
usulneed terminal app in server gui00:21
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patdk-lapusul, server has no gui00:54
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ping__help my02:10
ping__i instal squid on ubuntu server, but i can't cache youtube , why ?02:11
martadinatahmm :) yes02:56
ping__yg lain pada tidur kali ya om02:56
martadinatadon't know02:57
uvirtbotNew bug: #1022008 in clamav (main) "clamav" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102200803:33
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ping__ 1 tes03:55
ping__ hy03:56
ping__ tes03:56
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=== cpg|away is now known as cpg
=== cpg is now known as cpg|away
=== cpg|away is now known as cpg
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eagles0513875hey guys how can i need to set grub to default boot onto the xen kernel and that seems to be in a submenu on grub2 how can i see and set that kernel to boot by default08:59
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ikoniayou set it in the grub config files, re-run update-grub to generate a new config then reboot09:10
eagles0513875ikonia: problem is is that the kernel gets installed in a grub submenu09:11
ikoniathat is not a problem09:11
ikoniayou still set it in the config09:11
ikoniatreat the menu process as a directory listing09:12
eagles0513875ok waht has me confused is that on a clean 12.04 install it seems to use a numerical listing to tell grub which kernel to boot09:12
ikoniawell, it can be, starting from 009:13
ikoniathat was brought across from grub legacy09:13
eagles0513875ikonia: so i can use paths as well O_o09:13
ikoniano, not paths,09:14
ikoniawhen I said think of it as a directory listing, I meant treat the listing as a directory, eg: top level down09:14
eagles0513875i did this line according to help.ubuntu.com article sudo sed -i 's/GRUB_DEFAULT=.*\+/GRUB_DEFAULT="Xen 4.1-amd64"/' /etc/default/grub and updated grub and rebooted im guessing that command wont work would it?09:15
ikoniathat's not going to work09:15
ikoniayou can try it though, I could be wrong09:15
eagles0513875i did try it and it didnt09:16
eagles0513875and this is on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XenProposed#Installing_Xen09:16
eagles0513875ikonia: are the xen modules already compiled into the standard 12.04 kernel?09:17
eagles0513875which it seems like they are according to an lsmod | grep xen09:17
ikoniawhat are you talking about modules ?09:18
eagles0513875kernel modules09:18
ikoniawhat are you actually asking ?09:19
ikoniaapologies if I'm not reading it clearly09:19
eagles0513875i know that as of the 3.0.x kernel stack release that xen has been included. question is do i need to install any special xen kernel or boot off a special kernel to use xen from what i have seen it seems like one needs to as the standard ubuntu kernels dont have xen compiled into it09:20
ikoniaxen became part of the mainline kernel in 2.6.30-something, 33 ? 34 ? ish09:21
ikoniait should be in any kernel post that09:21
ikonia(you'll need to check 33-34, I can't remember which)09:21
ikoniaanything post that will xen build into it's codebase, if that is an enabled option or not, is a different story09:22
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ikoniaeagles0513875: that wiki page you linked me to (just finished reading it) confirms that xen is part of the ubuntu kernel by default09:30
eagles0513875ok then why have i seen in grub a submenu with xen specific kernels09:30
ikoniawhat does that "sub menu" point to09:31
eagles0513875xen specific kernels09:31
ikoniawhich ones09:31
ikoniaplease name it09:31
eagles0513875ikonia: seems like that was in 11.1009:34
ikoniaso basically you've not done any checking or home work on this09:34
ikoniawhy do you have 11.10 stuff on a 12.04 clean install ?09:36
eagles0513875i dont when i noticed this this was back on 11.10 i have 12.04 only now09:36
ikoniaah, so you've not checked this09:36
ikoniayou've just assumed it was sub menus on 12.0409:37
ikoniawhen you've checked you've found it's not sub menus (I'm assuming)09:37
ikoniaor is it still sub menu's on 12.04 too ?09:38
ikonia(shouldn't be as you shouldn't have a different kernel)09:38
eagles0513875ok well ill double check my home server again to make sure09:38
ikoniait's worth checking09:39
eagles0513875or even just reboot my netbook09:39
eagles0513875agreed :)09:39
ikoniaplease please, start trying to get your FACTS together09:39
ikoniahow many times - stop making things up that you think are real, check and report on facts09:39
ikonianot picking on you, but we go through this same thing over and over,09:39
ikonia(you may well still have sub menus, but you need to check, and confirm)09:40
ikoniaeg: you are looking at 11.10 kernels complaining about 12.04.09:40
ikonianeed to stop that sort of thing09:40
Anders-Anyone able to help with Dovecot?10:40
Anders-I'm getting an internal login failure. From the log file :: Internal login failure (auth failed, 1 attempts): user=<username>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, secured10:45
uvirtbotNew bug: #994212 in autofs5 (main) "ldap fails to start when /etc/network/interfaces not used" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99421211:11
HanakoNyaa~! I've just set up a Ubuntu 12.04 VPS, installed Apache2, MySQL and PHP... WordPress runs fine, so does Apache2... but WordPress doesn't seem to be able to touch any of the files in the www directory I've set up. My user has been added to www-data group, I've changed the owner of all files so they are in the www-data group and permissions are 770...11:42
HanakoAnd from what I can tell the sticky bit is set correctly as well... any ideas on how to fix the problem?11:42
Hanako(and Apache2 runs as www-data:www-data)11:42
jacobwHanako: check /etc/apparmor.d/ for policy definitions restricting those processes12:03
Hanakoended up chowning the files... www-data is the new owner ^^;12:05
jacobwfunctionally equivilent if you set 770 :)12:07
HanakoI did.. even tried 777 and WordPress/Apache2 couldn't care less... XD12:08
jacobwapparmor is likely to ship with profiles that restrict both apache and php given that they're very large attack vectors, the problem might not be with apache or php but with apparmor limiting the abilities of the process through exec and the kernel12:10
jacobwor there's something weird going on :)12:10
Hanakoand apparmor is automatically installed?12:10
jacobwi think it's been enforcing since 8.0412:13
jacobwan easy method to test if a behaviour is due to apparmor is to place the profile in to complain mode then restart the process12:14
Hanakoguess debian doesn't use apparmor then ^^;12:14
Hanakosince that was what I was using before12:15
Hanakothank you Jacobw :312:16
chmacI'm looking for a simple mail relay, like nullmailer / ssmtp, but one which will accept a message by SMTP on port 25, and then forward it on. Any recommendations?15:43
chmacSomething like postfix configured with a smart relay, but much, much simpler hopefully... :-)15:43
* andol always find Postfix simple enough, especially for doing simple things.15:51
glancepostfix is pritty simple.15:55
qman__have to agree, postfix is simple enough and easy to set up15:58
qman__those minimalist solutions, in this case, are more trouble than they're worth15:58
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1022360 in asterisk (universe) "(CVE-2012-3812) CVE-2012-3812 asterisk: Remote crash vulnerability in voice mail application (CVE-2012-3863) CVE-2012-3863 asterisk: Possible resource leak on uncompleted re-invite transactions" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102236019:26
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1022385 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.6.3-2ubuntu2.3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 128" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102238521:40
uvirtbotNew bug: #1022386 in etckeeper (main) "Unable to obtain lock file:///etc/ held by root" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102238621:50
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
=== cpg|away is now known as cpg

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