
=== hobgoblin is now known as elfy
hobgoblinhas anyone managed to install with a daily today or yesterday? not getting much luck myself 10:44
hobgoblinochosi: you'll be pleased to note that I removed the sunglasses now11:33
ochosihobgoblin: already? :)11:34
hobgoblinyep - threw them away in disgust 11:34
hobgoblinjust joking - got used to it :)11:34
ochosinice to hear11:34
ochosiis it too early to ask how you like it now?11:34
hobgoblinmaybe found one odd little thing - I tend not to shut some things down - when I logout/reboot/shutdown they all appear to lose their nice theme and look a bit win95ish11:35
hobgoblinthe theme? it's fine :)11:35
ochosiwhat do you mean exactly with the logout-thing?11:36
ochosican you take a screenshot?11:36
hobgoblinnot sure if I can as it only shows when it's all closing down11:36
hobgoblinI can see if little one's phone will take a useful shot later if you want ]11:37
hobgoblinit's almost as if it's stopping the theme before it closes down11:37
ochosicould be that that's a "feature" of quantal11:38
hobgoblinnope - unless it's a carryover from precise 11:39
hobgoblinused to see it there - but didn't take much notice - assumed it was just my fiddling11:39
ochosinever saw anything like that11:39
ochosihow do you log out?11:40
hobgoblinfrom the thing in the panel 11:40
hobgoblinthough - don't get hung up on logout - does the same with shutdown/reboot as well11:40
hobgoblinI'll see if I can get a pic when she's back from school - my phone is just that - a phone for talk and txt lol11:41
hobgoblinjust thought I'd mention it :)11:42
ochosiright :)11:42
hobgoblindon't seem to be able to install with dailies atm - so I'm checking stuff out on this install 11:43
hobgoblinochosi: tried to get a shot that was any good and failed - best I can say is that it looks alomost like the Redmond theme but with the title bar missing completely 15:10
ochosinot sure i can help you with this at all15:14
hobgoblinI've no idea what it is :)15:15
hobgoblinjust one of those things I guess15:16
knomei'm trying to send an email to xubuntu-devel, but the message gets filtered19:50
knomei'm looking at the admin panel, and i can't figure out why19:50
knomei think i got it!19:55
knomeyes, i'm able to send email to self-administrated list19:55
Unit193Yep, and I already read it. :D19:55
astraljavaSomebody read's knome's emails?19:58
knomenot really.19:59
knomehow do i change how the TB date field is shown in the message list?19:59

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