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alazare619im trying to make a bootable ubuntu iso but whenever i make the iso its only 19mb like its missing the chroot02:13
psusiwell, the nautilus bug where it reports bogus size in the properties of the root has annoyed me for the last time... fixed it.03:15
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justaguestwhat level of C expertise is need to contribute to writing the ubuntu source code?05:57
RojHI  i need this trutrial creating your own browser using webkit06:18
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larsduesinggood morning or so :-)07:48
larsduesingI think, there is a bug in launchpad: If you look at the SRU-Queue and the Revision before the SRU is a security-update, the diff in the SRU-Queue is for both the security-update as well as the SRU...07:50
larsduesingit does a diff *ubuntu3 against *ubuntu3.2 (whilst there IS a *ubuntu3.1-Version out there)07:52
cjwatsonYeah, diff ancestry isn't always quite right07:54
larsduesinghi cjwatson :)07:54
larsduesingI tried to look what component I should file a bug against, but nothing really found..07:55
cjwatsonlarsduesing: the "launchpad" product ("Launchpad itself")07:57
larsduesingit is launchpad itself? Ok07:57
cjwatsonit's in lib/lp/soyuz/model/queue.py:PackageUploadSource.getSourceAncestryForDiffs if you want to try fixing it07:57
larsduesinglets have a look (and get completely confused *G*)07:58
cjwatsonSee also my XXX comment in lib/lp/soyuz/scripts/packagecopier.py:check_copy_permissions complaining about the many different implementations of ancestry calculation07:59
cjwatsonIt's possible that a correct fix would rip all of that duplication out and consolidate it, although that will require some moderately hard thinking about the correct semantics08:00
larsduesing*reading through python code*08:02
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larsduesingsometimes I hate bzr... tons of source are being downloaded...08:12
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larsduesingcjwatson: is there any decent way to debug this?12:08
larsduesingcjwatson: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/102226012:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1022260 in Launchpad itself "lib/lp/soyuz/model/queue.py:PackageUploadSource.getSourceAncestryForDiffs doesn't look for anything in -updates or -security" [Undecided,New]12:20
cjwatsonlarsduesing: hm?  not sure what requires debugging, the logic is clear enough and just diverges from what you expect13:00
cjwatsonlarsduesing: oh, you should write unit tests for any changes - there's stuff on dev.launchpad.net about that13:02
cjwatsonlarsduesing: I repeat my previous observation that this needs to be refactored though - and I don't think it's correct that you've made the ancestry of things in the release pocket include -updates13:02
larsduesingok, thinking over it again13:06
cjwatsonI think this needs clear thought before hacking on it, and looking through the other functions that do similar things and trying to consolidate them is probably a good way to start13:07
cjwatsonlarsduesing: BTW there's #launchpad-dev which is probably more knowledgeable :)13:11
cjwatson(though mostly in working hours)13:16
Davieylarsduesing: dupe of bug 680911 ?13:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 680911 in Launchpad itself "Diff generation in the proposed pocket should consider the updates pocket even when there are previous proposed publications." [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68091113:20
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larsduesingDaviey: cjwatson told me the updates pocket should NOT considered16:37
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Davieylarsduesing: All i know, is that i almost had a heart attack when i uploaded a core package (dpkg) as an SRU for a one line change, based on the current -updates package.. and almost had a heart attack when i looked at the LP diff as it was huge.19:31
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cjwatsonlarsduesing: err ... I was talking about relative to the release pocket, not relative to -proposed.  (This is why this requires careful thought and probably drawing up a big table or something. :-) )22:52
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