
=== Guest62591 is now known as Mamarok
jagginesssocomm is telling people to rtfm00:15
Myrtticould you please repeat?00:23
ChristopherNgBasically, I met someone who calls himself "Fiberton" this was on EFNET00:23
MyrttiI just want your story on the record, and then I and perhaps some other ops have additional questions for you00:23
ChristopherNgHe said that various channels, especially alot of the linux ones were used to form "scene" groups.00:24
ChristopherNgon Freenode.00:24
Myrttiright, and what do you mean by "scene"00:24
ChristopherNgThese "Scene" groups are involved in various things, running botnets, piracy, identity theft, violation of intellectual property, doing DOS attacks and just breaking laws for lols.00:25
ChristopherNg"breaking laws for lols." is KAZAN motto00:25
Myrttialright, and how does #ubuntu-offtopic fit into this?00:25
ChristopherNgHe claims to be a security guy.00:25
ChristopherNgMyrtti: "Fiberton" thinks he is the next Kevin Mitnick.00:25
MyrttiI didn't really ask that00:26
ChristopherNgHe basically openly said people use that channel00:26
ChristopherNgfor doing what i mentioned00:26
Myrttiwell that's not true00:26
ChristopherNgyeah well thats why ive been coming here00:26
Myrttieven if the channel isn't publically logged, the discussions in there don't have anything to do with anything aforementioned00:26
ChristopherNglet me put it this way.00:26
ChristopherNgwho knows what is said in private convos? who is talking to who? and who is doing what?00:27
ChristopherNgWe dont know.00:27
Myrttiwell that's not in the channel then00:27
Myrttithat has nothing to do with the channel00:27
ChristopherNgyeah but im guessing they idle in there to be able to be contacted easily.00:27
ChristopherNg"If you are looking for KAZAN, Come find us"00:27
Myrttiso what's your suggestion then?00:27
ChristopherNgmostly on EFNET00:27
Myrttiso now hold on00:28
ChristopherNgMyrtti: kick inactives00:28
Myrttithat's just silly suggestion00:28
ChristopherNgdont let idles in there00:28
ChristopherNgwell its a suggestion00:28
Myrttiso we have hearsay that you report from another network from a guy who nobody has ever heard of, who claims these preposterous things00:29
Myrttiand based on that hearsay, we should kick idlers off the channel?00:29
ChristopherNgI think "some" linux channels are used by these "scene" groups where they idle to be contacted quickly.00:29
ChristopherNgthey use it like a mailbox00:29
MyrttiI suppose that's possible, but it is also possible that it's used for good.00:29
ChristopherNgyeah well, like i said thats what ive heard00:30
MyrttiI'm confused again, how does EFnet fit into the picture again, only the place where this person is?00:30
ChristopherNgMyrtti: EFNET in #startrek is where i seen him last00:30
ChristopherNghe moves around different IRC channels00:31
ChristopherNghe is like a phantom00:31
ChristopherNgHas a network of people that keep him supplied with fake accounts etc00:31
ChristopherNgthats how he survives00:31
ChristopherNgfake email, paypal, usenet, vps, shell accounts etc00:32
ChristopherNgits like a network.,00:32
ChristopherNgreally really complex00:32
IdleOneChristopherNg: have you ever seen any discussion in #ubuntu-offtopic that might lead you to believe it was about any illegal activities?00:33
ChristopherNgIdleOne: not in the main channel, but who knows what these idle people who never say a word but have been here for such a long time are doing in private?00:34
ChristopherNgand using such channels to idle and get messaged00:34
ChristopherNgI mean you folks are here all the time...00:35
ChristopherNgthere are alot of people im sure you have never heard say a word in channel00:35
ChristopherNgwhat are they doing?00:35
ChristopherNg1 day? ok, 1 month? ok? 1 year? thats questionable.00:35
ChristopherNgthey probably change nicks every few weeks anyway00:36
FlannelChristopherNg: Hi, sorry, just got here.  What do you suggesting we do about it?00:36
ChristopherNgok, just keep an eye on these inactive/idle guys that you have seen for a long time, but never seen say a word.00:37
IdleOneWell, we appreciate you bringing this to our attention and we most assuredly will keep our eyes open for anything suspicious.00:37
ChristopherNgI mean if they have been here for so long, they must have atleast said something to someone?00:37
IdleOneNot sure if Flannel has anymore questions, but I think i am done.00:37
ChristopherNgJUst one last thing.00:37
ChristopherNgThese guys are professional anglers, not skids00:38
FlannelChristopherNg: Alrighty.  We'll see what we can do.  Thanks for the headsup.00:38
ChristopherNgDont be shocked if things like this happen right under your nose.00:38
IdleOne@mark #ubuntu AngrySpam98 bad attitude, doesn't answer question of those trying to help him, mild swearing.03:20
ubottuThe operation succeeded.03:20
chuInteresting, no factoids about mono in ubottu?06:51
bazhangchu, you mean silverlight?09:14
chuSo some guuy was talking about running .exe files in #ubuntu earlier, I sent him !wine, but he claimed that he could do it with mono.09:21
Myrttidepending on if it is a mono app09:23
ikoniachu: mono moves the goalposts a little09:23
Myrttithen hou can09:23
Myrttiyou even09:23
ikonianot all .exe's are "windows native", in that if they reference the .net libraries that have been ported to mono, and no windows base stuff, eg: MFC style stuff, then it will run09:23
chuYeah, I don't know if it *was* a mono app, and I didn't pursue it that far as I simply didn't know what to do.09:24
ikoniamono is fussy on versions though too09:24
ikoniaso just because it's a .net app, doesn't mean it will work with mono.09:24
ikoniait's a bit of a case by case situation09:24
chuBut, I'm a bit surprised ubottu doesn't have anything about mono in her knowledge-base, or I just didn't know what the factoid was.09:24
ikoniaUbuntu's pulled mono out of it's base install09:25
ikoniathere was a sticky package that used to be included that had to be pulled09:25
chuWell, WINE isn't in the base install, but has a factoid, right?09:36
ubottuFor Microsoft Silverlight support, install Moonlight with the following command: « sudo apt-get install moonlight-plugin-mozilla » in a terminal.09:37
bazhangand that package is no longer in the repos09:37
bazhangpretty sure QQ is a different reference10:18
bazhang!find qq10:18
ubottuFile qq found in empathy-common, enigma-data, enigma-level-previews, freecol, gap-small-groups-extra, gridengine-client, gridengine-common, hp2xx, hspell, iptux (and 42 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=qq&mode=&suite=precise&arch=any10:18
oCeannever heard of10:18
bazhangits an asian irc/bbs/im-ish kind of protocol10:19
bazhang!find eva10:19
ubottuFound: ttf-devanagari-fonts, attal-themes-medieval, libapache2-mod-evasive, libecore-evas1, libeval-closure-perl, libeval-context-perl, libeval0, libeval0-dev, libevas-dbg, libevas-dev (and 16 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=eva&searchon=names&suite=precise&section=all10:19
bazhangempathy can handle it, there used to be a package called eva that could too10:19
bazhang<Anduck> so uhh, has anyone posted something with (1),(2) or (3) here recently?  <Anduck> the thing is, someone posted the code _right here_ in this channel and i need it.10:51
bazhangsome kind of school quiz. he is hitting various linux channels and asking that10:51
bazhang<newbie|3> yeah i know perviously ubuntu released i could install repo without adding any address to sources.list11:01
bazhangthat would be a trick11:02
oCeanmaybe he thinks of add-ppa or whatever the command is11:02
bazhangthought he was still banned11:44
bazhangso help22222 never actually answered any questions asked of him12:10
ikoniaof course not12:10
bazhangthat was odd. the IP looks very familiar though12:11
ikoniadidn't check, just appeared to be a clueless guy12:11
chuikonia: Is this guy in #u-o, the guy who has often asked borderline questions about North Kora?12:12
ikoniaand in other channels12:12
ikoniadoes what he can to mention hitler/korea/provocative stuff12:12
bazhangchu theskarmorie?12:13
bazhanghe's got about 20 different nicks, same baiting repetitive questions12:14
ikoniaI've told him to stop now, so just mute/remove on the next occasion12:15
ikoniathe fact that he's doing it in other channels, it's just spam12:15
TheSkarmorieHello, just because ikonia is in a bitter mood about something unrelated doesn't mean he should spill it on me for asking an advice question within the bounds of #ubuntu-offtopic. Just thought I'd let you know of this injustice.12:35
ikoniahello you've been spamming me in pm12:35
TheSkarmorieThat was an angry outburst, ikon.12:36
TheSkarmorieTo anyone else who wonders, it was this paste: http://pastebin.com/y6LdxcZL12:36
ikoniayou seem to be missing some key lines12:36
ikonia13:32 <TheSkarmorie> Alright, motherphucker! You asked for it.12:36
ikoniarepeating that12:36
ikoniabut anyway, that doesn't change the fact that you are now banned from #ubuntu-offtopic12:37
TheSkarmorieThat's what I pasted to him for kickbanning me after a question for advice evolved into some kind of emotionally-influenced disagreement.12:37
ikonia(if you're going to try to show what you pasted, it's best not to miss key lines including insults to try to hide hide it)12:37
TheSkarmorieSorry that your loved one just died, or if you're a woman, that your PMS is making you epically moody, but don't spill it on me. That's what therapists are for. They're perfect to be cathartic on.12:38
ikonia@mark #ubuntu-ops TheSkarmorie continued to try to provoke after being banned for trying to provoke continued to spam in pm 13:39 <TheSkarmorie> PPPPPHHHHHUUUUUCCCCCKKKKK YOU! PHUCK YOU! PHUCK YOU - was then killed for flooding12:40
ubottuThe operation succeeded.12:40
cryptopsyhow do i restart the mmc subsystem?18:12
IdleOnecryptopsy: This is not the support channel, you were sent here because you are banned in #ubuntu. Did you wish to try and resolve that ban?18:16
Tm_TI take that as a "no"18:21
IdleOneThat is how I took it.18:21

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