
leo-unglaubhey guys..12:13
leo-unglaububuntu ist showing me that i have to do a dist-upgrade12:13
leo-unglaubbut is that right?12:13
leo-unglaubremoving unity and ubuntu-desktop??12:13
popeyleo-unglaub, if you do "sudo apt-get upgrade", what gets held back?12:19
leo-unglaubpopey: libunity-core-5.0-5 linux-generic linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic unity unity-common unity-services12:19
popeyleo-unglaub, what does apt-cache policy unity   return12:20
leo-unglaub  Installiert: 5.12+bzr2439ubuntu0+70912:20
leo-unglaub  Kandidat:    5.12+bzr2444ubuntu0+70912:20
leo-unglaub  Versionstabelle:12:20
leo-unglaub     5.12+bzr2444ubuntu0+709 012:20
leo-unglaub        500 http://ppa.launchpad.net/unity-team/staging/ubuntu/ precise/main amd64 Packages12:20
leo-unglaub *** 5.12+bzr2439ubuntu0+709 012:20
leo-unglaub        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status12:20
leo-unglaub     5.12-0ubuntu1.1 012:20
leo-unglaub        500 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-updates/main amd64 Packages12:20
leo-unglaub     5.10.0-0ubuntu6 012:20
leo-unglaub        500 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise/main amd64 Packages12:20
popeyleo-unglaub, why are you using the unity team staging ppa?12:21
leo-unglaubpopey: because the version witch was shipped with 12.04 was to broken on my system12:21
leo-unglaubi have 3 monitors here12:22
leo-unglauband that was a hard one to work with12:22
popeythe staging ppa isn't generally designed for end users to use on a production basis12:25
leo-unglaubi know...and i don't like it at all...but what else can i do if the "current stable" ist to broken on my system?12:25
leo-unglaubit was switching to the staging ppa or to a different distro..12:25
popeythere are plenty of options in between bathing the baby and throwing the baby out with the bath water12:27
popeyanway, which bug is fixed in staging which isn't in the stock unity?12:27
popeyi.e. which bug is affecting you?12:27
leo-unglaubwell, your example is not the same. but what would be the solution for that? ask you guys to backport a patch because otherwize it's not working?12:30
popeywell I dont know what the bug you're experiencing is yet, so hard to say12:31
leo-unglaubi don't know the bug number...but my problem was...12:31
leo-unglaubif i have 3 monitors connected the mouse starts lagging12:32
leo-unglauband the application switcher was sooo lame, it was simply imposible to work with12:32
popeyyou left a comment on bug 87461912:34
ubot5Launchpad bug 874619 in unity (Ubuntu) "Dragging windows around is slow/sluggish/laggy when multiple monitors are enabled" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87461912:34
leo-unglaubi know, but thats not the one witch got fixed yet12:34
popeywell that one is in commit 247012:34
leo-unglaubyes, i know...but thats not the one witch was fixed yet12:35
ugiwhich and witch not the same. one has a pointy hat and broom for transportation12:37
leo-unglaubthis is all very funny...but it isn't fixing my problem right now..12:38
ugiwitches cant be fixed. must burn at the stake12:38
leo-unglaubwhat are you talking about?12:38
ugime? why are you talking witches?12:39
popeyugi, enough..12:39
leo-unglaubshould that be funny?12:39
popeyleo-unglaub, you could wait until that merge lands in the staging ppa12:39
popeyand use do "sudo apt-get upgrade" rather than dist-upgrade till then12:40
leo-unglaubpopey: but my current problem with the package upgrad is not on witch results from code changes..it's a dependency problem12:43
leo-unglaubin the debian files..12:43
FifoHello how do I enable Unity 3D in VMware?12:45
popeyleo-unglaub, sure I'm just trying to get you back to using precise and precise/updates precise/proposed, rather than staging12:50
ugiseems not quite enough, but whichever ... or is that whatever? hmm  nm12:50
leo-unglaubpopey: i know, but i can't do that because otherwize my desktop is not useable..12:51
popeyhow do you know that?12:51
leo-unglauband ican't have a unuseable desktop for a few month12:51
popeywe release stable release updates for unity12:51
leo-unglaubhow i know? i just did the upgrade because otherwize i hade those problems12:51
popeythey hit proposed then updates12:51
popeywell this is why I was asking what the bug is, so I could trace where it is12:52
popeywe cherry-pick updates for precise12:53
leo-unglaubi don't know the launchpad bug number..i have no idea if someone reported that...12:53
leo-unglaubthere are so much buigs on launchpad that someone not involfed in the programm has problems to find anything12:54
popeyi would recommend you purge the staging ppa, and take the version of unity in the precise updates12:54
popeyand let me know if that's still an issue12:54
popeyand if it is, file a bug12:55
leo-unglaubokay, if will do that...moment12:55
FifoHello how do I enable Unity 3D in Ubuntu 12.04 running in VMware?12:58
popeyFifo, does VMWare have some kind of guest extensions / drivers you can install?12:59
popeyFifo, personally i use virtualbox in which unity 3d works fine, I've never tried in vmware13:01
Fifopopey: Yes, VMware has VMware Tools, but it doesn't support Unity 3D13:06
Fifopopey: I will try to use VirtualBox.13:06
popeywith virtualbox, do the install and then in the guest just do "sudo apt-get install virtualbox-guest-x11"13:07
Fifopopey: Ubuntu 12.04 needs PAE. How do I enable it?13:07
popeyFifo, i have not had to enable that in virtualbox13:08
Fifopopey: But I noticed that it needs PAE to work.13:09
popeyFifo, looks like its enabled by default in virtualbox13:09
popeyin settings -> system13:09
popeythere's "Extended features: Enable PAE/NX" which on my system is ticked13:09
popeyand I dont recall ticking that myself13:09
FifoI have enabled that, it's booting now (why does it take 5 minutes to boot?)13:10
Fifo(I'm running it from a real CD)13:10
popeyFifo, takes very little time to boot from an ISO on the hard disk. I rarely boot a VM from optical media13:15
Fifopopey: I didn't want to waste my disk space because my HDD is low on disk space so I deleted the ISO file.13:17
FifoIt's working...13:20
=== james is now known as Guest82665
davidcalleYo popey14:15
davidcallepopey, if you are doing country specific requests in a lens, I suggest using http://geoip.ubuntu.com/lookup or http://geoiplookup.wikimedia.org, in addition of locale.14:20
popeydavidcalle, yeah, i saw that you'd used that in the wikipedia lens, I'll probably do the same.14:32

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