
=== SmilyBorg_w is now known as SmilyBorg
Kilosmorning all06:08
Kerberomore kilos06:08
Kilosdag Kerbero koud hier en daar06:09
Kerbero11 buite, 15 binne06:10
Kerberomet die heater aan06:10
Kerberoso ek kan nie kla nie06:10
KilosMaaz, weather in pretoria06:11
MaazKilos: In Irene, South Africa at 6:52 AM SAST on July 06, 2012: 5°C; Humidity: 93%; Wind: ESE at 4 km/h; Conditions: Fog; Sunrise/set: 6:54 AM SAST/5:29 PM SAST; Moonrise/set: 8:30 PM SAST/8:43 AM SAST06:11
Kilosyay Maaz is fixed06:12
superflyMorning oom Kilos06:17
Kiloshiya superfly 06:18
magespawnMorning all06:25
Kiloshiya magespawn 06:26
magespawnHey kilos06:26
Kilosmagespawn, maaz is fixed06:28
KilosMaaz, weather in pretoria06:28
MaazKilos: In Irene, South Africa at 6:52 AM SAST on July 06, 2012: 5°C; Humidity: 93%; Wind: ESE at 4 km/h; Conditions: Fog; Sunrise/set: 6:54 AM SAST/5:29 PM SAST; Moonrise/set: 8:30 PM SAST/8:43 AM SAST06:28
KerberoMaaz: weather in stellenbosch06:29
MaazKerbero: In Cape Town, South Africa at 8:00 AM SAST on July 06, 2012: 10°C; Humidity: 82%; Wind: NNE at 30 km/h; Conditions: Mostly Cloudy; Sunrise/set: 7:50 AM SAST/5:48 PM SAST; Moonrise/set: 9:02 PM SAST/9:30 AM SAST06:29
magespawnI have a problem with an external  hard drive, I am  not sure the best way to go06:29
magespawnCool Killos06:29
Kiloswhat is is doing magespawn 06:29
Kilosfsck it06:29
magespawnNtfs file system, will that work?06:30
Kilosi think it checks everything06:30
Kilosim trying to find the command06:31
Kilosits been stolen off my desktop i go look external06:33
Kilosmagespawn, fsck -f /dev/sdb106:36
Kilosif your ext is sdb106:36
magespawnThanks Kilos06:37
Kilosmagespawn, http://askubuntu.com/questions/47700/fix-corrupt-ntfs-partition-without-windows06:38
Kilosdunno if that will help06:38
magespawnBusy reading06:41
Kilosotherwise one of the data rewcovery tools06:41
KilosIn our case, our small hard drive has previously been formatted as NTFS. Amazingly, TestDisk finds this partition, though it is unable to recover it.06:43
Kilostestdisk is in repos as are scalpel and06:43
magespawnI used those before, the main problem here is I do not enough space to recover the information to, 690 odd GB06:46
Kiloswhat does the drive actually do/show06:47
Kilosmassive drive that06:47
Kilosmagespawn, is the drive bootable?06:51
Kilosas in does it have windows on it or is it just storage06:54
magespawnNo just storage.06:58
Kilosdoes fsck work?06:59
magespawnHave not tried yet.06:59
superflymagespawn: You said you have a problem, but you didn't say what the problem is?07:03
magespawnThe drive loads but when you try to see whats on it no fioes show, when you look at the drive in gparted or such it shows the drive with 690 gb full07:04
superflymorning sflr07:05
magespawnSo I figured corrupt file system. Can't use a recovery program, do not have enough space to recover it to.07:05
magespawnMorning sflr07:06
magespawnsuperfly it is also ntfs file system07:08
Kilosmorning sflr 07:08
magespawnMore info?07:11
Kilosmagespawn, In our case, our small hard drive has previously been formatted as NTFS. Amazingly, TestDisk finds this partition, though it is unable to recover it.07:12
Kiloseish sorry07:12
superflymagespawn: is is a 700gig drive?07:14
superflyor 750?07:14
magespawnNo 1tb07:14
superflyah, OK07:15
superflyand 690G of it is used07:16
magespawnFsck error: fsck.ntfs : not found07:16
superflymagespawn: you need to install ntfsprogs07:17
magespawnOkay cool.07:17
Kilosmagespawn, above link might be what you want07:17
Kilosty superfly 07:17
superflymagespawn: try ntfsfix first though07:17
magespawnOkay that seemed to run okay brb.07:20
magespawnHold on going to move chat to the laptop.07:27
Kilossuperfly, have you done this before?07:31
superflyKilos: no, I just read it online :-D07:31
superfly"ntfsfix is a utility that fixes some common NTFS problems. It repairs some fundamental NTFS inconsistencies, resets the NTFS journal file and schedules an NTFS consistency check for the first boot into Windows."07:32
Kilosah i save all the commands you guys give to help peeps07:32
Kilosso you adding to my data bank ty07:32
Kilosjust battle to find the right things at times07:33
Kilosi find fixing things much more challenging than normal pc use07:34
charlmorning all07:48
Kilosyo charl 07:48
charlhi Kilos 07:48
inetproMaaz: weather Pretoria08:02
Maazinetpro: I'm not feeling too well08:02
inetproKilos: no it's not fixed!08:02
inetproKilos: it depends on the weather station 08:02
KilosMaaz, weather in pretoria08:03
MaazKilos: That didn't seem to agree with me08:03
Kilosuh oh08:03
inetproif you go to the site you will see that you get different weather stations from time to time, not sure why08:04
Kilosthey did say they are having probs08:05
Kilosdid you see my paste last night or yesterday avy08:05
inetproKilos: which paste?08:06
Kilosi got a reply mail from them08:06
inetpro05/07 17:16:14 <Kilos> Thank you for the note.  It appears that this station is having technical issues.08:07
Kilosytip thats it08:07
Kilosqp just gave waterkloof reading08:07
Kilosinetpro, should i ask the ibid guys to fix maaz too08:09
Kilosyo Kerbero[dsp] 08:10
inetproKilos: no08:10
inetproKilos: the crash kid will probably upgrade in due time08:10
inetprochecking the weather can't be that important08:10
Kiloslol he is so busy there in yankeeland08:11
inetproI rest my case08:11
Kilosdid that last fix only do weather08:11
Kilosnot a general update to ibid08:12
inetproKilos: remember, the tumbling weed and his buddies have also not really fixed the issue yet08:12
Kilossflr, ++08:13
inetproKilos: perhaps time for you to learn some coding and start helping them :-)08:13
Kilosi would love to inetpro 08:13
Kilosjust the membering of python stuff dont stick08:14
* inetpro bbl08:14
sflrinetpro there are different weather stations reporting from and around Pretoria. It is displaying the weather station's name, not the city, eg: for Pretoria you can get "Observed at Waterkloof, South Africa"08:20
sflryeah Kilos, get into some Python! :)08:21
Kiloswill keep trying to get it membered. python and vim08:22
sflrvim is not that difficult. just use a vim cheat sheet to help you out: http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/vimcheat.html08:24
Kilosty sflr 08:26
Kilosif i look at that page online can i use the print function to get it to my desktop08:30
Kilosopera of course08:31
Kilosif i tick print where does it go to08:31
Kilosno printer here08:32
Kilosyay that works great08:36
Kilosno need to convert html to pdf08:39
inetproKilos: can't you read HTML?08:43
Kilosyip but they always open with browser and sneek online info08:44
Kilosso wasted data08:44
inetproBTW, to learn vim is really simple, just run vimtutor08:46
inetprovimtutor is part of the vim-runtime package08:46
Kiloslearning isnt the prob, its remembering what i learned that sucks08:46
inetproKilos: remembering comes with practise08:47
Kilosek sukkel met my volk08:47
inetproKilos: you still have a very good memory08:48
Kilossome things seem to stick but the important stuff dont08:48
Kilosor i member in when trying to sleep08:48
inetproKilos: that is very normal08:54
Kilosno wonder the world is in such a state then08:55
Kilosgc version09:00
gcKilos: I am version 0.1.009:00
Kilosqp version09:01
QPKilos: I am version 0.2.0dev09:01
Kilosqp leave #ubuntu-za09:02
KilosMaaz, upgrade yourself09:04
MaazKilos: Sorry...09:04
Kiloscan one modify vim to use l r u p instead of h l k j09:09
Kilosl r u d i meant for left right up down09:10
Kilosor is there a reason for using h l k j09:11
Kilosnever mind09:39
KilosdPhi, who you? dlimit?09:39
charlKilos: you are a hard core ballie with that vim09:41
Kiloslol no man learning. my fingers dunno where the keys are i need to look for each one09:42
charlthat's fine, it's good to see more people using vim09:43
charlemacs is for gnubies :)09:43
charlthe emacs vs vim debate is a bit like the linux vs bsd debate09:43
Kilosdont vim and python go hand in hand?09:44
charli think vim and anything goes hand in hand :)09:44
charlbut if you throw some bash scripting into that mix it sounds like a unix party09:44
Kiloswhat about kate or is that different09:45
Kilosoh ya text ed09:45
charlkate is for knubies :)09:45
charllol i just made up a word09:45
Kilosssssshhhhh the fly will jump on you09:45
charlif you want to go hard core you must use openbsd or a tiling window manager09:46
charlmy fingers automatically type openbsd lol09:46
Kilossjoe no man give me 20 years before you make suggestions like that09:46
charlKilos: now in 20 years you09:47
charlyou're still young enough, you never get too old for this09:47
charlsorry hit return by accident09:47
charli irc from my laptop so my keyboard isn't always that handy09:48
Kilosin 20 years i will have overstayed my legal limit09:48
charlthere was this guy that used to work for my dad, they used to call him "suurstof"09:48
charlit was because he was an old dude and they said he was just around stealing oxygen09:49
Kiloshi jaysen 09:49
charlhi jaysen 09:49
Kilosya the young peeps got funny ideas09:49
Kilosbut everyone gets there09:49
Kilosjaysen, first time here?09:49
charlby the way things are going, next thing the politicians will start accusing old people of helping global warming by exhaling green house gasses09:49
jaysenguys, can i interrupt with a quick question please?09:50
Kiloswelcome to ubuntu-za09:50
charljaysen: yes of course, this is what the channel is for :)09:50
Kilosgo for it jaysen 09:50
jaysennot really, but its been a long while09:50
Kilosask and with luck you will get the right answer09:51
jaysenA friend working with www.capetowntv.org to produce a second 13 episode series on media freedom ( check the last outline: http://www.communitymedia.org.za/alt-media-resources/272-free-media-free-minds-)09:51
jaysenthey are doing a show on "IP & Piracy" asking 'who are the real pirates?'... and are looking for Cape Town based studio guests who can speak on the topic... any suggestions? 09:51
charlthat's a very good question, we have a few capetonians here09:51
jaysenanyone from the club here?09:51
charlmaybe ask superfly or Kerbero 09:51
jayseni meant09:51
charlyeah clug would be a good one09:51
charlwho else lives in cape town?09:52
Kiloswb magespawn 09:52
charlhi magespawn 09:52
charlah yes sflr too09:52
magespawnhi Kilos, charl09:53
KilosBanlam, where are you09:53
charljaysen: you might have to hang around for a while, seems like your cape town people are not in front of irc right now09:53
Kilosjaysen, they very busy so be patient09:53
magespawnthings just went absolutely mad09:53
Kiloswhat happened magespawn 09:54
jaysenno prob. i'll do that09:54
Kilosyw jaysen join clug as well09:54
magespawnjust ppl/customers needing my attention while I am trying to get this drive sorted09:54
Kilosand visit us more often09:54
Kilosoh thats good magespawn 09:55
jaysengoing there now. and i think i will, thanks :)09:55
magespawncan you remember what superfly said i had to inst;;09:55
Kilossudo apt-get install ntfs-3g09:56
Kilossudo apt-get install ntfsprogs09:57
magespawnthats it09:57
Kilossudo ntfsfix /dev/<device name>09:57
Kilosyou can also try chkdsk from a windows drive i think09:59
Kilosnormally only wants to do it on reboot if i member10:00
magespawnthe problem with chkdsk is the win does not see the drive at all10:00
Kiloshaha then maybe the boot sector is hurt10:01
Kilosuse boot-repair to check it10:01
Kilosif windows doesnt see a boot sector or mbr it sees nothing10:02
Kilosnever mind the TB of data stored there10:03
Kiloswhere is the clug channel?10:04
Kilosi get nothing if i join #clug10:04
charlKilos: it's on atrum10:05
charlanother irc network10:05
charlthere's #clug and then some of the guys also hang out in # but that's just for random chatting and nonsense10:06
magespawnmagespawn@magespawn-laptop:~$ sudo ntfsfix /dev/sdb110:06
magespawnMounting volume... OK10:06
magespawnProcessing of $MFT and $MFTMirr completed successfully.10:06
magespawnNTFS volume version is 3.1.10:06
magespawnNTFS partition /dev/sdb1 was processed successfully.10:06
magespawnthats what happens after I run those commands10:06
Kilosty charl 10:13
Kilosyay magespawn  is it good again??10:13
Kilosor is it lying to you10:14
magespawnlying I think still cannot see the files10:22
Kilostry running boot-repair and see if it finds errors10:24
Kilosdo you want to save the data?10:25
jaysenah, thanks charl 10:25
magespawnKilos kind of have to10:26
Kilosjaysen, what irc client are you using10:26
Kiloswhew magespawn 10:27
Kilosborrow another one so you can testdisk10:27
Kilosanother ext so you got space i mean10:27
Kilosjaysen, if i right click that i can join atrum like that10:28
Kilosshows a connect button10:28
Kilosthen in atrum just type in /j #clug10:29
Kilosmagespawn, try with 10:30
Kilosgparted to move the stuff to the end of that drive then try install ubuntu on the beginning10:31
jaysenk, thanks10:31
Kilosi dunno colloquy i use xchat10:33
bakumanho Kilos 10:41
Kilosyo bakuman 10:41
* bakuman is listening to I'm Going Slightly Mad by Queen on Greatest Hits 2 @ 03:34 [Clementine]10:42
Kilosmagespawn, shout when you have time i found some more links you can look at10:45
Kilosheres one10:45
bakumanlol at the video file in the post: DefinitelyNotPorn.avi10:51
Kilosyo Password 10:57
Kiloscrazy nick you got10:57
Kiloswhat are you the password for10:58
Kilosah seen you here before with other nick10:58
Passwordi have never been on this channel10:59
Kilosnewnowknowhow looks familiar11:00
Kilossomeone elses pc?11:00
bakumanPassword: ********11:01
Passwordchatzilla's default11:01
Kiloswell anyway if its your first time here, then welcome to ubuntu-za11:02
Kilosare you a ubuntu user?11:02
Passwordi have run ubuntu at times11:05
Kiloswow why not?11:05
Passwordi like my gamesw11:06
Kilosah ya11:06
Passwordand i'm lazy11:06
Passwordmaybe if i get a new external i will run ubuntu on it11:08
Passwordthat way i can use varsity internet to heep it updated11:08
Kilosyou cant dual boot?11:08
Passwordi can11:08
Kilosthats easier than using an external isnt it11:09
Passwordi have ubuntu on my pc as backup11:09
Passwordbut its not portable11:09
Kilosi forget most peeps move around a lot11:10
Passwordhave you guys heard of ubuntu being ported to android tablets?11:15
tumbleweedPassword: it's happening, yes11:16
tumbleweedbut due to the fragmentation of the ARM world, pretty much each tablet has to be targetted separately11:16
Passwordi think my one friend has already done it11:16
Passwordon his galaxy tqb11:17
tumbleweed12.04 is expected to support the zatab11:17
tumbleweedI mean 12.1011:18
Passwordi have never heard of the zatab11:20
tumbleweedI don't think it's been announced yet11:20
Passwordbut i'm getting the tf201 asus tab soon11:21
charlhi all11:23
charlhi tumbleweed, Password 11:23
Passwordhi charl11:23
charlPassword: i seem to have a problem, could you please help me with this?11:24
charluser@kalinka:~$ sudo -s11:24
Passwordwith what?11:24
charl[sudo] password for user:11:24
charlwhat should i type in here?11:24
Passwordnaturally of course11:24
charlah i see, thanks!11:24
charlyeah i could never figure it out11:24
* Password afk11:25
KilosHawkiesZA, hiya11:32
HawkiesZADid anything interesting happen while I was away?11:34
magespawnhey Kilos got that link ty11:34
Kilosyeah mage fighting with a ntfs drive11:35
Kilosyw mage there are more hey11:35
HawkiesZAOh fun11:36
magespawnKilos I only saw the one11:37
Kilosya and he hasnt space to do a data recovery to11:37
HawkiesZAI've finally installed Ubuntu on my work machine. I couldn't take it any more11:37
Kilosi only gave one magespawn , you want more11:37
magespawnjust checking it after that ntfs repair on a windows machine11:37
Kiloshope one of them work for you otherwise format it with gparted and say sorry data gone11:40
Symmetriayou gotta love companies and institutions that are willing to pay to avoid paperwork11:40
charlhi HawkiesZA, Symmetria 11:40
KilosSymmetria, heh11:40
Symmetriaone of the lines of business Im in, is processing applications for people for ip space and other such things11:40
Symmetriaand I literally tell them what documentation I need, write a 2 page document, then send some emails11:40
HawkiesZAHi charl 11:40
Symmetriaand bill R20k for it :p11:40
Symmetriaand they dont blink 11:41
Kilosdo a few more Symmetria i only need R13k11:41
HawkiesZASymmetria, pretty awesome job there11:41
Symmetria:P they are lucky I dont double the amount considering its afrinic I gotta deal with LOL11:42
inetproKilos: those hjkl come from your typewriter days when they didn't have a navigation keys yet12:14
inetproall part of the QWERTY story12:14
inetproApparently the typewriter keys jammed easily 12:16
inetproto solve the jamming problem, another business associate, James Densmore, suggested splitting up keys for letters commonly used together to slow down typing12:16
magespawnso that no matter how fast you could type the physical act of moving your fingers gave the keys enough time to get out of the way12:18
Kilosha ha ha12:25
Kilosty for that info12:25
bakumangoeie ou qwerty12:33
Kiloseerste qwerty wat ek gesien het was as n appy in die poskantoor op die telex en telegram masjiene12:34
Kilosmaar tot nou nog nie geleer om te tik sonder om te kyk12:35
Kilosdom donner12:35
Passwordqwerty was not to make you type slower12:40
Passwordbut reduced hammers hitting eachover12:40
Passwordwhy would one type slower to type faster12:40
inetproPassword: http://www.ideafinder.com/history/inventions/qwerty.htm12:43
inetproPassword: but you are right12:45
inetproQWERTY's effect, by reducing those annoying clashes, was to speed up typing rather than slow it down.12:45
inetprobut at the same time, "The only efficiency it added was to slow the typist down, since almost any word in the English language required the typist's fingers to cover more distance on the keyboard."12:46
Passwordi disagree12:47
Passwordbecause that would not make a speed improvment12:48
Passwordand why would he spend alot of money change a design12:48
Passwordwhen all was needed for the typist is to type slower12:48
Kilosone maybe needs to look at an old typewriter of the time where every key was manually coupled with levers to the letters12:50
Kilosmany machines jammed by typing too fast12:51
Passwordto unjam a typewriter is trivial12:51
Kilosbut typists always brag about their speed and showed it by typing so fast keyboards jammed12:51
inetprowell I guess we can't argue with the guy who actually rearranged that keyboard at this stage12:52
PasswordHerbert S. Zim, in his classic introductory cryptography text "Codes and Secret Writing", gives the English letter frequency sequence as "ETAON RISHD LFCMU GYPWB VKXJQ Z", the most common letter pairs as "TH HE AN RE ER IN ON AT ND ST ES EN OF TE ED OR TI HI AS TO"12:52
Passwordi think if we used that list and compare it to diffrent keyboard layout12:52
Passwordwe may ariive at a suitable conclusion12:53
Kilosmethinks it doesnt matter qwerty is here to stay12:53
Passwordi agree12:53
Passwordi have to study12:53
magespawnDVORAK keyboards have different key layout and they allow you to type faster because of that, wand with less strain13:02
magespawnsuperfly you there?13:02
KilosdPhi, ping13:12
Kiloshey drussell 13:12
drussellKilos: howdy 13:14
Kilosmagespawn, whats happening?13:16
=== jaysen_ is now known as jaysen
magespawnlooks like i am going to have to another drive to recover the info to13:21
Kilosmaybe read up on testdisk and see if you cant make it save to the same drive it is checking13:22
Kilossomething in head says something can do that13:23
Kilosactually recover in position13:23
magespawnyes they can but is risky if the disk is damaged13:24
Kilos700g is lots. will run for days13:24
Kilosdo you know where to borrow a tb drive13:24
Kilosthey are expensive arent they13:24
magespawn8 or 9 hundred rand13:30
Kilosbut not bad if you think i paid 200 for a second hand 6g13:30
Kilosthey saw me coming13:30
magespawni am just trying to make sure that is the root to go13:31
Kilosdata recovery is a good game to be in13:32
Kilosthey charged my boet 6k to recover data off his lappy drive that crashed13:32
Passwordand that is why one should backp13:36
Kilosyip there is money to be made from guys without IT knowhow or friends13:36
magespawni would not charge that much unless it was a corporate, most ppl would get my standard rate13:38
magespawnI also would not charge for the time while the machine is running, only time I am actually there13:38
Passwordwhat is you standard rate13:38
magespawnR200 per hour13:39
Kilosbut doing that kinda work can grow ones income lots13:39
Passwordthats not bad13:39
Kilosif it takes weeks its heavy13:39
Kilosthen you can get a tb drive just for that purpose magespawn 13:40
charlyou can get services like carbonite that don't cost an arm and a leg13:40
Kilosone good recovery will pay it13:40
charlproble for you south africans is that the internet is slow/expensive13:40
Passwordit took me about a halfhour of my own work to recover my files the other day13:40
magespawnwhat I am saying is that if the machine runs for six hours recovering the data, but I only sit there for one, I would charge for one13:40
charlbut you really do need online backups13:41
Kilosthose recovery tools are slow but good13:41
Passwordor just an external drive13:41
Kilosthen once recovered often you can format drive and its still good13:41
magespawnwould be ideal charl but most people do not have that kind of connection here13:41
Passwordi have heard of drive rocoveries costing upwards of 10k13:41
charlyeah well that's the thing13:42
magespawndepends on what is wrong13:42
magespawngot to go out13:42
Kilosgo safe13:42
Passwordand the equipment one uses13:42
Kilosone rhino tusk will cover it13:42
charli see the slogan "kill a rhino, get your data back"13:45
Kilosoften one can do recoveries by installing winsucks again ad doing recovery after doing fixmbr and fixboot13:45
superflymagespawn: am now13:45
Kiloshe went out superfly 13:46
Kiloshehe @charl14:47
Kilosi missed that14:47
charllater all15:01
magespawnright guys i am out of here for now 15:26
magespawnthanks for all the help today Kilos, superfly and the others15:28
Kiloshi Squirm 15:47
Kilosyo mazal 16:30
Kilosyo charl roryy 16:44
Kiloshi Ludo 17:24
superflyHi Kilos17:24
Kiloshi superfly all well there?17:25
superflyGood thanks, the mrs and I are on a date17:27
Kilosyay keep the romance alive17:27
Kilossay hi mrsfor me17:28
Kilosoh my17:28
Kilosno tabs the aunty gone17:28
superflyKilos: mrs_fly says hi to you too, and she hopes you have a good evening17:29
Kilosyo smile 17:41
smilehi :p17:45
smileKilos: I don't understand the difficult operators in python at http://www.ibiblio.org/swaroopch/byteofpython/read/operators.html17:46
Kiloswhat dont you understand smile 17:47
Kiloshmm where are the python peeps17:48
Kilosdont worry the fly he is onna date17:48
Kilosasking me is like you trying to fix an automatic gearbox17:50
Kilosi understand only the first 517:54
Kilosothers are inna strange language17:54
KilosMaaz, coffee on17:59
* Maaz washes some mugs17:59
KilosMaaz, hurry18:02
MaazMaking decent coffee is an art Kilos and should never be rushed18:02
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!18:03
KilosMaaz, ty18:03
MaazYou are welcome Kilos18:03
Kiloshi magespawn 18:03
Kilosdid you have any success lad18:03
Kilosjaysen, did you come right with a speaker18:06
Kilosor am i mistaken18:07
superflymagespawn: I got your mail, but I'm not the right person to respond18:09
superflymagespawn: but I'll make sure it gets seen to18:09
magespawnThats part of the reason I sent it to you superfly18:10
magespawnKilos we are going to get a second drive.18:11
Kilosto save onto?18:11
magespawnYup, I was wanting to get one anyway.18:11
Kilosjust remember mosta the files come out as numbered files not named18:11
jaysenMaaz, a martini please18:12
Maazjaysen: Go get it yourself!18:12
Kilosmaybe there is a way to keep the names18:12
Kilosbut i couldnt find it18:12
jayseni think so Kilos, lots of potential speakers - colleague is following up18:13
jaysenthanks again for the help18:13
jaysencan I have a Martini Maaz?18:13
jaysenMaaz, Martini on18:14
Maazjaysen: Huh?18:14
magespawnNot too much of a problem if we cannot maintain the files.18:14
Kiloslol mage gave me many days of sorting and renamed 20g18:15
Kilosluckily photos etc you see what they are18:15
Kilosbut with those tools i blogged about you should lose nearly nothing18:16
Kilosaw 18:16
Kilosi wonder if that clone facility will work or if it copy all the corrupt stuff18:17
magespawnUsually with this problem it is just file record at the front of the disk that is damaged.18:19
Kiloshey there is another tool18:20
Kilosif im right you can boot from it into that drive18:21
Kilosgot many repair tools on it too18:21
magespawnI have a copy of that, never tried that though.18:22
magespawnWill give it a go tomrrow.18:22
Kilosmaybe if they have a user guide it will make it simpler18:22
Kilosmaybe here18:25
Kilossaid something about tutorials18:25
Kilosoh you on the fone thing. will give them to you tomorrow18:30
magespawnIts cool Kilos I have made a note of them, ty18:31
Kilosah good18:32
smilebye :p18:32
smileKilos: hug :D18:32
Kilosty smile lol18:32
Kilossleep tight all of you. ill be back tomorrow19:01
KilosMaaz, bye19:01
Maazkbye Kilos19:01
magespawnNight all.20:00

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