
c_smithbkerensa, one thing: be sure and have around $2.50-$3 to buy something, unfortunately, they have us buy something from them to use the space, but it is understandable, they do have to pay rent and whatnot.00:05
tgm4883super awesome :/00:42
* tgm4883 generates yet another PGP key00:42
c_smithcweber10, are you here?01:13
bkerensatgm4883: u coming?01:37
bkerensacweber10: u coming?01:37
bkerensac_smith: excellent turnout last night19:19
bkerensagood job19:19
nathwillindeed :)19:20
nathwillthat's a nice coffee house.19:20
nathwilldude, bkerensa... i installed quantal last night19:30
nathwilland immediately ended up spending 2 hours fixing xorg19:30
nathwillit was suuuper borked19:31
bkerensanathwill: lol thats a PITA19:35
bkerensaI have not had that issue19:35
bkerensanathwill: aside from that is everything ok?19:35
nathwillbkerensa, yep19:40
nathwilli upgraded to xorg from xorg-edgers, after booting from live cd and chrooting the disk-install to install fglrx19:41
nathwillthen everything is fine19:41
=== nath_will is now known as nathwill
bkerensawell I gotta head out to beaverton19:42
nathwillha. took your advice, got the znc running19:50
nathwillapparently the 'listen on ipv6' option actually means 'listen *only* on ipv6, which is kind of confusing19:50
blkperlnathwill: thats nothing i installed btrfs last night on quantal and immediately got a segfault :P19:55
=== c_smith is now known as geek
geekbkerensa: amen to that.20:57
=== geek is now known as Guest77000
=== Guest77000 is now known as c_smith
c_smithbkerensa: amen to that. sorry I didn't catch that in time (was dealing with a hashinfo file on my Ipod.)20:58

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