
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
xubuntu036Hi guys01:01
xubuntu036I am facing some problems.01:02
xubuntu036Anyone can help? :]01:02
xubuntu036Hi jason01:03
Unit193xubuntu036: Not with just that info we can't.01:05
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:05
jason2007hello xubuntu03601:05
xubuntu036Can you help me please? :]01:05
xubuntu036I am in need of support01:06
xubuntu036Well, I was on Fedora, then I changed to Windows because the screen flickers. Now I've dual booted, both xubuntu & windows. The screen still flickers.01:06
xubuntu036only @linux, not on windows01:07
TOE-Kitsuneis it when you turn the computer on?01:07
jason2007i don't duel boot ^.^01:07
xubuntu036When I am on linux only01:07
jason2007can't help01:07
xubuntu036Only when I am on linux01:07
xubuntu036I was on Debian too, the screen flickers01:07
xubuntu036but on windows, there is np01:07
jason2007have you tried archlinux or archbang?01:08
MissVeraAnyone have any experience with Voyager? I need help, and no one seems to want to acknowledge Voyagers existence..01:12
genii-around!info voyager01:15
ubottuPackage voyager does not exist in precise01:15
genii-aroundubottu as well seems to disavow knowledge01:15
ubottugenii-around: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:15
MathsterkMissVera: what's your problem?01:18
MissVeraThis piece of poop with wires that passes for a computer. Let me copy paste from another chat. onesec.01:19
MissVeraBut. "Ubi-language failed with exit code 1. Further info may be found in /var/log/syslog. Do you want to try running this step again before continuing? If you do not, your installation may fail entirely or may be broken. Last time i installed, I didnt get this error, but I had tons of issues that were resolved prior. Something about chroot01:20
xubuntu0036I got disconnected01:20
MissVera" (A) you need to install grub, (b) make initrds (c) update-grub" fixed all my previous issues. But I had to reinstall anyway. The fail install never made a user account so i was just locked out of everything. now theres this. and they asked for.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/1077384/01:20
MissVeraThen, someone said to run memtest from the cd, and I got, ""cannot load a ramdisk with an old kernel image"01:21
genii-aroundMissVera: Unfortunately it's not a supported distribution here.01:24
MissVeraBut someone from here reccommended it to me. I've found similar issues on google. But, since its not supported, no one wants to attempt to figure it out?01:25
MathsterkMissVera: get memtest, burn it to a cd or make a bootable usb-stick/mem-card/something, test and then see if your ram is ok or broken01:27
genii-aroundMissVera: Someone may take it up if they feel up to the task... but strictly speaking, it's a derivative which may be very different from the standard Xubuntu and so more problemmatic. The usual procedure is to refer people to the support for their specific derivative01:29
=== ravera is now known as Transfusion
xubuntu060guys? need help04:19
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:21
Unit193Kinda need more. ;)04:21
xubuntu060okay, so I got ubuntu 12.04, and i installed xubuntu-desktop.04:22
xubuntu060then i restarted.04:22
xubuntu060and i got no desktop04:22
Unit193Did you see a login manager?  You can try to go into recovery mode and fix it.04:24
xubuntu060Well, I succelfully logged in, if you mean that04:25
xubuntu060How do I enter recovery mode?04:26
Unit193Soooo, if you can login, what exactly is the issue?04:27
xubuntu060There is no desktop after login. Topbar and panel on the bottom are working, but desktop isn't.04:29
TOE-Kitsuneyou installled xubuntu-desktop right?04:31
Unit193Right, because nautilus is taking over I'd guess.  Try opening a terminal and typing   ps aux |grep nautilus   and see what that pulls up.  You may need to start thunar, or if compiz is running replcae with xfwm.04:31
TOE-Kitsunecan you open a terminal at all?04:31
TOE-Kitsuneyea xfwm4 --replace04:31
Unit193nautilus also likes taking over as well though.04:33
xubuntu665hi guys09:30
=== v1adimir is now known as Guest97226
xubuntu527hi people. I have a really stupid question about installation11:37
xubuntu527I'm trying to get xubuntu on my Acer Aspire One D27011:38
xubuntu527anybody here that could/would help me?11:38
well_laid_lawnit should install ok, what's the problem?11:39
xubuntu527well. i burned the image to a pendrive with Universal-USB-Installer11:40
xubuntu527but when I try to boot the pendrive from the netbook... it just doesn't start11:40
well_laid_lawndid you go into your bios and make sure the comp will boot from usb first?11:41
xubuntu527yes it does11:41
xubuntu527it writes a line on the screen and stops there11:41
well_laid_lawnwhat's the line?11:41
xubuntu527"SYSLINUX 4.06 EDD 4.06-pre1 Copyright (C) 1994-2011 H. Peter Anvia et al"11:42
xubuntu527that's all I see11:42
xubuntu527on my PC it bootet just fine11:43
xubuntu527any ideas?11:43
well_laid_lawnI can make a guess11:44
well_laid_lawnthere is a different graphics card on the comp that won't boot it11:45
well_laid_lawnand it boots but doesn't show11:45
xubuntu527can I get a command line installer or something?11:46
well_laid_lawntry the safe graphics option11:46
well_laid_lawnshould be in the menu iirc11:46
well_laid_lawnthere's an alternate installer11:46
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal11:46
well_laid_lawnif there was an error it would have said11:48
xubuntu527oh ok, i'm downloading the alternate right now.11:48
xubuntu527thank you so far11:48
xubuntu527i'll might be back with even stupider questions afterwards11:48
well_laid_lawnstupid questions are ok :)11:51
xubuntu527by the way: why is MeeGo such an ugly useless thing? it is ... unbearable11:53
well_laid_lawnI've never seen it, which sounds like a good thing11:54
xubuntu527the basic desktop looks like a giant smartphone. it has a permanent tab for facebook+twitter+flickr11:55
well_laid_lawnit was probably built for a phone ...11:56
xubuntu527it was pre-installed on the netbook. we hate eachother11:56
well_laid_lawngood thing there's choice in the linux world then;)11:57
blackgatocatnegrHi, I need to make "sysctl -w kernel.shmmax=$[33554432*2]" permanent, so I can run avast11:57
well_laid_lawnthere might be a way to add that to the grub kernel line11:59
oCeanblackgatocatnegr: add it to /etc/sysctl.conf11:59
blackgatocatnegrI have grub211:59
blackgatocatnegrgrub2 is a nightmare to edit11:59
well_laid_lawngrub2 has a kernel line11:59
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)11:59
well_laid_lawnthat might not help12:00
oCeanwell_laid_lawn, blackgatocatnegr: once more, it should be added to sysctl.conf12:00
well_laid_lawnthere you go12:00
well_laid_lawn /etc/sysctl.conf12:01
well_laid_lawnblackgatocatnegr: how did you miss oCean 's mention of that before ?12:02
blackgatocatnegrI know how to restore grub2, editing it is the problem12:02
well_laid_lawnI was getting a beer < excuse12:02
well_laid_lawn /etc/sysctl.conf12:03
well_laid_lawn /etc/sysctl.conf12:03
well_laid_lawnpoint ^^12:03
oCeanblackgatocatnegr: it has nothing to do with editing grub12:03
blackgatocatnegrI know12:03
blackgatocatnegrok, added the line to the end of the file12:06
xubuntu527uhm, well_laid_lawn? i got the same with the alternate installer12:44
xubuntu527okay, the alternate installer isn't working either12:47
well_laid_lawnxubuntu527: I thought that might happen12:48
xubuntu527how do I set it to text mode?12:48
well_laid_lawnthat might not help if you need some setting for the graphics card12:49
well_laid_lawntry the safe graphics option12:50
xubuntu527where do I set it? how?12:50
well_laid_lawnor let us know what card you have12:50
xubuntu527"Integrated, Intel GMA 3600"12:51
well_laid_lawniirc there's issues with that, one min while I check12:51
well_laid_lawnkeep it in the channel please xubuntu52713:00
well_laid_lawnseems there's lots of issues with that card13:00
well_laid_lawnbut he'll find out about that later13:01
=== recon69_lap is now known as recon_lap
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
=== blackgatocatnegr is now known as blackgatonegro
xubuntu185Hi. Help me, please. After install and update xubuntu 12.04 i have text mode only, i want have graphic, startx doesnt work14:16
ochosixubuntu185: what errors do you get?14:17
xubuntu185Fatal server error no screen found14:21
blackgatonegrodid you update xubuntu during install?14:24
xubuntu185yes, i checked that14:24
xubuntu185it was working, but after install 6 updates (50,7MB) i dont have graphic mode, only text tyy14:25
blackgatonegroAll of ubuntu 12.04 versions have been reposted to have bugs after an upgrade to 12.04, the best option is usually to update with "Update manager" just after install, and install the video card drivers.14:25
blackgatonegroyou probably had a bug with the video card driver14:26
blackgatonegrowhat video card do you have?14:26
xubuntu185i will try that: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ReyT56rTWnA14:30
DebolazHow do I make the session menu work in a vertical panel?15:03
teranexHi everyone15:57
teranexI have a problem with my laptop running Xubuntu15:58
teranexas of this morning, when i boot it it first displays the xubuntu logo (plymouth), but then, instead of showing me the login screen, it simply shows a black screen and after a few moments turns of15:58
teranexI can hear the fan spin harder and harder, so it seems some process is using the cpu or gpu at a very high load, overheating the laptop15:59
teranexbut I have no idea where to start looking15:59
bazhang!nomodeset | teranex15:59
ubottuteranex: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter15:59
teranexubottu: I will try that. the strange thing however is that I have been using my laptop with xubuntu for two years now without any problems (upgraded to 12.04 a few days after it was released)16:00
ubottuteranex: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:00
xubuntu181hello everyone! :) i've been trying to install linux based os for some time,but i've been having some very bugging problems..:/ whenever i install it from wubi(windows installer),in DOS it says error,have no prefix...for hdd(0;0)....and stops instalation...16:01
Unit193It's really a better idea not to use wubi and just dual boot.16:03
blackgatonegroYes it is16:04
teranexbazhang: I tried booting with 'nomodeset' (and without 'splash' & 'quiet'), but then I don't get a graphical environment at all. When I manually start GDM from the console (sudo service gdm start) I again get a black screen and here the fan spinning harder..16:05
blackgatonegrohave you updated the video drivers?16:06
teranexnot that I know (at least not in the past few days)16:06
bazhangteranex, in 12.04? isnt that lightdm?16:06
blackgatonegroupdate them to the laatest release, and change the settings to minimun16:07
teranexyesterday however, when I wanted to suspend my laptop it froze during suspend, but that happens from time to time with the proprietary amd drivers16:07
blackgatonegroalso check setttings / settings manager / session and start up, and remove any programs you are not using.16:08
teranexbazhang: I tried with both lightdm and gdm (switched with dpkg-reconfigure) and I also tried both the closed and the open source drivers but they all result in the same behaviour16:08
blackgatonegrowell, what video card you have?16:09
teranexa crappy ati radeon hd5400 mobile (if i remember correctly)16:10
teranexthe open source driver works perfectly except that it can't keep the laptop at a reasonable temperature (90+ degrees C), while the closed driver keeps it at 'only' (ahum :/) 70 degrees C16:11
blackgatonegrohave you tried bios settings?16:13
blackgatonegrousually all bios have powersave settings you can pick instead of "performance" ones16:13
teranexblackgatonegro: i already looked in the bios but couldn't find much configurable settings16:14
blackgatonegroif the bios does not have those options, then reset to default, also, make sure that in setttings / settings manager / power manager / OC the option "spin down hard disks is NOT checked16:15
teranexI also found some information on askubuntu (i think) that a bios update would solve it. But when I try to run the ubuntu bios update tool from Dell, it says that it is not supported anymore and I should use another tool from dell, which is not available for ubuntu.16:16
teranexblackgatonegro: that's nice tip, but since I can't get into X for the moment that's not really possible now :)16:16
blackgatonegroteranex, well, mayybe you should try with an older video driver16:19
blackgatonegrothe oldest you can find in ubuntu repos16:21
blackgatonegroalso, in grub, pick the second option, to boot in recovery mode, then pick "Fix broken packages" you must be online for that to work16:23
teranexI guess I'll just reinstall from scratch...16:23
teranexblackgatonegro: ah that is something i have not yet tried16:23
blackgatonegrowhen you install 12.4 )A make sure to be online )B Install with updates C) Mae sure to download propietary drivers D) In your case, pick an old video driver, the oldest you find16:24
blackgatonegrosince the newb one is giving so much trouble16:24
genii-aroundteranex: If they just supply a bios image and the dos based flash update tool, you can do something like make a freedos bootable usb and put it all on there16:27
teranexgenii-around: aha, that is an interesting idea16:27
blackgatonegrostill, since the problem is the video driver, using an older one might solve the problem16:28
genii-aroundI've flashed a few machines this way16:28
blackgatonegroyou could remove the video driver you got just botting as root in terminal, but you must be online and is a bit conplicated16:29
blackgatonegronot recomended unless you really know hat you are doing16:29
blackgatonegrohad to fix video driver problems a few times that way in ubuntu16:30
blackgatonegrosince X refused to start16:30
blackgatonegroaccient story16:31
blackgatonegrommm, now that I think about it16:31
blackgatonegrogo to recovery mode16:31
blackgatonegrouse the boot as root with networkworking option and16:32
genii-aroundteranex: If you want, I can pm a link to the last freedos.img I used on one of my own machines here, it is not a bad starting point16:33
teranexoh, I fixed it :)16:33
teranexI entirely removed the closed drivers, and reinstalled them from the repo's and now I have the login screen again16:34
blackgatonegroconfugure the card16:34
blackgatonegroto use as less resources as possible16:34
teranexso apparently the suspend and hard-shutdown from yesterday /did/ brake somethingj16:35
teranexhmm... now I just have a blue screen with a mouse pointer after login in :) already one step closer though...16:35
blackgatonegroand just to be safe, look for the old driver that used to work in the previous ubuntu you used16:36
teranexah, no window manager is running it seems :)16:36
teranexblackgatonegro: thx16:36
blackgatonegroyou can force start whatever gui you are using, just be sure to16:38
blackgatonegroexit xubuntu the right way this time16:38
teranexblackgatonegro: thx, it works!16:47
=== recon69_lap is now known as recon_lap
MokuraI keep getting annoying messages about "partial upgrades" (that I ignored - I did some forum searching and apparently it's bad mojo).  The troublesome updates seem to be related to the kernel (with oddly small sizes... metapackages maybe?) and libclutter.18:40
=== jglauche_ is now known as jglauche
MokuraIs it possible that I'm still on a development channel or something similar for the update manager?  This happens every time I get updates for anything else.18:41
MokuraIt's not the end of the world but it is a slight annoyance, so I was wondering if there was a way to ignore or hide those particular updates for the time being.18:41
genii-aroundMokura: Do you have a more exact error?18:56
MokuraI can get a screenshot of the update manager - one moment.18:58
genii-aroundIt might be more useful to see from the terminal what the output from something like: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade    is19:00
MokuraThe following packages have been kept back:19:02
Mokura  libclutter-1.0-0 linux-generic linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic19:02
MokuraThat's the only unusual thing I got, no problems with getting repository info.19:03
genii-aroundMokura: And the second part finds no upgrades to apply?19:09
MokuraThe held-back packages were the second part.19:10
Mokura(I did all my updates beforehand)19:11
genii-aroundMokura: The held-back stuff is normal.19:21
genii-aroundMokura: If you do sudo apt-get dist-upgrade    does it groan about the kernels or whatever at that point?19:22
MokuraNo, it says that they're going to be installed, instead19:24
Mokurawith more proper looking space requirements19:24
MokuraShould I move on with it or leave it alone?19:24
genii-aroundMokura: Might as well say yes and do the upgrade19:25
MokuraWas just unsure about the whole partial upgrade thing from my searching earlier.19:26
DebolazHow do I make the xubuntu session button on the panel work correctly when I make the panel vertical?19:33
DebolazIt doesn't change the direction of the text, so the text gets cut.19:33
MokuraSeems to work fine so far.  Guess I worry too much.19:34
* Debolaz really can't be the first person who wants a vertical, unity-like panel in Xubuntu. :-P19:35
recon_lapsession button?19:35
DebolazYes. The button with your name on it in the panel, that you click on to log out, restart, etc.19:36
DebolazIt's called "Session Menu" in the panels item list.19:38
recon_lapDebolaz: I see19:38
recon_lapDebolaz: have you tried removing it from the pannel and adding it again?19:39
Debolazrecon_lap: Yes.19:39
recon_lapDebolaz: added a session menu to my vert panel and its fine19:40
Debolazrecon_lap: My username is "debolaz". This text gets cut off after "deb" because the panel isn't wide enough.19:40
Debolazrecon_lap: And while it's possible to widen the panel, that's not really an optimal solution.19:41
Debolazrecon_lap: How does it appear visually when you add it?19:41
recon_lapDebolaz: I've a short user name and a wide panel, aspect 10:1619:41
Debolazrecon_lap: I'd prefer to have a small panel, because it's a rather small screen. Wasting screen realestate because the session menu isn't well-designed feels… Wrong. :/19:42
recon_lapDebolaz: do you have a hoz pannel? put it on that19:43
recon_lapDebolaz: think you down to writing your own session applet19:44
Debolazrecon_lap: I could probably fork the existing one and just replace the username with a normal icon.19:44
* Debolaz did a similar thing with the notification applet so he would be able to notice it.19:45
DebolazIn vanilla ubuntu though.19:45
recon_lapDebolaz: shorter username :)19:45
pjotterHi everyone. I recently installed Xubuntu 12.04 on my desktop computer and my notebook. In both installations I am getting a lot of crashes and automatic 'bug reports'. I get a lot of 'tumblerd' bug reports and there are a number of other applications that crash all the time. Is this a known problem? I never experienced this in Xubuntu 11.10. Should I revert to 11.10 and wait for newer release?21:05
MissVeraSo. I tried to install Xubuntu, and I get "Installation step failed" An installation step failed, you can try to run the failing item again from the menus or skip it and choose something else. The failing step is:Select and install software21:19
GridCubeyou mihgt have a broken image21:23
MissVerawell.. I skipped it, and everything else installed, and now its just a black screen to log into. Like the terminal.  Which, I was able to log in. But theres nothing else21:26
knomeyes, because installing packages failed21:26
pjotterJust found this thread that seems to describe the same issue I'm having with Xubuntu 12.04: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1983952  Does anybody else experience a lot of crashes in Xubuntu 12.04 too?21:27
GridCubenot really no21:28
GridCubewhat programs are the ones crashing?21:29
knomepjotter, have you installed xfce 4.10 ?21:29
MissVeraknome, Gathered that. Was looking for some kind of Answer. or, Help.21:29
GridCubeMissVera, you could try downloading the cd image again and check that its correct21:29
pjotterStrange. I am wondering what might be the cause. I installed Xubuntu on two different computers. The one is a desktop computer. The other a notebook. Both have AMD 64 processors with ATI cards.21:30
GridCubeor maybe, just maybe, it wont probably work, try to sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop21:30
knomeMissVera, what GridCube said the last :) ^21:30
MissVeraknome, you're as helpful as I remember you being last time :)21:31
pjotterIn the beginning I got a lot of 'crash reports' on a program called 'tumblerd'. And also 'colord' or something. But there are a lot of applications that seem to crash a lot. Audacity for example.21:31
pjotterknome: No, I have Xubuntu 12.04 'out of the box'.21:32
GridCubepjotter, thats very weird, i am using 12.04 on a bunch of machines and they get crash reports but nothing serious21:32
GridCubeyou probably need to find the common denominator on all the crashs21:32
pjotterI have been looking on the internet for this problem. Some people seem to get a lot of these, while others have no problem at all. I am beginning to suspect it might have something to do with hardware.21:33
knomei wonder if this is something related to ATI... wife's laptop had some (non-critical) crashes, and the laptop has ATI21:33
knomeotoh, my desktop runs smoothly, with nvidia21:33
GridCubemmmhm, people with ati always have some sort of problems21:33
GridCubewell no always, but most times than nvidia people21:34
pjotterI installed the pr21:34
pjotterI installed the ATI/AMD driver. Maybe I should try to remvoe it?21:35
pjotterI don't really use it anyway. No fancy stuff going on on my computer.21:36
pjotterI'll just try it and see if it solves the problem. If not, then I can always reinstall it.21:37
chaosmanhi all22:25
chaosmanis there a way to install .NET2.0 on 64bit xubuntu 12.04?22:26
chaosmanI tried with Wine but no luck22:26
GridCubechaosman, no, i dont think you can do that22:29
GridCubechaosman, oh, look, http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=3754&iTestingId=1854622:30
chaosmanbut this is not for 64 bit system22:31
GridCubewelp, i dont think wine cares about that22:31
GridCubetho i dont really know22:32
GridCubeyou should ask #wine22:32
chaosmanI tried22:33
chaosmanit cries22:33
GridCubethen you got you answer22:34
GridCube.net wont work on linux, i dont see much of a surprise there22:34
chaosmanthats bad..22:34
chaosmanI wanted to play Dragon Age22:34
GridCubeit happen22:35
martinphonewhat with do I open a syn file?23:13
knomewhat is it supposed to be anyway?23:14
martinphonepart of a dictinoary23:14
martinphonethere i an ifo an syn and a idx23:15
martinphoneguillemet (>> in one character space) is used to separate the concept from the definition, but in goldendict the guillemet appears in the concept, and must be written for goldendict to actually show the definition...23:16
knomejudging by http://filext.com/file-extension/SYN (google ".syn file extension" for more similar results), i'm not sure if you're supposed to *open* it with anything, just link it to some dictionary app23:16
martinphoneI need to open that file to see an example to copy23:17
knomemartinphone, in that case, i'd use any text editor23:17
martinphoneor, can I use geany to keep guillemet, but invisible while in goldendict?23:17
knomemartinphone, if that doesn't work, you probably need a specific app anyway23:17
martinphoneknome, I tried geany, but it say the encoding is not supported23:17
knomeit's possible you need a specific app to open/edit/create those files then23:18
martinphoneill change to do anything else, i've been 6 hours editing code23:18
faryshtaHi. How do I manage the volume?23:35
faryshtaI don't see any icon anywhere. Which is the command?23:35

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