
L3topiharp: you could just load a live cd and run the command.00:04
DaskreechI think iharp specifically did not want a live environment00:12
Daskreechfor some reason00:13
=== Guest62591 is now known as Mamarok
DaskreechHello Mamarok00:15
Mamarokhi Daskreech :)00:15
DaskreechMamarok: how are you doing?00:15
Mamaroknot that bad, waiting for the painkillers to kick in so I can sleep00:16
DaskreechThey do provide a kick00:17
=== Avihay_ is now known as Avihay
=== skreech__ is now known as Daskreech
nicekiwihey, how do I get the screen brightness settings to work? The notification bar comes up but the brightness dosnt change01:07
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Daskreechnicekiwi: We were just talking about that the other day01:21
kumyuuhi, who is channel spanhis?01:22
IdleOne!es  kumyuu01:24
IdleOne!es }  kumyuu01:24
ubottuIdleOne: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:24
FloodBotK1IdleOne: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:24
IdleOne!es |  kumyuu01:24
ubottukumyuu: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.01:24
IdleOnede nada01:24
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hellslingerhow do I make a line between two shapes in calligra flow?02:59
hellslingerhow do I connect two shapes in calligra flow? I've selected the tool, but I'm unable to figure out how to connect shapes03:06
Daskreechhellslinger: Umm not sure let me look03:06
DaskreechNeevr tried flow :)03:06
hellslingerit seems like a perfect program, but I can't do the most basic thing03:07
DaskreechHa ha well I guess we have different descriptions of perfect03:08
hellslingerwell.. seem is the key word there03:09
hellslingerso for one of the control points, I was able to connect to another shape03:09
hellslingerbut the rest of the control points don't turn into a connection tool when I hover03:10
hellslingerand I don't know how to make it do that03:10
hellslingeroooh if I create any new connection points on a shape, I can no longer connect it03:12
hellslingerbut fresh shapes that haven't been modified are able to connect03:12
iharpdaskreech: In response to your response at 18:44 about the support of my ATI radeon 9200 SE on 12.04. I'm trying to figure out if there is any support for it without live cd or using  lspci -nn | grep VGA.03:18
Daskreechiharp: Do you mean if it will boot?03:19
iharpDaskreech: It will boot but there weren't any proprietary drivers for it and the open gl was an issue from my past experience with it on 12.0403:20
iharpI've got 4 video cards and none of them work on 12.04... :(03:22
iharpmake that 503:22
Daskreechall the same make?03:23
iharpno. Ill list them03:23
iharpATI radeon 9200 SE, Geforce2 MX400, two other nvidia cards with no lable so im not sure what they are, and my integrated Geforce 6150SE nForce 430/PCI/SSE203:26
Daskreechthe kernel doesn't identify them?03:26
iharpThey give out video and thats about it.. They all work on 11.10 though.03:26
iharpperfectly with prop drivers03:27
Daskreechdid you try 12.10 ?03:27
Daskreechhow'd that go?03:27
iharpJust video, I had no openGL support on any of them03:27
iharpI think the H.A. was off on a few as well03:28
iharp12.10 doesn't work with my macbook 1,1 either..lol or anything after hardy.. :(03:28
iharpI call it bad luck... or demons.. possibly demons...03:29
iharpNo.. i actually meant demons..lol03:30
iharpit was a joke... :p03:31
DaskreechI know :)03:33
DaskreechSo was the daemong03:33
iharp lol03:34
DaskreechI don't know how to check if something works with out checking it03:39
DaskreechI would guess that checking is a better way03:40
iharpIs there a list somewhere with compatiable video cards on 12.04?03:41
iharpMaybe that could get me in the right direction03:42
iharpI only found one on the main sight but it didn't say anything about 12.0403:42
DaskreechI don't think I'd trust that list if it did exist03:46
iharpWouldn't be accurate?03:47
Daskreech it would be missing cards03:52
Daskreechsometimes it would be subjective (the person just didn't test correctly) and probably would not take note of driver updates03:52
DaskreechRedhat I trust for this. The Ubuntu Community? not so much03:53
iharpWhat about Suse?03:53
Daskreechiharp: I've not looked at the lists they keep up but depending on who's in charge that might be reliable.03:57
DaskreechIt really depends on the running of checklists and methodology03:58
iharpdaskreech: Thanks for all your insight. I appreciate it03:58
DaskreechThere are very strict guidelines on that for Redhat and they have whole depts that keep that up to date03:58
iharpwow. nice03:58
DaskreechSuse could have one person but as long as they vigilant about following the checklists then that would work as well03:59
DaskreechUbuntu has guidelines put up but afaik there is no way to know if the data submitted is followed ( I have no reason to think they didn't follow them) and if anyone does follow ups (I have no reason to think that anyone does that at all)04:00
DaskreechIn theory once you have the same kernel/driver it doesn't matter what flavour of linux you are running04:00
DaskreechBut redhat and debian are out of the running as they are jsut so old compared to the rest of the landscape04:01
contrastGreets, everyone... Any packaging experts around?04:01
iharpDaskreech: yeah I've been looking at all the differences. I've been a linux user for about 6 months now so I'm still fairly new to everything, but it seems like the linux portion of the world is a lot better even if you do have a few compatibility issues here and there.04:04
Daskreechcontrast: want to ask your next question?04:04
Daskreechiharp: Welcome to Linux and KDE :)04:04
iharpUbuntu and it's variants have been my main focus04:04
contrastI recently made a number of packages, following this guide - http://is.gd/TWpHJh - to a T, and now I'm wanting to upload them to a PPA. I'm really hoping there's a way I can easily extract the necessary .changes files from the .debs I've already put a good amount of work into..?04:05
Daskreechcontrast: Jsut edit the changelog if I understand you04:06
Daskreechiharp: Ubuntu and it's buntuites are nice. They ahve a very friendly community for learnign04:07
contrastDaskreech: Erm, that's the thing - the only changelog files I have are already cooked into the packages I'm working with. I can extract them, but they're still just in <package-name>/usr/share/doc/changelog.gz and <package-name>/usr/share/doc/changelog.Debian.gz04:08
contrastDaskreech: And what I'm needing in order to upload to a PPA is <package-name>_<version>_source.changes04:10
contrastGood seeing you're still around, by the way, Daskreech. I'm pretty sure I remember you helping me out quite a while back. :)04:12
Daskreechcontrast: :-)04:12
Daskreechcontrast: ok hold on04:13
contrastDaskreech: Thanks.04:13
iharpWhat are the major differences in 11.04 and 11.10?04:15
L3topiharp, again... if you could just boot to a live disk just to get the hardware output, I can tell you if it is supported by fglrx. I know them by chipset/pci-id... not the info you gave. I know them all, but by different designation.04:19
contrastiharp: Maybe most notably for Kubuntu - KDE 4.6 vs. 4.7 (http://kde.org/announcements/4.7/)04:20
iharpL3top: I am. I'm going to install 12.04 and run the bit. I'll just compile a list of outputs on my cards and come back with the results04:21
iharp*run live disk04:21
L3topOr, iharp I can give you a regex grep to run that will tell you.04:21
L3topIf it returns a result... it will not be supportedd. If no result, then fglrx is safe.04:22
iharpok, that sounds great.04:22
iharpthank you04:22
DaskreechL3top: so that tests for things that work and doesn't say anything?04:24
L3topWell... I can certainly just change it a bit to do the opposite... but it is easier to grep the things it doesnt cover than the things it does.04:26
L3topIt is just part of a chunk of things I do for autodetection.04:26
iharpL3top: Do you have a link for it?04:28
iharpL3top: or is it something you could pastebin?04:28
L3topwell I am adjusting it a bit iharp. It makes more sense to give you a clearer output... and I am a little more aggressive than need be because this is part of an autoinstallation, and I just dont want to bother with certain chipsets that require massage to work... just give me a moment.04:29
iharpL3top: take your time. I'm just messing around with a few things over here anyway04:30
Daskreechcontrast: you read https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA/BuildingASourcePackage already ?04:31
contrastDaskreech: Not yet, mainly because it's not immediately relevant to what I'm doing so far (I'm just packaging little stuff that doesn't need compiling right now, like scripts and theme items, hence the previously linked "Debian Binary Package Building HOWTO").04:34
contrastDaskreech: Erm, sorry, seems I had that last link you gave confused for another one... <reading>04:36
contrastDaskreech: Okay, yeah... Unless I'm missing something, it seems that's still just geared towards packaging stuff that actually has to be compiled. Right now I'm just working with scripts and binary content. :\04:39
L3topiharp: rad=$(lspci -nn | grep 'VGA' | grep -Ei '((R.)([2-5])|(9|X|ES)(1|2?)([0-9])(5|0)0|Xpress)'); if [[ -n "$rad" ]]; then echo "fglrx will not work on this card"; else echo "fglrx safe to install"; fi04:39
iharpThanks. I'll try running that here after I dl this 32bit distro and let you know how it works out for me.04:40
L3topiharp actually... that could provide a false result if there is something non-vga listed use this instead: rad=$(lspci -nn | grep -w 'VGA' | grep -Ei '((R.)([2-5])|(9|X|ES)(1|2?)([0-9])(5|0)0|Xpress)'); if [[ -n "$rad" ]]; then echo "fglrx will not work on this card"; else echo "fglrx safe to install"; fi04:41
Daskreechcontrast: Ok04:42
Daskreechcontrast: then get a .changes file either from debuild or someone else and just edit it to say what you need04:43
Daskreech new wallpapers or what changes have been put in the script etc04:43
Daskreechthat should be fine04:43
iharpok. one last question. I know this sounds crazy, but... Is it possible to take a DvD and install multiple bootable isos, while installing something on the disk that would allow you to choose which image to boot from?04:44
contrastDaskreech: Ahh, okay... So how do I generate a changes file?04:44
Daskreechfrom debuild04:44
Daskreechif anythign read up on debuild and that should be a good place to start04:44
ubottuInterested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility04:44
c2tarunHi, do anyone have any idea about vsftpd?04:45
Daskreechcourse the less code you are putting together the mroe likely you'd jsut hand code the changes04:45
iharpSay a DvD with 12.04 and 11.10 on iL3top: was that for me?04:45
Daskreechiharp: pretty easily04:45
c2tarunI installed vsftpd and copied few files to /srv/ftp. Now I want to download these files to my another machine on wifi, how can I do it?04:45
L3topyes iharp.04:45
iharpthank you04:45
DaskreechI had a DVD with 9 OSes on it. To be even crazier it had a VM on it so you can boot the DVD into an OS then from that OS start a VM with the DVD and show off other OSes04:46
Daskreechc2tarun: ftp or sftp. Your choice04:46
c2tarunDaskreech, its my first time so I'll start with ftp first. then within few hours I'll try sftp also04:47
Daskreechc2tarun: what OS is on the other machine?04:47
Daskreechif you have filezilla it will get you both ftp and sftp04:48
c2tarunthere is also Ubuntu on that, but I will try with windows, as my roomies prefer windows04:48
c2tarunon windows?04:48
c2tarunDaskreech, Thanks :) I'll try04:48
DaskreechWell presuming that you want to get the fiels from /srv/ftp04:48
Daskreechwhich is on the unix box04:48
c2tarunDaskreech, yup04:49
Daskreechif you want to restrict them to those files then ftp will work (which vsftpd provides)04:49
Daskreechif you just want them to get access to grab files then you can set up a ssh account they can sftp over04:49
Daskreechyour choice04:49
Daskreechon their side it looks exactly the same so they wouldn't care04:50
c2tarunDaskreech, ok, let me look for some tutorial on creating ssh acounts.04:50
Daskreechc2tarun: sudo apt-get install ssh04:51
Daskreechc2tarun: done04:51
c2tarunDaskreech, thanks :) I was looking for configuring and creating other stuffs on ssh. Frankly I never used it :(04:52
Daskreechc2tarun: it's just remote access04:53
Daskreechbut has some nice perks like a fake ftp access that's encrypted04:53
c2tarunok, where can I know more about it?04:54
c2tarunDaskreech, I just tried to access my machine from filezilla I am not getting copy or download option.04:56
c2tarundo I need to add any file permission to file in /srv/ftp?04:57
Daskreechc2tarun: I think so. You made an ftp user?04:57
Daskreechhow did you authenticate? Or do you have anon ftp access?04:58
c2tarunDaskreech, I was trying for anonymous access.04:59
Daskreechah ok04:59
c2tarunDaskreech, I think this one will help. Thanks :)05:02
c2tarunDaskreech, one more help, in the tutorial its talking that vsftp.conf is in /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf but in my pc it in /etc/vsftpd.conf so should I create new conf file here only? or should I create a folder?05:04
Daskreechc2tarun: No use the one that you have05:04
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Daskreechthat's a redhat vs Debian thing I would guess05:05
c2tarunDaskreech, ok, then I'll create its backup first. Thanks :)05:05
c2tarunbackup of default vsftpd.conf05:05
DaskreechIt's absolutlely useless until 3 minutes after you really needed it05:05
c2tarunDaskreech, everything on that page is similar to the setting I have. In /srv/ftp folder the file I have is with permission rw-r-----  do you think I have to give read permission to everyone root, user, group?05:11
Daskreechc2tarun: did you test this before?05:12
c2tarunDaskreech, no, I thought I shouldn't change permission of any file on root partition.05:12
Daskreechc2tarun: :) I wouldn't count /srv/ftp as on the root partition05:13
c2tarunohh.. OK :) I'll try giving read permission to everyone05:13
iharpIf you guys haven't played 0a.d., you should. just saying.. :p05:14
iharptotally off-topic...lol05:15
c2tarunDaskreech, it worked thanks :)05:16
c2taruniharp, are you referring to me?05:16
Daskreechiharp: I just installed it like 2 minutes before you said that05:16
Daskreechc2tarun: I think he meant the chan05:17
iharpi was talking about my comment being off-topic c205:17
iharpDaskreech: it's not complete yet but it's great05:17
Daskreechiharp: It's a Linux game. It's never complete :)05:18
iharpDaskreech: Yeah, im getting that..lol Wait til you get your butt handed to you like 10 matches in a row...05:18
iharpThe AI cheats05:18
Daskreechiharp: AI is very hard to write.05:19
iharpI would think so05:19
DaskreechIt's almost always either too hard or too easy05:19
DaskreechBut to be fair a computer has such a disadvantage to any human that you have to make it cheat05:19
iharpYeah, that's a good point. Those tricky humans....05:20
ubuntufreakIs there any way to check installation status of the list of selected softwares being installed in the Kubuntu 12.04 software center application ?05:21
iharpwhat's the reconfigure command for a program. Or does the program have to support it?05:22
iharpn/m   sudo dpkg-reconfigure packagename05:26
kishwhat is .config/Trolltech.conf05:32
kishsound suspicious05:33
Daskreechkish: in what what?05:34
DaskreechTrolltech makes Qt the C++ framework that KDE is built on05:34
Daskreech what way not what what05:35
iharpAnyone had trouble with Gparted loading? It just says loading and then quits.  <--11.1005:36
c2tarunDaskreech, hey, I tried disabling anonymous_enabled from /etc/vsftpd.conf file and still I am able to copy the file from Filezilla. I also restarted the service.05:38
kishdaskreech, ah i did not know that was the case05:40
kishkde is soo much better than gnome ;)05:41
=== weedy is now known as Guest17778
iharpDoes this mean something is broken?    http://paste.kde.org/513806/     It just popped up in my terminal.06:19
JMichaelXoh KDE... if it's not one bug, it's three07:06
mlpoknGuys. I've installed the proprietary AMD/ATI drivers, but I'm getting this in KinfoCenter: http://i.imgur.com/mpdyF.png08:57
mlpoknWhat's wrong? :)08:57
mlpoknpinotree: when I run: glxinfo | grep "render string" I get: OpenGL renderer string: AMD Radeon HD 6310 Graphics. So I get KinfoCenter is wrong.09:18
muratdoes it ring a ding ding/09:56
mydogsnameisrudymorning murat09:58
muratgood morning09:58
muratSo how is it going here/09:59
muratSeems really quite09:59
mydogsnameisrudyyep been nice and quite09:59
mydogsnameisrudyafk coffee10:00
muratyeah i am having black tea with cheese on toast and jalapenos10:00
muratIt is raining in london10:00
mydogsnameisrudyyour in london ;) im in the michigan10:01
muratWeather is very tempremental10:01
murat1 min sunshine 1 min rain10:02
mydogsnameisrudyits been very hot here10:02
muratLet me guess it is austraia?10:02
mydogsnameisrudywe should move to #kubuntu-offtopic10:02
iharpL3top: you around?10:06
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gigixhi guys11:09
gigixI try to use KDE Telepathy instead of kopete for instant messaging11:09
gigixbut cannot get the presence applet to work11:10
gigixwhen I add it to the panel, no icon appears, though I can left click and set my status11:10
oracleoftruthHello there. I'm having a problem with ktorrent. It won't open magnet links. Never had a problem before (new install; installed ubuntu and added kubuntu-desktop). Transmission seems happy to open them but I love  ktorrent11:10
phoenix_firebrdoracleoftruth: hi11:15
phoenix_firebrdis ktorrent installed?11:15
phoenix_firebrdgigix: hi11:16
gigixphoenix_firebrd: hi11:16
phoenix_firebrdgigix: you said you can left click and set the status, what did you click?11:16
oracleoftruthyes it is11:17
gigixphoenix_firebrd: there's like a transparent space where the widget is supposed to appear I guess11:17
oracleoftruthdefinitely opens and under magnet the links appear. They never move to being torrents though11:17
phoenix_firebrdoracleoftruth: did you set the default app as ktorrent for magnetic files11:18
gigixphoenix_firebrd: I can provide a screenshot if you like11:20
phoenix_firebrdgigix: that would be nice11:20
=== vsrao_ is now known as vsrao
gigixphoenix_firebrd: where can i upload the screenshot ?11:26
phoenix_firebrdgigix: imagebin.com11:27
oracleoftruthI did. I'm using chrome and it opens ktorrent and adds them. doesn't download though11:28
phoenix_firebrdoracleoftruth: did you right click and start them?11:29
gigixphoenix_firebrd: http://imagebin.org/21994911:29
oracleoftruthin ktorrent? Do I need to do that? Previous install of 12.04 just seemed to do it.11:29
phoenix_firebrdgigix: wait11:30
oracleoftruthah. tried. No option to start them; looks like they are started but stil not working. I'll take a screenshot11:31
phoenix_firebrdgigix: its a bug11:31
phoenix_firebrdgigix: if you could file a bug report11:31
phoenix_firebrdoracleoftruth:  who are the seeds?11:31
phoenix_firebrdgigix: can you file bug report?11:32
gigixphoenix_firebrd: sure :)11:32
phoenix_firebrdgigix: ty11:32
oracleoftruthThere are no seeds; it doesnt get that far11:33
phoenix_firebrdoracleoftruth: no i mean who much active seeds mentioned in the torrent website11:34
oracleoftruthnot sure what you mean11:36
oracleoftruthah hang on. I know what you mean. There are loads of seeds; and the same magnet link opens fine in transmission and on another kubuntu 12.04 install I have11:37
phoenix_firebrdoracleoftruth: purge and install ktorrent and try again11:38
phoenix_firebrdoracleoftruth: wait11:39
phoenix_firebrdoracleoftruth: do you have any pending torrents?11:39
oracleoftruthno i havven't sucessfully used it yet11:40
oracleoftruthalready tried a remove purge and reinstall11:40
phoenix_firebrdoracleoftruth: in that case , purge and install ktorrent11:40
phoenix_firebrdoracleoftruth: oh11:40
oracleoftruthcould try compiling new version from ktorrent site?11:40
phoenix_firebrdoracleoftruth: start ktorrent from a terminal and see if you get any error messages11:41
oracleoftruthgood idea: thanks11:42
gigixphoenix_firebrd: done, thanks for help identifying the bug11:43
phoenix_firebrdgigix: can you get me the report link11:43
gigixI'll be following it, I like the new ktp more than kopete and would like it to be functional11:43
gigixphoenix_firebrd: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ktp-presence-applet/+bug/102225311:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1022253 in ktp-presence-applet (Ubuntu) "no icon displayed in KDE panel" [Undecided,New]11:44
phoenix_firebrdgigix: oops sorry, you have to file in bugs.kde.org11:44
gigixgot to go I'll connect later on, feel free to post comments on the bug report or contact me by IRC11:45
gigixphoenix_firebrd: ok I'll correct that in the afternoon11:45
gigixphoenix_firebrd: sure it's not kubuntu related, it's fairly functional in Fedora and Mageia11:46
oracleoftruththis any use (hope i don't anger the bot) ~$ ktorrent11:46
oracleoftruthQDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.11:46
oracleoftruthKGlobal::locale::Warning your global KLocale is being recreated with a valid main component instead of a fake component, this usually means you tried to call i18n related functions before your main component was created. You should not do that since it most likely will not work11:46
oracleoftruthQDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.11:46
FloodBotK1oracleoftruth: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:46
phoenix_firebrdgigix: bugs in kde should be reported to bugs.kde.org, packaging bugs in launchpad11:47
phoenix_firebrdoracleoftruth: use paste,kde.org11:47
phoenix_firebrdoracleoftruth: use paste.kde.org11:47
phoenix_firebrdoracleoftruth: did you try port forwarding?11:53
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oracleoftruthno but i have tried other routers and same problem. Nothing else has a problem11:57
BluesKajHiyas all11:59
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: hi12:00
BluesKajhi phoenix_firebrd12:01
phoenix_firebrdoracleoftruth: use my nick when chatting, i will get notified then12:15
phoenix_firebrdoracleoftruth: just press p and they press to get my name12:16
phoenix_firebrdoracleoftruth: its the nick tab completion12:16
oracleoftruth<phoenix_firebrd> ah thanks!!12:16
phoenix_firebrdoracleoftruth: there is no error message related to your problem in what you pasted earlier12:20
skreech_kish: KDE is pretty nice13:51
kishskreech_, damn you just answered a 6 hour question14:17
gigixphoenix_firebrd: did my research on the bug kde tracker about the issue with the presence applet for KDE telepathy. It has been already reported and a fix has been committed. I have updated my bug report with a working solution suggested in one of the post which is to enable the applet through the system tray.15:18
phoenix_firebrdgigix: thats nice, ty15:18
phoenix_firebrdgigix: can you give me the bug report url15:19
gigixphoenix_firebrd: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=29247615:20
ubottuKDE bug 292476 in presence-applet "No status icon when docking presence-applet on a panel" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]15:20
phoenix_firebrdgigix: did you read about the workaround given in that bug report?15:22
phoenix_firebrdgigix: oops15:23
gigixyes and it's working15:23
phoenix_firebrdgigix: i forgot15:23
gigixI mentioned it in my bug report15:23
phoenix_firebrdgigix: what is your kde version?15:23
contrastGreets, everyone... Any packaging experts around? I used this guide - http://tldp.org/HOWTO/html_single/Debian-Binary-Package-Building-HOWTO/ - to make a bunch of packages (mainly for scripts, themes and whatnot) and I've been trying to figure out how to upload them to a PPA. I'm assuming I need to use debuild to generate the necessary .changes files from the .debs I already have, but I've been unable to figure out how. Any help would be much appreciated.16:16
BluesKajcontrast, best to ask in #kubuntu-devel16:24
contrastThanks, BluesKaj16:25
u19809hi all, I have 3.2.0-26 kernel installed (after upgrade of 12.04) and now the nouveau driver seems to want to load all the time but I would like the NVIDIA driver. How can I disable that nouveau driver ? I tried with blacklist but that does not seem to have any effect18:01
BluesKaju19809, have you tried the recommended nvidia driver in aadditional drivers in kmenu>apps>system18:04
u19809that version installs the 295.44 which has problems for my old NVIDIA card.  I need the latest version18:05
BluesKajno need to disable the nouveau driver18:05
u19809but it gets loaded before the NVIDIA and that one does not want to load anymore.18:05
BluesKajwhich card , u19809 ?18:06
u19809GeForce 7100 / nForce 630i18:06
u19809XV does not seem to work very well (movies are very shaky)18:06
BluesKaju19809, I have the geforce 7600 gt pci card is yours an onboard or pci ?18:07
u19809on board18:08
BluesKaju19809, you can try the xedgers ppa driver 302.17 , dunno18:14
BluesKajdunno if it will work tho18:14
westyvwhow can i get the notification to add mp3 functionality to k3b to SHUT UP18:19
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=== VirtualBlackness is now known as L3top
mindspinaloha, wie kann ich denn die schriftfarbe in der Kontrollleiste ändern? vor allem weiß auf grau bei den "popups" empfinde ich als extrem unangenehm.18:55
L3top!de | mindspin18:56
ubottumindspin: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!18:56
mindspinsorry, wrong channelwindow18:57
L3topnp :)18:57
mindspinI 'd like to change the font color in the panel, white on grey is not useable for me, can anybody help? (12.04)18:58
mindspinespecially the "popup" mesages are not userfriendly in my eyes18:59
mindspinI just switched to kde4, being a dy hard kde3-fan who used trinity until it was complete senseless without ofice working and firefox lagging ;-)19:00
mindspinso do not judge me to hard, I work with my computer firtsly and have no sense for eyecandy19:01
mindspintoo even19:01
* L3top is looking around in system settings mindspin. 19:03
L3topNow that you mentioned it, I don't like it either... so once I figure it out I will let you know19:03
L3topmindspin: K button/applications/settings/system settings/application appearance   & workspace appearance   /colors19:06
mindspinL3top: I tried to solve it there, with no result yet, but I#ll have another try19:06
mindspinthe other, more important problem is that my broadcom wireless-device is not recognized (its a thinkpad t43)19:07
mindspinI installed severals packages with no effect, but I#m sure there is a solution, ucle google did not really help in may case19:08
mindspinhehe ubottu19:09
BluesKajmindspin, system settings >workspace appearance>desktop theme...perhaps a differnt theme colour will help19:10
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx19:10
mindspingood bot19:11
BluesKajminspin , try sudo modprobe b43 , then sudo ifconfig wlan0 up for your wifi19:12
BluesKajsudo ifconfig wlan0 up,  is the command19:14
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx19:14
L3topI see... sorry BluesKaj...19:15
BluesKajL3top, yeah are some legacy firmware info in that URL , not just the bcm4319:17
mindspinI love you guys, card is up, I can ping the gateway, but names are not resolved19:19
L3topI believe resolv.conf is depreciated... but I would look there.19:20
mindspinthe wired card resolves fine19:21
mindspinI'll have a look19:21
mindspinthanks so far, the main problem was not knowing the right module19:21
mindspinthe rest will be solved with a bitt of fiddling around19:22
mindspingreat to be back in the kubuntian world19:22
DaskreechL3top: Really?19:36
DaskreechL3top: what's the replacement for resolv.conf ?19:37
Daskreechmindspin: Welcome back!19:37
L3topNot sure that it is accurate Daskreech... someone who generally knows things, cant remember who, in #ubuntu said this a few weeks back... I will try and figure out19:38
DaskreechL3top: Ok I'll try find out as well19:39
L3topresolvconf (tool)19:40
L3tophttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuServer/ http://www.stgraber.org/2012/02/24/dns-in-ubuntu-12-04/19:45
L3topediting the resolv.conf seems to be overwritten according to docs, each boot... so that tool is used to manage it now19:46
L3topThough this may just be for serving...19:46
L3top"resolvconf is now used to manage /etc/resolv.conf on all Ubuntu systems."  so... guess that is that... though... that tool isn't installed on my 1204 kubu desktop... so... who knows. I guess maybe that is just if you want to change it.19:51
BluesKajyes l3 Daskreech , list your dns servers here now , /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head,  it will write them into /etc/resolv.conf ...it's weird but it works19:53
BluesKajok , time to set up the BBQ ...finally cool enough to go outside for more than 5 mins19:55
duarteonde eu to20:02
L3topahh awesome... ty BluesKaj.20:06
L3topBluesKaj: 104f here. I can only run from AC home to AC car or I will turn to ash like a vampire.20:09
BluesKajL3top, well , relief is on the way if the cool gets down your way....we're 250mi N of Toronto and not used to 90+ temps...it's 77f here atm20:18
tobiasBoraHello !20:20
tobiasBoraI've a little problem : I'd like to modify a shortcut in Kwin :20:20
tobiasBorabut when I go in system configuration -> shortcut -> globals shortcut, kwin is absent.20:21
tobiasBoraHow could I see it again ?20:21
skreech_BluesKaj: Can that be initiated on the fly?20:34
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ilir_Hi all21:02
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fouadHello, I am using linux-kubuntu on my dell inspiron 5030. My "Disable Touchpad" button (on my keyboard) doesn't work, how can i fix that?21:37
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andres__help =(22:16
andres__algun latino que me pueda ayudar?22:17
fouadHello, I am using linux-kubuntu on my dell inspiron 5030. My "Disable Touchpad" button (on my keyboard) doesn't work, how can i fix that?22:53
Daskreechfouad: check the synaptics config?23:05
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.23:05
stripehi all, kubuntu12.04 64bit. having problems when  opening the home directory with nautilus from a desktop icon, the file opens then "greys out" for about 3 -5 seconds before it opens on the correct home folder. any ideas?23:09
DaskreechGrays out?23:13
DaskreechYou just installed nautilus on Kubuntu ?23:14
stripeDaskreech: the new window is totlay grey, no text or anything, my bad its the standard Dolphin sorry.23:15
DaskreechHow many files do you have in ~ ?23:15
DaskreechThat only happens with me in one directory but it's chock full of files23:16
stripevery few, about 15 too 20 files and the bigest is a 56Mb mp4 video23:17
DaskreechThat should be fine. Does it do it everytime you open it?23:18
Daskreech As in it's not just the first time?23:18
stripeDaskreech: It happens about 20% of the time23:19
Daskreechif you close it and reopen it does it sometimes happen or does it only do it if you haven't opened it for a while?23:19
stripeDaskreech: mainly after it has not been opened for a while23:20
Daskreechstripe: Hmm ok cache perhaps>?23:21
DaskreechI'd probably open it from the konsole and see if it emits a notice before it goes grey23:21
stripeDaskreech:  have got 8Gb ram,  will try from Terminal23:22
Daskreechstripe: ah not thecache I was thinking of23:22
stripeDaskreech:  no messages when opening from Konsole.23:24
DaskreechIT went grey?23:25
stripeDaskreech: no it just opened as it is supposed too23:25
DaskreechThat's good I suppose23:28
stripeDaskreech: I will try leaving it for a while and then try again opening from console and see if that does make a difference, thanks for the help mate23:29

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