
silverarrowany ibook users here?00:27
silverarrowor preveous iBook users00:27
LukahI've install rxvt-unicode-256colors and I don't have a menu entry for it.  Does lubuntu use .desktop files for the menu?00:52
Lukahnm, finally found how to refresh the menu00:55
Galeadewhere can i find themes for lxde ?09:10
silverarrowI have just managed to install 12-04 on the G4 ibook12:35
silverarrowI have trouble with booting down, it doesn't do it properly12:36
silverarrowit sort of hangs with a black screen and a few clourded bits on the screen12:36
silverarrowI got help with the live boot up issue12:36
silverarrowapparently there is a bug that needs a command to handle the old ibook12:37
silverarrowso, no idea about the shut down issue?12:38
silverarrowanyone here at all?12:38
silverarrowlubuntu seems to run fine12:38
silverarrowjust a few things that need attention12:39
silverarrowhi SkippersBoss12:40
silverarrowany clever with old macs?12:40
silverarrowanyone here at all?12:41
silverarrowit might be a general lubuntu issue though, it will not boot down smoothly12:41
silverarrowor even probable12:41
silverarrowhow do I eject a CD in 12.04?13:22
silverarrowit's one of those slots that you just push the cd in13:22
silverarrowand the lubuntu cd is stuck !!13:23
smilesilverarrow: open pcmanfm and click the eject icon on the left pane13:24
smile(the file manager)13:24
silverarrowoh hi13:25
silverarrowI am booted from harddisk, and 12.04 doesn't seem to call it filemanager13:26
silverarrowpcmanfm ?13:27
silverarrowI'm newly installed and I don't even have wireless yet13:27
silverarrowthere is usually a cd ikon on the desktop, but not this time13:29
silverarrowdo you know anything clever from terminal?13:30
silverarrowoh, it popped out13:32
silverarrowis there a clever way to store update packages, or restriced on CD or usb memory to get wireless working ?14:06
silverarrowI don't have wired connection options at all14:06
silverarrowat least not here14:06
Na_Klarwith a plain lubuntu 11.10 installation, can I configure my default sound card? Because everything workes like a charm, but I want to switch the default sound card. At its best without installing asoundconf or pulseaudio.14:25
hyperairisn't pulseaudio installed on a plain lubuntu installation?14:26
hyperairapt-get install lubuntu-desktop on a base precise chroot shows pulseaudio being installed.14:27
Na_Klarat least not on 11.1014:27
hyperairoh 11.1014:28
hyperairlet's see..14:28
hyperairnope, pulseaudio's still installed there14:28
hyperairunless it's a recommends..14:28
hyperairah i guess it is14:28
Na_Klardpkg shows just the libpulse0, which is not the pulseaudio application14:29
hyperairas for default sound card, there's something you can set in .asoundrc14:31
hyperairlemme just check it up..14:31
Na_Klaras far as I know .asoundrd implies having installed asoundconf..14:32
hyperair.asoundrc is an ALSA thing.14:34
hyperairit's read by libasound14:34
hyperairif you're not using pulse, you can use this as your .asoundrc file14:35
hyperairand change the 0,3 to whatever sound output device you wish to use14:35
hyperairah, the number comes from aplay -l14:36
Na_Klarso alsa uses .asoundrc but does not create it by itself?14:37
hyperairit looks at ~/.asoundrc, if it exists14:37
hyperairfailing which, /etc/asound.conf14:37
hyperairi think it might look at /usr/share/asound/ or something14:37
silverarrowdo you know about the b43 blacklist bug ?14:37
silverarrowon 12.0414:37
silverarrowI am struggeling abit with boot up related to it14:38
silverarrowit turns out you need to give the command "live b43.blacklist=yes" for the powerpc cd to boot on some ibooks14:39
silverarrowthen " Linux b43.blacklist=yes" on the first boot, and it is suppose to stick for the next bootups14:39
silverarrowbut I have to do it on every bootup14:40
hyperairextra kernel options don't get remembered.14:40
hyperairyou need to put it in /etc/default/grub14:40
hyperairand run update-grub14:40
hyperairthen your grub.cfg will be generated with the kernel option there.14:41
silverarrowtrouble is I haven't wired network connection here14:41
silverarrowand wireless is a pain14:41
silverarrowis there a clever way to store driverpackages on CD and install from there?14:42
hyperairwell if you know which package it is, you could do apt-get install $pkg --print-uris14:43
silverarrowI need to get wired connection14:43
hyperairthen bring the list of URIs over to another machine, and download all the debs.14:43
hyperairthen place the debs in /var/cache/apt/archives/ and it should be fine.14:43
hyperairi think.14:43
silverarrowsounds good14:43
silverarrowbrb, need to boot in lubuntu14:44
hyperairif you can bring it to another computer running lubuntu you could have it share its internet connection via wire14:44
hyperairnetworkmanager has support for internet connection sharing.14:44
silverarrowoh, very clever14:44
silverarrowdo you know if there is frugal install option in the lubuntu CD?14:45
silverarrowsort of wizard run thing14:45
hyperairwhat's that?14:45
hyperairfrugal install?14:46
hyperairsome sort of minimalistic install?14:46
silverarrowit's when you boot up live cd, and you have a folder on the computer harddrive where things are stored, settings, it runs like a full os but minimal storage space14:46
silverarrowI have only one ibook, and the other comptuer would boot a i364 cd14:47
silverarrowbut that might not matter much14:48
Na_Klarhyperair, ty for the support.14:51
hyperairno problem14:59
Na_Klar^^ wat? Although I modified /etc/xdg/libfm/libfm.conf and /etc/xdg/lubuntu/.../libfm.conf the ~/.config/.../ligfm.conf always backup at restart. I cannot make the modification permanent? Why not?15:13
=== CTtechguy_ is now known as CTtechguy
melodie_good night21:27
Caseydo you use xteam?22:05
Caseyor how do i pasta in xterm22:13
pcroqueCasey: Click the middle mouse button, or try Shift-Insert.22:38
Caseyok well is lubuntu based on Debian22:40
JackyCasey: Ubuntu's based on Debian, and Lubuntu's on Ubuntu; quite polymorphic, really ;P22:40

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