed them.....he emailed jeff too13:52
jedijfwaltman: mud...minellas...probably lacas - the best mud you can have13:52
waltmanjedijf: It's ok, but the stuff you get at cafes is a LOT better.14:34
MutantTurkeyAyo the airconditioning is broken at my work15:13
MutantTurkeyso i am going home15:13
MutantTurkeyI thought it would go out for lunch15:14
MutantTurkeyany places to recommend?15:14
MutantTurkeyNeeds to be within reasonble distance of 30th street15:14
MutantTurkeyJonathanD: recommends?15:14
JonathanDI don't know many places in that area.15:15
MutantTurkeyI mean I am well within the distance of center city15:15
MutantTurkeyI can walk to city hall in like 15 minutes15:15
MutantTurkeyand I have a scooter15:15
JonathanDreading term, then, always ::P15:15
MutantTurkeyits back on15:25
JonathanDthats a good idea.15:25
JonathanDif the AC shut off we'd have to leave right...15:25
* JonathanD gets a hammer.15:25
MutantTurkeyfunniest threads in along time15:57
waltman"You can't handle the truth!" -- Fox news anchor16:47
jthanwaltman: It would appear that perhaps they think we're them17:18
IdleOneGte off your windows install and help us right!17:53
jthanThat was bad, eh? :-p17:53
IdleOneand for the record. Pici saw me tell you too17:54
IdleOnejthan: happens more often then you would think that people forget the install option17:54
jthanI can't be perfect /all/ of the time.17:54
IdleOneYou're doing it wrong if not.17:55
jthanI could have told him to emerge libntfs-dev17:55
PiciIt happens... ;)17:56
IdleOneand to avoid the "I'm getting permission denied" error remeber to tell the sudo apt-get blahdi blah-blah17:56
IdleOnethe sudo part is so important.17:56
IdleOneI find it easier to spell things out. Why answer three questions when you can address them all in one command17:57
jthanMe too. On a good day17:58
IdleOneanyway, thank you for helping.18:00
jthanIt's a pleasure.  It gives me something to do from time to time and USUALLY I'm of some value.18:00
IdleOneSo, what you doing in Colorado anyway?18:01
InHisNamesniffing fires18:01
jthanI'm taking 6 weeks worth of classes for some program which promotes diversity. I guess they neeed a white guy.  So for completing it I get $1000/scholarship per semester and a $500 stipend.18:01
IdleOneThat isn't funny, sorry. Forest fires are serious business18:01
IdleOneah, cool. paid to study18:02
InHisNameSo, jthan, you're the token white guy and eveyone else is gal or other colors ?18:02
jthanMostly. And a lot of the guys are actually from out of the country. It's frustrating sometimes because they aren't on the same page in terms of etiquette / knowledge. I am often the "goto" guy for just about everything. It's hard to remain patient.18:03
InHisNamethey re out of their culture. They may not know their own culture that well either.18:04
jthanPoor derbie has ten people yelling in his face.18:05
jthanOff to lunch/class18:07
jthanLater skaters.18:07
waltman"Soylent Green is people!" -- Hannibal Lecter18:16

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